HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 10 21 Regular -. ,~ . c. -'~ -- ~ .. e --.... ~- e .J APPLICATION CITY OF 1'lINTER SPRINGS I '. !.e It e Application for: D Annexation D Ch~e;e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Plat approval L:7 Final Plat approval L:7. Conditional Use g Vari~ce . . D Other, Specify Elease print * .Applicant in ink or type -PH"~' Last nam t.. Middle initial Be <iCe. First name {If the applicant is not the O\..-ner of the subject property, the application must include a letter of authorization signed 421- VJD Mailing address 1-141.1 ~ f "-.D .2.1>J (! ,\Jtc/~ 831-- 9 ZI1 Telephone by the owner.) Legal description of the subject property: Lo r S-c., B/cc../~ 4, . cSee'riDN Cf" " UAJ"r Z, No. O/~,-. l~l2.ttl4c..tL To;hal No. acres Total No. usable acres General location of subject property (including name and type of road which tract abuts) N(!J . J..IA-~-r-JoHi,~ (!,iR.... .. PIesent zoning classification I~-;/ Present land use J-/o m ~ Abutting zoning classifications and land uses /2-1 r Co AJ S nec.t c. T Sc.e t!. c..c.J.e..o bo ~c: H I L1'AJ-C.. Pot;: SErc. 4./-9-- 3~ Pt4124 ~~~ PAteA (! ) L.6 ) Additonal infdrma~ion (including purpose and intent of r~uest) Le 5.5 ~~ Nature of request:' jrb TI-IAr..) Z~ I ..p~I>~f" Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following information: ,I ,.. " .e' e ... ... ". l~ames ~nd addresses of all surrounding property owners lying within 500 ft. ~f the perimeter boundaries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 lebal size, stacped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed below. 1._ ." 3. , ' 2. 4. "Date loftt/"'7 Signature of 4~~../ ~/~ ) APPlicant/owner~~ . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . .. For office use only Fee File Code No. Amount Receipt No. Review Date Action e '0 D D Board of Adjustment , Planning and Zoning Board City C.ouncil Public Hearing L:7 Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment L-~ City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date e ,,, e e e e . To Whom it May Concern: e October 10, 1977 Be it hereby understood that we, the undersigned neighbors of Boyce and Nanci Phillips who reside at 424 North Hawthorn Circle in the city of Winter Springs, have no objection to their building a screened in porch attached to the above said property. ~. -r:;;A-n1~.t1J ?!..a..u~-, ~ tr~. (QA~ -- </~ 19 \"'~~1 'j ,/1 ;/ ,'- , '..", -_r;~~ ._,/. ~~v?~ . ./ e e - ...... e e City Of ~. C' Inter S . Ity Hall prlngs OCr 21 J9; COnditiOm Use / Vari"1lce feE/liED Other, Specify APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Application for: D Annexation L:7 Cha~~e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Plat approval L:7 Final Plat approval D /J? ..D Elease print in * .A,.nnlican t ink or type. (..Jo.LL~l'~LQ.ej~r'" I Last name A. Biddle initial Mea ,. J.( First name (If the applicant is 5tJ~ LOl'lqI4J('Ii'H} - (J\I';~do IlJ not the o~~er Mailing add~ess of the subject property, the application must include a letter of authorization signed by the o\mer.) t.},'",- t., r Sf ~,'ItI'$, Fl. 3~ 707 A 305 Telephone 321-005 ( General location of subject property (including n~me and type of road which tract abuts) S. ~ _ "(3'1 a.t- ,~;~...t'll!''''' ~"+"4"'r~ i 11 t., Har,'.,,,,,J,,. _ \I.. llG.:) ~ . c- \ Present zoning classification Present land use Abutting zoning classifications and land uses C - ( -fU'~fc("iy o..""d ~-\ {V\.o~:k k()t'\~ f'~k .:z 0 tl\t!...c:{ VQ.c.o..lf\ T Nature of request:' E)l.T-e...J. va.t/'",....""c.p t:=t'>'f"' 0.."'- c:u!d:+:I'\"'....1 ~rE''''("' _o..Un~:~J do,sble ,..;Je (V\.n\o~ Le \n.c.....~ 0.4) 0... o;;...L~s C'lFF:t" Additonal information (including purpose and intent of request) Reouests which require a public hearing must also include the following in fOrI::a tion: " -" -. tit I. e , .. .e e within 500 applicant for each lrames and addresses of all surrounding property owners lying ft. of the perimeter bo~nd&ries of the subject property. The shall also attach 2 lebal size, sta~ped, addressed envelopes property owner J:isted below. (-fCll, Co; t~'" v. ao..'j't 3:.. "'lvhcl...~~l Pq,~Q.k" It'vst~t... 3. (lIlO\.rl( A. tJ....Ll~.~~lQ.4.'J-Er ,. p.:~. Bo"X 15~ S~O loY\.~u",ul. aV.....Jd R.J, L,... V' ~ ~ ' e .. J , F [ . t.J t: to, t-'f!.l'" Sf f' ; ~~.&', tl. flOl L Q.,^~ Cd. 4. f ". ca 0)( ~lt lU ~' "- +~i"' Po. r-J< I 2. 'FL . . ~~ct.cJ~ Date If!) -::U...-z..{ Signature of A"pplican tjoHner . . * .. * .. .. .. .. .. '" '" '" '" .. * '" '" .. '" '" .. .. . .' For office use only Fee File Code No. Receipt No. .Amoun t Review . D Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adju~tment L:7 City Council Date Action Public Hearing L:7 Planning and Zoning Board ~ Board of Adjustment ~ City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date e e . 18 October 1977 From: Chairman of the Board of Adjustments To: City Clerk, City of winter Springs, FL. Subj: Application for a variance by Belmont Homes, Inc., 450 E. Seminola Blvd, Casselberry, FL 32707 (Ph: 831-7115); return of 1. I am returning this application because it is not explicit enough as to what he wants. Also, the applicant did not comply with paragraph two of the application. He must have the signatures of those whose property borders within 500 feet of said property. 2. I would greatly appreciate it in the future if all correspondence or applications for the Board of Adjustments be dated as to the time and date received by you in your office. This one has a date of 22 SEP 77 and we held a meeting on I believe the 27th of September and I did not have this at that .time. 3. If we are to have a full time Planner in the City Hall, maybe it would be a great idea for him to proof these request before they are accepted by your office. 4. In this request he is asking for at least 950 square feet of living space not including a car port or garage. We have to know how big the house including carport/garage is to be not a rough guese. R-1AA R-1A Site area 10,000 sq ft II II 8,000 II II 1,500 sq ft living area 1,100 sq ft II II If he wants set back variances, he must specify how great they will have to be, and on which sides etc. etc. Respectfully, Larry Pellerin Chairman PS: Could not reach by phone on 18 OCT 77 to advise. . !3e.nt1.J ~ Fi /'15" c-crY" . " J..PPLl CATION CITY OF \'iINTER SPRINGS ~PlicatiQn for: Annexation .. ~ Conditional Use tAl. . ; ~~i.~c~ D D D D Cha~&e of zoni~"g Preliminary Plat app~oval ..D other, Specify Final Plat approval Elease print in ink or type. . Belmont Homes Inc. Last name a Florida cor Hiddle initial First na..me .~nnlic&Ilt (If the applican t is not the Oh"1ler of the subject property, the application Dust include a letter of authorization 450 E. Seminola Blvd., }jailing address c~~selberry, Fl. 32"707 831-7115 Telephone signed by the o\mer.) ..q;al description 01 the subject property: .--Lot Onp (1). ;<1 nr" ~', :?TH C~L~~uO T~RRACE, ?ection 4 of Unit 1, plat book 17. P~0P 10. To;tal No. acres one/s is~~,-~Jl. Total No. usable acres ~~/sixth,_m/l , Gen eral location of subj ec t property' (inel udin g name. and type of road Hhich tract abuts) most ~outherlY corner of intcrsection of J-lurphy ROrlc1 and Cypress Court, in city of winter Sprin s. Present zoning classification RIA Present land use Residential Residential Abutt~ng zoning classifications and land uses nature of request:" variance ln set back linC?s to permit construction 6f singlE? family rcsidence of at least 950 .square fQet of livinq arcg.J-. DJ i.ft:l'(~:ast a slngle car garage. J..dditonal info"r;::;ation (including purpose and intent of r~~ucst) ------ .... - 3(:caL:~~_of the required street set backs existi!l...9.-Qil_.-t~~i.Q~~oLS11n~( . propc)rty, it is not possible to build mon? than a vervJ- very srnC1] 1 1'01 on the property and meet the set back requirerr.E:nts. ?equests which require a public hearing Dust also include the following inforsation: ?vb Ire hO)I'lI"-f ~~~..,'rzec! IF ~^,E L ~ T OwJJ'C1'C.. - - " .~:2.i.e6' end aciciresses of all surrounding property owners lying wi thin 500 t. of the perimeter bo~nd~ries of the subject property. The applicant :shall also attach 2 lebal size, 'sta.cped,addressed envelopes :for each property owner listed below. ... ~. "'..See attached list. 3. , . 2. 4. . .. Date 9/22/77 Signature of Belmont Homes 1 Inc.; J..'pplicant/mmer , ~ . ~ A ~ -t:-! BY:~~-;7 L~ ~'-' ~. . . . * . . . ~ .................' . v/ Presidenl For office use only Fe e ..Fc' u CJ P..-Ejoun t 517 V Receipt No. File Code No. ~iew ~~--;lanningOand Zoning Board L-/ Board of Adju~tment D City C.cuncil- -- Date Action Public Hearing L:7 Planning and Zoning Board L-/ Board of Adjustment - ~7 City Council Orciin2nce Beferences Infor~ation verified by: Date .... . L - . . . . / - , (.. ~'I\( \ .30'FLA. PoweR EAsn'7. Q.R. 353 / PG. 5/ /. /23.1::/ , :~ ~ ,oDi 2 .' " -t-J 101. 7 .,/ // / ( \ ~l ... 100 . ~ ..1:: 0/-31' 58 'I JJ..= 5/1.. /8' L= /5.0/' ~ . . rLow 1:~~5In55'18t1 r:~~.J_. I ~~::;~/' ( .~ ~~ I \ - . ~CYp~ \ - .~s> . Co~ ..1 .:: 181J 06' .38" jl-=- :Zo.oo' L= 34(.Z5' PL07 PLAN L 07 0 g L.u.. N; AI a~ TN 0/.2 LANOO TERRACE I .,56CT/ON -4 OF U/l.I/7 / /?B. /71 Pc;., 30/ .st; H /NOL E? CO./ FLA. . OAT!:: OCT.. 2e../97t. sc. A '- 'G: /11= 30' /yo 7 E: ----- ---- EI-c~ D/1TUH r1<;7U~L""O e e e e From: Chairman of the Board of Adjustments To: City Clerk, City of Winter Springs, FL e 18 October 1977 Subj: Application for a variance by Mr. F. R. Bracht, 218 Wade St, Winter Springs, FL 1. I am returning this application because it does not include the names and address of the lot owners within 500 feet of his property. He should have letters from them stating that they do not object to his request. If however one should, then he will be required to pay for a public hearing and you can explain how he goes about that. Respectfully ~~ Larry pellerin Chairman PS: He can still get this on the agenda for Friday night he he hurries. #F vA~".JJ AAV~ /; t: c. IV A wlfl~C. JAw /tic. L ~J7 )'&1Iff'L. e-,.... ~J:t- ~ c. C '.I '" or, he. -e e e L , , e e APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Application for: D Annexation L:7 Cha~&e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Plat app~oval L:7 Final Plat approval L:7. Conditional Use D Vari~ce _ _ [jjx Other, Specify Part time Occupation P~ease print in ink or type. '* . Apnlic2Jl t Bracht Last name Francis Hiddle initial R. First naJDe (If the applic?...Dt is not the OhJler of the subject property, the application I:Just include a letter of authorization Winter Spring~ F1 218 Wade Street l-lailing address 327-1570 or 831-2800 or 834-~E2iL Telephone signed by the oHner.) L~bal description of the subject property: Lot 3 B1k 2 North Or1and~ T_o~V?_si~~1'!2:urth_~ddYep1at PB 14 PC 6 Total No. acres Total No. usable acres General location of subject property (including name and type of road ",hich tract abuts) Last road in subdivision Norn~rlandoJownsil:e---- 4th addition __________ ____'n_.__~.____ Present zoning classification R-1 Present land use ___~e_~ici~1J..tj,.al_--_-_- l::.utt~ng zoning classifications c,:nd land uses _Js--J--&-A--l------ ------- ~---_._--~------~----- .~---_..--_.~._._------------~~_._-_._- -~-~_._--~--------_._.._----_.__._. -- '. r:.:1 ture of request: - . U~_~ ~f__sm~!!__ P~E~~_~1!l~Jn_c_9m~__tax-()-~~1,lP-9 tJ_QI1J-D _ _pJ"l~m~ ~__ __(5 e ~__A t_t_a_c!~e.i._S.b_~~ t.J_______._________________._____________ - .- Additonal inf6r~~tion (including purpose and intent of request) - --- - ---_..__._~ _.------_._--~. -- - .-..-- ~----- ------.-----.-. --------.-- --. ------ - - -~-------_._- -- - ..----'" -_._--~--'-----' - ~ ---- --- ---..-----.- ._--_...__.__._._.~------- --.-------.--- --------.,-----.-------...-------------- --..._---~--------- ---~---_._----_._-- - Rc~uests ~hicb require a public hearing Dust also include the following infor::::3tion: it!,}" ah JEc.7t rtt,,,,.yt d -- 1?ef~(J.I. " I~ (7NI% L "T 0 "" "" t: n. j., OJfU;" f ~ /0 y~""t(. , I ' . , . . e'. 1~arbe6' and addresses of :fl' surrounding property owners lying ft. oJ the' perimeter bot:nd~ries of the subject property. The shall also &ttach 2 lebal size, st&cyed, addressed envelopes property owner ~isted below. within 500 applicant for each - 1,_ .." 3. . " \ . 2. 4. . . Date Signa ture of A"ppl i can t/ mID er . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . .. For office use only Fee File Code No. Amount Receipt No. Review Date Action Planning and Zoning Board e '0 -7 1- /7 Board of Adju~tment City Council Public Hearing L~ Planning and Zoning Board i_I Board of Adjustment L~ City Council Ordinance References Infor~ation verified by: D2.te e e e e - ,. ~ e e ~ Additional Page Frank R. Bracht 218 Wade Street Winter Springs, Fl R-1 Zoning permits use of property for home occupation. Page 97~ in the Winter Springs Ordinance Book Stats. Section 44.38 Uses Permitted Written any R-1 one family dwelling district, no building or structure, land, or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted R-1AA and R-lA Single. Family Dwelling Districts (2) Home occupations. Intended Use and Purpose: The use is for a part time occupation in home. I have studied income tax and tax procedures for the last two years ESPECIALLY oncerning myself with the areas of individual family financial planning. Since this will be a part time home occupation I do not anticipate more traffic into the area as 99% of the work must be done in the customers home. For my personal tax reasons I feel I need to obtain a business license. I do not feel that this part time home occupation will harm the residential concepts of our neighborhood. Organizations I am affiliated with: (1) National Notary South (2) American Society Personnel Administrators (3) Longwood Area Chamber of Commerce (4) A1tamonte/Casselberry Chamber of Commerce (5) Orlando Chamber of Commerce (6) Central Fla. Personnel Assoc. (7) Seminole Co. United Appeal 1974- 1977 (8) Lyman High Vocational Advisory Committee (9) Lyman High Booster Club If you need any additional information concerning the request, please contact me at 831-2800, 327-1570, or 834-6820. e e e e e APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Application for: D Annexation ~ Chan&e of zoning L:7 Preliminary Plat approval L:7 Final Plat approval L:l Conditional Use D Vari~ce " [jJx Other, Specify Part time Occupation P~ease print in ink or type. * .Applicant Bracht Francis Middle initial R. First name Last name (If the applic?~t is 218 Wade Street not the O\~"ller Hailing address of the subject property, the application nust include a letter of authorization signed Winter Springs, Fl 327-1570 or 831-2800 or 834-6820 Telephone by the ovmer.) Lebal description of the subject property: Lot 3 Blk 2 North Orlando Townsite Fourth Add Replat PB 14 PG 6 To;hal No. acres Total No. usable acres General location of subject property (including name and type of road which tract abuts) Last road in subdivision North Orlando Town~;te 4th addition Presen t zoning classification R-l Present land use Residential Abutting zoning classifications and land uses R-l & A-I Nature of request:" Use of small part time income tax occupation in home. (See Attached Sheet.) Additonal infor~ation (including purpose and intent of request) Requests which require a public hearing nust also include the following inforn:ation: .' e .',' '. l~anifJS artd .addresses of all surrounding property owners lying wi thin 500 . ft. of the perimeter bounduries of the subject property. The applicant shall also attach 2 legal size, stac~ed, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed below. -- 1._ .. a 3. . . , . 2. 4. . . 'Date Signature of Applicant/o\mer . . '" .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .' For office use only Fee JI..moun t Receipt No. Review '0 Planning and Zoning Board e D Board of Adjustment , [J City Council File Code No. Date Action Public Hearing ~ Planning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment ~ City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date - - e e . e e Additional Page Frank R. Bracht 218 Wade Street Winter Springs, Fl R-l Zoning permits use of property for home occupation. Page 971 in the Winter Springs Ordinance Book Stats. Section 44.38 Uses Permitted Written any R-l one family dwelling district, no building or structure, land, or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted R-1AA and R-1A Single Family Dwelling Districts (2) Home occupations. Intended Use and Purpose: The use is for a part time occupation in home. I have studied income tax and tax procedures for the last two years ESPECIALLY oncerning myself with the areas of individual family financial planning. Since this will be a part time home occupation I do not anticipate more traffic into the area as 99% of the work must be done in the customers home. For my personal tax reasons I feel I need to obtain a business license. I do not feel that this part time home occupation will harm the residential concepts of our neighborhood. Organizations I am affiliated with: (1) National Notary South (2) American Society Personnel Administrators (3) Longwood Area Chamber of Commerce (4) Altamonte/Casselberry Chamber of Commerce (5) Orlando Chamber of Commerce (6) Central Fla. Personnel Assoc. (7) Seminole Co. United Appeal 1974- 1977 (8) Lyman High Vocational Advisory Committee (9) Lyman High Booster Club If you need any additional information concerning the request, please contact me at 831-2800, 327-1570, or 834-6820. ., -. e e FR..\.NK R. KR..\.CHT .u8 w.\.bE-; STR€€T e WINT(';K SpRINCjS. FLORlb..\. 3-2707 r~6a-~ ::t ~{ e e -fL..JL ~ ~~~