HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 11 10 Consent Item A
Consent X
November 10. 1997
Authorization -"
REQUEST: City Manager requesting City Commission to authorize the City
Manager to extend the current health insurance policy for a period of
one year with the plan changes listed in Alternative "2".
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the City Commission to review alternative
health plan designs for City employees to determine if it desires to change
the current plan design or not, and to authorize the City Manager to either
extend the current health insurance policy for one year with the desired
level of changes, or bid the health insurance alternative selected by the
The current health insurance policy is due for renewal January 1, 1998.
The current plan has been in place for the past two years. The City
received a guaranteed rate when it awarded the health insurance coverage
to United Health Care for two years with an option to renew for one year.
The City asked the City Attorney for an opinion on whether the City could
extend the current policy with United Health Care, or does the City need
to seek competitive bids. The City Attorney stated in his memo that the
City has the option to either extend or not.
Department heads were asked if they favored keeping the same health
provider, and if so, would they prefer to pay more for the same coverage
or pay more in co-pays in order to keep their dependent cost at or near
their current rate. The consensus of the department heads was that they,
and their employees; would prefer retaining the current carrier, increase
the co-pay, and maintain the dependent cost near current levels.
Page 1
The City asked United Health Care for plan design alternatives, with
costs. Below are these alternatives:
Visit Hospital RX Ambulance Physical
Co-Pay Co-Pay Co-pay Co-pay Co-pay
City $147.62/mo $5 -0- $5 -0- $5
Family 383.81/mo
Alternative 1:
City $157.95/mo $5 -0- $5 -0- $5
Family 410.68/mo
7% increase
Alternative 2:
City $1 51.09/mo $10 $100 $8 -0- $10
Family 392.85/mo
2.4% increase
Alternative 3:
City $147.62/mo $10 $250 $10 $50 $20
Family 383.81/mo
0% increase
Two issues arise from the information:
Does the City Commission desire to retain the current health care
provider with or without a change to the plan design?
Items to consider:
· You can retain the same rates by changing the plan design.
. Employees like the current plan.
· The City has received good claim service.
· The City has received good support service.
. The plan is very comprehensive.
2) Does the Commission desire to re-bid the health insurance?
Items to Consider:
· Companies could low ball the rates 111 order to obtain the City's
. Extra cost to bid the health insurance.
. A change in provider could result in a change in health networks and
plans that are less comprehensive.
. Implementation of a new plan by a different provider usually brings
confusion and anxiety for a short period of time.
. Employees morale could be affected.
Page 2
FUNDING: A 10% increase was provided for in the FY98 budget.
Alternative" 1" represents a 7% increase.
Alternative "2" represents a 2.4% increase.
Alternative "}" represents a 0% increase.
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the City Manager to extend the
current health insurance policy with United Health Care for one year, with the
plan benefits in Alternative "2".
If the Commission opts to bid the health insurance, authorize the
City Manager to bid the health insurance alternative chosen by the
Memo of October 21, 1997, from City Attorney
Current plan design
Page 3
OCT 21 ''37 03: 34Pi1 KRUPPEl'mACHER & ASSC
A Professional Association
Frnnk Kruppenbacher.
Robert D. Guthrie
P.O. Box 3471
Orlando, Florida 32802-3471
10S E, Robinson Street, Suite 201
Orlando, Florida 32801-1622
Telephone (407) 246-0200
Facsimile (407) 426-7767
· Ahio Admitted in Colorado
Ron McLemore
Robert Guthri~)
City Attorney ~
October 21 ) 1997
Employee Group Health Insurance
You asked me to review a package of materials on the subject of Employee Group
Health/LifelDisability Insurance as the city approaches an end of a policy year.
I reviewed state law, city code, the original request for proposals (RFP), and the insurance
It is my opinion that it is the city's option to either extend this coverage through the next
policy year, or to not do so. This is based on the original RFP (item #7, page 3 of 61) and the
contract signed by the city (fonner city manager).
Call if you have questions.
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Pre-Existin Conditions Covered in Full See Pre-Ex
Deductible IndividuaJfFamil None $500/$1,000
Lifetime Maximum None $2,000,000 per covered
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
Preventive Care
· Physical Exam
· Immunizations
· Well-Baby Care
· Well Woman Exam
· Mammogram/Prostate Screening
Maternity Care - Pre and Post Natal
Exams co a a lies for initial visit
Emergency Care
Emergency Room (waived if admitted)
Urgent Care
Situations requiring prompt medical
attention although they are not
emer encies.
. Inpatient Services
o Semi-Private room and board
o Physician Services
o Surgical Services
o Diagnostic X-ray and lab
o Otildbirth
Physician Office
. Office Visit
. Sur 'cal Procedures
Outpatient Services
. Surgical Care
. X-Ra sand dia os tics
Prescription Drugs
PLAN 210 (5/0/5)
$1,500 Individual
$3,000 Family
30 % after calendar year
deductible is met
No Charge
No Charge
No Charge
No Charge
No Charge
Coverage is for state
mandated benefits only
No Charge
30% after calendar year
deductible is met
$50 Copay
30% after calendar year
dedcutible is met
$25 Copay
30% after calendar year
deductible is met
$0 Copay
Covered up to $100 per hip
No Additional Charge
No Additional Charge
No Additional Charge
No Additional Charge
No Additional Charge
30% after calendar year
deductible is met
No Additional Charge
$5 Copay
No Additional Charge
30 % after calendar year
deductible is met
No Charge
No Charge
$5 copay (up to 31-day supply per
drug formulary)
30 % after calendar year
deductible is met
30% after calendar year
deductible is met
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$5 Copay
Family Planning
. Tests, counseling
. Surgical Sterilization procedures
(vasectomy, tubal ligation)
o Inpatient Facility Charge
o Outpatient Facility Charge
o . Surgery in Physician's
Infertility Services (applicable to
policy exclusions)
. Office Visit
. Treatment/Surgery
Vision Care
Routine Eye Exam
Allergy Testing and Treatment
Durable Medical Equipment
Physical Therapy
Home Health Care
Skilled Nursing
Mental Health
. Inpatient *
. Outpatient *
* Requires authorization with U13S
Substance Abuse
. Inpatient *
. Outpatient *
* Requires authorization with U13S
$0 Copay
No Charge
No Charge
For Diagnoses only
$5 Copay
Not covered
$10 Copay (Every 12 months)
$5 Copay for testing
Office visit copay for treatment
$50 Copay per item -
Authorization required for items
$500 - No maximum limit
$50 Copay per item -
Initial purchase only - No
maximum limit
$5 Copay (60 days)
No Charge
Requires prior authorization
No Charge - Limited to 90 days
per calendar year
Requires prior authorization
$100 per admission (30 day limit)
$10 Group
$20 Individual (30 visit limit)
$100 per admission (30 day limit)
$10 Group
$20 Individual (30 visit limit)
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
30% after calendar year
deductible is met
30% after calendar year
deductible is met
30% after calendar year
deductible is met, subject to
a $3,000 maximum
30% after calendar year
deductible is met.
30 % after calendar year
deductible is met. Up to
$1,000 per calendar year
30% after calendar year
deductible is met
30 % after calendar year .
deductible is met
Same limits apply
30% after calendar year
deductible is met
Same limits apply
... Pre-Existing Medical Condition Llmlation. No coverage 15 proVIded (or charges which result from I P~Iisting Medical Condition until the earher 0(:
1. The end of 6 consecutive montlu with no treatment; or
2. The end of 12 montlu of continuous coverage under the Policy.
. Exceptions: The Pre-existing Medical Condition limitation does not apply to Covered Persons covered under a prior plan of the Enrolling Unit on
the date that ploUt was replaced by the Policy, unless such charges would have been excluded under that pl~
. No Loss No Gain - Any current deductible satisfied since January 1997 will be applied to Out-of.Network deductible. It is the responsibility of the member
to send a previous explanation of benefits.
. Calendar Year Carryover. Deductibles satisfied in the last J month.! or the calendar year are ""rried over to aid in satisfying deductible requiremenl:l ror
the next ""lendar yar.
All bC1lLfits, prorrided ITy participating prooiders, are subject to tile copayments as described abooe. nle United POS plan is an open access prooider
network where referrals are not required for participating specialty care. Please remember tluzt this is jw;t a summary of your benefits. Certain
limitations may apply for bC1lLfits. For further details, please read the Certificate ofCooerage.