HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 04 14 Regular Item A
April14t 1997
MGRI f1wv IDEPTd\h.
Authorization ~
REQUEST: Police Department requesting the Commission to hold a public hearing in
relation to the question of raising the posted speed limit on sections of North Edgemon
Avenue from 20 MPH to 25 MPH.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to provide the Commission with information and
recommendations regarding a request by the Owners Association of Winter Springs
Industrial Park, S.R. 419 to raise the posted speed limit on the northernmost section of
Edgemon Avenue North, roughly in the area between S.R. 419 and Senior Center.
In May of 1996 conversations occurred between (former) Mayor Bush, (former) Police
Chief Sexton, and the City Manager regarding the speed limits in the city, and the need for
traffic studies to be conducted prior to the Commission passing a resolution to raise the
speed limits set by City Ordinance 12.52.. On May 29, 1996 Mr. Roger E. Owen of
ROGER OWEN REALTY sent a letter to the City Manager on behalf of the Owners
Association of Winter Springs Industrial Park, S.R. 419. In that letter Mr. Owen
requested that the city raise the speed limits on Edgemon Avenue North in the area
between S.R. 419 and the apartments north of the Senior CenterNFW Post.
In response to this request, the Police Department researched applicable sections of
Florida Statutes.
F.S.S. 316.189 Establishment of municipal and county speed zones.
(1) MUNICIPAL SPEED. The maximum speed within any municipality
is 30 miles per hour. With respect to residence districts, a municipality may set
a maximum speed limit of 25 miles per hour on local streets and highways after
an investigation determines that such a limit is reasonable. ...
In August of 1996, the Senate passed SENATE BILL 892 which amended F.S.S.
316.189 to allow municipalities to set maximum speeds at 20 or 25, if the required
investigation showed the speed to be reasonable. (Effective October 1, 1996)
The Seminole County Traffic Engineers were consulted regarding this change in statute,
and advised that for purposes of this statute "reasonable" is defined as 85% of average
speed for a 48-hour period. The County Traffic Engineers were requested to provide a
traffic survey investigation on North Edgemon Avenue, which was conducted in August
1996. The results of that investigation reported that the Average Speed on North
Edgemon Avenue is 24.8 MPH, with the Reasonable Speed being 30.6 MPH.
Edgemon Avenue North is one of the original streets platted when the Village of North
Orlando was incorporated in 1959. The establishment of the speed limits by City
Ordinance in 1974 (formerly 11-17, recodified as 12-52) applied to Edgemon Ave. North
as a neighborhood street with no outlet or connection to another major road. At that time
the northern terminus of Edgemon Avenue was the intersection of Third S1.. The
connection to SR 419 did not occur until the early 80's.
Longwood-Oviedo Road (State Road 434) was widened to four-lanes in the late 70's.
Sometime later in the early 80's, Edgemon Avenue North was connected to Sanford-
Oviedo Road (State Roadl419). At that time, Edgemon Avenue North became a
connecting street between two state highways. However, the character of the roadway
remained a two-lane street through a densely populated residence district with no
sidewalks. (Sidewalks were installed later.) At the time of the connection to SR 419,
it was felt that the large number of residence driveways exiting onto Edgemon Avenue
North, as well as the amount of pedestrian traffic walking along the edges of the street,
would create a significant traffic safety concern which warranted maintaining the posted
speed limit at 20 MPH.
As of this writing, Edgemon Avenue North is a connecting street between two state
highways. The southern portion of the road travels through a residence district, which
now has sidewalks in place. The northern most portion travels through an area of no
development and without sidewalks. However, plans are in place and underway to
develop a subdivision in this area which will connect Shepard Rd. to Edgemon Avenue
North, creating a more direct route to U. S. Highway 17-92 and a pedestrian route to
Highlands Elementary on Shepard Road.
The posted speed limit, per City Ordinance, is 20 MPH. Traffic studies indicate the
average speed on the roadway is 24.8 MPH, with a "reasonable" speed of30.6 MPH.
This indicates that, on average drivers on this road travel at roughly 5 MPH over the
posted limit. If this same pattern were to continue after the changes in the posted limits,
raising the posted speed to 25 will give an average speed of 30, while raising the speed to
30 will give an average speed of 3 5 MPH.
The request presented by Roger Owen addresses only the northernmost portion of the
road, and describes it as the "area of trees only". Development of this area in the near
future will change this characterization. Increased traffic during construction, and
increased traffic due to new homes being built, as well as a certain amount of pass-thru
traffic from U.S. 17-92 may affect any decisions made at this time. Further, posting a
different speed limit on the north half of the roadway than is posted on the south half of
the roadway may lead to confusion and ambiguity.
City Ordinance 12-52 authorizes the Commission to alter speed limits by a motion. Unlike
previously belived, no resolution is required. However, in order to keep the public
informed in this matter, letters were mailed to property owners in the area describing the
request and the schedule of action to be taken.
No additional budget authority required.
It appears that there are three options available to the Commission
Option # 1. Move to raise the speed limit on the entire section of Edgemon Avenue
North to 25 MPH in compliance with applicable statutes.
Option # 2. Move to raise the speed limit on the undeveloped portion north of the Senior
Center/VFW Post to 25 or 30 MPH, while leaving the southern section
between SR 434 and the VFW Post at 20 MPH.
Option # 3. Take no action at the this time, and revisit the issue after the completion of
development in the area.
The Police Department recommends Option # 1.
IMPLEMENTA nON SCHEDULE: pending Commission action.
Letter to City Manager from Roger Owen, dated May 29, 1996
Police Department memo # 36-96 dated May 10, 1996
Police Department memo OP 08-96 dated July 11, 1996
Police Department memo OP 17-96 dated August 28, 1996
Police Department memo 45-96 date August 30, 1996
Letter to Edgemon Ave. North property owners dated March 11, 1997
"lrR~i~r Owen Realty, Inc.
100 Stale Road 419, Suite 210
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Phone: (407) 327-6600
May 29, 1996
Ronald McLemore
City. Manager of Winter Springs, Florida
City Building
SR 434/419
Winter Springs, Fl. 32708
Re: Adj~stment of Speed Limit on North Edgemon. Ave.
Dear Ron,
On behalf of the Owners Association of Winter Springs Industrial Park,
S.R. 419, I would like to request the city to change the speed limit
on North Edgemon Ave., from 20 mph. to 25 or 30 mph. in the area where
no houses or building exhist. This would be from the two, two family
apartments to the stop sign at S.R. 419.
The Winter Springs Police set up radar cars in this location, as they
do in most secondary streets in the city, and ticket anyone over the
posted speed limit in this area of trees only for a distance of approximately
1,000 feet. Numeriousemployees, owners and customers of the Industrial
Park have been cited for going 30 mph. in this uninhahited area.
Thank you for looking into this matter. Call me if you have any questions.
. Y=;;)Y truly,
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TO: Ronald McLemore, CITY MANAGER
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FROM: "Charles Sexton, CHIEF OF:FOLICE
.. . 'DATE: May .10, 1996
'Speed "limit . .
: SUBJ: on North Moss :Road~
Relatiye to our conversation of the speed limit on North Moss Road.
This is to advise that the speed limit on this road is 25 mph .and
'not 20 mph. On the west side of town all speed limits are 20 mph
with the exceptions of the Ranchlands, Hayes Road, Moss Road,
Sheoah Blvd., and Shepard Road which are 25 mph. Speed limits are
set by City Ordinances section 12-52 which states that all speed
limits are 20 mph unless otherwise posted.
.... '.
..' .
It is my belief relative to this conversation that the Mayor could
be referring to North Edgemon Ave. which is a 20 mph posted speed
zone. With regard to what process would be required to change speed
limi ts, the city would be required to do a traffic study for
average speed, and volume on each road affected. If a higher speed
limi tis justified a resolution by city Commission would be
Charles Sexton
Chief of Police
~~~. .
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Robert A. Pieper, Acting Chief of Police
Capt. Glenn Tolleson
July 11, 1996
F.S.S. 316.189 establishment of speed zones.
OP 08-96
I spoke with Ms. Danpelt of Seminole County Traffic Engineering in
reference to the new amendments to F.S.S. 316.189. They are using
a formula that equates to 85 percentile of average traffic speed
.for resitlential roads to get a definition of REASONABLE for the
amount of traffic as described in SB 892. The county at present
time only has five (5) counters that will equate the .information
needed, and all were presently being used.
I requested that North Edgemon be counted to give us a speed limit
to use for the investigation required under the statute. Ms.
Danpelt assured me that it would be done within six (6) weeks as a
maximum. I will request that South Edgemon be done as. well after
North Edgemon has been completed. I will stay in contact with Ms.
Danpelt, and keep you abreast of any changes or updates as they
become avail~ble.
Q t: Glenn Tolles~
Bureau Commander
Enforcement Ops.
., ." 'II
Robert A. Pieper, Acting Chief of Police
Capt. Glenn Tolleson, Bureau Commander
August 28, 1996
Florida state statute 316.189 Changed by SB 892 Effective
October 1, 1996.
OP 17-96
On July 9, 1996 I spoke with Ms. Denise Danpelt of Seminole County
Traffic Engineering in reference. to SB 892, and its effect on
F.S.S. 316. 189. in SB 892 municipalities may set a maximum speed
,limi t of' 20 :m.ph or 25 mph on local streets only after an
investigation determines that such a limit is REASONABLE. Ms.
Danpelt said that Traffic Engineering, Florida Department of
Transportation has set that 85% of average speed for a forty-eight
(48) period is REASONABLE, and satisfy the requirements under SB
892. I requested a survey be completed on North Edgemon from SR 419
to SR 434, provide us with the 85% average speed, and complete as
soon as available.
The survey was started on August 20, 1996 and concluded on August
22, 1996. The survey counted that 9,052 vehicles traveled North
Edgemon betw~en these dates, revealed that the average speed was
24.8, and the 85% REASONABLE SPEED IS 30.6 mph.
I feel that with the average speed of' 24.8, that we should
recommend to the city Commission to raise the speed limit on North
Edgemon from 20 to 25 mph. I have attached SB 892, and the Seminole
County Traffic Engineering Survey for your review.
Ccf2~'\# -
.Capt. Glenn Tolleson
Bureau Commander
Enforcement Ops.
copy: SB 892
Traffic Survey
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45 - 96 City Manager
SEP 0 3 1996
DATE: AUGUST 30,1996
This memo is in regards to Mr. Owen's request to raise the speed limit on North Edgemon
Ave. Traffic studies have been conducted in conformity with SB 892 (effective 10101196)
and have detennined that the "reasonable" speed on this roadway, as defined by Seminole
County Traffic Engineering, is 30.6 MPH, based on the 85th percentile of the study. The
average speed of vehicles during this study was 24.8 mph.
Mr. Owen's request is based upon what he refers to as the "uninhabited area" of North
Edgemon Ave. However, construction of an intersecting connecting street (Shepard Rd.)
is anticipated in the near funire, and I would be reluctant to raise the speed limits only to
lower them in the near future when this occurs. If raising the speed limit is desired by the
City Commission, and since Mr. Owen's request deals with the portion of North Edgemon
Ave. north of the Senior Center/Sunshine Park and VFW Post 5404, I would recommend
that we continue to take the necessary steps to have the City Commission pass a
resolution to raise the speed limit in this area to 25 miles per hour. However, I would also
recommend that the portion of this road south of Third Street to SR 434 remain posted at
20 :MPH, due to the concentration of residences in the area.
Attachments: copy memo OP 17-96
copy memo OP 08-96
copy memo 36-96
copy of letter 1 Roger Owen
) ( U 6\f
\ )
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
March 17, 1997
Dear Edgemon Avenue North resident/property owner,
The purpose of this letter is to bring to your attention a matter of concern to you as an
owner or resident of property along Edgemon Avenue North in the City of Winter
Springs. A request has been made by business operators on State Road 419 to raise the
speed limit on a section of Edgemon Avenue between SR 419 and SR 434.
The speed limit on Edgemon Avenue is currently posted at 20 MPH. The request which
will be presented to the Commission will ask that the posted limit in the area p.orth of the
Veterans of Foreign War Post be raised to 25 or 30 MPH.
As citizens of Winter Springs, and particularly as property owners in the affected area, you
are invited to attend this meeting and express your support or opposition to this request.
The request will be presented at the regularly scheduled City Commission Meeting on
Monday April 14, 1997 at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held in the Commission Chambers, City
Hall, 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs.
Thank you for your interest in this matter.
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
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