HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 10 28 Regular Item G
October 28. 1996
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Community Development Department requests direction from the
Commission relative to the preparation of a Telecommunications Tower
The purpose of this Board item is to request the Commission to give staff direction on
how to proceed on the preparation of the draft Telecommunications Ordinance in view of
CALNO's request at its October 2nd meeting that each City Manager and county
Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with industry
representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations with the county and city.
1. The City staff has developed a draft "Telecommunications Tower" Ordinance that
will presented to the Planning and Zoning Board for their review at its November
6th meeting.
2. CALNO's request at its October 2nd meeting that each City Manager and county
Manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with industry
representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations with the county and city.
3. The Cities and County sent their planning staff representatives to a first meeting of
a Telecommunications Tower Technical Committee on October 24th to discuss
October 28, 1996
Page 2
their respective approaches to regulating Telecommunications Tower location in
their jurisdictions. It was decided that at the next meeting of the committee a
matrix would be presented showing the similarities and differences in proposed
regulations between Seminole County and the various cities in the county. Interest
was expressed in insuring intergovernmental coordination between the jurisdictions
on issues relating to location of Telecommunications Towers and similarity of
1. Direct staff to proceed as planned and present its draft ordinance now to the
Planning and Zoning Board at its November 6th meeting with the P & Z Board
making a recommendation at that meeting to the City Commission. The
Commission would hold a first reading on the ordinance with P & Z Board
recommendation at its December 9th meeting. The second reading for adoption of
the ordinance would be held on
January 13, 1997.
2. Direct staff to delay processing of the ordinance and work with County/Cities
Telecommunications Towers Technical Committee on issues of intergovernmental
coordination involving development of similar standards. Staff would then present
a draft Ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Board at its December 4th meeting
with the board making a recommendation at that time. The City Commission
would hold a first reading of the ordinance with the P & Z Board recommendation
on January 13, 1997 and hold the second reading for adoption on January 27th.
Staff recommends that the City Commission direct staff to proceed as planned, and work
with County/Cities Telecommunications Towers Technical Committee on issues of
intergovernmental coordination involving development of similar standards, and process
any amendments to the ordinance that appear to be advantageous to the City after the
committee completes its work.
1. Part of October 2nd minutes of CALNO relating to communications towers.
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Ma.vors, (.'OU17ty Commission Chairman. City & County Managers
CAi,NO (.'hairpersol1, Winter Springs Cily Commissioner Cindy Gennefl
Telecotnlmmiclltion Towers Technical Committee
As a result of the increasing number of applications for tc.1ecommunication tower locations,
CAI,NO members, tit thc Octoher 2nd l1l<:.~cting, \In<.\nirnously voted to request that each City
Manager flnd the County Ma.l)(1ger u~::;igl1 a planncr to participate in tl COlTH'l'1ittcc to llled with the
industry representatives in an effort to minimize towcr .locations wit.hin the t:lll.lnty and citks.
The object is to develop a countywide plan to coord.inale and minimize the loc.atio.n or thc~c
towers, and to subrnit the plan for approval to each city before th<:ir second meeting in
November. This was tl10ught to be an (lcccpt(~hlc time frame since t.h~re arc eXisting Jl)od~ls
aV(liJable from South Florida and clscwllt:'re.
Since time is ofthe eS5Cl1ce, T was directed to furnish you with an excerpt from thnt portion nfthe
meeting, (see attach~~d) and conlaet you.immcdiately.
Thank Y9u very much ror your time and attention to this urgent matter.
cc: CALNO Representatives
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Mr. Strickler stated the mission is to have the technical staff of each mtmicipality work together
with the industry, either pes or cellular, to develop a plan to minimize towers now and in the
future and report back in 6 weeks because this has already been accomplished in South Florida.
,\oC\c"Motion made by Commissioner Brender that each one of us take back to OU.r respective
'^~ t,5ftuHisBi9Rir-&a.Fequest from CALNO to encourage each city to appoint a planner to
- participate within 30 days to work together with the industry, either pes or cellular, to
develop a plan to minimize towers now and in the future and let the cities go out and do
this within 30 days and see what they come up with. Motion seconded by l\1r. Strickler.
It was decided that staff would coordinate the meetings and determine what needs to be
accomplished after they are given direction related to where they need to end up. Commissioner
Gennell questioned when they should expect results. It was determined they should report back
to each City before their second meeting in November, some kind of commission approval or at
least an overview of how this can be accomplished and let the commissioners in their last
meeting in November say they like the way staff says it can be done to solve the problem and
then give direction to go acc01l!plish this. Commissioner Gennell questioned if this would result
in an interlocal agreement. It was pointed out it may end up that way and would probably be
more effective, but that staff could determine this.
Motion carried unanimously.