HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 06 23 Consent Item E
June 23. 1997
REQUEST: City Manager requesting City Commission approval of the Oak Forest Wall Consultant
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to gain formal Commission approval of G. S. G.' s Draft Report
on the Oak Forest Wall Assessment District establishing preliminary rate structure.
On April 28, 1997 the Commission authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with
G.S.G. to develop the necessary documents for creation of the Oak Forest Assessment
The initial draft report provides for the rate structure which needs Commission approval. You
were provided with a copy of the report at the last budget workshop. If you need any
additional copies please contact Margo, Jan or myself.
No additional funding requested.
It is recommended that the Commission review the draft report, provide any appropriate
changes, and approval of the report subject to these amendments.
See Appendix B
Page 1
Appendix A - Agenda Item approving contract
Appendix B - Implementation Schedule
Appendix C - Wall Committee Information Package
Page 2
April 28. 1997
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the Commission to authorize the City Manager to enter into an
agreement with the joint venture firm of Governmental Services Group, Inc. (G.S.c.) and
Nabors, Giblin and Nickerson (NG&N) to develop an Assessment District to construct a wall
for the Oak Forest subdivision.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is acquire Commission authority for the City Manager to enter into
an agreement with the joint venture group ofG.S.C. and NG& N to perform the necessary studies
and to develop all of the documents necessary to effectuate an Assessment District to finance the
construction and perpetual maintenance of a beautification and buffer wall for the QakFerest
The residents of Oak Forest subdivision desire to build an architectural quality wall to provide the
subdivision protection from the Tuskawilla Road Widening Project and to enhance the beauty of the
On July 22, 1996, the Commission decided that the residents would be required to pay the full cost
of the construction and maintenance of the wall, and agreed to assist the residents in setting up an
assessment district to finance it.
On April 14, 1997, the City Commission authorized Commissioner McLeod and the City Manager
to work with the homeowner's in developing a strategy for implementing the wall project.
On April 14, 1997, the City Commission authorized the expenditure of $292,000 in 1%
Infrastructure Transportation Sales Taxes to make improvements to the Tuskawilla Road
Improvement Project necessary to accommodate the construction of the wall in the road right of
way, and for Commissioner McLeod and the City Manager to request same of the County
Page 1
Commission at its April 22, 1997 meeting.
On April 22, 1997, the County Commission unanimously approved the development of an inte~ocal
agreement to allocate $292,000 from the City's share of the 1% Local Option Infrastructure
Transportation Sales Tax to make modifications to the Tuskawilla Road Widening Project to
accommodate construction of the wall in the road right of way.
The entire contract will cost $35,000 plus out of pocket expenses not to exceed $4,000. The project
will be carried out in two phases. The City will only pay for the phases completed by the firm.
If the mail ballot fails the project and contract will terminate at that point.
The Phase I of the project, the $7,000 would be appropriated from the General Fund. Phase I
consists of the activities necessary to get the project to a ballot.
Contract Out of Pocket Ballot I21al
Phase I $ 5,000 $1,000 $1,000 $ 7,000
Other Phases $30.000 $2.500 - $ 32 500
Total $35,000 $3,500 $1,000 $ 39,500
If the mail ballot is approved all costs for these services can be recovered from the Assessment
District. If the ballot fails, the City would assume the $7,000 Phase I cost.
The total estimated cost of the entire project is estimated to be $738,000 with the 1 %
Local Option Sales Tax financing $292,000 and the assessments of the Assessment District financing
Sales Taxes
$446 000
It is recommended that the Commission 1) authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with
the joint venture firm of C.S.G. and NG&N to perform the necessary studies and develop the
necessary documents to implement an Assessment District to finance the construction and perpetual
maintenance of an architectural quality wall for the Oak Forest subdivision, 2) to authorize the
expenditure of $7,000 to complete Phase I of the contract, 3) to authorize an additional $32,000 to
complete the project if the mail ballot is successful, 4) authorize the City Manager to proceed
immediately with Phase I.
Page 2
option 2 Revised
Notice to Proceed
May 2, 1997
Data gathering
May 5-12, 1997
City provides project cost information
May 9, 1997
Property Appraiser provides tax roll information
May 12, 1997.
GSG creates database
May 23, 1997
GSG/NG&N develop apportionment method
June 9, 1997
GSG completes preliminary proforma rate
June 12, 1997
Draft Report to City for Comments
(Report includes pUblic information brochure
and form of ballot)
June 16, 1997
City staff provides comments regarding
draft report
June 18, 1997
Final report to City
June 20, 1997
City Commission provides direction
June 23, 1997
Community Meeting
July 7, 1997
Print, stuff and mail ballots
July 14. 1997
July 24, 1997
July 25, 1997..
July 28, 1997
Ballots due from citizens
Ballot data tabulated
Report to City Commission regarding ballot results
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Winter Springs, Florida
Dear Oak Forest Homeowner:
Through the years we have had some minor issues with which to deal. However, we
now are faced with the most important issue to our community - the wall.
As most of you know, Tuskawilla Road is to be widened to four lanes thereby
necessitating removal of all the trees separating our subdivision from Tuskawilla
Road. We are assured this is necessary for the following reasons:
· Safety
· Replacement of natural barrier (trees)
· Protection from heavy traffic, unpleasant odors or sights
· Maintenance of our property values
· Creation of aesthetically pleasing connection to our community
The City of Winter Springs and Seminole County have budgeted a substantial
amount of dollars for the beautification for this area when Tuskawilla Road is
finished. The completion of the wall will increase the marketability of our area and
cause it to be more inviting to home buyers. It should harmonize our community
with the rest of the area and, thereby, help create a showcase community for
Seminole County.
There will be an Oak Forest community meeting at Winter Springs High School at
7:30 pm on July 7th. Any questions you might have concerning this project will be
answered at this meeting. It is, therefore, most important that everyone attend The
ballots are scheduled to be mailed to the homeowners July 14th, and we have only
~ opportunity to approve the wall. I cannot begin to tell you how important it is for
all homeowners to rally around and vote "YES" on this important issue.
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Thomas L. Petronio
Oak Forest Home Owners Association
Q. Why are we doing this?
A. To fund the cost of building and maintaining an architectural quality wall in
response to the Tuskawilla Road widening project, to preserve and enhance our
property values, to increase security and public safety, to reduce noise and glare
from the road, to enhance the visual beauty of our neighborhood and to preserve
the values, use and enjoyment of our homes and neighborhood.
Q. When will the wall be built?
A. According to the County, the Tuskawilla Road widening project is set for bid in
April 1998, with construction to begin in July 1998. The road widening project
is scheduled to be completed in November 1999. The wall project will be
completed in the final phase of improvements to Tuskawilla Road.
Q. When do we start paying?
A. The imposition of Assessments to fund the wall construction and maintenance of
the wall will occur following the completion of construction. Based on an
estimated construction completion date of November 1999. The first payment
should appear in tax bill that would be received in the year 2000.
Q. Can we payoff the assessments early?
A. The capital component of the wall project can be paid off at the first billing.
Additionally, it can be paid at any other time during the assessment period based
on the pro-rata share of the assessment and financing costs. However, the
assessment amount for maintenance and replacement costs will be imposed
annually regardless of pre-payments.
Q. What are my costs?
A. There are three benefit components in the rate structure; beautification, noise
reduction, and glare reduction. The costs are based on each parcel's geographic
location to the wall. Each parcel of property within the Oak Forest wall
subdivision will benefit equally based on the beautification component. Parcels
within the geographic area located 600 feet from the wall will be assessed based
upon the noise attenuation component. Only those parcels that directly abut the
wall ill be assessed based upon the glare abatement component.
, ,
Q. What are the benefits to me?
A. Property owners will have varying degrees of the following benefits:
· Beautification or aesthetics
· Noise attenuation
· Glare abatement
· Preservation of property values
· Better security, safety
· Preservation of the use and enjoyment of our homes and neighborhoods.
Q. Will all property owners pay the same?
A. No. An assessment for any given parcel is calculated by multiplying the number
of lots contained on the parcel by the aesthetic component factor, the noise
attenuation component factor and glare abatement component factor to determine
the number of equivalent benefit units.
Q. What will the wall look like?
A. The style of the wall has been chosen by the Oak Forest Wall Committee and is
typical of other walls along Tuskawilla Road. An architectural illustration is
provided on the cover page of the public information handout.
Q. Has the City contributed to the cost?
A. The County has agreed to allow the City to reallocate approximately $292,000
from the City's share of the 1% infrastructure Sales Tax to make modifications to
the Tuskawilla Road widening project to accommodate the construction of the
wall in the road right-of-way.
Q. Why assessments rather than property taxes?
A. Cities only have the legal authority to impose taxes city-wide and not within
certain areas of the City.
Q. Are there other assessment districts within the City?
A. Yes. There is a lighting district within the City and numerous other assessment
districts within Seminole County.
Q. Who will decide if the district will be created')
A. The City Commission retains the ultimate decision making authority. However,
the Commission is seeking input through a non-binding ballot to be carried out
within the Oak Forest subdivision with each lot possessing one vote.
Q. What vote margin will the City Commission require?
A. The City Commission has decided that a simple majority vote of the property
owners voting will provide direction regarding the wall project. However, the
Commission retains the final authority to accept or reject the ballot in the unlikely
event it feels the ballot does not represent the voice of the people. For example;
if some irregularity was discovered or a small fraction of the people vote, the
Commission could choose to over-ride the vote.
Q. Can the assessment be paid through my home mortgage?
A. Yes. If you make monthly mortgage payments, it is likely that this amount will
be escrowed by your mortgage holder much like property taxes and your monthly
mortgage payment will include this assessment.
Q. Can we deduct the assessment from taxes?
A. This is a question for your tax advisor. However, generally a special assessment
against your residence is not a valid income tax deduction.
Q. If I move, do I have to pay it off?
A. No. The assessment is imposed annually and is payable as part of your tax bill,
each year between November 1 and March 3 1.
Q. How long will the assessment be imposed?
A. The capital component of the assessment will be imposed for 20 years.
However, the assessment for maintenance and replacements will be imposed
annually for the life of the wall.
Q. What happens if the wall is destroyed?
A. It is envisioned that the City's general insurance policy will provide funds to
replace the wall if it is destroyed by accident. The assessment district would be
requested to pay the deductible if any.
Q. Where will the wall be built?
A. The wall will be built in the west right-of-way line of Tuskawilla Road.
Q. Who detennines the level of maintenance and future improvements?
A. The City Commission has the ultimate responsibility. However, an advisory
board composed of property owners within the Oak Forest subdivision will
provide advise and assistance in the process.
Q. Who owns the wall?
A. Because the wall is in the right-of-way, the City owns the wall.
Q. Who is the governing entity?
A. The City Commission has the ultimate responsibility for the wall. However, an
advisory board composed of the property owners within the Oak Forest
subdivision will provide advice and assistance in the process.
Q. How does the process flow?
A. If the decision is made to build the wall, an ordinance will be developed to create
the district and provide procedures for imposing the special assessment to fund
the costs of construction and maintenance. A preliminary assessment roll of all
the property owners will be developed along with each p~rcel's proposed
assessment amount. Each property owner will have an opportunity to pre-pay the
capital component of the wall construction. Mter construction is completed all
property owners who pre-paid the capital cost will begin paying a maintenance
and replacement cost only. All other property owners will begin paying a capital
construction cost in addition to a maintenance and replacement cost.
Q. Can the assessments be spent for any other purpose?
A. No. By law, special assessments can only be used for the services or facilities for
which they have been imposed.
Q. Where can we get more information?
A. Contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 or the following
Homeowner's Association members:
Unit" 1"-Tom Petronio
Unit "1"- Dick/Laurie Taylor
Unit "2"- Don Kuhl
Unit "3"- Jim Beiswenger
Unit "4"- Nina Neal
Unit "5"- Kelly Thompson
Unit "6"- Jay Clay
Unit "7"- AI Murro
Unit "8"- Doug Atkins
Floater - Jan Romano
Effected Parcels
Abutting the Wall
Light/Glare Reduction
Noise Reduction
Within 600' of the Wall
Noise Reduction
More than 600' from the Wall
Estimated Annual Cost
Debt Service $40 to $45
Maintenance $20 to $25
Total $60 $70
$570 to $580
Debt Service $34 to $39
Maintenance ill to $22
Total $51 $61
$500 to $510
Debt Service $30 to $35
Maintenance ill to $20
Total $45 $55
$455 to $465
JULY 7, 1997
7:30 P.M
· · .. .., .. BALLOT TO ASSIST IN DECISION MAKING- '" lit lit '"
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Tax Parcel # <<Parcel>>
Numerous residents within the Oak Forest Subdivision have requested that the Winter Springs City
Commission install an architectural quality wall along Tuskawilla Road as a part of the County's UPComing
widening project. A ballot has been sent to every landowner within the Oak Forest wall subdivision and
will assist in gauging homeowner support.
A special assessment to pay for the capital costs in installments over a 20 year period and annually fund
landscape beautification and wall maintenance is proposed. The amount of the proposed assessments
within the subdivision would be expected to vary as a result of each parcel's proximity to the proposed
wall. The proposed special assessment on the above parcel would be based on <<units_text>> equivalent
benefit unit(s) and is estimated to be ((Assessmentll annually. Such special assessment would be
collected on the same bill as your property taxes. .
Shall the 'Ninter Springs City Commission create a special assessment program and assess each of the
property owners of the Oak Forest Subdivision within the Tuskawilla Planned Unit Development (PUD)
located in the corporate limits of the City of Winter Springs an annual non ad-valorem special assessment
in an amount to be determined according to the cost and benefit of the construction and annual
maintenance of an architectural quality wall and associated landscaping for the purpose of providing pUblic
safety, an aesthetically pleasing barrier along Tuskawilla Road, and landscape beautification to the
residential landowners of the Oak Forest Subdivision?
Yes D
(mark only one)
(print name) (print mailing address)
do solemnly affirm that J am the owner of record of the above parcel or have been duly authorized by the
owner(s) of record of the above parcel to cast this ballot I understand that this ballot represents an
attempt to solicit extraordinary landowner input and is not binding upon the Winter Springs City
Date: , 1997 By:
... This Ballot must be returned to the City or post marked on or before
, 1997 ...
Dear Oak Forest Homeowner:
Through the years we have had some minor issues with which to deal. However, we
now are faced with the most important issue to our community - the wall.
As most of you know, Tuskawilla Road is to be widened to four lanes thereby
necessitating removal of all the trees separating our subdivision from Tuskawilla
Road. We are assured this is necessary for the following reasons:
· Safety
· Replacement of natural barrier (trees)
· Protection from heavy traffic, ~pleasant odors or sights
· Maintenance of our property values
· Creation of aesthetically pleasing connection to our community
The City of Winter Springs and Seminole County have budgeted a substantial
amount of dollars for the beautification for this area when Tuskawilla Road is
finished. The completion of the wall will increase the marketability of our area and
cause it to be more inviting to home buyers. It should harmonize our community
with the rest of the area and, thereby, help create a showcase community for
Seminole County.
There will be an Oak Forest community meeting at Winter Springs High School at
7:30 pm on July 7th. Any questions you might have concerning this project wi)) be
answered at this meeting. It is, therefore, most important that everyone attend The
ballots are scheduled to be mailed to the homeowners July 14th, and we have only
~ opportunity to approve the wall. I cannot begin to tell you how important it is for
all homeowners to rally around and vote "YES" on this important issue.
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Thomas L. Petronio
Oak Forest Home Owners Association
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Winter Springs, Florida
Q. What are the benefits to me?
A. Property owners will have varying degrees of the following benefits:
· Beautification or aesthetics
· Noise attenuation
· Glare abatement
· Preservation of property values
· Better security, safety
· Preservation of the use and enjoyment of our homes and neighborhoods.
Q. Will all property owners pay the same?
A. No. An assessment for any given parcel is calculated by multiplying the number
of lots contained on the parcel by the aesthetic component factor, the noise
attenuation component factor and glare abatement component factor to determine
the number of equivalent benefit units.
Q. What will the wall look like?
A. The style of the wall has been chosen by the Oak Forest Wall Committee and is
typical of other walls along Tuskawilla Road. An architectural illustration is
provided on the cover page of the public information handout.
Q. Has the City contributed to the cost?
A. The County has agreed to allow the City to reallocate approximately $292,000
from the City's share of the 1% infrastructure Sales Tax to make modifications to
the Tuskawilla Road widening project to accommodate the construction of the
wall in the road right-of-way.
Q. Why assessments rather than property taxes?
A. Cities only have the legal authority to impose taxes city-wide and not within
certain areas of the City.
Q. Are there other assessment districts within the City?
A. Yes. There is a lighting district within the City and numerous other assessment
districts within Seminole County.
Q. Why are we doing this?
A. To fund the cost of building and maintaining an architectural quality wall in
response to the Tuskawilla Road widening project, to preserve and enhance our
property values, to increase security and public safety, to reduce noise and glare
from the road, to enhance the visual beauty of our neighborhood and to preserve
the values, use and enjoyment of our homes and neighborhood.
Q. When will the wall be built?
A. According to the County, the Tuskawilla Road widening project is set for bid in
April 1998, with construction to begin in July 1998. The road widening project
is scheduled to be completed in November 1999. The wall project will be
completed in the final phase of improvements to Tuskawilla Road.
Q. When do we start paying?
A. The imposition of Assessments to fund the wall construction and maintenance of
the wall will occur following the completion of construction. Based on an
estimated construction completion date of November 1999. The first payment
should appear in tax bill that would be received in the year 2000.
Q. Can we payoff the assessments early?
A. The capital component of the wall project can be paid off at the first billing.
Additionally, it can be paid at any other time during the assessment period based
on the pro-rata share of the assessment and financing costs. However, the
assessment amount for maintenance and replacement costs will be imposed
annually regardless of pre-payments.
Q. What are my costs?
A. There are three benefit components in the rate structure; beautification, noise
reduction, and glare reduction. The costs are based on each parcel's geographic
location to the wall. Each parcel of property within the Oak Forest wall
subdivision will benefit equally based on the beautification component. Parcels
within the geographic area located 600 feet from the wall will be assessed based
upon the noise attenuation component. Only those parcels that directly abut the
wall ill be assessed based upon the glare abatement component.
Q. Where will the wall be built?
A. The wall will be built in the west right-of-way line of Tuskawilla Road.
Q. Who determines the level of maintenance and future improvements?
A. The City Commission has the ultimate responsibility. However, an advisory
board composed of property owners within the Oak Forest subdivision will
provide advise and assistance in the process.
Q. Who owns the wall?
A. Because the wall is in the right-of-way, the City owns the wall.
Q. Who is the governing entity?
A. The City Commission has the ultimate responsibility for the wall. However, an
advisory board composed of the property owners within the Oak Forest
subdivision will provide advice and assistance in the process.
Q. How does the process flow?
A. If the decision is made to build the wall, an ordinance will be developed to create
the district and provide procedures for imposing the special assessment to fund
the costs of construction and maintenance. A preliminary assessment roll of all
the property owners will be developed along with each p~rcel' s proposed
assessment amount. Each property owner will have an opportunity to pre-pay the
capital component of the wall construction. After construction is completed all
property owners who pre-paid the capital cost will begin paying a maintenance
and replacement cost only. All other property owners will begin paying a capital
construction cost in addition to a maintenance and replacement cost.
Q. Can the assessments be spent for any other purpose?
A. No. By law, special assessments can only be used for the services or facilities for
which they have been imposed.
Q. Who will decide if the district will be created?
A. The City Commission retains the ultimate decision making authority. However,
the Commission is seeking input through a non-binding ballot to be carried out
within the Oak Forest subdivision with each lot possessing one vote.
Q. What vote margin will the City Commission require?
A. The City Commission has decided that a simple majority vote of the property
owners voting will provide direction regarding the wall project. However, the
Commission retains the final authority to accept or reject the ballot in the unlikely
event it feels the ballot does not represent the voice of the people. For example;
if some irregularity was discovered or a small fraction of the people vote, the
Commission could choose to over-ride the vote.
Q. Can the assessment be paid through my home mortgage?
A. Yes. If you make monthly mortgage payments, it is likely that this amount will
be escrowed by your mortgage holder much like property taxes and your monthly
mortgage payment will include this assessment.
Q. Can we deduct the assessment from taxes?
A. This is a question for your tax advisor. However, generally a special assessment
against your residence is not a valid income tax deduction.
Q. If I move, do I have to pay it off?
A. No. The assessment is imposed annually and is payable as part of your tax bill,
each year between November I and March 31.
Q. How long will the assessment be imposed?
A. The capital component of the assessment will be imposed for 20 years.
However, the assessment for maintenance and replacements will be imposed
annually for the life of the wall.
Q. What happens if the wall is destroyed?
A. It is envisioned that the City's general insurance policy will provide funds to
replace the wall if it is destroyed by accident. The assessment district would be
requested to pay the deductible if any.
, -
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JULY 7, 1997
7:30 P.M
, ~
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Tf.Jx Parcel # <<Parcel>>
5J11'Y) PLt:
Numerous residents within the Oak Forest Subdivision have requested that the Winter Springs City
Commission install an architectural quality wall along Tuskawilla Road as a part of the County's upcoming
widening project. A ballot has been sent to every landowner within the Oak Forest wall subdivision and
will assist in gauging homeowner support.
A special assessment to pay for the capital costs in installments over a 20 year periOd and annually fund
landscape beautification and wall maintenance is proposed. The amount of the proposed assessments
within the sUbdivision would be expecled to vary as a result of each parcel's proximity to the proposed
wall. The proposed special assessment on the above parcel would be based 0'" <<tlAits_texb equivalent
benefit unit(s) and is estimated to be ((Assessment>> annually. Such special assessment would be
collected on the same bill as your property taxes. .
Shall the Winter Springs City Commission create a special assessment program and assess each of the
property owners of the Oak Forest Subdivision within the Tuskawilla Planned Unit Development (PUD)
located in the corporate limits of the City of Winter Springs an annual non ad-valorem special assessment
in an amount to be determined according to the cost and benefit of the construction and annual
maintenance of an architectural quality wall and associated landscaping for the purpose of providing public
safety, an aesthetically pleasing barrier along Tuskawilla Road, and landscape beautification to the
residential landowners of the Oak Forest Subdivision?
Yes D
(mark only one)
(print name) (print mailing address)
do solemnly affirm that I am the owner of record of the above parcel or have been duly authorized by the
owner(s) of record of the above parcel to cast this ballot. I understand that this ballot represents an
attempt to solicit extraordinary landowner input and is not binding upon the Winter Springs City
Date: , 1997 By:
... This Ballot must be returned to the City or post marked on or before
. 1997."
Effected Parcels
Abutting the Wall
Light/Glare Reduction
Noise Reduction
Within 600' of the Wall
Noise Reduction
More than 600' from the Wall
Estimated Annual Cost
Debt Service $40 to $45
Maintenance $20 to $25
Total $60 $70
$570 to $580
Debt Service $34 to $39
Maintenance ill to $22
Total $51 $61
$500 to $510
Debt Service $30 to $35
Maintenance $15 to $20
Total $45 $55
$455 to $465
Q. Where can we get more information?
A. Contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 or the following
Homeowner's Association members:
Unit" 1"-Tom Petronio
Unit" 1" - Dick/Laurie Taylor
Unit "2"- Don Kuhl
Unit "3"- Jim Beiswenger
Unit "4"- Nina Neal
Unit "5"- Kelly Thompson
Unit "6"- Jay Clay
Unit "7"- AI Murro
Unit "8"- Doug Atkins
Floater - Jan Romano
696- 7728