HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 03 20 Regular e ~ / ,e -r e darcb 15, -L972 e On March 20, ]972 at 7:00 p.m., there'will be a public bearing in the North Orlando Village Hall to hear a request for John Ost to construct a building, for the purpose of operating a day-care center for pre-school childern. Applicant, e e e e C~1y COUN C/L. //LL "'"7e 0-{' ;JC,ej). Ok.LpJ1Jdo ~dh OJtd.H;vdo) ;CLDR.,'dCl. beF1ll-~erV ~ ::;:;t hJ9-5 beeN bf"ovtjh+ -;;; t#/)y ##eA/t~,() -r-hd ,4, ,ve/Jh ~Je w~;t//-s , ;'1- P/Jr/4Jt/ce .J2~ /9 CAiLJ Care ceA./.J.e e C))(,) /n~s:s~ ~.;)" ;;:- tvl'sj e ;; /Z9~ I,/'y r<c ./hH./. S >9h? ~"UNs;t .svch r9 V4rt~l\JC,e ~ ';:://5 fik'c/ I-ee/,/N,f' N//~ ./-/;e /C?cQ. ,.f (/Jt),e./J ~tL#~d/) e*J0cAas" :;:/ /(/~tJLc2 /:Vcr8#S'~ -hl/+f,.c l4-~d i-Ius :f d~d p./Rw'f; /J-9M') Y~K -Io~ ~J9-k/)'tJ1 -/-/;/6 P/VcJe~ [~/V'5",1;y,e.-~~;o, e fSJ c " f~JC"~~,CJ !........ 'u' \ I\O;~ ll'.... MA~ i. jj 1!Il2 1:f::;j t xf)~ yl4 yes ~",)02. 5#/04-6(,4 PI- /Z;~MI? Od~JJc)J J.fJL~.. ~ *' c. ov f' ~~u... a~ e e e I L e e February 27,1972 John ~v. ost 401 Moss Hoad North Orlando, Fla. To Whom It May Concern: I, John Ost, propose to construct a building 40. by 601 on the property south west of my present home, which is on the south east corner of Moss and Bahama roads. This building is for the purpose of operating a day-care center for pre-school childrem. \lQ the undersigned, as property owners living within .500. of the proposed sight of business, have no objection to this business being operated in this location. SIGNED: --------------------------- ~ i e e e . '~.:,.,..;,.. :(......;.~.;;:,:-',u.'...,(.,:...'1' ";.' .,..:;,.;v! .1oo.';:,.~ ;,;. "l:~''''~''''-''>' ~ e e -- ,. JA) I~,-,j,v iJOUGLAS STe:N~1..' 'i.~ $. ...)tJSEPH DAVIS, ..Ii" I<ENNETH W. McII'J"!".....;H THOMA': G. F'REc::t.,.1.~r.; NED N. JUtiAN, IR. WILLJAM I._ Cf;lBF::!=). A~ .~ HH C7. "/~ // ,Z_" I J/i"i!'.q?.JMCf.:Nr'b;; :2!.a-C/t0 tr Jt(pJ,4tu~ ~J~~tf.:~.P~..2~{/, Si liTE 2c FLCIolIDA STATE 8AI'lK POST 0F"F"ICE BOX 1330 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 February 25, 1972 (3Q~) 322-E171 IN REPL.' REFER TO: Legal Notices The Sanford Herald Post Office Box 1657 Sanford, Florida 32771 Re: North Orlando Public Hearing Dear Sir: Enclosed is a notice of public hearing to be held at the Village Hall of the Village of North Orlando, Florida on March 20, 1972. Please publish this notice in your paper one time, and if possible publish same in your paper of March 1, 1972. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely yours, STENSTROM, DAVIS & McINTOSH Thomas G. Freeman TGP' : mlm Enclosure bec: Marir Norton , e e e DOUGLAS STENSTROM S. JOSEPH DAVIS~ JR. KENNETH W. MciNTOSH THOMAS G. FREEMAN NED N. JULIAN, JR. WILLIAM L. COLBERT ~~n; q;~ Fc~.ff~ ~J'Y~~~d~ SUITE 22 FLORIDA STATE BANK POST OFFICE BOX 1330 February 25, 1972 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 (305) 322-2171 IN REPLY REFER TO: Mrs. Mary T. Norton Village Clerk Village of North Orlando North Orlando, Florida Re: Public Hearing of March 20th Dear Mary: Enclosed is the original Notice of Public Hearing for your signature. e Also enclosed are three conformed copies of same for posting in three public places. I have forwarded a copy to the newspaper and hope for publication on March 1st. Sincerely yours, & McINTOSH l~ Thomas G. Freeman TGF:mlm Enclosures f'.:i :F {, C 'I r.,...' -'{ ,....."_...;' C,. \i;,~, r f 'v.,' I 4 -'/C ) '" r: ~...;, ~'t.,L e - e e e , , e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Adjustment of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, will hear the request of MR. AND MRS. JOHN OST, 401 Moss Road, North Orlando, for a variance allowing the construction of a building on their property in order to operate a day care center for pre-school children at the above stated address. SAID HEARING will be held on Monday, March 20, 1972, at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall in North Orlando, Florida. DATED this 28thday of February, A. D. 1972. ~/~ MARY N6RTON, Village Clerk THOMAS G. FREEMAN, ESQUIRE STENSTROM, DAVIS & McINTOSH Attorneys for the Village of North Orlando, Florida Florida State Bank-Suite 22 Post Office Drawer 1330 Sanford, Florida 32771 - - e e e DOUGLAS STENSTROM S. JOSEPH DAVIS, JR. KENNETH W. MciNTOSH THOMAS G. FREEMAN NED N. JULIAN, JR. WI LllAM L. COLBERT ~q;~~~~ .~~~~~~ March 3, 1972 Mrs. Mary Norton Village Hall North Orlando, Florida Re: Public Hearing - March 20th Dear Mary: SUITE 22 FLORIDA STATE BANK POST OFFICE BOX 1330 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 (305) 322-2171 IN REPLY REFER TO: Enclosed is the Proof of Publication from The Sanford Herald and their bill for publication of the notice of our public hearing on March 20th. Could you please pay their bill. Sincerely yours, STENSTROM, DAVIS & McINTOSH ... -._...._.,",.-w~~ ~c:::":'!T- \ ~ ~ "" -. (: t"^-.., ~~ Thomas G. Freeman TGF:mlm Enclosures . 0 6, ;~~~"'A \.d:- L t ',. ,." t., L*'i ;t\ (~; t!s IDq~ ~aufnrb i!f~ralb An Independent Newspaper . SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared . ..UJiJ:l.i fr.~ct. F~.. .4i.e:lo.lI.l................................ who on oath says thatEhe is .. .C1!=!'!lF.~.:r.qP~r......................... of the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- Ii shed at Sanford, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a ............~ ~ g..~ 1. . f'! q~.~ ~.e.. .. .. .... .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... in the matter of Public Hearing March 20, 1972 to consider request of Mr and . . -MTS' ~ . .J-o hM" E},.,'i; ,. . 4EJ.l. .Mo s.s. . RcL' . oN 0 .' . Or1 81"1d El" f.El'J". '8" V8'P i.8m:.e. '8.11 ow in g . ..~.~e.. ~ot.r:'~~.~~::.~~.l?~. .c:~. .~. .tb'~~'~?f~.r:'.q. .~~.. .~~.ehi11'th~~~f.el.~.ty. ..in.. of;g$f, to opera e a uay care cen ar or ~re-sc DOl CIIl wren. was published in said newspaper in the issues of .......................................... ., .CO! r. c;: h . . t,.. .~ 9.7 g ~. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ............................................... Affiant further says that the said SAN'FORD HERALD isa newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole County, IFlorida,and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertise- ment; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or reftmd for the purpose of securing this ad- vertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn tCi and subscribed before me this ',I9a;:~ _"" d" of ....~~..~. lSEAL) . 'd l Notary Public Notary ,YubfK, State n a at erge My C~m;!lission Expl an 26. 1975 aonood By Am.rican fir. & CI$".lly Co. <... . '. ), I /: /' , /, .1 / " / ~," .. i /,. '-.' , ,I t (( / .I) , '." .- l.. '-' ',. .. \., t- l. ; . . ./' . ../. . . .~. . Or' . . . . . . . . . . .J e ".,If' XOTI{)E' ()F PUBLIC JlJl..I.'~' . NIOTlCEliS ':'H~R.BBY GIV that.th e Boa.rd' ",f. Aitiju~ the, ,vlltalfe of 1NaTth," Flodd'$<, .wlll 'hellJl',t;h~r. RoY 'E.., )lcCI..ln.~2t ovle.lio1Wa~.. for .." ,lowing t~4,tnB.w.n, ty , sa-Ion iJIl. 111s above-~t1&t~'d ad Said .hell(\ng september)ll. 1$ 1 t,; ~ th~ vm.ags' Ha,U l~. ...,.'. 1 l~- do, 1l'lo1'ld&. ".;", .',.,.... ...c, DATED this 27t~,-da.Y of AU.-.~ Uotlt, Ai D. 197'1. ",.. ," ~'. ji 1s/ . Ma. . . ., Village THOMAJE G. FR AUorney for the North Ortando. Fl .,<' :Florid.a. State B4l.n}c(.., 12. \ Sanfol'd. Florl~3$''' Publish Aug.S1; tt71 DE.S-lOS I I L_ ,E;)s.oA StiL s I Ws. aJ)t ~ LIJdiM.q OWl. ),(S(('(l'i.J tho tJuJ f.(ahLchdls QAtAJ. Wl OJ)~ u~ vmucJt, a..qo.uYasE 'tAUt. fJl>f!IJ~ ('1Yf!: f 'ffJu. <!>~) ~ ~cmUJb if I. tAo ~ C'aAt. eCtMTu. ~ ~WVU1.QJ OceOA~ ). 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