HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 06 23 Regular Item J
-1.lJM.23. 1997
REQUEST: Public W orlis Department is Requesting Consideration of Modifications to the
draft Traffk Circulation Element Update of the Comprehensive Plan
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request that the City Commission consider
modifications to the Traffic Circulation Plan Update relating to Winter Springs
Boulevard and Shore Road based on input received at the May 19, 1997 workshop
and subsequent City Commission meetings.
The City has retained a consultant, Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc., to
update the Traffic Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan based on the need to
review the feasibility of several of the proposed transportation projects. A draft of the
proposed traffic plan was reviewed at a May 19, 1997 City Commission workshop. The
need for two of the projects in the plan, the four laning of a section of Winter Springs
Boulevard and the north Shore Road extension, were questioned and returned to staff for
The concerns raised about four laning Winter Springs Boulevard between the eastern
ends of Northern Way were based on the validity of the traffic model and also quality of life
issues. Our consultant did find an error in the traffic model which lowered the traffic
projections significantly although not below the deficiency level for a two lane collector
road. The 2010 deficiency can be eliminated by adding three eastbound turn lanes; two at
Wood Duck Drive, one at Little Sparrow Court.
The north Shore Road Extension was not a "level of service" dictated project but was
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Regular Agenda Item J
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recommended to promote traffic circulation. No deficiency exists or is projected to occur by
this project being deleted. The objection raised by the City Commission to this project was
concern related cut through traffic to Lake Drive and/or Tuskawilla Road. The staff was
directed to reevaluate the Shore Road extension due to the need for intersection
improvements and the desire to provide alternate access to the properties adjacent to the
existing terminus to Shore Road. One of the properties between Shore Road and S.R. 434
may develop as a church and the City Commission was concerned about the traffic impact
on the neighborhoods. An outlet on S.R. 434 would reduce the traffic through the
neighborhood. It is our opinion that in order for the Shore Road/S.R. 434 intersection
improvements to be eligible for transportation impact fee funds, that the north Shore Road
extension must be included in its entirety although it could be phased.
Winter Springs Boulevard - 4 Laning between eastern ends of Northern Way
The corrected traffic model projects a year 2010 traffic count of 11,100
vehicles per day (VPD). The maximum volume for a two lane collector road is
10,200 VPD which provides the minimum level of service "D". It is projected that
in the year 2007 the traffic volumes will exceed the "D" LOS. Four laning provides
a capacity of 22,600 VPD. The addition of new turn lanes increases the capacity of a
two lane collector road to 12,000 VPD.
Alt~[Ilative #1 - Show no changes to Winter Springs Boulevard and forward
the Traffic Circulation Plan to DCA with a deficiency. The Comprehensive Plan
Amendment would probably be rejected.
Alternative #2 - Program the four laning of Winter Springs Boulevard
between the eastern ends of Northern Way for the year 2007. This would provide for
the collection of funds during the next ten years to ensure sufficient monies are
available to construct this project. The accuracy of the traffic model would be
evaluated every five years to verify the need for this project. Significant landscaped
areas in the '~inter Springs Boulevard right of way would be lost due to this project.
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Regular Agenda Item J
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Alternative #3 - Revise the proposed improvements to Winter Springs Boulevard to
include the three new eastbound left hand turn lanes at Woodduck Drive (2) and Little
Sparrow Court as an alternative to four laning. This provides for a LOS "D" through the
year 2010.
North Shore Road Extension
The collection of transportation impact fees provides funds for improvements
to the collector road network. In order for improvements to the Shore Road/S.R. 434
intersection to be funded from the transportation impact fee, the extension of Shore
Road north to this intersection ultimately needs to occur.
~ - Delete the north Shore Road extension from the Traffic
Circulation Plan update. Upon approval, this would also delete this project from the
currently adopted Comprehensive Plan. No LOS deficiencies would occur due to the
deletion of this project. However, impact fees could no longer be used to fund any
improvements for the road.
~ - Include the extension of Shore Road as a collector road to
S.R. 434 including intersection improvements as a single project. The estimated cost
is $235,000. The project would be constructed utilizing transportation impact fees in
approximately the year 2002 or sooner if other projects are reprioritized.
~lative #3 - Include the northern extension of Shore Road to S.R. 434 as
a two phased project. Phase I would consist of approximately 500 lineal feet of
roadway with intersection improvements at S.R. 434 at an estimated cost of
$150,000. This could be constructed in 1999. Phase II would consist of an
additional 500 lineal feet of roadway to connect to the existing end of Shore Road at
an estimated cost of $105,000. This could be constructed when needed.
No funds are needed at this time.
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It is recommended that the City Commission direct staff to incorporate Alternative
#3 for Winter Springs Boulevard (add 3 turn lanes in lieu of 4 laning) and Alternative #2 for
the north Shore Road Extension (extend Shore Road to S.R. 434 as a single project) into the
update of the Traffic Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan and proceed to the
Planning and Zoning Board with those revisions.
The Traffic Circulation Element will be submitted to the Local Planning Agency
(P&Z) for consideration. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment will then be brought before
the City Commission for approval and transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs.
1. Traffic Study letter from CPH of June 12, 1997.
Attachment No. 1
Conklin, ~orter and Holmes
@ rnl ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32801-2092
P TEL 407-425-0452
FAX # 407 -648-1036
June 12, 1997
Mr. Kipton Lockcuff, P.E.
Utilities Director
City of Winter Springs
110 N. Flamingo Road
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
RE: Traffic Study
CPH Project No. W0459.00
After the workshop with the City Commission and per your direction, we thoroughly reviewed
the traffic model in the area around Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way. We found that
Vistawilla Drive (Traffic Zone 72) was not properly connected as an outlet to S.R. 434 in the
2010 model. .
We also reviewed and analyzed the Land Use data for this area. We revised the commercial
development data to match the same density as the other proposed commercial areas along S.R.
434. Based on our conversations, we reduced the buildable acreage to 40 acres to account more
fully for existing wetlands and we used an employee density of 16 employees per acre to match
the other commercial areas. We also performed two new traffic counts. We obtained a count of
11,040 on Winter Springs Boulevard at the City Limits line and 7,535 on the section from
Northern Way to Northern Way. Counts performed in 1996 were 12,260 and 7,484 respectively.
We re-ran the traffic model with the above changes. The 2010 traffic count on Winter Springs
Boulevard from Northern Way to Northern Way dropped from 15,700 to 11,100. The 2010
traffic count on Winter Springs Boulevard from Northern Way to S.R. 426 dropped from 16,300
to 11,900. Traffic models are used as a planning tool to indicate the areas/roadways that may
need future improvements. A<:tual traffic co~nts are taken on a periodic basis to determine more
accurately the timing of the construction of the improvements. Based on the traffic model, the
traffic volume on Winter Springs Boulevard will exceed the Level of Service liD" capacity within
the planning period. Based on projections, this would occur around the year 2007. We
recommend that Winter Springs Boulevard be "three laned" to obtain a capacity of 12,000
vehicles per day. We believe this can be accomplished by adding turn lanes at Wood Duck Drive
(both entrances) and Little Sparrow Court. Turn lanes exist at Glen Eagle Drive, Northern Way
(south) and Northern Way (n0l1h). There are no other roadways in this section. The turning
Conklin, ~orter and Holmes
lanes would remove the vehic:1es that would temporarily impede traffic flow and therefore allow
a higher traffic flow down Winter Springs Boulevard without the necessity of a full widening of
the roadway.
If you have any questions concerning the above, please call.
cc: Dee Foxworth, P.E.