HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 02 14 Regular . .. . . 0'; ~ ~ e:. .. APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS '0 :. .t' 11-../, ~ e I .City of W:-:.',-r :),:rings City j-Ia.i Application for: D Annexation L:7. Cha~&e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Plat app~oval L:7 Final Plat approval N Cy 29 1'd11 Conditional Use .' D D ,.D Vari~ce RECEIVED Other, Specify Lot Spli t.ti nlJ ink or type, Calapa Last name P~ease print in * o:!9:>plican t. J. Middle initial. Daniel First name (If the applicant is 209 Hickory Drive Longwood, Florida not the Oh~er Mailing address of the subject property, the application oust include aOletter of authorization signed by the o\mer.) 32750 Office - 894-3450 Telephone Home-.869-4959 Legal. description of the subject property: North Orlando Ranches, . . Section 2, Tw~ 215, Range 30E, Block 2, Lot 4 Tochal. No. acres 3..18 Total. No. usable acres 3.18 ~ General. location of subject property (including name and type of road which tract abuts) Ston~r Road (South Side) Between shore o. i'lnn Hi'lYP~ Roads, All roads are dirt. Present zoning classification RIAA Present land use Residential Abutting zoning classifications and land uses Same Nature of request:' Desire to split the lot into two lot.!:; of i'lpprox;mrtt-ply 1.59 acres each. Additonal information (including purpose and intent of request) Myself (Daniel J. Calapa) and Mr. Joel Austin wish to purchase the land for our personal home sites. Neither of us can afford to purchase the complete 3.18 acres and desire to split. Requests which require a public hearing must also include the fol.lowing information: " '" Z. .l'mes and addresses of all surrounding property owners lying wi thin 500 -It. of the perimeter bo~nd&ries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 legal size, stacyed, addressed envelopes for each property o\mer listed below. ~,. n'r. J .C. Mitchell .-. .',. e - . . -!:~~,# '1. .. 3. Carlton :;i'TO,,<.Jc:/Z. 305 ~ R09-d Mr. .. -'\' :?/.5----:-~t:oner Road winter Springs, Fla. 2. Mr. Ilc.$t.'lt.rKeyes .;23/ Hayes Road Winter Springs, Fla. 32707 32707 4. winter Springs, Fla. Mr. 6c-olZ 6t--Canton rJ! 3"='- Hayes Road Winter Sprinqs, Fla. 32707 /'11l . of- /<1,e J'. v 112- 6 "q ~.: i:.-. A rc.h <.: n... .:3 S- t.I ,d /l ;'./ A "Af.4 ,Q.. V. Lv ,.u re-/Z. 5"1'/2./-<.)6 ~ .FL.. 32707 * . . Date //-;;29-77 Signature of Applicant/O\mer .. .. .. *' .. . .. .. *' *' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. For office use only Fee File Code No. Amount Receipt No. Review Date Action . Planning and Zoning Board '0 D D Board of Adjustment , City Council '. Public Hearing D Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment D City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date * Mr. Obed Graham Hayes Road Winter Springs, Fla. 32707 /'1/2 . ~ ;'-fItS, 1.0, go1. J""o.5c,d# b6SJ HIt l>et5'/ZI'f-U ~ /o//4ITLAAJ~ ;:'{,. 3;),,7-.>1 . ,At 11. , e it F'J: o~.o J'D,t Do ~ Q(o ..<.f.1l. . i)o;(J~(.O vAftl ~ 4/l. 5 , Il 06 tte. H / C 1(,$ A Ul:lt...Y 1t./31 If, LL TPfJ ~oAC) 6-,5- 73 ..0. ~ S;~-~,/a,4 /?A/ dlvi7 e,.q SSe ( 13~Il...Il..Y 1fIZI!T ./jiJ r .;) 8'06 ,c(. . 32. 707 t"V/ AJ rc:- /Z. 1719/Z.t:./' F~ 3:Z 78' 'I , ,.- ..'. . . . . J I( e ... ." .t,J:..I" t e o CitY-- at Winter ~rrngs:: City HhW NOV 1 7 1971 ~ APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Application for: D Annexation D D D L:7. Conditional Use D . . /21 'Other, Specify Pt/'J'~~;--C/~ Final Plat approval 70 &<Jd j.. f((f'v,.v} s.,. j c> f '1 tf/co- f- B K/'v...L(-s Src- 1, ink or type. JOo.OI:/./ Last name RECEiVED Cha~&e of zoning Vari~ce Preliminary Plat app~oval P~ease print in * "~nlicant D l-liddle initial (' L,'rfo~ D First name (If the applican t is not the o\.mer of the subject property, the application I::lust include a'letter of authorization f rA / ~ ~ r j:.J ');, () ? S () E" IluJ \( Mailing address I ,-, .J j'e) ,v :;1 t 11" ,'1 / ;J ':; )', ""' " u .J - J 0-..;-. .-- Telephone by the owner.) , . / ;" (] property: At::> r I if signed 6{c/ IJ I'). j)"t' 3 Legal description of the subject h ?;{)/I! ,I To;hal No. acres 3,/.52- Total No. .usable acres 3, c.S '- .- General location of subject property (including name and type of road .--'. which tract abuts)'L'> '/J"')1' /)(j ',?C-..... I r ",. 0 i.11 S r /I /J 0 , fr. .~ ,II , I. ... If 10 I " LJ Y /.1-5'1. 5 0' /) v;1-" ' I I" . Present zoning classification,f e..- / Present land use Y//c 41/(' Abutting~~~~ng classifi~7tions ~nd land uses o J /../11 k f/t'll A do"" (s' f I Nature of request:" 4-,p,-"'\O't",,.../ J;. ....VJ:/I; Do'..! c2 fJ4'kc(( ,r ~ /f-r - / FI?~("f .r'l ....J f/~/I~ Additonal;Onformation (inclUding purpose and intent of r~quest) , . ,-;7 L /J /11/ r.. r /J r\, h " - f J()~, .r:/,'/()/'f:-/S" lJ' I r-~tf t-;K'C(fcY J, Z,l'- tr{-<:;';~L~~/"--..f/',' ~ - /; (.... I ~ ' , (> r r - _ - J- L-,r)'..I: 'J ~ V Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following information: " .,f ~ A. . .~ e . . ." ::. .1' t ,- "'~te II/J/,-' I / 'J~ame6 and addresses of all surrounding property owners lying wi thin .500 ft. of the perimeter bo~nd&ries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 lebal size, stacyed, addressed envelopes for each property ownel J:isted below. " I ". ' .. t. {.. I 1. S R. Jllrff;tC,/4l/ E f Ai .jaUJ{r(. 3. f,'( !,~/: t; s: -f lo.~t.;:'Nf &;( \~N") ," .... ~ / I ()' I: '/ /" r 0~ " ,/1;;;...: .JIlIJIA/.tI}O .JiJ~If'J"~ vI{. " )/t (;.,17 Ill/'J,'/).") j7, , /uA/.it-.~# r~ II l.')7~~ / It' ill\IItII~~IC ,Fir .:fJC)'J-", 2. 111; I( " ~ ,I;,L'~ K t~l.rn,.J 4. '10/;;v' ~. i 1I(!t~.1 h. FA/ArId d. v I ~hl,I/;/~F'; fr,/.. n.1 5/:), [. (vA;A "1,/~:{-tIJ Sf. !/J;:.,.~j't.,f/./tV/1. ~f< 3j) 67 ; - c. /Otr/,1/v.4 t', fM. . ':i J~'.P'-''- 1I :/ .- ,--'......., i .-:. / /' ./ '/ (>~ . ,.I ~/~;-:V. ''<____.. .', ,/., _____ ._____/ / I 7'~' ..r....__ -f/ ,(I:' ~ ,.,/ 6i,ci. . Ltt? Le, t,: .. 'r-re ...> < " Signature of Applicant/O\mer . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .' For office use only Fee File Code No. Amount Receipt No. Review Date Action . Planning and Zoning Board '0 D D Board of Adjustment , City Council Public Hearing L:7 Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment ~ City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date CVt'j ,. ........(1S ,,,{'II \, 0 " l~'" vt' .t \' ."., \.,,,' 0\ ... \\' ,'\ C" '\1 \.--,3.\ - \l)' \ r1 "01' '\ t \.J J . \\(J'1 l- . ~''!:'''''CC\\J~\) -( ~ . \- \ ....- . -,v' .-,,- - .. .';::ICA;~ON": CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS e ..~ . '. ../ . . . . Application for: D Annexation D Ch~~e of zoning D Preliminary Plat appr.oval D Final Plat approval ~ t!J D ..D Condi tional Use Vari~ce Other, Specify ~ Elease print in ink or type. . Miller Enterprises, Inc., dba/ Handy Way Food Stores .Applicant Last name . Middle in~ tial .' .. First name (If the applicant is not the o\.mer of the subject property, the 904-698-1280 application nust include ",Telephone a' letter..9.f .a,~thorization signed by the owner.) 331 Central Ave., Crescent City, Florida, 32012 Mailing address . .. Legal description of the su~ect property: See attached survey ~ . . To~~l No. acres .361 Total No-';'usable acres, .361-- General location of subject property (including name and type of road which tract abuts) S. E. Corner,of US 17-92 & S. R. 419, 'Winter Sprin~s, Florida .. Present zoning classification C-l Present land use Convenience Food Store Abutting zoning classifications and land uses C-2; C-l; M~l; No Residential Nature of request:" To allow self-service gasoline in conjunction with an existing convenience food store. Additonal information (including purpose and intent of request) See attached cover letter . Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following in forma tion : 00 " e e . , .,;.., 4titte't e t-ete't 'tt4e4 1/. P. O. BOX 908 CRESCENT CITY. FLORIDA 32012 TELEPHONE 904 - 698.1280 November 11, 1977 City of Winter Springs City Council City Hall 102 North Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida, 32707 NOV 14 1977 .. RECEIVED . . Gentlemen: Please accept this as our formal request for a Conditional ,Use at our Handy Way Food Store located at the intersection of US 17-92 and S. R. 419, Winter Springs, Florida. We are requesting" ' the Conditional Use in order that we may plac~ self-service gasoline pumps to be operated in connection with the c9nvenience store.-,: Attached you will find the following: 1. Copy of survey and legal description 2. Authorization of agent 3. Spec. for gas installation 4. Plot plan, showing pump island and convenience store 5. List of ajoining property owners' ---- 6. Application 'from City of Winter Springs After acquiring the names of the ajoining property owners, I took the liberty of going by the County Zoning Office. There I found that our parcel is completely surrounded by commercial property with the exception of the Chase and Company parcel which is zoned M-l. Under the circumstances, I don't forsee any objections from our neighbors. Also, we are well away from any self-service gasoline operation. Let me add that our operation will be very similar to the self-service islands now operating within your city limits. I hope there will be no problem in acquiring this variance and if you or your staff needs any additional information or if I can be of help to you in this matter, please do not hesitate to call on me. Cordially, A tc~&ile Director of Operations JCP /jw Enclosures ~ e=:..:_-~"~ ~ -,>,' .' " .e City of W' . ~' . . mter Springs CIty Hall OCT 21 1977 . // .1n for: / " ,,/llexa~ion . // Ch~&e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Platapp~oval D Final Plat approval APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~ . ' t;J ;g ..0 Conditional U~ECEIVED Vari~ce O~her, Specify '. " ..l. .. Elease print in ink or type.. . .APplicant Belmont Hamee. Inco, a F1.orina Col':tn,..~+';n." Last name Middle ~ni tial ';;J .. 'First name,' . (If the applicant is not the ov.ner of the subject property, the 831-7115 application T 1 h ~ust include e ep one a'let~er of authorization signed by the o\mer.) 450 E. Seminola Blvd. 9 Casselberry, fl.. 12?0? Mailing address . .. . .... - - ... .' ...-:' ". . , \' .' ,: - ... , '\ :. "",' f .. ' \..... \..J..... '. ~ r , Legal description of the subject property: 'Lot One (1) 9 Block "WI. NORTH ORLANDO . . . 'rerrace, Section 4, Urrlt 1, Plat Book 17., page 30 of the Seminole County Public Records To~al No. acres one/sixth9 more or less . onel sixth -- . Total No. usable acres ~ General location of subject pro~erty .~including name and t~pe oi road which tract abuts) most southerly corner of intersecti on of Mnrphy Rnad and. Cypress Court, in City of Winter Springs, Fl. .. Present zoning classification R-l Present land use Residential Abutting zoning classifications and land uses R-l. residential Nature of request:' City desires to up-grade zoning to require l(XX> !'IQ.ll~l'A fp.p.t. of area which applicant also desires. In order to the 25 fnn~ ~~+ hack ~rnm both P. ress . u t. will be rd the real lot line. The distance from the deepest part of the curve of CyPress Court to the l'ear lot line is 65 feet. In order to set back 25 feet from C11Press Court, it will be ne~e~sary to build 10 feet from rear lot line. We request that we be permitted to brlldlO feet ,~ I I l ~..lj ooocx: from rear lot line. Bear in mind that the rear lot line borders on a 100 foot electric power easement and ~ld not be near any persons residence. (SEE ATTACHED PLar PLAN) .. . . . e '11t,tte", S Ieee", ""4e4 e P. O. BOX 908 CRESCENT CITY, FLORIDA 32012 TELEPHONE 904 - 698-1280 November 11, 1977 City Council 102 North Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida, 32707 City of Winter Springs City Hall NOV 14 1977 RECEI'VED Gentlemen: Please accept this as our formal request for a Conditional Use at our Handy Way Food Store located at the intersection of US 17-92 and S. R. 419, Winter Springs, Florida. We are requesting the Conditional Use in order that we may place self-service gasoline pumps to be operated in connection with the convenience store. Attached you will find the following: 1. Copy of survey and legal description 2. Authorization of agent 3. Spec. for gas installation 4. Plot plan, showing pump island and convenience store 5. List of ajoining property owners 6. Application from City of Winter Springs After acquiring the names of the ajoining property owners, I took the liberty of going by the County Zoning Office. There I found that our parcel is completely surrounded by commercial property with the exception of the Chase and Company parcel which is zoned M-l. Under the circumstances, I don't forsee any objections from our neighbors. Also, we are well away from any self-service gasoline operation. Let me add that our operation will be very similar to the self-service islands now operating within your city limits. I hope there will be no problem in acquiring this variance and if you or your staff needs any additional information or if I can be of help to you in this matter, please do not hesitate to call on me. cordial~:j?~~ ~c. Pringle Director of Operations JCP /jw Enclosures FL~\T OF SI'rVEY FC'R J:,Cl: H. RoSSr"~N _ S,ft.H NOLE COVinv, FL OR I OJ... ... DESCRIFTION .. PEG I N A TAP 0 I NT N. 00 05 1 '30 tt E . 1 5 1 . 8 FEE TAN 0 N. B 9 038 ' I 0 "W . 1 3 0 . 0 FEE T FRO M T H [ SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST !OF THE SOUTHWEST i OF THE SOUTHWEST ! OF fCTION 22, .TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANCE 30 EAST, SE~INOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THENCE N N.00031 '$I"E. 225.400 FEET; THENCt RUN 8.63048'34"E. 20.247 FEET; THENCE RUN .480I8'30"W. 40.279 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIIHT-OF-WAV LINE OF STATE ROAD 15 AND 600; THENCE RUN S.41 041 '30~W. ALONG SAID RICHT-OF-WAV 169.572 FEET; THENCE RUN S.46008'08"E. 168.270 FEET TO THE POINT OF REGINNINC, SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 0.361 ACRES. ~ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFV THAT THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING A REgiSTERED LAND SURVEYOR, HAS COMPLETEO THE SURVEY OF THE AROVE DESCRI PROPERTY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWlEDG THE PLAT HEREON DELINEATED IS A TRUE A 0 CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME. . Av A. C. DOUDNE R. L . S. No. 873 . ;( .J ... ." Or... . · ~,~ ;"'~A7# LJ/"/v~ . . ~\ & f/:rM'in9 ler . . ~\o ~ ;' . 5?!r Iron --z-- - -1--" , ~ I, \ " ~ . "' ~ ~ \ , " ~ ~ ~ ~ ,4.i ~ ~ , ~ ~ PO 8. ~.5(-l Iron ~ // -:1' _ --.. . . . . . e E lete~ ~t4e4 ?1tttte~ P. O. BOX 908 CRESCENT CITY, FLORIDA 32012 TELEPHONE 904 - 698-1280 e November 11, 1977 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This will introduce our Agent, James C. Pringle, who is authorized to act in all matters of rezoning or the securing of building permits or any other Real Estate transaction for the Property Owners of Miller Enterprises. Cordially, -~~~ .....- George C. Miller, Jr., resident Miller Enterprises, Incorporated - i i ! ,j I ! ~ i " ~ j ! j I :-; I I I I -, i , I I I I I 1 1 I I ! ~ I I . "I ,. I ~. ;;:.~: (") ,,,,.~ ('.'} !t:n 'V (.J ~/'l ';"J :;r. '~~ ~:) c -' ~.~ ;.'"JVl ';'., ,-} .' t ,~ (;.}d ~~;; e Cj l{) ..- f:.,l ~_ .-,; v't -.'.J 1_- c) ,IcJ .~~. ","." ~"_ C U C-' r.~ ...-...-"fo.... <-' Ii;) C,') t) (..:: ....~. 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"'--.-'" ""---'''-'' _,,_ __ _..'.~_, _.1- '_________"'__-:_N_-' _--'_.~,__,. ,l ::'\4 ~ {j "/r.:! -'" "'1..:/' e ~ #.(y /l/;' T J,~t,,:-e .I? - J,). ';.J"t,S"A:? ~ .1 ~ .(/..~;"I" .I-I~ '.' '-G~.. . J" .. ./ /,... 1'(.. ' .... ....',,'. "",,,. .y'~' .' /7 -.I . t I N i \ \\ j / .<t ,,".0. v~~ if / ;,..., .;".... / "".,;.,. '......'"'l../ 1If..... . ,r -...,. /' ./ f1'Y / .,i\ I //' \ / / / ./' / r ./ / t'slll.,d j ...~~It',tt. JAI -1-'-1 nk:J ,I' /) 1..... I"~ b 1r'(!111T1"':I'.t!J.t:::J ?'rll~~,.e,lC ,$'/.# D . ~ "- '"" . '. ~'~........ '" \.- \ \ \ \ \ ~ ."--'" '. " ". ", " "- "'."" ". \~ ~ , t "LIST OF SURROUNDING PR4ItRTY OWNERS: e Sec. ~gP. ~8e. Sub. Block Lot Citizens National Bank of Leesburg 22'" )OJ 0000 tmIo Lee B. Southern, Trustee . 2295 Lee Road, 32789 Winter Park, Florida, Arthur E and Alice M. Lytle, Jr. 22 20 30 503 0000 0020 Rt. #1 Box 199 Longwood, Florida, 32750 Mignonette W. Williams 22 20 30 503 0000 0040 Rt. #1 Box 206 22 20 30 503 0000 0050 Longwood, Florida, 32750 James V. and Joanne DeMola 22 20 30 503 0000 0020 7876 Broken Arrow Trail Orlando, Florida, 32807 Russell and Kathleen K. Moncrief 22 20 30 503 0000 0270 3280 N. Westmoreland 22 20 30 300 0310 0000 Orlando, Florida, 328 Jack & and Clara B. Rossman 22 20 30 503 0000 0280 22 20 30 503 0000 028A Sumer H. Tuxen 22 20 30 300 0290 0000 Rt. #1 Box 213 Longwood, Florida, 32750 . Willis C. and Marie C. Smith 22 20 30 300 0300 0000 Box 1058 Sanford, Florida, 32771 Chase & Company 22 20 30 300 0320 0000 P. O. Box 1697 Sanford, Florida, 32771 . _ :'7 ..'-" ..ff .h~ e:--- APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS e ...... , ~,... ..- ". . Application for: D Annexation D Ch~~e of zoning D Preliminary PIa t approval D Final Plat approval ~ Conditional Use D Vari~ce "" D Other, Specify Elease print in ink or type. · Miller Enterprises, Inc., dba/ Handy Way Food Stores .Ap'Plicant Last name Middle in;t. tial . First name (If the applicant is not the o\..-ner of the subject property, the 904-698-1280 application .must include a letter of authorization signed by the owner.) 331 Central Ave., Crescent City, Florida, 32012 Mailing address Telephone Legal description of the subject property: See attached survey . To*~l No. acres .361 Total No. usable acres .361 General location of subject property (including name and type of road which tract abuts) S. E. Corner of US 17-92 & S. R. 419, -Winter Springs, Florida PIesent zoning classification C-l Present land use Convenience Food Store Abutting zoning classifications and land uses C-2; C-l; M-l; No Residential Nature of request:' _ To allow self-service gasoline in conjunction with an existing convenience food store. Additonal information (including purpose and intent of request) See attached cover letter . Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following information: I' ~ ... ..~ . .e e .... .... 4 Names and addresses of all surrounding property owners lying within 500 ft. ~f the perimeter bound~ries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 legal size, stacped, addressed envelopes for each property owner ~isted below. ~.. Se.e Attached Li'St 3. .. . 2. 4. . . 'Date Signature of Applicant/owner James C. Pringle, Jr., Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .' For office use only Fee File Code No. Amount Receipt No. Review Date Action . "0 D D Board of Adjustment , Planning and Zoning Board City C.ouncil Public Hearing L:7 Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment L-~ City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date . 'I" t 't)", ~ ~ ~~ '{ '\) ~ I' ~ '\J t 0) "- , I '0 I" ~__ - - --_.:!"I , ''} 05p 0 ~ 0 ")' II) '" ~ " 0 C\J <;) . 0 , <') "" '0 "' C( ~ ~ ... '.... , 'Y-~ ~ \ " , , ' .-:::>:- , ! 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L.OT 4- a....... 2. 00= NO"'T... OIll........NCCl R"'NC:"'l!~ :=:'11 <; T. '.:>, A~ Pl." p.e. 12. Pee... SB. 5'" R...c.o,",o!lo 0.. ~lE",^INO"'" CO".......... F'"-"'. D""'''''''Ii\I!.C;> A... F........o-N:.: BEc".....NI...C. A'T T HtL N.W, c.ol'l 0.. S-...o Lo:" 4-, ~....,'" PT. L..-,....'" 0... A c........"... c.o..<....."... \0''''''' "'.IN. 0.... T~ S'...... k-,..... 00= ~T'O...L... Ro...."" 50.00 FT. w.OE. ., THENc..l!. A.\.ON<::O 5A,0 c........"e, H...." .....0. A R....g,,,.. 0.. 3...,=,.~\ T.......... p.... DIt...T.... AN......1t. 0" :,,-. :,8'-4-{)" A. D,,,,.........o.... 00= ZOI.S? FT. T" T...e.. PO:T.) T.....:.....c;.e. S.2.90-oe"-O~"E. 4-03.78 F=T.; 'T..........c.1I!. 'S 'as'-o<!.'. 37"W 7~.Oo FT.j T..."...c.... N ~+o_ :,<;.'. ,:e; 'N. T........c.&. N. ~+"-5".-2~"W. :3"'7.79 FT.) T.........".:. N 1"'-. 2("-Z?'''W, \4-8,1\ F,. To '''0<. P.v.8. EARCEL "A' l' I hereby certify that the above Survey wa~ made under my supervision and is true and correct to / the best of my knowledge and belief. - 1 ~t~) ~Pu^ /i H""....~...T W P..,~,-,..~ FLA. REG. ~ 2.2.0';;' l ,j , 11 ~-~ ~. . e r DEveLOPMENT ENGINtlRING & DESIGN L.nd Pion..." Soill ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32806 PH. 273-6457 1936 S. CDNY'!AY RO. B-3 Su,veyo" EnginMrl . -~~ o ________ \<..0 p..0 ---;:n- c....'\Ot-l\i!.~ "'t-J '.. '...J . ~ Z:z.-o J\-\ . ~ ~.e,t..- N \.,~.,,!:> PAR-CEo\.- .' B" '3 ,11 o . Jl o .~ I\l 1 ell r- tIl o ~ . I.P. '~, s / ~l~. . '" .~O' " ~I!.T I,P E...CJl.Q....C.K......1l.N,..: NONL D.....,...: I' oZ.\ - 17 DE."'-,",I~'- .0....: 8"'....00 A. Po....,.'o... 0.. Lo"" + B....... 2. OF No...,-.. 0...............0 R___N"-HEe. SlL~"'. E. , A.... Plo:K P 6, \ 2 p,"~. S8 ~ ~"I R~c.o.o. 0.. S......,...o...a ''':'',:)..J~'''''''} F,,-A.. DE......R..'aED ~... Fc,\..l..o.......,.: BIE(iIll......N\Nb A.T \~E. N,E, Co..... )", '5....0 LOT 4, S......o PenN"f \..Y'N'" 0", A. c."...~e:. CONC.....".. To ,..It.. '=>.1:::.0... THt:.. ':'.>E ....... L,NE OF 5-,-"'......0:.... R.....= '5C.CO f',-. W,r::>r:..; T..........c..a T......v A. Di:...,-..... ANC::'-t!:. 0", 14-.",5' I~" A DIH.......~1L 9'" .18.+9 To T",ll. P.T.; THI!NC.1i. > ':><.,' ?~. 4-\ .W. 19(.,. w~ F.,. ',IHEN<.<:. 5 29 - O~-03 E.. 4-0~. 'Ie F,- " T........,e.. '-1,:">':>-..:J!>-31'E.. 770':' Fr.; ,-.........c..... N,OO'-~~'-I4-"W, 43~,,,,e. To ,...e. P,O.13. _Ec~~c.._E, L.. ,"t?'; I hereby certify that the above Survey was made under my supervision and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~A:; W. Gt.1..t. ~__ ~".....~...., 'W. P~.......,....> FLA. RlG,()NO. 2205 . e . . . --II e e 2) NOV 77 City of Winter Springs Gentlemen: I am presently an employee of Burroughs Corporation in Winter Park and desire to establish residence in the city of Winter Springs. For this reason, I am submitting for your consideration this request to allow the division of Lot 4, Block 2, SectionJl into two lots that I may purchase and build upon the west half. Your prompt consideration would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to call upon me at any time for further information. Until our next communication, I am Sincerely Yours, 6~ ?Y\ ~ ~ Joel N. Austin Jr. Burroughs Corp. P.O. Box 1))0 Winter Park, Fl. et ly (!Jf ~. . Inter 3 . City Hall prlngS NOV 29 /;j// RECEIVED Burroughs Corporation . . . e e , November 29, 1977 City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, Fla. Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to introduce myself and to submit for your consideration the authorization to purchase the eastern half of Lot 4 Block 2 Section 5 so that I may build my permanent residence. I am currently residing at 209 Hickory Drive, Longwood, Fla., Sweetwater Oaks. I have been employed for the past seven years by Xerox Corporation as a member of the Marketing Management Staff. As per the instructions contained in the guidelines to be followed when requesting variances, I am submitting a letter from Mr. James D. Hartman present owner of Lot 4 Block 2 Section 5 authorizing his approval of this sale and his authorization for me to petition the Board for permission to purchase this property. I have also enclosed a letter from Mr. Joel N. Austin, the individual that wishes to purchase the western half of Lot 4 Block 2 Section 5. Your prompt consideration will be greatly appreciated and if I can provide further information you may contact me at my office. Office # 894-3450 , Residence # 869-4959. for our cooperation. ~. Calapa City of Winter S . City Hall prmgS NOV 29 l:Jii Xerox Corporation 3319 Maguire Blvd. Orlando, Florida DJCjka RECEIVED . . . '. e e James D. Hartman 3911 Chelsea Street Orlando, Florida 32803 November 26, 1977 Gentlemen: Mr. Dan Calapa, 209 Hickory Lane, Longwood, would like to purchase half of lot 4, section 5, block2, North Orlando Ranches, Seminole County, on Stoner Road between Shore Road and Hayes Road. As owners, we approve of this sale and authorize him to petition the board for permission to split this property. Sincerely yours, .::~~~~ 'R::ft::-: (J- - James D. Hartman, Owner )~.t/h ;;e C7dW,t~ Wartha R. Hartman, Owner City of \yinter Springs Crty Hall NOV 29 1977 RECEIVED '. p. . e e '0.:" ~ ~ APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS .City of Wfr '~,. ,S;Jrings CiiY j"'.a,i .... Application for: D Annexation L:7. Cha~~e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Plat approval L:7 Final Plat approval N C V 2 9 lljll Conditional Use D D '.D Vari~ce RECEIVED Other, Specify Lot Spli tt:i ng ink or type, Calapa Last name P~ease print in * .A-..uplican t J. Middle initial Daniel First name (If the applicant is 209 Hickory Drive Longwood, Florida not the Ohner Mailing address of the subject property, the application must include a letter of authorization signed by the owner.) 32750 Office - 894-3450 Telephone Home- 869-4959 ..,. Legal description of the subject property: North Orlando Ranches, . . Section 2, Tw~ 215, Range 30E, Block 2, Lot 4 Tonal No. acres 3.18 Total No. usable acres 3.18 ~ General location of subject property (including name and type of road which tract abuts) Stoner Road (South Side) Between shore ann Hayp~ Roads, All roads are dirt. RlAA Present zoning classification Present land use Residential Abutting zoning classifications and land uses Same Nature of request:' Desire to split the lot into two lots of apprnximarply 1.59 acres each. Additonal infdrmation (including purpose and intent of request) Myself (Daniel J. Calapa) and Mr. Joel Austin wish to purchase the land for our personal home sites. Neither of us can afford to purchase the complete 3.18 acres and desire to split. Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following information: I' . .e e . .~. :';,... i l~anie6 and addresses of all surrounding property owners lying wi thin 500 ft. of the perimeter bo~nd&ries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 legal size, stacped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed below. 1;.. J;)'r. J. C. Mitchell 3. Carlton .::iTO,(Jc- /z.. 305 ~~ Ro~d Mr. .~ -. '. ',. ~/S---: ~toner Road Winter Springs, Fla. 2. Mr. Dogt.:-arKeyes .:23/ Hayes Road Winter Springs, Fla. 4. Winter Springs, Fla. Mr. 6C--OIl6t--Can ton il 3.5- Hayes Road Winter Sprinqs, Fla. 32707 .I'11l . +-,A.f te 5'. V I a6 /1 '-6--. A rcn &" n... :.3 c; L/ L5' --9 hi .4 ,.,4 I<. 7:>. Lv I -v nnl S /'dJ..u6 ~ ;=:c. 32707 32707 32707 * . 4 Date /1-,;2.9~77 Signature of A."pplicant/owner . .. . '"' '"' .. .. '"' '"' .. >I< . .. .. . '"' . .. '"' . '"' . . . .' For office use only Fee Amount Receipt No. Review .0 Planning and Zoning Board . D Board of Adjustment I D City C.ouncil File Code No. Date Action '. P.ublic Hearing D Planning and Zoning Board ~ Board of Adjustment D City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date * Mr. Obed Graham Hayes Road Winter Springs, Fla. 32707 ,H12 . .l- ~/l5. ;;'0. ,5"1. J""osc..d# b6J' Hit l) e"6'/t/l A./ ~A 'I L/fA.l V, ;:'t. 3;;L7-S" I . .-A11L . C! L. I F'/: 01/...0 roll. Oo-u V'fll ~ 4t!. 5 . 12-06ifte H J ( 1(5 Q(o -4.1L . UOiVl"}l.O A ue'll...Y I q 3 ( Ifill TP(1 ~OA() S-~- 73 AJ. :% _ -.1 S-c":-~/C}A:" /-lA/ d (vi? ~./'9/JT .;2806 ell SS c( I!JFIl..Il...Y /::(. . J2. 707 t.-U / ..u r c..:- /l. /J 1'7 .e)::. /' ~t- 3;Z 78' ? I . TELEPHONE (305) 327-' 000 , . . e e WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 January 19~ 1978 Mr. James C. Pringle Director of Operations Miller Enterprises P. O. Box 908 Crescent City, Florida 32012 Dear Mr. Pringle: Enclosed please find Notice of Public Hearing for your request to place self-service gasoline pumps at the Handy Way Food Store at the intersection of u.S. 17-92 and S.R.419, Winter Springs, Florida. This notice is to be posted on the property at least fifteen days prior to the public hearing. If there is any further information you may need, please let us know. Yours very truly, .. City of Winter Springs Mary T. Norton, City Clerk . . ~ . ~ 0) t, ,. e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Notice is hereby given by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that said Board will hold a Public Hearing for a request for a variance to place self-service gasoline pumps ,at the Handy Way Food Store located at the inter- section of U.S. 17-92 and S.R. 419, Winter Springs, Florida. Public Hearing will be held in the Community Building on North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida, on Tuesday, February 14, 1978 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, at which time interested parties for and against the proposed variance will be heard and final action taken. This notice is to be posted in three public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida and published in the Sentinel Star a newspaper of general circulation in said City one time at least fifteen days prior to the time of the public hearing. Dated this 19th day of January, 1978. Nary T. Norton, City Clerk . . . ~ . ~ e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Notice is hereby given by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that said Board will hold a public hearing for a request for a variance to place self-service gasoline pumps at the Handy Way Food Store located at the inter- section of U.S.lZ-92 and S.R. 419, Winter Springs, Florida. Public Hearing will be held in the Community Building On North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida, on Tuesday, February 14, 1978 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, at which time interested parties for and against the proposed variance will be heard and final action taken. This notice is to be posted in three public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida and published in the Evening Herald, a newspaper of general circulation in said City one time at least fifteen days prior to the time of the public hearing. Dated this 19th day of January, 1978. Mary T. Norton, City Clerk " . TELEPHONE (3051 327.1000 . . l e e WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 January 18, 1978 Re: Variance Dear This letter is to advise you that a public hearing will be held at the Community Building on North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida on Tuesday, February 14, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. to consider a variance to place self-service gasoline pumps at the Handy Way Food Store located at the intersection of U.S. 17-92 and S.R. 419, Winter Springs, Florida. The time of the public hearing will be 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, at which time interested parties and citizens for and against the proposed variance that has been requested will be heard. . This Hearing will be held by the Board of Adjustment. Yours truly, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Mary T. Norton, City Clerk , ,';!lio:.,,;, -~:..;. ~:",.. ,;:;..~\~~:"';;r';-.,;~::r~y-,~,.,,~,",,<,,'t-'., '~""_~::;:;:: ;:;1 11 H' l ~ e October 26, 1975 City of Winter Sp~ings Board of Adjustment Winter Springs, Florida Atten'tion: Hr. Bob Williams, Chairman Deal' Sir: tit I respeotfully requ~st a lot varianoe of lot #6 , section D of . North OrlartdoR~nches fOJ:'py.rposesof aoquiring a building permit to build a home with appt'oximatelY 3~00 sq. ft. of living area. Lot 6 has 456.5 ft. road frontage, 954 deep, or approximately 10 acres. Lot'SA as I designated my purpose lot will be the West 200 ft of origina,l lot. 6,with' approximately 4.39 acres. This leaves the remainder of lot 6 with apprqximately 5 2/3 aores. I submit a survey by M.C. Gordan a registered land surveyor of my purposed lot. By dividing this lot 6 in this way, I think it in no way will be detremental to the surrounding neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration, I remain respeotfully yours, ~~~ Jason T. Butler _ CC: Robert Helton . _ Mary Brunner t/' . Carl Mitchell Larry Pillirin ~. , e e e ~",,/rr c-.:..~>l)oW~. ~ : """:-;' ,;"" .'., '- ;.,-;.\o';.,;.,....;--\,:<~,:" wl .' June t" 7' L..../..(: ~" (- r _J /.) /"J " ~.l J . 71 /)( ~ l... i. 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Aatrili::f~.... .:CLlln8 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . paJ13add13 hII13uosJad A~pO'lJ:~n13 paU~TS.Iapun aq,! aJoJag 3:'10NIW3:S ~o .x.LNi10;) VaIHO'1~ ~o aLV.LS VGmo'L.!I 'X.LNllOO :!I'10NIW:!IS 'G'HOJINVS JadBdsMaN luapuadapuI uv Pf1UaH tiUplaA~ I Evening Hetald An Independent Newspaper SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared........................... . . . . ~.~~.~ . F. ~. ':~~':'~.~Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . who on oath says tha~e is .... q.~r~~.~. ~~~~g~~............... .of the EVENING HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- lished at Sanford, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertise- ment, being a................. .l:-~.g~~. N~.~~.q~.................... .in the matter of p.':J~~~.~. .~~.~~~r:tg. R.~.:.. ?~~.~,:,".~~;I:V~.i;:~. g.~~.~~~.Fo1~. P.l:l~.P~.. ?l.~. .~/:1~........ !"!~~~Y. . ~.~Y. X~~~. ?~9.:r:~. ).~~.E!~~c;I. .~~ . !J.~?~. . . .in the. . ~.~ ~.~~.~~. .. .. Court, 17-92 and S.R. 419 was published in said newspaper in the issues of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~~l:I ~.:r:Y. . ?~. . . ~ ~.'?~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... . Affiant further says that the said EVENING HERALD is a newspaper published by The Sanford Herald, Inc., at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole Count~ Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~.1;I:l. . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ............... ..;J.~~4?1~Y.. 19.?~. I" '- . . 4~<~:~'f. . f>?-'~/:":. : . . ...R-<<.~..K'~.... (SEAL) Notary Public Notary PUbric, State of FlorIda at (arSi. My Commission Expires June 18, 1979 . ""~"""""""'-""'.""""~""""""''''I'l_]TI ""~"""""'''-'''''''''''''''''''''-''~''''~'''-''''"'''-''"'';," [,1"' . ,......" .... "...""'-><<""".-",.-...""""'....,,~-....~~:.~,"" / ;.. 1''''' " III --I,d i ", ' \... . --- .. ...~ ,.t DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING & DESIGN land Planners 1936 S. (;oNWA V RD. 8-3 Soill SurveYOR Engineers PH. 273-8467 ;~ ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32808 ,.~: ~ ~ ~ "'"- ENCJI.O~C.HMa.N'T.: l'oJoN'" D~"Te.. ~ ., ..z., - i.., fSaJ.....,.voR. ~ ~o~ ~P..""'&,, De..c.R..\ P'T 'O~: ~I!UNClIl' A. FbR.'T'o,,", OF', \.,.o-r + B",K.. 2. ,OF ',No,,"T'" 0"'-"""'00 R;~Nc:,."Uit6 SEC."-, S . A.. Psu-. RB,\2 P<!as. 108 .. ~1O};R"c:o.-.ol!al, Oil S"tI\\~\,," c.ou...a,...,. ) F....~, DEsc-..'ee.o, ".. F=o...l..ows: BE.GUNN\Na-. AT \t4t!. N.E.. Co..., OF S""C LoT 4-, 5NO ~'N"f \......'NGI O~ A. CY....""'.. CONC."''''-'-ro,,,,,e.. ~.E. O~ THE. ~.E."s..v 'LlNE OF: S"C)t-l~tIt. ROAC '50.00 FT, W"::::Je..; T,""ENc:.e. T~...u ~ " O~LT~ ANCiIIl~ Op ,4--. '5'. 15M A Dl"T~Nc:... OF "78,~ '0 T~.. R-r:; -r;.aN~. "'" S.Scco-ZZ!..4'''W. 19(;","5 F...,;,.....ENc.a <5.Z9o..0$'-O~"E.. 4o~...,eF,-.;Tt-\""'c.a. : N,.350..O!.'-31"E.. 77.0~ FT. ; T""aNCiA. N.OOo.. 5~'- '4' W, 43~.cC6 To T~e. Ro,e. ~'A~c.f!!! \... "e" .............. .,-.-j ""... . ...,,,l.\ _ 'C r'::" ....".. or " - .:." ~Ic..' ~'I.~ .... ' . . 'I her~ certify that the above Survey was made under my $U~~i6~~-a!lnd correct to l1e best of my knowledge and belief. ' [~ !:;:~Di/i.1,/lJ~'~~ '~~' \ '" .' ~ ~M' ~ll~J.~ ~l 1 . 'Ii 'cU' -;, .. " \", fY.),' 'I ': . '< '" ~Q"'~p)'''"" ,',. .,: p" If ' , iI" ~/f'.ti~~~~..1 , ~~~-t'.w..R.i~*..~';~':., ..f.~ R -.,. N r?6'p..O E.~ r- c::,'\o~. . 4-''''+1, ~ e40o..az;- \~~,~& ' :s~,. "~Po .1 '0 ~ all y " I, ~ =.n o I -an o .' ~ Z , <;;) Q --- . 9ARC.e.L.. ~ o/Ol~, ' " \~. ,~IMJ"'f : 11' _ B" ,,:, " A#fIIto; ,. ~ . r "I::y ~ ~ / l.~ . . ". .... -<00' /,'.' ..',........ .. ... 1>,.AJ "t."ifAt'tt'..>:' .,/t':,JI ,'" ~~'" ' ,"; "':':",I~ _,"/j J.':J~ '. j'~ I',t' :..~.ii1i:~L' ::;, , " ql ffi;l!;'; ;,:,,: 1,"-~:'\'\ co r-- jl) _ 0 t ~,; m' .1 ,,,.,. .. ',,'"' ?",<::! .';. ~ . t. ~.';~~i~;~ .~','~'..r ~ i.(ii \,., ,,\t. 11": ;~ ,~ "f "..,....,..-'......,""'...... _~'......."'_,....."'....~.',~".,._.,,,_~,.,, i.~..'-i.'..,-..,.."',.<~."",~'''''''_~_._,,~'''''"'i+;H "",...., '-' Ii - - II .t""'" ..\- " ", 'f NOTICE OF PUBLI~ HEARING CITY OF WIh~ER SPRINGSJ FLORIDA Notice is hereby given by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter SpringsJ Florida that said Board will hold a Public Hearing for a request for permission to build two homes on Lot 9J Block BJ North Orlando Ranches Sec. lJ P.B.12J Page 3J Seminole County. Public Hearing will be held in the Community Building on North Edgemon AvenueJ Winter SpringsJ Fla.J on TuesdaYJ February 14J 1978 at 7:30 p.m.J or as soon thereafter as. possibleJ at which time interested parties for and against the proposal will be heard and final action taken. This notice is to be posted in three public places within the City of Winter SpringsJ Florida and published in the Evening Herald and Sentinel StarJ both newspapers of general circulation in said City One time at least fifteen days prior to the time of the public hearing. Dated this 19th day of JanuarYJ 1978. Mary T. NortonJ City Clerk ~"""'c;= ~ .~~-~, \ o o o Board of Mjustment Ci ty of Winter Springs Jan'lary 17, 1978 Mayor Troy Piland Winter Springs City Council Winter Springs, Florida Dear Mayor Piland and Council Members. The following information is submitted relating to the status of the Board of Adjustment. a. An administrative meeting was held Monday evening, January 16, 1978 for the purpose of organizing and establishing a Public Hearing: date for those variance requests pending action. b. Mrs carrie Weaver was auuointed acting Chairperson, pending appo intment of add i tional members. c. Mrs Weaver will arrange another administrative meeting for the purpose of briefing newly apDointed members concerning their Board resuons ibilities Dr ior to the next regular Board meeting. ~ ~ ~~ c. Public Hearings for pending ections are schedu'_ed for Tuesday, February rf., 197~ /j~ p,.,. d.. To.e 0c.)l"cil is requested to fill the two existing vacancies wi thout (jelay to preclude any further interruDtions in the business of the Bo ard. e. I recommend that the Council consider placing a qualified Zoning Board member as a consultant with the Board of Adjustment for an interim period during Bdminis trati ve meetings and also during the forthcoming Public Hearings. I cons ider this an urgent requirement. The above actio ns, and this memorandum will co ncl 'lde my par tic iDation wi th the ~ ard. Respe~ ~ THOI\: JS K. CR AVEN Copy to. Mrs Norton, Ci ty Clerk Mrs Weaver, Bd of Adj o "'~'_"m~C" ~r 'C..' ~ '1 . T I' ';!~\~'firiJJi?'~""-~.'-""---'~:~~~4>~~~:':;;:;;:~~~~~'~~+~~~':'-I . / Q \ "\ q~ ~1;'8.~'J" ~, Z~. ._' ~Y ~~ 74, ~f'2---- ~ ~~/ f ,.Ij I ,,11.' ....... .Jo' 1#1 · - .:J. : ~, ~E-T " P. ~i'.(I'" I. ~\ h~SI Ij_~ ~t: \ , C k .I (( ,~ .' /' ., \' I, / ~ /..u '/ ~t'i -~, !C.~.1" -- r-~ I. ------- , ..file) /0 I.,' (f'O ". r -- -- -- 6 ",: ~---- . ~".-. " 4 41- fl. fS ' I ! ,. (I A. ,()I · -,.t. L = <I J. , , ' /--, ... / 5 " -- ---- " ........ z. /l. ., Zo ~O. IV ;c~4 ~o~t!=.< \ o.~ . ., ~ $ 1!-.4 f ,.. 'r '(" \ , _ ' ~G S I . -_ c;-\ oS - - .~ 6o-Jt - -- \ o'/O.E --- /~,.-; /-:- -" - - -l~ ~: -- ." ..' t ,~, : - . o ..!'..;,.. ~"",;;; ("n_' It' o TELEPHONI5 (3061 327.1000 Q Q -">"'....''''...-' , o o WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 January 18, 1978 Re: North Orlando Ranches Section 2, Block 2, Lot 4 Dear This letter is to advise you that a public hearing will be held at the Community Building on North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida on Tuesday, February 14,1978 at 7:30 p.m. to consider a variance to divide a lot on the above described property. The time of the public hearing will be 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, at whi<th time interested part.ies and citizens for and against the proposed variance that.has been requested will be heard. This Hearing will be held by the Roard of Adjustment. Yours truly, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~r~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk o , o 'co .. .... TELEPHONE (3051 327-1000 ~" .' , ~ ~ ~ ""'" .0 o WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 January 18, 1978 Evening Herald P. O. Box 1657 Sanford, Fla. 32771 Dear Sirs: Enclosed please find notice of public hearing for'the City of Hinter Springs, Florida to be published one time as soon as possible. Please send bill and proof of publication to this office. Thank you. Yours truly, CITY OF HINTER SPRINGS Mary T. Norton, City Clerk i ~":.J;":":d'"'' :: '''*f-r; ~, '-J . o o ~ c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA To Whom It May Concern: , Notice is hereby given by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that said Board will hold a Public Hearing for a request for a variance to divide lot on the following described property: North Orlando Ranches Section 2, Block 2, Lot 4. Public Hearing will be held in the Community Building on North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida, on Tuesday, February 14, 1978 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, at which time interested parties for and against the proposed variance will be heard and -final action taken. This notice is to be posted in three public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida and published in the Evening . Herald a newspaper of general circulation in said City one time at least fifteen days prior to the time of the public hearing. Dated this 18th day of January, 1978. c Mary T. Norton, City Clerk o "~ "" ~ c. .. ; .. o TELEPHONE (305) 327.1000 , ~ c o - ,u - ~ ." , A ~ r' .0 o WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 January 19, 1978 Sentinel Star Legal Advertisements P. O. Box 2833 Orlando, Florida 32802 Dear Sirs: Enclosed please find notices of public hearings for the City of Winter Springs, Florida .to be published in the Legal Review on ~. 26, 1978. ~. Please send bill and proof of publicatio" to this office. Thank you. Yours truly. CITY OF WIN1"~l~ sPIlHws Mary T. Norton. City Clerk .., """""<",.."",, ,'''.. '~~. .., o TELEPHONE (305) 327-1000 ~ o o . r ... ",... " ....v" ,",. "" ''''.".,.~.''..- . . o 0.1 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 January 19, 1978 Mr. Daniels Calapa 209 Hickory Drive Longwood, Fla.32750 Dear Mr. Calapa: Enclosed please find notices of public hearing to be posted on the property at least fifteen days ~efore the public hearing. If there is any further information you need relating to the Public Hearing, please call this office. Yours very truly, ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~r~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ~~:(Sr'^. o o ~-o "';."M<t.;mz,l1._" _' "';i&i;':i:t:t.~;;L.~,,~:,,~ -.-fit) ,",-,- " o --~ o I/: t./ ;9" OJ 119 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Notice is hereby given by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that said Board will hold a Public Hearing for a request for a variance for a set back on the following described property: Lot One (1), Block N, North Orlando Terrace, Section 4, Unit 1, Plat Book 17, page 30 of the Seminole County Public Records. Public Hearing will be held at the Community Building on North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida, on Tuesday, February 14, 1978 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, at which time interested parties for and against the proposed variance will be heard and final action taken. This notice is to be posted in three public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida and published in the Sentinel Star, a newspaper of general circulation in said City one time at least fifteen days prior to the time of the public hearing. Dated this 19th day of January, 1978. Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ~iL:;.;2,~ ',..' : '., ')1 "] ",.~ .~ ~ ':10 ~ r 0- o o \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC BEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA & Notice is hereby given by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that said Board will hold a Public Hearing for a request for a variance for a set back on the following described property: Lot One (1), Block N, North Orlando Terrace, Section 4, Unit 1, Plat Book 17, page 30 of the Seminole County Public Records. r--- Public Hearing will be held at the Community Building on North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida, on Tuesday, February 14, 1978 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, at which time interested parties for and against the proposed variance will be heard and final action taken. This notice is to be posted in three public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida and pub1ished.in the Sentinel Star, a newspaper of general circulation in said City one time at least fifteen days' prior to the time of the public hearing. Dated this 19th day of January, 1978. Q Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ,0 ~ , o TELEPHONE (305) 327.1000 o o _.~ r. -- >r " ..- o Q WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA ZIP CODe 32707 January 19, 1978 Re: Variance for a set back Dear This letter is to advise you that a public hearing will be held at the Community Building on North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida on Tuesday, February 14, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. to consider a variance for a set back on the following described property: Lot One (1), Block N, North Orlando Terrace, Section 4, Unit 1, P.B. 17, page 30 of the Seminole County Public Records. The time of the public hearing will be 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, at which time interested parties and citizens for and against the proposed variance will be heard. This hearing will be held by the Board of Adjustment. Yours truly, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS /7l~-r~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ri7T" r , lr"'-'"'~'~ , r"'ra ' 1tIP"'<....., . , . <1ft, / , ' I ,j ,; :' I, :, I I /.0 i/ I / , , of ,..'" 1/ ()O, ~ IfID -l,- - Ii. I" 3 I "'III' " ......... ..' I. P. -----... - II- ..... z ~.~ l~ - .."",'. ~ ..~~~~ t~11 \)t.,C ~tCt.\\jt\) PLAT Of SURVEY '2" Lo 11, A Lit'. "1./; NOll 711 aLL A AI DO "Rr6.M~e !feT/o^, 4 or UNlr / AS .11:0_0 IN 'lAT 1001( 17. ,..11 It) 0' THI 'UllIC RICORO. 01 1'HINaLeCOAJNTY. 'U)IIIDA "ltTI"CATE DATI Of IUIWIY: , """., ,,,,,,,, ,.., rll' ,... ..",nll ~...~. AU4. ","1. ~:-&.l:~:Z~~'~I4M lCALI: I":r 'O~ I. . ,.". ... HIIII.' """"......."." .u.lfLT1l' .. ,.. ..,. tIOl .,.ne,. "J.8l.' lIP ....... .. -",., ~ 'I .". " .~ . .. AUA OWCINI' ~a...1C _.1.......1...... .. .. ...u aua. ....~..... HLMIM. PL~ _ .....,. SENTINEL STAR Pilblished Daily Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida ADVERTISING CHARGE $8.33 ~hde of Jtflorioa ( COUNTY OF ORANGE \ SS, Before the undersigned au';hority personally appeared Marie M. Minner , who on oath says that NOTICE OF PUBLIC .reARING CITY OF WINT€R SPRINGS, FCORIDA Notice Is hereby given by the Boord of Adjustment of'the City of Winter Springs,. Florida that said- Boord will hold a Public Hearing for ' a request for, a,' Y.CIriance for a set back on the following described properly: Lol..One (I), Block N, ~~r:\ ~~t~~ol"{f;a~~'lIeS~8t~p Ih~ Seminole Counfy Public Records. Public Hearing will 'be.. he!.d. 1#,.. the Community 8ulldlng 011 :'N!1dIL Ed. gemon Avenue, Winler Springs, Florida, on TueSday, Februarv 14, I ~WJ'ta~:3go~sW,Ye,oralasW~~~~ W~; Inleresled parties for ahd lIgalhsllhe . , proposed variance will be heard and finalacfion"token. Tl)ls notice Is 10 be P<l$ted In three public plot:es, wlthill the City of Winler Springs, Florida and pub. IIshed in the. Sentinel Slar, a new. spaper of general circulation In said Cltv one tim'e at least fifteen days priar ta fhe time' of the pUblic hearing, 19?8~led this 19th day of January, MARY T. NORTON' City Clerk LR.743(6S) JanuorY26,1978 she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Sentinel Star, a daily newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of Notice of Public advertisementh being a ~ 14, 1970 re: ~equest tor Lot. One. etc.. Hearing in the matter ofF e b rua r y VarlanCe, in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of January 26. 1978 Affiant further says that the said Sentinel Star is a newspaper published at Alta- monte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the ,said newspaper has hereto- fore been continuously published daily in said Seminole County, Florida, and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in ,said Sem- inole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, permission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1)1t1~~~ /77 26th /)-' {/J .I _~-''''''1'7,'-),i--$~-c.-/ day of January 78 , A,D. In:-:=---tJ. . I ( 0I.i-#/ ifLtU-;/ d/ cd'/?;h./ , Notary Public. Nct-::r~" r~..'- !>: r:. - I';' :-L_~.~:~__, r.:~t lo\"-;"'!e M1~ C>.::;Y~m~:;'::~ \ "2, 1:.:-9 ~ Bonded Ly A.,~,',:,.,;, ~;;c 4. C.:;;'J":;, Co. FORM 291 r SENT!NEL STAR Published Daily Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida ADVERTISING CHARGE $8.33 ~tate of JlfIorloa ( COUNTY OF ORANGE \ SS, Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Marie M. Minner , who on oath says that published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of Notice of Public Hearing advertisement, being a in the matter of. t e ~ a u a r y 14, 1978 re: Request tor a varlance La d V e lot North Orlando Ranches, in the Court, etc., was published in said newspaper in the issues of NOTICE OF PUBLIC Hi!ARING CITY OF WINTER' . SPRINGS, FLORID'" To Whom It Mpy Concern: , , N()llce Is hereby given lilY the Board 01 Adlustment !If'the Cllv ()f\~ Wlnt~r Springs, Florida that said' BoUrd will hold a PubliC Hearing lor a request 11lr a varlallCetll' dIVIde lot. on the lollowlng,descrJlledllroperty: North Orlando Ranch?s section 2. Block, 2, Lot 4. .. ; ." Public Hearing will be .held In the Comrnunily Building on North Ed. oemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida, on Tuesday, February 14. 1978 ,at 7:30 P.I11., or as soon ther. eafter QSpOsslbte, qt " whfch time interested portle~ lor and'lIgalnstthe proPOsed variance willJle heard and linal action taken. '. . This'notlceAs1l> be Po$led In three public places wlthln-.lhe Cily 01 Winter Springs, FI()rida and pub. IIshed In the Sentinel 'Star a new. spaper ot, general'clr~ulallonin said ," City one time at least fifteen days prior to the time 01' the public hearing. . 19?8~ted this .1?lh day of Januarv. MARY T. NOR:rON, Clly Clerk , , LR-746(6S) JanuarV26,1978 she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Sentinel Star, a daily newspaper T::lnll::lry ?fi, lCJ78 Affiant further says that the said Sentinel Star is a newspaper published at Alta- monte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has hereto- fore been continuously published daily in said Seminole County, Florida, and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Sem- inole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, permission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. /J1~ in ttl/;~--rl--r~~,i Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day 78 'A.D~l . 11 / ", 414/ ith.t:.'t./(!bi,/ Notary Public. m January ~ t,:y c~,'>;:;' Ilondecl Ly A;;,:.i:C:':.. Nc~~r~t r:;,~;,~; r.' .'.,. ~. ":'~~.r1~ {"'" 'f"'1"'"!~ .- ~::~. D, lc;7? u C.;"l'c:i'y Cc>. FORM 291 C FROM THE DESK OF MARY NORTON 10/21/77 ~ Mr. Pellerin: Belmont Homes submitted a new application today, 10/21/77. Please return all this paperwork to me because I will have to set up a public hearing. Please let me know the date of your next meeting. ~~CJ~ ....;~.:.,'t . . r APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS City qf ~inter Springs CIty Hall OCT 21 1977 ~~ . Application for: D Annexation D Ch~€;e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Plat approval L:7 Final Plat approval D Ii;] -.D Conditional URECEIVED Vari~ce . Other, Specify Elease print in ink or type_ . .A;pplican t Belmont Hamme. Inc., a Florida CO~pn~A~;nn Last name Middle initial First name (If the applicant is not the O\..-ner of the subject property, the application must include a letter of authorization 450 E. Seminola Blvd.. Casselberry, Fl. 12707 Mailing address ". 831-7115 Telephone signed by the owner.) t Lot One (1) . Blo ck "Ntt. NORTH ORLANDO Legal description of the subject proper y: _ - . 'rerrace, Section 4, Unit 1, Plat Book 17., page 30 of the Seminole County Public Records To<b.al No. Total No. usable acres General location of subject property (including name and type of road which tract abuts) most southeriy corner of inte-rsection of Mnrphy Rn::ld and Court, in City of Winter Springs, Fl. " .. Cypress PIesent zoning classification R-l Present land use Residential Ab tt zon;ng classifications and land uses u :ing ... R-l. residential Nature of request:' City desires to up-grade zoning to require 1000 sqlla~e feet, nf In order the 25 foo~ ~~~ haek from both neceasa rd the real lot line . The dist~ce from the deepest part of the curve of CyPress Court to the ~ear lot line is 65 feet. In order to set back 25 feet from C~press Court, it ~11 be ne~e~sary I to build 10 feet from rear lot line. We request that we be permitted to bUild 10 feet ~ from rear lot line. Bear in mind that the rear lot line borders on a 100 foot electric power easement and would not be near any persons residence. (SEE ATTACHED PLOT PLAN) " .... , " Names and addresses of all surrounding property owners lying within 500 ft..~f the perimeter boundaries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 lebal size, stacped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed. below. 1;.. List provided as attached. 3. , ' 2. 4. , ~~ . . Date 10/21/77 Signature of Applicant/owner President For office use only Fe e 12J .() ,...J Amount 5/7r Receipt No. File Code No. Review Date Action '0 D D Planning and Zoning Board Board of Adjustment I City C.ounci1 Public Hearing D Elanning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment L:7 City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date "., \ I j -. ". " . '. "\ f. . ... .. I ~,j ~ ~.-~- , . t . l-~, ... I ~ ~ ~ z I WT W SU(WEY 'a Lt:J7 /, AL~~; Nc~.,/I OLLA /JOO 7ft6.M~" IfC'.TICN 4> Dpfl UNIT I AI ....1 . "-AT ItOOIC 17 "'1 1" 0' TNI taU.LIC RICORD. OI1~HI"~C(NNTY. '1.01I11& CIIfTl"CArE DATI or IUIWIV: I""". U/m,., rw, r_ UIlf~~Hi'lN. AtJ4, J/,I'71, ==.fu:rJl,t"I.J:~...~..., ,.... 1CA1.1: 1M = ~o. I. of ,.. .. ....., .".,.,,,,.,,,,, .lIt"" ..",. . tIOl M.nc.. /UJ.4Z..'" ........ ... ."., ..<:J '1'" " .~ . ~ c-., ......; "Ie --I ~/""" _.. ..... IUI. ............ .....-. "'..., - ......" ..~ I I " . ... ". t { " tl. ~, . -' ~.' :"" i\'i,. 'fill; '" '/. ("~'~_ '",A J " ..,. ~. 5 .~. . z PLAT ~ SURVEY f. LOT I, ALII. ':<I; Noll. 711 aLL A WOO ""6.M~1I '~C.Tlo^, 4> DF UNIT I AI RI1>>MID IN ~AT lOOt( 17 ,.11 1~ 0' THI: ftUILIC ..I:CO"DI 0I1'MIN~C~TY. "."IDA CEII'IF'CArE DATI: OF SURVEY: I """n ~lItTl" rlMT TII'.... --tlt:;. ~Hi.". A "'-""." II' ~ .. ",AT ,.",. "" U~, ", 1'7. '''Uf-fj IIII'm. ."". ",U MI..", "'" ICAJ.I : IN:If ~o ~ II it ,Ii", MIll ~..."' ",M,.,n""", . _ _. ,.",...,,, JOI MOon". ~J,"z.a ", ."....,.. .... .1.11' f' fl ~ ,. .~ &Z ~'~IC ___/1l.-.I/~ _.. ...... IUI. .... ..... ..... .ft....., "'..." _ .,...... (. / -.---.-- -'It-- , \ -- ------- - -- I" 'II, ( \ ~O'FLA. PoweR EASM'7. , Q.R. 353 / PG: 51 7 --~~ ,00 , -'-" 1 ---- 12 3. ~/ 2-"p..J '. 10/. 7 // // / ! \ -----... -,6=01.3,'58'1 /J..::: .51"-.18 I L= /5.0/' 1.10 10 . 1/ .... ,00' ; i il. .~ 5/'55 '/8" , Il~ 50' L.t" 45.31' ~, :::---:... PLow . >;:::::=:.:-::::-------. It' .~ ~<..: I \. '~Cyp~ - -:~S$ Co~ L1 .::: 18"06' 38" /l--=- 20,00' L= :3"'.Z" PL07 PLAN LOT /) ..gL~. )v; Nt/A 7# O,QLANOO TERRACE I ..sIECTION 4 01= U;\//7 / /:,B. /7/ Pc;.. .30/ SG'U /NOL f: CO./ FLA. ,t)A TE" oc.r. 2 e~ /97' ..,fCAL'e: /1/=30' No 7'E: ---- ELEV. DATUI-1 A~~I.)Ml?O \ . \,j lq ~% '" " "" ~ '-l '-.J ".I \J ...... .. ""' "", """i -.,J ~ '..a , ."" ~ ~ ~ '-,. ~ ''-.1 '-.i "oJ " \.. .'" "'4 '"' \J -'~"~ ~ , ,.s. -,'~ }::~~.\=:.. l~<~ ..;"minob GlYclJ ! ".'i_, . r:i ,:!?'7r..'1 'W..Js~,_,....,.ry, j, \".!;;;;,.".'v ~~~. ~JI2..clp. Lo"t to T 'l. '<J loT '3 '" LoT <t \'1 L.O"T So " \ LOT (. 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"'?'o. ~ox ~'ff~ C~t...A.ubo ~~?co 4o'i .&.k AwT....Oll:.NE. Q Ill.. z...1 ~ bee:\, u.-. c... 'Zl3. I. I. "Z..C C\ It 2.0., " 2.05> \, 20 ~ " aot " z.o" " z...o 4. tl ;z.o<,;. II ~8 I' ~\ tl \. 805 I'V\W\.~ ~. 30""1 1\ 40 \ \, bOI E~E!Nv\e- tQ05 " Ps II1A-.1 /1'/ MlMh'1(J. \\ ~ " . Lt.T ~ ~t.~ \4 ?ATjl.I(!.I~ F 'i2.. e. A l.JoS .s. t:b6cmoN 'b1C. . Crt-tL I.. I) , ~~e.~A~A 1... .s,. (i"tt.... 1107 II -. UT z., . 'b'hj\,) " I U:.T 30 KetO.: /L"T L. ,. C.~4\~LOTTe qat; I ~A~~~~" '" l.oT 31 \S"O~,.;> Q.. , ~ ~ E l4:) ,"0",", € 411 I. '" \ LoT 3~ ~1'!l,",\I fC:\'T 0 tL-c! i< ~ rn~i:le'-/n)6 A\.4TO~'^,C QI'3 It '-..l LoT 2., \a L~ I'VI ""'3'e:>k~ ~o~ 6 ~n. $1'3 ;;06~MOIIJ' ......... Lc:., ~~ \.U \\... \ Ar ""' C ., ~1Q~'j2." G N\'A"I~ ~" h "-i \.l))l..B~It..t b . .h\ ~l:lC.l:>~N SO, I, LoT '11 " 'J.: l\} c:. ~ . b ""-.,) Lc,. ~~ ~ ~me S. (3. , 0\ ~lZ. e. lA ~ }:. e. j\) T So., " . Ilia ~ T,\)'Y€~ ~ LoT 33 ~~ P)I\;)C l~ If ?PlilC:IColr:!l (""n 50S " ~ to.,. .3'1 --;So,",...:. ~ ; 12l.lZ.~SE TJrIo (.. M' ~o~ I, lie ~ eLl... '" ~ /..or .!>s. 1<1:>t\)~\..'b L' ~~tl~bA ~. Ie. I 1\0":) <- lIS Zl). ~ m,-,~PH )' american title insurance company 639 EAST COLONIAL DRIVE. P.O. BOX 325. ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803. (305) 896-4777 June 28, 1977 Mr. Jack Sapp Belmont Homes 450 E. Seminola Blvd. Casselberry, Florida 32707 Re: Lot 1, Block N, North Orlando Terrace Section 4, Unit 1 17/30 Seminole Dear Mr. Sapp: Attached is a list of properties located within a 500' radius from the subject property. The owners names and addresses were obtained from the 1976 Seminole County Tax Rolls. Some properties may have changed owners since the time of publication. I hope this will benefit you. Sincerely, ~H' -- Chuck Harmon a subsidiary of The Continental Corporation TELEPHONE (305) 327-1000 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 January 27, 1978 Mr. James C. Carder, President Belmont Homes, Inc. 450 E. Seminola Blvd. Casselberry, Fl. 32707 Dear Mr. Carder: Enclosed please find Notice of Publi~ Hearing which is to be posted on the property at least 15 days before the public hearing. If there is any further information you may need, please let me know. Yours truly, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ~~ Annexation D f}i! "D 'C}~ or~. C}~l)t$r o J.t $h... ~ C i7q ""/1} ~ ~ .. , . 8; Condi t. Use ~~y' Variance ~V() Other, Specify ~ N. o t: ,.l:.~.. t APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Application for: D D D D Gha~&e of zoning Preliminary Plat approval Final Plat approval P~ease print in * .APplicant ink or type, '13 ec it'll Last name R. Middle initial (If the applicant is not the OViller of the subject property, the application must include a letter of authorization signed 4/1 (Y) u (e-J.. j Mailing addres 'J /?c/ / U//n'l&12 ~{/;~~:.i So fl. d1fj 5 pia. J;) ')'~ , I 834- '-I1.f?? Telephone by the owner.) Legal description of the subject property: to f- I:') BI J( (,. Fe) I- rn 00 ,..... . . \ U W"'\ \. t" j.... 9G \ct P frs '1 (J i' 1 I '7 To;hal No. acres Total No. usable acres 7 .. General location of which tract abuts) ~iO(\ subject property (including name and type of road (r.f)&,nee ().r "lY1urOA./ ;.- flu/I( ifl Svc;c;r (!,,eeeA' , I I PIesent zoning classification If - / Present land use /f{)mp~ Abutting zoning classifications and land uses j 4-m r;, . Nature of request:' WC/JI- ft.' 4..) h, c,h WD u Ld 170 I- b('~ .:)() t u q (2 i Cine.. e- IS r1 e ec/ <!.dJ. Additonal infdrmation (including Cttrl d 5 j 1:1,(/7 ;:' I!-o m Fc;m I !:j fZo eM t?1 IJ 12(; pC" ~!:J / I flen , purpose and intent of request) Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following information: " .. .~ . .{?'.~. t '. i:ames' and addresses of all surrounding property owners lying wi thin 500 ft. of the perimeter bo~nd&ries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 legal size, stac~ed, addressed envelopes for each property mmer listed below. 1. m R. Y- tnl< s ''PQd! . J e/.5 rnCA- . \. '-I / ().: J:i.s.., //1 C I. . u..)i~ !-p!Z 5p(LII1Cj~. Flee, 3a 'J{)'7 2. Me +m~s (Y}llJdcJo Fqt?/n~ fa d. I (1.1 0 r p A/ iG-J. tU/f)Jf'f2 5pR.., "9~ Flu- .3J '707 3. me i-fYl/(s /3/// Londo /) 409 11 urfJA l'lfci , Llj,/;/~R. 5jJl2.iYJt(r; F IlL. 3d 'It) 1 4. Date Id/aJ/~ Signature of / I A"pp1icantjowner 1/ W-;J L/~_. . ' . ,(<Y~4-7( i! - !Juk'ilJ f) '" ~ . . '" '" * '" * '" '" '" '" * '" '" '" '" * '" '" '" '" '" '" *'" '" "" For office use only Fee File Code No. Receipt No. Amount Review 'z=7 Planning and Zoning Board L:7 Board of Adju~tment L:7 City Cnuncil Date Action Public Beari~ L:7 Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment L:7 City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date