HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 01 12 Other Item 2
Date: 01121998
The following Minutes for Special Meeting
12241997 were approved during the 01/12/1998
Regular City Commission Meeting for this date.
DECEMBER 24, 1997
The Special Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 12: 1 0
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Bruce Blackwell, present
Robert S. Miller, present
Michael S. Blake, present
Ed Martinez, present
David McLeod, present
City Manager
A. Requesting Commission to accept conveyance of the proposed Mikes donation of sixty nine (69)
acres of the Tuscawilla PUD to the City and grant authorization to the Manager to sign all
documentation associated with this donation. PURPOSE: for the Commission to accept conveyance
of the proposed Mikes donation of sixty nine (69) acres of the Tuscawilla PUD to the City and grant
authorization to the Manager to sign all documentation associated with this donation. This property
is located to the east of Greenbriar Lane and bounded on the outward perimeter by the 11 th through
the 16th holes of The Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course:
Manager McLemore gave his presentation and stated that this item has been in discussion for some
time with the City and involves an area which is basically, for the most part unbuildable. It could be
used for a park lands; there is an existing conservation easement over a portion of the land, there is
an incumbence in the deed that says it will forever be maintained as park land or for conservation
Manager McLemore stated that Mr. Mikes has been trying to resolve this matter with the City for
some time and stated that the City's Attorneys have had substantial review of this, in terms of what it
means or could mean to us (City) relative to any other litigation and stated that he feels the City has
cleared that. Manager McLemore said that according to Mr. Mikes accountants, this has to be done
within this calender year or Mr. Mikes looses the ability to take the tax benefit for the tax donation
and that is the reason for this Special Meeting.
Manager McLemore said we are just in receipt of the title work and we have discovered there are
some additional issues relative to the land and said that he doesn't think they create a problem.
Attorney Blackwell said there appears to be, over the past several years, a number of law suits
involving Mr. Mikes' company/companies and there has been some "lis pendens" (notice of on-
going litigation that has been filed against the property), Mr. Bernie Martin (who does real estate
work for the City) has indicated that there are a number ofthose there that he has not yet had the time
to investigate to see if they are still valid, whether they have expired because the law suits are over,
but that is something we hope he will be able to do before the end of the year. Attorney Blackwell
said generally, we are getting something by quick claim deed, so we are getting whatever the owner
Special Meetine: City Commission
December 24. 1997
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has. Attorney Blackwell stated that this has been on-going for a long period of time and said a prior
City Commission had generally agreed to accept this land subject to not having a bad environmental
audit. There has been an environmental audit done and it was good, so whatever we are getting is
whatever he has and may be incumbered by lis pendens, we simply want to make certain that there is
no monetary damage against the City.
Attorney Blackwell said what the City is getting is a donation and it is mostly wetlands, it has very
little utilitarian use right now, but as most wetlands it may be a significant interest to the City in
years to come. Attorney Blackwell stated that subject to us checking further on the lis pendens, he
doesn't see a problem with that from a legal standpoint and said he didn't think the City would have
monetary damage claims brought against the City.
Mayor Partyka asked for clarification, and asked if this means that the Commission needs to make a
final decision based on the lis pendens.
Manager McLemore said his recommendation to the Commission is that the Commission authorize
the acceptance of this donation based upon our acceptance review of the lis pendens and the
determination that there is nothing there that creates a liability for the City. Manager McLemore said
in order for him to execute any documents on the Commission's behalf, we have to clear that first.
Herb Darvin, 1391 Ayerswood Ct., asked about delinquent taxes and also asked about some of the
property not being designated recreational and asked is the City is sure that there is no toxic waste
sites on this land.
Manager McLemore stated that as of yesterday (12-23-97) there were taxes due, the City has
warrants from Mr. Mikes that all taxes will be paid by him as a condition of this acceptance and
Manager McLemore stated that they probably were paid this morning; this acceptance will not be
finalized until all taxes are paid. Manager McLemore said the deed encumbers this land as forever
conservation. Manager McLemore said in terms of the toxic waste, we have reviewed the
. environmental audit extensively (several different people) and there are no indication of any of those
kinds liabilities on this property, the property appears to be very pristine wetlands and free of those
kind of problems.
Elizabeth Light, 858 Bentley Green Circle, asked if this is intended as a barter or trade for Mr. Mikes
to build more houses.
Attorney Blackwell said in looking at the letter from Mr. Mikes, it is clear from his letter as it is clear
from the statements from the City Manager, that there are no quick pro quos for this donation. This
. is not a donation that was offered in the last few days or weeks; this is a donation request which goes
back a period of years. At the time of the first donation request, the City officials were very
concerned about issues of environmental damage; the City's idea at the time was if it came through
Special Meetine: City Commission
December 24.1997
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with a clean environmental audit, the City was interested in the 69 acres. The environmental audit
was completed and there are no problems, therefore that issue is not a problem; as to the issue
whether Mr. Mikes (the corporations in which he has an interest) as to whether he plans to build
additional houses or whatever, Mr. Blackwell stated that with the exclusion of approximately 12 to
15 lots, at the present time, neither Mr. Mikes or any of the corporations of which Mr. Mikes has an
interest, owns any further property within the Tuscawilla PUD.
Dan Dyche, 846 Bentley Green Circle, asked about lis pendens. Attorney Blackwell explained lis
Commissioner McLeod mentioned access to the property, and said that there is a street beside the
property and asked ifthere are any easement stoppage from that street over, so there is good access to
the property. Commissioner McLeod said he thinks that should be looked at, and said this needs to
be part ofthe motion that acceptance of this property, we must have access to the property.
Commissioner McLeod asked if there would be problems in the deed restrictions if the City
developed the property as a nature path or a park.
Manager McLemore said the City could not build ball fields but the City could put a nature path,
walking area and those kind of things, only passive recreational activity.
Commissioner McLeod mentioned that couldn't a park be built if there is some high and dry area in
the property. Manager McLemore explained that only passive recreation in conservation areas.
Commissioner Gennell said she wants to make sure that in the deed there is nothing that precludes
good recreational uses in the form of normally perceived conservation areas such as board walks,
over-sights and things like that, maybe a small picnic area.
Manager McLemore said that is the type of uses, team sports are not.
Commissioner Blake asked what would be need to be done to redue the deed if the City decides to
have an active recreation area. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake that the City accepts the 69 acres so designated in
this Board Item, subject to the City Manager and legal staff being able to renegotiate the
special warranty deed to enable the City at some time in the future to utilize certain portions of
the 69 acres as an active recreational area and the lis pendens issue and the right-of-way issue.
Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Miller: nay;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: nay; Commissioner Gennell: nay;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion fails.
Motion was made by Commissioner Miller to accept Mr. Mikes offer as is and include the
special conditions - lis pendens and the right of way issue. Seconded by Commissioner
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December 24.1997
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Gennell. Discussion. V ote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye. Motion
Manager McLemore stated to the Commission that a work shop is needed to discuss the Tuscawilla
Beautification Project. Discussion.
It was determined that there will be a Workshop on the Tuscawilla Beautification Project on January
12, 1998, at 4:30 p.m. - prior to the Regular Scheduled Meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 1 :00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk