HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 09 15 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes ,. /' ~ ., . .~~ " .. . e REGULAR HEEtING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SEPTEMBER 15, 1976 Heeting was called to order by Chairman, Larry Pellerin, at 7:35 P.H. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Hery Brunner.HGbers present were Hery Brunner, Larry Pellerin and Tom Craven; members absent were Bob Helton and Carl Mitchell. Hotion was made by Mary Brunner to accept the minutes of last month's meeting. Hinutes were accepted. e Chairman:Pellerin recessed the Regular Session and opened the Public Hearing to hear the request of Hr. Rudolph Tanuyan, 109 Caaphorwood Street, to build a screened in porch. The size of the roo. would be 9 It. by 33 Ft. and would be approx~tely 8 feet from lot line. There were no objections. Chairman Pellerin closed the public hearing and reconvened the Regular Meeting. Hotion was made by TOIl Craven that we grant the variance providing that it be built the conventional style aluminum screened rooa. Seconded by Mary Brunner. Hotion carried. Next order of business was a continuation of a request for a variance for a Veterinary Clinic. All property owners within 500 feet were notified and no objections were received. Hotion was made by Hary Brunner to grant the variance to Dr. Eaas with the stipulation that there are no an~ls kept outside. Seconded by T-. Craven. Hotion carried. The variance is granted. 4t . e . , !l;7}:;:,\\":::;;Z;;j::~~'~~~fi~-_~~.~ _ ,_. -- <,',=","" ._""",._/lil',"''':~~~~ .. tl .. e e .. -2- The third order of business was a request by Hr. Cowan, Birch Terrace, to build a screened enclosure and he needed a variance for the side yard l~it. The room is to be 9' X 14\' on the north east coraer of the building and it will be completely surrounded by a 6 foot fence. It would be approximately 15' fro. the neighbors house. All property owners within 500' were.. notified and there were no objections. Hotion was made by Tom Craven to grant the variance with the stipulation that it will be the commercially built style. Seconded by Mary Brunner. Hotion carried. Chairman Pellerin info~d the Board there will be a public hearing on the 20th of October at the request of Cumberland Faras to install gas p1DllpS at their store on SR 434. Another item that may come before the Board is a request to operate a beauty salon in a private residence located on Jackson Circle;.; Another it.. that may come before the Board is a request to operate a day care center by the Church that is going up on Bayes Road. Heeting was adjourned at 8:20 by motion of Mary Brunner. Seconded by Tom Craven. L.ARRY PELLD.IB, CBAIlUWf BOARD OF ADJUSTHEN'l' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS