HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 08 12 Consent Item C
August 12. 1996
REQUEST: City Manager requesting authority to enter into a contract with Florida Data
Bank, Inc. to perform Phase I of the Records Management Improvement
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to acquire Commission authority for the City
Manager to initiate Phase I of the Records Management Improvement Program
for the Clerk's office.
This agenda item is needed to authorize the initiation of Phase I in the three phase
program to modernize records management in the City.
During the budget discussion the Commission gave tentative approval of the three
phase Records Improvement Project with Phase I being initiated in the current
budget year.
The purpose of the Records Management Improvement Project is to make our
Clerk's Office the most efficient and technologically advanced commission
records organization in the State through modernization, automation and
centralization of records.
Page 1
The Records Management Improvement Project will result in the following:
a. A City wide filing index system.
b. A state approved document retention schedule.
c. Micro filing of all permanent records.
d. Digitized imaging of all mid range records.
e. Elimination of all records according to the approved retention schedule.
r. Centralized filing system.
g. Off site storage of all permanent records.
h. A large reduction in current files and file space requirements.
There are three phases in the project that will be completed over four years.
Phase I
Phase II
Phase ill
Master Plan
Records Reduction
Recovery Plan Phase
$ 3,990
$ 90,490
The cost of Phase I will be funded from General Fund Reserve.
Phase I of the project will be initiated immediately upon Commission approval
and should be completed by September 30, 1995
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to initiate Phase I of the
Records Improvement Project and enter into an agreement with Florida Data
Bank, Inc. In the amount of $3,990 to perform Phase I of the proj ect.
1) Records Management Schedule
2) Florida Data Bank, Inc. Letter of April 26, 1996
3) Agenda Add-On D of April 22, 1996
4) Agenda Item I of March 25, 1996
Page 2
Task ~ EYJrr ~ ~ TOTAL
E.has..e. Requirements
I Complete Records Management Study 4,000 4,000
II Complete Records Inventory 1,000 1,000
II Complete Records Destruction 1,500 1,500
II Complete Off-Site Storage of Inactive Records 8,000 8,000
II Microfilm Personnel Files 2,400 2,400
II Microfilm, Scan Minutes,Ordinances, Resolutions 2,500 2,500
I Purchase Optical Character Reader 1 ,400 1 ,400
Microfilm Building Plans 1,700 1,700
Implement Computer Output Microfilm 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000
Provide Records ManagementTraining 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
Purchase Microfilm Reader/Printer 10,000 10,000
Purchase Computer Output Microfilm Reader 3,000 3,000
Implement City-wide Index System 5,000 5,000
Microfilm Remaining Long Term Retention Records 5,000 5,000
Procure Central Files Equipment 8,000 8,000
III Write Data Processing Recovery Plan 10,000 10,000
III Secure Site for D.P. Recovery System 12,000 12,000
4,000 36,500 23,000 27,000 90,500
Consultant Services 4,000 2,000 6,000 11,000 23,000
Records Services Management 20,100 9,000 4,000 33,100
4,000 22,100 15,000 15,000 56,100
Equipment Purchases 14,400 8,000 12,000 34,400
4,000 36,500 23,000 27,000 90,500
Ea$.'~ Ml::t i 1 We::.1'.. i t"'..::..
P.O. Bux 7:37R
Winter Haven, Florida 33.'383-737/i
941-297-36Y 1
fax 1141-293-li7ti.'i
April 26, 1996
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Faxed to: (407) 327-6912
Dear Mr. McLemore,
Thank you for this opportunity to propose development of a
comprehensive records management plan for the City of Winter Springs. !
enjoyed meeting and talking with you and the other staff members, and am very
excited about the possibilities of helping you develop a plan for the City. I must
say, I am very impressed with the Seminar you conducted for the City Clerk and I
am very pleased that you invited me to attend. I'm sure the benefits of that
meeting will be visible for many years to come.
There is no question in my mind that a great deal can be accomplished
towards streamlining and economizing records management functions. I've
listed specific goals that j've learned over the years address the key results a
comprehensive records program should achieve:
1. retention and disposition of records in accordance with all state and
federal requirements:
2, management access to both active and inactive records in an accurate
and timely fashion (to include a filing system and consideration of imaging
3. retention of aU records under secure conditions, preventing
unauthorized access by both employees and third parties;
4, protection of all records from physical calamity and decay;
5. provision for the timely destruction of records at the end of their
retention period in a secure manner;
6. conversion of long term retention records to microfilm;
The inregr;l[t~d i\ppn),\(:h to Int'ol'lnatio!1 l\lan:I.\!;l'lll<::nt.
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7. provision for disaster recovery; and
8. achievement of these goals in the most cost-efficient manner
I do not mean to imply that many of these goals are not being addressed
now. I merely mean that a plan should exist and that the plan should address
these areas. Complete implementation of these goals is a long process. My
role as a consultant will be to describe the steps in priority order to achieve an
initial partial implementation, together with ongoing technical assistance to
achieve a complete implementation within the three year deadline you have
established as a goal. For instance, a full disaster recovery plan will require a
specialized consulting project for data processing and voice recovery and
another for business recovery, if you choose that route. However, vital records
protection is within the scope of my initial proposed report.
I propose to spend approximately two working days on site collecting
data, sampling key record collections and interviewing key personnel. 'will
require a staff member both days to assist me with logistics, Prior to data
collection I'll discuss logistic requirements with the assigned staff member. I'll
also provide that staff member with a list of information I believe is best collected
by in-house personnel. May 1 suggest the appropriate staff member is the City
Clerk, Margo M. Hopkins.
I'll require approximately three to four weeks to review the data and write
the plan. The plan will describe in detail steps to be taken to achieve all eight
goals described above. Included will be specific recommendations and where
appropriate, bid specifications for implementation. I believe my twenty-three
years experience working with Florida Public Records (to include working with
six Florida Secretaries of State in the Records Program) will provide you an
exceptional product Not only am I able to write the plan, but unlike most
consultants, I will not then disappear unless you want me to. My company is
able to assist with full implementation, providing great consistency in the
program. If you allow me, I will transform the records program for the City of
Winter Springs into a state of the art, model program that will be the envy of
every municipality in Florida. Your ability to provide services to your clients will
dramatically improve, At the same time, in house user satisfaction will be
Perhaps you would like to discuss my performance with existing clients.
City Electric System, Key West, is well into the implementation of a similar plan
I've written for them, That agency claims a cost avoidance of $235,000.00 in just
one area as a result of my recommendations. The contact person is Ms. Susy
Pita, Records Management Liaison Officer, (305) 295-1023.
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Florida Data Bank manages the records of Polk County School Board tc
include off-site storage, retrieval, files management, Computer Output Microfilm,
16mm and 35mm source document filming and indexing, optical scanning,
system design, tape rotation, vital records protection and a wide. range of
consulting services. We have created electronic images that provide OCR
search capabilities for their Minutes series. We have microfilmed over five
million images and processed thousands of cubic feet of records for them during
our four year relationship, They have also recently engaged me under a
consulting contract to write specifications for their main frame computer
operations. My expertise is very broad. The contact person is Mr. \/Ilard H.
Hurst, Assistant Superintendent, Division of Technological Services, (941) 534-
The client I've done the worst job for is the City of Edgewater. The City
Clerk, Susan J. Wadsworth can tell you how we correct our mistakes: (904)
424-2400. If you would like additional references, and I have many in all areas
of Florida Public Records management, please telephone me at the letterhead
telephone number, extension 302, I look forward to hearing from you.
My total fee for this service is $3,990.00 inclusive.
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Steve M. Lewis
Vice-President - Government Sector
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April 22. 1996
MGR .k fill /DEPT Pt.;:I.
REQUEST: City Clerk updating City Corrunission on City Clerk's Strategic Planning
Workshop which was held on Apri119, 1996.
PURPOSE: To inform the City Commission of the City Clerk's Strategic Planning Workshop
which was held on April 19, 1996, to help the City Clerk in developing strategies
for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of the City Clerk's
The City Manager has challenged the City Clerk to develop the beSt and most
technologically advanced Clerk's office and Records Management System in the
State within five years and encouraged the Clerk to reach out to other Clerks in
the State for assistance in developing a plan for accomplishing this goal.
On March 25, 1996 , staff provided the Commission with an informational item
advising the Corrunission of a Strategic Palnning Workshop for the Clerk's Office
scheduled for April 19, 1996.
In attendance at the Workshop were: Grace Chewing, City Clerk for the City of
Orlando; Gem Zambri, City Clerk for the City ofLongwood; Cindy Bonham, City
Clerk for the City of Oviedo; Marsha Stiller, Clerk of Court for Martin County
who is a member of the Florida Supreme Court Records Retention and Access
Sub-Committees; Steve Lewis, Consultant, from the Florida Data Bank, Inc., and
Mr. Lewis' guest, Jim'Dowling.
The workshop was a great success. Everyone reported they learned a great deal.
The issue is to help the City Clerk find the best and most effective way of planning
the records management for the City of Winter Springs and the best technical
system that is available in order for the City of Winter Springs to have the most
technologically advanced Clerk's office and records management system in the
From the Information gained at this meeting, we have been able to establish a clear
direction involving the following steps:
Management Support
Strategic Plan
ImplementationlT raining
Disposal of Retention
Schedule Process and Disposal
Off-Site Storage
Mcrofilm and Imaging
Establish an Agency Wide Filing System
Institute a Vital Records Retention Program
Develop and Implement Document Standards
Data Process Recovery Plan
At the next Conunission Meeting staff will be providing the Conunission with a
three year plan to bring the City Clerk's Office into compliance with current law
and modern practice of records management with the assistance of a consultant.
RECOl\tThIENDATION: None at this time
1) Prior Conunission item
2) Meeting outline
i\tIarch 25. 1996
MGR';f 0.'71J. !DEPT~.~
REQUEST: City Clerk advising the Commission of the City Clerk's Strategic Plann_ing
Workshop being organized for the Clerk's office.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this informational item is to make the Commission aware of the
City Clerk's Strategic Planning Workshop planned for April 19, 1996.
The City Manager has challenged my office to become the best and most
technologically advanced municipal records management organization in the State
within 5 years.
The purpose of the meeting is to share ideas with Clerks who have developed
good records management systems that can be used to develop a plan of action for
reaching this goal.
This workshop will be very much like the very successful workshop we had on
Information Systems last month that resulted in us developing a clear direction and
consensus for development of an information management system in the City.
As with the Information System Workshop, there is no cost for this workshop
other than the reimbursement of millage for the participants and lunch.
FUNDING: The cost for this workshop should be less than $500.00 and will be charged to the
City Clerk's budget, line code 1210-54800 - Promotional Expense.
. '.
Following the workshop I will compile a 5 year plan. The plan will be submitted
to the Commission as an infonnational item after approval by the City Manager.
The Commission accept this informational item and provide any comments the
Commission deems appropriate.
1. Letter to be sent out to the workshop participants. .
2. Copy of the Workshop Agenda.