HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 09 20 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes , ' e~ e . . BoARD OF ADJUSTlEIlrS . 'mE regular meeting of the Board c4 Adjust.":1.ent on Sept 201 197h lIaS caJ.led to - order at 8.,> p.m. by the Oa:i.rman Don Smith ldth the tolloning mer.ibers present., John &.bat1n1, liJrlone Ross1ter# Dob \1Tilliams, Carlliitchell# and Don &ld.tb.. CURREl1l' BUSIlmBS: 'lb.e speo1al. peJ:!!11ssion for 11 emberland Fa:rms store to be erected in near the Police tra.1ler on Sto.te Road l!.34" l'he Chairma.n read the le&al not.1ce dated Sept. >, 1974 ubich l1U posteci tor public hearing on. Sept 20" 197bll The nt6l'l1bers of the Do:J%ld asked various questions of 1'11'. Seligs about the store iJm beaut:Lfication of the area around the stereo RmLIC HEA1UIJl I The Chaiman handed the .m.amhers petitions oonoering CUmberland Farms store. The petitions had 128 s1gn1tures against the store all total and 26 s1gni'tures intavor of the store. ThoDe that spoi:e ~ the store beins put in W81"8' Hr. Da:v:1d 0U:tJ.a:t, and i~. Joe Hage ~ Uorth Orlando Gro.. Those that spoke tor store being ereced l1Gre. I-to. John Bootb.# IJ1r'. David Ciasel. IiJo Betty Eaatbam. Hr. Jobn Daniela, and 111:"0 Iajako Fu.blic hearing uu closed and meeting open to board member.. lftos. Bossiter made motilm to excep1; the Cumberland Fume store '{11th stipulations. Secc:md*l by I~. l'~l'i~s and unanimously agreed upon.. l-Jr. HLt.cb.ell made motion tor a special meet1ng on Fric1ny Sept; 27,1974 tor atepulations on the Cumberland Fartia store and the areh1tect uill be there U posibleo Seo()"(}.~ b7 It:- Wi111ams aDd \1Nlmmously agreed upon. OID B'OsnJESs. M1nutes of' the regUlar meeti11...g on A.tlgl1S'h 16$ 1974 uare read and ~~ agreed upon. I-Irs R1gg1ola. uas contacted and uill m-ite to the .city on . .. ~8 on uhat she l1a1'J:tB., Chief Govoruhk uas sent, tuo letters regsrd1ng violatiol18o o rat.y from 3Uver and Assoe1a.tos was called about the 'brailer but has not returned the oall 1;0 date. 1i1.ry Ib;)f;on 'UiJJ. suppJ.y the minutes o:r the councilmeeting& to t.b.o boardo '.the P.La11)'li'l1C and Zoning Board has not complied aft yet. 1n Roseitter oalled 1;:i.e city atternary about. the duties oZ the board to such as: llere plans go? Are 'us responsible? The I'eply't-las tha.t all request ue. receive must have a publio hear-i.-ng and part,y mald.ne request must b$ present., Tbe Cha.:!.rman asked tho mer.ibers to r~View ~enees., la-s RoODitter uill give her time to J:lcl:e1ng up personnel index oards with sections and pa.cos of Vt.l.riences for ref'erences. At next regular meeting to diseuas ord:LTl2:ncas and varia..'I1.G6S tt11.d. to go to the attornery mth what ue lJOIltS up wIth. Chie.t GovoX"uhk has :rcllowed up on the lot~...rs that llGr6 Bent on Violations. Ueed to request let.ter from. Chief. 011 tmen "I'1olators 't-J'ere notif'i~ .Could urit-3 letter 1;0 the ci1;y OOlU1tJil after no. reply frol::! viola.torso 11:>" of the v1olations in the Ranch Iands ot the R1 AA. Z.o:ning ~ have n1>t replied as yet but but untdr to deo1de. because of ROt Zoning.. . !J1r HLtchell ~ motion that a. l~tter to Ohief' GovQruhk' o.fnolations of city .. 0J:d:lna:nee by Uro and lors. Robert A. D~$ tha:t. ae to da"ce the Board ha.., not heard frot:1 these people and vould he please notit'y ,~s to. !\ct.ion".taken. SeeOJ1<i6d and ,tftq1"limoU8ly agreed upon. ib .further bwJineas nas pending. 'lbe meeting vas ~ at 11 p.m.o... ~moV-.i;;D, _ DA1'ED : Don.'1ld &1i th Chairmn~ Board of Adjtt3tm.e..l'lt:t r WOd'lo- .. "f" T T f<I n$/.