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Date: 03231998
The following Minutes for Special Meeting
03021998 were approved during the 03/23/98
Regular City Commission Meeting for this date.
MARCH 2, 1998
, The continued meeting of the City Commission from the meeting of February 23, 1998 held on
March 2, 1998 was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Robert Guthrie, present
Robert S. Miller, present
Michael S. Blake, present
Ed Martinez, present
David McLeod, present
Mayor Partyka announced that this is a continuation from the Regular Meeting of the City
Commission from February 23, 1998, and stated that the Commission will continue from the point
that the meeting was ended on February 23, 1998.
Mayor Partyka stated that the Commission is on Regular Agenda Item C-2.
C-2. Presenting to the Commission the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board as it
relates to the Final Engineering for the proposed Hess Station. PURPOSE: to present to the
Commission the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board as it relates to the Final
Engineering for the proposed Hess Station. This project is located at the southeast corner ofS.R. 434
and Vistawilla Drive. This property is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD):
Charles Carrington, Community Development Director, gave his presentation. Mr. Carrington stated
that this item deals with final engineering for Lot 1, of Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel 1 B and is zoned
PUD. The proposed use is for a mini-mart convenience store with automobile gasoline sales. The
land use designations is further regulated by a settlement and annexation agreement that was adopted
as Ord. 489 on July 23, 1990 and also a vested rights special use permit for commercial use dated
June 8, 1993. The building signage for the gasoline convenience store is as show on inserts in the
Commissions packet labeled A 1 and CE-l, the developer has added landscaping and berms as related
to all five lots discussed in Item C-l. The variables and stipulations are outlined in a proposed
Developers Agreement which is also included in the package and is Agenda Item D. The
development review committee and the Planning and Zoning Board have reviewed this matter and
have made recommendations for approval with specific changes.
Mr. Carrington introduced Item D at this time.
D. Presenting to the Commission the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board as it relates
to the proposed Devleopment Agreement for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel lB. PURPOSE: for the
Commission to hold a First Public Hearing to consider the recommendation of the planning and
Zoning Board as it relates to the proposed Devleopment Agreement for Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel
1B. Parcel lB is located at the northeast intersection of Vistawilla Drive and S.R. 434, extends
eastward on the south side of S.R. 434 approximately 2,160 feet, then south southwest approximately
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission March 2. 1998 - continuation from 02-23-98 Pae:e 2
900 feet, then westward approximately 2,100 feet and then north northeast to the point of beginning
approximately 900 feet: Mr.
Carrington said this is the first Public Hearing on a proposed Development Agreement related to
Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel lB, which included five commercial lots, zoned PUD. The
Development Agreement includes variances from S.R. 434 New Area Development Guidelines as
related to decreased setbacks, increased signage and increased landscaping.
Manager McLemore said the question was raised about the discrepancy in the amount of signage in
the drawings vs. what Staff recommended and said we would amend this (the drawings that came in
were representative of 192 sq.ft. of signage) Staff had recommended 148 feet and the developer had
agreed to the change to 148 sq .ft. but was not able to get the drawings completed in time to show the
148 sq. ft. Manager McLemore said the Development Agreement will be amended (as per whatever
happens tonight) to 148 sq. ft. and whatever else the Commission decides to do.
Mike Jones, Attorney representing the developer and Hess Oil Company, said he would like to point
out again, that they have once again come back to the City and agreed to yet another reduction in the
signage to 148 sq.ft. on the building, so we have met the City's request and requirement. Mr. Jones
said to point out for the residents that were not present and for the Commission, when we were
before the Planning and Zoning Board, there were a number of members that had been on the
Visioning Committee, notwithstanding his personal position and notwithstanding that they feel they
are not obligated under it, and pointed out the difference to what this development has done with
relationship to what was required under the old Code and what is required under the 434 Vision
Ordinance and how they have exceeded all of those requirements. Mr. Jones said it is very important
that the Commission understand this because if they do not get this project, then the City does not get
the extras and possibly do not get the Vision Ordinance. Mr. Jones said under the old regulations
there was a five foot landscape area, under the vision ordinance there is a 15 foot landscape area - we
have agreed to a 25 foot landscape area. We've agreed there is no sidewalks covered under the
original ordinance, none under the vision ordinance,S foot - we've agreed to a six foot winding
sidewalk. The signage under the City's old ordinance in effect when they asked to be permitted,
there was no requirements and no restrictions; under the vision ordinance there is a 32 sq.ft., we've
asked for a 55 on the sign and 25 sq.ft. on the remaining parcels, we've agreed to do that and that is
what we just discussed that we've agreed to come down to. The signage on the building, there was
no requirements under the old ordinance; there's a 16sq.ft. requirement under the vision ordinance
and we've agreed to come down from what we asked for (192) to 148. The building set backs under
the old ordinance was 35 feet, under the new ordinance it is 50 feet, we've agreed to meet that. The
rear buffers, between the commercial and residential, there was no requirements in the old ordinance
and there is no requirements under the new ordinance, but said they have agreed to put in a wall and
to berm the area in the back.
Mr. Jones said they asked for a liaison with some representative ofTuscawilla, which did not come
about today, to discuss how we would possibly work with them in erecting our wall in conjunction
with what they wanted to do, but having not heard anything from Tuscawilla, we will reserve that
until another time and another project. We will stand on what we presented to the Commission last
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time (2-23-98), we believe we've gone over-board in trying to meet what the City wanted and what
we agreed to.
Mayor Partyka opened the meeting to Public Input.
J.B. Altenhoff, 104 Redtail Pl., stated that the Codes should not be changed by the first project and
set a precedence for future projects.
Carol Koza, 121 Goshawk Tr., stated her concern regarding the quality oflife in their subdivision
(Eagles Watch) and stated that there are eagles and said she is afraid they will go away from the
noise from the car wash.
John Misiano, 101 Goshawk Tr., spoke against the proposed car wash.
Lee Jensen, 134 Nandina Tr., representing 22 homeowners in Howell Creek Reserve and Eagles
Watch, asking that the Commission not allow the construction and operation of the car wash,
construct a 6 foot brick wall between the development of Eagles Watch and the commercial property
and to stay within the current sign limitations for the multi-tenant street and building signs.
Greg Worley, 103 Marsh Creek Cove, spoke against the proposed car wash, and opposed the access
road that is being proposed off of Vista willa for delivery entrance. Mr. Worley said the Commission
also needs to regulate the delivery times for the Hess Mart delivery trucks and trash pick-up. Mr.
Worley also asked that the Commission not grant a variance to the sign ordinance.
Rande Thompson, 108 Marsh Creek Cove, spoke against the car wash and asked that the sign
ordinance be adhered to.
Jay Clay, 144 Peregrine Ct., representative for the Eagles Watch Homeowners Association,
mentioned that he had a petition that was signed by 66 homeowners (representing 40 homes) in
Eagles Watch, spoke regarding his concern of making sure the wetlands were protected and also
stated that they don't want any signage variances and said they are anxious to keep the commercial
properties separated from the residential community.
John Croenen, 146 Peregrine Ct., spoke in opposition of the car wash and spoke regarding the trails
being close to the Hess station and also children hanging out at that location.
Bill Fernandez, 250 Panama Rd. East, mentioned that he is the Chairman of the P&Z Board and said
that the P&Z Board had an opportunity to review this matter and said he is sorry that a lot of these
citizens did not appear at their meeting so that their recommendation to this body would carry more
weight. Mr. Fernandez stated that he is not here speaking on behalf of the P&Z Board, there has not
been a decision made to authorize him to speak on behalf of the P&Z or LP A, and stated that he is
present as an individual citizen. Mr. Fernandez said that the P&Z Board did receive testimony and
public input at their meeting and said they tried to take into consideration all of the factors and the
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fact that a development agreement does allow more control over a project and allows you to make
changes within the existing PUD zoning and allows you to make certain minor changes that are still
compatible. Mr. Fernandez said he feels that this project does meet and/or exceed the requirements
that this City has put forth and the developer has made a favorable effort to meet those requirements
and to go along with the City's 434 visioning project. Mr. Fernandez said there was a vested rights
situation where this project is going to be commercial and one has to consider what the alternatives
will be if the project is not allowed to go forward as it is. Mr. Fernandez asked the Commission to
consider the recommendation of the P&Z Board as it relates to the unanimous decision in favor.
Tom 0' Connell, 1718 Seneca Blvd., President of the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, and
stated he is authorized to speak on behalf of the Board of Directors of the T.H.A. representing the
membership. Mr. O'Connell said the Association has no problem with a gas station at that corner
but they have concerns about the integrity of the land Devleopment regulation, which was put in
place in December this past year for the entire 434 corridor.
Commissioner McLeod said he talked with Mr. O'Connell and spoke about provisions that he
thought might help, in hoping to work out some things that is maybe best for everyone.
Brad Hermanson, 120 Redtail Pl., spoke regarding the sign size and spoke about crime with this
development and also spoke about environmental issues regarding underground storage tanks.
Commissioner Martinez said he feels that Staff should have told the developer that the 434 Visioning
Design Guidelines was in effect and they would have to abide by them.
Commissioner McLeod reviewed with the Commission questions he had of the City Manager and the
answers he received from the City Manager. Commissioner McLeod said a multi-tenant store was
never intended for the ordinance and said the Commission needs to study the multi-tenant store and
put an ordinance in place for that type of store and to revisit the visioning design guidelines and
change it to that every time a developer comes in we are not making concession.
Commissioner Blake spoke regarding numbers from other Cities regarding sign sizes.
Manager McLemore said that this type of power store is viewed differently than the typical store and
therefore, when reading from Orlando's ordinance you probably will not find this under a normal
gas station. Discussion.
Commissioner Martinez said when Ord. 675 was approved the project in question, the Hess station,
was in the midst of being presented to P&Z and the Commission; and it wasn't until February and
now March that this happened, this ordinance was approved, discussed, amended, etc., all those
things took place over a long period of time and this ordinance was in place when the P&Z Board
approved the project. In response to Commissioner McLeod, why wasn't this taken into
consideration at the time the ordinance was being worked on and why do we have to revisit this
ordinance that was just approved a couple of months ago. Are we going to get into the habit of
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revisiting each ordinance in this City every time someone asks for something and it doesn't fit the
criteria that they want and we have to go back and visit and amend to please the people that ask for
these things. Commissioner Martinez said why do we need to emulate other Cities, this is Winter
Springs and we are the residents of Winter Springs, we can have anything we want; we have to do
what is best for Winter Springs and the citizens of Winter Springs. Commissioner Martinez said that
the Hess representative stated (last week) that it was one business with three or four outlets, but only
one cash register, now it comes out it is three or four different entities and each has their own cash
register so he said he doesn't know where we stand and said he will have to go with Ord. 675 in spite
all the efforts put at him.
Commissioner McLeod said this type building (usage) is not addressed in our ordinance and that is
the only reason that he would want to "reopen" ordinances.
Commissioner Blake said the City Manager's response to the question (if this type of business is
addressed in our ordinance) was that the only ordinance that they could find that specifically
addresses this new type store is in Naples, FL; Commissioner Blake said he thinks that this type of
building is addressed in our ordinance and in fact in the Ordinance Section 20-454(a) it is called a
ground mounted multi-tenant or project identification sign. If in fact it is a multi-tenant, but if we
call it a multi-tenant signs 20-454(a)(7) it says signs shall be in accordance with the following
schedule: building size gross floor area under 75,000 sq.ft., and stated that this building is well under
10,000 sq.ft., so it would fall in that category - maximum copy area 32 sq.ft., maximum height 12
feet, if you don't want to use the single tenant sign, then he stated that he is in favor of using the
multi-tenant sign. But asked if it a multi-tenant operation. Commissioner Blake stated that Hess has
the same operation in Casselberry and all the occupational licenses are in the name of Hess Express.
Commissioner Blake said according to our Code, we can go either way as far as he is concerned, if
you want to use a multi-tenant, that's fine, if you want to use a single tenant that's fine as well.
Commissioner Blake said he would like to address what he thinks is the main issue, and that is what
are we doing sitting here talking about these things, all these things are based on a developers
agreement and in our Code does indeed have a provision for a developers agreement, Section 20-458
and it says: "...any developer may propose to enter into developer agreement with the City designed
to set forth terms and conditions appropriate meet circumstances of the specific proposed
development.." Commissioner Blake said it also states "...such consideration shall be based on
building sites constraints or physical characteristic of the property.." We have put some controls on
ourselves as a City to where we just can't hand out developers agreements to any body, there has to
be a reason. Commissioner Blake read a portion of the proposed development agreement.
"Whereas, sections 20-458 and 20-459 ofOrd. 675 the S.R. 434 Visioning Corridor Visioning Plan
New Development Area authorizes the City to enter into a development agreement for real property
such as that described on Exhibit A and B, (A is the entire parcel and B is where the Hess station
wants to go) upon a finding that the site is constrained..." It then goes on to say that We make a
finding that the site is constrained. Commissioner Blake went on to describe some gas station's site
Commissioner Blake also stated that the gas stations that he described also hold their own
stormwater and that the proposed Hess station does not hold its own stormwater, they have to enter
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission March 2. 1998 - continuation from 02-23-98 Pae:e 6
into an easement arraignment for the property that is across the street (behind the station) to hold
their stormwater. In other words stormwater retention is not even accruing on this 60,000+ sq.ft.,
and asked how can this be a constrained site and how can we as a Commission make a finding that
this is a constrained site based on this information and if it is not a constrained site, if we cannot
make a finding that this is a constrained site, then there's not development there. Attorney Guthrie
stated that that is the criteria that is set forth in the ordinance as a requirement. Commissioner Blake
said so if the Commission can't make that finding, then all this is for not.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake that based on the fact that this Commission cannot
make a finding of a constrained site, that the Commission approve the Hess station
development in accordance with, a strict adherence, in every way with S.R. 434 New
Devleopment Code, which is Ordinance 675. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Miller: nay; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell: nay; Commissioner McLeod: nay. Motion denied.
Commissioner Gennell said in regard to the S.R. 434 Ord. 675, which sets forth the design guidelines
for this corridor, stated that she maintains that the developers agreement is an option that we put in
(at the end) in each of the three sections, and we did it with no small amount deliberation, because
we knew that when we did these ordinances that they would have some imperfections, we knew that
we were going to have to come back and revise them it's part of the public record, and said she said
it and the other Commissioners agreed with her and said she is sure every other City that does this
also has to revise theirs and fine turn them, we also realized that we weren't perfect and that we
probably going to have some oversights, some areas that needed special attention and said she feels
that this is the reason the we had that clause in there, and said it is in fact a part of each of those three
guidelines for the three different sections of 434. Commissioner Gennell said she thinks the City has
gained some very valuable considerations from the developers, not the least of which is a 2,180 ft.
wall, 6 foot tall, that we would not have had this previous motion would have passed. The wall
would have gone away and a lot of other things would have gone away.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell that the Commission pass Item C-2, including the
representations made by the developers previously. Seconded by Commissioner Miller.
Discussion. Commissioner McLeod said if this goes forward and passes, then he would like to
ask that each Commissioner he ready and we sit down and take a look at our ordinance
regarding this type of application, so in the future we're not at odds with each other and we're
not at odds possibly with the community, but we have something that we can fall back on.
Commissioner Blake asked why Commissioner McLeod is not comfortable with the ordinance,
when for the last three years he had a firm creation ofthat ordinance and why does he believe
this is a different type of business than what we have listed, when in fact that this type of
business exists in many different areas. Commissioner McLeod stated that his reason is that
he believes that this particular gas station is a new era of gas stations, it's a new era of
businesses that we will see coming forth, not only in gas stations but other types, where there is
more than one user of a building. Discussion.
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Commissioner Miller asked to call the motion. Vote on calling the motion: Commissioner
Martinez: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: nay; Commissioner
Miller: nay; Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion denied.
Commissioner Gennell called the motion. Vote on calling the motion: Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Martinez: nay; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Miller: aye.
Vote on the Motion: Commissioner Martinez: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: nay. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka announced that the Commission will discuss Agenda Item D.
Mr. Carrington restated his comments from earlier. Mr.. Carrington stated that Item D is the first
public hearing of a proposed development agreement related to Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcell B which
included five commercial lots and are zoned PUD. The development agreement includes variances
from S.R. 434 New Area Development Guidelines as it relates to setback, increased signage and
increased landscaping. Mr. Carrington said if this matter is approved an announcement should be
made that this matter would come back before the Commission at next Monday's meeting at 6:30
p.m. for a second public hearing.
Commissioner Blake said in the development agreement under Item D, states that the Commission
finds that this site is a constrained site, an asked Mr. Carrington if the site is constrained.
Mr. Carrington said it is his opinion that it is not.
Commissioner Blake stated to the Mayor that the Attorney has stated that he does not believe we can
have a developer agreement if it is not a constrained site, Staff has not told us, in his opinion, it is not
a constrained site, and said he has offered evidence to that fact this evening, that it is not a
constrained site.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake that the Commission does not approve Item D,
because we are not legally able to do so because of the reasons already stated. Commissioner
Gennell said point of order - we have not taken public input at a public hearing and this is a
public hearing. Commissioner Blake said we only need a public hearing if we are going to
approve an item. Attorney Guthrie said before a decision is made, we ought to have public
comment because this was announced as a public hearing and we would be making a decision,
even if it were a decision not to go forward and said the safest route would be to have public
comment. Commissioner McLeod Seconded the motion with discussion. Commissioner
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McLeod said there are things in this agreement, for instance 3.3, no longer applies in the
agreement, the agreement has to be rewritten because 3.3 says that the developer has taken in
lieu of a wall, has in fact added landscaping, so here we have the landscaping and the wall, so
the agreement itself is flawed, as it is in front of the Commission at present. Commissioner
McLeod said so far he has heard under Item C-l and C-2 that the developer actually has
agreed to live up to everything within this agreement, and said he doesn't think there is
anything in this agreement that he hasn't said he would do under C-l and C-2. Mr. Jones
stated correct, we obviously are not going to do both, the agreement called for landscaping and
we now agreed to drop that and do the wall. Commissioner McLeod said no you did not agree
to drop the landscaping the other evening, you agreed to put a wall in. Mr. Jones said you
can't put the wall and the landscaping in the same place. Commissioner McLeod said ok, you
can't put the landscaping where the wall is, you can have six inches for the landscaping, but in
the agreement, 3.3 stated the overall development you improved the landscaping and berms
therefore you weren't going to put a wall; the other evening Commissioner Gennell asked the
owner and you as the representative, agreed to also put a wall in. Mr. Jones said part of the
enhanced landscaping was to do heavily landscape in lieu of a wall, so we are not going to do
both the landscaping and wall, we will do the wall. Commissioner McLeod said that is not
what was said the other evening. Mr. Jones said you are talking about enhanced landscaping,
when we went from the two inch caliper to the eight inch caliper trees in front and from the 15
foot landscaping to the 25 foot landscaping. Manager McLemore said there was a proposed
landscape buffer on the back ofthe property, which the wall will take the landscape's place,
because you couldn't see the landscape buffer once a wall is up, but it does nothing to the
enhanced landscaping of the front nor the side of the property, only that was proposed to be
planted where the wall will now go. Mr. Jones said that was their understanding.
Commissioner McLeod said the way he understood it the other evening was that no body had
indicated to give up any landscaping for the wall, and said he heard very clear what was asked
by the Commissioner, "would the developer put in a wall" and it was said yes. Commissioner
McLeod said if that's the case then, and that's how City Staff understood it, then why does he
not have an agendum to item D indicating that. Mr. Jones said you don't have an agendum to
any of the things, we made a commitment tonight to do additional sign age, which is not
reflected in there, what Ms. Gennell said was her motion was to approve subject to our
agreement tonight and said he would assume that that would also make the understanding that
Mr. McLemore and the Staff and he had would take the place of the landscaping along the
rear. Commissioner McLeod said that he never heard that and the Commission never heard
that, and said that was not presented to the Commissioner. Commissioner Gennell said she
has listened to the tape and (if she is not mistaken) her exact words to Mr. Jones were "would
your client agree to build a wall) and said her intent at that point was that all of our other
building requirements required only a buffer, they didn't specify particularly what kind;
Commissioner Gennell said she is quite satisfied in accepting a wall as the buffer.
Commissioner McLeod said are you basically saying that there will be between the service
road and the building parking lot there will be no landscaping or is the wall going on the other
side of the service road. Mr. Jones said the wall goes between the subdivision and the
property. Commissioner Gennell said she has a concern and wants to hear from the Attorney
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as regards treating this as a public hearing or not treating this as a public hearing.
Commissioner McLeod asked for clarification as to what he sees on the plan for landscaping if
it is still in effect. Mr. Jones said when you talk about constraint, and said Commissioner
Blake is talking about the P&Z Board being confused and said he considered this constraint
and this property in not being constrained and addressed the Hess station, the exhibit that was
attached as Exhibit A, and Exhibit A is the subdivision itself, it is the five lots, the entire
development, that is the site that is constrained, that is the reason that we asked for the
waivers, because that site is constrained, as part and parcel ofthat, Hess came in and is asking
to be approved on one lot in that subdivision, the lot, 1-5 - we do not consider to be constrained
lots, those what will be later a platted lot, it doesn't have anything to do with constraint,
constraint was on the total site itself, the constraint was the fact that we lost half of the back
(south of the road) the entire area is a wetlands, and that's what you call constraint, we can't
utilize the back part of that property, so we were forced to come with our road north of that
wetlands and there was the constraint that Staff saw; and the question addressed to Mr.
Carrington before may have been confusing also, there is no con~train nor any contention that
there is a constraint on the Hess site or anyone of the five lots, there is a constraint on Exhibit
A, the entire parcel because of the wetlands and because of the trail and because of the
easement owned by the County going down to the trail, with that, for exhibit A, we are
substituting the landscaping and it was going to be done along exhibit A back-line, for a wall.
Commissioner McLeod said then what Mr. Jones is saying is that the wall is south ofthe drive,
north of the retention. Mr. Jones said no, the wall will be on the property line. Commissioner
McLeod said the landscaping that is to the north ofthe service drive landscape is still there, it's
only the landscaping as the buffer zone is changed. Mr. Jones said that is correct, that is
because the City initially required us to buffer that retention area and that is where Ms.
Gennell wanted the wall, so instead of the landscaping buffer we have the wall. Commissioner
Blake asked what is the depth ofthe property. Mr. Jones said he can't answer as he doesn't
have the papers in front of him. Mr. Jones said according to the engineer it is 350 feet. Mr.
Carrington stated 435 feet. Commissioner Blake asked what portion ofthe site is not buildable
because of the wetlands. Mr. Jones said everything behind south ofthe road. Mr. Carrington
said 125 feet behind the road is being used for retention ponds and to preserve the wetlands.
Commissioner Blake asked for the location of the three retention ponds. Mr. Carrington said
the first retention pond is behind Parcel 1, the second retention pond is behind Parcel 3 and 4;
the third retention pond behind ParcelS. Commissioner Blake asked if those areas buildable,
not under the design, just as the dirt stands. Mr. Carrington said the portions behind Parcels
3,4 and 5 would appear to be but this does not show topography and said certainly the area
behind Parcel 2 and probably all of Parcel 1 is not developable. Commissioner Blake asked
what definition is used to determine whether a parcel is a constrained site or not, since this is
the main question he has. Mr. Carrington said a constraint would effect the configuration of
the building, the ingress and egress and the direct access from the arterial road or collector
road into the site, constraints that would not make a general pattern of development and
placement of the building in connections with the setbacks and requirements of the Code.
Manager McLemore stated that the initial plans were initially pushed ten feet forward because
of the constraint on the wetland. Manager McLemore stated that he made the call on the
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constraint because the lots for a legitimate use ofthat property relative to commercial use and
its depth as it is related to the wetlands, has caused the reconfiguration or certainly a change in
that lot where it cannot be used based on the retention pond requirements, which is a
requirement of law in this State. Manager McLemore said that constrains a use of that lot
relative to the choices that the developer might have for general commercial purposes.
Commissioner Blake said to suggest that a site is constrained because it may not be large
enough for every individual use said he doesn't think is being realistic; the use before us is a
gas station, the size of the property that they want to put a gas station on is almost twice the
size of other gas stations with the same type uses that hold their own water nearby on the same
road and said he doesn't believe that's constraint. Commissioner Blake said he believes every
site in the City is constrained based on the City Manager's definition.
Commissioner Blake called the question.
Vote on calling the question: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Blake moved that the Commission does not approve Item
D, because we are not legally able to do so because of the reasons already stated:
Commissioner Gennell: nay; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Miller: nay; Commissioner McLeod: nay. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka asked the Attorney what is the next step at this point. Attorney Guthrie said
the Commission had approved C-l and C-2 contingent upon a development agreement
existing, a development agreement that incorporated certain representations, including ones
that would have been discussed and be debated tonight and maybe been refined and added to
it, since we are not going forward with the Public Hearing he thinks that C-l and C-2 is not
Commissioner McLeod stated that he was confused on the motion and said that he was saying
is that if it is covered already and the developer agreed to C-l and C-2, all the things that were
in the agreement, then why is the agreement needed. Attorney Guthrie said the Commission
made action on C-l and C-2 contingent upon the existence of the development agreement.
Commissioner McLeod said he would like to pull his vote because he disagreed and did not
understand the motion. Mayor Partyka asked Commissioner McLeod if he wished to change
his vote. Commissioner McLeod stated yes he would like to change his vote and that is
changing it to NAY. Mayor Partyka said that THE MOTION TO DENY DOES NOT PASS.
Attorney Guthrie said now the Mayor should treat that as going forward with the public hearing, not
a decision on the definitive part ofthe development agreement but rather an indication to go forward
with the public hearing.
Mayor Partyka called a recess at 8:35 p.m. Mayor Partyka reconvened the meeting at 8:48 p.m.
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission March 2. 1998 - continuation from 02-23-98 Pae:e 11
Mayor Partyka announced that the incident with Commissioner McLeod retracting his vote was not
inappropriate and read a portion from Robert's Rules of Order.
Attorney Guthrie stated that the developer has agreed to build a six foot wall, the hours of operation
of the car wash would be from 7:00 a.m. until 1 0:00 p.m., six foot sidewalk and to reduce the sign to
148 feet.
Commissioner Gennell said when she addressed the restriction on window signs from the last
meeting, she said she was referring to signs besides the signs on the building, she was referring to
advertising signs in the windows. Manager McLemore said he was addressing the building signage
that they are allowed. Commissioner Gennell asked if they will be subject to the City's design
guidelines as far as the amount of space permissible for window signs. Manager McLemore said the
variance from the guidelines is only for the exterior building signage and on the master plan for the
monument. Commissioner Gennell said she would like a clarification from Hess that they are going
to abide by our window signage portion of the ordinance.
Mr. Jones said in the agreement it is stated that if it is not covered by the vision ordinance they will
fall back on whatever ordinance is in place.
Commissioner Gennell said she has a question raised to her during the recess and can understand the
concern regarding delivery vehicles and the hours of delivery.
Ray Malave, Boyer Singleton, consultant for the property owner, stated that the delivery access will
be off of S.R. 434 onto Vistawilla and then onto the roadway that will be behind all the lots and will
be accessible to all the lots for deliveries.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the City could restrict the hours for delivery vehicles.
Manager McLemore said he doesn't think there is a need for it, the road has a capacity of providing
ingress and egress for an entire industrial development park. Typically most of the types of traffic
that "jam" traffic there at any point in time would be the large petroleum vehicles and said they
typically do most of their deliveries late at night and said he would suggest that we could have in the
agreement that if it becomes a problem we would have the right to constrain the hours.
Commissioner Gennell said she would like to see that stipulation in the agreement. Attorney Guthrie
said if we tied it to a standard such as traffic flows, traffic impact, would be legitimately a basis for
Commissioner Gennell asked if the agreement is specific and exclusive to a certain company or
individual. Attorney Guthrie said the agreement is with the current property owner and is to be
recorded and runs with the land; then separate actions that the Commission has considered address
just one site, the Hess site.
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission March 2. 1998 - continuation from 02-23-98 Pae:e 12
Commissioner Gennell asked if the wall will be built all at once. Attorney Guthrie said the way it is
set forth in the agreement regarding the landscaping he said the wall unless the City directs otherwise
will be built as each site is developed as was with the landscaping.
Commissioner McLeod asked about the hours of operation ofthe car wash if they were 7:00 a.m.
until 1 0:00 p.m. Attorney Guthrie stated that is what his notes reflect. Commissioner McLeod said
item 3, at the present time does not speak the landscaping, it talks about putting the six foot masonry
wall and said that a portion should be added. Commissioner McLeod asked the City Manager about
the time of trash pick-up. Manager McLemore said he would have to check the Franchise
Agreement and said each agreement for each business is a separate contract, therefore the developer
would have to add that to the agreement. Donald LeBlanc said the hours of operations are not to
commence until 7:00 a.m.
Commissioner McLeod asked that the City Manager to negotiate with the hauler that as they start
going into that zone regarding the time and asked that the Manager report back at the next meeting as
to where the hauler would stand on this issue. Manager McLemore asked what time would be
appropriate. Commissioner McLeod said he has been asked by residents that no pick-up before 8:00
a.m. Manger McLemore said he would check with the hauler.
Mayor Partyka opened the Public Hearing.
Jay Clay, 144 Peregrine Ct., read a portion of the petition he spoke about earlier: "A Petition
Concerning the Hess Gas Station Mini Mart to be Located on the Southeast Corner of S.R. 434/419
and Vistawilla. While we appreciate the efforts of the Winter Springs City Manager, the Mayor and
the Commissioners to coordinate the retail and homeowners needs of the land in question. The
undersigned homeowners request the City Commissioners require of the developer of the Hess Gas
Station Mini Mart, to remain within the restrictions previously established for signage along the 434
corridor.... We are also opposed to the construction and operation of a car wash at this location and
request that a six foot high brick wall erected along the edge of the subject property to shield the
wetlands and the residents of the property behind the commercial location. We understand we being
given a six foot meandering sidewalk along side 434 vs. Five foot we are going to get 25 foot of
frontal landscaping vs. The Codes 15 again along 434, a four lane commercial road, there is going to
be a car wash, we have nothing in writing as of this point of what the hours are going to be. They
promised a wall, we heard six feet, one person refers to it as brick, another as masonry. We think
there's going to be an access road with unrestricted hours of delivery at this point in time, although
things are being tried to change that, we would like to ask that the residents of Eagles Watch have
access to changes etc., through the City Manager's office, if that's possible at least three days prior to
the next meeting. So far no body on our side have gotten any idea what the plans look like, what was
going forward with this. There still is nothing on the plan that shows where the wall is going to be;
there is only reference to vegetation but then there's a wetlands there which is unprotected. What we
are saying is we really don't want a car wash, it's noisy, it's polluting, noise pollution alone is
exhausting. Mr. Clay said she would like to see these things addressed and put on paper.
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Mayor Partyka said this is an on-going process, when new things are coming on board, we have
documents here, the best thing to do is always stay on guard, ask the Staff to give you things as fast
as they get it and you have every right to get that. Every thing that you ask for you ought to get in
black and white.
Greg Worley, 103 Marsh Creek, spoke regarding his concern with the access off of Vista willa.
Robin Hermanson, 120 Redtail Pl., spoke regarding crime and increased traffic and asked that
something be done regarding the traffic in the agreement.
Mayor Partyka closed the public hearing.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve Item D, developers agreement to go on
to the second public hearing, incorporating all the representations made tonight. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake:
nay; Commissioner Martinez: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye.
Motion passes.
Attorney Guthrie said as a reminder to the public that the Commission is under a problem that they
are subject to the land use requirements of a prior ordinance that vested this property as far as the
uses go, so they have some qualitative things that they can debate in the agreement but the
underlying uses that include the gas station and car wash are grand fathered in and vested under a
court order. Attorney Guthrie then announced that the next public hearing is on March 9, 1998 at
6:30 p.m.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
F. Requesting the Commission to appoint a Commissioner to represent the City on the Government
Public Education Television Program Committee. PURPOSE: for the Commission to appoint a
Commissioner to represent the City on the Government Public Education Television Program
Motion was made by Commissioner Martinez to appoint Commissioner Gennell to represent
he City. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Mayor Partyka said with due respect
to Commissioner Gennell, that she is doing a lot of things and his thought would be is this is a
time to spread out for some experience and said his suggestion would be to give it to one of the
newer Commissioners so they get a little more experience in working out side things. Vote:
Commissioner Blake: nay; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Gennell mentioned an alternate for this and stated that Commissioner Blake attends
the CALNO meetings and moved that Commissioner Blake be an alternate. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Commissioner Blake declined the appointment.
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Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to appoint Commissioner Miller to be the
alternate. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye
Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Martinez: aye. Motion passes.
City Manager
G. Requesting the Commission to hold a Public Hearing and adopt Resolution No. 840 preserving
the City's right to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments for
lighting and beautification improvements planned for the Tuscawilla PUD. PURPOSE: to preserve
the City's rights to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad valorem Assessments within the
Tuscawilla PUD for planned lighting and beautification improvements:
Community Development Department/Code Enforcement Division
H. Requests the commission deny the request of the Home Builders Association to allow off-site,
right-of-way signage during the weekends between March 22, 1998 and AprilS, 1998 during the
"Parade of Homes". PURPOSE: to request the Commission consider the request of the Home
Builders Association to allow off-site, right-of-way signage during the weekends between March 22,
1998 and April 5. 1998 during the "Spring Parade of Homes":
Mr. Carrington gave his presentation.
Mr. Rick McKee, representative of the Home Builder Association of Mid Florida, said the Home
Builders Association is asking the Commissions permission to use directional signs during weekends
only from March 22 to April 5th.
Commissioner Martinez mentioned the Commission wants to support stronger Code Enforcement.
Commissioner Gennell said this has been done in years past and have waived restrictions on this and
we did not allow them in the right-of-ways. Commissioner Gennell said this is a short term request
and is done all over Central Florida and said if we don't permit this we will send a message to the
home builders that they will be excluded from the Parade of Homes as we don't permit that in our
City and stated she doesn't think that is the message we want to send out to the home builders in our
City. If the signs can be done in such a way as they are not on the right-of-way, and said she is sure
that Staff can figure out a way for this to be done, and said this has been done year after year in the
Mr. McKee stated they will be most willing to work with the City on that and also only five or six
signs go to each of the entries, so there will not be a sea of the signs.
Commissioner Gennell said she understands that the signs would be only used on the week-ends.
Mr. McKee said yes the week-ends only.
Commissioner Miller said he has some reluctance to approve this because he feels that everyone else
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could come in and do this also, and until we get a handle on it, said he thinks it is something we
ought to stay away from. To send a message out that people can't just go around and put signs in the
roadways, and said we have totally lost control of it right now.
Commissioner Blake said he is confused by Commissioner Gennell's statement as to allowing the
signs but not in the right-of-ways, and said the specific question in this agenda item is whether or not
we will allow the signs in the right-of-ways. They already have some limited right to put them on
private property as long as they follow the sign code that is out there; the question is whether or not
to let them put them in the right-of-way. Commissioner Blake said to Mr. McKee, that if the City
were to make this special exception, would the Home Builders Association be willing to put up a
bond to assure that all the signs will be taken down at the appropriate times and be willing to forfeit
that ifin fact they are not. Commissioner Blake said one of the problems he has is that some of the
signs are missed and remain up for a long period of time.
Mr. McKee said as far as the bond, he would be willing to go back to their Board of Directors who
have the authority to make that decision and ask if they will be willing to do that. Aside from the
bond issue, the signs are not cheap, and said the signs can be recycled and said the smart business
person would put these out and pull them out on time and said when he advises the entries, he'll
make a special note to say that the City of Winter Springs has pride in their community and wants
these signs taken up and if this privilege is abused then we will not get it in the future.
Commissioner Blake said his second problem is as Commissioner Miller stated which is we have
had this significant issue in the past with sign pollution all over the place. Commissioner Blake said
he has a problem with this request and unless the Home builders Association is willing to put up a
bond, he might reconsider.
Commissioner McLeod asked what is off-site advertising.
Mr. Carrington stated that off-site advertising would be advertising a product that is not particularly
sold on the site of the sign.
Commissioner McLeod could it be defined as it's being placed some place other than at the location
that the home is for sale. Mr. Carrington said yes.
Commissioner McLeod asked would that preclude him from taking this to somebody's property, that
is along a roadway. Attorney Guthrie said yes it does.
Commissioner McLeod said he has a problem with the right-o-way signage, from the standpoint that
even we as a Commissioner can not put our campaign signs in the right-of-way without having them
removed and said we don't even allow homeowners associations to put signs in the right-of-way
announcing their meetings. Discussion.
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Commissioner Gennell asked if the request has been amended that they are not requesting anything
on a right-of-way at this time.
Mr. McKee said they are willing to work with the Commission; ifthe Commission thinks that the
right-of-way is unacceptable, then we are willing to work with the City.
Commissioner Gennell asked how many builders will be advertised. Mr. McKee said there are six
homes throughout the City.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell moved that this item be approved and Staff will
work with the Home Builders Association to try to locate opportunities on private property for
them to locate their directional signs, the signs are not allowed in the right-of-ways . Seconded
by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner
Blake: aye; Commissioner McLeod: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Commissioner Miller
was absent when the vote was taken. Motion passes.
City Manager - Add-On
1. City Manager requesting the Commission to review the status of the Tuscawilla Assessment
District and to provide direction relative to the implementation of the project. PURPOSE: the
purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Commission with a status report of the Tuscawilla
Beautification Assessment District and to receive Commission direction relative to implementation
of the proiect:
Manager McLemore said this is a request for the Commission to expedite the schedule in terms of
tasks involved in Phase I of the agreement with our consultants to bring Item 1-C forward into Phase
1. Manager McLemore mentioned that he has provided the Commission with an amended schedule,
moving the date for the mail ballot to the middle of April. This is for the purpose of allowing the
proforma financial information to be available to the public during or before the actual ballot. As
stated there is a cost involved to undertake, prior to the ballot, of$20,000 to do this, the people who
are supporting this and promoting this in the community feel that at this point and time that it would
be advantageous to the ballot to be able to give people more definitive information relative to the
cost, thereby narrowing the ranges that would have to be established for the estimates and costs.
Manager McLemore said if this goes forward and the vote then is acceptable to the public, then the
additional cost will be reimbursable from the assessment district at a future date. This has come at
the request of the community. Manager McLemore said the question at this point is does the
Commission desire to authorize him to include step 1-C, in this immediate or Phase I which is the
phase prior to and including the mail ballot.
Commissioner McLeod said when this was in front of the Commission before and it cost $10,000
and it was suggested that more information be gathered and more spent in the beginning, and would
have cost less at that time then now, and was assured the community was behind this and it wasn't
necessary at that time to spend the money for something that everyone thought would pass.
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Commissioner McLeod said now we are spending 300% more to do the same thing and is it
necessary. Commissioner McLeod said the problem that he sees is that there is doubt in the
community if this will pass (perhaps) and if that is the case, it seems that it puts the City at a little
more risk, not loosing $10,000 but $30,000 because there would be no way to recoup this.
Manager McLemore said he couldn't answer how important this would be relative to the success of
the vote.
Commissioner McLeod asked if there is a preliminary number that was going to be used at this time,
there was a number that was going to be told to the residents and later broken down.
Manager McLemore said we don't have that number yet, but initially we said we would take all the
parcels and divide it into the cost and come up with a range and said he thinks what is desired now is
to be able to say to the residents the costs in tier one and tier two.
Manager McLemore said the request is for better definitive information and said he can't say ifthere
will be a tiering based on this, that's what will come from the proforma analysis.
Mayor Partyka opened this to public input.
Joseph Genova, Adidas Rd., spoke in favor of the beautification district. Mr. Genova said in the City
Manager's letter that appeared in the Tuscawilla Today, it is stated that the Board of Trustees will be
a majority of Tuscawilla residents and said at the Homeowners Meetings, they were told that all
Trustees will be all residents of Tuscawilla and asked the City Manager what is correct.
Manager McLemore said he was trying to say that the Commission will appoint the members of the
advisory Commission, and what needs to be decided is what happens with the Dyson Area, which is
outside the City limits, but is part of the PUD and said the way he sees it is he thinks the
Commission appoints the members of the advisory commission and said the thinks the Commission
has stated that those members will come from the assessment district.
Mr. Genova asked about the method of collection, would it be on the tax roles or mortgage
Manager McLemore said the bill will be from the tax collection but if an individual wants to have it
on their mortgage can do so; with the exception of the first year, the first year it will come from the
City of Winter Springs.
Mr. Genova said also in the Manager's letter it stated that details of the Ordinance will be worked
out, and asked that the details of the Ordinance be worked out and made know to the residents before
the referendum.
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Manager McLemore said if the Commission approves this tonight, details and cost will be worked
out prior to the referendum.
Gene Lein 1173 Winged Foot Circle, asked about the wording "paved streets and parks" being in the
Ordinance and asked why is it in the ordinance.
Manager McLemore said the advertisement that was seen was purely to preserve the right under the
Florida Statutes to use the uniform method of non-ad valorem assessment collection and the purpose
of the ad was to not try and define the specific activities that would be in the assessment district, that
comes later when the ordinance is created. The things that are in the ordinance, all the possibilities
have all been covered by that which was in the intent, but when the ordinance is written it will be
zeroed down to the actual items that will be in the assessment district. Manager McLemore said the
ordinance is what controls not the notice of intent. The notice of intent has no control whatsoever
over what will be in the day to day management of the assessment district, it simply preserves the
right, because these things can be challenged, our consultants felt that it would be smarter and
cautious to use a more expansive language. Manager McLemore said beyond that point the
ordinance specifies what is there, specifies the structure, specifies the length of debt, it has nothing to
do with notice of intent.
Motion was made by Commissioner to approve agenda Item I and to move forward. Second
by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Commissioner Blake explained to Commissioner
McLeod about the extra expense. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner Geonell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye.
Motion passes.
City Manager - Add-On
J. Requesting direction for the Commission relative to City contributions to the Cross Seminole
County Trail head site being located in Winter Springs. PURPOSE: to determine at what level the
Commission is willing to participate in the Cross Seminole County Trail Head located in Winter
Manager McLemore said we have been working with the County to try to make the opening event a
success, there has been a lot of budget issues involved because the County was not really funded to
do this in a way we felt would meet the goal. The goal was to, when we opened this trail site, was to
make it very positive experience for people so it would have an effect with getting voter approval in
the future. Manager McLemore said we were concerned about bringing the plans as close to 100%
implementation as we could and the County has requested some help in doing this; the County has
put in a large amount of money in this particular pilot project at this point in time, of which our
portion is very small. One of the item that was noted was the County has agreed to put in a restroom
facility at about a cost of$60,000 and requested we enter into an inter-local agreement that the City
of Winter Springs maintains the restroom. Manager McLemore said his suggestion is that the City
does that to a period oftime until the final method of financing is worked out for the trial and that we
do not agree to it in perpetuity from the beginning but leave it open for negotiations on how the final
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission March 2. 1998 - continuation from 02-23-98 Pae:e 19
system will work.
COminissioner Blake asked when the opening will be. Manager McLemore said he thinks they are
working towards the third week in April.
Commissioner Blake asked if the City is planning a City-wide opening ceremony event. Manager
McLemore said yes we are preparing for that.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve Add-On Item J. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye.
Motion passes.
A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
No Report.
B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
Manager McLemore said he handed out an item to the Commission regarding the Tuscawilla
Assessment District and an answer that was finally received from the County, relative to the
requested governance alternative. We have had several conversations with the County
Commissioners and the Staff and basically what we are being told is the County Commission (some
time ago) made a policy that they would not enter into an umbrella agreement, where they would in
fact create the entire district on behalf of a City, when you have involved an assessment district that
lays in partially in a municipality and partially outside the municipality in an unincorporated area.
The instrument they have chosen to use in the past, in which they are telling us they want to use here
also, is for the City to create the district inside the City and the County would create the district
outside the City and enter into an inter-local agreement with the City by which they would transfer
those funds collected in the unincorporated area into the municipal assessment district and allow the
City to administer the entire district. Manager McLemore said it is going about it in a different way
than what we recommended but said he thinks it does the same thing.
Manager McLemore said the County wants to see the actual assessment ordinance, the final
assessment costs and the results of the election before they make their final decision. Secondly, they
have a policy that they have adopted in the past, where they require a 65% vote in order to approve
that line outside the municipal limits; that part tends to complicate it a little bit, where we could wind
up with a 55% or 60% vote in the City and not get 65% in the Dyson area and not be approved by the
County. The other thing that complicates it a little bit but stated he thinks we can work around it, is
if we make the choice to include Dyson from the beginning, it could have some bearing on what the
estimated costs are, when you drop out those parcels, but it would be fairly small. Manager
McLemore said he thinks it would be very small and said that is something the Commission needs to
think about in terms of making a decision whether to continue on and include Dyson or make a
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission March 2. 1998 - continuation from 02-23-98 Pae:e 20
decision that it complicates it too much and can't get the information we need to get to the property
owners to not include Dyson and said it is the Commission's decision at this point in time. Manger
McLemore said ifthere is specific improvements that lay in the Dyson area that would not be build
as a result of them not getting 65%, then that could change the parameters.
Manager McLemore said it was the preference ofthe Homeowners Association to include Dyson but
the County has chosen to take a different stance than we hoped they would.
Commissioner Blake said share is probably close to the same, in terms of doing the math, the number
probably would not be affected if very much at all.
Manager McLemore said his suggestion is to move on as the Commission desires. It was the
consensus of the Commission to have the City Manager move on with this. Manager McLemore
said he will give the notice to proceed on this in the morning.
Manager McLemore stated that we will be brining on a volunteer to work for about a month or so on
grants and asked the Commission if they minded that this person used the Commission's office
behind the dias. The Commission did not mind.
C. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
Commissioner McLeod spoke about cutting-off the Commissioners after five minutes of speaking.
Mayor Partyka said we are trying to speed up the meetings, not to cut off anybody but to do it in a
fashion set up in Robert's Rules and to a degree we're trying to get use to that and stated that he is
doing the best he can with the goal of being more efficient. Commissioner McLeod said he
understands that but if a Commissioner has a question of another Commission and that Commission
wants to respond then that Commission should be able to respond as long as the response is not
directed personally at people (maybe that's the guidelines).
Commissioner McLeod thanked the City Manager for the fast response with complaints he gave him
from residents.
D. Commission Seat I - Robert S. Miller
Commissioner Miller regarding his memo on traffic calming - things that could be introduced,
thanked the City Manager for taking the time to send Staff down to Boca Raton to learn about traffic
control and mentioned that someone will come and address the Commission on that subject.
Commissioner Miller asked the Mayor to avoid making disparaging remarks about the western part
of the City.
E. Commission Seat II - Michael Blake
Commissioner Blake mentioned that he attended the Father/Daughter Valentines Dance at the Civic
Center and stated that it was very well done and well attended.
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Commissioner Blake mentioned that the Orange A venue gate at Central Winds Park was opened and
that he had previously asked that it be closed.
Commissioner Blake mentioned the Town Center Development Meetings and mentioned that the
entrance way to the Senior Center, it has the big steal door, no over hand, no landscaping, and asked
if there was something could be done, and said it would not take a lot to dress it up some.
Commissioner Blake mentioned that in from of the Fire Station Site, the new one, there is a low spot
there that has been holding water and said it is within a foot or foot and a half of the roadway and
asked if there was something that could be done about that. Manger McLemore said we will get with
D.O.T., and if there is something we can do quick we will do it ourselves.
Commissioner Blake mentioned prior discussion on a workshop for the review of the Charter and
asked when can a date be set for that workshop. Discussion on setting a date. It was determined that
a date will be set at the March 23, 1998 meeting for a date in June.
Discussion on the workshop for April 20, 1998. Commissioner Blake said the meeting for April 20,
1998 is a meeting for the Commission to determine evaluation criteria and how to communicate to
the Manager what he will be evaluated on and what he ought to be doing.
Commissioner Blake mentioned that he was not happy with the City Manager's style/approach when
he presents issues to the Commission and that he has noted five instances. The City Manager's job is
very clearly to take the Commissions policy and procedures and implement those in his duties. His
position is clearly not to be a representative of the building or development community as a lobbyist
to this Commission either publicly here on the dias or privately in his office or anywhere else.
Commissioner Blake said he has been on both sides of the issue, there have been times when he has
agreed with the issue and time he hasn't agreed with the issue, the issue is not the question. If a
person who is not familiar with our meeting or our government or the personalities involved, were to
listen to the tape at anyone of these five specific instances that he has noted, they would have
thought that the City Manager was an individual working for the developer, representing a developer
before this Commission. Commissioner Blake said this is not only his view point, he has had
discussion with others who has seen this at each of the occasions and stated an individual has come
up to him (who he did not know) and asked him who the City Manager works for. Commissioner
Blake said he is not making any suggestions whatsoever that there has been wrong doing, what he is
suggesting is that sometimes appearances of style can be misconstrued and said he believes that the
City Manager ought to engage the Commission in spirited debate to come up with the best answers
for a given question; which should not be the carrier of the message from a developer in order to get
a project that he apparently takes ownership in, from an idea standpoint, through this Commission.
Commissioner Blake said he would hope that we do not see that again. Commissioner Blake said if
anyone has any questions, he will be glad to let them know which meetings they were specifically
and get tapes.
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission March 2. 1998 - continuation from 02-23-98 Pae:e 22
F. Commission Seat III - Ed Martinez
Commissioner Martinez stated that the last two meetings that have taken place the Commission
heard Attorney Mike Jones saying "in his discussions with the City Manager and Staff' that they had
agreed and so on and so forth and said he thinks that the Commission should be informed every step
of the way, so when we are here and have to make decisions we are not in the dark. Commissioner
Martinez said the Commission doesn't seem to be able to get enough information on certain aspects
of a question to be able to make an intelligent decision. Commissioner Martinez said that over three
meetings ago the Commission requested from the City Manager and City Attorney that they provide
the Commission with some format to amend the Code of Ordinances and mentioned that he asked
about wetlands and flood planes and was promised an answer or something within 30 days and said
the Commission still doesn't have an answer. Commissioner Martinez said he provided each
Commissioner with a copy of a memo that he wrote in which he has selectively spelled out some of
sections of Section 8 of the Code of Ordinances that has to do with wetlands and flood planes and
some Sections of Chapter 9 Land Devleopment and some Sections of the Compo Plan 1990-2010
Land Use excerpts and said he is hoping that this will give us some direction and get an answer to his
Commissioner Martinez said in addition to the excerpts in questions, he is asking the Commission to
join him in requesting from the City Manager and Staff, that effective as soon as possible they be
required to keep the Commission informed of every application for development within the corporate
boundaries of the City on a minimum of a monthly basis, thus allowing the Commission to be
informed, to be able to read and study all relevant material through final application process, in order
for the Commission to be able to make a more educated and intelligent decision on such matters
during the final presentation and decision making efforts. Commissioner Martinez said he is also
requesting that each and every time the Commission has to face a difficult issue, such as Battle Ridge
or the Hess station issue, that the Commission be supplied with the necessary documentation by the
Wednesday preceding the City Commission Monday Public Hearings, and again so the Commission
has sufficient amount of time to study and research facts necessary to make an intelligent decision. If
for reasons beyond Staff control, this dead line cannot be met, make the necessary arrangements to
table the matter until such time as Staff can comply with the requested dead line.
Commissioner McLeod stated that he would like the Staff to provide the Commission with more
information on the Sign Ordinance, with regards to the type of building that was before the
Commission tonight so that in the future when another building of that type comes before the
Commission the Commission is not in debate with each other. Commissioner McLeod said if there
is another building coming on a site (in the near future) that may be different from our Ordinance,
said he would appreciate that at this time also, the Commission can discuss it. Commissioner
McLeod mentioned that he likes the Manager's style. Commissioner McLeod said to Commissioner
Martinez that the request he asked for was asked for from his seat and said he didn't believe it was
agreed to by the Commission as a whole. Commissioner McLeod said he finds that the Commission
gets information fairly timely, and said he gets (normally) the information that he asks for, and said
he looks at what the City is involved with overall compared to what he is asking for and tries to put
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission March 2. 1998 - continuation from 02-23-98 Pae:e 23
a reasonable time frame to what he is asking.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. MOTION
G. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
Commissioner Gennell stated that she has had inquiries form residents with regard to direct billing
for the utility bills.
Commissioner Gennell said she has had residents concerned that the western end of the city is not
getting as much attention as the eastern end and said she didn't want to see the redevelopment area
put to the wayside.
Mayor Partyka sated that this meeting will continue prior to the start ofthe Regular Meeting 0
the Commission on March 9, 1998.
The meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk