HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2005-09 East Rural Study Project RESOLUTION NUMBER 2005-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION; INITIATING AN EAST RURAL TRANSITIONAL AREA DEVELOPMENT CODE STUDY PROJECT FOR AN AREA OF EXISITNG RURAL LAND GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF THE CURRENT INCORPORATED LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS; CREATING AN ADVISIORY COMMITTEE MADE UP OF PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID RURAL AREA; AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF STAFF AND CONSUL T ANTS TO SERVE AS TECHNICAL ADVISORS TO THE CITY AND THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE; ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF TASKS TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, property owners located within an area of unincorporated Seminole County commonly referred to as the "East Rural Area" have expressed interest in annexing their property into the City of Winter Springs; and WHEREAS, property owners living within the "East Rural Area" have demonstrated a strong interest in retaining the rural character of the area; and WHEREAS, in the event that property owners within the "East Rural Area" choose to annex their property into the City of Winter Springs in the future, the City Commission of Winter Springs desires to adopt land development regulations ("Rural Transitional Development Code") that specifically guide the manner in which the "East Rural Area" located within the City of Winter Springs will be developed; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs desires that the Rural Transitional Development Code contain development standards that would result in predictable development patterns in the "East Rural Area" that balance the interest of property owners who desire to receive a reasonable return on the investment of their property through development, and those property owners who desire to preserve the rural character of the "East Rural Area; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs hereby finds that the property owners living and owning property within the "East Rural Area" have a significant stake in the "East Rural Area" and should be empowered to be directly involved, at the local level, to study and plan for the future development of the "East Rural Area," including the adoption of a Rural Transitional Development Code that balances a variety of local interests; and City of Winter Springs Resolution 2005-09 Page I of 5 WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs also finds that providing a vehicle for local citizens to address local concerns is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the community and those persons owning property within the East Rural Area. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, as follows: Section I: Mission Statement. It shall be the mission of the City of Winter Springs to establish land development regulations ("East Rural Transitional Development Code") to guide the potential development of "East Rural Area" lands that may be annexed into the City in the future, Section II: Vision Statement. It is the vision of the City of Winter Springs that development patterns in those portions of the "East Rural Area" that may be annexed into the City of Winter Springs should be developed in such a manner that creates a sustainable quality of life; that accommodates population growth in a manner that conserves open spaces; that balances development potential and conservation of lands; that protects lakes, waterways, and potable water resources; that protects environmentally significant wetlands, animal and plant life; that preserves historically significant places and building artifacts; protects significant natural occurring landscape features; that balances the interest of property owners; and that minimizes the negative impacts of urban sprawl. Section III: Property Owner Advisory Committee (a) Establishment. A seven (7) person advisory committee shall be appointed by the City Commission. Each member of the advisory committee shall own property within the East Rural Area. The Mayor and each City Commissioner shall have one appointment to the advisory committee. One member shall appointed by majority vote of the City Commission. The list of committee members shall be attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A." The advisory committee shall be known as the "East Rural Area Property Owners Committee (ERAPOC)." (b) Responsibilities. In accordance with the schedule of tasks set forth herein, the ERAPOC shall work with the technical advisory staff to develop a Rural Transitional Development Code to accomplish the mission and vision established by the City Commission for those portions of the "East Rural Area" that may be voluntarily annexed into the City of Winter Springs. The Committee may appoint a chairman for purposes of running the committee meetings, No other designated officers shall be permitted. City of Winter Springs Resolution 2005-09 Page 2 of5 Section IV: Technical Staff. The City Commission and the City Manager shall hire qualified professional consultants and assign City staff members to serve as technical staff to the ERAPOC. The City Attorney shall be the legal advisor to the ERAPOC and Technical Staff. It shall be the responsibility of the technical staff to provide technical assistance required by the City and the ERAPOC to accomplish the mission and vision established herein by the City Commission. Section V: East Rural Study Area The East Rural Study Area subject to this resolution contains approximately 1,000 acres ofland in the East Rural Area as further depicted on Exhibit "B." Section VI: Study Methodology The Technical Staff shall develop four (4) land development scenarios that will predict and illustrate the potential build-out of each model as follows: 1. Land use patterns and potential development locations. 2. Dedicated conservation acreage and potential locations. 3. Square footage of new commercial development and potential locations. 4. Residential density and potential locations. 5. Recreation and open space areas and potential locations. 6. Assessed value. 7. Population. 8. General Fund Revenue per capita. 9. General Fund Cost per capita. 10. Impact on urban sprawl. The four development scenarios shall be as follows: 1. No further Development. 2. Current County Zoning. 3. Current City Zoning assuming current low density residential densities of 3 units per net buildable acres. 4. Rural Transitional Development Scenario assuming an average density of one unit per net buildable acre. Section VII: Recommendation Format: All recommendations made by the ERAPOC shall be made in writing by consensus as opposed to voting. Minority or opposition recommendations may be presented at the request of any Committee member or Technical Staff person. City of Winter Springs Resolution 2005-09 Page 3 of5 Section VIII: Open Meetings and Public Records; Public Input: All meetings of the ERAPOC shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida Sunshine Law and all records shall be handled in accordance with the Florida Public Records Act. The ERAPOC shall entertain relevant public input from interested parties at appropriate times. Section IX. Schedule of Tasks: Task I. Task II. Task III. Task IV. Task V.A. Task V.B. Task VI.A. Task VI.B. Task VI.C. Task VII. Task VIII.A. Task VIII.B. Task IX.A. Task IX.B. Adoption of Resolution Number 2005-09 Appointment of Committee Members Appointment of Technical Staff Organizational Meeting of the ERAPOC a) Introduction of committee members b) Review of Resolution 2005-09. c) Approval of chairperson. d) Establishment of meeting dates and times. Data Collection and Presentation - Technical Staff Data evaluation and feedback - ERAPOC Creation of Four Development Scenarios - Technical Staff. Presentation of Development Scenarios to ERAPOC - Technical Staff. Evaluation of and feedback on Four Development Scenarios - ERAPOC. Refinement of the Rural Transitional Development Scenarios - ERAPOC and Technical Staff. Development of East Rural Transitional Area Design Standards - Technical Staff. Evaluation of and feedback on East Rural Transitional Area Design Standards - ERAPOC. Publication of East Rural Transitional Area Design Standards Recommendations - Technical Staff. Evaluation of and feedback on Design Standards by City Commission - ERAPOC and Technical Staff. City of Winter Springs Resolution 2005-09 Page 4 of 5 Task X.A. Preparation of the East Rural Transitional Area Development Code - Technical Staff. Task X.B. Evaluation of and feedback on East Rural Transitional Area Development Code - ERAPOC. Task x.c. Publication of East Rural Transitional Area Development Code - Technical Staff. Task XI.A. Evaluation of and feedback on East Rural Transitional Area Development Code - City Commission. Task XI.B. Adoption of East Rural Transitional Area Development Code - City Commission. Adopted this 28th day of February 2005 by the City CommIssion of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney City of Winter Springs Resolution 2005-09 Page 5 of5 EXHIBIT "A" PROJECT STRUCTURE MAYOR & COMMISSION PROJECT DIRECTOR City Manager Ron McLemore PROJECT MANAGER Community Development Director TECHINICAL COMMITTEE STAFF CONSULTANTS Staff-Eloise Sahlstrom Staff-John Baker Consultant W.R.T. LLC John Fernsler Michael Clerk Silvia Vargas PROPERTY OWNER ADVISORY COMMITTEE EXHIBIT 'B'. East Rural Study Area Approximately 1000 Acres