HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 05 12 Consent Item A
May 12. 1997
REQUEST: Land Development Division requesting Commission approval of the Alternate
Impact Fee Study conducted by Traffic Planning and Design, Inc., and verified by
Conklin, Porter and Holmes Engineering, Inc., for that commercial building being
constructed at the Belle Avenue Center on the west side of Belle Avenue which
will result in a Transportation Impact Fee refund of$10,012.99.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board Item is for the Commission to approve the Alternate
Impact Fee Study for a commercial building on the west side of Belle Avenue
which will result in a Transportation Impact Fee refund of$1O,012.99.
Section 9-386.8. Independent impact fee calculation.
(a) In the event an applicant believes that the impact of this development on the
municipal collector road network will be less than that presumed in this division,
the applicant may submit a proposed scope of work for determining an
independent fee calculation which shall comply with the requirement of
subsection (d) of this section. Upon approval of the scope of work the applicant
may submit an independent fee calculation to the city manager or his designee,
pursuant to the provisions of this section. If the city manager, or his designee,
finds that the data, information and assumptions used by the applicant to calculate
the independent impact fee satisfy the requirements of this section, the independent
impact fee shall be deemed the impact fee due and owing for the proposed
development. Since processing of independent impact fee calculations involves
significant staff time, applicants should submit their independent impact fee
calculation at least sixty (60) days prior to the date they will need a final
determination of their impact fee. Alternatively, an applicant may pay the impact
fee normally required at the time of seeking a building permit, subject to possible
May 12, 1997
Page 2
reimbursement of any excess paid according to the independent impact fee,
including but not limited to the cost of independent consulting engineers, shall be
borne by the applicant.
Section 9-386.16. Collection of road impact fee assessment.
(b) In cases where the applicant desires to accomplish an alternative transportation
impact fee calculation based upon the actual project to be constructed in the City
of Winter Springs, the applicant must pay the transportation impact fee estimated
by the City of Winter Springs into an escrow account prior to obtaining a building
permit. The City will hold the funds in the escrow account while the project is
being developed and the alternative transportation impact fee calculation is being
accomplished. This procedure allows for the most accurate alternative
transportation impact fee calculation to be accomplished since it will be
accomplished for the specific site at which the fee applies within the City of Winter
Springs. Should the alternative transportation impact fee as accepted by the City
of Winter Springs show that the transportation impact fee should be less than the
funds previously collected by the City, the excess funds would be returned to the
applicant. The sole decision in this matter would be made by the City Commission
or its designee.
Transportation Impact Fee in the amount of$18,518.30 paid by
developer for 9,600 square foot building ($1,928.99 per one (1)
thousand square feet of building area)
Alternative Road Impact Fee Calculation submitted by Traffic
Planning and Design, Inc. (copies given to City Traffic Engineers,
Conklin, Porter and Holmes Engineers, Inc. (CPH) for review)
CPH requested further information
May 12, 1997
Page 3
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. response to CPH
CPH verification of Alternative Impact Fee Calculation to
$885.97 per 1,000 square feet of building area ($8,505.31
for 9,600 square foot building)
1) The Alternative Traffic Impact Fee Calculation meets applicable Code
2) The Alternative Traffic Impact Fee Calculation was verified by the City's
Traffic Engineer.
3) The developer has agreed to reimburse the City the charges levied for the
verification of the study by the City's Traffic Engineer.
4) Precedence on this type action was established on February 23, 1995 when the
City refunded to McDonald's the amount of$37.096.59 after an Alternate Traffic
Impact Fee Calculation was conducted and then verified by the City's Traffic
The reduction of transportation impact fees, as follows, is consistent with the
Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance.
Original transportation impact fee for a 9,600 square foot building was $1,928.99
per 1,000 square feet of building area, or $18,518.30.
Revised fee as reflected in the Alternate Traffic Impact Fee Calculation for a 9,600
square foot building was $885.97 per 1,000 square feet of building area or
May 12, 1997
Page 4
Original Impact Fee
Revised Impact Fee
Refund due
$ 8,505.31
The recommendation is that the City Commission approve the Alternate Impact
Fee Calculation study, verified by CPH, reducing the original impact fee of
$18,518.30 by $10,012.99 to a revised impact fee of$8,505.31 and refunding
$10,012.99 to the owner/developer of the property.
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. revision as requested by CPH
(less employee survey forms)
CPH Letter verifying Transportation Impact Fee to be $885.97
per 1,000 square feet of building area.
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc.
535 Versailles Drive, Suite 200, Maitland, FL 32751.7305 · (407) 628-9955 · FAX (407) 628-8850
March 11, 1997
Mr. Terry M. Zandtke, P.E.
Senior Vice President
Conklin Porter & Holmes Engineers
1104 East Robinson Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
Re: Alternative Impact Fee Calculation
Belle A venue Commerce Center
TPD NQ 1163
Dear Mr. Zandtke:
Enclosed is our response to D.M. Foxworth's review of our Belle Avenue Center Impact Fee
Calculation Study. Weare very concerned with this review since it appears that the reviewer
has not visited the site to observe and understand the activity at the Bell A venue Commerce
Center. For your information, the Belle A venue Commerce Center is basically a
warehouse/distribution facility with little office function as found at regular office buildings.
Contrary to the statement made by Mr. Foxworth, employee trips were included in our survey.
The entire facility has only eight full-time and four part-time employees. Employee trips at the
facility constitute a small portion of the total trips.
We believe our response to the comments should alleviate the concerns expressed in Mr.
Foxworth's memorandum. Should you need additional information, please call us.
/~lY' ~?~
TU~h, P.E.
cc: Paul Porter
Don LeBlanc
Bob Baxley
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc.
535 Versailles Drive, Suite 200, Maitland, FL 32751-7305 · (407) 628-9955. FAX (407) 628-8850
Terry M. Zand~tke,;p.E.
Paul Porter, P.:s . ,.
Turgut Dervish, P.E.
March 11, 1997
Belle Avenue Center Impact Fee Calculation
Response to Review Comments by D.M. Foxworth, P.E.
TPD NQ 1163
The following is our response to the comments made by D.M. Foxworth, P.E., of your firm
concerning our alternative impact fee calculation study for Belle A venue Commerce Center.
Comment 1 - Home based office traffic is totally excluded as those employees would be
exiting the site during the survey period, Le., 2:00 - 6:00 P.M.
Response - The statement made by the reviewer concerning employee trips is totally incorrect
since the employees at the Belle A venue Commerce Center were included in the survey. The
Belle Avenue Commerce Center is mostly a warehouse/distribution facility whose office space
is directly related to the operations of the facility and not regular office space. It has a total of
eight full-time employees and four part-time employees. The part-time employees as well as the
full-time employees keep irregular hours. This is evidenced by the survey forms completed
which included 6, 7 and 8 employees surveyed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
respectively. This represents 50% to 67% of the total employees (full-time plus part-time) at
the study site. The completed employee survey forms are appended to this memorandum.
Comment 2 - This traffic (Le., home based) has much longer trip lengths - a major factor
in computer impact fees.
As noted in response to Comment 1, employee trips occurring between 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. were
included in the survey. To further help alleviate the employee trip concern, we completed an
additional one day survey of the employees during the 4 - 6 P.M. time period. Six employees
departing were interviewed their destinations noted. These additional surveys forms which are
also included herein indicated an average trip length of 3.26 miles.
Comment 3 - Diverted trips are much too high for an office warehouse complex. Office
uses do not generate any diverted trips - far from the 72% shown. Thus, the survey
reflects only the warehousing part of the site during the afternoon when many people stop
by on the way from work, Le., diverting from SR 434 which would be coded as the trip
length of the diverted trip.
The reviewer assumes again that the survey location is in office use. Office use in only a small
faction of this office/warehouse complex. The diverted trips referred to would have been pass-
by trips and disregarded had the complex been located on SR 434 instead of some distance away
on Belle Avenue.
We have recalculated the alternative impact fee by incorporating the six additional employee
trips to each of the three survey days. Table 5 has been revised to include these surveys which
resulted in a new average trip length of 3.116 miles. The new average trip length represents
a difference of 0.023 miles when compared to the trip length of 3.093 of the original study.
Calculating the alternative impact fee utilizing the additional employee survey data results in a
fee rate of $885.97 per 1,000 square feet of building area. The alternative impact fee calculation
is shown in the revised Table 6. We recommend that this rate be accepted by the City in
calculating the road impact fees for the proposed expansion of the Belle Avenue Commerce
TABLE 5 (Revised 3/7/97)
Summary Trip Lengths
. '::/::::':',;.U.Beile:,Aveiiue(jo'rnmer:ce:t~enter':'::.f20o."Belle,~venlIe' ,... .;
, ;;.:::;~:;.:j)'i:;'C': ;'/ ,'.., .~': 'Prim" "" > ti't"sr<:>,';:::' .::: . ;::<i/; ;:::.:',::cfi~':Di\ieIteditn"s:';'.;;,.:
w~~:..S~~., i~~lfrri~;e.'.~t~'r~~~~:~~
Tuesday 14 56.710 24 34.760
Wednesday 14 48.120 24 52.760
Thursday 12 70.270 24 93.020
Sub-Total 43 175.100 72 180.540
Supplemental One Day Em loyee Survey
Thursda 6 19.580 0 0.000
Total 1 61 233.840 72 180.540
(1) Total includes one day supplemental employee survey added to each weekday.
(i.e., 6 * 3 = 18 and 43 + 18 = 61)
(i.e., 19.580 * 3 = 58.740 and 175.100 + 58.740 = 233.840)
A verage Trip Length
(233.840 + 180.50) I (61 + 72) = 3.116 miles
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc., 1997
TABLE 6 (Revised 3/7/97)
TGR 11.077 Daily Trip Generation Rate
DDF 0.825 Daily Distribution Factor
PNT 1.000 Percent New Trips
ATL 3.116 Avera e Tri Len h Revised Tri
PVM 0.5347 Percent ofVehicIe Miles on City Streets
HLV 2 Half
CAP 8,050 Capacity/Mile (@ LOS D)
$CC $936,827.00 R/W and Const Cost for 1 lane mile
15.2259 New Miles of Travel (TGR * PNT * DDF * A TL * PVM)
0.0009 New Lane Miles (NMT / HLV * CAP)
$885.97 1m act Fee Rate M * $CC
9,600 Size of Development (Square Feet)
$8,505.31 Alternative 1m act Fee Estimate (IFR * SOD / 1,000)
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. 1997
'1 ...
April 18, 1997
Conklin, ~orter and Holmes
@ rnl ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801-2092
P TEL 407-425-0452
FAX #407-648-1036
Mr. Don LeBlanc
Land Development Coordinator
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
RE: Miscellaneous Traffic - Bob Baxley Phase II
CPH Project No. W0470A
Dear Don:
We have reviewed the additional information provided by Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. for
the Belle Avenue Commerce Center - Phase II in response to our review letter.
Based on the information, data and analysis received, we accept the alternative impact fee rate of
$885.97 per 1,000 square feet of building area as calculated by Mr. Dervish in his response letter
of March 11, 1997.
Please be advised that this fee calculation applies only to this property and no portion of the
information submitted can be transferred or used as justification for an alternative impact fee at
another site within Winter Springs, any further expansion, any design revision, or
functional/remodeling change to this proposed Phase II facility. Although this project is
classified as office/warehouse, we believe from the actual traffic surveys provided that the
existing facility functions primarily as a warehouse with only minor storefront office space.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to the City. If you have any questions, please call.
APH 2 1 1997
cc: Turgut Dervish, P.E.
Dee Foxworth, P.E.
and Management