HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 03 20 Regular APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS - '" i l'kin! C. Iler S . . fty Hall prinfJs, /,t;]R o 9 /' ,.. Application for: D Annexation ~ Cha~&e of zoning t=7 Preliminary Plat app~oval ~ Final Plat approval Lt @ ..D Ie,!:) . 1"'1 '-', IJ F(Cr, r--..' . condi--tiopal{ IT~e -.......j .'~ f "0 t,r. . V~ri<0ce ''':'.{, .. Other, Specify P~ease print in * ..6,pnlic2.ll t ink or type. 1 . L ~Uc; ch <'\.e.- ~'e \'. Last name .'1. l-hddle initial ~I\~f" k First nume (I f the appliCc>.ll t is not the OKner of the subject property, the application Dust include a le~ter of authorization signed H C\ c. " e v\ d 0\ V; LI (\.: -i> Mailing address J .5'00, Lo.,'~r^)'(':>C~. o,,~u-1o R(~. W.l'\ter -"5fC'\.n~s, fL 31. 7.- C 0 '5 I Telephone by the o\mer.) Lebal description of the subject property: Tojjiil No. acres Total No. usable acres General location of subject property (including name and type of which tract abuts) ~~t~J '..sC'\.:fh "5",A~ of ~. R. i.t~ ~ ~ntrC\.V\(e ti\ ~~ ",Jo. V; ll"c.:'~~ .. -.l " road C\.1- PIesent zoning classification Present land use Abutting zoning classifications and land uses ( r ."\ "" t"' .- L ~ c, I Nature of request:' t1of'o\e cd <;o.L-es VC\r:"",{~ to o..LlcLJ Oc,;ble..-w:J-e.... M~bILe:.. n ~A ~ w'\ fe\' t'\n t'j t"I L'\ {' Fr: c..e Fe=; r (; MoO 1'\ +~ 5 and intent of request) - ~ cL;i, hov r~ ~ in ik-e. V'er'/ I oFF; (' -e fA': l L () ~ L (l h :)~ r b e neededr Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following information: Additonal infdrmation (including purpose It.,,> M,/ '\ V\ -t ~ >:\. t ~ l'l Ii' -h, (. ~ \'\ S t (' v c:r t\ -e~ r fvtlJ r-t. 5:'(1 t h \ '7 T ~ "" f~ ("' a (' '( .. .. . . (.' -,- ". ::2.mes <"nd addresses of all sur~'o\lnding property owners lying \-Ii thin .500 ft. of the perimeter bo~nd&ries of the 6ubject property. The ~pplicant shall also attach 2 lebal size, stac~~d, 2.ddressed envelopes for each property owner listed below. .' 1. ."... _._------~--~---- 3. ------------- ". - 4. 2. Date 3-1- 7'& Signature oi Kpplicant/oHuer --J1f'lA (J. t../" tl~ lL~~-- ---"---- ~ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. For office use only File Code No. ---~-------_.._----------- Fee t.Rloun t Receipt No. Date Action Review Planning and Zoning Board "0 D D Board oi Adjustment , City C.ouncil ". Public Hearing' L:7 Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board oi Adjustment D City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date .' /'. APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS .. '. Application for: D Annexation ~ Cha~&e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Plat app~oval L:7 Final Plat approval D ;g; ..D . \' J- s~r\ngs City of 'J1\f1le; . \.i . C\ty \-1a\\ Condi tional u~!'f\R '2, () '913 Vari~ce . CE\\lEO Other, speci~t: . P~ease print in ink or type. . .A,.DDlicant S /J6E Il S' Last name __J Middle initial /l.ec.~/e First name (If the applicant is ijo l~ GeO/!-G-E s I- not the Oh-ner Mailing address of the subject property, the application nust include a letter of authorization signed by the o\mer.) . (y r'/IJ lek S' p ~ I~ (l I 7:T" ~ Z 70? 3 2..- 7 -I tf f)3' Telephone Legal description of the subject property: Lor l- f1Jc,c.A I, ~E IL<7I-("I F , o Lq,.J J'Q -r~' tV '>; +<c:.. A ~. f/~ AI (,);'/IQ ~ PCI)e.. 1;~b S~/>1//lJr.,Je.... c~..v.v-ry To;hal No. acres Total No. usable acres General location of subject property (including name and type of road which tract abuts) '-IO?"" Gl"'r~.:Jot>~f;' .. Present zoning classification Presen t land use ~ ~ NS'!oe.. f'.,,,,,,; 1)1 dUo''::' //'AI..J Abutting zoning classifications and land uses Ai/!. k c/Uq / t~,1~1 UAA/ n/f/ /JR("\I'e#- V " / /' Nature of request:' Addi tonal info'rmation (including purpose and intent of request) /Z1v . n",u,..{, U~:~~;<./'<r?.- U~fLJq~ 'k,M;/V -f~~rJ<ZP()~l-of,'('1l.J {- hUS:~'N~5:Q, / ~h(\ Ie ~~-',/e fR~JC'jU.( p I-~ Rc~S+q~~qNff n/V C:-CJ// -,/;.~ E/I.-1(:""1!9Q'f,I( SeRvic...~ N/JK1s 4/\1c1 W~e ~Nc/5" -- / Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following information: I' . .<'.... ,- !:3mes and addresses of all sur~'ounding propert.f owners lying wi thin 500 ft. of the perimeter bo~nd&ries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 leGal size, stacy~d, addressed envelopes for each property o\mer l:isted below. : ~.. 3. ~ . 2. 4. .. .. Date ,i-2o-7~ Signature of A"pplican t/O\mer a., tv.; ~ ~ 'iJi1 ^-"'. - r- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' For office use only Fee File Coqe.No. .Amount Receipt No. Review Date Action Planning and Zoning Board 00 D D Board of Adjustment . City CDuncil '. Public Hearing , L:7 Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment ~ City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date .