HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 03 22 Board of Adjustment Regular Minutes
The Boar.. of Alijustment of tne City of ~vin ter Springs helel a public
hearing at 8 p.m., Friaay, March 22 at the City Hall of Winter Springs.
Boari members present inclueleli Don Smith, chairman, John Daniels an.. the
secretary, Mary L. Cook.
The purpose of the meeting was to hear two requests for variances
on Ordinances, Article V 44.42 an<< Article III, 44.84b. All y,rsons
within 500 feet of either party had been contacted in person ani also
notified in writing of the meeting.
The first variance involved Jim Francis. Mr. Francis lives in a
R1A zone ani due to d suaden increase in the size of his family an.
dependent persons, he would like to be authorized to buila an addition
to the rear of his home that woul~ incluele one bedroom anel bath. In orier
to have a large enough room, after completion, he requested a 2 foot 8
i"ch variance to the re~luired b:lck yard foota.sc of 25 feet. This would
actually be a 3 foot setback.
Since there were no written objections and no objections expresseel
at the meeting, Mr. Daniels made the motion that we grant a Special
Exception to the variance to Mr. Francis for the addition due to Hardship.
The provisions for the Special ~xception shall include the following
stipulations: 1. He will tallow the bllilliing lines of hie home.
2. That he will get the proper buil~ing permit an. follow the building codes.
3. that ne v;ill mainLin. at least a 22 foot ;rear yarrl.
The .notion was secon.ed by Mrs. Cook. The vote was unamimous in favor
by the boarti.
'The boara th en heard Linda Thomas's petition for a varianc e to
!'.rticle III, 44.84b for the parking of a Se:ninole County School bus. After
hearing Mrs. Thomas and ~uly noting that there were no objections comigg
from persons within the 500 foot distance, Mary Cook made the motion that
we gr"mt a Special 6xcelJtion to the Variance because of Hardship and pro-
viding I'Irs. Thomas will follovJ thes e 8uifielines: 1. stipulate that
this is not cr~ating a precedence on being able to ~ark across the
street from her address. 2. lhat she will police and clean up the
area at all times and see th~t the proper drainage is maintained.
3. That this is a Special ~xception to the Variance, not specifically
to Mrs. Thomas, as a citizen, so that it will be automatic~lly revokea
at such a time as she ceases to be a bus driver of a Seminole County
School bus.
Following the granting of the special exceptions, Chairman Smith
advise. the other boar~ members that he had been advised by the City
Attorney's office that if there are any objections to a variance, then
the boarj will have to advertise a public hea~ing. If there are no
objections, then a public meeting can be held.
The boara will meet the thir. FriQay of every month, the next
~ meeting beinG Friday April 19, lJ74. All requests can be presented to
the board at their regular scheduled meeting and the necessary groun~
work will then be aone following the presentation.
A formal complaint will be lodged with the City Council that many
of the city co.es are being violatea and that the Police Department
shoul. cite the violators ana aivise them that they can seek possible
relief through the Board of Aijustment. He shoul~ advise them of our
newly establishe~ meeting night, the thiri ,Friday of each month.
The Board then made a motion that the City Council be apprised of
the present member's feelings in regard to an enlarged Board of Adjustment.
The three BO,J,rtt L:e:nb,,"rG concurred _hat the board should be composed of
at least four members, including one non-voting chairman. The motion was
una.71imously c arri ea.
The March 22, 1974 meeting was then adjourned.
(Sign.') lJza-
Mary L.
tary -