HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 08 12 Regular Item A
MGR. fhl/1nEPT0J
REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department requests that the City Commission
review information regarding the "Seminole County Greenways Trails &
Bikeways-Conceptual Master Plan" and the proposed recommendation for
addressing the development of a "Trails and Bikeways Conceptual Master
Plan" for the City of Winter Springs.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to update the City Commission 'on the "Seminole
County Greenways Trails & Bikeways-Conceptual Master Plan" and select a
method for developing a "Trails and Bikeways-Conceptual Master Plan" for the
City of Winter Springs.
The Parks and Recreation Director was requested to serve as the City's
representative on the Countywide Greenways, Trails and Bikeways Task
Force in October, 1995. The Task Force consists of twenty-four members
in addition to the consultant and staff support from Seminole County. The
Task Force has scheduled and held nine working meetings for the
conceptual plan development.
A brief presentation will be made by the Countywide Trails, Greenways
and Bikeways Task Force to the City of Winter Springs Commission on
August 12, 1996. The presentation will update the Commission on the
Seminole County Greenways, Trails & Bikeways Conceptual Master Plan
which has been developed by the Countywide Greenways, Trails &
Bikeways Task Force and was adopted by the Seminole County
Commission on June 11, 1996.
Page 2
Trails-Agenda Item
August 12, 1996
See attached: Seminole County-Master Plan (draft)-Attachment #1
Seminole County Greenways, Trails & Bikeways/Program
Vision Summary-Attachment #2
Seminole County Government Work Session-Agenda
Item-Attachment #3
In September, 1995 the Community Development Coordinator and Parks
and Recreation Director stated that they envisioned a dual trail and route
system which would facilitate the City in the most safe and efficient
manner. The proposed process at this time was to review the Seminole
County Greenways, Trails & Bikeways Conceptual Master Plan upon
completion and then develop the Winter Springs Master Plan so that the
two plans would compliment each other. The two systems are speculated
to develop and function as follows:
A. A prime or major trail would serve those users wishing to cross
through the City in route to Ovideo, Casselberry and Longwood.
The Cross Seminole Trail, Florida National Scenic Trail and the
Longwood Connector/E.E. Williamson Road will facilitate these
needs. It is speculated that these trail systems will be funded in the
future through the County or other resources.
B. A secondary or community oriented trail system could be
developed and phased which would serve the local residents. This
system would provide linkages between schools, communities,
parks and any other community serving activity centers and also
connect where appropriate to the prime/major trails.
A community trails system should be one which the residents and total
community can and will support due to it being convenient and an
attractive service alternative for a myriad of uses by the citizenry.
Page 3
Trails-Agenda Item
August 12, 1996
Other City's past experiences have demonstrated that when the citizenry is
not involved in the conceptual design, traiVroute designations and the
general overall plan development-major issues of resistance arise and
retard the process. This results with only quasi-successes experienced with
fund raisers, community workshops, etc.
We recently received a letter from Representative Tom Feeney, District
33, Florida House of Representatives supporting the concept of Greenways
and Trails. See Attachment #4.
No funding has been requested or authorized for the development of a
Conceptual Trails & Bikeways Master Plan.
The five year Capital Improvement Program revised in February, 1996
designates funding requirements in the amount of $75,000.00 for each of
the four FY years of'97- '98,'98- '99, '99-2000 and 2000-2001. Possible
funding sources which may serve to fund the partial development of the
trails within the City are:
-Seminole County "Neighborhoods In Action" matching
Grants program
-Florida Greenways Commission-Small Grants Program
-ISTEA Funds
-Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program
-Land and Water Conservation Fund
No funding is presently required for the development of a conceptual
"Trails & Bikeways Master Plan" for the City of Winter Springs if the
Parks and Recreation Department and Community Development
Coordinator orchestrate a community based design committee to meet and
research the community needs, outline and address issues and then develop
the conceptual plan for Commission review and approval.
Page 4
Trails-Agenda Item
August 12, 1996
* The Parks and Recreation Director recommends that the Commission
nominate and approve the following:
(A) The appointment of a volunteer twelve (12) person community
based design committee to work with and assist the Parks and
Recreation Director and the Community Development Coordinator
in the development of a Conceptual Trails & Bikeways Master
Plan which can be presented to the Commission for future approval
or response.
(B) The recommended "design committee" make-up is:
- Two (2) citizens from each respective Commission District,
nominated by the District Commissioner. Ten (10) total.
- Two (2) citizens nominated at large by the Mayor.
-Community Development Coordinator.
-Parks and Recreation Director.
Upon acceptance and approval of the recommendation it is speculated that
approval of the Design Committee nominees could be made at the August
26,1996 and/or September 9,1996 Commission meetings if the
Commission deems it appropriate.
The projects research, identification of needs and issues and subsequent
design development is estimated to carry the process through a minimum
of six (6) months of activity. When consideration is given to the Holiday
period of November and December it is gauged that plan development
could possibly conclude by late March, 1997.
Page 5
Trails-Agenda Item
August 12, 1996
Attachment #1 *-
Attachment #2*-
Attachment #3*-
Attachment #4'-
Seminole County-Conceptual Master Plan (draft)
Seminole County Greenways, Trails &
Bikeways/Program Vision Summary
Seminole County Government Work session!
Agenda Item
Letter/Representative Tom Feeney, District 33
* All information may be updated at the August 12, 1996 presentation.
Showcase Projects
. ...key components to the tra.,ils and greenway syst~m
Seminole Wekiva Trail
14 mile multi-use trail
· Approved for ISTEA
;~. ~,. p',
Old SR 13 / The Florida Trail
One of eight National
Scenic Trails crossing the
United States
Bisects the Econ State
Forest - future link to Boy
Scout property site
Available for expansion
north through Geneva to
St. Johns River
. . ," '-.: ;" "'. '( . "j '?' .,' ~; ~ ,;~'.
Cross Seminole Trail
South shore of Lake Jesup designated State Greenway
14 mile CSX rail corridor funded for State purchase
Potential for multi-uses, goes through Oviedo.and Winter Springs
Coordination with FDOT and cities is desirable
Feasible to open portions as unpaved trail immediately,
development funding not yet programmed; estimated up to
, ':..-'.;-' ~"- .' '-":' ........ '
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. ::E~timated Costs
.....~.:i<-; '''f'1',-'' ~.t> _'"
, . , ",
. '. Exact costs ca~1not be detennined until each corridor/segment is evaluated further for right:-Qf-way
'. capacity, proposed cross sectio~ design, etc; The ~ollowing:t.able',~hows th~approximate costs of.,.' . .'
implementing the' system illustrated in the Conceptual Mastel: Plan, excluding any additional .
right-of- way costs. .
/---- '.'
$260,00W $52,8003 Determined '.:':
includes includes on a parcel by
survey design clearing, grading parcel basis
., (.
pcrmittillo & (if necessary)
_.'-'~---'- --- - ,. - - ~
l $10,000 to $200 to $400 $200.$400
$15,000 per mile per mile
per mile
Unit Costs
Per Mile.
$15,000 (striping) I
to $325,000
(lane reconstruction)
& Maintenance
Covered by
Street Cleaning
.' I Source: City of Orlando Bicycle Plan (1994) (Note: PotentiliI ~osts yary widely according 10 the type of retrofiitiog to ..
. . .' . be done. i.e. signage only: restriping or reconstruction .of the roadway. Each roadway corridor must be individually'
: .-.. evaluated 10 delcrmine a ~o're' exact cost estimate.) , , ." .
2 Source: Orange County ParkS and Recreation Department '.' " .
3 Source: Rink, Chuck. Grecnways, (1990)
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Conceptual Master Plan
Seminole County recognizes that green ways, trails and
bikeways are an integral part of enhancing a vibrant community
and diverse local economy. Trails and greenways are important
recreational facilities, linking the County's Natural Lands
parcels, parks, schools and neighborhoods. The County also
. recognizes that integrated pedestrian and bikeway systems are
important elements of a viable transportation system. This plan
creates a conceptual framework for the phased implementation
of a system of greenways, trails and bikeways to meet both the
recreation needs and alternative transportation needs of
Seminole County residents.
Why Greenways, Trails and Bikeways?
· Community enhancement and revitalization
· Better access to County parks and facilities
Community asset to attracting quality development
· Trail dollars boost local economy 'and tourism
· Increased property values
Enhanced recreational opportunities
Community Needs and Desires'
1:' '_'..
1. Growing grassroots citizen's groups will support
.development of all types of trail facilities through volu!1teer
partnerships. . .
2.' Resident surVeys, public workshop and task force workshop" .
indicate a desire for all facilities types.
3. 78% of Seminole County residents surveyed would use
local parks more often if sidewalks, bike paths or trails were
4. Community polling indicates strong desire. tolinklocal
neigl:1borhoods with public facilities. .
5.' '.A trail network which crosses the entire cOliniy and
connects with regional trails is a high priority.
6. Central Florida ranks as one of nations worst for bicycle
7.. Seminole County bicycle and equestrian facilities do not
meet median recommended state standards.
.. ,:":;";". .' '. ." .. Semin()le:CouIityiGteenways,:1f1r$lnn~:.~: Bikeways .MasterPl~n
';,' :,..,,: :': :'. . ',;. "~{i,~~ '.' . .... .. -:. .'; ~. . . '.>'. DESCRIPTiONS . .' .' . '. . "-" .:.:
..'....:.::..:;...:..1/;..:...:r ;}::". ..~~ ': Of~I'" '. J--";'--' . Paved Trails
, .':: ~ .', .;.) ~\. :',,' :';.:.' '.#l.i}~:'~ .;i':=:;~-oi=;;re_i' . ~~]::~~~.=". M,Jt;p",,,.~..,,,,,",,,
'.: I." ...' : ~.. .. .:.::: ,'. \'1 j7.!\I:' ....... '. f:: .'.f ". ;:' . '. ..~ f7~ ; thai are managed for conservation for hiking, horseback riding and irails for walking, bicycling and - '..'
.. ;. ..;'#" '. . .'.' . . I. _ :y 11 . .' . ., . \':. . . and/or recreatioh.:, ma. . 'y' also have a . off-ro'ad.bicycling' sRaling, and may include an . '"''
. '''"~.' ~.: ::'. ".~, tii~'J (~e...~......" :.' ~:'. . . i:.' . recreationaltritilSystem. ' 'adj?centunpavedtrail . ....~:.:
. ,.'. .' .'. '. 'i'~ --'~....-~~ . . ~ ~ I......:....:. '. . . ',. .' . , .' +" . < . .
, .;~<...,,:,~.,,;.~..~ ~r '~~.... '\ LAKE MONROE '~.,'~ . ,'. ',' ".: ...... :pof~dtiaiT~iitiead ~ I ~'. Bike~a)'s .' SYMBOLS KEY ..,~.::.,:"
'. . . .'.. "I / -lfAiilii\7'- > Rn"Ii~;= ~ ---' I '. .' .' '. -".' '. . 't' . .. . . '.' ..' . ..., .
'.,' ". : 'NJ:Fy I' '__ rlW ....~.-- /..... ':t.,.. '.' . ':"':.-T'~ Areas along trail corridors which . To bejdentifiedby policy, .. " ShoweaseTrails ........
.... . ~. /,....~;,,, 'l~.l~-i 1 1\::-::: --------------~,.. .' . - ..:.:, . .~ providefacilitiesf9i'trailusers - ~ I /:,.~~ .n6tsh~wp. o.nmap. . . C Seminole-We.ki. 'va.lrail;multi.use.
fI/ J/ 1(, \Co, ~-tI \ I ~. ,~' , l}\ . . ,\ " ":'~ . such as rest rooms, parking, picnic .".~I If ~ \~,: - '.. .
,: . "': . It'lI-..q1? ,I ":::}r--\~~i~. m' ~:::~...4iiiitYfJ L\....,.:/i ..~: .<; :". - ->,k.. areas,COI]cessionsandre~..J ~..../O::. . ': .'.... '. -. C Cr~ssSE,ni~8Ie\riail,pilVed
. ..' :.. . ~"7 > I~'--;'- ~ I ~ r 1-, ~. I.' ~ ',,-,- ._~\.' '. ..... F -~\~ . . .. Old:Siate Ro.ad 13 Traii.. unpaved .
,. '0:) (( ~II 0 :r ldl~ I I I .' / -1LIJ~ _n.~, ~V""'~~.'. , . ~\ , '~~~ -, . .
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Greenways, Trails and Bikeways Conceptual Master Plan
Implementation Budget Estimates and Time Frame Summary
Current FY (1995/96)
Showcase New County Program and Major Projects
Trail Partnership Initiative! Grant Applications
Cross Seminole and Seminole Wekiva Master Plans
Seminole Wekiva Phase I design
Trailhead Site Acquisitions: Hiley's Fish Camp, (S,shore Lake Jesup), and Lansing site, (St JohnsRiverl SR 13)
$200,000 (FDOT funds)
Funding Strategy/Source
Existing Planning budget and lor Natural Lands funds.
In house staff will support
Existing Planning budget - projects underway
O&M impacts associated with Seminole Wekiva Trail begin in FY (97/98) including additional staff.
Natural Lands (St. Johns Joint Funding)
O&M needs for Hiley's and Lansing sites will be addressed in acquisition package presented to
Board for approval.
....~~, -~.r:~'-::'~lny.~~nrr~,
';';: :New Dollars :Requii"ea ~-~'rf.,:;,;:.-;-"-'
- :". ...'...." . ':':'~"""},!;.:- ~~'.; ~.;.. ....:.c~.s';'!'~~~?~1;.r:""';....
Next FY (1996/97)
Funding Strategy/Source
40k in proposed Planning budget
60k Natural Lands (funding assoc. with access to natural areas only)
Community-based neiehborhood linkage proeram
Trails Task Force continues corridor evaluation, community information and pursuing trail partnerships.
Cross Seminole Trail:
Master Plan continues;
grand opening of trail; (as interim unpaved)
: :~~i;:~~.4Qi<~l;;~~Rt~if.r~fj~~~~;J~~:;
Cost associated with opening trail on interim basis to be determined in Master Plan and
funding strategy developed
Within 5 Year CIE (1997/98 - 2000/01)
97/98 .
98/99 99/01
(1000'5) (1,000'5)
Funding Strategy/ Source
''Neighborhoods In Action" matching grants
Part of Planning Dept.'s Community Planning Efforts
Proposal will build program over multiple years. A second funding option could be
developed to accelerate the program if desired.
Funding options include either:
millage: staggered increase with or without referendum.
Current revenue = - 1 mill = - $11.1 Miyr
-.1 mill = -$ 1.1 Miyr
- .05mill = -$ 54D,OOO/yr: will cover long term O&M
1 cent sales tax: referendum before 2001 to re-Ievy tax.
Current revenue @ 95% = - $30.7 Miyr for I cent, and
- $12.4 Miyr for 112 cent
Covers Capital only: one year levy could cover all capital needs for major progrom.
bond referendum only recommended for combined greenway, (natural lands extension) and trail; .
program greater than $10 million. .
partnership agreements: to maintain unpaved trail system as part of Natural Lands Program
Cross Seminole Trail: total funding: - $4.2M '.
Design IConstruction for multi-use trail
Seminole Wekiva Trail: total funding: - $4.5M
Phase I Construction
Remaining Phases (timing contingent upon MFa resolution of funding issue: - $4 million additional)
" ,. FL TraiVSR 13 Extension/Jesup Greenway and unpaved SR 13 loop .
(1S'ffiA funding)
Includes staff and cost of maintenance primarily for paved trail system.
(Reaches 324K at paved trail completion.)
$ 50K $150 to
. Beyond 5 Year CIE (2001102+)
''Neighborhoods in Action" matching grants.
Operation and Maintenance of Primary Trail System
Expansion of Primary Trail System and County maintenance to be evaluated periodically
$IOOk to 250K annually
$324,000 a!lIlually
Funding Strategy/Source
Assumes County will maintain Primary Trail System only.
Within 5 Year (CIE 1997/98 - 00/01)
The Task Force strongly recommends the BCC integrate bike lanes (signed and striped) into the County road program. Two actions were
1. Policy Adoption: The County shall include the development of bike lanes (signed and striped), into all future new roads. road
widenin~ and resurfacine projects unless it can be demonstrated to not be financially feasible ~r a critical safe(y issue.
2. The Public Wodes Office/Engineering Division proposed to the Task Force three County roadways where safety shoulders 4 feet in
width could be constructed as an alternative to bike lanes for experienced bicylists.
CR 426: Division Street to Genova Dr. ......................... 3.0 miles
Chuluota By-Pass: CR 419 to Snow Hill Rd................... 1.7 miles
Rinehart Rd: CR 46A to SR 426......................................2.3 miles
Funding Strategy/Source
The Taskforce recommends that full bike lanes be constructed on the roads identified above with the addition of the
new Grantline Rd (rom SR 46 to CR 46A.
The estimated construction cost of safety shoulders along both sides of the three roads identified can be incorporated within
the existing programmed projects cost without having negative impacts to the overall road construction program.
The cost of developing bike lanes would have to be evaluated to determine the need for additional ROW, intersection
re-design etc. to meet design standards required for bike lanes. The Task Forte identified an alternative design criteria
adopted by the FDOT which permits reduction of vehicle lane width from 12 to I I feet to accomodate for bikes.
- . - /-
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..-_ . ~. 19961971ltrajorAcii"itiet "
. ." - . :
Bee adopts Greenwavs. Trails & Bikewavs Conceptual Master Plan as long range program vision
Promotional Events to Showcase Major Trail Projects
Naming of FlfSt Trail: Old SR 13 Corridor
Seminole Wekiva Trail: Phase I Design
Acquisition of CSX Cross Seminole Trail Corridor
Seminole Wekiva Trail Master Plan
Cross Seminole Trail Master Plan
Purchase two trailhead sites: Hiley's Fish Camp and Lansing site
Taskforce to assist in Community - based linkages program and developing trail Partnerships
Apply for StatelFederal Trail Funding Grants
Evaluate Referendum as long term funding option
- .
:; !
.' 1997/98 - 2()OfJ/Ol J.Jtlajor ~cti,,'ities
i I
. FY 1997/98 BeC funds "Neighborhoods in Action" matching trail grants program
FY 1997/98 Capital funding begins for Major Trail System design/construction, .
(includes Cross Seminole, Seminole Wekiva and SR 13fF1oridi National Scenic Trail Extension)
FY 1998/99 Additional Operation and Maintenance funding begins to manage Seminole Wekiva Trail
. .
- .-.... ~- ....
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.. .' '.
..." . .
; I
, '..~. ",
Agcnda Datc Rcqucstcd:
Staff seeks direction from the BCC in regards to the Countywide Trails and Grecnways Master
The BCC established a Countywide Trails and Greenways Task force in October of 1995 to assist staff in
the development of a plan for trails, greenways and bikeways which would link neighborhoods, with
schools, parks, natural areas and activity centers throughout the County. Several months of meetings,
workshops, and planning eharrelles, have resulLed in the attached Conceptual Plan which is being
recommended by Countywide Trails and Grcenways Task Force and staff as basis for a long term Trails
Program for Seminole County.
BCC action is rcqucstcd on thc following:
I. Adoption of the Greenways, Trails and I3ikeways Conceptual Mnster PInn as the vision for
implementation and funding of a long range Countywide Program.
2. I30ard direction on Taskforce recommendations for integrating bike Innes (signed and striped) into the
County road program.
a) Constructing bike lanes on the following roads:
o CR 426: Division St. to Genova Dr.
o Chuluota By-Pass
o Rinehart Road: CR 46A to SR 4\6
o Grantline Road
The Engineering staff identified CR 426, Chuluota By-Pass and Hinehart Rd as three facilities
where lour fl)ot safety shoulders could be integrated into existing road projects with current funds.
The cost associated with construction of bike lanes would have to be further evaluated by staff in
order to delcrminc additional ROW needs and intcrseetion rc-eonslruetion to meet design standards
for bike lane facilities. Thc Taskforce also identilied for staff evalualion the alLernative design
criteria adopted by the FDOT which is being lIsed 10 incorporate bikc lanes inlo exisling roadways
where additional ROW is not available.
Policy Adoption: The County shall include the development of bike lanes, (signed and striped), into all future
new roads, road widenings and rcsurfacing projects unless it cun be demonstrated to not be linaneially feasible or a
crilical safety issue.
Hevicwcd b)': Uscr Dcpt: Coml!. I'lmlllin~ Cosls: Commission Action:
Co,All)'. Nt^ Cnrrenll'Y
OMIl NtA Advertised: NtA Approved
Finance Nt^ Dales: Nt^ Approved Wilh
Cenlral SV~ Tolnl Conditions
Risk Mgml i\ Newspapers: Denied
DCM__ . NtA Funding Source: Coni inned 10
Olher Cupilal Imp.
Opemlin~ Attachmcnts:
Nol Required: X Olher Seminole COllllly's CirccllwiI)'S
snhmilledb)':~ Tmils. .1Ild Bikewa)'s Master Plan
'~. - _ A ITeetcd Parties:
- . . . NOlilied: Appropriation Code:
Counl)' tvlnnager Nt^
Nnt Required X
PI \cp\msc\connEs\AGEllDAS\BG611AGD .DOC
Type 1. Example of a smooth paved safety shoulder for bicycle use.
Type 2. Example of on-road bicycle lane. Note pavement markings and signage.
Type 3. Example of off-road bicycle path.
Grcenways, Trails JC Bikcways Implcmcnlotion
Junc 11: BCC approves Countywidc Grcenways, Trails and
Bikcways Program and Mastcr Plan
Fall 1996 - Showcase Ncw County Program and Major Trail
=> BCC names Ceunty's first efficiallrail and epens lrail
head. Planning Ie epen SR 13/11erida Trail and Boysceut
site as partnership prejecl with Ferestry, 11 Trail Assoc,
Boy Sceuls and Trails Taskferce.
=> CSX Acquisitien media event, (when purchased);
=> Seminole Wekiva Trail (Phase I; 5R 436-5R434 design
Trail Partncrship Initiativc: Taskferce Ie iniliate trail
partnerships with user and cemmunily groups to. assist in leng
lerm program implemenlation.
Cross Seminolc'TrOll and Seminolc Wckiva mastcr plans begin
Program funding: pursue all sources for develepmenl ef Cress
Seminole Trail.
Trailhead Sitc Acquisitions: pursue acquisition sites approved by
the Natural Lands Commillee fer Trailheads; Highley's Fish
Camp, (south shere Lake Jesup), and Lansing site, (5t Johns River
en SR 13)
-$200,000 (FOOT funds)
BCC Funding Sourcc JC
Funding already in place and ler associated with Nalural Lands
Program. Slewardship and agreement wilh l10rda Trail Assoc.
and Division of Ferestry Ihrough Natural Lands Program
(O&M impacts associated with Seminole Wekiva Trail begin in
IT 98/99).
In heuse staff will support
Natural Lands and current Planning budget
In house staff wi II support
Nalural Lands Acquisitiens (51. Johns joint funding)
Operation and Mainlenance needs fer Highlev's Fish Camo and
~ sites will be addressed as part of acquisition package
presented to. Board fer approval.
...Program implementation details...
o BCC commitment tofund the design, construction and management of the "Showcase Trails"
. Seminole Wekiva Trail - 14 mile paved mulli-use trail
. Cross Seminole Trail - 14 mile paved multi-use trail
. Florida National Scenic Trail Extension (SR 13 loop) - unpaved wilderness trail - 7 mile extension
(Includes - 31 additional miles of unpaved wilderness trails to connect public lands in east and around Lake Jesup)
Long Term Funding Commitment:
Development and Construction:
Annual Operation and Maintenance:
$ 324,000 upon full completion of paved facilities
. BCC adopts Community based neighborhood linkages program and annual "Neighborhood in action" Matching grant.
Long Term Funding Commitment:
Neighborhood Meetings/Grant Coord.:
Annual Grant funding:
$ Developed within Planning Office base budget work program
$ 100,000 to $250,000
Bee Funding Source &
Greenways, Trails & Bikeways Implementation
BeC initiales Communilv-based neighborhood linkage $100,000 :.':: .
=00 rive pilot projects
=00 Determine local resident needs and oplions to link
neighborhoods wilh schools, parks, activity areas, elc
=00 "Neighborhoods In Action" grants
Trails Taskforce continues corridor evalualion, communily
information and support and partnership oplions
ero: St:n;:;;~::r ~:~'continues; ;"",:::! .
=00 grand opening of lrail; (as interim unpaved)
=00 work with Winler Springs/Oviedo jointly
Adopt Countywide Trail Masler Plan inlo Seminole County
, , Comprehensive Plan. ,: .
40k in proposed Planning budget
60k Natural Lands funding
Remaining funding already in place and lor associated with
Natural Lands Program.
cosl associated with opening trail on interim basis to be
detennined in Master Plan.
Funding strategy to included Oviedo and Winler Springs
Grcenways, Trails & Bikeways Implementa/ion
Bee funds first "Neighborhoods In Action" matching grants
Cross SemillOle Trail
=0> Design IConstruction for multi-use trail; (by phases)
Seminole Weklva Trail
=0> Phase ( Construction
=0> Remaining Phases (timing contingent upon resolution of
funding in TIP by MPO)
SR 13 ExtensionlJesup Greenway and Unpaved loop in East
Seminole County
Operation and Maintenance: annual
Inlcudes stafTand cost of maintenance primarily for
paved trail system,
FY 97/98
FY 98/99
$ 800,000
$ 50,000
FY 99-01
$150,000 -
Bee Funding Source &
Implemented as part of Planning Depl. Community Planning
BCC adopt long tenn funding strategy for options include either:
millage increase w/with out referendum, Current revenue =
-I mill =-$10.8 m/yr
-.1 mill = -$ 1.08 m/yr
- .05mill = -$ 540,000/yr: will cover long tenn O&M
Icent sales tax: referendum between now and 200l'to re-Ievy
Current revenue @ 95% ~
- $32 M/yr for I cent. and
- $16 M/yr for 1/2 cent
Capital Use only: one year levy could cover all capital
needs for major program.
bond referendum only recommeded for combined greenway,
(natural lands extension) and lrail program greater than
partpersip agreements: to maintain unpaved trail system as
part of Natural Lands Program
Beyond 5 Year CIE
Continuation of "Neighborhoods in Action" malching grants
(to be maintained by Community, User group etc,)
Operation and Maintenance of PrimarY Trail Svslem
$324,000 annually
$100,000 to $250,000 annually
Based upon BCC funding slralegy in 5 year
- '
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Type A Conslruclion __ Type B/C Conslruclion
80'-0" R.O.W. lypical
Existing APWA Street Slandard
~"'r~"'...I -.....1. ~r
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,~! 10' ~l
m__u_u, )0
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Street Widening to Accommodate Wide CurlJ Lanes
Should Not Require R.O.W. ACQuisilion
=---J ~
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Existing County Road Standard
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Paving Existing Shoulder
Does Not Involve Relocating Drainageway