HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 10 27 Regular Item A
October 27. 1997
MGR ~ V fDEn y ~
REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the City
Commission to hold a public hearing to approve the first reading for adoption of
Ordinance 683 to establish the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District
Regulations (Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board Item is to request the Commission to approve the first
reading for adoption of Ordinance 683 establishing the "Redevelopment Area"
Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) that would become a part
of Chapter 20 "The Zoning Ordinance" of the code of Ordinances of the City of
Winter Springs.
NOTE: Shadings and underlining represent additions to the text, while strikethrough
represents deletions to the text.
The provisions of 163.3167(11) which states "Each local government is encouraged to
articulate a vision of the future physical appearance and qualities of its community as a
component of its local comprehensive plan. The vision should be developed through a
collaborative planning process with meaningful public participation and shall be adopted
by the governing body of the jurisdiction."
In 1995 the City Commission approved the preparation of a S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan
that would include a "Redevelopment Area".
OCTOBER 27,1997
Page 2
The S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan was presented to the May 20, 1995 Visioning
Workshop with representatives of the City Commission, Planning & Zoning
Board, other boards, and the public in attendance. At the workshop a graphic
depiction of the three subareas of the S.R. 434 Corridor was presented showing
the "Redevelopment'Area", the "Town Center", and the "New Development
Area". There was agreement on the need for division into three (3) areas.
The Planning & Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency reviewed the three (3) areas
of the S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan on October 2, 1996 as part of its focus on the
new Town Center and its proposed Design Guidelines.
The Redevelopment Area Design Guidelines Committee has completed its review
of the Redevelopment Area Design Guidelines. Wadley and Associates made
changes to the draft text. The revised draft was presented to the Planning &
Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency at its August 20, 1997 regular meeting.
The Design Guidelines will become the text of the Redevelopment Area Overlay
Zoning Disrict to be incorporated into Chapter20 the "Zoning Ordinance" of the
The City Commission adopted Ordinance 672 at its August 11, 1997 meeting
creating a "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District, and directed staff to
develop a comprehensive plan amendment and zoning change that would be in
accordance with the Redevelopment Area Design Guidelines for the State Road
434 Corridor Vision Plan.
The City Commission, at its September 8, 1997 meeting, tabled consideration of
the first reading for adoption of Ordinance 683 to establish the "Redevelopment
Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) until its September
22nd meeting.
The City Commission held a workshop on the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay
Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) on September 29, 1997 and
requested certain changes. These changes have been made in the draft dated
October 17, 1997.
Due to substantial changes suggested by the City Attorney to the "Redevelopment
Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations, the City Commission will hold a first
reading of Ordinance 683 on October 27, 1997.
OCTOBER 27, 1997
Page 3
No funds are required for creation of the Redevelopment Area Overlay Zoning District
The City Commission reviewed the S.R. 434 Corridor Redevelopment Area on
August 12, 1996.
The Planning & Zoning Board completed its review of the Redevelopment Area
Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) on August 20, 1997, and
recommended approval to the City Commission with changes.
NOTE: The changes relate to existing Florida Power lines being buried and
financing the operation, and to a common lighting scheme/theme for the woule
corridor - changes that are not directedto specific workding of the Design
Guidelines. These changes woud be addressed separately. The commonality
theme appearance of lighting along the whole corridor would be addressed as a
policy of the S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan which would be adopted as part ofa
text amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan involving the Goals, Objectives
and Policies of the Corridor Vision Plan, and not as part of the Redevelopment
Overlay Zoning District Regulations. The issue of burying existing Florida Power
lines and financing of the burying operation would be handled separately from the
Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District Regulations. (See attached minutes of
Planning & Zoning Board for August 20, 1997.)
Staff recommends approval of the first reading of Ordinance 683 to establish the
Redevelopment Area Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines), which will
become a part of Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Winter Springs.
The City Commission would hold a second reading and public hearing on November 10,
1997 and adopt Ordinance 683 to establish the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning
District Regulations of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan. The ordinance would
immediately take effect upon adoption per 166.041(4) Florida Statutes and Section 4.15
of the City Charter.
OCTOBER 27,1997
Page 4
1. August 20, 1997 Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Board.
2. Ordinance 683.
3. S.R. 434 Corridor Redevelopment Area Overlay Zoning District Regulations
(dated October 19, 1997)
The meeting was called to order Wednesday, August 20, 1997 by Chairman Femandez at 7:01
p.m. in the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida).
The Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Roll Call
Also Present
Bill Fernandez, Chairman, present
Gene Lein, present
Tom Brown, present
Carl Stephens, present
Tom Grimms, Community Development Coordinator
Charles Carrington, Community Development Director
Mel Glickman, Commerce and Industty Dev. Board Member
Marilyn Dickinson, B.O.W.S. Board Member
Ethel Beecher, B.O.W.S. Board Member
Mike Wadley, S.R. 434 Visioning Plan Consultant
Chairman Fernandez read a portion of Section 20-53 of the Ordinances: If any
Commissioner fails to appoint a member within two regularly scheduled Commission
meetings after a vacancy occurs or a term expires that seat will be filled by the Mayor,
subject to ratification by the City Commission.
Consensus of the Board to place the Bracco agenda items (B, C, & D) before agenda item
A since Mr. Bracco was present.
A} Joint Meeting of the Commerce and Industry Board, Beautification of
Winter Springs Board, and the Planning and Zoning Board to review
the draft Design Guidelines for the "Redevelopment Area" of the S.R.
434 Corridor Vision Plan.
Grimms summarized the development of the S.R. 434 Conidor Vision Plan. Wadley
commended the Visioning group (business property owners) for their open and positive
attitude towards the city.
At the next Commission meeting (August 25, 1997), the Commission will have the first
reading of the Town Center and New Development Area guidelines. The guidelines of all
three areas will be transformed into the zoning district regulations of the overlay district
for each area, and will become a part of Chapter 20 of the City Ordinances. There is
also a component that relates to the Comprehensive Plan, and it will become a special
section in the Comp Plan.
Redevelopment area issues discussed included the underground power cabling, the
gateway into the city at S.R. 434 and Hwy. 17-92, decorative pavement for major
intersections, opposition to reducing the parking space sizes, landscaped medians.
Lein suggested that some consideration be gIven to uniform streetlighting along the
entire corridor.
Question was raised as to when this corridor improvements process will begin, but an
answer was not given.
Dickinson said she sees a lot of county property within the Town Center, and asked how
that would be resolved. Grimms stated that the city is thinking of working up an
agreement with the county which would pertain to parcels annexing into the city when
ownership changes. The City Manager, Ron McLemore, has sent a letter to the County
Commission requesting that the county recognize and abide by what the city is trying to
do with the Town Center.
Chairman Fernandez stated his interest in the Cross Seminole Trail. The trail has been
approved; however, Judge Leffler is not interested in having a trail run in front of his
property (across from Winding Hollow).
Wadley stated that the landscaping of parking lots was addressed in. depth.
It was suggested that a policy (3.3.2 on page 3) be added to develop a lighting program
that shows a commonality theme appearance of lighting in the corridor between the
redevelopment area and the new development area with additional lighting to enhance
the Town Center.
Chairman Fernandez asked Grimms what their board's function was regarding costs and
suggestions of fmancing methods as stated in Section 20-59 of the City Code. Grimms
said that if the board, for example, wanted to suggest a special lighting district, then
that would be delving into the financial aspect. Bond issues and funding is not the
Planning and Zoning Board's function. Chairman Fernandez suggested'that Section 20-
59 of the Codes be amended. Brown asked that the board be advised of the funding on
a five year basis. '
Stephens asked if there was an alternative plan to the Corridor Plan. Grimms said he
has not heard of an alternative plan.
Stephens mentioned that some cities have an agreement with Florida Power regarding
the trimming of trees. He suggested cutting a tunnel through the canopy for the power
lines instead of topping off the trees.
Motion: Approve the redevelopment area design guidelines of the S.R. 434 Corridor
Vision Plan with changes and recommendations.
Motion by Lein. Second by Brown. Discussion. Vote: Fernandez, aye; Lein, aye; Brown,
aye; Stephens, aye. Motion passed.
WHEREAS, 163.3167 (11), Florida Statutes, encourages local
governments to articulated a vision of the future physical
appearance and qualities of its community.
" .
. . ,
WHEREAS, the City, in accordance with 163.3167(11) F.S.
has developed a collaborative planning process with meaningful
public participation in the development of the concept and
design guidelines of the S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan
Redevelopment Area Overlay Zoning District;
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning
Agency has reviewed the concept and design guidelines for the
Redevelopment Area Overlay Zoning District and has recommended
to the City Commission adoption of same;
commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, institutes
the State Road 434 "Redevelopment Area" Corridor Overlay
Zoning District Regulations to become a part of Chapter 20 of
the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs, and that
shall apply to the following properties:
[See accompanying map "STATE ROAD 434 CORRIDOR VISION PLAN -
"REDEVELOPMENT AREA" dated July 14, 1997]
If any provision or portion of this Ordinance is declared
by any court of competent jurisdiction to be void,
unconstitutional, or unenforceable, then all remaining
provisions and portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full
force and effect.
This Ordinance shall immediately take effect upon
adoption, with a quorum present and voting, by the City
commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, this
22th day of September, 1997.
Revised per City Commission meeting October 13, 1997
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
Sec. 20-336 Intent.
The pUlpose and illtellt of this specialized overlay zOhil,g distlia is to encoUlage ahd plovide roI
enhanc.ed pIopeIt} developllleht witl,in tile S.R. 434 cOIIIIlielcial cOIlido!. Son,e of tIle objectives
to be attaihed tIdougll tIle establisl,llleht oftllis distlict illdude. ehllancellleht of tIle cOllllllelcial
status of the cOHidol, I eduction of visual distlactioh tl'lougl, uhifoHll Sigh clitelia, ehllahcelllent
ofpllysical appearallce tliIougl, inGIeased lal1dscapillg ofpubliG and plivate property, provisioh of
architectUlal design guidelihes to cleate a ul1ifyillg tllellle ovel tillie, ploteaion of adjacent
1 esidehtiallahd uses, and 111aihtellal1Ce of pIOpel ty values.
Sec. 20-337
c. e...tion.
In additioh, to and supplelllental to, othel zOI,ing and land developmeht Iegulatioh lequilelllents
her etofOI e and l,eleafleI, the S.R. 434 COllidol Ovetlay Distlict ihdudes additionallegulatiolls to
plOl11ote the oIded} developlllellt al1d ledevelopnleht of tile COIl idol, of wI lid I shall be applied
tIuougI, impositioh ahd IlIapping of an overlay distria. The legulations ale ih additiol, to al1d hOt
in substitution of tIle ul1derlyil1g zOhihg distlict legulatiOIls wl,id, shall also lenlain appliGable to
the ovellay zone. The ovetlay distliGt desigl1 stal1dalds will gOvelh developllient within tIle
cOIridor ahd will contlol wllele cOhflicts bet~eel1legulatiol1s occu!.
Sec. 20-460 ~PP.J!t#.lj!!l'iY::::f.Q DesCl iption of Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District.
mf.i~::r.qnm>>{J:ng:::g:~~i.gn::$t..?'Q.f.i.~.rg~:"~lj~lt:::~pplY:!1Q the Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District Wh~glj
includes all properties (involving the entire parcel) lying within the corporate limits of the City of
Winter springs adjacent to the S.R. 434 right-of-way from U.S. 17/92 eastward to Hayes Road.
Sec. 20-461
Building Height.
No building shall exceed 35 feet in height. For the purpose of these design standards, building
height shall be measured from ground level to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or the
mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel roofs.
Sec. 20-462
(1) No improvement shall be located on any property closer to any property line than the
minimum setbacks set forth below:
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
Buildings Parking
S.R. 434 2.i.feet 1 0 feet
Collector Street 25 feet 1 0 feet
Internal Street 15 feet 10 feet
SIDE: 10 feet 5 feet
REAR: 10 feet 5 feet
(2) The narrowest dimension of a lot adjoining a road right-of-way shall determine its front for
the purpose of establishing yard requirements.
(3) On COlhel lots, the fIOllt yard sl,all be consideled as abuttil,g tIle stleet UpOh wllicl, tIle lot
has its least dilhehsioh. TIle 1 eal lot, ih tl,is case, sl,all be opposite tIle fi Ol.t yard. All sides
of a lot adjacent to streets shall be considered front yards.
(4) The following structures are specifically excluded from the setback restrictions:
a. Steps and walks.
b. Landscaping and landscape berms.
c. Planters three (3) feet in height or less, or
d. Other improvements as may be permitted under applicable regulations of the City.
The €ity m:Q.@Q:::g~:~~J1J:~lm~nf will consider any request for the placement of such other
improvements within a setback, only after a Development Review Committee review and
recommendation. In determining whether to recommend City consent, the Development
Review Committee may consider, without limiting the scope of their review, the following:
(1) the extent to which any hardship exists that would justify a variance from the normal
setback requirements; (ii) the aesthetics of the proposed improvements and their visibility
from common roads and adjacent properties; (iii) the consent or objections of adjacent
property owners; and (iv) the nature and use of the proposed improvements. It is the
owner's burden and responsibility to provide such information and documentation as may be
requested by the Development Review Committee in order to justify to the Development
Review Committee that the intrusion of additional improvements within the normal setbacks
is beneficial to the corridor and will not adversely affect adjacent property owners.
Sec. 20-341
Land COl'ell,ge.
No palce! witllih tIle S. R. 434 COllidol Oveday District shall have I110re tl,an 80% of its area
irllpervious. In detellnihilJg land coverage, a ~atel body sl,all hot be cOI,sideled an in,per vious
SUI face.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopmen1 Area
(ed The committee felt this was a redundant requirement and recommended that it be deleted. If
all setbacks, landscape buffers, etc. are provided as required herein, then this section is not
needed and only results in a needless calculation for the applicant.)
Sec. 20-463
Off-Street Parking and Driveway Requirements.
(1) Paved Driveway and Parking Spaces: All driveways and parking spaces shall be paved with
asphaltic concrete and/or concrete and shall be curbed.
(2) On-Site Parking: All parking areas shall be on-site and shall be adequate to serve all
employees, visitors and company vehicles.
(3) Rights-Of-Way: Parking is prohibited on rights-of-way or along driveways.
(4) Parking Space Size: Each off-street parking space shall be a minimum of two hundred (200)
square feet, 10' x 20', in addition to space for access drives and aisles. The minimum width
of each space shall be ten (10) feet. The two (2) foot area of paving at the end of each
parking space may be omitted provided the area is landscaped with sod or another
acceptable ground cover. The two (2) foot landscaped area shall not be counted toward any
other greenspace requirement or setback. Lines demarcating parking spaces may be drawn
at various angles in relation to curbs or aisles, so long as the parking spaces so created
contain within them the rectangular area required. Up to twenty five (25) percent of the
parking spaces may be nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet to accommodate compact cars.
(ed The committee felt that some reduction in pavement in the redevelopment area is
appropriate and made the recommendation for the 9'x20' parking spaces for up to 25% of
the total parking.)
(5) Handicapped Spaces: Handicapped spaces shall be provided and sized in accordance with
316.1955,316.1956,316.1958,320.0843,320.0845, 320.0848 Florida Statutes.
(6) Access drive Width: Each access drive shall have a minimum width of twenty-four (24)
(7) Number of Access Drives: If a site has less than two hundred (200) feet of frontage on a
right-of-way, one (1) access drive shall be permitted unless there is a joint access drive, in
which case two (2) may be permitted. If a site has more than two hundred (200) feet of
frontage on a right-of-way, F.D.G.T permit guidelines (found in 1496-7
Florida Administrative Code) and restrictions shall apply.
(8) Turning Radius: The minimum turning radius shall be thirty (30) feet.
(9) Coordinated joint use of parking areas during off-peak hours shall be encouraged to be
incorporated into the design of projects to reduce the total number of required parking
October 19, 1997
Redevelopmen1 Area
(10) Whenever practical, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems shall be separated. A
system of multi-purpose walkways and bicycle paths connecting buildings, common open
spaces, recreation areas, community facilities and parking areas shall be provided and
adequately lighted for nighttime use. The intent is to create a pedestrian oriented system to
connect all properties within the Redevelopment Area.
Sec. 20-464
The following landscape standards establish the minimum criteria for the development of the
roadways, parking areas, and other features to ensure continuity in aesthetic values throughout
the corridor.
(1) All areas requiring landscaping shall meet or exceed the following general landscape
requirements. Such Landscaping Requirements are required for:
a. That part of the site fronting a public or private right-of-way that is within the
designated corridor.
b. Around and within all off-street parking, loading and other vehicular use areas within
each site.
c. Along the outside of screening walls and fences.
d. Adjacent to buildings on the site to complement the architectural style.
(2) All landscaping shall be installed according to accepted commercial planting procedures.
Fertile soil, free of lime rock, pebbles or other construction debris shall be used in all
planting pits.
(3) The owner of a site shall be responsible for all landscaping so as to present a neat, healthy
and orderly appearance free of refuse and debris. Any dead or dying plant material,
including sod, shall be promptly replaced or shall be treated to restore healthy growth to
achieve a uniform appearance.
(4) All landscape areas shall be adequately irrigated with reclaimed water, where available,
based on the following criteria:
a. An automatic sprinkler irrigation system shall be provided for all landscaped areas.
b. The irrigation system shall be designed to provide full coverage of all landscaped areas
and shall be equipped with rain sensors.
c. The irrigation system shall be designed and operated to prevent or minimize run-off of
irrigation water onto roadways, driveways, and adjacent properties not under the
control of the owner of the site.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
d. The irrigation system shall be maintained so as to be in optimum working order at all
(5) All plant material shall meet or exceed standards for Florida No.1 plants, as specified in
Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Parts I and II. 1973 published by the State of
Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Trees shall be selected from
the Recommended Tree Pallet found at the end of these design standards.
(6) The preservation and utilization of a site's natural trees and shrubbery is strongly
encouraged. Existing vegetation shall be incorporated into the landscape concept for a site
wherever practical.
(7) Natural growth may be used to satisfy specific landscape requirements. Relocation of on-
site landscaping material is encouraged.
(8) When an access way intersects a right-of-way, landscaping may be used to define the
intersection provided however that all landscaping within the triangular area described
below shall provide unobstf.ll~.t~~.~~9.~.s.~y'is.ip'ilitY.~~(l..I~y'~I.~et.~~~J1.~'.\'.()..(~).r~et and six (6)
feet above finished grade. ~~g:~fdftn::~~~RJ~WMk~:::rri:~ytgr?{~:~:::~J.1~~:t.N?ngQlgr:~~:r~~~i. Landscaping,
except grass and ground cover, shall not be located closer than three (3) feet from the edge
of any access way pavement. The triangular area shall be defined as:
a. The areas of the site on both sides of an access way which lie within a triangle formed
by the intersection of each curb of the access way with the street right-of-way with
two (2) sides of each triangle being ten (10) feet in length from the point of
intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the two (2) other
b. The area of the site located at a corner formed by the intersection of two (2) or more
streets with two (2) sides of the triangular area being measured thirty (30) feet in
length along the right-of-way lines from their point of intersection; and the third being
a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) lines.
(9) All landscape plans and specifications shall be prepared by a landscape architect licensed to
practice in the State of Florida.
(10) Not less than fifteen (15%) percent of the site shall be planted with a combination of trees,
shrubs and ground covers.
(11) All parking areas and vehicular use areas shall be screened from the public right-of-way by a
landscape screen. This screen may be composed of a maintenance free wall at least three (3)
feet in height, or a screen oflandscaping at least three (3) feet in height twelve months after
planting. Walls and shrub screens shall be setback a minimum of 10' from the property line.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(12) Concrete walkways shall be constructed adjacent to the right-of-way of SR 434 where no
sidewalk currently exists. The walkways shall be a minimum five (5) feet wide. The
construction of the walkways shall be coordinated with adjacent properties to ensure
continuity of design. Where a sidewalk intersects a street or driveway, a curb ramp shall be
(13) Landscaping shall be provided between vehicular use areas and the abutting properties as
a. A hedge or other durable landscape screen at least thirty (30) inches in overall height
above grade when planted, to grow to thirty-six (36) inches within twelve (12) months
under normal growing conditions, shall be used between the common property lines.
When two (2) hedges occur along a common property line, use of the same plant
species is required. If a hedge exists on an adjacent property along a common
property line, a duplicate hedge is not required; however, in all cases, tree planting
requirements for each property shall apply.
b. Live screening material shall be planted in areas not less than five (5) feet in width.
Planting areas shall be mulched a minimum of two (2) inches thick with cypress
mulching or other organic mulch.
c. At least one tree shall occur for every seventy-five (75) linear feet, or fraction thereof,
along side (non-street side) and rear property lines. These trees shall be any canopy
tree selected from the recommended plant pallet found at the end of this section.
(14) Landscaping shall be provided for all vehicular use areas so as to provide visual and climatic
relieffrom broad expanses of pavement and to channelize and define logical areas for
pedestrian and vehicular circulation. The requirements for landscaping in vehicular use
areas are as follows: and shall include at least one (1) canopy tree.
(a) Parking areas shall include landscaped curbed islands at the ends of each row of
parking. These islands shall be a minimum often (10) feet wide and as deep as the
combined parking space( s) plus median, if any and shall include at least one (1) canopy
(b) Each parking bay shall have no more than ten (10) continuous parking spaces
unbroken by a landscape island.
(c) Parking bays shall have a maximum of 40 cars. Where total parking requirements for a
parcel exceed 40 cars, parking lots shall be broken into distinct areas separated by
continuous landscaped islands at least five (5) feet wide. Landscaped islands shall
contain one (1) canopy tree for every thirty (30) linear feet of island.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(d) Each separate required landscaped island shall contain a minimum of one hundred
sixty-two (162) square feet with a minimum interior dimension of nine (9) feet and
shall include at least one (1) tree.
W As an option. a six (6) foot wide landscaped island may be constructed between rows
of parking which shall count towards the required open space. If this option is used,
the parking spaces abutting the island may be shortened to nineteen (19) feet in length
and the unbroken rows of parking may be extended to twenty (20) spaces. The
landscaped island shall contain one tree for every thirty (30) linear feet of island.
(15) W A landscaped unpaved area shall surround each office building, occurring between the
facade of the building and paved areas whether a parking area, drive or sidewalk as
described below.
(1) Along the front and side of a building a minimum landscaped area of ten (10)
feet shall be maintained. Sidewalks are not considered part of the landscaped
(2) Along the rear of a building a minimum offive (5) feet oflandscaped area shall
be maintained. Loading areas may be permitted along the rear or side facade of
a building.
au For retail buildings, paving may be allowed up to the facade of a continuous storefront
building iflandscaping is provided intermittently along the facade of the building
consistent with the following:
ill A minimum of 50% of the front or side with continuous storefront must be
ill Each landscaped area must have a minimum width of three (3') feet.
(16) Foundation and accent planting shall be provided around all structures for the purpose of
enhancing and complementing the architectural character of the structure.
(17) Additional greenspace and landscaping shall be required at access drives.
(18) Drainage retention areas required on individual sites shall be sodded and designed to blend
with the overall landscaping and landform of the site and may be included in the fifteen
(15%) percent landscaped area. Wet retention may be permitted if c<:)nditions for dry
retention cannot be met. Ifwet retention is used. it shall be placed~t the rear of a Pr.<:)P.~rty
no case sllall desighs be pel nlitted \.\>l,idl il,dude fellcing. Designs of retention ponds which
require fencing shall not be permitted unless it is essential to the development of a site
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
because of a hardship. If chain link fencing is used, it must be either black. hi ol.ze 01 ~I eel1
coated. Decorative metal or masonry fencing is permitted. Wooden fencing is not permitted.
(19) All stormwater management areas shall conform to the design criteria promulgated by the
City of Winter Springs and the St. Johns River Water Management District.
(20) A tree survey shall be submitted with any application for site plan review showing all trees
over 2" in caliper. Existing trees to be removed and retained shall be shown on the site plan.
Prior to any site clearing activities all existing trees required to remain by the Design Review
Committee shall be tagged in the field for inspection and approval. Barriers shall be erected
at the dripline of trees for protection against construction activities.
(21) Any existing tree(s) indicated to remain on construction plans approved by the Review
Committee that are damaged or removed shall be replaced with new tree(s) of at least foUl
(4) inches in caliper each (1lIeasUled tl.lee (3) feet above glade) and having a total tlee
caliper equivalellt to tllat of tIle lellIoved or damaged tree (s) consistent with Chapter 5
Section 5.5 of the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances.
(22) All areas not otherwise landscaped, including the right-of-way, shall be sodded with
St.Augustine solid sod by parcel owners. Other suitable sod may be permitted in low
visibility areas or areas subject to periodic water inundation.
Sec. 20-465
Buffers and Walls.
(a) - Buffers: A minimum ten (10) foot landscape buffer shall be provided by the
developer/property owner abutting the S.R. 434 right-of-way lines at the time of
development order or permit approval. The landscape buffer may be contained within a
landscape easement.
The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation,
maintenance and irrigation of all required landscaping.
minimum four (4) inch caliper and overall height of 16 feet at time of planting no
closer than five (5) feet from the back of the right-of-way line. The trees shall be
planted every fifty (50) feet.
No existing or dedicated public or private right-of-way shall be included in calculation
of the buffer widths.
Stormwater management areas may not occur in the buffer area.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(b) Walls: All freestanding walls, sound barriers, ground sign enclosures, planters, man-made
structures fronting along the designated roadway or its major intersections shall be of brick,
decorative or split-faced concrete block. When these materials are used for a visual screen,
they shall conform to the architectural style, materials, and color of the development.
Sec. 20-466
All signs and sign elements, including shape, form, lighting, materials, size, color and location
shall be subject to approval by the Design Review Committee if such signs or sign elements are
visible from adjacent properties or a street right-of-way.
(a) Ground Mounted Multi-Tenant or Project Identification Sign: For each multi-tenant
development under separate ownership, one (1) wide-based monument style 01 pyloh,
permanent sign with landscaped base identifying the name of the development and
businesses within the development shall be permitted. For developments with five (500) feet
offrontage or more on a major road, one (1) additional sign may be permitted. The
minimum separation for all signs on an individual ownership parcel shall be 200'.
(1) Shall only advertise the name of the commercial development companies, corporation
or major enterprises within the commercial development. The primary address of the
building shall be incorporated into the sign with numerals/letters a minimum of eight
(8) inches in height, but the address shall not be counted against allowable copy area.
(2) Shall be located no closer than ten (10') feet from front, side, or rear property lines.
(3) Shall have a maximum of two (2) faces.
(4) Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the
proposed building(s).
(5) A wall sign shall not be higher than eight (8) feet above the closest vehicular use area.
(6) Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and
ground cover and/or annuals to promote color.
(7) Signs shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Under 75,000 square feet
75,000 - 250,000 square feet
over 250,000 square feet
Maximum Copy Area Maximum Height
32 square feet 12 feet
48 square feet 14 feet
64 square feet 16 feet
(8) Multi-tenant centers are permitted one additional signs for each anchor tenants
according to the following schedule:
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Under 75,000 square feet
75,000 - 250,000 square feet
over 250,000 square feet
Anchor Tenant Additional Signs
2 of 12 square feet
3 of 12 square feet
4 of 12 square feet
An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail store(s) in a center that is in excess of
100' front foot and a minimum area of 10,000 square feet.
(b) Ground Mounted Single-Tenant Identification Sign: One (1) wide-based monument style-or
pylon, permanent project identification sign shall be permitted per single-tenant parcel. One
additional permanent wide-based monument style OJ pylOlI project identification sign may be
permitted for parcels in excess of one (1) acre with more than one (1) ingress/egress serving
more than one (1) building. The minimum separation for all signs on an individual ownership
parcel shall be 200'.
(1) Shall only advertise one (1) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise
occupying the premises.
(2) Shall be located no closer than ten (10) feet from the front, side or rear property lines.
(3) Shall not exceed two (2) faces.
(4) Sign copy area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per face. For parcels in
excess of 4.0 acres, the project identification sign face may be increased to forty-eight
(48) square feet.
(5) Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the
proposed building.
(6) The sign shall not be more than foUlteeli (14) eight (8)feet in height above the closest
driveway or vehicular use area.
(7) Signs shall be in an enclosed base a minimum width of two-thirds the width of the sign.
Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and
ground cover and/or annuals to promote color.
Building Mounted Multi-Tenant Identification Sign for Buildings with Separate Exterior
Tenant Entrances: In addition to the ground mounted identification sign, tenant signs shall
be permitted on the exterior walls of the building at a location near the principal tenant
entrance, and be consistent with the following criteria:
(1) Shall only advertise one (1) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise
occupying the premises.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(2) The sign(s) shall be clearly integrated with the architecture of the building. Shall be
consistent in design, format, and materials with the architecture of the proposed
(3) The sign(s) shall not project above any roof or canopy elevations.
(4) Wall signs shall display only one (1) surface and shall not be mounted more than six
(6) inches from any wall.
(5) When more than one (1) tenant sign is used on one (1) building, each illl tenant
sign~ shall be consistent in size, materials, and placement.
(6) The maximum size of sign letters and logos, including any sign backgrounds, shall be
24" in height for individual tenants other than anchor tenants. The maximum height of
letters and logos for anchor tenants in a retail center shall not exceed 25% of the
building height. An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail store(s) in a center that
is in excess of 100' front foot and a minimum area of 10,000 square feet.
(7) The length of the sign may occupy up to seventy (70%) percent of the linear feet of
the storefront the business occupies. The anchor tenant may have the signage
permitted for a Building Mounted Single Tenant Identification Sign.
(8) For office buildings, one wall sign not exceeding two (2) square feet shall be permitted
identifying an individual tenant. The sign shall be located adjacent to the building
(d) Building Mounted Single Tenant Identification Sign: In addition to the ground-mounted
identification sign, a building mounted identification sign may be permitted consistent with
the following criteria:
(1) Shall only advertise one (1) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise
occupying the premises.
(2) The identification sign is located on the exterior wall of a building.
(3) The sign shall be clearly integrated with the architecture.
(4) The sign shall not project above any roof or canopy elevations, and the top of the sign
shall not be higher than fourteen (14) feet above the main entry floor.
(5) The sign shall display only one (1) surface and shall not project more than six (6)
inches from any wall.
(6) Signs shall conform to the following schedule:
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Less than 50,000 square feet
50,000 to 100,000 square feet
Max. Copy Area
16 square feet
32 square feet
Max. Letter Height
2 feet
25% Height of
25% Height of
Over 100,000 square feet
48 square feet
(e) Additional Signs/Variances: Under special circumstances, such as for parcels on corner lots,
additional signs consistent with these design standards may be approved, upon a request
granted by the Board of Adjustment pur~'1.~~t.~?..~.~c. 20-82 and 20-83 or the City Code.
The Board of Adjustment shall GOllsidel :r~:Qmm~ng variances of this sign code in specific
cases where such variances will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owning to
special conditions, a literal translation of this sign code would result in unnecessary
hardship. All requirements, procedures, findings and appeals of sign code variances shall
follow those provisions for zoning variances.
(f) Commercial Outdoor Advertising (i.e. Billboards)
Off-site advertising signs such as billboards are prohibited.
(g) Changeable Copy Signs: In order to create continuity throughout the corridor all
changeable copy signs shall be as follows:
(1) The sign cabinet shall be all aluminum extrusion or better as approved by staff.
Changeable copy signs may be incorporated into permitted signs and shall be included
as part of the permitted sign area as described below:
a. Changeable copy signs shall not comprise more than twenty-five (25) percent of
the permitted sign area;
b. Movie theaters and other performance/entertainment facilities may utilize up to
80% of the permitted sign area for display of films, plays or other performances
currently showing. Such copy area shall be included as part of the permitted sign
c. Movie theaters may use up to 80% of permitted wall sign area for display of
names, films, plays or other performances currently showing.
d. One changeable copy sign advertising the price of gasoline is permitted on
gasoline station sites provided it shall not exceed 12 square feet per sign face.
(2) The sign face shall be acrylic Pan X 15 or Equal.
(3) The letters and track shall be Wagner Zip-Change or Equal.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(h) Backlit Signs: Backlighting of signs, including awning signs, shall be permitted.
(i) Window Signs: Window signs may be permitted under special circumstances for retail
establishments such as signs inside and on a window or in a display of merchandise when
incorporated with such a display. The total area of all window signs, temporary and
permanent, shall not exceed twenty (20%) percent of the window glass area to be calculated
separately for each separate storefront. Window signs shall count against total allowable
copy area if they are permanently attached.
G) Construction Signs: One (1) construction sign, denoting the owner, architect, landscape
architect, engineer, financial institution, contractors, or containing any statement pertaining
to project for which a building permit has been obtained, will be permitted during
construction. The construction sign shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in area and
shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet in height or width. The construction sign shall be
removed from the site by the owner upon substantial completion of all construction, or upon
the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy, whichever is sooner. If the sign is not
removed when required, it may be removed by the City at the owner's expense.
(k) Marketing Signs (e.g. "Space for Rent" sign):
(1) Only one (1) marketing sign shall be permitted on each parcel during the building's
"leasing period". At the end of the leasing period, marketing signage shall be removed
from the site by the owner of the site.
(2) All marketing signs shall be submitted to the City for approval and location prior to
the sign's installation.
(3) Marketing signs shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the front,
side and rear property lines. They shall not create a visibility obstruction to vehicular
(4) For parcels in excess offive (5) acres or with frontage on more than one (1) road, one
(1) additional marketing sign may be permitted. Signs must be a minimum of200'
(5) Marketing signs may be double faced. Sign faces shall be parallel and mounted on the
same poles. The 1Q.ll!1 copy area shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet and no
more than ten (10) feet in height. The total of a single face shall not exceed thirty-two
(32) square feet.
(6) Marketing signage may be incorporated within the construction signage, but the
signage shall not exceed sixty four (64) square feet in area.
(7) Marketing signs may be lighted so as to illuminate the lettering on the sign.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(I) Political Signs only by permit.
(m) Prohibited Signs: The following signs and/or devices are prohibited in the corridor.
(1) Any sign or part of a sign which is designed, devised, or constructed so as to rotate,
spin, gyrate, turn or move in any animated fashion. Signs shall not incorporate neon or
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(2) Any sign painted directly on any exterior wall.
(3) Signs projecting more than six (6) inches in depth.
(4) Roof signs.
(5) Bench signs.
(6) Snipe signs (e.g. signs attached to trees and poles).
(7) Freestanding signs unless otherwise provided for herein.
(8) Trailer signs.
(9) Signs attached to temporary structures.
(10) Billboards
(11) Any vehicle with a sign or signs attached thereto or placed thereon with three
exceptions as follows: (a) any vehicle when parked or stored within the confines of a
building, or (b) any vehicle upon which is placed a sign identifying a firm or its
principal product if such vehicle is one which is operated during the normal course of
business and shall be parked in the least visible spot from the road, or ~ a trailer
placed on a job site during construction.
(12) Pole signs.
(13) Balloon signs.
(14) Ribbon signs.
(n) Permanent Flags: Only project flags or governmental flags shall be permitted in
conformance with the following standards:'
(1) One (1) flagpole and one (1) flag may be permitted per parcel. palcels oftvvo (2) aCles
01 mOl e.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(2) The maximum width from top to bottom of any flag shall be 20% of the total distance
of the flag pole.
(3) Flagpoles shall maintain the same setback requirements as project identification signs.
(4) Flagpole heights shall be between twenty (20) and (35) feet in height above grade.
(5) A project flag shall only contain information permitted on the project identification
sign. A project flag shall be submitted to the Development Review Committee for
(n) Temporary signs for special events.
(1) Permits for temporary signs, such as pennant and banner signs, not otherwise
prohibited are allowed for such purposes as auctions, special events, notice of opening
of new businesses, and going out of business sales. Permits for temporary signs shall
authorize the erection of the signs and maintenance thereof for a period not exceeding
fourteen (14) days; and permits cannot be renewed on the same sign, nor shall another
temporary permit be issued on the same location, within 90 days from the date of
expiration of any previously issued temporary permit.
(2) Signs for specific events shall be removed within two (2) working days after
conclusion of the event. A freestanding temporary sign shall be no larger than a
maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet, and may be double sided. Banner signs may
be sized to extend across roads.
(0) Maintenance: All signs and associated apparatus shall be maintained by the owner of the
site. Violations shall be processed through the City's Code Enforcement Division.
(p) Nonconforming Signs.
(1) Any sign, other than billboards, having an original cost in excess of one hundred
($100) dollars and which is nonconforming as to permitted sign area or any other
reason which would necessitate the complete removal or total replacement of the sign,
may be maintained a period offrom one (1) to five (5) years from the effective date of
these design standards. The term of years to be determined by the cost of the sign or
of renovation, including installation cost, shall be as follows:
Original Sign cost or
Renovation Cost
Permitted Years from
Effective Date of Design Standards
$t&t ~ to $3,000
$3,001 to $10,000
Over $10,000
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(ed In addition, the committee recommended using an incentive program such as a
reduction in property tax or some other appropriate means to implement this section. They
also recommended that Code Enforcement notify all property owners that are
nonconforming and monitor compliance.)
(2) Any owner of a sign who desires to rely upon an amortization period longer than three
(3) years shall file with the City within one (1) year from the effective date of these
design standards, a statement setting forth the cost and date of the most recent
renovation, and a written agreement to remove or bring into conformance the
nonconforming sign at or prior to the expiration of the amortization period applicable
to that sign. The maximum period to amortize a sign shall be five (5) years.
ill Violations shall be subject to Chapter 2. Article 3, Division 2. Code Enforcement. City
of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances.
Sec. 20-467
Utility Lines.
All new or relocated utility lines within the designated corridor shall be constructed and installed
beneath the surface of the ground unless it is determined by the City that soil, topographical, or
any other compelling conditions, make the underground installation of such utility lines as
prescribed herein unreasonable and impracticable.
(1) It shall be the developer's responsibility on-site to make the necessary arrangement with
each utility in accordance with the utility's established policy.
(2) The underground installation of incidental appurtenances, such as transformer boxes, switch
boxes, pedestal mounted boxes for the provision of electricity shall not be required.
However, such appurtenances where not rendered impractical by the determination of the
City shall be installed on the site of any development approved after the adoption of this
section. The necessary easements to allow the utility company access and service to such
appurtenances shall be dedicated to the service provider by the developer prior to issuance
of a building permit.
(3) All transformers and switch boxes related to development approved after the adoption of
this section shall be set back a minimum offifteen (15) feet from any right-of-way and
visually screened using landscape materials or masonry construction in conformance with
these land development regulations.
Sec. 20-468
Corridor Access Management.
(a) A system of joint use curbed driveways and cross access easements shall be established
wherever feasible along the S.R. 434 Corridor and the building site shall incorporate the
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(1) A cross access corridor extending the entire length of each block served to provide for
driveway separation (consistent with the access classification system and standards).
(2) A design speed of 10 mph and sufficient width to accommodate two-way travel aisles
designed to accommodate automobiles, service vehicles, and loading vehicles.
(3) Stub-outs and other design features to make it visually obvious that the abutting
properties may be tied in to provide cross-access via a service drive.
(4) A unified access and circulation system plan that includes coordinated or shared
parking areas is encouraged wherever feasible.
(b) Shared parking areas shall be permitted a reduction in required parking spaces if peak
demand periods for proposed land used do not occur at the same time periods.
(c) Pursuant to this section, property owners shall:
(1) Record an easement in the public records allowing cross access to and from other
properties served by the joint use driveways and cross access or service drive;
(2) Record an agreement in the public records that remaining access rights along the
thoroughfare will be dedicated to the City of Winter Springs and pre-existing
driveways will be closed and eliminated after construction of the joint-use driveway.
(3) Record a joint maintenance agreement in the public records defining maintenance
responsibilities of property owners.
(d) The City Engineer may reduce required separation distance of access points, except as
provided in (f), where they prove impractical, provided all of the following requirements are
(1) Joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided where feasible in
accordance with this section.
(2) The site plan incorporates a unified access and circulation system in accordance with
this section.
(3) The property owner shall enter a written agreement with the City of Winter Springs,
recorded in the public records, that pre-existing connections on the site will be closed
and eliminated after construction of each side of the joint use driveway.
(e) In the design of a system of joint use driveways and cross access easements, building sites
involving garage doors and bays associated with any use within the district shall be located
perpendicular to S.R. 434.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
Sec. 20-469
Building and Screening Design Guidelines
(1) Projects are encouraged to use materials consistent with materials used in the area.
Acceptable materials include stucco, concrete block, reinforced concrete with tile, and brick
and terra cotta accent material. Inappropriate materials are river rock, unfinished timber
(unpainted), shake roofs, reflective/mirror glass, and metal siding. Materials should be high
quality and well crafted.
(2) Mechanical equipment and appurtenances, including but not limited to air con.~i~ioner units,
ventilation equipment, refrigeration systems, heating units, inc.illelatoly ul1its :!@iL must be
screened so that they are not visible from any public right-of-way. The screen shall consist
of a solid wall, facade, parapet or other similar screening material which is architecturally
compatible and consistent with the associated building. Such screening material shall extend
at least one (1) foot above the object to be screened. Iflandscaping is utilized, the plantings
must be high enough within one year of planting to provide a screen which will screen the
entire unit. witl, a nliliil11UIII of sevel1ty-fi ve (75%) pel cellt opacity. In the case of satellite
dishes, they shall be screened from view from ground level of adjacent rights-of-way and
properties by buildings, dense landscaping or screen walls. The Development Review Board
may permit dishes on buildings if no part of the dish is visible from the ground of
surrounding properties. Setbacks for antennas and satellite dishes shall be the same as the
building setbacks.
(3) Dumpsters and similar facilities shall be screened on all four (4) sides from public view.
Both sides and the rear of such facilities shall be screened by an opaque concrete wall, or
similar material. Dumpster shall be placed in an area that is least visible from a public right-
(4) All storage areas shall be screened from view from the right-of-way and from adjacent
residential zoning districts. Screening enclosures may consist of any combination of
landscaping and opaque building materials. Ifbuilding materials are utilized, such material
shall be consistent with the architectural design of the principal structures.
(5) Side and rear elevations of buildings visible from a public street or adjacent property shall be
designed in the same architectural style as the main facade.
(6) All doors for service entrances or bays shall not face a public street unless they are screened
to obscure service activities.
(7) Outparcels in vacant parcels that are developed or where the entire center is redeveloped,
shall conform to the architectural, signage, and landscape theme of the overall project and
must share an internal access with the overall project.
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area
(8) Newspaper, magazine and other such vending machines, ATM's. pay telephones. and trash
receptacles shall be encased in a structure that is architecturally compatible and consistent
with the adjacent building and other site details and must meet building setbacks.
(9) Exterior lighting shall be a cut-off light source to protect adjacent properties from glare. All
exterior lighting shall be consistent and compatible throughout the project.
(10) Buildings with multiple storefront entries are encouraged to incorporate overhangs in the
design of front facades as appropriate to promote pedestrian activity.
(11) Backflow preventers and other above ground valves shall be screened so they are not visible
from the street right-of-way using either landscaping or an opaque building material and
shall be subject to buffer setback requirements.
(l2.) A bicycle parking area. with bicycle racks. shall be incorporated into a proiect near the main
entrance to the building.
an Drive-thru pick up windows shall not be permitted on the front or sides of a building
fronting on S.R. 434.
Sec. 20-470
Development Agreement
Any developer may propose to enter into a developer's agreement with the City designed to set
Sec. 20-471
Corridor Design Review Board.
The Development Review Committee shall serve as the Corridor Design Review Board for
developments in the S.R. 434 Corridor and shall review such developments for a unifying theme
according to the design stand~.r~.~.an..~..I!1.~~~..r.~~.()I"I1IY.1~I"l~~.ti<:>.n.(s.)~.()..~~~...._...................... ............ .........
Planning and Zoning Board. tkQ~:t14~yg191Wn~p.f:!5~YIg)M!;:~gmm!tt~~!~~hMEf~yf~)M:;~nq!::m~w.~::~
October 19, 1997
Redevelopment Area