HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 05 19 Regular Item A
May 19. 1997
MGRJi j..tt//DEPT
JruEQUEST: City Manager requesting the Commission to authorize the Mayor ~o sign an interlocall
~greement witln Seminole County to coordinate the design and construction of road
nmjt)rovements necessary to build the Oak Forest wall, to coordinate the design and
i!:~rrnstJrUction of !the wall, and to provide funding for said services and perpetual maintenance.
JID1URlP'OSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is to effectuate an interlocal agreement with the County
authorizing the County to coordinate the design and construction of improvements necessary to
construct the Oak Forest wall and to provide funding for these services and the perpetual
maintenance of the wall,
On April 14, 1997 the City Commission authorized the City Manager and Commissioner McLeod
to request the County Commission to assist the City in the design and construction of the Oak:
Forest wall and related road work.
On April 22, 1997 the County Commission agreed to this proposal and authorized the County
Attorney to prepare the attached interlocal agreement memorializing the terms of the service
agreem ent.
Since the County is agreeing to the wall being constructed in the County right of way it is
requiring a stipulation for perpetual maintenance,
Page 1
The agreement provides that all cost associated with the cost of the services and improvements
associated with road improvements in the County right of way will be financed through the 1 cent
Local Option Infrastructure Transportation Sales Tax, and that all cost associated with the
construction of the wall will be funded through an assessment district or municipal source of funds,
The anticipated costs are as follows:
of Funds
Sales Tax
It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached interlocal agreement.
Favorable Mail Ballot/Commission Approval to Proceed
Construction Begins
Construction Complete
July 14, 1997
March 1998
December 1999
1) Interlocal Agreement
2) Commission Agenda Item C, April 14, 1997
Page 2
'3Ei'l I ~ICiLE ':DJt'ITy' g,)>G'1
F'f-G IE ~'lIJ.
1'1.3, ':.1. 14 1 '3'3 -;' 83: 50AM P2
THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMEN'T is made ar..d ente2:.'ed into this
day of
1997, by and b~~ween SEMINOLE COUNTY, a
political subdivision of the State or ?:o~ida, whose address is
Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford.
Florida 32771, hereir!afte:c referred to as the II COUNTY." and the
CrTY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporacion, whose
address is 1126 East State Road 434. Wincer Springs, Florida 32708,
hereinafter referred to as the "CITY."
WHEREAS I the COUNTY and the CITY a::C2 firmly committed to the
development of transportation improvemen=s for the benefit of the
residents of the COUNTY and the CITY a:c.d the enhancement of the
quality of life or the residents of the COUNTY and the CITY; and
WHEREAS.. Phase III and Phase IV of c.he Tuskawilla Road Road
Improvement Program extend approximately from Station 210+30 to
Sta t ion 285 + 90 and are proj ect s whic:r: are important In many
respects to both the COUNTY and the CrT'!; and
WHEREAS, the CITY has proposed shift~~g certain of che project
costs planned for the projecc de8cri~ed as follows "Traffic
Operations and Capacity Improvements (sic) To Be Designated" in the
interlocal ag'reement entitled "Seminole Co~ncy Transportation Plan
.i\mended Intel:'local Agreement", daced Aug1..:.3L: 30, 1996. (the project
will be hereinafter referred to 3.9
!- - .'-
"CITY Proj eCl:" )
and the
COG~JTY has favorably evaluated that propcsal which would thereupon
FF'iJf'l :3Ef'l I rlCiLE f:J]U~jT' ( BCC/Cf"l
May. 14 1997 09:51AM P3
allow for augmenta~ion of ~he ~uskawilla Road Phase III a~d IV Road
Improvement proj ects (hel-eina:ter l'efe:'red to as the "COUNTY
Projectlf) by virtue of the collaboracive 'fWall Project" (hereinaf-
ter described) being incorporaced inca c~e COUNTY Project as set
forth in this Interlocal Agreeme~c being incorporated; and
WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY recognize the importance of
prudently expending road improvement funds for public purposes
associated with roadway improvements, which expenditure of funds
includes the addressing of public impacts arising from road
construction and improvements and have decermined that it is
desirable, beneficial and advantageous for the parties and their
citizens to enter this Im:.erlocal Agr~ement and shift certain
funding from the CITY Project to the a~s~ented COu~TY Project in
accordance with the terms set forth here~n; and
WHEREAS, chis Interlocal F-.g::eerne.:1.c provides a publ ic benef it,
furthers a public purpose, serves the public interest and is
consistent ....rith the provisions of Cn.3.p::.ers 125, 163 and 166,
Florida Statutes, the Seminole COUI'-1:.y rtome Rule Charter, the
comprehensive plans of the parties, and other applicable law,
NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the recitals, mutual
covenants, a,nd agreements he:t:"ein contained, ,?nd ocher good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows:
Section 1.
The foregoing recitals are true and
correct and ~orm a material part of this :nterlocal Agreement upon
which the parties have relied,
:3Ei~1 I t'ICiLE (OU~lr'( B':C /G'1
PH:;~IE ~IO.
Ma~. 14 1997 09:52AM P4
Section 2. Agreement Relating To The CITY Project and the
COUNTY Proj E!ct and the Wall proj ect.
(a) The CITY hereby agrees that ::he sum of an amount not
($292,000,00), (reappropriated 81..1rn) , which has been projected to be
expended on ':he CITY proj ect shall be reappropriated to be 8xpencied
on the COUNTY Proj ect f02- the purposes of wall design and below
grade construction of the retaining '''1all po~-tion of the Wall
Project and the CITY further covenants and agrees to make no claim,
of any type or nature whatsoever, relati7e to said sum against the
COUNTY or any other City wi thin the COu"NTY and, further, covenants
and agrees that only the remaining sum of money that was earmarked
for the CITY Project will be potentially available for the CI~Y
Project in accordance with the terms of t~e aforereferenced August
30, 1996 Serr:inole County Transportatior: Plan Amended Interlocal
(b) Th.:= COUNTY agrees that it will use the reappropriated sum
to accomplish the design of the Wall Project below grade construc-
c.ion of the Wall Project, as staced abo'le, as part of the COUNTY
Project on t~e west side of Tuskawilla R~ad which wall will, in
general terms of description, extend 89p:::-oximately r:!.-om Station
210+30 to Station 285+90, but will not include the crossing of
entranceways to subdivisions and previously constructed walls that
are not impacted by road construction pertaining to the COUNTY
The COUNTY shall provide t:;.e CITY with draft plans,
mate:::-ials and correspondence, notices of meetings, etc., relating
FPIJr'l ';:,Ei1 I ~ICLE ClJU~lr( E:CC/Ci"l
PHmlE 1'10.
i"1.31:J. 14 1'3'37 0'3: 521=1i"1 P5
co the design and below grade construction or the Wall Project to
the extent :?racticable in accordance with the demands of the
COUNTY, Upon the ultimate determination of the design or the wall
Project, the COUNTY shall advise the CIT~ of such determination.
(c) On or before October 31, 1997, the CITY shall issue to
the COUNTY a Notice of Intent co have -ehe subj ect Wall proj ect
constructed. The Wall proj ect shall cc.nsist of the design and
construction of a subdivision wall, cons~stent and in conformity
with all applicable codes and of a type, design and aesthetic and
structural ~ature essentially equivalent to existing subdivision
walls in the general area of the COUNTY P~oject from Station 21030
co 285+90 (excluding the crossing of en~ranceways to subdivisions
and previously constructed walls chat ar~ not impacted by the road
construction pertaining to the COUNTY Project. At such time, the
CITY shall notify the COUNTY in the Notice of Intent that it has
funding sources in effect, which is not the funding deriving from
ehe aforementioned II seminole County Transportation Plan Amended
Interlocal Agreemenc." I to fund a:1Y and a::"l Wall Project. expenses in
excess of the amount set forL1 i:1. Sectior: 2 (a) of whatever type or
nature and howsoever arising, and tha:: the CITY shall fund the
construccion of the Wall Project in the full amount necessary in
excess of the amount set forth in Section 2(a) i provided, however,
that, if the COUNTY does not expend the total reappropriated sum on
its efforts for design and below grade construction of the Wall
Project, the remaining amount o~ the reappropriated Bum will be
dedicated to above grade construction o~ che Wall project- If the
fYla '::J. 14 1'397 09: 53RM P6
CITY fails to deliver the Notice of Inte~~, the COG~TTY shall have
no obligations relating to the CITY with regard to COUNTY Project
or the Wall Project and any and all matte=s relating thereto. The
COUNTY lNill not initiate desig:l of the Ttlall proj eCl: until l.t
receives the Notice of Intent fro~ the CITY,
The issuance of the
Notice of In~ent shall irreversibly obligaee the CITY to the terms
and conditions of this Interlocal Agreement
(d) The COUNTY agrees to keep the CITY reasonably apprised as
to it const::-uction efforts as to the Hall Proj ect and :t-elated
matters as the construction of the Wall ?roject is initiated a~d
proceeds. The COUNTY agrees to issue a right-of-way utilization
permit to th~ CITY with regard to the CITY's continuing obligation
of maintaini~g the Wall Project on a perpetual basis said permit
being issued subject to all standard terms and conditions of said
type of permit.
Section 3. Force Majeure,
In the event any party hereunder
fails to sat~sfy a requirement imposed i~ a timely manner, due to
a hurricane, flood, tornado, or ocher Ace of God or force majeure,
then said party shall not be in default hereunder.
Section 4. Binding Effect.
(a) This Interlocal Agreemer;,t shall be binding upon and inure
to the benefit of the parties hereto and the successors in interest
transferees and assigns of the parties; provided, however, that
this Interlocal Agreement shall ~ot be deemed to pledge the full
faith and crE:dit of the COUNTY,
'3Ei'1 I t IDLE COU~IT'( BeC/CM
t"la'::J. 14 1'397 09: 53AM P7
(b) The CITY shall own the b~ick, mo~ta~ and concrete as well
as all rela~ed materials per:aining to, and consisting of, the wall
which results from the Wall Project, but shall not own the real
property or hold any right, title or inc=rest in the real property
on which the wall resulting from the Wall Project is located.
(c) The CITY shall, by means or a special assessment,
perpetually be obligated for any and all maintenance costs,
expenses, fees and charges, of whatsoever type or nature relating
to or arising from the construction or the Wall proj eet., the
functioning of the wall resulting from the Wall Project, and the
maintenance of the Wall Project. The CITY intends to initiate a
special assessment district to provide funding as necessary for
pa::;m.ent of I:he obligations resulting f2:'om this Interlocal Agree-
Section 5. Assignment. This Inte.::-local Agreement shall not
be assigned by either party without the prior written approval of
the other.
See tion. 6.
Public Records.
The parties shall allow public
letters or other materials which
access to all documents, papers,
have been m,;tde or received in conju:1.c::.ion witi1 this Interlacal
Agreement su,bj ect to exceptions to publ ic rl3cords laws as set fort:h
in th~ Florida Statutes and with records retention accomplished in
accordance with State law.
Section 7. Notices/Designated Contact For Approval.
(a) Whenever either party desires co give notice unto the
other, notice may be sent to:
Fr:'Oi'l '3Efvl I ~IJ]LE CCIU~ITY 130> 0'1
PHmlE 1'10.
Ma~. 14 1997 09:54AM P8
cor the COUNTY:
Counc:.y Engineer
520 W. Lake Mary Boulevard #200
Sanford, Florida 32773
For the CITY:
City f';Ianager
City of Wincer Spri~gs
1126 East S. R. 434
Winter Springs, F~o~ida 32708
(b) Either of the parties may ct.a~ge, by written notice as
provided herein, the addresses Or perSO~3 foy receipt of notices.
All notices shall be effective uoon r~ceipt.
Section 8.
(a) The CITY hereby agrees, to the max~mum extent authorized
by law, to i.ndemnify, save and hold the COUNTY harmless from and
against aLlY and all costs, damages, expenses, losses, claims,
injuries, la'wsuits and liabilities arising or resulting from Or in
connection "",ith the CITY's or it.s officers, employees, agents,
successors' or assigns' actions or activities relating in any way
to the CITY Project and the Wal~ Projecc, and any and all claims
and actions brought by third parties resulting from or arising in
connection with said actions,
The CITY ~lso agrees to indemnify,
save and hold the COUNTY harmless frorr, and against any and all
costs, damages, expenses, losses, claims, injuries, la'';/sui ts and
liabilities ~elacing in any way to the wall resulting from the Wall
Project.. To the extent requi~ed by law, ~f specific consideration
for the indemnification provided herein is required to be given by
the COUNTY t.() the CITY then ONE AND NO/lOa DOLLARS ($1.00) of the
value for thE~ consideration set ::orth in this Int.erlocal .Z\greement
shall be del~med to be such s:;,ecific considerat ion,
SEi., I ~IOLE COIj~jTy' :3CC/r:J'1
1"1.3. ':J. 14 1 997 09: 55 AM pc.
ack..'1.owle:dges tile adequacy and suffi~i~r!.cy 0: said specific co:::.s iderat ion .
(b) The CITY further acknolN'ledges that the wall proj eet I is
a Project of the CITY and thac the CI~~ shall bear any and all
cost.s in any way relating t.o claims, disputes and litigation
arising or ]~esulting from the d~sign anj construction of the Wall
Project and any and all related ~atters. CITY employees shall not
be deemed COUNTY employees for any reasOn or PU1:pose and CITY
contractors shall not be deemed COUNTY contractors for any reason
or purpose.
Section 9. Conflict Of Interest, The COUNTY and the CITY
agree that they will not engage in ar!.Y action that would create a
conflict of interest in the performance of its obligations pursuant
to this Interlocal Agreement wit.h the other party or which would
violate or cause others to violate the p.l::ovisions of Part III,
Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government.
Section 10. Dispute Resolution. ."-...-:..y and all disputes arising
hereunder shall be attempted to be resol'lad through a collaborative
and mutually acceptable informal process with ope~ discussions and
a cooperative effort. In th~ eV8~t t~a~ formal dispute resolution
processes become necessary, the parties recognize that such matters
will be subject to the processes and p::-ocedures set forth in the
agreement:. entitled" Inte:r:'local Agreemen': cn P'lediation and Incergov-
er'nrnental Coordination", dated January 24, 1995.
Section 11. Term.
(a) This Interloca1 Agree:nent s::al1 become effective: upon
execution by the COUNTY and th-;: '2I'I'Y.
FFIJI'I '::,El'l r ~IC:LE CIJU~.lr( Bcc/cn
Ma~. 14 1997 09:55AM P
(b) The COmITY I s obI igat i.on her-:'~ndeY shall cease upon
construction of che Wall Projecc except with regard to the issuance
of a right-ai-way utilization permit for maintenance by the CITY as
stated herein.
ecl The CITY's obligations hereu~der shall be perpetual.
Section 12. Governing Law/Attorneys' Fees. This Interlocal
Agreement ~;hall be construed and interp::::'eced according to the laws
of the State of Florida, In the event of litigation between the
parties ari.sing from or pertaining to this Agreement, the prevail-
ing party shall be entitled to recover from the other, reasonable
trial and appellate attorneys' fees and costs.
Secticln 13. Construction Of Agreement. This Interlocal
Agreement sihall not be construed more strictly against one party
than against the other merely by virtue of the fact that it may
have been ?repared by counsel for one of the parties, it being
recognized that both parties, the COli"NTY and the CITY, have
contributed substantially and materially ::'0 the preparation hereof.
Section 14. constitutional and Statutory Limitation on
Authority of the COUNTY. The terms and conditions of this
Interlocal Agreement placed upon the COu~ITY are applicable only to
the excent they are within and consiste~t with the constitutional
and statutory limitations O~ the auchority of the COUNTY.
Specifically, the parties acknowledge L~at the COUNTY is without
authority to grant or pledge a security interest in any of the
COUNTY I S revenue sources 01' property.
FPiJi'l ':;EI'1 [1'liJLE CiJU~ITY B'::C/CI'1
PHiJl'IE t'IO.
Ma~. 14 1997 09:56AM F
Section 15. Counterparts.
This In~erlocal Ag~eement may be
executed in any number of counterpar::.s each of which, when executed
and delivered, shall be an original, but all counc.erparts shall
together c~nstitute ODe and the same instrument,
Section 16. Headings. All secti0DS and descriptive headings
in this Interlocal Ag:t-eement are inse:c::~d for convenience only, and
shall not affect the construction or interpretation hereof.
See tion J. 7.
Entire Agreement,
This Int.erlocal Agreement
constitutes the entire agreeme~c or che parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof, and may not be nodified or amended except by
a written instrument equal in dignity ~erewith and executed by the
parties to b2 bound thereby.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p:;:;,rt les ::-_~reto have r.lade cmd executed
this rnterlocal Agreement for the P\.:.~?oses he:t-ein stated on the
dace first above writt~n.
j';]j\...RGO M. HOPKIN.3, Clerk
?~~L PARTYKA, Mayor
Approved ~l9 to form and
legal sufficiency.
City Attorney
Clerk to the Board of
County Commissioners of
Seminole County, Florida.
Ku~DALL c. MORRIS, Chairman
'.:.Ei'1 [i liTE ,~[lUtlr,.. BCe/cr'l
PH[I~ IE t IiJ.
For the use and reliance
of Seminole County only,
Approved as to form and
legal sufficiency.
Count:.y Attorney
l' ~ \ ::SERS\ ,:..),.J'i~(..': \A;;T\ T~r;?Lt:.~J'1. i;~
Ma~. 14 1997 09:56~M P12
As auc~~~:=2d for execution by
~he 2o;.~-:i ?f, COlmty Commiss-
loners 3.: \:nelr
1997, reS~lar meeting.
Apr. 18 1997 07:22AM P3
April 14 1997
REQUEST: City Manager ~e!questjng the City Commission to authorize the expenditure of 1 %
Infrastructure Sales Tax Funds to fund improvements to Tuskawilla Road to facilitate the
construction of the Oak Forest Subdivision 'WaIl financed by residents of Oa,k Forest through
a proposed non llldlvalorem assessment district and to authorize Commissioner l\-IcLeod and
the City lVIanagel' to present the request to the County Commission at its April 22, 1997
Commission Meeting.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is to have the Commission 1) to approve the expenditure of
$292,000 of the City's portion of the Local Option Infrastructure Transportation Improvements
Sales Tax for modifications to the Tuskawilla Road Improvement Project needed to facilitate the
construction of the Oak Forest wall in the road right of way, and 2) to authorize Commissioner
McLeod and the City Manager to appear before the April 22, 1997 meeting of the County
Commission to request formal approval of the County Commission to construct the wall in the road
right of way, and to .:l.llocate sales tax revenues to finance the modifications to the road right of way
needed to facilitate the wall construction in the right of way,
The residents of Oak Forest Subdivision desire to construct a wall to reduce the impact on their
neighborhood resulting from the widening and other improvements to Tuskawilla Road.
To make this project feasible, the City Commission authorized Commissioner McLeod and the City
Manager to explore with the County two issues:
1) The use of county road right of way upon which to construct the wall, and
2) Alternative ~:neans of financing the project.
Page 1
Apr. 18 1997 07:23AM P4
Based upon discussions to date with County staff and Commissioner's Morris and Maloy,
construction of the wall in the right of way is possible, and funding of the moditica6ons
to Tuskawilla Rod improvements to accommodate the wall can be funded from the City's allocation
of 1% Local Option Infrastructure Sales Tax Transportation revenues,
Under this scenario the Wall would be financed by the residents through the proposed Oak Forest
Assessment District and the modification to the road right of way from the sales tax.
In order to proceed, the full County Commission will need to approve construction of the wall in
the road right of way and the allocation of$292,000 of the City's portion of 1 % Infrastructure Sales
Tax Transportation revenues to pay for modifications to Tuskawil1a Road improvements.
Modifications to Tuskawilla Road improvements will cost an estimated $292,000, As stated these
costs can be financl~d from the City's share of the 1 % Infrastructure Sales Tax Transportation
Improvements Revenues as follows:
Sales Ta..x
Sales Tax
Unspecified City PrCljects
TuskawilIa Road Modifications
1) The City Commission approve the allocation of $292,000 of its share of 1 % Infrastructure
Sales Ta..'( Transportation Improvement Revenues to finance modifications to Tuskawilla
2) The City Commission authorize Commissioner McLeod and the City Manager to appear
before the April 22, 1997 meeting of the County Commission to formally request the County
Commission i:O:
a) Permit the construction of the Oak Forest Wall in the Tuskawil1a Road right of way,
b) To approve the allocation of $292,000 the City's share of the 1% Local Option
InJrastructure Transportation Improvements Sales Tax Revenues to finance the
modification to Tuskawilla Road Improvements needed to facilitate construction of
the w2,1l in the road right of way.
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