HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 09 09 Regular Item E
September 9. 1996
REQUEST: The General Services Department requests that the City Commission release
Dr. Russell R. Graham, The City's physician and Medical Review Officer (MRO)
from CDL drug testing, and appoint D.O.T. Stop's (a subsidiary of Florida
Hospital Corporations, FHP) Dr. Jock Sneddon as MRO for CDL drug testing,
and authorize D.O.T. Stop to perform all CDL drug testing.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this request is to release Dr. Graham from MRO and CDL drug
testing responsibilities since he is not fully equipped to provide this service.
1) The City Commission previously amended Dr. Graham's agreement as City
physician to appoint Dr. Graham as the MRO for all drug testing for this City.
2) Dr. Graham stated that he wanted to be the MRO for the City and wanted to
perform all drug testing for the (see attached letter dated June 28, 1996).
3) After further analysis of the Commercial Drivers License testing requirement, as
set forth in the Federal Regulations and OSHA Rules, Dr. Graham has decided that
he doesn't want to perform CDL drug tests nor perform the MRO role for this
4) D.O.T. Stop is a subsidiary of Florida Hospital Corporation and has performed
CDL drug testing successfully for many organizations.
5) On page 10 of the agreement, all CDL drivers will be included in the D.O.T. Stop
random pool. According to Marcia Jordan, Executive Director ofD.O.T. Stop,
this reduces the number of random tests to be conducted from 15 per year to 4-5
per year for the City.
September 9, 1996
Page 2
Federal OSHA rules require the City to perform CDL random drug tests for 50%
of all CDL operators yearly for entities with vehicles over 26,000 lbs. The City
has two (2) dump trucks that may exceed this weight when fully loaded.
The cost is identified in the fee schedule according to Marcia Jordan, Executive
Director ofD.O.T. Stop.
The City will be required to perform only 4-5 CDL drug test yearly.
As such the cost are estimated below:
Breath Tests
Controlled Substance Tests
Ralldona Pull Charge
$25.00 x 5 =
$35.00 x 5
$75.00 x 5 =
$ 1.00 x 3 =
$ 1.00 x 5 =
$ 75.00
$ 3.00
.$ 5.00
That the City Commission consider:
1. Amending Dr. Graham's agreement to exclude CDL drug tests.
2, Rescinding Dr. Graham's appointment as MRO for CDL drug testing, and
appoint D.O.T. Stop's MRO, Dr. Jock Sneddon for all City CDL drug
3. Authorizing the City Manager to execute contract.
1. Agreement to Provide Services
2. Letter from Dr. Graham dated June 28, 1996
This agreement is made between D.O.T. STOP, (also referred to as the Provider) and City of Winter
Springs, also referred to as the Company).
D,O.T. STOP will provide State of Florida or Federally regulated drug and alcohol.testing services as well as
other services listed in Exhibit A to the Company to support the Company's policies for drug and alcohol
testing and related educational services.
The Company acknowledges that a policy for drug and alcohol testing of applicants and/or employees is in
effect and that the Company requires drug and alcohol testing services to be provided by D.O.T. STOP.
Both D.O.T. STOP and the Company recognize that federal, state, and local laws may apply to services
desc~ed in this agreement. In particular, DOT drug and breath alcohol testing services must be perfonned
according to rules and regulations established by the Department of Transportation (hereafter referred to
DOT). Both parties agree to assure, to the best of their ability, that services provided are rendered according
to all applicable laws and regulations.
If during the tenn of this agreement, there is a significant change in the requirements of the provider as the
result of regulatory changes or other changes mandated by federal or state law,' both parties agree to
renegotiate the services and fees provided herein.
The parties below have executed this agreement on this _ day of
. 1996.
9484 S. Orange Blossom Trail
Orlando, FL. 32837
By: i::b..... ~~L
Title: Executive Director
All controlled substances (Drug) testing ~nducted as required under 49 CFR Part 382 will comply with 49
CFR Part 40, Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs. These
procedures require that the controlled substances testing is performed by a laboratory certified by the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health SeNices Administration. (DHHS) Drug testing is limited to testing for
Marijuana (THC), Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines and Phencyclidine (PCP). 49 CFR Part 40 specifies the
protocol to be followed for all DOT testing to protect the driver, assure the integrity of the testing, safeguard
the validity of the test results and ensure that those results are attributed to the correct driver.
All controlled substances testing will require the driver to submit a minimum of 45 ml of urine. The Federal
Drug Testing Custody and Control Form will be used to document the collection process. All specimens will
be split at the collection site into two (2) specimen bottles and sealed in the presence of the donor. Both
bottles will be sent to the laboratory.
American Medical Laboratories (AML) is the laboratory contracted by D.O.T. STOP to perform controlled
substance testing required by DOT and FHWA and is certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
SeNices Administration (SAMHSA) and Department of Health and Human SeNices (DHHS) to perform
federally regulated testing. In addition, AML is certified by the Agency for Health Care Administration of the
State of Florida as a forensic toxicology laboratory. AML fully meets DOT and FHWA Controlled Substance
Testing Regulations
AML will forward all test results and summary reports to the MRO and the Company in 'accordance with 49
CFR Part 40.29.
AML shall provide the Company an aggregate (quarterly) statistical summary of urinalysis testing of their
employees. The Summary shall contain the following information:
i. Number of specimens received for testing;
ii. Number of specimens confirmed positive for;
a. Marijuana metabolite;
b. Cocaine metabolite;
c. Opiates;
d. Phencyclidine;
e. Amphetamine;
jii. Number of specimens for which a test was not performed
The report shall be provided to the Company 14 days after the end of the quarter covered by the summary.
D.O.T. STOP's Medical Review Officer (MRO) is Jock Sneddon, M,D. Dr. Sneddon is a licensed physician
with extensive knowledge of substance abuse disorders and the medical training required to interpret and
evaluate drug test results. The duties of the MRO shall be in compliance with 49 CFR Part 40.33. All results
will be provided by telephone or secure fax as indicated by the Company within 48 hours of verification.
Jock Sneddon, M.D., D.O.T. STOP's Medical Review Officer, will report results to the Company in such a
manner described below to assure that disclosure of infonnation to unauthorized personnel does not occur.
Changes in the reporting protocol made in writing to D.O.T. STOP on the letterhead of the Company will be
implemented as specified upon receipt.
At the Company's request all results, both negative and positive, will be telephoned in a secure manner to
the authorized person(s) designated by the Company to receive such results.
Written reports titled "D.O.T. MRO DETERMINATION / VERIFICATION REPORr will be sent by U.S. Mail,
in an envelope stamped .CONFIDENTIAL". This report will be mailed the same day as the final interpretation
of the test is complete.
The report will include the following:
· A statement that the controlled substances test being reported was in accordance with 49 CFR Part 40.
· The name of the individual for whom the test results are being reported.
· The type of test indicated on the custody and control fonn (random, pre-employment, etc.)
· The date and location of the test collection.
· The identification of the persons or entities perfonning the collection and analysis of the specimens, and
serving as MRO for the specific test.
· The verified results of the controlled substances test (positive or negative) and if positive, the identity of
the controlled substance(s) for which the test was vertfied positive.
· That the MRO has made every reasonable attempt to contact the driver.
Prior to verifying a "positive" report, the MRO shall make every reasonable effort to contact the driver
(confidentially) and afford him/her the opportunity to discuss the test result. If after making all reasonable
efforts and documenting them, the MRO is unable to reach the driver directly, the MRO shall contact the
designated management official, who shall direct the driver to contact the MRO as soon as possible (within 24
hours). The MRO will document any information presented by applicant to explain or dispute the test result.
Under the "split-sample" collection procedures, the driver has 72 hours following notification of a positive
result to request the secondary sample be analyzed. In the event a split-sample was not taken, or was of
inadequate quantity, the original test would be voided (canceled) and the driver would not be subject to a
While the primary sample is tested at specific thresholds for each controlled substance, the secondarj (split)
sample is analyzed only for the presence of controlled substances. If a negative result is reached on the
secondary test, the original test results are disregarded and the MRO shall notify the employee, the Company
and the Department of Transportation.
The MRO shall maintain all dated records and notifications for verified positive controlled substance test
results, Identified by individual for a period of five years.
The MRO shall maintain all dated records and notifications for negative and canceled controlled substance
test results, identified by individual, for a period of one year.
The MRO shall not release the individual controlled substance test results of any driver to any person without
a specific, written authorization from the tested driver. However, this shall not prohibit the MRO from
releasing results to the employer or Federal, State, or local officials with regulatory authority over the
controlled substance testing program.
Breath Alcohol tests performed by D.O.T. STOP personnel will use Evidential Breath Testing (EBT) devices
approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and listed in the NHTSA
Conforming Products List (CPL) for both screening and confirmation of breath alcohol content.
Breath Alcohol Technicians (BATs) shall be trained and certified by D.O.T. STOP and the EBT manufacturer
to perform such testing. Breath Alcohol Tests shall be performed in accordance with the regulatory
requirements of the Department of Transportation as specified in 49 CFR Part 40, D.O.T. STOP will maintain
facilities and personnel adequate to perform the services agreed to be provided to the company. In particular,
D.O.T, STOP will maintain aural and visual privacy during the performance of the test.
D.O.T. STOP will maintain, in a secure location with controlled access, all dated records, information and
documents in which D.C.T. STOP BAT personnel are acting as the agent of the employer for the purpose of
maintaining records for the company as required by DOT breath alcohol testing regulations, 49 CFR Part
The schedule for maintenance of specific information and minimum time periods will be as follows:
1. Records pertaining to the calibration of each EST used in alcohol testing under the 49 CFR Part 40
2. Records of the results of the extemal calibration checks of each EBT.
1. Records of the inspection and maintenance of each EBT used in employee testing.
2. Documentation of the employer's compliance with the Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for each EBT
used for alcohol testing under the procedures of 49 CFR Part 40.
3. Records of the training, proficiency testing, and certification of each BAT used in employee testing.
49 CFR Part 40 does not specify the amount of time that the BAT copy (copy 3) of the employee's alcohol
test results of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Breath Alcohol Testing Form is maintained.
D.O.T. STOP will maintain these records for a minimum period of two years unless notified by the employer
in writing to extend this time period. Disclosure of testing information to unauthorized persons is not
The employee, upon written request to obtain copies of any records pertaining to his/her alcohol test, is
entitled to such records. Nothing in this agreement shall prohibit the provider from releasing to the employer,
it's agents or to officials of the DOT or DOT operating agency or any State or local officials with regulatory
authority over the testing program, individual test results, or from releasing individual test results or related
information to comply with requests from a legal action, including by not limited to unemployment hearings,
workers' compensation hearings or other legal hearing, initiated by the tested individual.
D.O.T. STOP will report results to the Company in such a manner described below in Exhibit "An below to
assure that disclosure of information to unauthorized personnel does not occur. Changes in the reporting
protocol/Company information made in writing to D.O.T. STOP on the letterhead of the employer will be
implemented as specified upon receipt.
D.O.T. STOP BATs will, make all reasonable attempts to immediately notify the ,employer's authorized
representative of breath alcohol test results at or above 0.02.
"COpy 1 - ORIGINAL - FORWARD TO THE EMPLOYER" of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
Breath Alcohol Testing Form will be faxed and then mailed via first class U.S. Mail on the next business day.
Overnight carrier service can be arranged; the employer will be responsible for arranging payment of the
The company acknowledges that the information provided in and EXHIBIT A will be updated as necessary to
assure that test results and other information remain secure and confidential.
The company acknowledges that the performance of necessary verification procedures may be dependent
upon cooperation by the company representatives and/or the individuals to be tested. The subject to be tested
must provide a photo identification or be personally identified by a company representative.
In order to assure the accuracy of information pertaining to the test and the subject, the company will provide
a written request for a breath alcohol test stating the reason for the test (Random, Reasonable
Suspicion/Cause, Post-accident, Return to Duty, Follow-up.) The testing facility must have this information
before the performance of the breath test. The company may provide a facsimile transmission (fax) of the
request to the testing location or have the testing subject bring the request to the testing location.
The company agrees to provide a company representative to be present at the testing location whenever a
Reasonable Suspicion/Cause or Post-Accident Breath Alcohol Test is requested. The company representative
will remain at the testing location until the testing procedure is complete. If the Breath Alcohol Test confirms
at or above 0.02, the company representative will be responsible for informing the testing subject of company
policy and assuring t~e safety of the public.
The company will designate a representative and an alternate to whom D.O.T. STOP will report test results
and discuss or report other information. Changes of designated representatives and the effective date of the
changes will be made in writing to D.O.T. STOP on the letterhead of the company.
D.O.T. STOP shall provide the Company a Policy and Procedures Manual For Drivers on the misuse of
alcohol and use of controlled substances. The policy provides the required content as stated in 49 CFR
382.601 and the Company's policies and procedures with respect to meeting these requirements. It is the
Company's responsibility to provide a copy of this policy along with educational infonnation to each driver
prior to the start of alcohol and controlled substances testing and to each driver subsequently hired or
transferred into a position that requires driving a commercial motor vehicle. A detailed step by step action
plan and a computer disk containing required documents are included in the manual.
The policy includes detailed discussion of the following:
1. The Company representative designated to answer questions about the policy.
2. The categories of drivers subject to the provisions of 49 CFR 382.601,
3. Infonnation for drivers regarding performing safety sensitive functions
4. Prohibited conduct.
5. Circumstances under which a driver will be tested for Alcohol and/or Controlled
6. Controlled substances and alcohol testing procedures.
7. Consequences to drivers engaging in,.Conduct prohibited by the Federal Highway
Administration's (FHWA) drug use and alcohol misuse rules.
8. Consequences for drivers found to have an alcohol concentration of .02 or greater but less than .04.
9. Confidentiality.
10. Authorization for the release of alcohol and controlled substances test infonnation by previous
11. Infonnation concerning the effects of alcohol and controlled substances; signs and
symptoms of an alcohol or controlled substance problem; intervention, confrontation and referral to
In addition, D.O.T. STOP will provide the Company with the following materials:
1. Certificate of Receipt
2. Authorization for the release of alcohol and controlled substance test information by previous
3. Drug and Alcohol Educational Materials.
4. Documentation of reasonable suspicion of alcohol or drug use while perfonning DOT safety sensitive
5. Documentation fonns for use when alcohol or drug tests are not administered within the time
6. A copy of Federal Highway Administration rule 49 CFR Part 382.
It is the responsibility of the Company to add or revise disciplinary actions based on company policy and
have the policy reviewed by legal counsel. Furthennore, it is the responsibility of the Company to maintain a
file of all "Certificates of Receipts. verifying that each driver has received a copy of the policy and related
educational materials.
D.O.T. STOP will provide Supervisor Training to the Company's supervisors who are designated to detennine
whether reasonable suspicion exists and require a driver to undergo testing under 382.607. In accordance
with 49 CFR 382.603, it is the responsibility of the Company that these supervisors receive at least 60
minutes of training on alcohol misuse and 60 minutes of training on controlled substances use. D.O.T.
STOP's Supervisor Training covers physical, behavioral, speech and perfonnance indicators of probable
alcohol misuse and use of controlled substances.
Drug and Alcohol testing procedures are discussed and demonstrated. Prohibitions, consequences, types of
testing required and recordkeeping are explained in detail. With each revision or amendment of 49 CFR Part
382, the class curriculum is updated to provide the most current guidance.
Supervisors will receive a training manual and certificate of participation. It is the responsibility of the
Company to maintain a file of the certificate(s) to document the training of each supervisor for as long as the
trained individual is designated to supervise drivers.
Regularly scheduled Supervisor of Drivers Drug and Alcohol Training classes are held at D.O.T, STOP. The
schedule is published in the monthly client newsletter "D.O.T. STOPf SHOP". It is recommended that the
company call to schedule supervisors for the class since class size is limited. If a company has a large
number of supervisors to be trained, on-site classes can be arranged.
D.O.T. STOP will administer a Random testing program for Controlled Substances and Alcohol at percentage
rates specified by the Federal Highway Administration for the current calendar year. The 1996 Random
Controlled Substances testing rate will be 50% and the 1996 Random Alcohol testing rate will be 25%.
All drivers will be included in the random Consortium testing pool for each testing cycle. The random testing
selection process used by D.O.T. STOP is a scientifically valid, computer-based random number generator.
Under this process, each driver has an equal chance of being tested each time a selection is made. At the
request of the Company, D.O.T. STOP will establish an individual testing pool if the number or drivers is
adequate to maintain. Company's with more than 40 drivers will be considered for separate pools.
D.O.T. STOP will manage the random testing program for the Company. The names, Social Security
numbers and location/department of current employees of the Company required to have a Commercial
Drivers License (CDL) must be submitted by mailing or faxing a current driver list to D.O.T. STOP on the first
working day of each month. D.O.T. STOP will update the Company's random pool as received.
D.O.T. STOP will coordinate with the Company's Drug Program Administrator the frequency of the random
selections if the Company has its own Company Pool. D.O.T. STOP will determine the dates for the
Consortium Pool testing cycles which will be spread throughout the calendar year. Each time a random
selection is make, D.O.T. STOP will send to the authorized Company representative a "Notification of
Random Selection" form via U.S. Mail. This form will include a list composed of the driver's name, SS #
and location or department if provided and will indicate if the driver had been selected for random drug and/or
alcohol testing.
Attached to the master D.O.T. STOP will attach an individual "Notice of DOT Required Random Drug IAlcohol
test" and collection site instructions for each driver selected. The designated company official must note the
time and date the driver was given notice to proceed immediately to the collection site, The driver must bring
this individual notice to the collection site.
Testing for alcohol must be done prior to, during or immediately after the performance of a safety sensitive
It is the responsibility of the Company to keep the list of selected drivers confidential. Once the driver has
been notified that he/she has been selected for testing, the driver must proceed immediately to the testing
location. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Company to notify D.O.T. STOP that the required testing
for each selected driver has been performed. The completed form may be faxed or mailed to D.O.T. STOP.
D.O.T. STOP will provide physical examinations of drivers for the company and will report the findings to the
company as specified in Exhibit A. Fed~ral Motor Safety Regulations 49 CFR Part 391.41 - 391.49, Subpart
E, "Physical Qualifications and Examinations. will be followed to determine whether the driver is medically
qualified under these regulations.
Unless otherwise specified and provided, the D.O.T. STOP medical examiner will use a current, standard
"DOT" Physical Examination Form and Medical Examiner's Certificate Card,
The medical certificate may be withheld pending follow up testing, treatment and written statement to the
medical examiner by the driver's own medical doctor if potentially disqualifying medical conditions exist.
The company represents that the means of obtaining results from the Provider will assure that the results and
other infonnation remain secure and confidential.
The company designates the following. procedure for reporting drug and alcohol results to the designated
representative indicated by the marked box below:
[ ] Telephone all results (both positive and negative) of drug and alcohol tests, then mail original via U.S.
Mail first class.
[ ] Telephone only positive results, then mail original via U.S. Mail first class. Mail original negative results
via U.S. Mail first class.
Report physical examinations as follows:
[ ] Mail original exam form and medical certificate to Company.
[ J Mail original exam form to Company; give medical certificate card to driver.
For REPORTING Purposes:
Company name: City of Winter SprinQs
Authorized company representatives:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
For BILLING Purposes:
Company Name: City of Winter Sprinas
Billing contact:
Billing Address:
City, State, Zip:
The Company agrees to pay D.O.T. STOP within 30 days of receipt of invoice for services rendered:
D.O.T. Physical Examination $35.00 N A
Breath Alcohol Testing (performed by DOT STOP) $25.00
(Includes screening and confirmation testing)
Controlled Substance Test (collected at D.O.T.STOP)
r:>1 ft." + 1> ~ +e.a {- -: ~ $'" ~ "
(c.., ll~+l~ 1"1 Slo>l\.(~)
(Includes collection, testing & MRO services)
DOT Drug & Alcohol Policy
$100.00 W/P Program:
'-100" ..$56:'00 per person
DOT Required Supervisor Training
Random Drug & Alcohol Testing Consortium
Annual Membership Fee $75.00
Additions and/or Deletions to Random Pool $1.00 per name
Random Pull Charge $1.00 per name
After Hours Fee (at D.O.T. STOP) $60.00
**Emergency services available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
,:.::~:,,::,.:~../~~ESIDE FAMILY MED. Fax:4073316769
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Jun 28 '96
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JUN 28 1996
June 28, 1996
ClfY Of WINTL~ SPR11id
-'. P'ER$ON~a
John Ketteringham, Director
General Services
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S .R. 434
Winter Springs, Fl. 32708
Dear Mr. Ketteringham:
TIlls is in response to your letter and our conversation at Wednesday's
1. \Ve would like to provide drug testing services
for all Winter Springs employees.
2. I will act as the MRO for these services.
We will be utilizing Corning Laboratories.
whose local address is 541 East Horatio Avenue,
Maitland, F10rida 32751. (The specimens will be
collected. in our office in Altamonte Springs.)
Our charge for the 5 panel (NIDA) test is
$40.00; for the 8 panel ("Chain of Custodyll) is
$45.00; for the 10 panel (l'Chain of Custody") is
Russell M. Graham, M.D.
393 Whooping Loop · Suite 1461 · Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
(407) 331.5511
=- ., ., '.( . ~ - ., .., . :: ~ ~ "'"
2:27 P.Ol
Russell M. Granam. M.D.
American Board
of Family ,Practice
Robert J. Rice. PA.C
Physician Assistant
Diane K. Constantine
~M "_
....I... ,\ol.(C;:""L.C10fJ'P
Josepn A. Cannizzaro, M.D.
Jeffery A. Gasser, CEO
Amer Helbaoui, M.D.
Gracie/a Martins2, M.D.
Alfonso Mirtlles, M.D.
Raul E. Tamayo, M.D.
Fernando Tapia, M.D.
Randy S. Tompkins, M.D.
Lewis Wasserman, M.D.
Telephone (407) 327-1800
June 25, 1996
Russell M Graham, tvLD.
393 Whooping Loop, Suite 1461
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
Dear Dr. Graham:'
The City of Wmter Springs is in the process of implementing a Drug Free Workplace
Policy. The City is considering an agreement with Corporate Services, a service of Florida
Hospital for drug testing to satisfy insurance credits for Worker's Compensation.
Since you are the City's physician., we would like for you to clarify some issues.
Florida Hospital has submitted a proposal to test all employees for:
. NlDA 5 Panel Urine Drug Screen for $40.00
NIDA 8 Panel Urine Drug Screen for $45.00
NIDA 10 Panel Urine Drug Screen for $50.00
Your updated med~cal rates for the City's fiscal year 1997 starting October 1, 1996
submitts to the testing fee of $51.00 for the above.
Would you consider the following:
Perform the NfRO function for the City of \Vinter Springs?
Testing is estimated to include:
1) Annual tests of all Police Officers and Firefighters
2) All new hires (estimated at 45 per year)
3) Additionally we are required to perform random drug testing of25% of CDL
operators per year (currently 31 CDL operators/25% = 8 per year)
4) All reasonable suspicion drug tests (estimate unkno~n)
If you are considering increasing your workload to accept the i\1RO designation for the
City, we need to know the following information:
1) wnat laboratory you plan to use?
2) . Would you modify your rate to match the proposal submitted by Florida
Hospital? . .
3) Will your test conform to the NIDA 5 panel, 8 pane~lO panelrequirernents?
(Only the 5 panel is required to receive Worker's Compensation credits)
4) Your cost for perfomring the following tests and laboratory costs:
NIDA 5 Panel Urine Drug Screen Test
NIDA 8 Panel Urine Drug Screen Test
NID A 10 Panel Urine Drug Screen Test
JUN 2 5 1996
City of \NinCar Sprinoe
Page 2 of2
Dr. Russell Graham
If your workload does not permit you to be the lvIRO for the City and perform all drug
tests, you can still perform the drug tests for Police Officers and Firefighters as your
contract specifies.
In order to sa.:fisy the Boridi Lea.",crue 9f Cities, Inc. requirem'ents for drug testIDg and have
the City receive the Workers Compensation cr~dit, the City needs to know which
laboratory you use and the cost of the tests for 'N'IDA 5, 8 and 10 panel urine drug screen.
We would very much appreciate the answers to these questions as we are under a strict
time frame to implement the drug testing program by Octo ber 1, 1996 in order to receive
Worker's Compensation credit from F10rida League of Cities, Inc.
Yours truly,
q; Kett
. ~h\A~ -11M
gham {Jt
ices Director