HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 01 13 Regular Item D
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January 13, 1997
REQUEST: City Manager presenting Acting Parks and -Recreation Director Brook Seall to the
City Commission and the Community.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is to formally introduce and present Brook Seall
to the Commission and the Community.
On December 17, 1996, Winter Springs Parks and Recreation Director, Don Wilson
announced his resignation effective January 8, 1997 after 2 ~ years of service to
accept a position of Parks and Recreation Director of Polk City, Florida.
Due to the tremendous work load in the department and critical nature of several
ongoing projects, such as the trails planning process, the pool planning process and
re-master planning of Central Winds Park, a search was begun immediately
following Don's decision, to locate a highly experienced and qualified person to fill
Don's position in an acting capacity until such time that a permanent replacement
can be found.
We were very fortunate to locate Brook Seall to fill this position. Brook's work
experience and qualifications are ideally suited to our needs.
Brook's career in Parks and Recreation Administration spans some 32 years of park
planning park development and recreation program administration.
Brook's recently resigned from the Orange County Parks and Recreation Department
where he served in the position of supervisor of the West Orange Trail Project.
In this capacity he was intimately involved in the planning and development of the
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West Orange Trail System. Prior to holding this position Brook's was the Parks and
Recreation Director of Flagler County, Florida, for eight years. Prior to his
appointment to the Flagler County position, Brook served in Park and Recreation
Department Directorships in three other local governments. Brook specializes in
Park Planning and Design.
None Required
Brooks employment was effective December 30, 1996 giving him a short period of
time to come up to speed prior to Don's departure on January 1, 1997.
1) Resume
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1720 South Central Avenue
Flagler Beach, Florida 32136
Heater of Sc.ieaee Degree. West Virginia Universi ty,
Morgantown,West Virginia; Graduat.e Assistantship,
19661 Major: Public Recreation Administration.
Bachelor of science Degree ~ Ohio state Universi ty,
Columbus, Ohio, 1962, Majorr Puhlic Recre4tion Admin-
I have thirty (30).yeara experience in this profession
and have held positions at Federal, Coun~y end City
levels. I was the first Director of two City Parks
and Recreation Departments, two County Parks and
Recreation DepartmeQts, 'and one County Park P.lanning
and Deve10pment Division. I have created Comprehensive
Facility Kaster Plans for two counties and fou~ cities:
planned and developed more than four (4) dozen parks,
and created many broad-based recreation 4ctivity
programs and I have sought Bod received numerous grants
for Land Acquisition and facility development from
eleven (11) diffe~nt grant sources.
. .
1986 - 9-1993. Director. Parks l1nd Recrea tion
Department . Flagler County,. Bunnell. F1orida.
1982 - 1986. Director, Department of Parks Recrea-
tion and Culture, City of Deavercreek, Ohio.
1979 - 19821 Consultant for Leisure Services~
Xenia# Ohio.
1917 - 1978. Le1auru Services Planner. Metropolitan
Deve~opemnt Agency, City of Tampa. Florida.
1974 - 1976& Director,. CETA Title III, Indla~
Manpower Progra~. Xenia.. Ohio: and. Adm1nJ.strative
Officer, Oh~o HUD Ci..star Relief Office. Xenia.. Ohio.
1972 - 19731 Director. Greene County Recreation and'
Parks Department, xenia.. Ohio.
1971 - 1972. Superintendent, Division of Planning,
Development and Maintenance, Montgomery County
Parks and Recre'ation Department, Dayton, Ohio.-
1967 - 1970. Director. Fairborn Parks and Recreation
Department. Fai..-born, Ohio.
1966 - 1961, Grant-in-Aide Officer, Northeast
Reg~ona~ O~fice. Federal Buroau of Outdoo~ Recreation,
,Philodelphia. Pennsylvania.
1965 - 1966, Masters Program, Wes~ Virginia University,
Graduate Assistant.
1962 - 1965, Assistant Superintendent and DiB~ric~
SUperv iaor, Mon tgomery 'faun t y Recrea t ion OepartJ"e n t ..
Dayton, Ohio. \
First Director; Organized the Departments:
o Flagler County Parks and Recreation Department.
o City of Beavercreek, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture.
o Greene County Parks and Recreation Department.
o Montgomery County Parks and Recreation Department, Division of
Planning, Development and Maintenance.
Fairborn Parks and Recreation Department.
o HUD Disaster Field Office, Xenia, Ohio.
o CETA Title III Indian Manpower Program; Xenia, Ohio.
Department Planning - Goal Setting:
o Master Plan and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program - Flagler
o Master Plan for Parks - Needs analysis for Neighborhood and
Community Parks and Special Facilities, City of Beavercreek, Ohio.
o Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plans for City of Xenia,
Ohio; City of Tampa, -Florida; Greene County, Ohio; Montgomery
County, Ohio; and Fairborn, Ohio.
o Established administrative procedures for new departments above.
Recreational Activity Program Development and Supervision:
o Expanded Little League/Adult Softball/Soccer from 19 Teams to
95 teams - Flagler County.
o Created new programs - 80 teams Adult Softball Leagues and 50
teams Youth Co-Ed age 6 - 18 at new eight-diamond softball complex
in three years, City of Beavercreek. .
o Created new direction for program services through the Master
Planning process, Xenia, Ohio.
o Created and directed entirely, new recreation service program for:
Greene County - Watercraft Education Camp, Down River Canoe Floats
Camps, Gymnastics, Flag Football.
Fairborn Ohio - Playground Program, Youth Basketball, Adult
Softball and Basketball, "Independence '70
Festival" and July 4th Parade Chairman.
Montgomery Co.- Regular programs in sports, dance, arts, crafts,
etc., plus created new programs such as Show
Wagon and County Band program.
Columbus, Ohio- Assistant Recreation Center Director and Play-
ground Leader.
Park Land Acquisition, Design and Development:
o Developed thirteen (13) County Parks, a Swimming Complex and
acquired eighteen (18) new parksites totaling over 200 acres in
Flagler County.
o Designed and developed by force account four (4) City Parks and
Youth Softball Complex, acquired land for two (2) new parks,
City of Beavercreek, Ohio.
o Designed and developed three (3) County Parks and two (2) Swimming
Pools for Greene County. Ohio and designed Use Plan for Shawnee
Park, 'Xenia, Ohio.
o Designed six (6) parks and supervised design and development of
nearly thirty (30) parks in Montgomery County, Ohio.
Provided design criteria for future park land development in Tampa,
Florida , and Xenia, Ohio.
Grants - Donations:
o Flagler County; of the $12 m~llion Acquisition Program and the
$3 million Development Program, I received thirteen (13) grants
for $1.5 million and donations of another $1.1 million with land
donations exceeding $10 million.
o Beavercreek, Ohio; Phase I Development and Acquisition (gift)
$1 million Dominic Lofino Park - A Community Park with 5.6 acre
lake, natural and urban recreation development within the city
limits on 35 acres of donated land - Phase I Development, $400,000.
o Application and grant for $336,000 Hun Open Space; Xenia and
Fair born, Ohio. . . .
o Application and grant for excess federal property, $1 million
value, Community Park East, Fairborn, Ohio.
o Application and $102,000 first year CETA Indian Manpower Grant,
Xenia, Ohio.
Parks Maintenance:
o Supervised the parks maintenance program for 21 developed parks
Fla gler Coun ty.
o Responsible for maintenance of nine city parks (51 acres), six
(6) cemeteries and an eight-diamond softball complex, Beavercreek,
o Maintained thirteen (13) City Parks of 363 acres, Fairborn, Ohio.
o Maintained twenty-seven (27) parks of over 700 acres, Montgomery
County, Ohio.
o Maintained five (5) large County Parks, Greene County, Ohio.
Mem ber:
Florida Recreation and Park Association
National Recreation and Park Assocaition
Ohio Park and Recreation Association
Executive Committee; Ohio Park and Recreation Association
Chairman (past) five Ohio Park and Recreation Association Committees
Chairman (past) Miami Valley Regional Open Space Committee
Visiting Lecturer:
Ohio State University
Central State University,' Ohio
Wright State University, Ohio
West Virginia University
University of Dayton, Ohio
Pu blished:
National Park and Recreation Association Magazine
Ohio Park and Recreation Association Magazine
Ohio City Manager (Cities and Villages) Magazine
I will submit references, records and examples of accomplishments
upon your request.
April 1994 To Present: Supervisor II, Orange county Parks and Recreation Department,
Supervisor of the West Orange Trail.
The West Orange Trail is a hard surface hike, bike, skate, walk, jog trail presently 4.4 miles long
in Western Orange County. We have a new Trail head park at the County Line on State Road SO
near Winter Garden. Currently, 30,000 people use the trail each month.
I am responsible for all maintenance and operation of the trail. I also serve on the trail
development task force with primary responsibility to guide functional development of the trail
phases II and III eventually 20 miles long. This is a $20,000,000.00 project scheduled complete
by Fall 1997.