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OCTOBER 11, 1979
The Board of Adjustment Meeting of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, was called
to order by Chairman Frank Bracht. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led
by Carrie Weaver.
Roll Call:
Frank Bracht, present
Maurice Brown, present
Carrie Weaver, present
Andrew Montvai, present
Jacqueline Palmer, present
Motion was made by Palmer, seconded by Weaver, to accept the minutes as written
of September 27, 1979. Motion carried.
Request of Wendell E. Spears for variance to operate a convenience store with
self-serve gasoline pumps in zone C-2 at the northeast corner of Shepard Road
and U.S. 17/92.
Lawrence Carroll, attorney for Mr. Spears, spoke for the requested variance.
Mr. Carroll stressed that prior to annexation of the property, the intended
use was made known to the City. He pointed out that the City Code authorizes the
Board to grant uses that are consistent with those listed in Section 44.47.
Robert Cavanaugh, Southland Corporation, stated there would be strict corporate
controls over the operation of the store.
Eleven residents of the Highlands and Wildwood spoke against granting the variance.
The major objections were the possibilities of robberies, of attraction of un-
desirable gangs, of increased traffic, of downgrading the general quality of the
neighborhood; the opponents also pointed out that there are presently a number of
convenience stores within 1 to 2 miles of this site.
Petitions with 93 signatures against the variances for convenience stores were
presented to the Board. The petitions are attached to these minutes.
Palmer moved to vote on granting the variance to operate a convenience store on
the northeast corner of U.S. 17-92 and Shepard Road. Seconded by Brown. Vote:
all nay. Motion failed unanimously. Variance denied.
Request of Allen Schachter for variance to operate food stores open 24 hours
per day, including the sale of gasoline and oil, in zone C-2 at the southeast
corner of Shepard Road and U.S. 17-92.
Allen Schachter spoke for the request and amended his application from "24-hour
operation of food stores" to "food stores open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m." He said
the convenience store would be a Cumberland Farms Store.
A reSident, Willard Askew, pointed out that the petitions previously submitted
were against both the convenience stores on the agenda.
Several residents spoke against the request.
Brown moved to vote on approving the variance to operate food stores on the
southeast corner of U.S. 17-92 and Shepard Road, as amended, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Seconded by Palmer. Vote: All nay. Motion failed unanimously. Variance denied.
Board of Adjustment Meeting, October 11, 1979
Page 2
Request of Richard Moretti, and of A11enSchachter, owner, for variance to expand
the existing paint and body shop and wrecking yard located in Seminole County into
Winter Springs zone C-2 adjacent to the north on u.s. 17-92, 68 feet south of
Shepard Road.
Richard Moretti and John Englehart, attorney, were present and spoke in favor of the
Residents asked questions regarding the appearance of the wrecking yard. Moretti
stated Federal law requires a ten foot fence to screen property used to store
automobiles to be disassembled.
Montvai moved to grant the variance. Seconded by Palmer. Vote: All aye. Motion
passed unanimously. Variance granted.
Discussion of revisions to the City Code sURRested by Board members.
Weaver suggested that this item be deleted and a workshop be held to discuss
changes in the zoning ordinances. A workshop meeting will be held on Wednesday,
November 14, 1979, at 6:30 p.m., to be attended by Board members and the City
Planner and interested citizens.
Weaver moved meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Bracht. Meeting adjourned at
9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carrie Weaver,
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