HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 01 27 Consent Item A
January 27, 1997 MGR fltlfV/ IDEPT ~ I)<
Meeting Authorization p
REQUEST: Fire Department requesting authorization on behalf of the Police Department
to enter into a contract agreement for Telecommunications Equipment and
Installation at the new Police Station on North Moss Road.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Commission item is to authorize the City Manager to enter
into a contractual agreement with Motorola Communications and Electronics,
Inc. for the installation of three CRT position CentraCom II Plus Consoles and
modifying one VHF MSR 2000 Base Station from DC control to tone control,
and installing three 800 MHz Spectra Desktop control stations at the new Police
Station at a cost of$100,331.00.
The project is needed to replace the telecommunications system that is currently in
operation at City Hall in the Police Department Communications Center. The current
telecommunications system is 12 years old and is not completely compatible with the 800
MHz (MegaHertz) radio systems technologies being installed throughout the County. The
Police Department currently utilizes VHF (Very High frequency) radio equipment, all of
this equipment is owned and maintained by the City of Winter Springs. The VHF
communication equipment is currently located in the Communications Center at City Hall.
The telecommunications system includes the Dispatcher consoles, the transmitters located
in the building behind the Police Department and the radio tower where all the transmitter
antennae's are located.
January 27, 1997
Consent Agenda Item A
Page 2
Two years ago Law Enforcement agencies in Seminole County imposed a $12 per
citation fee surcharge to fund a communications system that all agencies could share. The
computerized trunked 800 MHz transmitter equipment for this system is located at Five
Points. Repair and maintenance for this equipment is provided for by the County. All
Law Enforcement agencies will receive new vehicle mobile radios and portables for use on
this system.
The new system is integrated with all Fire Departments and Law Enforcement
agencies utilizing the transmitters and radio antennae's. Repair and maintenance of the
proposed equipment will remain the City of Winter Springs Police Department
Communications Center's responsibility. This includes the equipment as supplied by
Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. as outlined on the attached Statement of
This proposed equipment has not been bid as Motorola Communications and
Electronics, Inc. are sole source contractors for this telecommunications system. To
ensure that the City of Winter Springs has been extended prices either equal to or lower
than those entities requiring like services and equipment. Contracts from the City of
Orlando, Sarasota County, and Seminole County Sheriffs Department, were examined for
competitive pricing and were found either to be equal to or lower. Motorola
Communications and Electronics, Inc. prices will be effective until February 15,1997, after
this date a price increase will occur. The project scope of work has been outlined on the
attachment supporting documents.
January 27, 1997
Consent Agenda Item A
Page 3
The project was allocated in the 1993 Series Bond Construction Fund at an
estimated cost of$lOO,OOO.OO. The Statement of Work provided by Motorola
Communications and Electronics, Inc. was $100,331.00 or $331.00 more than projected.
Funds for this project will be expended within 30 days of completion of the project.
The Fire Department is recommending that the City Manager be authorized to
enter into a contractual agreement with Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc.
for the installation of three CRT position CentraCom IT Plus Consoles and
modifying one VHF MSR 2000 Base Station from DC control to tone control,
and installing three 800 MHz Spectra Desktop control stations at the new Police
Station at a cost of$100,331.00 from the 1993 Series Bond Construction Fund.
The equipment will be ordered upon acceptance of the contract. Installation
will be scheduled as soon as the new Police Station is accepted by the City. It is
anticipated that this project will be completed within 30 days of the new buildings
January 27, 1997
Consent Agenda Item A
Page 4
1. Statement of Work
S~atement of Work
City of Winter Springs
Communi-cations Center Project
I. Communications Center Project Implementation
and Responsibilities
It is Motorola's understanding the City of Winter Springs
Police Department desires to replace the existing button and
LED CentraCom II consoles with CRT operator positions and
a rack mounted Central Electronics Bank(CEB). The new
equipment will be installed in the new police headquarters
building. In response to this request, Motorola is pleased to
offer this document detailing the equipment and services
required for completing this task.
II. Basic Description of Project Scope
This Statement of Work is specifically for the City of Winter
Springs. Under this Statement of Work, Motorola, Inc. is
supplying three CRT position CentraCom II Plus Console and
modifying 1 VHF MSR 2000 Base Stations from DC control
to tone control, and installing three 800 MHz Spectra
Desktop control stations. One of the Spectra stations is to
be supplied by the City and is included in the equipment list
of this proposal. The Desktop CRT Positions will be installed
on office style furniture provided by The City. Motorola will
work in conjunction with the Telephone Company to connect
the radio equipment remaining at the existing transmitter
site and the Intercom to Seminole County to the new Central
Electronics Bank.
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc.
DesIgn, technical and pricing information contained in this ottenng is considllflld propnetaly and may not be shared wilfI any PllfSOn or agency nat directly
associated wilfI the ad1iRl"" wilfIout the expRlSS written consent 01 Motorola, Inc., Of its designees.
Statement of Work
City of Winter Springs
Communications Center Project
December 19, 1996
III. Coverage
No Fixed Base Stations or Repeaters will be added or
relocated in this project. The coverage of the City's existing
VHF System will not change. No coverage ATP will be
required for this project.
IV. Site Development
A. City of Winter Springs Responsibilities
1. Equipment Room
The City of Winter Springs will provide necessary space
capable of supporting the proposed equipment assigned to
each location. The assigned space is to include adequate
raised flooring and air conditioning. The City will provide a 2'
conduit from the Equipment Room to the rear of the
building, this conduit will penetrate the roof and terminate
near the back wall. This conduit will be used to route
antenna coax for the 3 control stations that will be located at
the new Communications Center. The equipment's
environmental requirements can be found in the "R56" Fixed
Network Equipment Quality Standards document which can
be provided upon request.
2. Equipment Grounds
Within each room, The City will provide access to the site
ground system. This ground connection will be within six (6)
feet of the equipment mounting racks or equipment cabinets.
A ground will also be provided at the outside antenna
location at the new Communications Center.
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc.
Desagn, technical and pricing information contained in this ottering is con.idllflld propn813ry and may nat be shared WIth any PllfSOn or agency not direcUy
associated wilfI the addRlSSllll wilfIout the expRlSS written consent 01 MotDmIa, Inc.. or its designees.
Statement of Work
City of Winter Springs
Communications Center Project
December 19, 1996
3. AC Power
The City will provide AC power to the Motorola supplied
equipment. This AC power will consist of an individually
breakered, 120 V, 20 amp circuit with duplex receptacle for
equipment rack to be installed.
4. Remove Existing Equipment
Fixed equipment that is being replaced shall be removed by
The City and stored at an a City facility.
5. Intersite Telephone Line Network
The City will be responsible for providing one 4 wire
telephone circuits from the existing Transmitter Site to the
new Communications Center and one 4 wire circuit from the
Seminole County 5 Points Communication Center to The
City's new Communication Center.
6. Site Grounds
The City will provide grounding at each site. This ground will
provide an impedance to earth ground of 5 ohms or less.
B. Motorola Responsibilities
1. Deliver Equipment
Motorola will deliver equipment, materials and supplies to
their intermediate and final destinations in agreement with
Winter Springs personnel.
2. Unload Equipment
Motorola will provide unloading of all delivered equipment.
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc.
Design. technical and pricing information contained in this offenng is consIdered propnetaly and may not be sIIaled wilfI any person or agency not directly
associated wilfI the addressee wilfIout the express written consent 01 MolDroIa. Inc:.. at its designees.
Statement of Work
City of Winter Springs
Communications Center Project
December 19, 1996
3. Perform On-Site Installation of Antennas and Lines
Motorola will install antennas and transmission lines for the
two 800 MHz Control Stations provided by the County and
the Control Station to be purchased by the City for the new
Communications Center.
4. Perform On-Site Installation of Fixed Equipment
Motorola is responsible for the installation of the Motorola
supplied fIxed. equipment as listed in the agreed upon
equipment list.
5. Perform On-Site Optimization and Test of Motorola
Supplied Equipment
Motorola will verify correct operation of all Motorola supplied
equipment as the equipment is installed. Overall
optimization of the system will be done by Motorola
technicians after completion of all sites.
6. Coordinate Site Access with Winter Spring's Personnel
Motorola will coordinate site access on a mutually approved
schedule with The City.
7. Motorola Supplied Equipment Demarcation Blocks
Motorola will install and connect all audio and control cables
for Motorola supplied equipment to Motorola supplied
demarcation blocks at the Transmitter Site radio site and the
new Communications Center. Motorola will also supply 1
amp relays required to activate City supplied switches and
latches from the console.
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics. Inc.
Design. technacal and pnClng intonnation contained in thIS oHering is considllflld propnetary and may not besllanld wrth any PllfSOn or agency nat directly
associated wilfI the addRlSSllll wilfIout ll>e llxpRlSS written consent 01 Motorola, Inc., 01 its designees.
Statement of Work
City of Winter Springs
Communications Center Project
December 19, 1996
8. Set and Test All Audio Levels for Motorola Supplied
Motorola will verify and reset, as necessary, all audio levels
between Motorola supplied equipment and the intersite
transmission network demarcation points. Problems noted
with the network will be referred to The City for resolution.
9. Connect the Motorola Supplied Equipment to the City's
Supplied Site Ground System
Motorola will connect the Motorola supplied ground
conductors to the City's supplied site ground.
10. Repair Damage to Existing Items Caused by Motorola
Motorola will repair or restore to original condition damage
to existing items caused by Motorola in the course of
performing work described in this Statement of Work.
V. Functional Requirements
A. Equipment Layouts
1. Motorola to Provide Equipment Layouts Based on
Motorola will provide equipment layouts for each fIxed
equipment site. These drawings will be generated by
Motorola based on site walks of each site. These will be used
for building the equipment and cabling for each site and will
become part of the fInal system documentation.
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc.
Design, technical and pricing information contained in this ottering is conaidllflld proprietary and may not be snared wilfI any person or agency nat directly
associated wilfI the addressee wilfIout the 8xpRlSS written consent 01 MotDroIa. Inc., or its designees.
City of Winter Springs
Communi.cations Center Project
Statement of Work
December 19, 1996
B. Implementation Plan
Implementation of the equipment will proceed in accordance
to the plan that is jointly developed by the Motorola Project
Team and the City Project Team. This plan, once completed,
will become part of this Statement of Work. The basic
implementation plan would consist of installation and
testing of the Motorola provided equipment in the following
1) CentraCom II Plus CRT Console
2) Base & Repeater Modification
3) Control Stations
4) Cutover
c. Training
Motorola will provide training for Winter Springs personnel
as described below.
1. Dispatch Training
Motorola will provide training for dispatch personnel on the
use of the CRT based control consoles. Class size is limited
to six (6) persons per class. The training will instruct the
dispatchers in the operation of the CRT based dispatch
console, and how to use the radio system to effectively
communicate with the mobile radio users. Two four hour
classes will be taught during normal business hours at
Winter Springs facilities to accommodate up to twelve
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc,
Design, technical and pricing intomla1ion contained in this ottering is considllflld proprietary and may ncrt be shamc:l wilfI any person or agency not directly
asaociated wilfI the addRlSSe8 wilfIout the llxpRlSS written consent 01 MctDfoIa, Inc., or its designees.
Statement of Work
City of Winter Springs
Communications Center Project
December 19, 1996
D. Documentation
The following types of documentation will be supplied:
· "As-Built" drawings for system configuration and site
· Equipment manuals
1) CRT Dispatch Console - one (1) sets per console
2) Control Stations - one (1) sets per station
· Operator manuals
1) CRT Dispatch Points - 2 copies
2) Control Stations - 2 copies
VI. Winter Springs Deliverables Summary
Site grounding
Power requirements
· Intersite Telephone Line Networks
· Switches, latches and wiring for remote activation of up to
32 points.
A. Dispatch Locations
The City will provide mounting space, electric power outlets
and access to the Telephone Line network at each dispatch
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc,
Design, technical and pricIng information contained in this offering is considllflld propneta/)' and may not be shared wilfI any person or agency not directly
associated wilfI the addressee wilfIout the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its designees.
Statement of Work 0
City of Winter Springs
CommunJcations Center Project
December 19, 1996
VII. Acceptance Testing
The, infrastructure equipment will be installed, optimized and
functionally tested. Successful functional testing will verify
hardware and software operation. Final acceptance of this
project will occur upon successful functional testing.
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc,
Design, technical and priemg information contained in this offering is considllflld proprietaly and may not be shared wilfI any person or agency nat direcUy
associated wilfI the addres..... without the 8xpRlSS written consent 01 Momrola. Inc.. or its desigMlllls.
Statement of Work
City of Winter Springs
Communications Center Project
December 19, 1996
VIII. Pricing Summary
A. Equipment List
3 B1635 Desktop Interface
3 TD N9799 17" SVGA Monitor
3 TDN9925 Pentium Computer
3 B703 Gooseneck Mic
3 B570 Compact Headset Jack
3 B704 Dual Headset Jack
3 K572 Foot Switch
3 BKN6170 Telco Headset Interface
3 K742 Plenum Cable
1 B1460 Cen tral Electronics Bank
6 B1422 Base Interface Module
2 B1442 Auxiliary I/O Interface Module
1 L99ZX255 Spectra Consolette w / antenna
@ MOTOROLA Communications & Electronics, Inc.
Design, technical and pricing information contained in this ottering is considered proprietaly and may ncrt be shared with any PllfSOn or agency nat directly
associated wilfI the addressee wilfIout the express written consent 01 MoIDIula. Inc., or its designees.
. 0
Statement of Work
City of Winter Springs
Communications Center Project
December 19, 1996
B. Pricing
Equipment Total
$ 82,826.00
$ 100,331.00
c. Terms
Upon Delivery
Upon Acceptance
FOB Destinmation
Price Validity
60 Days
@ MOTOROLA Cor;'munications & Electronics, Inc.
Design. technical and pnclng Information contllned in thIS ottering is considllflld propnetary and may not be s/lanld WIth any PllfSOn or agency not directly
associated wilfI the addressee wilfIout the expRlSS written consent 01 Motorola. Inc.. Of' its designees.