HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 04 13 Consent Item A
April 13. 1998
MGR. ;f~I1?EPT?-
REQUEST: The Community Development Department, Building Division, requests the City
Commission authorize additional funding in the amount of $8,972 plus a 10 percent
contingency for the installation of a monitored Fire Alarm System, and authorize the
City Manager to enter into a contract with Central Florida Safe & Lock Company in
the amount of $708 per year to inspect and monitor the alarm system,
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is to request the City Commission authorize
additional funding for the renovation of City Hall to install a monitored Fire Alarm
System, lmd provide for inspection and monitoring services.
National Fire Prevention Association Code, Sections 72-4,2.2 and 72-4,3.2 and
Chapter '7 Section 7-56(c) Winter Springs Code of Ordinances.
The relocation of the Police Department to their new facility left City Hall without
a monitored fire alarm system which is a violation ofNFPA Code Section 72-4.3.2
and Chapter 7, Section 7-56(c) of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances which
require ei.ther a Local Proprietary System (on premises 24-hour monitoring such as
we had with the 24-hour operation of the Police Department), or a Central Station
Monitoring Facility, (this would be an off-site monitoring company). The existing
system a.lso falls short of the current ADA requirements for visible and audible
At the March 23, 1998 meeting, the Commission asked for additional information
regarding the feasibility of the Police Department providing the monitoring of the
system. As stated below, it appears that the monitoring contract would be more
efficient than the City taking on that task.
April 13, 1998
Consent Agenda Item A.
Page 2
FUNDING: Additional funds are available in the General Fund Reserve,
. :t'rFPA Code Section 72-4.3.2 and Chapter 7, Section 7-56(c) of the Winter
Springs Code of Ordinances require either a Local Proprietary System, or
a Central Station Monitoring Facility. The existing system also falls short
of the current ADA requirements for visible and audible warnings,
. Local ProprietaIy System: This is an on premise 24-hour monitoring system,
With the relocation of the Police Department, we no longer have this
. To have the City Hall system monitored by the Police Dispatchers, it would
require an additional expenditure of $3,000 for equipment to be installed at
the Police Dispatch area.
. ,Central Station Monitored System: This system is monitored off-site by a
company with a qualified staff whose only duties are to monitor fire alarm
systems. The monitoring fee $34 per month. The system needs to be
inspected once a year by a certified company, The cost is $300.00
. Based upon the estimated cost, the payback period for the investment in the
monitoring equipment would be seven (7) years.
It is recommended that the City Commission authorize additional funding in the
amount of $8,972 plus a 10 percent contingency for the installation of a monitored
Fire Alarm System, and authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with
Central Florida Safe & Lock Company in the amount of $708 per year to inspect and
monitor the alarm system.
April 13, 1998
Consent Agenda Item A
Page 3
Installation will be scheduled immediately upon approval of the additional
funding and should be completed by May 8, 1998.
1. Quotation Spread Sheet.
2. National Fire Prevention Association Code Section 72-44.2.2, Section 72-
4.3.2 and Chapter 7, Section 7-56(c) of the Winter Springs Code of
3. 1\1emorandum from Fire Chief Tim Lallathin, dated March 30, 1998.
Monitored Fire Alarm System
Tri City IElectric
CentrallFlorida Safe and Lock
$ 8,972
3-13.3,2 Each low power radio transmitter shall automatically
repeat alarm transmission at intenrals not exceeding 60 seconds
until the initiating device is returned to its normal condition.
3.13.3,3 Fire alarm signals shall have priority over all
other signals.
3.13,3.4 The maximum allowable response delay from
activation of an initiating device to receipt and display by the
receiver!control unit shall be 90 seconds.
3-13.3,5 An alarm signal from a low power radio transmit.
ter shall latch at its receiver/control unit until manuallv reset
and shall identify the particular initiating device in al~rm.
3-13.4 Supervision,
3-13.4.1 The low power radio transmitter shall be specifi-
cally listed as using a transmission method that shall be
highly resistant to misinterpretation of simultaneous trans-
missions and to interference (e.g., impulse noise and adja-
cent channel interference),
3-13.4.2 The occurrence of any single fault that disables
transmission between any low power radio transmitter and
the receiver!control unit shall <:ause a latching trouble signal
within 200 seconds.
Exception: Where Federal Com.munications Commission (FCC)
regulations prevent meeting the 200-second requirement, the time
period for a low power radio transmitter with only a single, con-
nected alarm.initiating deuice shall be permitted to be increased to
four times the minimum time interval permitted for a i-second trans-
mission up to:
(a) Four hours maximum for a transmitter se-roing a single ini-
tiating device.
(b) Four hours maximum for.z retransmission device (repeater)
where disabling of the repeater or its transmission does not prevent
the receipt of signals at the receiuer/control unit from any initiating
device transmitter.
3-13.4.3 A single fault on the signaling channel shall not
cause an alarm signal.
3-13.4.4 The normal periodic transmission from a low
power radio transmitter shall ensure successful alarm trans-
mission capability.
3-13.4.5 Removal ofa low power radio transmitter from its
installed location shall cause immediate transmission of a
distinctive supervisory signal that indicates its removal and
individually identifies the affected device,
Exception: This requirement shall not apply to household fire
warning systems.
3.13.4,6 Reception of any unwanted (interfering) trans-
mission by a retransmission device (repeater) or by the main
receiverlcontrol unit. for a continuous period of 20 seconds
or more. shall cause an audible and visible trouble indication
at the main receiver/control unit. This indication shall iden-
tify the specific trouble condition as an interfering signal.
Chapter 4 Supervising Station Fire Alarm Systems
4-1 Scope, This chapter covers the requirements for the
proper performance. installa.tion, and operation of fire
I alarm systems at a continuously attended supenrising station
and between the protected premises and the continuously
attended supervising station.
4-2 Fire Alarm Systems for Central Station Service,
NOTE: The requirements of Chapters I and 7 and Section
4-5 shall apply to central station fire alarm systems, unless
they conflict with the requirements of this section.
4-2,1 Scope. This section describes the general require-
ments and use of fire alarm systems to provide centra] sta-
I tion senrice as defined in Section 1-4.
4.2.2 General.
4.2.2,1 These systems include the centra] station physical
plant, exterior communications channels. subsidiary stations.
and signaling equipment located at the protected premises.
4-2.2.2* This section applies to central station service.
which consists of the following elements: installation of fire
alarm transmitters; alarm, guard. supenrisory. and trouble
signal monitoring; retransmission; associated record keep.
ing and reporting; testing and maintenance; and runner
service. These services shall be provided under contract to a
subscriber by one of the following:
(a) A listed central station that provides all of the ele-
ments of central station service with its own facilities and
(b) A listed central station that provides, as a minimum,
the signal monitoring. retransmission. and associated record
keeping and reporting with its own facilities and personnel
and that might subcontract all or any part of the installation.
testing and maintenance, and runner service.
(c) A listed fire alarm service-local company that provides
the installation and testing and maintenance with its own
facilities and personnel and that subcontracts the monitor-
ing, retransmission. and associated record keeping and
reporting to a listed central station. The required runner
service shall be provided by the listed fire alarm service-local
company with its own personnel or the listed central station
with its own ersonneI.
4-2,2.3 The prime contractor shall conspicuously indicate
that the fire alarm system providing service at a protected
premises complies with all the requirements of this code by
providing a means of third part}' verification, as specified in or 4-2.2,3.2.
4-2.2.3,} The installation shall be certificated.
4-2, Fire alarm systems providing senrice that com-
plies with all requirements of this code shall be certified by
the organization that has listed the central station, and a
document attesting to this certification shall be located on or
near the fire alarm system control unit or, if no control unit
exists, on or near a fire alarm system component.
4-2,2,3.1.2 A central repository of issued certification doc-
uments, accessible to the authority having jurisdiction. shall
be maintained by the organization that has listed the central
4-2,2,3,2 The installation shall be placarded.
4-2.2.3,2,1 Fire alarm systems providing senrice that com-
plies with all requirements of this code shall be conspicu-
ously marked by the central station to indicate compliance.
The marking shall be by one or more securely affixed plac-
ards that meet the requirements of the organization that has
listed the central station and requires the placard.
1996 Edition
4- Guard's Signal.
'4-2,6,1.2,1 Upon failure to receive a guard's regular signal
within a 15-minute maximum grace period. the central sta-
tion shall:
(a) Communicate without unreasonable delay with per-
sonnel at the protected prem.ises.
(b) Dispatch a runner to the protected premises to arrive
within 30 minutes of the delinquency where communica-
tions cannot be established.
(c) Report all delinquencies to the subscriber or authority
having jurisdiction, or both, where required.
4-2,6,1.2,2 Failure of the guard to follow a prescribed route
in transmitting signals shall be: handled as a delinquency.
4-2,6.1.3* Upon receipt of a supervisory signal from a
sprinkler system, other fire ~;uppression system(s), or other
equipment, the central station shall:
(a)* Communicate immediately with the person(s) desig-
nated by the subscriber.
(b) Dispatch a runner or maintenance person (arrival
time not to exceed I hour) tCi investigate.
Exception: Where an abnormal condition is restored to normal in
accordance with a scheduled procedure determined by 4-
(c) Notify the fire department or law enforcement
agency, or both, where required.
(d) Notify the authority having jurisdiction when sprin-
kler systems or other fire suppression system(s) or equip-
ment has been wholly or pan:ially out of service for 8 hours.
(e) When service has been restored. provide notice,
where required. to the subsl:riber or the authority having
jurisdiction, or both, as to th.e nature of the signal. time of
occurrence, and restoration of service when equipment has
been out of service for 8 hoUl,s or more,
Exception: Where the SUPeroi50ry signal results from a prear-
ranged test, the actions specified by 4- (c). awl (e) shall
not be required.
4-2,6.1.4 Upon receipt of trouble signals or other signals
pertaining solely to matters of equipment maintenance of
the fire alarm systems. the central station shall:
(a)* Communicate immediately with persons designated
by the subscriber.
(b) Dispatch personnel to arrive within 4 hours to initiate
maintenance. if necessary.
(c) Provide notice. where required. to the subscriber or
the authority having jurisdiction. or both, as to the nature of
the interruption. time of OCCllrrence, and restoration of ser.
vice. when the interruption i~, more than 8 hours.
4-2,6,1.5 All test signals recl~ived shall be re{:orded to indi-
cate date, time, and type.
(a) Test signals initiated by the subscriber, including
those for the benefit of an authority having jurisdiction. shall
be acknowledged by central station personnel whenever the
subscriber or authority inquires.
(b)* Any test signal not received by the central station
shall be investigated immediately and appropriate action
taken to reestablish system integrity.
(c) The central station shall dispatch personnel to arrive
within I hour where protected premises equipment needs to
be manually reset after testing.
4.2.6,2 Record Keeping and Reporting.
4-2,6,2.1 Complete records of all signals received shall be
retained for at least I year.
4.2,6,2.2 The central station shall make arrangements to
furnish reports of signals received to the authority having
jurisdiction in a form it finds acceptable.
14.2.7 Testing and Maintenance,
4-2,7,1 Testing and maintenance for central station service
shall be performed in accordance with Chapter 7. The prime contractor shall provide each of its rep-
resentatives and each alarm system user with a unique per-
sonal identification code. In order to authorize the placing of an alarm sys-
tem into test status, a representative of the prime contractor
or an alarm system user shall first provide the central station
with his or her personal identification code.
4-3 Proprietary Supervising Station Systems.
NOTE: The requirements of Chapters I and 7 and Section
4-5 apply to proprietary fire alarm systems, unless they con-
flict with the requirements of this section.
4-3.1 Scope. This section describes the operational proce-
dures for the supervising facilities of proprietary fire alarm
systems. It provides the minimum requirements for the
facilities. equipment, personnel, operation, and testing and
maintenance ofthe proprietary supervising station.
4-3.2 General,
14-3.2.1 Proprietary supervising stations shall be operated
by trained. competent personnel in constant attendance who
are responsible to the owner of the protected property. (See
4-3.5.3 .)
I 4-3.2.2 The prote{:ted property shall be either a contiguous
property or noncontiguous properties under one ownership.
4-3,2.3 Where a protected premises master control unit is
integral to or collocated with the supervising station equip-
ment, the requirements of Section 4-5 shall not apply.
4-3,2.4* The systems of this section shall be permitted to
be interconnected to other systems intended to make the
premises safer in the event ~f fire or other emergencies
indicative of hazards to life or property.
I 4-3,3 Facilities,
4-3.3.1 The proprietary supervlsmg station shall be
located in a fire-resistive, detached building or in a suitable
cut-offroom and shall not be near or exposed to the hazard-
ous parts of the premises protected,
4-3,3.2 Access to the proprietary supervising station shall be
restricted to those persons directly concerned with the imple-
mentation and direction of emergency action and procedure.
1996 Edition
- ~. -.-. # .-
(c) Any existing building, upon renovations or
changes consisting of more than fIfty (50) percent,
of the total square footage of said building, or
costing more than :fifty (50) percent of the as-
sessed value of said building,. shall be required to
bring the building i:rlto compliance with current
(Grd, No. 514, 9 1, 2,24-92)
Sec. 7.50. Enforce:lD.ent.
The fIre preventioln code shall be enforced by
the fIre chief and/or fIre marshal of the fIre de-
(Grd. No. 514, ~ 1, 2.24-92)
Sec. 7.51. Modifications.
The fIre chief and/or fire marshal shall have the
power to modify any of the provisions of the code,
When upon application in writing by a property
owner or duly authorized agent, the fIre chief
and/or fire marshal determines there are prac-
tical difficulties in complying with the strict letter
of the code, relief may be granted provided that
the spirit of the code shall be observed, public
safety secured, and substantial justice done. When
such modification is made, a record shall be kept
including a descriptio.n and explanation of the vari-
ation from the code requested and the decision
made. This document shall be kept at the fIre de-
partment, and a signed copy furnished to the ap-
(Ord. No, 514, g 1, 2..24-92)
Sec. 7.52. Appeals.
Whenever the fire (mef and/or fire marshal shall
refuse to approve or grant a pennit or shall dis-
approve an application for modification to the code,
or when it is claimed that the provisions of the
code do not apply or that the true intent and
meaning of the code have been misconstrued or
wrongly interpreted, the applicant may flIe, within
thirty (30) days froDl the date of such negative
decision, an appeal with the city commission.
(Ord. No. 514, ~ 1, 2..24-92)
Sec. 7.53. Inspectillns.
The lIre marshal o,r his authorized agent shall
periodically inspect, at any reasonable hour, any
Supp, No, 9
~ 7-56
and all multi,family dwellings and any and all
commercial buildings, equipment and vehicles on
premises within the city. If it be found that any
such building or structure is in need of repairs or
lacks sufficient fIre escapes, alarm apparatus, fire
extinguishing devices, or if it be found that any
such building, structure, equipment or vehicle is
in dilapidated condition or is especially liable to
fIre from any other cause, and further is situated
so as to endanger life or property, it may be or.
dered to be removed or rendered safe within a
reasonable length of time,
(Grd. No, 514, 9 1, 2-24,92)
Sec. 7.54. Violations.
Any person(s) who shall violate any provisions
of this code, or fail to comply therewith, or who
shall violate or fail to comply with any order made
thereunder, or who shall build in violation of any
detailed statement of specifIcations or plans sub-
mitted and approved thereunder, and from which
no appeal has been taken, or who shall fail to
comply with such an order as affIrmed or modifIed
by the city or by a court of competent jurisdiction,
within the time affIxed herein, shall be subject to
the penalty prescribed in section 1,15, The impo-
sition of one (1) penalty for any violation shall not
excuse the violation or permit it to continue, and
all such persons shall be required to correct or
remedy such violations or defects within a reason-
able time; and when not otherwise specifIed, each
ten (10) days that prohibited conditions are main-
tained shall constitute a separate offense. The ap-
plication of the above penalty shall not be held to
prevent the enforced removal of prohibited condi-
(Grd. No. 514, 9 1, 2-24-92)
Sec. 7.55. User fees and charges.
User fees and charges for specifIc and/or unique
fIre department services, shall be required ac.
cording to the resolution passed by the city com-
(Ord. No, 514, 9 1, 2.24-92)
. ....__..... _.....117'0:._...... -.,.......-.... ---,.:;.":\:.___.j:..... "'w..._
i-.See.~,7-56rAiitomatic. i:arespriiikIer systems.;?"
..._~.~~~..__.~'...- -"--.' - " .... --:'''*._.'':::;':;'':: .: '-':: -!,.,. ......~
. "'(a)"-Automatic fIre' sprinkler systems shall be
required as follows:
(1) ~ Throughout all buildings used for commer-
cial purposes, including but not limited to
~ 7.56
offices, mercantile stores, restaurants, man.
ufacturing, industria:l or storage, if the total
square footage is three thousand five hun.
dred (3,500) square feet or more regardless
of type of construction.
(2) Throughout all hotels, motels, condomin.
iums, apartment buildings, or dormitories,
regardless of size or i;ype of construction,
(3) Throughout all hospitals, nursing homes,
adult congregate living facilities or other
medical facilities, regardless of size or type
of construction,
(4) Throughout all Group "H" hazardous occu.
pancies, regardless 0 f size or type of con.
struction, except whl~re the application of
water might constitute a life safety hazard
or increase the severity of the fire,
(5) Throughout all educ.aj;ional facilities regard.
less of size or type of construction.
(b) .Automatic fire sprin]der systems shall be
installed to the SpecificatiOllS of NFP A 13, Stan.
dard for the installation of sprinkler systems, 1991
edition, NFP A 13D, Standa;rd for the installation
of sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwell-
ings and mobile homes, 19~Ji1 edition, and NFP A
13R, Standard for the installation of sprinkler sys-
tems in residential occupandes up to four (4) ste-
. ries in height, 1991 edition,
(c) All buildings equipped with automatic sprin,
kler systems as required by subsection (b) above,
shall be required to have suc:h systems monitored
by a central station inonitoring company installed
to the specifications ofNFPA 71, Standard for the
installation, maintenance a:nd use of central sta.
tion signaling systems, 198H edition.
(d) All automatic fll'e spr:inkler systems as re-
quired by subsection (b) above, shall be required
to have such systems inspected, tested and main-
tained to the specifications of NFPA 13A, Stan.
dard for the inspection, mai:o.tenance and testing
of sprinkler systems, 1991 edition. A copy of each
inspection report shall be furnished to the fire
marshal's office.
(e) All automatic fire sprinkler systems shall
be installed by a licensed fire protec?on system
Supp. No.9
contractor, pursuant to Florida Statute 633.521,
and Florida State Fire Marshal Rule 4A.46.
(0 If an automatic fll'e sprinkler system is re-
quired to be shut off for any reason, the fire de-
partment shall be notified when it is shut off and
when it is returned to service.
(Ord. No, 514, 9 1, 2.24.92)
Sees. 7.57-7.75. Reserved.
Sec. 7.76, Required.
Fire hydrants shall be installed to serve all de-
velopments as prescribed in this article,
(Ord, No. 514, 9 1, 2,24-92)
Sec. 7.77. Responsibility for provision and
(a) All land development shall include provi-
sion for fll'e hydrants at the time of development
as set forth in section 9.261. Fire hydrants shall
be furnished and installed entirely at the expense
of the developers.
(b) The utility servicing fire hydrants with
water shall be responsible to maintain and re-
place as necessary all service mains and connec-
tions to the bases of the hydrants.
(c) The city shall assume ownership and main-
tenance of only the fire hydrant itself, at the time
and in the manner specified "below:
(1) Hydrants on public streets will be accepted
by the city simultaneously with acceptance
of the public improvements in the right:
of-way involved, after inspection and ap-
provalof the fll'e chief,} .
(2) Hydrants on private streets will be accepted
by the city after final inspection and ap-
proval of the improvements to be privately
maintained in the right.of,way, easement
*Cro811 references-Buildings and building regulations.
Ch. 6, plumbing, 6-126 et seq,; flaod damage prevention, Ch. B;
land development, Ch. 9; motor vehicles and traffic, Cb, 12;
planning, Cb. 15; streets, sidewalks and other public places,
Ch. 17; utilities, Ch, 19; and zoning, Ch, 20..
lELEPHONE (407) 327-2332
FAX (407) 327-8514
To: Donald Houck, Building Official
From: Timothy J. Lallathin, Fire Chief --'~ I ~
Date: March 3D, 1998 (7v~
Subject: Fire Alarm System Monitoring - City Hall
During the City Commission meeting held on Monday, March 23, 1998, a question
arose about Consent Agenda Item D, The question from the Commission was could the
Fire or Police Departrllent monitor the fire alarm system instead of paying for a
monitoring service. 'fIj'ithout proper direction to the Commission from City Staff the
agenda item was not ~Ipproved and will need to be resubmitted,
My position on the qUE~stion presented from the'Commission is as follows:
1, The Fire Department is staffed 24 hours a day, however, when the Department
responds to a call for service, particularly after the hours of M-F, 8 am - 5 pm the
station is no longer staffed, All personnel respond to the call for service so the Fire
Department could not properly monitor alarm systems at the fire stations.
2. The monitoring equipme.rit that would be necessary to monitor the alarm system
would cost between $1 ,500'to $3,000. At the minimum cost of $1,500 for the
equipment, the pa)' back alone would be over six (6) years based on the monitoring
service cost of $20 a month for the City Hall complex. The equipment cost of $1 ,500
does not include tniining of personnel and maintenance costs,
3. If the Police Department monitored the fire alarm system for City Hall they would
have to agree to pl.ace the extra responsibility on their personnel. The National Fire
Protection Associaltion, Code 72,1996 Edition National Fire Alarm Code, concerning
Proprietary Superviising Station Systems is outlined below. Please note the section
on 4-3,5 Personnel.
4-3 Proprietary Supervising Station Systems.
NOTE: The requirements of Chapters 1 and 7 and Section 4-5 apply to proprietary fire
alarm systems, unless they conflict with the requirements of this section.
4-3,1 Scope.
This section describes the operational procedures for the supervising facilities of
proprietary fire alarm systems, It provides the minimum requirements for the facilities,
Fire Alarm Systern Monitoring - City Hall 03/30/98
Page 2
equipment, personnell, operation, and testing and maintenance of the proprietary
supervising station.
4-3,2 General. Proprietary supervising stations shall be operated by trained, competent
personnel in constant attendance who are responsible to the owner of the protected
property. (See 4-3.5,~1.)
4-3.2.2 The protected property shall be either a contiguous property or noncontiguous
properties under one ownership.
4-3.2,3 Where a protE~cted premises master control unit is integral to or collocated with
the supervising station equipment, the requirements of Section 4-5 shall not apply.
4-3,2.4* The systems of this section shall be permitted to be interconnected to other
systems intended to nnake the premises safer in the event of fire or other emergencies
indicative of hazards 1:0 life or property.
4-3.3 Facilities,
4-3.3,1 The proprietalY supervising station shall be located in a fire-resistive, detached
building or in a suitablle cut-off room and shall not be near or exposed to the hazardous
parts of the premises protected.
4-3.3.2 Access to the proprietary supervising station shall be restricted to those persons
directly concerned with the implementation and direction of emergency action and
4-3.3,3 The proprietary supervising station, as well as remotely located power rooms for
batteries or engine-driiven generators, shall be provided with portable fire extinguishers
that comply with the mquirements of NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
4-3.3,4 Emergency Li!~hting, System.
4.3,3.4.1 The proprietary supervising station shall be provided with an automatic
emergency lighting system. The emergency source shall be independent of the primary
lighting source,
4-3,3.4.2 The emerge:ncy lighting shall be sufficient to carry on operation of the
supervising station for a 26-hour period and shall be tested monthly,
4-3.3.5 Where 25 or more protected buildings or premises are connected to a
subsidiary station, both of the following shall be provided at the subsidiary station:
(a) Automatic means for receiving and recording signals under emergency-staffing
(b) A telephone,
4-3.4 Equipment.
4-3.4.1 This section shall apply to signal-receiving equipment in a proprietary
supervising station.
Fire Alarm Systern Monitoring - City Hall 03/30/98
Page 3
4-3,4.2 Provision shalll be made to designate the building in which a signal originates,
The floor, section, or I:>ther subdivision of the building shall be designated at the
proprietary supervising station or at the building protected,
Exception: Where the area, height, or special conditions of occupancy make detailed
designation unessential as approved by the authority having jurisdiction. This detailed
designation shall utili~~e indicating appliances acceptable to the authority having
4-3.4,3 The proprietalY supervising station shall have, in addition to a recording device,
two different means for alerting the operator when each signal is received indicating a
change of state of any connected initiating device circuit. One of these means shall be
an audible signal and shall persist until manually acknowledged. This shall include the
receipt of alarm signals, supervisory signals, and trouble signals, including signals
indicating restoration to normal.
4-3.4,4 Where suitable means is provided in the proprietary supervising station to
identify readily the type of signal received, a common audible indicating appliance shall
be permitted to be uSI~d for alarm, supervisory, and trouble indication.
4-3,4,5 At a proprietalY supervising station, an audible trouble signal shall be permitted
to be silenced, providlsd the act of silencing does not prevent the signal from operating
immediately upon reoeipt of a subsequent trouble signal.
4-3,4.6 All signals required to be received by the proprietary supervising station that
show a change in status shall be automatically and permanently recorded, including
time and date of occurrence. This record shall be in a form that expedites operator
interpretation in accordance with anyone of the following:
(a) In the event that a visual display is used that automatically provides change of status
information for each n~quired signal, including type and location of occurrence, any form
of automatic permanent visu~l'record shall be permitted. The recorded information
shall include the contEmt described above, The visual display shall show status
information content at all times and shall be distinctly different after the operator has
manually acknowledg,ed each signal. Acknowledgment shall produce recorded
information indicating the time and date of acknowledgment.
(b) In the event that a visual display is not provided, required signal content information
shall be automatically recorded on duplicate permanent visual recording instruments.
One recording instrument shall be used for recording all incoming signals, while the
other shall be used fOlr required fire, supervisory, and trouble signals only. Failure to
acknowledge a signal shall not prevent subsequent signals from recording. Restoration
of the signal to its prior or normal condition shall be recorded.
(c) In the event that a system combines the use of a sequential visual display and
recorded permanent visual presentation, the required signal content information shall be
displayed and recorded. The visual information component shall be either retained on
the display until manually acknowledged or periodically repeated at intervals not greater
than 5 seconds, for durations of 2 seconds each, until manually acknowledged, Each
new displayed status l;hange shall be accompanied by an audible indication that shall
persist until manual aGknowledgment of the signal is performed,
, .
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There shall be a means provided for the operator to redisplay the status of required
signal initiating inputs that have been acknowledged but not yet restored to a normal
condition, Where the system retains the signal on the visual display until manually
acknowledged, subse!quent recorded presentations shall not be inhibited upon failure to
acknowledge. Fire al,arm signals shall be segregated on a separate visual display in
this configuration.
Exception: Fire alarm signals shall not be required to be segregated on a separate
display where given priority status on the common visual display.
4-3.4.7 The maximum elapsed time from sensing a fire alarm at an initiating device or
initiating device circuiit until it is recorded or displayed at the proprietary supervising
station shall not exceHd 90 seconds,
4-3.4.8 To facilitate the prompt receipt of fire alarm signals from systems handling other
types of signals that can produce multiple simultaneous status changes, the
requirements of either of the following shall be met:
(a) In addition to the maximum processing time for a single alarm, the system shall
record simultaneous status changes at a rate not slower than either a quantity of 50, or
10 percent of the total number of initiating device circuits connected, within 90 seconds,
whichever number is smaller, without loss of any signal.
(b) In addition to the maximum processing time, the system shall either display or record
fire alarm signals at a rate not slower than one every 10 seconds, regardless of the rate
or number of status changes occurring, without loss of any signals,
Exception: Where fire alarm, waterfJow alarm, and sprinkler supervisory signals and
their associated troublle signals are the only signals processed by the system, the rate of
recording shall not be slower than one signal every 30 seconds,
4-3,4,9 Trouble signals requir~d in 1-5.8 and their restoration to normal shall be
automatically indicated and recorded at the proprietary supervising station within 200
4-3,4,10 The recorded information for the occurrence of any trouble condition of
signaling line circuit, IE~ facility, or trunk facility that prevents receipt of alarm signals at
the proprietary supervlising station shall be such that the operator is able to determine
the presence of the trouble condition. Trouble conditions in a leg facility shall not affect
or delay receipt of signals at the proprietary supervising station from other leg facilities
on the same trunk facility.
4-3.5 Personnel.
4.3,5.1 At least two operators, one of whom shall be permitted to be a runner, shall be
on duty at all times.
Exception: Where the means for transmitting alarms to the fire department is automatic,
at least one operator shall be on duty at all times.
4-3.5.2 When the runner is not in attendance at the proprietary supervising station, the
runner shall establish 1lwo-way communications with the station at intervals not
exceeding 15 minutes,
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4-3.5.3 The primary duties of the operator(s) shall be to monitor signals, operate the
system, and take such action as shall be required by the authority having jurisdiction.
The operator(s) shall not be assigned any additional duties that would take precedence
over the primary duties,
4-3,6 Operations,
4-3,6,1 Communications and Transmission Channels,
4- All communications and transmission channels between the proprietary
supervising station and the protected premises master control unit (panel) shall be
operated manually or automatically once every 24 hours to verify operation.
4- When a communications or transmission channel fails to operate, the operator
shall immediately noti1y the person(s) identified by the owner or authority having
4-3.6.2 All operator cOlntrols at the proprietary supervising station(s) designated by the
authority having jurisdiction shall be operated at each change of shift.
4.3.6,3 If operator controls fail, the operator shall immediately notify the person(s)
identified by the ownelr or authority having jurisdiction, Indication of a fire shall be promptly retransmitted to the public fire service
communications centE~r or other locations acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction,
indicating the building or group of buildings from which the alarm has been received,
4-3.6.5* The means olf retransmission shall be acceptable to the authority having
jurisdiction and shall be in accordance with Section 4-2,4-4,4-6, or 4-7.
Exception: Secondary power supply capacity shall be as required in Chapter 1.
4-3.6,6* Retransmissic)n bypoded signals shall be confirmed by two-way voice
communications indicating the, nature of the alarm.
4-3.6.7 Dispositions of Signals.
4-3,6.7.1 Alarms. Upon receipt of a fire alarm signal, the proprietary superviSing station
operator shall initiate <Iction to:
(a) Immediately notify the fire department, the plant fire brigade, and such other parties
as the authority havin" jurisdiction requires.
(b) Promptly dispatch i3 runner to the alarm location (travel time shall not exceed 1
(c) Restore the system to its normal operating condition as soon as possible after
disposition of the cause of the alarm signal.
4- Guard's Toulr Delinquency. Where a regular signal is not received from a
guard within a 1 s..minute maximum grace period, or where a guard fails to follow a
prescribed route in transmitting the signals (where a prescribed route has been
established), it shall b.~ treated as a delinquency signal. When a guard's tour
delinquency occurs, the proprietary supervising station operator shall initiate action to:
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(a) Communicate at once with the protected areas or premises by telephone, radio,
calling back over the siystem circuit, or other means acceptable to the authority having
(b) Dispatch a runner to investigate the delinquency, where communications with the
guard cannot be promptly established (travel time shall not exceed 1/2 hour).
4- Supervisory Signals. Upon receipt of sprinkler system and other supervisory
signals, the proprietary supervising station operator shall initiate action to:
(a) Where required, cc)mmunicate immediately with the designated person(s) to
ascertain the reason for the signal.
(b) Where required, dilspatch a runner or maintenance person (travel time not to exceed
1 hour) to investigate, unless supervisory conditions are promptly restored to normal.
(c) Where required, notify the fire department.
(d) Where required, m)tify the authority having jurisdiction when sprinkler systems are
wholly or partially out lof service for 8 hours or more,
(e) Where required, pJrOvide written notice to the authority having jurisdiction as to the
nature of the signal, time of occurrence, and restoration of service, when equipment has
been out of service fOlr 8 hours or more.
4-3,6,7,4 Trouble Signals. Upon receipt of trouble signals or other signals pertaining
solely to matters of equipment maintenance of the fire alarm system, the proprietary
supervising station operator shall initiate action to:
(a) Where required, C4:>mmunicate immediately with the designated person(s) to
ascertain reason for the signal.
(b) Where required, diispatch a runner or maintenance person (travel time not to exceed
1 hour) to investigate. ' . . ,"
(c) Where required, nl:>tify the fire department.
(d) Where required, n10tify the authority having jurisdiction when interruption of normal
service will exist for 4 hours or more,
(e) Where required, plrovide written notice to the authority having jurisdiction as to the
nature of the signal, time of occurrence, and restoration of service, when equipment has
been out of service for 8 hours or more.
4-3.6.8 Record Keeping and Reporting.
4- Complete records of all signals received shall be retained for at least 1 year.
4-3,6,8.2 The proprietary supervising station shall make arrangements to furnish reports
of signals received to the authority having jurisdiction in a form it finds acceptable.
4-3.7 Testing and Maintenance.
Testing and maintenance of proprietary fire alarm systems shall be performed in
accordance with Chapter 7.
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In closing, I contacted the National Fire Protection Association and spoke with Mr. Steve
Sargent, Fire Protectil)n Engineer. Mr. Sargent advises that the Police Department
could most certainly monitor the City Hall fire system if they met the requirements of the
above code. However, he did state "that it may not be economically feasible because
we would monitor such few buildings, and the cost of the equipment to monitor the
alarm system would outweigh the monthly monitoring services fee. n
Therefore, I am recommending that the monitoring of the fire alarm system for City Hall
be done with an outside agency such as ADT at this time. However, we should
continue to evaluate, l:lS additional City buildings are added the cost of monitoring all
alarms for public ownE~d facilities.
CC:City Manager F~onald W. McLemore,
Daniel J. Kerr, Police Chief