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Date: 10/14/1996
The following Minutes for Regular Meeting
09231996 were approved during the 10/14/96
Regular City Commission Meeting for this date.
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Ferring, absent
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
For the invocation Mayor Bush asked for a moment of silent prayer.
Aeenda Chanees:
, Mayor Bush indicated that there is an Add-On item on the Consent Agenda - Item F.
Mayor Bush also stated that Items G and H on the Regular Agenda will be taken off and set for a date
to be certain. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to table Items G and II f..om the Regular Agenda
and will be rescheduled for the Regular Meeting of the City Commission on October 14, 1996
at 7:30 p.m.
Approval of the Minutes of September 9. 1996:
Mayor Bush asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of September 9, 1996.
There were no changes to the minutes of September 9, 1996. Minutes stand approved as presented.
Mr. Rob Reedy, Commissioner for the Junior and Senior Big League in Winter Springs Little League,
said he is present to me a formal complaint against four Parks and Recreation employees. On 9-22-
96 at Central Winds Park, two teams from Oviedo and Winter Springs Big League arrived at the park
to play baseball; and explained a situation that occurred. Mr. Reedy asked that immediate action be
taken to discipline or dismiss the employees and said that he believes that a written letter of apology
should be sent to both leagues and their parents. Mr. Reedy stated that Winter Springs Little League
pledges to do whatever is necessary to establish a positive and cooperative environment with the City
of Winter Springs.
Manager McLemore said he has looked into this and talked with the Recreation Staff and Police
Officers that were involved to try and get a better understanding of the incident. Manager McLemore
said that he feels what has happened is a lot of frustration that is a result from a period of time that
we haven't been able to work out a way for scheduling to properly take place at the Park. We can
minimize the issue of the fact that the scheduling is not important and the Staff should always be in
the position of conceding to the public, and stated that we can't operate that way. We have to have
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some rules by which we conduct business. Manager McLemore said he appreciates the position that
Mr. Reedy has taken on this and said he thinks there is two issue, one issue is there is a concern
voiced by the citizens from that event that the Parks Dept. failed to schedule the 16+ boy league
game for 9-22-96 on field number 4 at 2:00 p.m. (and that is the complaint that he has gotten from
other people today) Manager McLemore said that Mr. Reedy had made a remark (9-22-96) that the
Parks Dept. had failed to follow through and schedule and prepare the field for the game. Manager
McLemore said they can't find any evidence ofthis and in fact the written evidence suggests that that
in case was not the fact The schedule (provided to the City by the League Officials) provides that
no game was scheduled at Central Winds Park on that date. The schedule provided to the Parks
Dept. states there is no game scheduled there until next Sunday. Manager McLemore said that he
thinks that Mr. Reedy was misinformed on the date the game was suppose to be played.
Manger McLemore said that Staff (because of a similar situation that happened last week) went out
of their way this Friday to FAX to the League Scheduler a copy of the schedule that they sent us on
Wednesday, asking them to verify the schedule and make sure there were no "slip ups" or problems,
because as a result of what happened last week, the Parks Dept. explained to the people that the
Parks Dept. has to have advanced notice to prepare the fields and make sure there is not a scheduling
conflict with another team and to provide a proper level of supervision from the City's Staff.
Manager McLemore said the City of Winter Springs probably has the best facility in the metropolitan
area, and maybe the State; it is that way because we manage it and supervise it and don't let just go
to whoever wants to be on it at any point in time. Manager McLemore said he feels what has
happened is that the fiustration has built up on our Staff and on their part because we have not been
able to find an adequate solution to a coordination problem between the District, and the League and
the City's Staff The City Staff leans on the League to determine from their own working with their
District as to when they want to play on our fields. In the schedule (that the District sent to the Parks
Dept.) there is games scheduled when the Parks Dept. has other teams playing and that is stated
knowing that we had already previously sent them information telling them what days were already
Manager McLemore said he is somewhat taken aback by the information that has been presented to
the Commission tonight when the previous problem was that City was at fault because the City didn't
schedule the field. Manager McLemore said the City is not at fault for not scheduling the field, the
Parks Dept. never received a request for the field this past Sunday and that is the reason that the
problem has arisen. Manger McLemore said there is a problem in the communications in the way we
are trying to do the scheduling and that is not Mr. Reedy's fault, (he doesn't feel) it's the League's
fault, or doesn't feel it's the Districts fault, but whatever we have to do to fix the scheduling problem,
we need to work closer together and try to do that. Manager McLemore stated that we have to get
to the route cause of why are we not able to get proper coordination between the District,( who
actually does the scheduling) and the League who affirms the schedule and the City (who has to
provide the field to accommodate the schedule). To come here and say "we are here and are going
on the field" is not an acceptable situation. The reason the Police were called was because the Staff
asked the teams to leave the field and they refused and said they would not leave; in that situation the
parks employees needed to make a decision. Manager McLemore stated that the parks have
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conceded to them numerous times when there were scheduling problems. Discussion. Manager
McLemore stated that ifthis game was scheduled the way it was ,suppose to be scheduled, we would
not have had summer part-time employees there, we would have had full-time staff there and this
would never had occurred. Manager McLemore said under these situations, there is no excuse for
City employees part-time or other wise, treating the public irrespectively but to impose a policy, even
thought the public may not like the policy is something you have to do sometimes. Manager
McLemore said he will apologize for any of our staff that was confrontational or disrespectful to the
public; but this is not the first time this situation has happened regarding the scheduling.
Commissioner McLeod asked if anyone signs off on the schedule and asked if the Park Manager has
a beeper and said the Manager should have gone to the Park to take care of the problem and not let
the part-time employees handle the situation. Don Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director, said he
has the schedule from the District that is sent to Winter Springs Little League and they in turn
FAXED it to the Parks office on 9-18-96, and it had no game scheduled on 9-22-96, the first game
for the 16 year and above is scheduled for Central Winds Park on 9-29-96. Mr. Wilson said after
receiving the schedule by the League's scheduler, Mr. Lenny Smith, we FAXED him back and told
him we had mens baseball scheduled until 3:00 p.m. on Sundays, that we would have to adjust the
schedule to accommodate them. Mr. Wilson stated that he FAXED to Mr. Smith, on Friday, the
park's schedule for the weekend so is there were any problems, they could get back with us and we
didn't get any response. Commissioner McLeod asked about a schedule posted on a board at the
Park for the Leagues. Mr. Wilson stated that there is a board with the schedules posted at the Park.
Commissioner McLeod said that the City Manager should talk to the Park employees that may have
had some misconduct and get to the bottom of that and asked the Manager to do that and report back
to the Commission at the next meeting.
Mr. Wilson stated there has been no misconduct whatsoever with the exception of one "smart"
remark to Mr. Reedy by an employee, that was not done in a hostile voice which the employee
admitted. Mr. Wilson said he doesn't think there has been any misconduct by any employee and said
he wants to make that palt of the record,
Mr. Wilson also stated that he talked to RT Hillery on Friday afternoon, that if there was a situation
like this what would our posture be on it and I told Mr. Hillery that if they got a call over the
weekend on this we would have to call the Police. The same situation happened last Sunday and we
told them to go ahead and play. Mr. Wilson said if the same situation happened again he would make
the same decision, the reason being is' that it is an inter-league game and we know Mr. Reedy's team
has insurance, but said that he doesn't know if the out oftown teams have insurance and would not
let them play and if someone gets hurt they would come after the City.
Ms. Linda Endsley, 424 Hawthorn Circle N., also spoke about the situation on Sunday and said there
was misconduct on the part of the employees.
Commissioner Gennell asked if it was standard operating procedure to call the Police to remove
someone from the field is the field is vacant and a group does a "pick up" baseball game; would the
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staff then go out and tell them to get off the field or they would call the police because they were
trespassing. Mr. Wilson said the staff would approach the people on the field that are not scheduled
there and explain them why we don't have practice on the fields; as the Commission passed a
Resolution in 1992, that there would be no practice or free play on the fields, only scheduled league
play. Mr. Wilson said what the staff does is invite the group to visit one of the practice facilities or
to go to the passive area or the amphitheater and practice there. Mr. Wilson this was a situation that
was an inter-city game and that is why the Police were called. Discussion. Commissioner Gennell
stated that she has concern as to where the situation was going.
Commissioner Conniff stated that he doesn't feel that this belongs in front of the Commission and said
he feels Mr. Reedy needs to get with Mr. Wilson and the City Manager; it is our City Manager's
responsibility to take care of this, the Commission obviously has concern for this.
Mayor Bush said Mr. Reedy has brought up points that he hopes Mr. Wilson and the City Manager
will look into and Mayor Bush said he understands that RT was not there and didn't speak with Mr.
Reedy but said he understands that the employees in question are three part-time employees, who
were put in a difficult situation and said the employees should have just called the supervisor and ask
the supervisor to come to the park. Mayor Bush said that Mr. Reedy has stated that there are
scheduling problems but said he thinks the employees need to use good judgement in dealing with
citizens, especially when they are upset and at times they need to get their supervisor in.
General Services Department
A. Request the Commission consider contracting with an Employee Benefits Consultant to
implement a Section 125 "Premium Only Plan". PURPOSE: to allow the Commission to decide: 1)
Whether to implement a Section 125 Premium Only Plan; 2) if so, select a consultant to implement
the plan.
General Services Department
B. Request the Commission amend the existing contract with Ominicom, Inc., for the amount of
$2,890.00 to develop and "audio-video system" for the Commission Chambers. PURPOSE: to allow
the Commission to decide how it wants to proceed with the development of an audio-video system
for the Commission Chambers.
City Manager
C. Commerce & Industry Board endorsing Winter Springs Rotary Club's request to increase the
City's Annual contribution to the Winter Springs Arts Festival from $1,500 to $2,500 for the 7th
Annual Winter Springs Arts Festival to help pay for television advertising. PURPOSE: to request
the City Commission to increase its donation to the 7th Annual Winter Springs Arts Festival to be
held on December 7th and 8th, 1996 from $1,500 to $2,500 to pay for television advertising that will
dramatically increase Rotary's earnings and donations back to the commu'nity.
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City Manager
D. City Manger recommending the Commission consider entering into an agreement with the
University of Central Florida to provide services related to the selection of the Winter Springs Police
Chief, authorizing the City Manger to name a Police Chief Selection Committee made up of 5-10
citizens from the community and authorizes the City Manger to spend up to $7,500 to complete the
selection process. PURPOSE: to provide the City Manager with professional assistance related to
the selection of the Winter Springs Police Chief offered through the Institute of Government at the
University of Central Florida and to carry,out the selection process.
Land Management Department
E. Request Commission approval for the Mayor to execute a modification of an existing sanitary
sewer easement agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Florida Country Clubs, Inc.,
which will effectively relocate an existing sanitary sewer easement on that property platted as
Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 1 (plat Book 50, Pages 42-50). PURPOSE: to allow the Mayor to
execute a modification of an existing sanitary sewer agreement between the City of Winter Springs
and Florida Country Clubs, Inc., which will effectively relocate an existing sanitary sewer easement
on that property platted as Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 1. This property is located north of
Northern Way and east of Fairway Oaks Subdivision.
General Services Department
F. Requests that Commission 1) appoint Dr. Jock Sneddon of Florida Hospital Corporate Services
as an MRO for Florida Statutes 440.101 and 102 dmg testing for the City; 2) hire D.O.T. Stop and
Centra Care Medical Center, divisions of Florida Hospital to perform drug/alcohol tests according
to Florida Statutes 440.101 and 102. PURPOSE: to allow the City Commission to I) Appoint Dr.
Jock Sneddon of Florida Hospital Corporate Services and MRO for drug testing for the City; 2) hire
D.O.T. Stop and Centra Care Medical Center, Divisions of Florida Hospital to perform drug/alcohol
tests according to Florida Statutes 440.10 I and 102.
ACTION: lVlotion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve the Consent Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioncl' Conniff. Discussion.
Commissioner Langellotti asked the City Manager ifhe was going to get a consultant or get firms to
turn in a bid to suggest a price as a consultant for the Health Plan. Manager McLemore said that is
a small number and we are not required to go out on bid; we called around and found one company
in this area and one company in Miami. Manager McLemore said that was the cheapest price of the
two companies.
Commissioner McLeod mentioned that some of the Consent Items, have recommendations that have
more than,one potential recommendation; when the Commission approves them, are we approving
the maximum recommendation. Commissioner McLeod stated that on Item A, there is two issues
with a recommendation and on that item, he thinks the Commission is saying is to do it and go out
and get the consultant to lead you through it. Manager McLemore said in his reading of the item, he
understood that we are asking the Commission to approve the two steps and the two steps together
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is $1,400. After the company does the initial workup, they then have to come in and do a review the
following year. Commissioner McLeod said the issues are two things, one is does the Commission
want to provide the 125 Premium only Plan as an employee benefit, reducing the employee's
premium; two is does the Commission want to make the Premium Only Plan mandatory or voluntary;
that is one way or the other is a decision by the Commission. Commissioner McLeod said what he.
is trying to point out is if the Commission was to vote on this now and say yes; does that mean
mandatory or voluntary. Discussion. John Ketteringham, General Services Director, stated in this
case, he would like it to be voluntary because there are certain employees who have expressed
reservations about it and they have asked that it be voluntary. Manager McLemore said in his review
of the Item, he reviewed it as mandatory. Discussion. Mayor Bush said this would be mandatory.
Manager McLemore said this will be a subject of collective bargaining, and said he is sure they will
take it because it will save them money, but we will have to go through collective bargaining.
Commissioner McLeod said in Item B, in the proposal, that was outlined of what they outlined to do
for the City, seemed to have a lot of things that we didn't talk about having and asked if there is a
reason that we are going to get that deep into it. Commissioner McLeod said he thinks the original
motion by the Commission was to have a way to have visuals shown to the Commission, be where
the audience can view the visuals at the same time. Commissioner McLeod said looking through this
item, there are about 12 items that are being researched and it has gotten complicated even to
supporting in the ceiling for structural weight and asked Mr. Ketteringham ifhe. is going beyond what
the Commission asked for. Mr. Ketteringham said this item, he is asking the Commission to approve
$2,890.00 for the design of the system, he is not asking the Commission to approve the old plan as
it was proposed. Commissioner McLeod said the proposal says "projected scope"; Commissioner
McLeod said the projected scope is the scope upon which the consultant is going to do the work
around and if that is the case, it looks like a lot of items in the scope that are greater perhaps, then
what this Commission originally asked for to improve the visual of the Chambers. Discussion. Mr.
Ketteringham said he understood the direction of the Commission at that time was to design a
rudimentary system to begin with, with the capability of building on to the system at some future
point and that is the direction of this Item. Discussion.
Commissioner Langellotti asked about Item C and asked if someone from the Rotary can tell him
what they (Rotary) does for the residents of Winter Springs. Mr. Gregory Hess, President of the
Winter Springs Rotary for 1996-97, explained to Commissioner Langellotti what the Rotary does in
the City.
Manager McLemore stated that basically the Commission has taken the position that it doesn't
appropriate money to separate charitable organizations and this is a way in which the Commission
can do something that will help fund those organizations by giving them the ability to make money
and then that money comes back to those organizations.
Commissioner McLeod said that the important thing to look at is the Rotary will be getting about
$15,000 worth of advertisement toward the Winter Springs Art Festival, which is advertising this
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Discussion. Mayor Bush mentioned that the C.I.D.B. unanimous approved recommendation of this
to the Commission. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Request the COnurUssion review the food and drink. concession pricing survey and the "Proposed
Price Changes" for the Central Winds Park concession stand for information purposes. PURPOSE:
the purpose in adjusting food and drink prices is to realign the Central Winds Park concession prices
with the surrounding market fees which are charged at neighboring parks and thereby positioning
the concession operation in a more favorable revenue posture.
ACTION: Discussion on this item.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approved the Infonnational Agenda. Seconded
by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Bush called for a recess at 8:50 p.m. Mayor Bush reconvened the meeting at 8:58 p.m.
Mayor Bush announced that the Commission will hear Item L of the Regular Agenda first.
Land Management Department
L. Request Commission to hear Architects Design Group presentation of the color scheme for the
Public Safety Complex and provide direction appropriately. PURPOSE: to present to the commission
proposed color schemes for the Public Safety Complex as discussed at the Commission Meeting of
September 9. 1996:
Ian Reeves, Architects Design Group, presented the Commission two color schemes in earth tones.
Manager McLemore recommended the first color scheme, reversing the colors and using a little
darker brown than shown.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the Manager's recommendation
of the first color scheme shown (reversing the colors shown). Seconded by Commissioner
ConnitT. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
City Manager
A. Request Commission hold a Public Hearing relative to the second reading and approval of
ordinance No.624 relative to the adoption of Final budget for Fiscal year 1996-1997. PURPOSE:
to have the Commission adopt Ordinance No.624 and approval of the Final Budget for Fiscal year
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Harry Martin, Finance Director, mentioned a couple changes in the Budget. Mr. Martin stated that
they have removed from the General Fund revenues and Fire Department expenditures, those monies
applying towards the medical transport service and made a special revenue out of that. Another
change was that $7,500 was added to the Police Department's budget for the Police Chiefs selection.
Mr. Martin stated that those were the only changes from the tentative budget and this budget.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to read Ordinance No.624 for second reading
by title. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion on Emergency Transport collectibles.
Commissioner McLeod asked the City Manager to give the Commission an account of the
uncollected monies from the emergency transport service and an approach to get the uncollected
amount. Vote: Commissioner Conniff aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ordinance No. 624 by title only.
Mayor Bush opened the Public Hearing. Mayor Bush asked if there was any member of the public
who which to speak on the Ordinance. There was no member of the public who wished to speak.
Mayor Bush closed the public hearing.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to adopt Ordinance 624 establishing the Fiscal
I Year 1996-1997 Budget. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote:
! Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
i Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
I .
"Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to .'eadopt Resolution No. 796 and to read by title
./"{'J.. \ r. \nly. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
\' \'-( ~'ommissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 796 by title only.
Mayor Bush announced that the Fiscal Year Budget 1996-1997 will become effective October 1,
Fire Department
B. Request Commission approval of the First Reading of Ordinance No. 628 which will amend
Section 9-157 of the Code of Ordinances, inserting language to provide for access standards into
gated communities for public safety purposes. PURPOSE: to authorize Ordinance No. 628
implementing the policy that was approved at the Regular meeting of the City Commission on August
12. 1996:
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the first reading of Ord. No. 628 and
to read by title only. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti:
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aye. Motion passes.' Attorney Krup'penbacher read Ord. No. 628 by title only.
Community Development Division
C. Request Commission to approve the first reading of Ordinance to rezone the Leffler property from
(R-U) Rural Urban to (PUD) Planned Unit Development. PURPOSE: to request the Commission
to approve the first reading of an ordinance to rezone the Leffler Property from (R-U) Rural Urban
to (PUD) Planned Unit Development consistent with the property owner's request for redesignation
of the property form Commercial to ~xed Use on the Future Land Use Map:
Tom Grimms, Community Development Coordinator, gave his presentation.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the first reading of Ord. 629 and
to read by title only. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 629 by title only.
Community Development Division
D. Request Commission to approve the first reading of an Ordinance to rezone the Morrison
property from (R-U) Rural Urban to (PUD) Planned Unit Development. PURPOSE: to request
Commission approve the first reading of an Ordinance to rezone the Morrison property from (R-U)
Rural Urban to (PUD) Planned Unit Development consistent with the property owner's request for
redesignation of the property from Commercial to Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map:
Mr. Grimms gave his presentation.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 630
and to read by title only. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Commissioner
McLeod stated that the motion includes the front portion of the parcel approx. 264 feet by 200 feet
deep will be commercial and the balance will be residential and a wall will be required between (
commercial and residential and S.R. 434 right-of-way. Mr. Grimms stated that is correct, that is pc
of the Staff recommendation to the Commission. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commission
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes. Attorney
Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 630 by title only.
Community Development Division
E. Request Commission to hold the second of two Public Hearings, to review and approve a
Development Agreement governing the development of the Lefller property, if redesignated by the
Commission from Commercial to Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map. PURPOSE: to request
the Commission to hold a second Public Hearing relative to the approval of a Development
Agreement governing the development of the Lefller property, if redesignated by the Commission
from Commercial to Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map:
Mr. Grimms gave his presentation.
Mayor Bush opened the Public Hearing. There was no one present who wished to speak. Mayor
Bush closed the Public Hearing.
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Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the Development Agreement governing
the development of the Lerner property. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod asked that in the future on these type of agreements when they come before
the Commission that the agreements are signed off by the City Attorney so that the Commission
knows the Attorney has read it and is in agreement with it. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion
Community Development Division
F. Request Commission to hold the second of two Public Hearings to review and approve a
Development Agreement governing the development of the Morrison property, if redesignated by the
Commission from Commercial to Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map. PURPOSE: to request
the Commission hold a second Public Hearing relative to the approval of a Development Agreement
governing the development of the Morrison property, if redesignated by the Commission from
Commercial to Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map:
Mr. Grimms gave his presentation.
Mayor Bush opened the Public Hearing. There was no one present who wished to speak. Mayor
Bush closed the Public Hearing.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve the Development Agreement
governing the development of the Morrison property as recommended by Staff. Discussion.
V ote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Utility Department
1. Requesting authorization to execute an lnterlocal Utility Construction Agreement with Seminole
County. PURPOSE: to request authorization to execute an Interlocal Utility Construction
Agreement with Seminole County for the installation of water mains, reclaimed water mains,
landscaping and irrigation during the construction of Tuskawilla Road Phases III and IV:
Kip LockcutT, Public Works/Utility Director, gave his presentation. Mr. Lockcuff stated what is
before the Commission is an Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County for the utility construction
ofTuskawilla Road Phases III and IV; also included in the agreement are some clarifications of the
issues relating to landscaping, and irrigation improvements that have been discussed for several years.
Mr. Lockcuff said the Utility Engineer for the County estimates the utility portion of the work to be
approx. $225,000 and probably will be funded in 1997. Mr. Lockcuffsaid he has $150,000 in next
year's budget and stated that at this point in time he estimates that he will not need any of that money
due to the delays in Phase II and subsequent delays in Phases III and IV. (Commissioner McLeod
said for clarification that the $150,00 won't be spend in the upcoming year but in the following year.
Mr. Lockcuffstated yes) Mr. Lockcuffsaid in the agreement it is stated that the County will receive
free reclaimed water for Tuskawilla Road; preputial maintenance by the City from Station 209 (which
is generally the median cut for the Church of the New Covenant) north to State Road 434. Also
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included is the memorialization of the fact that the City will be responsible for paying any portion of
the costs that exceed 3% of the roadway pay items for landscaping and irrigation; based on the
engineer's estimate it is calculated for that to be about $133,000 and our recommendation is to pay
for that out of the City's portion of the one cent sales tax. Mr. Lockcuff stated that the City has
available about one million eight available from the fund due to the deletion of the Tuscawilla By-
Commissioner McLeod asked about the'3%. Mr. Lockcuffstated that the 3% is the City's portion
of the one cent sales program. Commissioner McLeod said that is only going to come to the City
provided there is no overruns on the building of the road, Mr, Lockcuff stated that he wasn't aware
of that. Commissioner McLeod said his understanding is that the 3% only takes effect if the County
stays within their budget, if they go over their budget in the building of the road then the City looses
the 3%. Mr. Lockcuff stated that is not stipulated in the agreement Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that Section 7 of the agreement in regards to liability, needs to be
modified. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to table this item until the City Manager and City
Attorney get the agreement "ironed out". Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes,
Parks and Recreation Department
1. Requests Commission review the proposed parks and Recreation Brochure draft for consideration
of approval as to form and content prior to printing. PURPOSE: the purpose in submitting the
brochure draft in proof form to the Commission is to receive comment and approval on the draft
tOffilat and content prior to the final correction phase and the product being forwarded to the printer
for production:
Mr. Wilson gave his presentation. Mr. Wilson said some of the changes to the draft that are
recommending is the brown strip be taken off the front cover and the picture be clarified. Also for
the Commission's information the final brochure will be slick copy. There are spelling corrections
that need to be made also. Mr. Wilson said he would like to get the Commission's comments on the
general format and layout and recommendations.
Mayor Bush commented that Central Winds Park is the "premier" park in the City and said that
maybe that park should be higWighted more (bigger picture) etc. Mayor Bush also mentioned that
he didn't like the maps.
Commissioner Gennell suggested asked if a picture of the Senior Center could be put in.
Commissioner Conniff suggested having a picture of Lake Jesup,
It was the consensus of the Commission to make whatever changes necessary to upgrade the
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September 23. 1996
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brochure and if more money is needed, bring it back to the Commission.
Community Development Division
K. Updating Commission on the preparation of Design Guidelines for the Redevelopment Area of
the State Road 434 Corridor Visioning Project. PURPOSE: to give a progress report on the
preparation of the Design Guidelines for the Redevelopment Area of the State Road 434 Corridor
Visioning Proiect:
Mr. Grimms gave his presentation. Mr. Grimms stated that they are now in the process of developing
the design regulations for the redevelopment area and a re-enhancement program for the
redevelopment area which is from the intersection of 419 and 434 to the City limits before hwy.
Mr. Grimms stated that the City will make this proposal to F.D.O.T. for this coming year for inclusion
into the five year work program.
Mr. Grimms also mentioned that the Town Center regulations will go before the Planning and Zoning
Board on October 2, 1996.
Mr. Grimms said there will be a committee established for the development of the regulations in the
redevelopment area.
Parks and Recreation Department
M. Requests Commission review and consider for approval Phase I of a two Phase
computer/software purchase program which will provide specified hardware and software for vastly
improving the financial management of the concession operations, inventories and revenue control.
PURPOSE: to gain Commission authority to expedite the purchase of Phase I ofa data processing
enhancement program from the Fiscal Year 1996 computer reserve fund to improve the financial
management of Parks and Recreation concession operations, inventories and revenues as mandated
by the Finance Department:
Mr. Wilson gave his presentation.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the recommendation by Staff.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: nay; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion
City Manager
N. City Manager updating the Commission on the Rails to Trails Program. PURPOSE: to update
theComrnission on the Seminole County Rails to Trails Program and a recent site visit to the West
Orange County Trail that is nearing completion in Orange County:
Manager McLemore gave the Mayor and Commission a brochure of the Seminole County Greenway
Reeular Meetine City Commission
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and Trails BikewayS Master Plan.
Manager McLemore also gave a presentation of his site visit to the West Orange County Trail.
Manager McLemore suggested that the Commission and the Rails to Trails Task Force Committee
take the West Orange County Trail tour and Manager McLemore stated that there are tours on
O. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher:
No Report.
P. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore:
Manager McLemore gave the Commission a report on telecommunication towers.
Commissioner GenneU mentioned that at the next CALNO Meeting, being held at the City of Oviedo
on October 2, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., there will be people there to discuss the possibility of some so11
of Inter local agreement (if such a thing is possible) to somehow map it out and bring the companies
to sort oflimit it in a way that is acceptable to the Cities before it goes "crazy".
Discussion on the Manager's report. Attorney Kruppenbacher said the only thing that he thinks
legally is critical for the Commission to give guidance 'on tonight is to authorize the City Manager
globally to begin preparing an ordinance for the Commission's consideration, dealing with the towers.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod that the City Staff prepare a tower and location
ordinance using the Orange County Ordinance for review and to bring this back to the
Commission within thirty days and also to prepare a standard tower lease agreement for
review by the Commission within thirty days. Second by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion.
Vote: Commissioner Conniff aye; Commissioner Langellotti: declared a conflict and abstained from
voting; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Discussion on the term of the lease agreement.
R. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti appointed Mr. Keith Coker, 1205 Winter Springs Boulevard to the Trails
Bikeways Task Force, and stated that the will have his other appointment for the next meeting.
Commissioner Langellotti asked the City Attorney about the lawsuit with the Rouse Company and
Waterford project. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that matter is closed.
S. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell appointed Ms. Kim Doran, 221 Charles Street; and Ann Russell, 165 W.S.R.
434, to the Trails Bikeways Task Force.
Regular Meeting City Commission
Seotember 23.1996
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Commissioner Gennell mentioned that at the Florida League of Cities Convention, there was talk
about telecommunication franchises and asked the City Manager to bring back the pro's and con's
of a telecommunication franchise ordinance.
T. Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod asked about Code Enforcement Ordinance comparisons. Manager
McLemore stated that the Commission will be getting those next month.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to extent the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Seconded
by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner McLeod asked the City Manager to have the Public WorkslUtility Director to inform
the Starlight Baptist Church about the paving on Hayes Road. Commissioner McLeod also asked
if the trees were re':tagged along Hayes Road. Manager McLemore stated that he and Staff met with
the consulting engineers regarding developing three models for rural type road construction and
stated that they are ready to send out notices to the public to have a workshop with the Commission
regarding the rural type roads; which will be in October.
Commissioner Langellotti left 11 :05 p.m.
Commissioner McLeod said the Commission has received a copy of salaries regarding City Manager
and stated in the City's agreement with the City Manager it refers that each November or by
November we will reevaluate the City Manager (and said the Commission hasn't done that), when
this was brought up in the Budget meetings the City Manager asked that we look at this.
Commissioner McLeod said October 1 is approaching quickly and said he doesn't think the
Commission has done much about this and said he does propose that in the next six months he hopes
that the Commission puts together a way to merit the Manager or a time frame that the Commission
sits and talks with the Manager and said that needs to be discussed by the Commission.
Commissioner McLeod said what has been put together is a survey of surrounding Cities; using eight
Cities fairly close to Winter Springs: Altamonte Springs, Kissimmee, Sanford, Winter Park,
Casselberry, Ocoee, Apopka and Oviedo were the eight cities that were looked at for averaging to
find out where the City Managers in those Cities averaged out. The reason this was looked at from
an averaging standpoint was from when we did the Cody study, the Cody study was based on area
averaging and we elected to try to bring our employees in line of the City averages of the surrounding
towns; so that we stop loosing employees to the surrounding areas. (So Winter Springs is at least
average if not better) Commissioner McLeod said the survey also looked at six surrounding towns
by population and said some of these Titusville, St. Cloud, Leesburg, Eustis, Longwood and Maitland
were so much less than Winter Springs that it didn't really favor for us to look at those.
Commissioner McLeod said he is looking at the average of the surround eight Cities shows that the
City Managers base salary is basically and $82,624 base salary. That is pretty much in line with
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Winter Park, wehaye roughly 26,000 people in Winter Springs, and Winter Park has 24,000 and
Winter Park salary is $82,000 (which falls on that average) Casselberry is also at 24,000 and the
salary is 69,400+ S() there are differences of opinions of where the Managers fall within these Cities.
However, when you look at the benefits, retirement and deferred compo etc., you see that they
change drastically. Commissioner McLeod said what he is proposing and putting out for discussion,
if the rest of the Commission feels that this is something that should go forward this evening or this
should be put on as an agenda item for the next meeting.
Mayor Bush stated that Commissioner Langellotti had eye surgery today and is suffering some after
effects from that (and stayed as long as he could) and that is why he had to leave.
Commissioner Conniff said he agrees with Commissioner McLeod and said he feels that the
Commission can work on this tonight, what Commissioner McLeod didn't mention is that a City of
18,000 - Oviedo, their Manager gets paid $92,000 and said that Oviedo's City Manager also gets
$100,000 life insurance policy where our's gets a $10,000 life insurance policy and said he thinks
there's some discrepancies that can be addressed tonight and possibly back dated a little if we take
our City Manager up to the average in the area of $82,624 and then go ahead with the normal
evaluation. Commissioner Conniff said Mr. McLemore has been patient and he is definitely
professional and things have been moving along very well at this time.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff that the Commission goes ahead and make the
City Manager's salary $82,624 which is the average of the eight Cities done in the survey and
that the Commission makes that retroactive from his six month time. Seconded by
Commissioner Genllell. Discussion. Mayor Bush stated that he is certainly a supporter of Mr.
McLemore and said he thinks Mr. McLemore has done an outstanding job and certainly the
recommendation and motion is within line, however, on a thing such as the salary of the Manager he
is a little leery wilen we don't have the full Commission sitting here for discussion and said he would
like to bring that to the Commission's attention to think about. Mayor Bush said we voted 5-0 to hire
Mr. McLemore and hopefully all five still feel very strongly that what you three have done here is
right and said he agrees also. Commissioner McLeod said that is a very good point seeing as Mr.
Langellotti had to leave. Commissioner McLeod said what he hears from the motion is that it is
basically talking about salary right now and any of the other benefits stay as they are until we get to
the one year point. Commissioner Conniff said that is correct, because that was the time we were
going to open for discussion anyway. Vote: Commissioner Gelmell: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Conmlissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that motion is subject to his making sure with the Manager that it is
appropriate and legal.
Manager McLemore thanked the Commission for their consideration and vote of confidence.
Manager McLemore said the Commission set out certain goals for him to try to achieve and stated
that he believes that the Commission would agree the City has moved a long way in this direction;
one goal was moving toward automation - automate the process of government so that we can
Regular Meetin~ City Commission
September 23. 1996
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increase efficiency; we've adopted through our budget a five year automation plan, we are moving
very rapidly in undertaking that and putting that in place. Manager McLemore said one of the major
charges was to try and improve the retirement system and said we have put that in place and have
done that. The Commission was interested in improving the flow of information, particularly the
information to the Commission to give the Commission better information to make decision with;
Manager McLemore said it is not where he wants it to be but said he thinks the Commission will
agree it is a lot better than what the Commission has had in the past. Manager McLemore said the
Commission also asked to be presented with alternatives and said he has tried in these various
decisions that the Commission is confronted with and the Commission to layout alternatives for you
and the alternatives appear to be appropriate. Manager McLemore said the Commission asked that
he get involved with the community and said he has done that and said he thinks-it is putting a lot
of work on him but he is enjoying it and said he has not done everything that he would like to do but
will do more in the upcoming year. Manager McLemore said the other thing the Commission asked
that he open government up and said he has really tried to open up decision making and at the Staff
level and to interact more with the community and make sure there is not a air of secrecy about the
City and said he believes that the Staffwill tell the Commission (even though they don't agree with
him on everything) everyone is able to say what they want to say and put it on the table and get their
view points considered and said he thinks the Commission will hear back from most people that they
are comfortable at least with what we are trying to do in terms of right style for City government.
Manager McLemore said the Commission asked for a fiscal responsibility and said he gave the
Commission a budget this year with the largest fund balances the City has ever had and at the same
time a very aggressive improvements program for the City's services. We improved the composition
of the budget where it is more readable and has a lot more information and demonstrates to the
Commission the fund equity positions, which was never shown before; Manager McLemore stated
that the budget that the Commission sees next year will be several steps above what they have this
year in terms of information.
U. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff said he has two appointments to the Rails to Trails Task Force and said he will
give those names to the City Clerk.
Vo Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush said he had a call from a citizen regarding a possible child abduction on Trotwood and
asked about that. Captain Pieper said it has not been brought to his attention but will get back with
the Mayor on that.
Mayor Bush also mentioned the letter from Starlight Baptist Church regarding the paving of the
Ranchlands and said he would like to make sure to get the word out when those meeting occur.
The meeting adjourned at 11: 15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
=-k- ~.~
Margo ~Hopkins, lty Clerk