HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 12 13 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes ,','" :'(;."Y':;~[~~~;~~.,!:r.,!,_..,.. _""..___,....,i,~B.;.'1~:~;~:;'!I";-':.:-'.:;t...A-"\ .. -- e e e Regular Session Board of Ad3ustment . Oity of Winter Springs December 13, 1974 - The regular session of the Board of Adjustment, City of Winter Springs was called to order by Chairman Donald Smith at 8:00 P.M. with members John Sabatini, Carl Mitchell and Bob Williams present. The minutes for October 18, 1974 and November 15, 1974 were reviewed and approved. Carl Mitchell moved to accept the minutes as written ~nd unanimously approved. Marlene Rossiter's letter of resignation was read and reviewed by the Board of Adjustment. Carl Mitchell moved to accept her letter of resignation with regret. Seconded and unan1mously accepted. The first order of business wa.s a letter submitted to the Board of Adjustment by Mr. Jack Bachelor, 40 S. Fairfax requesting a special exception to- 60nductan open air fruit and produce stand at the corner of SR 434 andS. Fairfax Ave. Mr. Bachelor was advised as to the procedure for not1fying residences wi thin 500 ft.. of his proposed s1 te prior to the meet~ng. Mr. Bachelor was not present at the meeting and h~s ~equest was tabled. until the next regular meeting. The second'order of business was Mr. Al Clark requesting a variance for the omission of pavin3 of Fischer Rd. along and ln the subdivision of Oak Leaf Oaks. Mr. Clark presented certified letters of a.ll property owners contacted, and a letter of objection by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ash. Mr. Clark was advised that because of the objection, a public hearing would be required. The hearing date was set for January 10, 1975 at 8:00 P.~. The third order of business was a request by Mr. Jack Oooper, representing Hacienda Village and Mr. Peter Massaro, to erect a temporary sales otfice along the West entrance of the new phase in Hacienda Village along SR 434. All property owners were notified and the letters presented to the Board of Adjustment had no objections. Motion . was made by Carl Mitcaell~to a3prove Mr. Massaro's request for a Special Exception not to exceed a period of one year. upon wh1Dh tlmeanother request for an extension will have to be made. Motion seconded and unanimously approved. . 7J1~~ III" ~".--:'.< . - e . "!-"(""-f'lI!',..<,-.,or:,,'. .:- ;- "-t,~' ,~". ,\,""'!'_., .' '. "-' .- " .' -,-". "'~,,~"..,."m'-_,,,nr.;.nO:;',',--:-7":.:'j~-?;:i:"(:~:!_'<-~":~~~--:,;i ,', '~~\ '~"1:Y'iH~"o/;~-:::' -,'_~ ,-, > /"':","].;:~'''.7~:':'<:;?<,>~'1l~'l\:t~:.w:'rcr~~1!,';t,':'->::''i';i"':,~,: ~:"'Y;3\ e e the fourth order of business was a request from the City ot Winter Springs to relocate the existtng Police trailer ~o a new site on N. rlamingo near the. new Fire Station. All property owners were, notifIed and no~objections were voiced. No representatives for the city were present and the decision of the Board was tabled until the next reg- ularly soheduled meeting. rhe fifth order of business was that Carl Mitohell oontaoted XU. Govorunk, the Chiet of Polioe about AARGEE operating a business' at 11 N. ~rd St., illegally and disoovered ~hat the business ia no lon~er active. No furtiler aotion 18 neoessary by the Board of Adjustment at this time. The sixth otder of business was a request ~y Mr. C.P. Jones to oonsider granting him a varianoe to allow him to keep bis Florida Power truck parked at Alderwood Court, beoause ot his job. Carl Mitchell' is to contaot Mr. Jones in- '. torming him to notify all property owners within 500 ft. and to be present with those letters on our next regular meeting ni~ht. Any aotion was tabled until January 10," 1975 because of requirements not being oomplete and Mr. Jones aosenoe. No other business was pending. The next regular meeting was set for January 10, 1975 at 8:00 P.M., preoeded by the Publio Hearing for Mr. Al Olark. Meeting adjourned at 9:17 P.M. Donald E. Smith, Jr. Ohairman, Board of Adjustment 'Approved: .: Date: '- DES/efs