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Date: 10/13/1997
The following Minutes for Regular Meeting
09221997 were approved during the 10/13/1997
Regular City Commission Meeting for this date.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1997
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor David McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Bob Guthrie, present
Larry Conniff, present
Michael Blake, present
John Langellotti, absent
Cindy Gennell, present
Approval of Minutes of September 8. 1997:
Commissioner Blake stated that he would like to amend the minutes of September 8, 1997, on page.
2 where a citizen commended the Police Department for its professional demeanor of an officer that
the citizen had a dealing with and said he would like the minutes to reflect that the officer was Mark
A. Messeguer.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the minutes of September 8, 1997 with
the amendment. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye.
Motion passes.
Approval of Minutes ofSpe'cial Meeting of September 10.1997:
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the minutes of September 10, 1997.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion
Commissioner Gennell stated that she would like to remove Informational Agenda Item "A" for
Mayor Partyka stated that he would like to congratulate two people on their victory, in the campaign
for City Commission; one being Commissioner David McLeod, who ran unopposed and stated that
Commissioner McLeod will be serving for another three year term. Mayor Partyka congratulated Mr.
Robert S. Miller, Commissioner-Elect, Seat/District 1 to the audience. Mr. Miller gave a brief
description of his background for the citizens present.
Mayor Partyka mentioned that the City had experienced a sad occasion this morning, the funeral of
Officer Mark A. Messeguer, and stated that the Police Department did an outstanding job, the City
Management did an outstanding job, of getting everything ready for something like this, which was
unique in the history of Winter Springs. Mayor Partyka said to see the number of cars and policemen
coming in from all over Central Florida, from as far east as Titusville and Jacksonville was
unbelievable, and said everyone here should be proud of the Police Department and the City
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Management and the City employees and said thank you to the Police Chief and every one.
Mayor Partyka introduced Robert Miller, President of the Winter Springs Little League. Mr. Miller
stated that in 1993 Winter Springs started a Little League which is incorporated and has a Charter
from Williamsport, P A. In the spring of each year the top teams from each league play in a District-
wide tournament, and stated that Winter Springs had a unique event occur last spring. Winter
Springs participates in District 14 with teams from as far away as Clermont, Winter Garden,
Windermere, Dr. Philips area, Ocoee, Rolling Hills, Pine Hills, Altamonte Springs, Longwood, Lake
Mary, Sanford, Oviedo and Casselberry are the teams that make up this District. We sent our top
teams to the District Tournament this year and in our 9-10 year old division, were the District
Champions in both Boys Baseball and Girls Softball. In the 19 years that the current District
Administrator has held that position, no league has ever come into that District and in such a short
\ period oftime, had duel winners as the City of Winter Springs did this last spring. Mr. Miller stated
that is something we all can be proud of. Mr. Miller mentioned that the facility that the City
continues to provide for its residents is unparalleled to anywhere within this District.
Mr. Miller introduced the Manager and Coaches and the 1997 I?istrict 14 Girls Softball Champions,
the Girls Softball Champions presented the Mayor the Banner they received stating the
Championship. Mr. Miller introduced the Manager and Coaches and the 1997 District 14 Boys
Baseball Champions, and the Boys Baseball Champions presented the Mayor with the Banner they
received stating the Championship. The Banners will be displayed at Central Winds Park.
Mayor Partyka read the Election Proclamation, stating the City Municipal Election will be on
November 4, 1997, for the purpose of electing a Commissioner for Seat/District 3.
Mayor Partyka stated that the presentations of Resolutions No. 825, 826 and 827 will be postponed
as the recipients are not present. Discussion. It was the consensus of the Commission that the
Resolutions be delivered to the recipients, Robert Amato, Charles Holzman and Art Hoffmann.
Mayor Partyka announced agenda changes: Regular Agenda Items E & F will be tabled.
, Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to table Regular Agenda Item E, Ordinance No.
683, until the October 13, 1997 Commission meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner
Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to table Regular Agenda Item F, Ordinance No.
675, until the October 13, 1997 Commissioner meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner
Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Manager McLemore stated that there will be an update on Trails and this will be done under his seat.
Manager McLemore stated that if the Commission wants to act on the Mayor's Veto this can be done
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either under the Mayor's seat or any of the Commission's seats.
Manager McLemore stated that Consent Agenda Item A, which deals with the Employee Picnic, and
advised that the date has been changed from October 25, 1997 to November 8, 1997.
Manager McLemore also mentioned that the Commission also received a memo from Attorney Tom
Lang relative to Consent Item D.
Mayor Partyka stated that by the Charter, he is to read a statement on the Veto today and said he
would like to request that the Commission place his statement on the agenda. This will be added to
the Regular Agenda as Add-On Item 1.
Mel Glickman, Chairman of the City's Commerce. & Industry Development Board, and read a letter
that was sent to the Mayor and Commission asking the Commission for the appropriation of
$800.00 to hold a Business Breakfast, at which time the plans for the S.R. 434 corridor will be
introduced to members of the Winter Springs Business Community. Mr. Glickman stated that the
Board would like to suggest that these Breakfasts should be held at least on an annual basis,
preferably semi-annually, as a strong aid to business retention in the City. Mr. Glickman stated that
the Board would like to hold the breakfast on January 7, 1998, at 7:30 a.m. at the Winter Springs
Senior Center, the cost would cover printing and mailing of invitations, the printing of a program and
the cost for decorations and food. It was the consensus of the Commission to appropriate the
requested budget of $800.00 to hold the Business Breakfast.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Requests that the Commission review the information and details regarding the City of Winter
Springs Annual Employee Picnic tentatively scheduled to be held October 25, 1997. PURPOSE: to
update the Commission on the planning preparations regarding the event which will serve City
Employees, Commissioners, Board Members and their families.
Public Works Department
B. Requesting Authorization for the City Manager to execute the Highway Beautification Grant
Memorandum of Agreement with F.D.O.T. PURPOSE: to request authorization for the City
Manager to execute the Highway Beautification Grant Memorandum of Agreement with the Florida
Department of Transportation in order to receive $117,316.00 for landscaping improvements to S.R.
434 from Tuskawilla Road to S.R. 419.
Parks and Recreation Department
C. Requests the Commission waive the requirement to go to bid for the $9,173.00 purchase offive
each basketball goals and: standards for the basketball courts construction at Torcaso Park
recognizing the U.S. patent protected Wausau Tile (Form, Inc.) Product #TF7180DB stand and goals
on sole source and authorize the City Manager to proceed with such purchase. PURPOSE: to declare
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sole source therefore waiving bid requirements and authorizing City Manager to proceed.
City Manager
D. Requesting the Commission authorize the City Manager to retain the services of Gray, Harris and
Robinson, Attorneys at Law, to develop new pension plan documents. PURPOSE: to authorize the
City Manager to retain the services of Gray, Harris and Robinson, Attorneys at Law, to develop all
necessary documents to implement the City's new Pension Plan.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the Consent Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner ConnitT: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion
Community Development DepartmentlLand Development Division
A. Presents to the Commission, for informational purposes, the site plan for the AMOCO facility.
PURPOSE: to inform the Commission of the Staff approved site plan engineering for the AMOCO
facility to be located at the intersection of Hayes Road and State Road 434 (SW corner):
Donald LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist, gave his presentation. Mr. LeBlanc stated that this
item came before the Commission as a conceptual plan on December 9, 1996, and stated that the
Commission's two primary concerns were the car. wash and sounds coming from that. Mr. LeBlanc
stated that the car wash has peen eliminated in its entirety. The other concern was the separation
between Hacienda Village and the site; Mr. LeBlanc stated that there will be a six foot masonry wall
along the southern parameter of the property, there will be no wall on the western edge because it
abuts the Cumberland Farms property. Mr. LeBlanc said the engineer of record is present for any
Rose Dorsey, Manager for Hacienda Village, stated that the main concern of the residents is if this
project will be hooked to their sewer lines. Mr. LeBlanc said it is his understanding that the sewer
line is being hooked to Hacienda Village. Ms. Dorsey said the other concern of the residents is who
will maintain the wall that will be put up by Hacienda Village. Mr. LeBlanc stated that is the duty
of the commercial property owner.
Jeff Hodgkinson, representative. for the owner and project engineer, stated that he doesn't feel the
owner will have a problem with the maintenance of the wall for things such as graffiti.
Commissioner Gennell asked what kind of finish will be on the wall. Mr. Hodgkinson said it will
stucco finish and painted.
Commissioner Conniff asked about the lighting, that the Commission had a concern about the lighting
going to Hacienda Village. Mr. Hodgkinson stated that on the plans it states that the lighting along
the back, is lowered to three foot, it is a lighting bollard as opposed' to being 16-18 feet in the air.
Mr. Hodgkinson said the lighting on the building will be reflected as not to filter over to Hacienda
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Commissioner Gennell asked about the hedge plants along the wall, and the drive-thru with the
speaker and said she would like some assurance that if there is a problem in the future that the
residents from Hacienda can hear the noise from the speaker, would it be agreed upon to put bigger
trees in that area where the drive-thru is to break up the sound. Mr. Hodgkinson said yes they would.
Commissioner Gennell said she is really concerned about the chain link fence around the retention
pond, and said that is what the City was trying to get away from on S.R. 434. Mr. Hodgkinson said
that is a St. John's Water Management District requirement. Discussion. Manager McLemore asked
ifthere was an alternative to go to a more moderate side slope that would then allow you not to have
to put up a fence. Mr. Hodgkinson said no, there is a very high water table in the area and said they
are having to deal with a lot of natural occurring characteristics of the site and that was the only way
to get their volume up for stormwater retention so they were not flooding the adjacent properties or
the streets.
Commissioner McLeod said the landscaping shows hedges along the fence, and the fence will be four
feet and the hedges will be 30-36 inches in height; and said it would be nice to see the hedge grown
to cover high enough to cover the fence and asked if that is a possibility. Mr. Hodgkinson said that
is acceptable and said he thinks that is the intention. Commissioner McLeod asked Mr. Hodgkinson
to review that to see if that type of hedge will indeed grow to that height.
Commissioner Blake asked about the 30 foot strip of property on the western boundary. Mr.
Hodgkinson stated that property is owned by Michael Pajak, as trustee of that property. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake said the backflow valve close to the road doesn't show landscaping in front of
it. Mr. Hodgkinson stated there will be landscaping there.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the two buildings would have any overhang. Mr. Hodgkinson stated
that the Amoco building will have a three foot overhang along the front and sides not in the back and
the convenience store will also have the three foot overhang and will have only the awning/canopy
where the drive-thru serve window will be the only projection in the back.
Commissioner Gennell asked about the time frame for the sewer hook-up. Mr. Hodgkinson stated.
the wall and the lateral hook-up will be done at the same time and said it should done within two
weeks. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake asked about wells that currently exist near the fuel storage tanks and stated he
has some concern about petroleum storage tanks being located adjacent to existing wells and how
that might affect the City's fresh water system. Mr. Hodgkinson said the wells are going to be
abandoned per environmental code/procedure of grouting them properly so there is no contamination
that could occur down any kind of casing. Secondly, the site is going to adhere to the new 1998
guidelines of double walled tanks. Manager McLemore stated that the wells are shallow wells for
irrigation and not potable water wells.
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Commissioner Gennell asked if there will be bicycle racks. Mr. Hodgkinson stated that yes they will
provide a bicycle rack and propably convert one of the half moon/quarter moon landscape islands
would be the most feasible place to put a bicycle rack.
Manager McLemore requested that the vinyl fence be black instead of green as black is best for
screening around the retention pond. Mr. Hodgkinson stated that there would be no problem of using
black vinyl for the fence.
Mary Shadowins, 451 La Vista Drive, mentioned her concern regarding the sewer hook up with
Hacienda Village.
Dan Martin, resident of Hacienda Village, mentioned the alarm at the pumping station not working
or not there and asked if the pump is capable to handle the extra capacity as he has called in when the
sewerage starts,t,o back up.
Commissioner Blake asked who owns the sewer system that runs through all of the Hacienda Village
property. Kip Lockcuff, Public Works/Utility Director, stated that the City of Winter Springs owns
the mains and that the laterals are privately owned by the property owners. Commissioner Blake
asked if the pump station in Hacienda Village have the standard alarm system as the City's other lift
stations. Mr. Lockcuff said to ,his knowledge all the pump stations have audio and visual and if it is
not on that particular lift station he will look into it and will have if it doesn't, and said he is not
familiar with Mr. Martin's complaint. Commissioner Blake asked ifMr. Lockcuffis aware of any
complaints in the recent past of that particular lift station. Mr. Lockcuff said not unique to that, that
power outages causes problems, nothing unique to that lift station. Commissioner Blake asked if
there has been problems with the sanitary sewer system backing up in Hacienda Village to Mr.
Lockcuff's knowledge. Mr. Lockcuff stated that when there are power outages, the station goes
down and it backs up, just like all the others in the City if there is a power outage. Commissioner
Blake asked if we have additional capacity available in that segment of the system currently. Mr.
Lockcuff stated that this project would be the equivalent of three mobile homes on the system.
Mr. LeBlanc said to recap the Commission's concerns: insure that the hedges grow to the height of
the fence at the retention pond; landscape the northwest corner (back flow valve); a bicycle rack and
black vinyl fencing and planting around the fence; if there is a problem from noise then the planting
of trees along the back masonry wall for noise abetment.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Informational Agenda A including the
concerns of the Commission mentioned. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion.
Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Frank DePhil, resident of Hacienda Village, spoke regarding the number of gasoline stations on S.R.
434 and also stated he feels the wall should be eight feet instead of six feet and also said he doesn't
agree with the project.
Re2ular Meetin2 City Cortamission
Seotember 22. 1997
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City Manager
A. Requesting the Commission hold a Public Hearing relative to the approval of Resolution No. 829,
setting the Final Millage Rate at 3.600 Mils or an alternative rate the Commission deems appropriate
and adoption of same, and relative to the adoption of the final reading of Ordinance No. 677
establishing the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-1998. PURPOSE: to have the Commission
approve Resolution No. 829 establishing the Final Millage Rate at 3.600 Mils or an alternative rate
the Commission deems appropriate:
Attorney Guthrie read Resolution No. 829 by title only.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone
present wished to speak regarding Resolution No. 829. No one present wished to speak. Mayor
Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to adopt Resolution No. 829, setting the Final
Millage Rate at 3.600 mils. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
A 1 Requesting the Commission hold a Public Hearing relative to the approval of Ordinance No. 677
establishing the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-1998. PURPOSE: to have the Commission adopt
the Second Reading of Ordinance No. 677 otherwise known as the Final Budget for Fiscal Year
Attorney Guthrie read Ordinance No. 677 by title only on Second Reading.
Commissioner Gennell read a memo that she gave to the Mayor and Commission regarding adding
$50,000 to the Parks and Recreation Budget for playground equipment at Torcaso Park. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake mentioned that community meetings were held and the community said they
would like to see basketball courts first instead of playground equipment; and the Commission went
along with the community's request.
Commissioner Conniff stated that he only has a few meetings left, and said he would like the
Commission to revisit the budget in the next six months, and revisit the idea of dogs for the Police
Department, motorcycles, employee incentives and survivor benefits.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to add $50,000 more in the budget for playground
equipment for the coming year for Torcaso Park. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: nay; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Mayor Partyka: nay. Motion denied.
Manager McLemore stated that there have been some budgetary corrections and ask that they be
incorporated in the budget. The corrections had to do with the redistribution of the costs from the
General Services Departm~nt (that was done away with) and apparently some of those numbers got
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left out; it doesn't represent anything of any significance to the budget total, it's a fraction of your
budget. We need the Commission to authorize us to add these items back into the budget.
Commissioner Blake asked ifthese items were on the spread sheets and the formulas just didn't bring
them on to the main pages. Harry Martin, Finance Director, stated yes, the figures didn't roll up from
the detail. Commissioner Blake stated that he has seen the figures before on the spread sheets.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to add these addendum items onto the budget.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion
Commissioner Blake stated with the events of last week, something has come to his attention, the
City currently has employer paid life insurance benefits for each of the City's employees of$lO,OOO.
Commissioner Blake asked how does that figure compare to some of our sister Cities. Manager
McLemore stated it is very meager by comparison, overall most Cities provide a higher life insurance
benefit. Manager McLemore stated that most Cities try to keep it somewhere around one or one and
a half or two times the salary. Manager McLemore stated that $10,000 is very low for a death benefit
today. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake asked if the Manager has any idea whatsoever as to what type of an additional
contribution the City would have to make to (say) increase to one time salary and double indemnity
for accidental death. Manager McLemore said he could bring that back to the Commission at the
next meeting. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake said he would like to direct the City Manager to come back with research on
cost estimates would be for these types of benefits for our employees and said he believes there is
room in the current budget ifthe Commission approves it as it stands currently, that we would be able
to take care of that at that time. Manager McLemore said we will do some survey work to see what
other people are doing also.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone
wished to speak on this Ordinance.
Wayne Nelson, 1104 Winged Foot Circle, commented relative to last week's misfortune that this City
experienced. Mr. Nelson said this City has an obligation to the Officers and all of its employees to
insure that their pay scale, not only is the pay scale correct but their benefits are in line. Mr. Nelson
stated that the City must insure that they are living up to the standards and is asking the City to make
sure that they are doing that. The survivors of the Officer are scared and the City must make sure
that they are not left out in. the cold, the officer served the City and is asking that the City look after,
within reason, this partic41ar individual's family and make sure that the benefits for the City
employees are in line with other Cities benefits.
Rel!ular Meetinl! City Commission
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Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve Ord. 677, for the budget for 1997-
1998. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner GenneU: aye~
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motior.
Mayor Partyka called a recess ~t 8: 15 p.m. Mayor Partyka reconvened the Regular Meeting at 8:25
Community Development Department/Planning Division
B. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance 680 to annex
a 1.47 acre parcel located approximately 700 feet west of the intersection of Wade Street and Old
Sanford-Oviedo Road. PURPOSE: to request the Commission to approve the Second Reading and
adoption of\Ordinance 680 to annex a 1.47 acre parcel in the County enclave along Old Sanford-
Oviedo Road:
Attorney Guthrie read Ordinance No. 680 by title only on Second Reading.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked anyone wished
to speak; no one wished to speak. Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the
Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve Ordinance 680. Seconded by
Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; ~ommissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
C. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance 681 to change
the future land use designation of a 1.47 acre parcel located approximately 700 feet west of the
intersection of Wade Street and Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, on the south side of Old Sanford-Oviedo
Road, from COWIty designation of "Industrial" to the City's designation of "Industrial". PURPOSE:
to request the Commission to approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 681 to
change the future land use designation of a 1.47 acre (Bracco) parcel in a County enclave from "Ind
County designation "Industrial" to the City's designation Industrial":
Attorney Guthrie read Ordinance 681 by title only on Second Reading.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone "
wished to speak on this ordinance; no one wished to speak. Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing
and reconvened the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Ordinance 681. Seconded b..
Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blakf ~
aye; Commissioner Gellnell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
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Community Development Department/Planning Division
D. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance 682, to change
the zoning designation of a 1.47 acre parcel located approximately 700 feet west of the intersection
of Wade Street and Old Sanford-Oviedo Road from County designation M-I "Industrial District" to
City designation C-2 "General Commercial and Industrial" on the City's Official Zoning Map.
PURPOSE: to request the Commission to approve the First Reading for adoption of Ordinance 682
to change the zoning designation of a 1.47 acre parcel from County designation M-I "Industrial
District" to City designation C-2 "General Commercial and Industrial" on the City's Official Zoning
Attorney Guthrie read Ordinance No. 682 by title on Second Reading.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone
wished to speak. No one wished to speak. Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reconvened
the Regular Meeting.
IMotion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve Ordinance No. 682. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
E. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing to approve the First Reading for adoption of
Ordinance No. 683 to establish the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations
(Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan. PURPOSE: to request the
Commission to approve the First Reading for adoption of Ordinance No. 683 establishing the
"Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) that would become
a part of Chapter 20 "The Zoning Ordinance" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter
Community Development DepartmentlPlanning Division
F. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 675 to
establish the "New Development Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) of
the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan. PURPOSE: to request the Commission approve the
Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 675 to establish the "New Development Area"
Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan.
Community Development Department/Land Development Division
G. Presenting to the Commission the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation as it relates to
the Preliminary Engineering for that project called Tuskawilla Road Site for Commission action on
the project. PURPOSE: to present to the Commission the Planning and Zoning Board's
recommendation as it relates to the preliminary engineering for the Tuskawilla Road Site for
Commission action on the project. This project is located on the southwest corner of Tuskawilla
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Road and Orange Avenue and is proposed to have twenty four (24) lots on approximately 11.2 acres
ofland. The property is zoned R-1A:
Mr. LeBlanc stated that the engineer for the project is present for any questions.
Commissioner Blake asked about the 30' R-O-W south of the property. Mr. LeBlanc said there is
a 30' R-O-W south of the property and there has been talk of utilizing that 30' R-O-W as part of the
Rails to Trails if the realignment on the Schrimshier property is changed from the railway bed, to have
it go further to the east of the Schrimshier property; to make it more scenic and it wouldn't cut the
Schrimshier property in half i Commissioner Blake asked about the improvements to the R-O-W.
Charlie Madden, engineer, said there were some drainage improvements in the 30' R-O-W, but they
were removed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve agenda Item G, contingent upon those
items listed in the Staff comments being addressed in the Final Engineering submittal.
Seconded by Commissioner Blake.. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion
Public Works Department
H. Requesting approval of the First Reading of Ordinance No. 684 revising the Transportation
Impact Fee. PURPOSE: to authorize the First Reading of Ordinance No. 684 which replaces the
Transportation Impact Fee Cost Table identified as Appendix "B" of Division 2, Article VII, Chapter
9 of the City Code of Ordinances:
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to read Ord. No. 684 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discllssion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Guthrie
read Ordinance No. 684 by title only on First Reading.
Kip Lockcuff, Public Works/Utility Director, stated that this is a culmination of the update to the
Traffic Circulation Element of the Compo Plan. We took a lot of Capital Improvements projects off
and the balance of the project had some significant lower costs which resulted in about a 40%
reduction in the Transportation Impact Fees for commercial and residential properties.
Mr. Lockcuff stated that Terry Zaudtke, from Conklin, Porter & Holmes, is present and that he did
the traffic element update and is present to answer any questions.
Commissioner Blake asked about Table 3, Phase 4, regarding the lane miles. Mr. Zaudtke said they
used the total length of the area that is going to be improved as a lane mile calculation, rather than
the individual, because the whole road section gets improvement by adding the turn lanes, making it
effectively a three lane road so we used the entire length of that for the lane mile calculation.
Commissioner Blake asked how does that fall down into the cost calculation, and asked if the cost
calculation based on the total lane mile number, and said that would tend to over state that. Mr.
Zaudtke said if we decreased the amount of lane miles then the cost per lane mile would go up.
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Commissioner Blake said then we are not calculating the total cost of these improvements by a cost
per lane mile times "this" number of lane miles; we are calculating the cost as what we expect the
actual project cost to be and divide that by the number oflane miles. Mr. Zaudtke said that is correct.
Manager McLemore said even with the 40% reduction, the total program is fully funded. Mr.
Zaudtke said that is correct, we went back and conservatively estimated how much development was
going to occur and then applied a cross section of development into that and came up what we
estimate the time frame to be a total dollar figure, which is slightly greater than the cost that we are
looking at. Manager McLemore asked if this was for the full 10 year period. Mr. Zaudtke said yes,
through the year 2010.
Manager McLemore added that there is not a lot of communities that have the full 10 year plan fully
funded and said we are in very good shape.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. No one wished to speak.
Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the First Reading of Ord. 684.
Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion
passes. Attorney Guthrie read Ord. No. 684 by title only.
Mayor Partyka read his veto statement.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to place this on the agenda for a vote. Seconded
by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner
Conniff: nay; Commissioner Blake: nay.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to place item of the Mayor's Veto of the
Telecommunications Towers Ordinance on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled
meeting of this Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner GenneU: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner McLeod asked the Attorney, does the over-ride of the Veto take a 4/5's vote.
Attorney Guthrie said yes.
A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher/Bob Guthrie:
No Report.
Ree:ular Meetine: City Commission
Seotember 22. 1997
Pae:e 13
B. City Manager -' Ronald W. McLemore:
Manager McLemore said Forest Michael is present to give the Commission an update on the trails
work that has been going on, to work through how we deal with the trails within our town center.
Manager McLemore said the work that Mr. Michael has done has brought us to another level.
Forest Michael, of Michael and Michael, gave a slide presentation to the Commission. Mr. Michael
showed the Commission a conceptual graphic which evolved from preliminary discussions with land
. owners and through some c;>f our own planning efforts as far as potential sites for a town center trail
Manager McLemore said he will be back to the Commission soon with another proposal to move this
forward, we are trying to stay in contact with the property owners and trying to deal with their
current needs. Manager McLemore said if we are going to make. the town center happen, then we
have to move forward with a public/private partnership type of arrangement to make it happen.
Discussion. Manager McLemore said there is a lot more planning to be done, to tell us where the
public spaces are (that lays out the basic design) then we have to decide how do we acquire and
develop those public spaces.
It was the consensus of the Commission to direct the City Manager to go forward with putting
together necessary information to bring back to the Commission so that the Commission can make
an intelligent decision.
Manager McLemore mentioned that he attended a seminar while at the r.C.M.A. Conference
regarding tower sites. Manager McLemore stated that all the attendees mentioned the same problem
as we are having and that is with getting information from the private sector. Manager McLemore
said it was stated at the conference that Cities that have selected sites, the way we have selected them,
are the Cities that are progressing the best with the lowest risk of successful litigation. Manager
McLemore stated that many people at the conference wanted a copy of the City of Winter Springs'
Telecommunication Ordinance. Manager McLemore said he needs to encourage the Commission to
move this along and make a decision and resolve this issue.
C. Commission Seat II - Michael Blake:
Commissioner Blake mentioned lights on the score boards at Central Winds Park being out and also
lights were out on the walkway next to the parking lots.
D. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
E. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell stated that on Saturday, September 27, 1997, the City of Winter Springs, The
City of Oviedo, the Tourist Development Council, the Seminole County Greenways and Trails Task
Force and the Cross Seminole Trails Alliance, will be hosting a conference event beginning at Central
Winds Park at 3:00 p.m. (Saturday) and invited the Mayor and Commission and stated that it will end
Reswlar Meetin2 City Commission
September 22.1997
Pa2e 14
in Oviedo with a B.B.Q and music.
Commissioner Gennell asked about the Oaks Subdivision regarding tree removal and asked if there
was a tree survey done. Commissioner Gennell stated that she has gotten complaints from residents
in the Highlands because the whole subdivision has been cleared. Manager McLemore stated he will
check into that and get back to the Commissioner.
Commissioner Blake stated at the previous Commission Meeting he was asked to go with Mr. Drago
to the City of Oviedo regarding the City of Oviedo allowing construction to start as early as 4:00 a.m.
on the Mall Property. Commissioner Blake said he and Mr. Drago met with Gene Williford, City
Manager, as well as Tom McCarthy, project manager for the developer; the Commission has received
a memo from Mr. Drago explaining what was discussed aQd copies of papers that show that that
approval was actually an extension for a short period of time of'an approval that had already existed
since February 1997 for early start times. The developer had personally contacted each of the
residences (in the City of Winter Springs) that own property bordering the development and gave
them a special phone number to call if they had any complaints. Commissioner Blake stated that early
in the phase they did receive one complaint and it was addressed immediately, and since that time
there have been no additional complaints, either through that resource, this City, and the Tuscawilla
Homeowners Association. Commissioner Blake said we have agreed to, in the future, to have all of
our agendas sent to the City of Oviedo and the City of Oviedo has agreed to send their agendas to
our City so that the two Cities can see if there is anything of interest that comes up between their
borders that a neighboring City may have an interest in. Commissioner Blake said hopefully this will
forster a better working relationship between two Cities who share an extensive border between
F. Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod mentioned a meeting he attended with the Oak Forest Wall Committee, the
County Manager Assistant Kevin Grace, to try to fulfill what was promised to the residents in Oak
Forest, that we would work with them and the County in getting the design going with the
engineering staff and consultants. Commissioner McLeod said there is an interlocal agreement that
needs to be signed and brought to the County so we can go forward. A tentative date has been set
to meet again and the homeowners will bring a couple conceptual drawings of cross sections of the
wall and perhaps an entrance viewing of the wall for discussion with the County Engineer; and the
consultant will be there to bring this forward so we meet our October deadline to have the
information to the County so that when it goes out to bid in January, that information is available for
the bid documents.
G. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff stated that as far as the tower issue goes, PrimeCo is advertising that they have
everything covered without another tower going in; if they have it covered without another tower
going in, then why do we need towers.
Reeular Meetine City Commission
September 22.1997
Paee 15
.' :~.t~
H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka: a. Appointment to the Board of Trustees - Employee Pension
Mayor Partyka stated that he would like to nominate Larry Nadrowski, 95 Dyson Drive, to the Board
of Trustees.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to appoint Larry Nadrowski to the Board of
Trustees. Seconded by Commission~r McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye.
Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka said on behalf of the Commission he would like to thank Corey Green who raised
$1,000 for MDA.
Mayor Partyka mentioned that he will be at Cub Scout Pack 787 to talk about City business and
invited anyone who would like to attend at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 9:36 p.rn
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk