HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 08 16 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
The regular meeting of the ooard of Adjustment on Aug. 16, 1974
was called to order at 8:15 PM with the following members present:
John Sabatini, Carl Mitchell, Marlene Rossiter, and Don Smith.
NE~ BUSINESS: The first order of business was to establish a hearing
date for Cumberland Farms stores requesting a special exception to
erect a convenience store East of the existing police trailer.
Mr. Bill Selig and ~~. Mike Pajak re~resented Cumberland Farms at
this meeting. A d~te of sePt.~ 1974 at 8:00 PM was agreed upon
by all for a hearing date.
A letter was submitted to the Board by ~~s. Aida rtiggiola of
121 N. ~ombay Ave. requesting information concerning the possibility
of opening a beauty salon in her nome. The ooard discussed the
letter and agreed unanimously to contact Mrs. Riggiola concerning
e the existing zoning and the uses permitted. If ~~s. niggiola de-
sired to req~est a variance for a beauty salon, everyone agr~ed
that a letter stating such would be necessary.
OLD BUSI~E3S:Letters from Chief Govoruhk. Three letters submitted
to the Board by Police Ohief Govoruhk were reviewed by the Board
members. Chairmqn Don Smith noted the dates on the letters being
April and June, and that no involved party contacted the Board as
instructed by the Police Department. Chairman Don Smith requested
a motion to write a letter to the Police Chief informing himJthat
no application was made re3arding the letters and further contact
by the Police would be appropriate regardins these vl01at~ons. A
copy of the letters from the Police Chief would be attached with
the letter. i~rlene ~ossiter so moved and seconded by John Sabatini.
Vote was u~animous to write the letter.
Silver and Associates: Chairman Don Smith introduced to the 30ard
tt a request by Mr. Oharles Kat~ from Silver and Associates to erect
a temporary construction trailer west of the Sheoah Golf Course
(Tolmo). The request for a variance was approved on April 19, 1974.
Don Smith asked for a motion to contact Mr. Ka~ to reaffirm his
req~est for a variance on the temporary trailer or if their property
1s again for sale. Marlene Rossiter so ~oved and seconded by
Oarl Mitchell. The vote waS unanimous to contact Mr. Katy.
In other business, ~~rlene Rossiter moved to petitiJn City
Council and Planning and Zoning Board to provide a copy of all minutes
for reference and for changes pertinent to all ordinances and zoning.
The motion was seconded and unanimously agreed upon.
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Adjustment was
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moved from Sept. 2B @ 8:00 PM to Sept.~@ 5:00 PM to follow the
public hearing re Cumberland Farms request.
Ohairman Don Smith requested a motion to go to the city attorneys
for an interpretation of Sec. 14-4, Paragraph (3). The question to
be asked is "can a request for a variance or special exception be
denied without a public hearing?" John Sabatini so moved and the
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motion was seconded.~ The vote was unanimous in favor of going to
the city attorneys ~ the interpretation.
In the matter of organization, Carl Mitchell was nominated for
Secretary of the Board of Adjustment. The nomination was offered
by Carl Mitchell himself. The vote was unanimous appointing Carl
Mitchell as Secretary of the Board of Adjustment.
Chairman Don 3mith requested a motion to inform the Police
Ohief of a violation of RIA zoning at 11 N. 3rd. St. and of the
voiced objectio~ already presented by Mr. Mel Campbell, personally
to Don Jmith. The business beln; started is AARGEE Services. Carl
Mitchess so moved on the requested motion and was seco~ded. The
vote was unanimous in support of contacting the Police.
Marlene Kossitermoved to aak the Police Ohief to send a letter
informing citizens when they are in violation of city ordinances
and to forward a copy of each letter to the Board of Adjustment so
the Board can stay abreast of violations and requests that may
arise at a future date.
The vote Vias again unanimous to request-tae Police Chief to
contact citizens by letter and forward a copy to the Board of
No further business was pending.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 PM.
Donald Smith
Chairman, Actin~ Secretary
Board of Adjustment
Approved: --.-
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