HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 01 12 Regular Item C-2
January 12, 1998
M R i( t~/lA
Authoriza '
REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the City
Commission hold a public hearing to approve the first reading for adoption of
Ordin~n_ce No. 694, to annex a 296.96 acre parcel located on the east side of State
Road 417 (aka "The GreeneWay) and on the north side of State Road 434.
The purpose of this Board Item is to request the Commission to approve the first reading
for adoption of Ordinance No. 694 to annex the 296.96 acre Battle Ridge Property.
The provisions of 171.044(1) Florida Statutes which states "The owner or owners of real
property in an unincorporated area of a county which is contiguous to a municipality and
reasonably compact may petition the governing body of a said municipality that said
property be annexed to the municipality."
The provisions of 171.044 F.S. which states "Upon determination by the governing body
of the municipality that the petition bears the signatures of all owners of property in the
area proposed to be annexed, the governing body may, at any regular meeting, adopt a
nonemergency ordinance to annex said property and redefine the boundary lines of the
municipality to include said property."
The City has expressed an interest in annexation in the past, (ref 8-14-95 City
Commission meeting).
JANUARY 12, 1998
Page 2
1. The applicant and the City have proceeded, according to 163. 3184 F.S., to
process the Battle Ridge Amendment based on DCA representations made via
phone and print. The City staff have followed the requirements of Chapter 163
F.S. and presented the Battle Ridge plan amendment to the City's Local Planning
2. The Planning & Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency at its November 9, 1995
recommended that the City Commission not transmit the large scale
comprehensive plan amendment (LG-CP A-1-95) to the Florida Department of
Community Affairs (DCA) for its review and comment.
3. The recommendation of the Local Planning Agency was sent to the City
4. The City Commission, at the Transmittal Public Hearing on February 26, 1996,
after a period of public input from residents, individuals outside the City,
government agencies, unanimously voted to transmit the large scale comprehensive
plan amendment (LG-CP A-I-95) to the Florida Department of Community Affairs
for its review and comment.
5. The Florida Department of Community Affairs sent its Objections,
Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report on May 23, 1996 outlining its
concerns and requests for clarification and information.
6. The applicant and the City have conferred with the Department's staffa number of
times by phone and letter and have received assurances that the applicant could
make their response to DCA's ORC Report and that further clarifications if needed
could be provided between DCA and the applicant through succeeding responses
to resolve any issues before proceeding to the second (adoption) public hearing of
the amendment. In a phone conference with DCA, the applicant's legal
representative, the City Manager and the Comprehensive Planning/Zoning
Coordinator discussed with DCA staff members Charles Gauthier, John Healy and
Scott Rogers, the 60 day requirement in 163.3184(7) F.S. DCA staff responded
that the 60 day requirement should not present a problem if the applicant requests
further dialogue with DCA after submission of the applicant's response to the
ORC Report, and is making a good faith effort to resolve any further issues or data
and analysis needs. The applicant indicated his desire to do so.
JANUARY 12, 1998
Page 3
7. The applicant has made three responses to DCA's requests for clarification or for
more data.
8. The applicant has notified DCA of his willingness to deed over to a responsible
agency all the wetland area on the Battle Ridge Property to be preserved in its
natural state.
9. The applicant has indicated that his willingness to meet a higher standard of
f.loodplain and natural drainage protection. The applicant will design the
residential subdivision to meet the more stringent criteria of the Florida
Outstanding Waters Program, a new program under the direction of the St. Johns
River Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection. This will assure that the waters QfLake Jesup are protected from
surface water runoff pollution.
10. The applicant has notified DCA that he will designate the large wetland area as
"Conservation" and will give over to a responsible agency this large wetland area
for future protection and conservation.
1. The area surrounding the Battle Ridge developable site includes the following land
uses: vacant land, citrus groves, residential subdivisions in the cities of Winter
Springs and Oviedo with densities of3-4 DU/acre (similar or greater than
proposed for Battle Ridge), an expressway (S.R. 417 "the GreeneWay") and an
environmentally sensitive area, mainly the wetlands within the Battle Ridge
2. The applicant has notified DCA of his willingness to deed over to a responsible
agency all the wetland area on the Battle Ridge Property to be preserved in its
natural state.
3. The applicant has indicated that his willingness to meet a higher standard of
floodplain and natural drainage protection. The applicant will design the
residential subdivision to meet the more stringent criteria of the Florida
Outstanding Waters Program, a new program under the direction of the St. Johns
River Water management District and
JANUARY 12,1998
Page 4
the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. This will assure that the
waters of Lake Jesup are protected from surface water runoff pollution.
4. The applicant has notified DCA that he will designate the large wetland area as
"Conservation" and will give over to a responsible agency this large wetland area
for future protection and conservation.
5. The Battle Ridge property is within the Urban Boundary set by the county.
Annexation and development of the buildable portion of the Battle Ridge property
will conform to the county's comprehensive plan in that urban services may be
provided to those areas inside the Urban Boundary and that urban residential
development will not occur outside of the boundary. Thus, the purpose of the
(Urban) Boundary which is intended to prevent the erosion of the character of the
rural area to the east will have been maintained. It: should be noted that the Battle
ridge property is indicated in Figure 2.9 of the county comprehensive plan as
"New Urban Area created by GreeneWay/S.R. 434 Small Area Study. This further
verifies that the county Small Area Study and Comprehensive Plan views this area
as urbanizing with urban services provided by either the City of Winter Springs or
the City of Oviedo. '
6. Seminole County through the use of an "Urban Boundary" intended to prevent
urban sprawl but allow urban land uses inside those areas surrounded by the Urban
Boundary. The Battle Ridge property is on that side of the boundary the county
intended to allow urban land uses. By including the Battle Ridge property inside
the Urban Boundary, the county took the view that development of the Battle
Ridge property with urban land uses would not constitute urban sprawl and violate
Rule 9J-5 F AC.
7. With respect to compatibility of the proposed Battle Ridge residential subdivision:
Within one (1) mile of the Battle Ridge property are residential developments with
a net density range from 3 to 4 DU/acre in the Cities of Oviedo and Winter
Springs. Across the street from Battle Ridge "within the City of Oviedo is
McKinley's Mill subdivision on the south side of S.R. 434 and the Oviedo Oaks
and Laurel Oaks residential subdivisions located on the east side of S.R. 434, south
of Florida Avenue. The density of these subdivisions range from 2.8 to 3.9
DU/acre." [ref GreeneWay/S.R. 434 Small Area Study Final Report]
Therefore, an urban pattern of development exists of single-family residential at 3
to 4 DU/acre. Battle Ridge is requesting the same density as that which exists.
JANUARY 12, 1998
Page 5
8. With respect to planned future development of the area: In the incorporated areas
of Oviedo within a mile of Battle Ridge, the City has designated on its Future Land
Use Map (FLUM) the majority of these areas as "Low Density Residential" (1-3.5
DU/acre) for future residential development. [Short Range Land Use Map and
Map 1-3 "2010 Long Range Land Use" Comprehensive Plan City of Oviedo,
Florida]. Therefore, a continuation of the existing urban pattern of development at
the same density is planned for in the future as indicated on the City of Oviedo's
Future Land Use Map in the its Comprehensive Plan.
9. A study of the Battle Ridge property by Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc.
Analysis of the Potential for Occurrence of Threatened and Endangered Species
and Species of Special Concern on the Battle Ridge Project Site concluded that
there are no known threatened or endangered (T &E) plant or animal species which
have as critical habitat, the type of habitat provided in the uplands in the
southeastern portion of the property.
Staff recommends adoption of Ordinance No. 694 to annex the 296.96 acre Battle Ridge
Property located on the east side of State Road 471 (aka "The GreeneWay) and on the
north side of State Road 434, based on the findings indicated above.
The ordinance for annexation of the Battle Ridge Property "shall become .effective at the
expiration of thirty (30) days after adoption or at any date specified therein." (in the ordinance)
[per Section 4 .15( c) City Charter]
1. Aerial Map.
2. Ordinance No. 694.
3. City Manger's Memo to the City Commission dated February 26, 1996.
4. Minutes of City Commission creating Battle Ridge Steering Committee.
JANUARY 12, 1998
Page 6
5. Minutes of the Battle Ridge Steering Committee.
6. Memo from Thomas Grimms to Battle Ridge Steeling Committee dated October
17, 1997.
7. Memo from Thomas Grimms to Battle Ridge Steeling committee dated December
18, 1997 (faxed).
8. Memo from Charles Carrington to Ron McLemore dated December 19, 1997.
9. Memo from Thomas Grimms to Battle Ridge Steering Committee dated December
22, 1997.
10. Memo to Mayor and Commission from the City Manager, dated January 6, 1998,
on the Battle Ridge Annexation.
TO 171.044(1) (2) and 166.041 FLORIDA
WHEREAS, the applicant, Battle Ridge Companies, Inc., has
petitioned the City of winter Springs to be annexed into the
WHEREAS, the City can provide to the subject parcel sewer
and water service and other urban services it provides to the
WHEREAS, the City has expressed an interest in annexation
in the past, (ref. 8-14-95 city Commission meeting) .
SECTION I - That the City of winter Springs annexes the
following described real property:
SECTION II - If any section or port:ion of this Ordinance
proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall
not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or
effect of any other section or portion of a section or
subsection or part of this Ordinance.
SECTION III - That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances
in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
SECTION IV - This Ordinance shall take effect immediately
upon adoption, in accordance with 166.041(4) Florida Statutes,
and section 4.15(c) City Charter of City of winter Springs.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this____day of .
, 1998.
Regular Meeting City Commission
February 26, 1996
Page 9
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to recommend the transmittal of the Large Scale
Compo Plan amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs in respect to the
Battle Ridge property in accordance with 163.3184 of the Florida Statutes and Section 15-30
of the City Code. Seconded by Commissioner l\ilcLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner McLeod said can the Commission add to the memorandum from the City Manager that
McKinley's Mill gets included in the Steering Committee. It was the consensus of the Commission
to include McKinley's Mill to be represented in the Steering Committee.
B. Requesting transmittal of the Carroll Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs for review.
Mr. Grimms said the issues with this item are essentially the same as the Battle Ridge item, they are
requesting the same type of development and at the same density.
Peggy Powell, 1711 Stone St., Oviedo, questioned the first response comment that was made during
the other item and also stated that is one property goes high density t.hen they all will and the Black
Hammock won't be rural any more and said she feels threatened. Let's protect what we have.
Mayor Bush said this Commission has always fought for low density in any residential property within
the City limits and there is nothing to leave me to believe they will not pursue the same activity with
this development as they would with any other. The Commission recognizes the concerns that the
residents have presented, but we do have to work within the law.
Commissioner Gennell said she believes all the property in the whole project will stand on it's own
merits in the end and because it is so sensitive and so large and controversial that it bears looking into
by a lot of people, and that is why she voted for it and will vote for all of them, she wants it looked
into and scrutinized. I have a tremendous amount of confidence in our Staff the way it's developing
here and in our City Manager and I would urge you to work with us and bear with us and let's see
if we can't all come to something that will be mutually agreeable.
lVlotion was made by Commissioner Ferring for transmittal of the Carroll Large Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida Department of Community AtTairs for review.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennel1: aye. Motion passes.
C. Requesting transmittal of the Weaver Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs for review.
l\ilotion was made by Commissioner Ferring to transmit the Weaver Large Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Mayor Bush asked if there was any member of the public
who wished to speak on this item. There was no member of the public who wished to speak on this
item. Vote: Commissioner Conniff aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
To: Mayor and Board of Commission
From: Ron McLemore, City Manager (2wrY\
Date: February 26, 1996
Re: Battle Ridge, Carroll, Weaver, Minter, Plan Amendments
This is a follow-up memorandum to the memorandum of February 23, 1996 contained in your
Agenda Package relative to the Battle Creek, Carrol, Weaver and Minter Property Plan
Amendments. In that memorandum I advised you that I would have a memorandum that I
would like to publish in the record regarding the framework in which I believe we should
conduct the transmittal process if the Board should decided to move in that direction.
The four plan amendments represent some 365.6 acres of land, 297 in Battle Ridge, 13.6 in the
Carrol property, 27 in the Weaver property and 28 in the minter property.
Preliminary review reveals, of the 365.6 acres ofland being proposed for plan amendment and
annexation, approximately 113.2 will be developable, including 50 acres in the Battle Ridge
property, 8.2 acres in the Carrol property, 27 acres in the Weaver property and 28 acres in the
Nlinter property.
This would result in approximately 30.9 % of the property being developable, including 17% of
the Battle Ridge property, 60% of the Carro I property, 100% of the Weaver property and 100%
of the Minter property.
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The decision to recommend transmittal of the proposal was made after an extensive review and
analysis of the record of this matter.
GOALS: If the Board decides to move forward with the transmittal it appears to me that
four goals need to be accomplished as follows:
1) That at the conclusion of the process everyone feels good about the open, fair,
disciplined manner in which the process was carried out regardless of what the
final recommendation might be.
2) The final recommendations .will be based upon compliance with the City's
Comprehensive Plan based upon specific findings of fact applied to the revelent
law and good practice.
3) That the final decision provides an adequate measure of protection of the chosen
life style of the surrounding property owners based upon specific finding of fact
and good practice.
4) That the final decision provides an adequate measure of protection of the Lake
Jesup Ecosystem based upon specific findings of fct nd good practice.
5) That the final decision is acceptable with the economic and life style interest of
the residents of the City of Winter Springs.
If the Commission decides to move ahead with the transmittal and consideration of annexation
the Commissioners will eventually be faced with deciding two issues as follows:
1) Can the proposed annexation be found to be in compliance with the Comprehensive
Plan, and;
2) Is the annexation in the overall best interest of the City?
Since this is a discretionary legislative proceeding all of these issues can be merged at the final
public hearing of the Plan Amendment Process, or be taken into consideration in two separte
proceedings. It is my recommendation at this time that we make separte findings and decisions
on both questions, but both questions be addressed at the same final public hering date.
Due to the intensified concerns of the various interest groups in this project, I think it is fair to
advise that the owners may be held to a higher burden of proof in this project than might
otherwise be required of a project in this type of process in order to facilitate specific fmdings of
fact in all pertinent provisions of law and all issues. For example:
1) Wetland jurisdiction lines
2) Endangered species
3) Economic feasibility
4) Transitional land uses
5) Traffic impact
6) Dedication of Pub lic Conservation Lands
Additionally it is quite possible that the final plan that the Staff would be willing to recommend
may be different from that proposed, or that Staff may not be able to recommend any form of a
plan that Staff believe is mutually acceptable to the property owner's and the City. Relatedly, it
is possible that the Staff may recommend dropping one or more of the properties from
In order to fascilitate open communications and confidence in the analytical process, I am
recommending that the Commission authorize me to appoint a Steering Committee that will
meet and confer on a regular basis during the process. No decision would be made in these
meetings. I am recommending that the Committee be composed of the following:
The City Manager
1 member from City Staff
1 member from County Staff
1 member from the Friends of Lake Jesup
1 member from the Black Hammock Property Owners Association
1 property owner from each property aI!.d/or their designees
Although this is not a quasi judicial process, I would like to recommend that the members of the
City Commission voluntarily agree to Ex Parte Rules during this process. I believe, in this case
this agreement would help the process.
DECEMBER 18, 1997
The Battle Ridge Steering Committee meeting of was called to order Thursday,
December 18, 1997 at 4:07 p.m. by Charles Carrington, AICP Community Development
Director in the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,
Battle Ridge Steering Committee Members Present:
Tony Mathews, Seminole County Planning Department - Comprehensive Planning
Mike Rich, Friends of Lake Jesup
Valerie Al-Jemile, McKinley's Mill Homeowners Association
Jim Logue, Black Hammock Association
Jim Allen, Owner, Battle Ridge Property
Dave Moon, Planning Director, City of Oviedo
Charles Carrington, AICP The City of Winter Springs, Community Development
Others Present:
Thomas Grimms, AICP City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Planning/Zoning
Meeting Coordinator Charles Carrington asked if there were other members coming.
Mr. Grimms stated that they were all here.
Mr. Carrington stated that the purpose of the meeting is to update the Committee on the
latest activities related to the Battle Ridge situation.
Mr. Carrington stated that DCA sent a letter dated December 8, 1997, which the members
should have received along with a letter dated December 1, 1997.
Mr. Carrington asked Mr. Grimms to summarize the activities since the last meeting of the
Mr. Grimms stated that a letter was received from DCA dated December 8, 1997 asking
for further clarifications, verifications, and data on 11 items. This letter from DCA was in
response to the applicant's (Battle Ridge Properties) responses to the May 21, 1997 letter
from the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), and to the November 14,
1997 letter from Ron McLemore and December 3, 1997 letter from Charles Carrington.
The letter from Mr. Carrington presented a schedule for first and second reading of an
ordinance to annex the Battle Ridge Property, adopt the proposed amendment, and rezone
the property, and adopt a Development Agreement.
Mr. Carrington asked Mr. Grimms to summarize the Decemb(lr 8th letter from DCA.
Mr. Grimms went through the II points. On point # 1, he stated that it was the position of
the applicant and the City that in phone conferences with DCA, they (DCA staff) agreed
with the applicant that if the applicant wanted a series of responses back and forth to
resolve the issues and data needs before going to the second (adoption) public hearing, it
would be OK with them, even though this would extend beyond the 60 day period
between receipt of the ORC Report and the date of the second public hearing on the
proposed amendment. It was the view of DCA staff that if the applicant was showing a
good faith effort to resolution of issues, they would not have difficulty with this approach.
Mr. Grimms stated that there were other jurisdictions around the state that have exceeded
the 60 days between the receipt of the ORC Report and holding the second public hearing.
Mr. Grimms mentioned that Items 2 and 3 should be addressed by the applicant's
environmental consultant, Breedlove, Dennis. Items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 should be addressed by
the applicant's traffic consultant, Turgot Dervish. Items 9 will be addressed by himself,
while 10 will be addressed by both Mr. Grimms and Mr. Dervish. Item 11 will be
addressed by Kip Lockcuff, the Public Works/Utilities Director.
Mr. Carrington then stated that a letter was received from Dave Moon about concerns he
had with the Battle Ridge situation. Dave mentioned that basically it reiterates many of
the points made by DCA and that needs further clarification. He stated he sent a copy of
his letter to DCA.
Mr. Carrington said that the City has scheduled first and second readings of ordinances for
annexation, Development Agreement, comprehensive plan amendment, and rezoning for
January 12th (1998) and January 26th.
Mr. Carrington opened the meeting for questions.
Jim Logue asked if the sewer and water lines will be sized to only service the Battle Ridge
Property. Mr. Carrington said that it was his understanding that the trunk lines would be
sized only to serve the Battle Ridge Property. Mr. Grimms said that it was also his
understanding. Jim said that this would have a definite bearing on the views of the Black
Hammock community if there were assurances that the sizing of sewer and water trunk
lines would be designed only to serve the Battle Ridge Property. Mr. Carrington asked
whether positively. Jim suggested yes it would.
Jim Logue expressed his concern about what he sees as an "inevitable" creeping of the
urban area outward toward the rural areas such as Black Hammock. He wondered if there
would ever be a stop to the spread of the urban area. He asked if the cities (Winter
Springs and Oviedo) would consider an agreement that would prevent them from any
more annexations. Mr. Carrington and Mr. Grimms explained that comprehensive plans
were not meant to be forever unchangeable, but that planning is a dynamic process and
that the focus is on orderly controlled growth rather than stopping it forever. They both
mentioned it was doubtful whether an absolute limit could be established. Mr. Grimms
mentioned that the county has established an "Urban Boundary" which affords some
guarantee against urban encroachment. He said this boundary is at the east property line
of Battle Ridge. He explained the significance of the urban boundary. Dave Moon said
that Oviedo's comprehensive plan does have policies preventing them from annexing into
the Black Hammock unless certain conditions are met first.
Tony Mathews mentioned that the county's intention to establish an "Urban Boundary"
was to provide a rural area component in the county's comprehensive plan and to protect
the rural area lifestyle. He said that the urban boundary does provide a significant measure
of protection against urban encroachment, since any change would involve a large scale
comprehensive plan amendment that DCA must review. DCA approved the county's
comprehensive plan and recognized the significance and appropriateness of the urban
boundary as a growth management planning tool.
Jim Logue wasn't sure this would provide the assurance he was looking for but said "at
least its better than nothing".
Tony Mathews asked at what density level the property owner was intending to develop
his property. Tom Grimms said that he has requested "Lower Density Residential"
category on the City's Future Land Use Map which allows 1.1 to 3.5 units per acre. Jim
Logue asked what was it designated now. Tony Mathews mentioned the county has it
designated "Suburban Estates" residential which allows 1 dwelling unit per acre maximum.
Tom Grimms said that since the City has the capacity and is willing to extend sewer and
water service to the Battle Ridge Property, the basis is made for allowing increased
density. Tony Mathews said that the county designated the property "Suburban Estates"
which is the lowest density for the county's urban land use categories, because the county
does not have that area in its sewer and water service area. He said that the nonavailabilty
by the county of sewer and water service was not the only reason the county gave the
property that designation. The other reason was that S.R. 434 along that area in the
vicinity of the Battle Ridge Property was a constrained rural arterial and the state did not
have plans to widen the road to assure that the level of servic(: would be maintained. Mr.
Grimms said what is holding up the state from putting in plac(: plans to 4 lane the road is
the lack of agreement between FDOT and the City of Oviedo to eliminate some old
buildings at the intersection of S.R. 434 and S.R. 426 (Broadway). Mr. Grimms
mentioned that what will probably happen is that there will be a bypass along Division
Street. Dave Moon mentioned that sooner than later the City will come to some sort of
agreement with FDOT about widening S.R. 434 in that area. He mentioned that lack of
agreement with FDOT on widening in that area does have its effect on maintenance of
level of service northward on S.R. 434. He also mentioned that the City recently had a
traffic study done with recommendations on that and other matters.
Tony Mathews asked if Winter Springs could postpone the scheduling of the annexation,
Development Agreement, large scale comprehensive plan amendment, and rezoning until
after the Board of County Commissioners, which meets on January 13th, (one day later
than the scheduled first reading of these items) has an opportunity to comment. Dave
Moon mentioned that Oviedo City Council meets on January 5th. Tony mentioned that
again, the Board of County Commissioners will meet one day after the second reading for
adoption of the items at the Winter Springs City Commission. Mr. Carrington explained
that the City staff had been directed to prepare the agenda items for the January 12th and
26th regular meeting dates of the City Commission. Jim Logue asked if a delay is possible
and if the City staff could check on this.
Mr. Carrington said that he would get answers to these questions posed by the Steering
Committee as soon as possible, and notify the members.
Mr. Carrington adjourned the meeting at 5:03 p.m.
OCTOBER 29, 1997
The Battle Ridge Steering Committee meeting of was called to order Wednesday,
October 29, 1997 at 3:18 p.m. by Charles Carrington, AICP Community Development
Director in the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,
Battle Ridge Steering Committee Members Present:
Tony Mathews, Seminole County Planning Department - Comprehensive Planning
Mike Rich, Friends of Lake Jesup
Valerie Al-Jemile, McKinley's Mill Homeowners Association
Jim Logue, Black Hammock Association
Jim Allen, Owner, Battle Ridge Property
Charles Carrington, AICP The City of Winter Springs, Community Development
Others Present:
Fred Leonhardt, legal counsel to Jim Allen, Owner, Battle Ridge Property
Thomas Grimms, AICP City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Planning/Zoning
Meeting Coordinator Charles Carrington asked if there were other members coming.
Mr. Grimms stated that David Moon, a member of the Committee, representing the
City of Oviedo was not present.
Charles Carrington introduced himself to the Committee.
Mr. Carrington stated that the purpose of the meeting is to update the Committee on the
latest activities related to the Battle Ridge situation.
Mr. Carrington asked Mr. Grimms to summarize the activities since the last meeting of the
Mr. Grimms stated that the applicant (Battle Ridge Properties) responded to the
May 21, 1997 letter from the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) requesting
further clarifications to the Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report
previously sent by DCA. He stated that the applicant sent his response to the City and
that the City mailed it to DCA on September 10, 1997.
Valerie Al-Jamile questioned why the Committee members were not sent the applicant's
response at the same time that it was sent to DCA.
Mr. Grimms stated that in the past the response was forwarded to the Committee with the
meeting notice, and that he was unaware of any change in procedure.
Jim Logue asked if the Carroll, Minter, and Weaver Large Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendments sent to DCA along with the Battle Ridge amendment were still being
Mr. Grimms stated that he repeatedly attempted to phone (7 times) Hugh Harling, the
consultant for the Carroll, Minter and Weaver amendments and that he never returned the
calls.. Tony Mathews recommended a formal written communication. Mr. Grimms stated
a letter was sent after the calls were made, and no response was forthcoming.
Mr. Grimms stated that he does not intend to make further contact with Mr. Harling.
Mr. Grimms stated he considers the Carrol, Minter and Weaver amendments dead.
Fred Leonhardt asked if City of Oviedo has an agreement with the
City of Winter Springs on future annexation areas/boundaries between the cities.
Mr. Grimms stated no, since a Joint Planning Area (JP A) is needed between the cities as
well as the county. The county is currently working on an Interlocal Planning
Coordination Agreement.
Mr. Mathews said that the county is working on a final draft of the Interlocal Planning
Coordination Agreement and that he has contact all the cities and that it looks like it will
be sent out in the near future for approval by the various cities.
Mr. Logue asked Jim Allen what will stop urban encroachment continuing toward the
Black Hammock.
Mr. Miller said he didn't have any answer, but mentioned that the housing market suggests
that the demand is for less than one (1) acre lot sizes. He also mentioned that builders are
calling him all the time asking when he can get his property annexed and building can
Mr. Leonhardt mentioned OFW Design Standards (a stricter level of Design Standard)
that his client is willing to use in the development of the Battle Ridge Property. He also
stated that his client is also willing to deed over the wetland area that comprises most of
the property to some responsible agency for conservation and preservation.
Mr. Mathews asked Mr. Allen if there was a preliminary plan for the residential
subdivision that they plan to build. Mr. Leonhardt said no, but that his client envisions
about a one-hundred and twenty-five (125) lot subdivision on the forty-five (45) acre site
that is buildable.
Mrs. Al-Jamile asked what the commercial establishments were that were mentioned in the
May 20, 1997 letter on page 4 # 3.
Mr. Grimms stated that the commercial establishments referred to were those along
S.R. 434 beginning east of the Beltway (aka the GreeneWay).
Mrs. Al-Jamile asked (on page 8 second paragraph) if the county is suggesting an
"Interlocal Agreement on Planning Matters" between the county and the various cities
involving annexation and other planning related matters.
Mr. Mathews said the county is drafting a document that would address various planning
matters between the cities and the county.
Mr. Carrington asked if Mrs. Al-Jamile had other questions. Mrs. Jamile indicated that
she did not have other questions. Mr. Carrington suggested that if the Committee wished
to relay questions to DCA, that they should feel free to do so.
Mr. Carrington adjourned the meeting at 4:23 p.m.
FEBRUARY 25, 1997
The Battle Ridge Steering Committee meeting of was called to order Tuesday,
February 25, 1997 at 3: 12 p.m. by Ron McLemore, City Manager, in the Municipal
Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida).
Battle Ridge Steering Committee Members Present:
Tony Mathews, Seminole County Planning Department - Comprehensive Planning
Steve Rich, Friends of Lake Jesup
Valerie Al-Jemil, McKinley's Mill Homeowners Association
Jim Logue, Black Hammock Association
Jim Allen, Owner, Battle Ridge Property
Fred Leonhardt, legal council for Battle Ridge
Borron Owen, legal council for Battle Ridge
Dave Moon, Planning Director, City of Oviedo
Others Present:
Thomas Grimms, AICP City of Winter Springs Community Development
Ron McLemore stated that the purpose of the meeting is to update the Committee on the
latest activities related to the Battle Ridge situation.
Mr. McLemore asked Mr. Grimms for a summary of activities since the last meeting of the
Seering Committee.
Mr. Grimms stated that in May, 1996 a phone conference was held between DCA staff
Charles Gauthier, John Healy and Scott Rogers and Ron McLemore and Tom Grimms
concerning clarifications on the four (4) comprehensive plan transmittals before the ORC
Report was sent by DCA. In July, 1996 the representatives for Battle Ridge and the
Carrol, Minter and Weaver properties submitted their responses to the ORC Report sent
by DCA in May, 1996. The City Staff made a presentation in June, 1996 to the City
Commission on the ORC Report from DCA. The City Manager in June, 1996 sent a
letter to Ron Rabun, County Manager suggesting the county and city explore the potential
of accepting into the county's Land Acquisition Program the environmentally sensitive
lands of the Battle Ridge Property. Mr. Grimms also stated a letter from the City
Manager of Oviedo to Winter Springs Mayor John Bush expressing concern about the
impacts of the four (4) proposed plan amendment, especially traffic impact, on the City of
Oviedo. It was also stated that a letter, dated August 12, 1996 from FDOT to the Battle
Ridge traffic consultant, Turgut Dervish, indicated that "Cumulative traffic impacts to
S.R. 434 as a result of the proposed Battle Ridge, Pinky Minter, Donald Weaver and
Luther Carrol developments will not create an adverse or significant condition." Another
letter (copy) was received addressed to Aaron Dowling at the East Central Florida
Regional Planning Council from Patty McKay at 1000 Friends of Florida expressing
concerns over certain proposed comprehensive plan amendments from Oviedo and Winter
Mr. McLemore stated that in November, 1996 City staff had a phone conference with
DCA staff Charles Gauthier, Growth Management Administrator, and John Healey (in
charge of comprehensive plan amendment review for Seminole County area), Harling
Locklin representative and Borron Owen, legal counsel for Battle Ridge, on clarifications
on certain issues and data requests by DCA.
Mr. Grimms added that another phone conference was held with DCA staff in which they
indicated that they will look closely at the issue of urban sprawl and protection of natural
Mr. McLemore stated that the phone conferences with DCA are part of the process to
resolve outstanding issues and additional data needs before going to the second public
Mr. McLemore opened the meeting up for discussion.
Various members of the committee discussed the impacts that the proposed amendments
would have on the Black Hammock, the City of Oviedo and the McKinley's Mill
Mr. Grimms stated that the degree of impacts is still under study and through a series of
exchanges between the applicant and DCA, hopefully it will become clear and issues will
be resolved to the satisfaction of DCA and the various affected parties.
Mr. McLemore stated that the purpose of the meeting is to primarily keep everyone
updated where the amendments are in the process and the efforts at resolution of
outstanding issues and data needs.
Mr. McLemore adjourned the meeting at 4:51 p.m.
APRIL 30, 1996
The Battle Ridge Steering Committee meeting of was called to order Tuesday,
April 30, 1996 at 3 :09 p.m. by Ron McLemore, City Manager, in the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida).
Battle Ridge Steering Committee Members Present:
Tony Mathews, Seminole County Planning Department - Comprehensive Planning
Steve Rich, Friends of Lake Jesup
Valerie Al-Jemil, McKinley's Mill Homeowners Assoc:iation
Jim Logue, Black Hammock Association
Jim Allen, Owner, Battle Ridge Property
Fred Leonhardt, legal council for Battle Ridge
Borron Owen, legal council for Battle Ridge
Dave Moon, Planning Director, City of Oviedo
Others Present:
Thomas Grimms, AICP City of Winter Springs Community Development
City Manager, Ron McLemore, welcomed the members of the Steering Committee and
asked everyone to identify themselves. Mr. McLemore gave a brief background leading
up to his request to the City Commission on February 26, 1996 that he be allowed to
appoint a Battle Ridge Steering Committee. He stated that the purpose of the meeting is
to update the Committee on the latest activities related to the Battle Ridge situation.
Mr. McLemore stated he appreciated the sincerity of concerns that people may have about
the four (4) proposed comprehensive plan amendments and said that he and City staff are
open to the expression of concerns and suggestions that the committee may have. He
stated that this is the beginning of a process to determine if the proposed amendments are
desirable and in the best interests of the City of Winter Springs and not significantly
adverse to the surrounding area.
Mr. McLemore opened the meeting up for discussion.
Mr. Grimms briefed the committee on where the proposed amendments are in the review
process. He stated that the Local Planning Agency reviewed the amendments at the
November 9, 1995 meeting and made recommendation to the City Commission to not
transmit the proposed amendments. The City Commission at its February 26, 1996
meeting voted unanimously to transmit the amendments to DCA for its review and
comment that would come back as an Objections, Recommendations and Comments
(ORC) Report. Mr. Grimms stated that in a phone conference with DCA staff and City
staff, DCA staff said that they would have no problem with a series of exchanges between
the applicant and DCA staff to narrow down any outstanding issues and data needs to
resolve them. DCA staff understood that this approach would likely extend beyond the 60
day period between the receipt of the ORC Report and the scheduling of the second
(adoption) public hearing by the local governing body. DCA staff indicated that as long as
a good faith effort and progress is made, they would not have a problem with this
approach. It was noted that many jurisdictions around the state have gone beyond the 60
day period in their approach to resolving outstanding issues and data needs in an attempt
to resolve them before proceeding to second public hearing.
The Battle Ridge representatives presented their position on the Battle Ridge amendment.
They emphasized that this amendment proposal is very different from the one presented to
the county a few years ago. They explained the differences.
Valerie AI-Jamil mentioned her concern with cut-through traft1c to McKinley's Mill
Subdivision, where she lives, as well as the impact on the schools.
Steve Rich mentioned his concern about what affect the developments on the properties
would have on the water quality of Lake Jesup.
Tony Mathews talked about the Small Area Study that was done and that included these
properties and suggested that the Study be the continuing basis for review of the
David Moon objected to the City of Winter Springs annexing the property at all.
Jim Logue said the Small Area Study was done to examine the impacts of further
development in the area and to preserve the rural areas and lifestyle. He said that the
Small Area Study should be followed. He also wanted to know about the sizing of the
sewer and water trunk lines that would service the four properties, and whether the sizing
could later serve other properties in the area and cause continuing urban expansion into
the rural area.
Mr. McLemore said that we are early into the process of review and that many of the
questions the committee had will no doubt be addressed in the response to the ORC
Report and other subsequent responses between DCA staff and the applicants.
Mr. McLemore adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m.
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ron McLemore, City Manager
Charles C. Carri to)1( AlCP,
Community ev l'6gment Director
Battleridge Steering Committee
December 19, 1997
The Steering Committee asked me to obtain answers to the following questions.
1. Will public utilities servicing the Battleridge property be sized to serve only
Battleridge? I advised that I would check with the Utility Director and get back
with a response. .
2. Would the City entertain an agreement that this annexation is the end of
encroachment into the County? Tom Grimms and I explained that planning is a
dynamic process which by it nature is subject to change and I doubt that it is
possible to establish an absolute limit. We were asked to present the question to
3. The Seminole county representative asked if the matter could be postponed to
allow the Oviedo Board and the Board of County Commissioners an opportunity
to act. Oviedo meets January 5, 1998, and Seminole County meets January 13 and
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Community Development
Battle Ridge Steering Committee Members
Thomas Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator 2 ~
December 22, 1997
Battle Ridge Steering Committee Questions
The questions posed were:
1. Will public utilities servicing the Battle Ridge Property be sized to serve only
Battle Ridge?
The answer we received from Kip Lockcuff, Public Works/Utilities Director, was yes.
The sewer and water trunk lines will be sized to serve only the Battle Ridge Property.
2. Would the City consider an agreement that the annexation of Battle Ridge Property will
end further encroachment into the county?
The answer we received from the City Manager was no. The present City Administration
and City Commission can not bind a future City Commission that "forever" the City will
not consider or act on annexation eastward whether at the invitation of property owners,
or changed conditions in the county at some future point.
3. Tony Mathews, Senior Planner with Seminole county Planning Department asked if
consideration of the Battle Ridge annexation, Development Agreement, large scale
comprehensive plan amendment (LG-CP A-I-95) and rezoning for first reading and second
reading can be delayed to allow the Ovicdo City Council and the Board of County
Commissioners an opportunity to act. The City of Oviedo meets on January 5th and
Board of County Commissioners meets on January 13th and 27th.
The City Manager indicated no, since there will be time between the first reading on
January 12th and second reading on January 26th of the ordinances for comment from the
Oviedo City Council and Board of County Commissioners.
It is my understanding that these were the only substantive questions raised, without answers
given, at the meeting.
cc: Ron McLemore, City Manager
Battle Ridge File
Read File
Telephone (407) 327.1800
Community Development
Battle Ridge Steering Committee Members
Thomas Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning Coordinator
October 17, 1997
Upcoming Meeting
After polling the members, it was found that the common date and time for a meeting of the
Battle Ridge Steering Committee is and will be Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 3:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held at Winter Springs City Hall in the Conf€::rence Room at
1126 East State Road 434.
Attached is the revised response to the May 21, 1997 letter from the Department of Community
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Community Development
Battle Ridge Steering Committee
Thomas Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinat~ ~
D~cember 18, 1997
Reminder Notice of Meeting
Just a reminder notice of the meeting today, Thursday, December 18th, at 4:00 p.m. here at the
Winter Springs City Hall of the Battle Ridge Steering Committee.
In phone calls to you earlier, this was the best date and time that everyone could come. One
member indicated that they may not be able to attend. I agreed that they should send an alternate.
If you have any questions comments, please call me at 327-1800 X 315.
To: Mayor and Commission
From: Ron McLemore, City Manager !lwM
Date: January 6, 1998
Re: Battle Ridge Annexation
On February 26, 1996, the City Commission voted to forward the Battle Ridge,
Carroll, Minter, and Weaver Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments.
At that time, I read into the public record a memo I had furnished to the
Commission stating that I would not recommend adoption of the plan
amendment unless I came to the conclusion that the annexation would be an
asset to the community. In that memo, I requested the Commission to authorize
me to set up an advisory committee made up of representatives from Seminole
County Government, Oviedo City Government, McKinley Mill subdivision, Black
Hammock, City staff, and the representatives of the property's owners, in order
to receive input and to keep everyone up to date on the status of the
comprehensive plan amendment.
Since that time, staff and I have been in continuous communication with D.C.A.
staff and had several meetings with the advisory committee.
Additionally, during this period the Carroll, Minter, and Weaver property owner's
have not proceeded with their petition.
After exhaustive review of this matter by D.C.A. and members of the advisory
committee, I have concluded that the Battle Ridge Petition should be accepted
for annexation under the following conditions. These conditions have been
formulated to attempt to address the concerns of the various parties involved,
and to ensure that the project will have a value added impact on the City of
Winter Springs. The property owner has agreed to these conditions in the
proposed development agreement, currently before you.
a) The density of development shall not exceed 2.75 units per finished acre.
b) The average appraised value of home sites including land and buildings
will not be less that $180,000 per unit.
c) That all environmentally sensitive lands will be deeded to a governmental
entity for conservation purposes.
d) That the water management system will conform to Florida Department
of Environmental Protection Outstanding Waters Program standards.
e) That access to the development will be exclusively from State Road 434,
except for any provisions requested by the City for emergency secondary
f) That the property owner will apply for and comply with requirements for a
Florida Audobaun Development Certificate for the project.
g) That there will be no negative impacts on any endangered plant or animal
h) That water and sewer will be provided by the City of Winter Springs, and
that septic tanks of any type will be expressly prohibited from within the
i) Additionally, I am recommending that the City acknowledge that it has no
current interest in annexing east along the north side of State Road 434
beyond the Urban Service Line established by the county. Relatedly, I am
recommending that the City agree that any further annexation in this
direction would be based upon the county's agreement to adjust the
Urban Service Line to accommodate a future annexation, provided that
the City of Oviedo agrees to the same conditions.
j) Finally, I am acknowledging that water and sewer facilities for the project
will not be oversized beyond minimum standards for the purpose of
providing services to future annexed areas in the vicinity.
Based upon these conditions I am confident that the project provides an
adequate measure of protection of the chosen life style of the surrounding
property owner's, provides extraordinary measure of protection of the Lake
Jesup ecosystem, and is compatible with the economics and life style interest of
the resident's of Winter Springs.
In consideration of the record of this project, I am confident that this project
meets all the requirements of the City's comprehensive plan, and that approval
of this annexation and this development project and conditioned is in the over all
best interest of the City.