HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 09 23 Regular Item I
September 23, 1996
MGRK\.vfY} IDEPT j/-j/
REQUEST: Utility Department Requesting Authorization to Execute an Interlocal Utility
Construction Agreement with Seminole County
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization to Execute an Interlocal
Utility Construction Agreement with Seminole County for the Installation of Water
Mains, Reclaimed Water Mains, Landscaping and Irrigation during the
Construction ofTuskawilla Road Phases III and IV.
This Interlocal Utility Construction Agreement is needed to incorporate necessary
utility improvements designed for the Tuskawilla Road right of way into the construction
of Tuskawilla Road Phase m (Lake Drive to Winter Springs Boulevard) and Phase IV
(Winter Springs Boulevard to S.R 434). The agreement also formalizes the City's
request for landscaping and irrigation improvements on Tuskawilla Road and subsequent
maintenance by the City.
The proposed utility improvements include extending the water main from Indian
Trails Middle School to S.R 434 (which interconnects the East and West systems),
looping the reclaimed water main from Winter Springs Boulevard to the Florida Power
Corporation easement, and relocation of water mains and a force main that are in conflict
with the proposed drainage improvements. The design and permitting of these utility
improvements by the County's roadway designer, Bowyer, Singleton & Associates, was
previously authorized by the Commission by interlocal agreement on February 12, 1996.
September 23, 1996
Regular Agenda Item I
Page .2.
The engineer's estimate for the utility portion of the roadway improvements is $224,193.
The landscaping and irrigation improvements have been incorporated into the
roadway project as requested by the City. The interlocal agreement also memorializes
several County guidelines for landscape and irrigation projects: reclaimed water at no cost,
perpetual maintenance by the City, and financial support from the City for landscape and
irrigation costs that exceed 3% of the roadway costs. The engineer's estimate of
construction costs are summarized below.
Roadway Items
Landscape Items
Signalization Items
Signing and Pavement Marking
Utility Construction - County
Utility Construction - City
Phase ill
Phase IV
The City would be responsible for the portion of the landscape and irrigation costs
that exceed 3% of the roadway pay items. The portion of the L&I costs that exceed the
3% threshold is $50,375 for Phase ill and $108,601 for Phase IV. However, we had
previously indicated to the County that the southern maintenance limits would be the
Church of the New Covenant median cut which would reduce the Phase ill liability by one
half The total estimated cost to the City for Phases ill and IV landscaping and
irrigation is $133,789.
The scope of the L&I for both phases includes full median landscaping, irrigation
with reclaimed water, irrigation at intersections (i.e. Oak Forest Drive, Winter Springs
Boulevard, Forest Creek Drive, Arbor Glen Circle, Trotwood Boulevard), St. Augustine
sod where irrigation is present, and landscaping along the sides where room is available.
The 465 mostly 30 gallon trees proposed from Dyson Drive to S.R 434 breakdown as
follows: East Palatka Holly - 33, Dahoon Holly - 68, Southern Magnolia - 8, Wax Myrtle
September 23, 1996
Regular Agenda Item I
- 82, Crape Myrtle - 57, Cherry Laurel- 13, Evergreen Pear - 113, Live Oak - 51,
Cabbage Palm - 12, Drake Elm - 24, and Winged Elm - 4. In addition, over 10,000 one
gallon shrubs and ground covers are proposed consisting of Hollies, Hawthornes, Aztec
Grasses, Pittosporums, Junipers, Heather and Daylillies.
1. In order for the County to include landscaping and irrigation in the construction of
Tuskawilla Road they are requesting we maintain in petpetuity the landscaping and
irrigation in the Tuskawilla Road right of way from the Church of the New Covenant
median cut (Sta. 209) to S.R 434. This is projected to cost $40,000 annually beginning in
FY 1999. The City will be required to assume this cost beginning in FY 1999.
2. The capital costs associated with the landscaping and irrigation construction to the
extent they exceed 3% of the roadway costs are to be paid by the City. This cost is
estimated at $133,789 and is projected for FY 1998. The City will be required to assume
this cost in FY 1998.
3. The reclaimed water for the City maintained portion is to be provided at no cost to
the County. The County has requested that reclaimed water for the County maintained
portion ofTuskawilla Road, Dyson Drive to Sta. 209, be provided at no cost to the
County for 20 years. This is valued at approximately $350 annually. In consideration for
same, the County has agreed to pay the construction and engineering inspection services
cost for the utility construction which normally runs 7.5% to 10% ($16,800 to $22,400).
The City will be required to assume this cost beginning in FY 1998.
September 23, 1996
Regular Agenda Item I
4. The City could construct the proposed utility improvements through our normal
bidding proce,ss and deal directly with a contractor. However, it is advantageous to
include the utility work with the roadway construction to avoid any conflicts with
scheduling and keep the responsibility of all the work with a single general contractor.
The cost for the utility portion of the work is estimated at $224,193. We have
budgeted $150,000 in FY 1996/1997 in the Utility Capital Improvements budget,
however, we expect an expenditure of only $25,000 based on a May/June bid date.
The City's portion of the capital cost for the landscaping and inigation on
Tuskawilla Road is estimated at $133,789. This is projected to be needed beginning in FY
1997/1998. The City currently has $1.8 million in ''Undesignated Funds" due to the
elimination of the Tuskawilla Bypass in the County One Cent Sales Tax Transportation
Improvement Program The City could designate the required amount from the
undesignated portion during the annual review.
The $40,000 estimated annual cost for the maintenance of the landscaping in the
Tuskawilla Road right of way would be budgeted in FY 1998/1999 in the Publics Work
Department of the General Fund. The landscape maintenance would be added to the
scope of work of the City wide landscape maintenance contract.
FY 1996
FY 1997
FY 1998
General Fund
Utility Fund
Maintenance (Irrigation)
One Cent Sales Tax (City Portion)
Construction $0
Maintenance $0
September 23, 1996
Regular Agenda Item I
It is recommended that authorization be given to execute the Interlocal Utility
Construction Agreement with Seminole County for the installation of Utility
improvements, landscaping and irrigation during the construction of Tuskawilla Road
Phases III and IV. The interlocal includes that the City will maintain the landscaping from
Sta.209 to S.R 434, pay the City portion for the landscaping/irrigation costs that exceed
3% of the roadway costs, and provide free reclaimed water for a period of twenty years.
Funding for the utility improvements will be from the Utility Capital Improvement
fund. Future funding for the landscaping/irrigation capital costs will be from the City's
portion of the one cent sales tax program. Future maintenance costs will be fimded
through the Public Works Department maintenance line code in the General Fund.
The agreement will be executed upon approval and forwarded to the County.
Funds will be budgeted as needed based on construction projections. The current
projected bid date is May/June of 1997 with construction beginning around October 1,
1997. It is anticipated that Phases III and IV will be constructed simultaneously.
However, delays relative to Phase II could alter the aforementiond time frames.
1. Interlocal Utility Construction Agreement
2. Map with Limits of Phase III and IV
3. Seminole County Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines
Attachment No. 1
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of
, 19_, by and
between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is
Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter
referred to as COUNTY, and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation,
whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, hereinafter referred to as
WHEREAS, the parties hereto have the common power to construct, locate and relocate
their respective utility facilities and to contract for the performance of such work; and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires, at its own expense, to construct a 12"water main, 6"
reclaimed water main and modify the landscaping and irrigation system situated in rights-of way of
the COUNTY within the COUNTY road-widening project, known as Tuskawilla Road, Phase III and
IV from E. Lake Drive to S.R. 434; and
WHEREAS, the CITY has requested the COUNTY to include in the COUNTY Project, the
CITY Project to meet the needs of the CITY; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY is agreeable to providing such work under the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized by the provisions of Chapters 125, 163 and 166,
Florida Statutes, and other applicable law;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the COUNTY
and CITY agree as follows:
SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is for the COUNTY to provide the following
work to the CITY in the manner hereinafter set forth:
(a) All of the work relating to the CITY Project from Dyson Drive to S.R. 434 is to be
accomplished according to the plans, specifications and bid documents as prepared by CITY'S
Consultant Bowyer Singleton and Associates, and coordinated by CITY'S Consultant with COUNTY
Project plans, specifications and bid documents so as to frt together and form a single unambiguous
contract and bid package.
(b) The CITY'S Consultant, shall provide the COUNTY with a copy of reproducible
signed and sealed original plans, specifications and other bid documents for the CITY Project on or
before November 4, 1996.
(c) CITY'S Project shall be designed for permanent (and temporary if necessary)
construction, coordinated with the Tuskawilla Road, Phase III and IV from E. Lake Drive to S.R. 434
and added to the Utility Adjustment Plan and Profile Sheets.
(d) CITY'S Consultant, shall provide written answers to questions from the COUNTY
and shall respond as needed to the COUNTY with regard to situations requiring the issuance of
addenda, during the Bidding Process. Written answers shall only be furnished to COUNTY'S
Purchasing Agent. No written or oral communication by the CITY or the CITY'S Consultant with
Bidders, Plan holders or others interested in the bid will be permitted, prior to Award of Contract.
(e) The COUNTY shall advertise for and receive all bids for and exclusively award all
construction contracts for said work representing the combined COUNTY Project and CITY Project.
(f) The COUNTY shall provide on-site inspection seNices and engineering seNices by
a Professional Engineer (hereinafter referred to as "CEI"), subcontractors for soils and material
testing, and sUNeys for as-builts and quantities during construction (all collectively hereinafter
referred to as "CEI SERVICES"). The CITY shall approve in writing all contractor payment requests
for the CITY's portion of the work and shall transmit adequate funding to the COUNTY for processing
in a timely manner. The COUNTY shall process all payment requests. The CITY shall prepare all
change orders related to its portion of the work and transmit same to the COUNTY for processing.
The CITY shall be responsible for payment to the COUNTY for all costs resulting from change orders
on its portion of the work. In the event of a conflict or dispute relating in any way to the Work, the
COUNTY shall have final authority. The cost of conflict manholes not included in the original
contract shall be the responsibility of the CITY. The CITY is authorized to consult with and advise
the COUNTY's CEI during the construction period. All direction to contractor shall be through the
(g) The COUNTY's C.E.1. subcontractor will provide on-site inspection seNices and
engineering services during construction for the CITY's portion of work.
(h) The CITY agrees to supply the COUNTY with reclaimed water for Tuskawilla Road
Phase III and IV for twenty years from the execution the term of this agreement.
(i) The CITY shall maintain and operate its facilities (existing, temporary and new) during
the construction of the CITY Project and the COUNTY Project.
U) The plans and specifications may provide for scheduled interruptions of utility service;
provided, however, that the date, time and duration of such service interruptions shall first be
approved by the Director of Public Works of the CITY. It is further agreed that any scheduled or
unscheduled cessation of utility services shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement on the part
of either party hereto; and neither party shall be liable to the other for damages resulting from such
cessation of services. This release of liability shall not be construed to release the contractor
awarded the construction contract or any other third party from any liability for any damage from
whatever cause whatsoever.
(k) Upon completion and acceptance of the work by the COUNTY, the COUNTY shall
transfer the respective engineering certificates and contractors' and manufacturers' bonds,
indemnities and warranties to the CITY by unconditional assignment without any representation or
warranty by the COUNTY or recourse to or against the COUNTY, and the water facilities shall be and
become the property of the CITY, and shall be operated and maintained by the CITY, according to
the terms of the standard permit required by law and shall be operated under the terms of the
COUNTY's standard right-of-way utilization permit pertaining to the occupancy or use of public
(I) The CITY, through its Director of Public Works, shall have the right at all times to non-
intrusively inspect the work and any and all records relating to the performance of the work and CEI
SERVICES. The COUNTY shall, upon request, furnish three (3) copies of pertinent reports
requested by the CITY.
(m) The COUNTY shall, upon completion and acceptance of the COUNTY Project, furnish
the CITY with one (1) set ot reproducible as-built drawings ot the COUNTY Project.
(n) The CITY shall, upon completion and acceptance of the CITY Project, furnish the
COUNTY with one (1) set of reproducible as-built drawings of the CITY Project.
(0) The CITY will be responsible for landscaping and irrigation maintenance from Station
209+00 North to S.R. 434.
(p) The COUNTY will be responsible for landscaping and irrigation maintenance from
Station 209+00 South to Dyson Drive.
(q) The CITY agrees to pay that portion of the landscaping and irrigation construction
costs for the proposed improve~ents from Sta. 209+00 North to S.R. 434 to the extent that they
exceed three percent of the total construction costs for Phases III and IV excluding utilities.
Ld The' COUNTY agrees to not oppose annexation into the City of Winter Springs for
those properties along Tuskawilla Road from Trotwood Boulevard to S.R. 434.
SECTION 2. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT. The COUNTY is designated as the party to
administer this Agreement by and through its departments and officers, consultants and independent
SECTION 3. COST COMPUTATION. The CITY's share of cost of the work shall be
calculated utilizing the CITY's share of Contract Sum. The CITY shall be obligated to pay the
COUNTY the CITY's share of the cost of work. Payment of ten percent (10%) of the CITY's share
shall be made to the COUNTY on or before the sixty-second (62nd) day immediately following said
bid award of the contract for construction. The COUNTY will thereafter bill to the CITY, on a monthly
basis, its share of the. work completed as evidenced by an invoice from contractor. All late payments
shall be assessed non-refundable interest at a rate of ten percent (10%) per annum. These fun~s
paid by the CITY to the COUNTY shall be held in a separate account from which amounts will be
drawn by the COUNTY to pay invoices of the CONTRACTOR for work accomplished on the CITY's
portion of the project. In the event that excess funds are in the account at contract closeout they
shall be first credited against any and all other charges payable by the CITY to the COUNTY. Any
remainder shall be refunded by the COUNTY to the CITY within fifteen (15) days after completion
and acceptance of all the work to be performed hereunder. Final payment for any work or services
required and work performed under the construction contract shall be made by the CITY to the
COUNTY within fifteen (15) days after completion and acceptance of all of the work to be performed
hereunder by the COUNTY. The COUNTY shall provide an itemized statement for all additional work
performed. No additional work beyond those specified above shall be done without notification to
and concurrence of the CITY'S Director of Public Works; provided, however, that, if, in the opinion
of the COUNTY's CEI, an emergency exists, the CEI may authorize measures which, in his or her
professional opinion, are reasonably necessary to prevent or mitigate damages which might result
from such emergency. Additional work required regarding construction of the CITY's water utilities
beyond the work specified in the contract for construction shall be authorized by Change Order
issued in accordance with the procedure set forth above and billed one hundred percent (100%) to
the CITY.
SECTION 4. DUTIES AND LEVEL OF SERVICES. All Services and work hereunder shall
be performed to the satisfaction of the COUNTY or the COUNTY's CEI, who shall decide all ques-
tions, difficulties and disputes of whatever nature which may arise under or by reason of such
services and work, the prosecution and fulfillment of the services and work hereunder, and the
character, quality, amount and value thereof; and its decision upon all claims, questions, and
disputes shall be final and conclusive with respect to all services and work performed or to be
performed whether related to the COUNTY Project, the CITY Project or other work.
SECTION 5. EMPLOYEE STATUS. Persons employed by one party in the performance
of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement shall have no claim to pension, worker's
compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service or other employee rights or privileges
granted by the operation of law or by the other party.
SECTION 6. COOPERATION. To facilitate performance under this Agreement, the CI~
agrees that the COUNTY shal/ have ful/ cooperation and assistance from the CITY, it officers, agents
and employees.
SECTION 7. LIABILITY. The CITY shall indemnify and hold the COUNTY harmless from
and against all liability for claims for damages, extra compensation and suits of any kind made or
brought by the contractor awarded the contract for construction hereunder related to the CITY's
Project irrespective of negligence, actual or claimed, upon the part of the COUNTY, its agents or
employees, except gross negligence of the COUNTY, its agents or employees. Additionally, the
CITY shall indemnify and hold the COUNTY harmless from and against all liability for claims for
damages, extra compensation and suits of any kind made or brought as a result of the CITY Project
including, but not limited to, the work of any CITY contractors on the CITY Project including, but not
limited to, any effect that the CITY Project or other activities may have on the COUNTY Project
irrespective of negligence, actual or claimed, upon the part of the COUNTY, its agents or employees,
except gross negligence of the COUNTY, its agents or employees. This Agreement by the CITY to
indemnify and hold the COUNTY harmless shall include any and all charges, expenses and costs,
including but not limited to, attorney's fees incurred by the COUNTY on account of or by reason of
any such damages, liability, claims, suits or losses.
(a) It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement of the parties is contained
herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties
relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof.
(b) Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this
Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this instrument for the
purpose herein expressed.
(City Clerk)
, Mayor
MARYANNE MORSE, Clerk to the
Board of County Commissioners in
and for Seminole County, Florida.
For the use and reliance
of Seminole COUNTY only.
Approved as to form and
legal sufficiency.
As authorized for execution by
the Board of COUNTY Commissioners
at their , 19_,
regular meeting.
COUNTY Attorney
Attachment No.2
~~AS& IV
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NGV-28-'S5 rUE 10:23 ID:SEi'1 CO ENGINE=:2ING TEL NO:407 330 '3515
Attachment No.3
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Jim 'Mbon, Doeputy OlractorlRoeds Operatlons
Rog~r Smith. Marnlger. Utilities Division
8f7rt Johr.son. P.E.. Assistant County Engine6r
Jim ?u!len, ConstJ'...lclion Meneg2ment Engi~
Fl..endy Wdli.ams, P~m;lt Coord!naior
Re~rt K 8rown. Proj~ Man~(
~ Matth9ws, Project Mans9!ilr
Otis G. Gifford, Project M~
W, Ke(th Roark. Project Menag(ir
Thomas p, Ully, Quality Assurance Englnaer
Mltch 8u,;.;a, A.ssls~nt Propa-ty Acql.lisitlOli Coordinator
Joyce St.Jber, Property Acqu~ruon Coordinetor
FROMd!J? Frank M. Van Pelt. 111
Th9 3% Umdscepe end IrrIgation Guldellnes for Major HIghway Dssign Projects
NO\lamber 27. 1005
Projscts C1.!TTantly undar das!gn <60% complete:
The County's consultant Is responsible for pri:!paring landsca~ or landscsp.; and
irrigation plans for the projecl.
If reclaimed water is not available on the project at no usar cost to the County, the
consul~nt 3halI design a drought tolers.i"lt (prlmart.'y trees In the medie.n) landscape
meeting safety and low frequency maintenance requirem9nts with no irrlgatkm systlLm.
It recleim€d W:!ltgr is evailtili'~ on the project at no use; cost to the County, tt-.:6
con!>ultant shall d9Slgn a IBl1d!;.cA-pe and irrigetion system efficient In Its use of We.ter
while ~ng sa!et'l and low to moderate maintenance rnguirements.
The landscape or fandsCllFXl e.nd irrfga1Jon plan total construction cost to be provlded
by the County shall not e~ 3% of the final estimated constructfon cost fer the
roadway pey items.
Interested entities and dtles In partIcular should be encouraged to participate in the
ccIIstn...'ction 01 a lends~pa or lam:13cape and Irrigation plan, This could taka many
forms wjth the ultJmete goals 0' proYiding tl good profect end cost sharing. Some
e=mple.s of particIpation to be encouraged are:
a. Full maint..na.nca responsibility in perpetuity.
b. Supplying no cost roclaimed water for irrigation.
c. Shering construction co~b.
d. Providing materials, lebor or installation serv1ces.
Gu\dellnG:S for retrofits of proJecta thet are co~tructed or ~t E::S ~n compl6~ will ba d,;,~cpiid
with your help. Your id1uts and SUggsstlOru5 are importent el1d at3 r~ted over the next 30 to ()O
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