HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 04 13 Informational Item B
11rEM B
April 13. 1998
REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division informs the Mayor
and Commission that a portion of the Cross Seminole Trail, located within the new
Town Center, is proposed to be relocated further east of the intersection of State
Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road
PURPOSE: To inform the Mayor and City Commission that City staff is requesting the Florida
National Scenic Trail/Cross Seminole Trail segment (FNST/CST) be realigned to a
new location which is expected to be more beneficial to the community, the local
and regional multi-use trail users and the property owners. The existing trail
corridor being requested for realignment is located in the newly planned Town
Center and occurs between North Tuskawilla Road at the existing trail crossing
and approximately 430' south on State Road 434.
The provisions of 163.3167(11) F.S. which state "Each local government is
encouraged to articulate a vision of the future physical appearance and qualities of
its community as a component of its local comprehensive plan. The vision should
be developed through a collaborative planning process with meaningful public
participa.tion and shall be adopted by the governing body of the jurisdiction."
The provisions of380.507(2) F.S. which state [The Florida Communities Trust's
powers are] "To undertake, coordinate, or fund activities and projects which will
help bring local comprehensive plans into compliance and help implement the
goals, objectives, and policies of the conservation, recreation and open space, and
coastal dements of local comprehensive plans, or which will otherwise serve to
conserve natural resources and resolve land use conflicts...(5) To acquire interests
in land hy means of land exchanges, and enter into all alternatives to the acquisition
of fee interests in land, including the acquisition of conservation easements, life
estates, :teases, and leaseback arrangements.
The trust may accept donations of any interest in land. (6)To award grants and
make loans to local governments and nonprofit organizations for the purposes
listed in subsection (2) and for acquiring fee title and less than fee title, such as
conservation easements or other interests in land, for the purposes of this part."
The provisions of260.012(5)F.S. which states "It is the intent of the Legislature to
officially recognize the Florida National Scenic Trail as Florida's official statewide
trail from the Florida Panhandle to the Everglades. It is also the intent of the
Legislature to encourage all state, regional and local agencies who acquire lands to
include in their landbuying efforts the acquisition of sufficient legal interest in the
lands oVI~r which the trail passes to ensure its continued existence in a permanent
The provisions of260.012(3)F.S. which state "The planning, development,
operatioltl, and maintenance of the Florida Greenways and Trails System
authorimd by 250.011 - 260.018 is declared to be a public purpose, and the
Department of Environmental Protection, together with other governments and
agencies of the state and all counties, municipalities, and special districts of this
state, is authorized to spend public funds for such purposes and to accept gifts and
grants of funds, property, or property rights from public or private sources to be
used for such purposes."
The City Commission and the Mayor of the City of Winter Springs recently
adopted a new Town Center concept plan which defines an interconnecting
system of greenspaces and trails.
During the Town Center planning process, it was determined that the
current diagonal alignment of the state owned FNST-CST corridor was not
compatible with the new Town Center Master Plan and that the proposed
realignment is preferred by the City and the property owner.
The existing trail corridor being requested for realignment is located in the
newly planned Town Center and occurs between North Tuscawilla Road at
the existing trail crossing, and approximately +30 feet south on State Road
A meeting between the City and Seminole County is scheduled for 2:00
p.m., April 15, 1998. It is expected that the specific management and
construction responsibilities will be defined at the meeting.
State Statutes require the exchange land be of equal or greater value and at
least twice the land area.
No fund:> required.
1. Memo to the City Manager dated February 11, 1998 outlining procedure to
relocate the trail.
2. Trail realignment application to the office of Greenways and Trails dated
April 02, 1998.
3. Map of proposed trail realignment.
None required.
None required.
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Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ron McLemore, City Manager
Charl.es C. c40n, AICP,
comni~pment Director
Reloc:ation of The Cross Seminole Trail
February 11, 1998
On Friday, February 06, 1998, I met with John E. Brown, Jr., Administrator Real Estate,
Florida Office of Gmenways and Trails. We met to discuss the procedure to relocate the
Cross Seminole Trail within the Town Center. On Saturday, February 07, 1998, I
discussed the Town Center concept with the Preservation 2000 Council. The following
is a summary of the two meetings.
Mr. Brown advised that the property in question was not purchased for the trail
and has no specific conservation value. Therefore, a property exchange is
The state will require a letter of request from the city and county asking that the
trail be relocated. The letter should stress that the requested action is in the best
interest ofthc~ county and the city. A formal resolution is not required. The letter
should be addressed to: Virginia Wetherell, Secretary
Dept of Environmental Protection
Office of Greenways & Trails
325 John Knox Road Bldg. 500
W oodcrest Office Park
Tallahassee, Florida 32303 - t..l'?"" 4
The State Statue requires the exchange land to be of equal or greater value and
at least twice the land area The proposed trail location must be on uplands. The
area to be exchanged can include wetland acreage.
Relocation of The Cross Seminole Trail
February 11, 1998
Page 2
Additionally, the package must include "hard" drawings of the affected area, i.e.,
existing total trail acreage, designated for swap with a breakdown of uplands and
delineated wetlands within the proposed trail routing.
City and county support letters must address added trail length as it relates to
construction and maintenance. The county must agree to accept the related costs.
The city can supplement the expenditures by agreeing to maintain or construct the
area in ques;ion or perhaps swap or exchange something to persuade the county to
construct and maintain the trail.
The office of Greenways and Trails will then order an appraisal. Cost is usually
borne by the state.
The Office of Greenways and Trails Staff will prepare the agenda package. The
material will. be presented to the Secretary of the Department of Environmental
Protection, and the cabinet aids before the final presentation to the cabinet
Prior to appc::aring before the governor and cabinet, the Preservation 2000
committee Vlrill review the proposal and vote to support or disallow the
exchange. 1beir support is important.
The cabinet meets twice a month. If for example, the application package is
received by 1he Office of Greenways and Trails by April I, 1998, the matter
could be on Ithe May 28 agenda for the governor and cabinet. This schedule
allows time for staff review and completion of an appraisal.
The matter will then be placed on the cabinet agenda for a vote. The city and
county will need to show support by attending the cabinet meeting. At least two
members of the City Commission and the County Commission should plan to
attend. A show of support is very important.
At this time, it appe~lI'S that we have tacit approval from both the Office of Greenways
and Trails and the Preservation 2000 Council. Final determination will be made when
the design is complete and application is made.
cc: Mayor Paul P. Partyka
. City Commissio:o
Michael Schrimsher
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
Telephone (407) 327-1800
April 02, 1998
Mr. Fred Ayer, Director
Office of Greenways and Trails
325 John Knox Road, Building 500
W oodcrest Office Park
Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4124
(Originally Acquired by Preservation 2000, Rails to Trails Funding)
Ciity of Winter Springs
Trail Corridor:
Florida National Scenic Trail- Cross Seminole Trail
(Viithin the City of Winter Springs Town Center)
County Located:
Se:minole County, Florida
The City Commi:;sioners and the Mayor of the City of Winter Springs recently adopted a
new Town Center Concept Plan which defines an interconnecting system of greenspaces
and trails, a traditionally planned street system and conceptual building layout plan. The
Trustee owned Florida National Scenic Trail/Cross Seminole Trail segment (FNST/CST)
is aligned through the heart of the Town Center and has been a catalyst for the recent
Town Center planning process. The City of Winter Springs is requesting that the
FNST/CST be re:aligned to a new location (see attached Realignment Plan) which is
expected to be more beneficial to the community, the local and regional multi-use trail
users and the property owners.
April 02, 1998
Page 2
What is the reason for realigning the corridor?
During the plamting process, it was determined that the current diagonal alignment of the
State owned FNST-CST corridor was not compatible with the new Town Center Master
Plan and that thc~ proposed realignment is preferred by the City and the property owner.
This preferred r,ealignment provides for the desired infrastructure (street. greenspaces,
restroom facilitil~s and trail) functions while also providing greater opportunities for a
more cohesive building layout The Town Center consultant determined that economic
benefits to the Town Center, including greater tax revenues, will be achieved through this
realignment whic:h appears to be in the best interest of the State, City and County.
What is the greenway c:orridor to be realigned?
The existing trail corridor being requested for realignment is located in the newly
planned Town Center of Winter Springs and occurs between north Tuscawilla Road at
the existing trail crossing, and approximately 430' south of State Road 434. The corridor
is approximately 100' wide in this area
Existing 'frail Acreage:
Proposed Realigned Trail Acreage:
6.5 acres
13.0 acres
Note: I1t is expected that this acreage exchange will meet the Statutory
requirem(:nts of equal or greater value and at least twice the land area.
The proposed re:ilignment accommodates a paved multi-use trail and will become an
integral part of tbe Winter Springs pedestrian and bicycle circulation system that will
connect to the town square (Magnolia Square). This new realignment provides greater
access to environmental preservation areas, including the Wetland Park, which has a
spring and creek which feed directly into the nearby Howell Creek. The realignment also
includes an unpaved trail route (for equestrians and hikers) which leaves the multi-use
trail north of the City and continues eastward along an unimproved county right-of-way
and traverses the eastern edge of the town center along the uplands edge of the 100 year
flood plane contour and the jurisdictional wetlands.
The realigned pedestrian-bicycle trail and the hiking-equestrian trail join back together
near State Road 434, at which point they will cross the Florida Department of
Transportation right of way on a proposed trail overpass. The realigned trail then quickly
reconnects to the Trustee owned right of way to the south.
April 02, 1998
Page 3
What are the benefits to the State and Local green way and trail system with the
Greenways: The existing habitat of the currently owned corridor is degraded, due to
the previous railroad use, and has little or no biological significance. The
planned realigned corridors have substantial biological significance and
provide buffers to existing jurisdictional wetlands, which have been
designated by the Florida Greenways Commission as one of the top 20
Ecological Greenways in Florida., the Lake Jesup Greenway.
Trails: 1he existing alignment accommodates all trail multiusers, although it does
not allow for the diversion of hikers and equestrians around the Town
Center urbanization. The planned realigned corridors provide separated
trail alignments for the various trail users, eliminating the potential for
user conflict. The realignment allows for full public view, access and
e:njoyment of the wetland areas and provides for specific trailhead
opportunities at Magnolia Square and on Lake Jesup.
How is the new alignment to be managed?
A meeting between the City and Seminole County is scheduled for 2:00 P.M, April 15,
1998. It is expe:cted that the specific management and construction responsibilities will
be defined at the:: meeting and forwarded under separate cover. The County currently has
a management agreement with the State for the entire FNST -Cross Seminole Trial.
This greenway realignment creates a strong sense of place, community and multi-cultural
appreciation by connecting land and community, both rural and urban. This is a community
based partnership whic]~ will insure the success of the Town Center and the Florida National
Scenic Trail Greenway initiative. It is my understanding that Mr. Rick Halverson of the Office
of Greenways and Trail:; will coordinate the Staff Review and will be our initial point of contact
in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs, :Florida
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Dover, Kohl & Partners, et al