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Date: 12/09/1996
The following Minutes for Regular Meeting
11251996 were approved during the 12/09/96
Regular City Commission Meeting for this date.
NOVEMBER 25, 1996
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30p.m.
Mayor John F: Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Ferring, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, absent
Attorney Drew Thomas
Larry Conniff, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
For the invocation Mayor Bush asked for a moment of silent prayer.
Mayor Bush noted that there were two agenda Ad-On Items, I and J on the Regular Agenda.
Approval of Minutes of November 1 L 1996:
Mayor Bush asked ifthere were any additions or corrections to the minutes of November 11, 1996.
There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of November 11, 1996. Minutes stand
approved as presented.
Gene Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Circle East, stated that what was presented to the Commission on May
8, 1995 pertaining to Parcel 7, Arrowhead, doesn't appear to be the text that is in the second
amendment of the settlement agreement that was approved by the Conunission on July 24, 1995. Mr.
Lein stated that he is under the assumption that Mr. Mikes might have misled the Conunission to gain
approval and since the Court has not approved the action of the Sec.ond Amendment, the Commission
voted on something that was not agreed upon by them; and asked if it was possible that the Second
Amendment is not binding upon the City and the Commission vote could have been out of order.
Mr. Lein said he also has a question in reference to the minutes of the last Commission meeting; page
7, a statement made by Attorney Kruppenbacher, the second paragraph and said he does not
understand the statement and asked if someone can explain it. Mr. Lein read the statement.
Commissioner Ferring stated that this Commission never agreed to the plans set forth that are
presently under consideration. Commissioner Ferring said Attorney Kruppenbacher has in ,his
possession written information, written documents, that clearly spell out what this Commission
agreed to as far as the development of that piece of property. Commissioner Ferring said (he can't
speak for Attorney Kruppenbacher) but suggested what he probably made Mr. Mikes aware of what
Mr. Mikes proposals were to the Commission and what the Commission approved; and said he thinks
that is basically what Attorney Kruppenbacher was referring to, that he would be' adverse to it.
Ret!ular Meetint! City Commission
November 25.1996
Pat!e 2
Tom Brown, 717 Adidas Road, said he would like to thank Commissioner McLeod and Walt Dittmer
for their contributions towards the Winter Springs Holiday Tree, which will be lit the day of the Art
Festival in Central Winds Park. Mr. Brown stated that the tree will be floated and if all goes proper
it will be moved to the Post Office area. Mr. Brown said the Beautification Board deserves a strong
thanks, along with Mr. Dittmer who built a beautiful tree out of aluminum and Commissioner
Mr. Brown recognized Edith Beacher, Walt Dittmer in the audience.
Attorney Drew Thomas stated that he is sitting in for Attorney Kruppenbacher and mentioned that
there may be a conflict and he will not be giving any advise on two items, one being the
telecommunications ordinance and the outdoor advertising ordinance.
Land Development Department
A. Requesting Conunission approval for a Temporary Use Permit which will allow the placement
and use of a modular office at 225 Old Sanford Oviedo Road for a period oftime not to exceed six
(6) months. PURPOSE: to approve a Temporary Use Permit which will allow the placement and use
of a modular office at 225 Old Sanford Oviedo Road for a period of time not to exceed six (6)
months while the Staff Review Boa~d reviews the sjte plan for this project:
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the Consent Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes,
Public Works Department/Stormwater Division
A Providing an update of the underdrain installation project on Bonita Road. PURPOSE: to inform
the Commission that the underdrain installation project to help alleviate standing water problems on
Bonita Road as was authorized at the July 8, 1996 Commission meeting.
Utility Department
B. Providing an update on the receipt of the St. Johns River Water Management District
Consumptive use Permit for potable water. PURPOSE: to inform the Commission of the receipt of
the St. Johns River Water Management District Consumptive Use Permit for groundwater
withdrawals for the potable water supply system:
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to approve the Informational Agenda. Seconded
by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion, Commissioner Ferring asked Mr. Lockcuff on the
difference between the East and West water supplies as far as usage. Kip Lockcuff, Public
Works/Utility Director, explained that this combines the three water treatment plants from the
consumptive use side,
Re2ular Meetin2 City Commission
November 25.1996
Pa2e 3
General Services Department
A. Requests that the City Commission officially recognize the following employees that have
completed 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service with the City of Winter Springs. PURPOSE: to allow the
Commission to officially recognize the .3:ttached list of employees that have completed 5, 10, 15 and
20 years of service with the City ofWiriter Springs:
Mayor Bush recognized the following employees: Clerk's Office: Martha Jenkins, 5 years;
Purchasing: Nancy A. Vobornik, 10 years; Finance: Carole 1. Pearson, 10 years; Public Works:
Joseph P. McGaugh, 15 years~ James Morris, 10 years; Robert Eckman, 5 years; Michael Lingard,
5 years; Fire Department: Timothy 1. Lallathin, 20 years~ Stanley P. Lazlo, II, 15 years; David G.
Myers, 10 years; Paul Anderson, Jr., 5 years; Thomas L Grey, 5 years; Stephen P. Keefer, 5 years;
Richard W. Riggle, 5 years; Utility: Wayne Gray, 10 years; Justino Rolon, 10 years~ Kipton D.
Lockcuff, 5 years; General Services: Shirley A. Frankhouser, 5 years; ParkslRecreation: John C.
Crook, 5 years; Ronnie R Estep, 5 years~ Bonita L. Hershelman, 5 years~ Robbie T. Hillery, 5 years;
Police: Edith W. Farnum, 10 years; Glenn E. Tolleson, Jr., 1 0 years~ Ronald M. Cox, 10 years;
Douglas W. Seely, 5 years; Lena M, Titus,S years; Allen F. White, 5 years.
City Manager (Ad-On)
1. Requesting the Mayor and Commission to acknowledge Mary Wilson, Human Resources
Coordinator and other employee's participating in the FY 96/97 United Way Campaign, PURPOSE:
to recognize Mary Wilson for coordination, and City employee's for participating in the City's most
successful United Way Campaign to date:
Mayor Bush read a letter from Sgt. Eric Patterson of the United Way of Central Florida, which
thanked the Mary Wilson and Manager McLemore for his leadership and support and the City
employees for their successful campaign which raised over $7,000 with over 50% of employee
Mary Wilson, Employee Relations Coordinator, mentioned that the City's employee participation was
was up 104% from last year and the dollars pledged was up 54% from last year. Ms. Wilson also
thanked the City Manager for his support.
Utility Department
B. Advising the Commission of the receipt of an Award for Excellence from the Department of
Environmental Protection. PURPOSE: to advise the Commission of the receipt of an Award for
Excellence in Operation and Maintenance for a Large Water Treatment Plant from the Department
of Environmental Protection Central District and to recognize Doug Taylor, Steve Baggs, Scott
Coffman. and Richard Long for their contributions in the City's receipt of the award:
Mr. Lockcuff stated that the City has been the recipient of an award from D.E.P. Central District for
excellence in operation and maintenance of a large water treatment plant and acknowledged Doug
Taylor, Steve Baggs, Scott Coffman and Richard Long for their contributions in the City's receipt
of the award,
Reeular Meetine City Commission
November 25,1996
Paee 4
Fire Department
C. Requests that the Commission review the information pertaining to the awards presented to the
Department from the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, office of
Emergency Medical Services. PURPOSE: to assure that the Commission is informed of the
achievements of the Fire Department, and to recognize the employees who directly contributed to the
Department being awarded Exemplary,Vehicle Status and Exemplary Records Status by the State
EMS office:
Fire ChiefLallathin informed the Commission of the award that was received by the Fire Department
from the Department of H.R.S., E. M. S. office and recognized the employees: John Quinteros,
Robert Keen, Donald Farnum, Jeffrey McCall, Pat Schraff, Carl Pilcher, Robert Beck and Deputy Fire
Chief Dave O'Brien; and the Department as a whole fro the work they have done,
Fire Department
D. Requests the Commission acknowledge the "save" awards presented to Paramedic Wayne Riggle,
Paramedic Kevin Sims, EMT Brian Mervin and EMT Shane Massari for the resuscitation of the life
of a heart attack victim at Sunshine Park. PURPOSE: to assure that the Commission is informed of
the recognition bestowed the Winter Springs Fire Department, recognizing the lifesaving efforts of
the Fire Department personnel:
Fire ChiefLallathin recognized Paramedic Wayne Riggle, Paramedic Kevin Sims, EMT Brian Marvin
and EMT Shane Massari for the resuscitation of a heart attack victim at Sunshine Park.
Police Department
E. Requesting City Commission approval of the Second Reading of Ordinance No, 632 which will
amend Section 1-15(a), 12-53, 13-2 and 13-4 of the Code of Ordinances, inserting language to
provide for more effective enforcement of City Codes. PURPOSE: to authorize Ordinance No. 632
implementing changes to Sections 1-15(a), 12-53, 13-2 and 13-4 City Codes providing for more
effective control of abandon vehicles. unkempt lots. and littering:
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Ord. 632 and to read by title only.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion, Vote: Conunissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner
Ferring: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Thomas read Ord. 632 by title only.
Community Development Department
F, Requesting a second reading of Ordinance No. 633 placing a six month moratorium on the
construction and/or erection of any outdoor advertising billboard off-premises sign. PURPOSE: to
allow the City time to study sinage as defined in Section 16-77, Code of Ordinance in order to
prevent blight. or the aesthetics of the environment:
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Ord. 633 and to read by title only.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye. Motion passes. Attorney Thomas read Ord. 633 by title only.
Re2:ular Meetin2: City Commission
November 25. 1996
Pa2:e 5
Mayor Bush openeq the Public Hearings on Ord. 632 and 633. There was no one present who
wished to speak for or against Ord. 632 and 633.
Community Development Department
G. Requesting a second reading of Ordinance No. 635-B placing a six month moratorium on the
construction and/or erection of Telecommunication Towers within the City. PURPOSE: to request
the Commission adopt Ord. No. 63S-B placing a six (6) month moratorium on the construction
and/or erection of Telecommunication Towers within the City to allow the City time to study the
issues related to the location, construction and impacts of Telecommunications towers in the City and
develop regulations that will protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents and businesses in
the City:
It was brought to the Commission's attention that there was a scrivener's error in that the moratorium
was until January 30, 1997 or can be lifted as soon as January 13, 1997. (If the Commission has an
Ordinance in place.)
Mayor Bush opened the Public Hearing and asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak
for or against the Ordinance. No one present wished to speak on this ordinance.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve Ord. No. 635-B and to read by title
only. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion, Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring; aye; Conuuissioner Langellotti: declared a
conflict and abstained from voting; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes, Attorney Thomas
read Ord. No. 635-B by title only.
Parks and Recreation Department
H. Requests the Commission to acknowledge the volunteer citizens and Staff that participated in the
Lake Tuscawilla Clean Up Day event held Saturday, November 2, 1996, and extend the City's
gratitude for services rendered. PURPOSE: to update the Commission on the event and the
volunteers and staff participating in this event:
Don Wilson Parks and Recreation Director, acknowledged the citizens and Staff who participated
in the Lake TuscawiUa clean Up and they were: Rudy Werlink, Annette Pursley, Gordon Aruda,
Terry Bushey and Staff Members: Pete Wiggins and Gordon Payton from the P. W. Dept., from the
Parks Dept., were: Linda Godkin, R.T. Hillery, Chris Wargo, Jamie Herring, Mike Goodall and
Steven Franks.
City Manager (Add-On)
1. Updating Commission on the status of the Police Chief selection process and recognizing Acting
Police Chief Pieper and the Department fro doing an outstanding job during the period of time the
Department has been without a Chief. PURPOSE: to update the Commission on the progress and
status of the Police Chief selection process and to recognize Acting Police Chief Pieper and
Department personnel for doing an outstanding job during the period of time the Department has
been without a Chief:
Manager McLemore updated the Commission as to the status of the Police Chief selection and stated
Rel!Ular Meetine: City Commission
November 25. 1996
Pae:e 6
that he expects to bring a name to the Commission for ratification no later than the first meeting in
January if everything goes well.
Acting Police Chief Pieper updated the Commission ;as to the accomplishments of the Police
Department in the time he has been Acting Chief and also recognized the Police Department for their
L. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemo're
Manager McLemore mentioned that the Civic Center will be decorating the City Hall lobby for the
Christmas season.
M. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff
Commissioner Conniff stated on behalf of the constituents in District 1, he wished Mayor Bush and
Commissioner Ferring the best.
N. Conunission Seat II - John Ferring
'commissioner Ferring thanked Mr. Lockcuff and his Department for the job they did in putting up
the Christmas decorations on the light poles.
Commissioner Ferring also mentioned that the Civic Center's Holiday Parade was Sunday, Nov. 24,
1996 and was a success and thanked all the volunteers, the Police Department, Public Works
Department, Fire Department and the Civic Association.
Commissioner Ferring mentioned that the Civic Center will be decorating a new Christmas tree in the
City Hall lobby on December 5, 1996.
Commissioner Ferring stated that this is his last meeting and stated that he will be keeping his eye on
the happenings of the City and thanked the residents for their support.
O. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti
No Report.
P. Conunission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
Conunissioner Gennell asked about the PVC pipes on Murphy Road.
Q. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
Commissioner McLeod thanked Commissioner Ferring for his years of service to the City and
thanked Mayor Bush and said it was a pleasure serving on the Commission with them.
R, Mayor's Office - John F, Bush
Mayor Bush thanked the citizens for their support during his service as Mayor and said that if he can
be of any help to the City, he would be glad to help.
Re2ular Meetin2 City Commission
November 25. 1996
The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. .
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk
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