HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 04 19 Regular -t/~".,,:, .. ..~:,,~ .~~ 01, A,<". i{;~_::,:il?:!_~:,X;'.K*~:';(it',..,_.:,,~~~":'i€=;'(~ .:,,,-,.,,,.-......,...'f" ~., .;.f,f~V'~i''f~~'t:E~?~::.:.''ti.:~tf~-iiaf~. e . e CIn OF WImER Dlol:Uf., P!,()!lIDA NMICE OJ' PUBLIC H'JARINQ * . . . * . . * . . . . . . . . * WOM I!' ~aY CMaM: " ~) NOTIC2%S R'l'tDY GIVEN by the 50A1D 01' .DJUs~rr of tlut el'ty of ifbter 'pring_, P1.r1", itlUlt uid cOl!ml1ttee will hold a publio -'ar1n9t ea) to couider II request ot ",aria>>oe i:co paalt a mobile offl_tratler to be u.ad tor t-ponry sales p~.e. on the below dtlaerlbed 1"..1 pll"'opEtrty, to-v!t. tot; lflO BlOCk ~O", D. R..MI~u...S IW'fBY 01" 'nm LltV'Y GRAtrf' OIl ~laJ .:mS't1Pa. :te~4e4 1ft 'lat Book 1, Pave 5, ('L.' part. 8out\b of road and road rlqbt""Ot-"ay) QC'Jl\tal!'d.nf 31 aems mo~ or 1..s. Further dellCr!.bed a.s that !8 .erea adj&eeflt;to the ....se.rn bo.1L'\duy of the SbeoL'l Golf Coune.. ~.. r.~ .. k;:: [j f'} ~1h ~7f ~. ~.;~ \~ ( . i:: ;"(i '! ',I The Public ..at-f.f"" vill be beld in the Cit.y ftal1 of the City 'Of Winter Iprin9s, Florida, em F:d',~ay" April 19, 1974, at 1:60 p..m., Qr .. BOOn therhftctr as po8$'ible, at-wbich t:l_ inter..t.$d partt.. and cd. t.t.....s fol" Uld agabu.t: the ~JJt tor variance will .be beard.. Said hearill" uy coatiaue fro. tl_ to ;tlme unt.il final actl_ 18 tatenbyaa1d ~oart! of Adjustment. ~tS ~IC~ S'BALt" B! POftHn Inthr.~ (3) ~lla pl<<Ofts Ithbl the City of Wln'ter $};)rin,.s, I"lorlda, &1: t.:b.eCl'ty Hall ,1ilin th..siCS Clt'll# and publish.Hi! in mD o~no $!Im'XBtJl STAR nwspaper of qeneral c!rtNlat.ion in the Cit.y of Winter Iprl_9$, lor1da, oae tbM at leaat 15 days prior t.o the Ato~.a14 hearing. ft addition, notice shall k poaat.ed in th. area to be colu,i_red t le.st 15 day. prior to tho da:tfl of the Publieae.rln~.. Ii : ~~: i:: ~r. ;~ ~ b"" f:~ " f~~t T :);,. ~;~~ ~. ~".. ~'.~ l~: ~{ - ~. ... i~ ,'t";1 ~-t~,. f~ ~: r p. ',~; gt. ~'..,: if: ~>\i ~~ 'DAT1!m this 1st (lay otApril, 1'74.. I' L. ~. ~.. '4< i I ~:f.;: ~i, ~~. ?' ~r ~~. ~~ ~~:; ~~; ~i: , --~ :/i;,y~ ~,' e !:y" eteinol' Cli. crt> of Winter Sprinqa, Florida Plea.se publish one time on Thursday,;l\pril 4, 1974 in the LAW REVI1!W and forward t.he proof of publiea.tion to: THOMAS G. ~N'" ESQ. P.. o. Box 549 Alt.amont.e Sprinqs, r1 32701 At.torneytor City of Winter Sprlnq8! ~ -., 1..-.