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REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department requests that the Mayor and each
City Commissioner nominate two (2) citizens for the appointment to the
Winter Springs Conceptual Trails & Bikeways Master Plan Task Force at
the September 9,1996 Commission meeting.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this request is to serve as a reminder and generate the nominations
and appointment approval for the formulation of the twelve (12) person task force
which will serve to develop a proposed Conceptual Master Plan for future review
and subsequent approval by the Commission.
On August 12, 1996 the City Commi~sion approved the Parks and
Recreation Department's recommendation for the City Commission to
appoint a twelve (12) person citizen task force to work with and assist the
Parks and Recreation Director and the Community Development
Coordinator in the development of a Conceptual Trails and Bikeway
Master Plan which would be presented to the Commission for future
response and approval. (See attachment #1)
At the August 12, 1996 Commission meeting the question was raised by a
Commissioner "can my nomination/appointee to the task force also be
presently serving on another City of Winter Springs board?"
Page 2
Commission Agenda Item-Task Force
September 9, 1996
Upon conferring with the City Attorney, it was his recommendation that
the nominations/appointees not be citizens that were presently serving on
any City of Winter Springs board.
The Parks and Recreation Director recommends that the Mayor and each
Commissioner nominate, on September 9, 1996, two (2) citizens that are
interested and wish to serve on the Winter Springs Conceptual Trails and
Bikeways Master Plan Task Force for appointment and approval by the
Commission on same date.
Upon appointment and approval of the full twelve (12) person citizen task
force the Parks and Recreation Director and the Community Development
Coordinator will schedule the initial task force meeting.
Attachment #1 *-
August 12, 1996 Commission Minutes/Regular-
Item A, (pages 4,5,6)
Re~!Ular 'Meeting City Commission
August 12. 1996
95-96-23 Page 4
Attorney K.ruppenbacher said if the Commission approves the Consent Agenda, he asked that the
motion says that it is adopting the following: The distribution easement will be an agreement for the
distribution of electric energy and service, there is no authority being granted by this City to place any
communication'services or facilities on the easement property without the prior consent of the City.
ACTION: lVlotion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the Consent Agenda
including the Attorney's statement (above). Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Femng: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Land Management Division
A Updating the Commission on the construction progress of the Public Safety Complex. PURPOSE:
to update the Commission on the status of the Public Safety Complex as of July 22. 1996:
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to acccpt Item A on thc Informational Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioncr McLcod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion
Parks and Recreation Department '. ..
A. Requests that the City Commission review infoImation regarding. the "Seminole County
Greenways Trails & Bikeways- Conceptual Master Plan" and the proposed recommendation for
addressing the development of a "Trails and'Bikeways Conceptual Master Plan" for the City of
Winter Springs. PURPOSE: to update the Commission on the "Seminole County Greenways Trails
& Bikeways- Conceptual Master Plan" for the City of Winter Springs:
Don Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director and Ben Griffith, Seminole county Planner gave a
presentation. .
Mr. Wilson stated in October 1995 the CommissiofL'appointed him to the Cross Seminole Trails Task
Force and said the Task Force is made up of24 people and started meeting in November 1995 and
have met every month since that time. Mr. Wilson said he feels the Task Force has come up with a
very good product, a positive product of Seminole County. J\tlr. Wilson stated that the Task Force
will continue to meet for at least the next 6 to 8 months regarding the overall conceptual master plan.
J\tlr. Wilson also stated that the Chairman of the Task Force, Mr. Grey Wilson is present along with
about 1/3 of the Task Force are also present.
l\tlr. Wilson said they are present tonight for two reasons, 1) to give the Commission a brief overview
of the Seminole County Rails to Trails Master Plan; 2) to get the Commission's direction regrading
the Parks and Recreation Department's recommendation regarding getting the City's plan developed
so that they can "marry" into Seminole County's plan.
Mr. Ben Griffith, Seminole County Planner, gave the Commission an over view. of the Master Plan.
Mr. Griffith said there are three major components ofa Trail and Greenway System: 1) recreation -
Re2ular Meetill2 City Commission
AU2ust 12. 1996
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the recreational aspect covers a lot of different uses: bicycles, equestrian, walkers, joggers,
rolerbladers and whatever the next recreational use that comes along; 2) environmental interests -
conservation and preservation; habitat protection; 3) alternative transportation - by providing
alternative transportation opportunities we can link up with different types of transportations; whether
it is the bus system or possibly in the near future a commuter rail type system; so there is opportunity
to link up and actually have a true multi-modal transportation form. Mr. Griffith said the biggest
question that comes up with Trails and Greenways is "how much do they cost"; actually the cost is
very minimal when compared to the benefits that are seen from these types of projects.
Mayor Bush asked Mr. Griffith to give a brief description of an "activity center" and why isn't there
any shown in Winter Springs.
Mr. Griffith stated that an activity center is generally defined as "any designation where people tend
to gather whether that is a shopping mall, business center, office complex, major school. Mayor Bush
asked if the City's Town Center that this Commission is looking at now with the S,R. 434 visioning
project be an ideal location for such an activity center. Mr. Griffith said yes it would and that is part
of what he wanted to ask tonight was that as part of the visioning that the City is doing for S.R. 434
is to include a provision for the Trails and Greenways System because a good portion of the Cross
Seminole Trail parallels S.R. 434 and runs by Central Winds Park and the new High School.
Commissioner Ferring asked ifMr, Griffith could give the Commission an ''Overview' as to what he
feels the total amount that he is talking about and how the funding is going to take place.
Mr. Griffith said the County wide plan consists of three major show case trails that the County is
currently working on: the SeminolelWekiva Trail in the western portion of the County - that property
is owned jointly by the State and Department of Transportation and,the County sought funding in
1993 for the development of that through IceT enhancement funds at the.iv1PO and we are just now
beginning (this fiscal year) to see some of that now.
Commissioner Ferring asked what the firiancial impact'would be on the Cities that are involved in this
whole project. Mr. Griffith said the Cross Seminole Trail that runs through the City of Winter
Springs; the State of Florida Offices of Greenways and Trails is currently negotiating with the
Railroad to purchase that and once the purchase is complete, we will be able to seek funding through
IceT enhancement funds (there are several methods/routes to go with that) currently the MPO is not
taking any applications because there has been so many that they are behind; but there are other
funding sources available and we will be seeking those out. Commissioner Ferring said then the City
itself will not have to fund through tax dollars this particular trial. Mr. Griffith said they would not
have to but they would appreciate it; the development (the actual construction and design) of these
trails is most likely going to come from IceT enhancement monies and those are federal dollars; there
are some other funding sources available. Mr. Griffith said where the long term commitment would
come would be in operations and maintenance and we have come up with several figures County wide
as far as how much it costs per mile to maintain a trail.W e have also come up with figures that we
can have volunteers; such as adopt-a-road, because most of the trials are low maintenance. Mr.
Griffith said most of the trails are very low maintenance, if they are designed and built with low
maintenance in mind, they are zero-scaped where you don't have to have irrigation and costly
Re2:ular Meetin2: City Commission
AU2:ust .12, 1996
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landscaping added, your costs go down significantly and if the Cities keep that in mind, by working
with the Parks & Recreations people that will be maintaining these for long term; which is what we
are doing with the County - the Parks & Recreation Department will be taking over once they are
paved because it's a linear park and would be the only costs incurred. This is why we have tried to
develop partnerships with user groups, individuals, corporate sponsors; civic organizations and with
different other agencies; there is also grants for that and also there are different State agencies in
Florida. Right now everything is just beginning: the master planning process and we haven't actively
sought any of those partnerships yet. Mr. Griffith said as part of the adoption of this County wide
plan, the County Commissioners through the Community Development has what they call a
Neighborhoods in Action Grant Program; what that is with the Community Development Office is
the county will match 50/50 a grant to do whatever type of connections within the primary trail
For instance, whether a neighborhood would like to connect with a major trail or just develop a trail
system within their own neighborhood to a school or a park. The match coming from the
neighborhood can either be cash, in-kind, materials or other types of services. The 50/50 Grant
would allow for the people that live in an area to have more of an ownership in it; and it has been very
successful with the Community Development Office and we think it will be with the trails and
greenways program.
Commissioner Langellotti asked if Mr. Griffith had a comparison to the locality around here. Mr.
Griffith said a good example close by is the West Orange Trail which begins at the County line at
Lake County and runs to Winter Garden; and that trail generates about 30,000 + visitors a month that
actually goes out and uses that trail. That trail is in a very rural area, you have to drive or ride the
bus out there to that trail. Mr. Griffith said there has been remodeling going on, one of the hotels is
being remodeled to open up as it was in the heyday of the citrus days; there is also restaurants that
have come on board; different small shops, shopping etc. in the City of Winter Garden in anticipation
of the trail going through their City.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the Seminole County Greenways Trails
& Bib:.eways Conceptual Master' Plan :,ludthe Parl<s and Recreation Directo."s
recommendation to have the Mayor and Commission appoint residents to a design committee.
Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. It was determined that this item will be on the
September 9, 1996 meeting for the appointments to the design committee. Vote: Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti:
aye. Motion passes. Mayor Bush said each Commissioner will appoint two residents from their
district and the Mayor will appoint two residents at large.
Mayor Bush asked Mr. Wilson to give the Commission some detail on what the appointee's
responsibility would be to help them in their selection process. Mr, Wilson said if this committee
were to meet twice per month he thinks the committee could bring a product back to the Commission
in March or April. NIr. Wilson said the responsibilities of the individuals, the best tiling to think about
in an appointee would be that the individual that is familiar with the community they live ,within,
streets and roads etc., the pluses and minuses of the streets and roads so we can bring up the issues
we will have to deal with so we can address those one by one by each district. Manager McLemore
s,tated this will be an agenda item for the September 9, 1996 meeting.