HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 03 24 Other Item 2
Date: 03/24/1997
This Petition was noted on 03/24/1997 during by
Mr. James B. Mikes.
March 24, 1997
To: Mr. yames B. Mikes,
Tuscawilla Country Club
1500 Winter Springs Blvd.
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
This is to inform you that 'we, the undersigned members, are ter-
minating our t~nnis'memberships effective March 31. We are members
of TCC of long standing, some up to 20 years. When we joined Tee
with various kinds ofmemberships~-full club members, tennis and
swim, and tennis only--it was to enjoy the eight beautiful, well
lighted, soft-surface tennis courts and the large, well maintained
swimming pool that was a 'center of club activity for about six months
of each year. We also enjoyed the social amenities, the first rate
cafe and the good food.
Beginning when you became the sole' owner of TCC the ,facilities
that we had enjoyed so much for all these years began to deteriorate.
You know about the pool of course, but'it is worth repeating here
for the record.' Under your stewardship the ,lifeguards, who taught
hundreds of Tee member children to swim and provided a safe swimming
enviro:flment during the summer 'swimming 'season, disappeared. Pool
maintenance went from poor to nonexistent until, finally in July of
1995 the pool was closed for good. In fact the pool had become all
but unusable several months before that July closing. But we and
many other members who remained in the club up until now, have been
required to continue to pay our full dues as though nothing had
happened to the pool. It seems to us that all members who have been
paying "swimming" dues as part of their monthly club bills are due
a sizable refund dating back to early 1995.
But tennis is the only activity at the club that has been left
to us, and your actions' in the past couple of years have' made ~ven
that option no longer acceptable. Some failings of.your tennis
operation: the soft courts need to be watered regularly to provide
a challenging and safe playing,surface. Too often lately there has
been no water for the courts'. . Night tennif? has been an important
part of the Tee tennis' program since we all joined the club. It is
especially important for all the working members who can't play dur-
ing the day. The courts were'heavily rised at night under'the
lights. Problems arose ,when you did~'t replace' burned out lights,
up to 14 of them on One occasion. Mernb.ershad'to raise the money
to replace those missing lights. Recently, aft~r a Winter Springs
inspection d~scovered code' violations with the tennis electrical
system, you turned off the electricity to the courts. ' Because of
your arbitrary and mean spirited action, the mens' teams have had
to disband, and thewomens' teams are paying to play at other
tennis facilities. /
? Tennis resignation letter, cont'd.
The tennis building also had code violations, so, you closed that
building and with it the restrooms that had served the tennis courts.
In short, there is. no longer any valid reason to continue'topay
tennis dues for the chance to play on dry, unmaintained courts.
And only during the day at that. .
Included in our decision is the requirem~nt to spend approximately
$150 to $160 dollars each quarter on your restaurant operation.
When we joined the club, whatever, the minimum was at that time was
a bargain. Now.the food is often unacceptable, there is a bad smell
in the cafe, and the evidence of decay makes your entire food service
operation unattractive." .
So, taken altogether, those are the reasons for terminating our
memberships at this time. We find ourselves paying you approximately
$130 to $150 each month and receiving practically nothing in return.
This does not me'an 'in 'any way that w'e have lost' interest in our
country club. Most of us plan to retUrn as members just as soon as
enlightened and effective owners begin providing the value we expect
for our dues. . ,
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I would like to add these ~erbal postscripts
just read here: .
P3 ~.
to what I have
No, Mikes, this does not mean that you can now come to
Winter Springs and get a permit to demolish the tennis
courts because hardly anyone is using them.
And this one for the City Manager. Under the terms of
your letters of January 16, which set up the advisory
committee of the presidents of Tuscawilla Home Owners'
Associations on TCC matters, we want the three members
of the Tuscawilla Tennis Club to remain as members of
the committee until Mikes' attempts to dismantle the
club stop and we will return as regular tennis members.
One last point, call it my third postscript. I mentioned
how Mikes has continued to charge many members the swimming
component of our dues, although there has been no pool
for upwards of two years. Unfair as that obviously is,
there is another group that may have an even more serious
complaint. I am referring to the members who Mikes
charged $3,000 for full memberships in what was then a
full service country club. Talk about serious misrepresen-
tation. All that is left to those members is a deteriorating
golf course and an unpalatable food option. And for this
they still are charged full dues every month. As a final
affront, the golf course~comPletelY open to the public, and
those golfers don't have any food minimum to pay.
Association of Tuscawilla Homeowners Associations
c/o P.O. Box 195666
Winter Springs, Florida 32719-5666
March 24, 1997
To: The City Commission, City of Winter Springs, Florida
We the undersigned, Presidents or designated representatives
of the homeowners associations representing the 3700 families and
10,000 citizens of the Tuscawilla community, address the
following to you as a matter of our joint concern.
This community's well-being, both as to quality of life and
real estate values, have since this development's inception been
inextricably linked to a quality Country Club establishment
within the Tuscawilla PUD. Whether our residents are members of
the club or not, their property values are substantially affected
by the club's presence and condition. What weakens the club
weakens this community's recreational and financial resources.
What strengthens a viable, full-range country club operation
makes our chosen neighborhood a better place in which to live.
We urge you to take every appropriate additional action to
protect the rights and interests of this large segment of the
Winter Springs population, We support the actions you have
already taken to ensure the health, safety and welfare of club
members through the code enforcement process. We assure you of
our strong and united resolve, and of our own intention to also
pursue every avenue of endeavor required to achieve an equitable
resolution of this matter.
Page Two -- Winter Springs city Commission
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Homeowners Association
Oaks Homeow ssociation
Georgetowne Homeowners Association
~nbrlar Homeowners Association
Page Three - Winter Springs City Commission
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Howell Creek/E gles Watc~ Homeowners Association
Tusca Oaks Homeowners As ciation
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, It.~WfA_. - \ w/
~d-G9lf Virras ~eowners Association
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Wedgewood Tennis Villas Homeowners Association
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