HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 07 15 Regular Item B
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_July 15. 1996
The purpose of this Board Workshop Item is to:
1. give a progress report on the State Road 434 Corridor Visioning Project;
2. discuss the policy of keeping the S.R. 434 Corridor for commercial uses as,
is presently indicated in the City's Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use
Map) adopted on April 27, 1992;
3. discuss interconnecting the "Town Center" with an expanding Central I
Winds Community Park;
4. discuss the need for separate land development regulations for the three
separate areas within the S.R. 43'4' Corridor i.e. Redevelopment Area
(yellow), the Town Center (red), and the New Development Area (green).
5. review the proposed State Road 434 Overlay District Land Development
Regulations for that portion of the corridor east of the intersection of S.R.
434 and S.R. 419 to the beltway (marked in green on accompanying
schematic map);
The provisions of 163.3167(11) F. S. which states in part, "Each local
government is encouraged to articulate a vision of the future physical
appearance and qualities of its community as a component of its local
comprehensive plan."
The provisions of 163.3202(3) F.S. which states in part, "These and all
other such regulations (land development regulations) shall be combined
and compiled into a single land development code for the jurisdiction."
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The provisions of 163.3174(c) F.S. which states in part, [that one of the
duties of the Local Planning Agency] is to, "Review proposed land
development regulations, land development codes, or amendments thereto,
and make recommendations to the governing body as to the consistency of
the proposal with the adopted comprehensive plan or element or portion
thereof. . . ."
The provisions of Section 20-57 of the City Code which state in part, "The
Planning and Zoning Board (which also is designated the Local Planning
Agency) shall serve as the planning and zoning commission. It shall be the
duty of the Planning and Zoning Board to recommend to the City
Commission the boundaries of the various original zoning districts and
appropriate regulations to be enforced therein and any proposed
amendments thereto . . . ."
The City Commission on February 6, 1995 voted to institute the State
Road 434 Corridor Visioning Project.
Berryman & Henigar held a Visioning Workshop on May 20, 1995.
Draft Vision Plan Schematic was submitted to City by Berryman &
McIntosh & Associates submitted a draft State Road 434 Corridor Overlay
Design Standards in July 1995 for their clients, State Road 434 property
Meetings were held in March to June between City staff, Berryman &
Henigar and McIntosh & Associates on review of State Road 434 Corridor
Overlay Design Standards.
Staff and the consultant have developed an Overlay District Land
Development Regulation that provides for the Overlay District Boundary,
new development district design guidelines, town center design guidelines
and redevelopment district guidelines.
To date, the Overlay District boundary section, and new development area
design guidelines have been completed. One issue remains outstanding
between the design guidelines committee and the staff that must be
resolved by the Commission.
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1. Does the City Commission want to maintain the S.R. 434 Corridor for
commercial uses as presently indicated in the City's Comprehensive Plan
(Future Land Use Map) adopted on April 27, 1992 ?
2. Does the City want to eliminate off-site advertising, i.e., billboards?
None at this time.
S.R. 434 Corridor Design Standards (for the New Development Area
indicated in green) as revised by Berryman and Henigar 7/1/96.
VISION 434 Schematic Map.
[ No a.ction taken at a workshop]
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Create and preserve a pleasant view while traveling along the corridor with the perception being
a "Green Image" characterized by canopy street trees (existing and plantedJ, planted or natural
landscape buffers, controlled signage and site access, reasonable parking and building setbacks
and other side development standards.
1. Genel"aJ: The following Goals, Objectives and Policies apply to all areas in the S.R.
434 Corridor:
Goal 1 :
J-figh Quality Development
Enhance the visual quality, promote design excellence, and build a
distinctive image to the S.R. 434 Corridor.
Objective 1.1 Provide a uniform basis to establish quality development along the S.R.
434 Corridor through the development of Design Standards and
Guidelines that shall include all design elements necessary to ensure the
desired appearance for the S.R. 434 Corridor through the City of Winter
Policy 1.1.1 Adopt Design Standards and Guidelines as part of t11e revised Land
Development Regulations of the City as required by 163.3202(3) F.S.,
which would provide the basis for subsequent adoption and
implementation of recommended procedures and regulations.
Objective 1.2 While recognizing that S.R.' 434 Corridor through the City of Winter
Springs is urbanizing, preserve and enhance the remaiuing natural
environmental features.
Policy 1.2.1 Review development proposals within the environmentally sensitive areas
of the S.R 434 Corridor in accordance with Policies 1-8 of Objective B
and policies 1-6 of Objective C in the Conservation Element of the City's
adopted Comprehensive Plan.
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Goal 2:
Landscape Corridor
Ensure that the S.R. 434 Corridor through the City of Winter Springs is
developed into a well-landscaped, scenic gateyvay.
Objective 2.1 Develop landscaping standards for new development and encourage
landscaping of existing property in the corridor.
Policy 2.1.1 Adopt landscaping standards for the S.R. 434 Corridor.
Policy 2.1.2 All commercial, office, and garden apartment development shall be
required to plant trees within parking areas for shade and visual relief.
Objective 2.2 Work with the Florida Department of Transportation to install "green"
medians between U.S. 17-92 and S.R. 419. M~dian openings shall be
maximized to the greatest extent possible to promote economic viability.
Policy 2.2.1 The City will develop an "Adopt-a-Median" program in cooperation with
the Florida Department of Transportation.
Policy 2.2.2 The manner of landscaping and the materials to be used for roadway
medians shall be consistent with an urban theme planting.
Objective 2.3 Develop a voluntary public/private cooperative effort for landscaping and
maintenance involving the City, the business interests along the S.R. 434
Corridor and other interest groups.
Policy 2.3.1 Present a public awareness/education program to the businesses and
community concerning the landscaping/streetscaping project for the S.R.
434 Corridor.
Goal 3: Visual Ae~tbetics
Prevent visual pollution of $.R. 434 Corridor caused by unplanned and
Wlcoordinated uses, buildings and structures.
Objective 3.1 Develop a Wlifying "theme" to the S.R. 434 Corridor recognizing some
measur'~ of the existing diversity of character.
Policy 3.1.1 Adopt architectural design standards for the S.R. 434 Corridor which are
compatlble with the surrounding area. ..
Objective 3.2 The Staff Review Board shall serve as the Architectural Review Board for
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development in the S.R. 434 Corridor and shall review such developments
for a unifying theme according to th.e architeculTal design standards and
make re:commendation to the Planning and Zoning Board.
Policy 3.2.1 Review developments within the S.R. 434 Corridor for architectural
appropriateness based on the architectnral design standards in the S.R. 434
Corridor contained in Section 20-348.
Policy 3.2.2 The City shall not issue building permits for any proposed development
within the Corridor unless development proposals have been reviewed by
the Staff Review Board for recommendation to the Planning and Zoning
Policy 3.2.3 Any requests for variances to the development standards of the S.R. 434
Overlay District shall require review by the Staff Review Board for
recommendation to the Board of Adjustment.
Objective 3.3 Develop standards for the facilitation of underground relocation of utility
lines, and relocation of street standards and traffic signals.
Policy 3.3.1 The City shall enter into negotiations with Florida Power Corporation to
develop an arrangement to place electrical lines underground along the
S.R. 4-34 Corridor.
Objective 3.4 Improve the appearance of the S.R. 434 Corridor gateways at corporate
boundaries to the City of Winter Springs with special "entrance to the
City" signage and associated landscape arrangement.
Policy 3.4.1 Work with the City of Longwood to improve the major gateway entrance
to S.R. 434 at U.S. 17-92.
Goa14: Cm-rJidor t'unction
Ma."<:imize traffic circulation fimctions of S.R. 343 through the City of
Wim~er Springs from the standpoint of safety, roadway capacity, vehicular
and !nonvehicular movement.
Objective 4.1
Coordinate/cooperate with Florida Department of Transportation in
creating the most appropriate and desirable transportation design standards
and controls for S.R. 434 Corridor and S.R. 419.
Policy 4.1.1
Develop an Access Management Plan for the S.R. 434 Corridor that will
balcUlce the goals of promoting economic viability and protecting the
canying capacity of the roadway.
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Policy 4.1.2 Require cross~access easements between adjacent commercial or office
properties as appropriate at time of site plan approval.
Objective 4.3 Develop a multi-modal system in the S.R. 434 COllidor.
Policy 4.3.1 Sidew.alks shall be provided along both sides of S.R. 434 .
Policy 4.3.2 Provide an appropriately located bike-pedestrian trail crossing point over
S.R. 434 east of S.R. 419 linking to the proposed Cross Seminole Trail
and Fll)rida National Scenic Trail on the north side of the corridor.
Goal 5: Property Values
To maintain and enhance the property values along the S.R. 434 Corridor
through the City of Winter Springs.
Objective 5.1 Recognize that allowances must be made for existing uses, committed
llses, existing buildings, existing structures and existing parcels that are
unable to confonn to new unifonn design standards.
Policy 5.1.1 The City shall recognize the existence of non-conforming uses and
structures that existed prior to the adoption of the design standards and
goals, objectives and policies for the S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay District.
Objective 5.2 Accommodate the ever chang.ing market demands and needs of the
Corrido.r to the greatest extent possible.
Policy 5.2.1 The Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency shall review the
design standards and goals, objectives and policies of the S.R. 434
Corridor Overlay District and make recommendation to the City
Commission for appropriate changes.
2. Redevelopment Area: The following Goals, Objectives and Policies apply to the
Redevelopment Area only:
Goal I To encourage high quality development that will strenghten the tax base
and reml)ve blighting influences.
Obj ecti ve 1.1 Enhance and build upon the individual attributes and diversity of character
of areas ,along S.R. 434 between U.S. 17 ~92 and Hayes Road.
Policy 1.1.1 Designate the portion of the corridor between U.S. 17-92 and Hayes Road
as a Conununity Redevelopment Area with a CRA Board and establish
Tax Incrl~ment Financing to. support redevelopment activities, in
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accord~U1ce with Objective C under Goal 1 of the Land Use Element of the
City's adopted Comprehensive Plan.
3. Town Center: The following Goals, Objectives and Policies apply to the Tovvn
Center Area only:
Goal 1:
Objective 1.1
Policy 1.1.1
Policy 1.1.2
Policy 1.1.3
Policy 1.1.4
Develop a Town Center that will become the identifying focus of
the City of Winter Springs.
The Town Center should be centered around the existing public
facilities of the City Hall, the new Winter Springs High School, the
Central Winds Community Park, and the Post Office.
Revise thr Future Land Use Map to include those parcels indicated
1:n Objective 1.1 in the designation of "Public Buildings".
Include all the parcels indicated in Policy 1.1.1 as well as those
parcels in private ownership in the triangular area between Orange
Avenue, S.R. 434 and Tuscawilla Road.
Revise appropriate maps in the Future I.,and Use Map series to
identify a "Town Center".
Develop specific land development regulations for the Town
Center, incorporating streetscape measures to create the visual
unity and sense of identity to the Town Center.
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Sec. 20-336
The purpose and intent of this specialized overlay zoning disrrict is to encourage and provide for
enhanced property development within the S.R. 434 commercial corridor. Some of the
objectives to be attained through the establishment of this district include: enhancement of the
conunercial status of the corridor; reduction of visual distraction through unifonn sign criteria;
enhancement of physical appearance through increased landscaping of public and private
property; provision of architectural design guidelines to create a unifying theme over time;
protection of adjacent residential land uses; and maintenance of property values.
; Sec. 20-377
I In addition, to and supplemental to, other zoning and land development regulation requirements
! heretofore and hereafter, the S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay District includes additional regulations to
: promote the orderly development and redevelopment of the corridor, of which shall be applied
: through imposition and mapping of an overlay district. TIle regulations are in addition to and not
i in substitution of the Wlderlying zoning district regulations which shall also remain applicable to
the overlay zone. The overlay district design standards will govern development within the
corridor aud will control when: conflicts between existing regulations occur.
Sec. 20-338
Descl'iption 4.l,f Corridor Overlay District.
: The Corridor Overlay District f::xtends from the City of Winter Springs "vestern corporate limit to
: the eastern corporate limit along S.R 434 to include all property contiguous to the right-of-way.
s~~. 20-339
Building Heil~bt,
No building shall exceed five (5) stories or fifty five (55) feet in height. For the purpose of these
: design standards, building height shall be measured from groWld level to the highest point of the
i coping of a flat roof or the mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel
! roofs.
i Sec. 20-340 Setbacks.
(1) No improvement shall be: located on any property closer to any property line than the
minimum setbacks set fo:rth in the S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay District Minimum Setback
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Requirements Table. (~:ee Table 1 "Minimwn Setback Requirements in Feet: for the S.R.
434 Corridor Overlay District.")
(2) The narrow dimension of a lot adjoining a road right-of-way shall determine its front for
the purpose of estabIishilng yard requirements.
(3) On comer lots, the front yard shall be considered as abutting the street upon which the lot
has its least dimension. The rear lot, in this case, shall be opposite the front yard.
(4) The following structures are specifically excluded from the setback restrictions:
a. Steps and walks.
b. Landscaping and landscape benns.
c. Planters three (3) feet in height or less, or
d. Other improvements as may be permitted under applicable regulations ofllie City.
The City will consider any request for tlle placement of such other improvements within a
setback, only after a Site. Plan Review Board review and recommendation. In determining
whether to recom.mend City consent, the Site Plan Review Board may consider, without
limiting the scope ofthe:u- review, the following: (1) the extent to which any hardship
exists tbat would justify a variance from the normal setback requirements; (ii) the aesthetics
of the proposed improvements and their visibility from COmmon roads and adjacent
properties; (iii) the consent or objections of adjacent property owners; and (iv) the nature
and use of the proposed :improvements. It is the owner's burden and responsibility to
provide such information and docwnentation as may be requested by the Site Plan Review
Board in order to justify to the Site Plan Review Board that the intAusion of additional
improvements within th~: nom1al setbacks is beneficial to the corridor and \\'ill not
adversely affect adjacent property owners. .
, Sec. 20-341
Land Covemge.
No parcel within the S. R. 434 Corridor Overlay District shall have more than 75% of its area
impervious. In determining land coverage, a water body shall not be considered an impervious
Sec. 20-342
Off-Street P:arking and Driveway Requirements.
; (1) Paved driveway and parking spaces. All dri~eways and parking spaces shall be paved with
asphaltic concrete and/or COllcrete and shall be curbed.
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(2) On-site parking. All parkin.g areas shall be on-site and shall be adequate to serve aU
employees, visitors and company vehicles.
(3) Rights-of-way. Parking is prohibited On. rights-of-way or along driveways.
(4) Parking space size. Each off-street parking space shall be a minimum of one hundred sixty-
two (162) square feet, 9' x 18', in addition to space for access drives and aisles. The
minimum width of each space shall be nine (9) feet. The two (2) foot area of paving at the
end of each parking space may be omitted provided the area is landscaped with sod Or
another acceptable ground cover. The two (2) foot landscaped area shall not be counted
toward any other greenspace requirement or setback. Lines demarcating parking spaces
may be drawn at various angles in relation to ~urbs or aisles, so long as the parking spaces
so created contain within them the rectangular area required.
(5) Handicapped Spaces. Handicapped spaces shall be provided and sized in accordance with
316.1955,316.1956,316.1958,320.0843,320.0845, 320.0848 Florida Statutes.
: (6) Access drive width. Each access drive shall have a minimUlll width of twenty-four (24)
(7) Nrunber of access drives. If a site has less than two hundred (200) feet of frontage on a
right-of-way, one (1) aCCf~SS drive shall be pemlirted Wlless they are joint aooess drives, in
which case two (2) may be pelmitted. If a site has more than two hundred (200) feet of
frontage on a right-of-way, F.D.O.T permit guidelines and restrictions shall apply.
(8) The minimum turning radius shall be thirty (30) feet.
See. 20-343
i The following landscape standards establish the minimum criteria for the development of the
! roadways, parking areas, and olther features to ensure continuity in aesthetic values throughout
i the corridor.
! (1) All areas requiring landscaping shall meet or exceed the following general landscape
requirements. Such Landscaping Requirements are required for:
a. That part of the site fronting a public or private right-of-way that is within the
designated corridor.
b. ArOlUld and within all off-street parking, loading and other vehicular use areas within
each site.
c. Along the outside of screening walls and fences.
d. Adjacent to buildings on the site to complement the architectural style.
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(2) All landscaping shall be installed according to accepted commercial planting procedures.
Fertile soil, free of lime rock, pebbles or other constluction debris shall be used in all
planting pits.
(3) The ovvner of a site shall be responsible for aU landscaping so as to present a neat, healthy
and orderly appearance flee of refuse and debris. Any dead or dying plant material,
including sod, shall be promptly replaced with the same species material or shall be treated
to restore healthy gro\\1h to achieve a unifolnl appearance.
(4) All landscape areas shall be adequately irrigated based on the following criteria:
a. An automatic sprinkler irrigation system shall be provided for all landscaped areas.
b. The irrigation system shall be designed to provide full coverage of all landscaped
c. The irrigation system shall be designed and operated to prevent or minimize run.off
of irrigation water onto roadways, driveways, and adjacent properties not under the
control of the owner of the site.
d. The irrigation system shall be maintained so as to be in optimwn working order at all
; (5) All plant material shall ml~et or exceed standards for Florida No.1 plants, as specified in
Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants I Parts I and II, 197.1 published by the State of
Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Trees shall be selected from
the Recommended Tree Pallet fOWld at the end of these design standards.
. (6) The preservation and utilization of a site's natural trees and shrubbery is strongly
encouraged. Existing veg1etation shall be illcorporated into the landscape concept for a site
wherever practical.
(7) Natural growth may be uSI~d to satisfy specific landscape requirements. Relocation of on-
site landscaping material is encouraged.
:(8) When an accessway intersects a right-of-way, landscaping may be used to define the
intersection provided however that all landscaping within the triangular area described
below shall provide unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between two (2) feet and six (6)
feet above finished grade. Landscaping, except grass and ground cover, shall not be
located closer than three (3) f~~t from the edge of any accessway pavement. The triangular
area shall be defined as:
a. The areas of the site on both sides of an accessway which lie within a triangle fonned
by the intersection of each curb of the accessway with the street right-of-way with
two (2) sides of each triangle being ten (10) feet in length from the point of
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~tersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the two (2) other
b. The area of the site located at a comer fanned by the intersection of two (2) or more
streets within two (2) sides of the triangular area being measured thirty (30) feet in
length along the right~of-way lines from their point of intersection; and the third being.
a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) lines.
(9) All landscape plans and specifications shall be prepared by a landscape architect licensed to
practice in the State of F.lorida.
: (10) Not less than twenty-five (25%) percent of the si.te shall be planted with a combination of
trees, shrubs and ground covers. Land preserved in its natural state may be used to satisfY
this requirement. Also, lakes and stonnwater management systems may be used to satisfy
this requirement .if designed as an amc::nity::
(11) All parking areas shall be: screened from the public right-of-way by a landscape screen.
This screen may be composed of a berm not less than three (3) feet in height and not more
than five (5) feet in height or a maintenance free wall at least three (3) feet in height, or a
screen of landscaping at least three (3) feet in height twelve months after planting. Berms
shall not be used where coverage couflicts \\rith existing vegetation. This screening
requirement may be combined with other requirements within the landscape easement.
Berm slopes shall vary in order to provide visual interest; however, the maximum slope
shall be 3:1. The berms shall be completely covered with grass Or other liVing landscape
materials. A berm shall not be constructed around existing vegetation where the grade will
be raised more than six (6) inches.
:(12) Concrete walkways shall be constructed adjacent to the right-of-way. The walkways shall
be five (5) feet wide and shall meander to create visual interest. The construction of the
walkways shall be coordi.nated with adjacent properties to ensure continuity of design.
Where a sidewalk intersects a street Or driveway, a curb ramp shall be installed.
:(13) At least One (1) deciduous tree with a minimum caliper of3 1/2" - 4" and overall height of
15' - 16' shall occur for every fifty (50) linear feet, or fractions thereof, of frontage on a
right-of-way. Planting should be naturalistic rather than formal in order to blend with the
(14) Landscaping shall be prov:lded between vehicular use areas and the contiguous properties as
a. A hedge or other dur,able landscape screen at least thirty (30) inches in overall height
above grade when planted, to grow to thirty~six (36) inches within twelve (12)
months under normal. growing conditions, shall be used between the common
property lines. When two (2) hedges occur along a comn:on property line, use of the
same plant species is required. If a hedge exists on an adjacent property along a
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common property line, a duplicate hedge is not required; however, in all cases, tree
planting requirem,;:nts for each property shall apply.
b. Live screening material shall be planted in areas not less than six (6) feet in width.
Planting areas shaH be mulched a minimum of two (2) inches thick with cypress
mulching or other organic mulch.
c. At least one tree shall occur for every seventy-five (75) linear feet, or fraction thereof,
along side (non-street side) and rear property lines. These trees shall be any canopy
tree selected from the recommended plant pallet found in this section.
; (15) Landscaping shall be provided for all vehicular use areas so as to provide visual and
climatic relief from broad expanses of pavement and to channelize and define logical areas
for pedestrian and vehicular circulation. The requirements for landscaping in vehicular use
areas are as follows:
(a) Parking areas shall include landscape islands at the ends of each row of parking.
These islands shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet wide and as deep as the combined
parking space(s) plus median, if any. .
(b) Each parking bay shall have no more than twenty (20) continuous parking spaces
unbroken by a landscape island.
(c) Parking lots shall hav~ a maxin1l.1m of four hundred (400) cars. \Y11ere total parking
requirements for a parcel exceed 400 cars, parking lots shall be broken into distinct
areas separated by c:ontinuous landscaped islands at least fifteen (15) feet wide.
Landscaped islands shall contain one (1) tree for every thirty (30) linear feet of island.
(d) Each separate required landscaped island shall contain a minimum of One hundred
sixty~two (162) square feet with a minimwn interior dimension of nine (9) feet and
shall include at least one (1) tree.
A landscaped open area shall surrolUld each building, occurring between the facade of the
building and paved areas whether a parking area, drive or sidewalk as described below.
Paving may be allowed up to the facade of a continuous storefront building if landscaping
is provided intermittently along the facade of the building.
(a) Along the front and side of a building a minimum landscaped area often (10) feet for
the fIrst floor plus three (3) feet for each additional floor shall be maintained.
Sidewalks are not ccmsidered part of the landscaped area.
(b) Along the rear of a building a minimum of tive (5) feet of landscaped area shall be
maintained. Loading areas may be p~rmitted along the rear or side facade of a
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(I7) FOllildation and accent planting shall be provided around all structures for the purpose of
enhancing and complementing the architectural character of the structure.
(18) A walk-way shall be constructed to connect the main public entrance door of a building to
the walkways along rights-of-way.
(19) Additional greenspace and landscaping shall be required at access driVes.
i (20) Drainage retention areas required on individual sites shall be sodded and designed to blend
with the overall landscaping and landforms of the site and may be included in the twenty-
five (25%) percent landscaped area. In no case shall designs be pennitted which include
(21) All stormwater management areas shall conform to the design criteria promulgated by the
City of Winter Springs and the St. Johns River Water Management District.
: (22) Prior to any site clearing activities all existing trees required to remain. by the Development
Review Committee shall be tagged in the field for inspection and approval. Baniers shall
be erected at the dripline of trees for protection against construction activities.
(23) Any existing tree(s) indicated to remain on construction plans approved by the
Development Review Committee that are damaged or removed shall be replaced with new
tree(s) of at leeast four (4) inches in caliper each (measured three (3) feet above grade) and
having a total tree caliper equivalent to that of the removed or damaged tree(s).
: (24) All areas not otherwise landscaped, including the right-of-way, shall be sodded with St.
Augustine "Floratam" solid sod by parcel owners. Argentine Bahia solid sod may be
pennitted in low visibility areas or areas subject to periodic water inuridation:
: Sec. 20~344
fAll signs and sign elements, induding shape, form, lighting, materials, size, color and location
!shall be subject to approval by 1he Development Review Committee if such signs or sign
:elements are visible from adjaclmt properties or a street right-of-way.
Ground Mounted Mu.lti-TI~nant or Project Identification Sign. For each multi-tenant
development under separate ownership, one (1) wide~based monument style or pylon,
permanent sign identifying the name of the development and businesses within the
development shall be permitted. For developments with five (500) feet of frontage or more
on a major road, one (1) additional sign may be permitted.
Shall only advertise Ithe name of the commercial development companies, corporation
or major enterprises within the commercial development.
Shall be located no closer than fifteen (15) feet from front, side, or rear property
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(3) Shall have a maximum. of two (2) faces.
(4) Shall be compatible in design and materials with the project architecture.
(5) Sign copy area shall not be more than fourteen (14) feet in height above the closest
vehicular use area or in the case of a wall sign, shall not be higher than eight (8) feet
above the closest vehicular use area. The sign structure shall oot be more than twenty
(20) feet in height.
(6) For parcels ten (10) acres or more, the sign copy area shall not exceed one h~mdred
forty (140) square feet per face. For parcels less than ten (10) acres, the sign copy
area shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet per face.
(b) Ground Mounted Single-Tenant Identification Sign. One (1) wide~based TI1onwneot style
or pylon, pennanent proj~~ct identification sign shall be permitted per single. tenant parcel.
One additional pernlanent wide-based monument style or pylon project identification sign
m~y be pennitted for parcels in excess of one (1) acre with more than one (1) i.ngress/egress
serving more than one (1) building.
(1) Shall only advertise one (1) person, finn, company, corporation or major enterprise
occupying the premises. .
(2) Shall be located no doser than fifteen (15) feet from the front, side or rear property
(3) Shall not exceed two (2) faces.
(4) Sign copy area shall not exceed fm1y (40) square feet per face. For parcels in excess
of 4.0 acres, the projl~ct identification sign face may be increased to forty-eight (48)
square feet.
(5) Shall be consistent in. design, format and materials with the architecture of the
proposed building.
(6) Sign copy area Shall not be more than fourteen (14) feet in height above the closest
driveway or vehiculaJr use area and have a minimum height of four (4) feet for
vehicular sight clearance.
Building Mounted Multi-Tenant Identification Sign for buildings with separate exterior
tenant entrances. In additi<m to the ground mounted identification sign, tenant signs shall
be permitted on the exterioJr walls of the building at a location near the principal tenant
entrance, and be consistent with the following criteria:
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(1) The sign(s) shall be clearly integrated with the architecture of the building.
(2) The sign(s) shall n.ot project above any roof Or canopy elevations.
(3) Wall signs shall display only one (1) advertising surface and shall not be mounted
more than six (6) inches from any walL
(4) When more than one (1) tenant sign is used on one (1) building, each tenant sign shall
be consistent in sizt;, materials, and placement.
(5) The maximum size of sigllletters and logos, including any sign backgrounds, shall be
36" in height. The length of the sign may occupy up to seventy (70%) percent of the
linear feet of the storefront the business occupies.
: (d) Building MOlUlted Single Tenant Identification Sign. In addition to the ground-mounted
identification sign, a building mounted identification sign may be permitted consistent with
the following criteria:
(1) The identification s~lgn is located on the exterior wall of a building.
(2) The sign shall be cl(~arly integrated with the architecture.
(3) TIle sign shall not project above any roof or canopy elevations, and the top of the sign
shall not be higher than thirty (30) feet above the main entry floor.
(4) The sign shall display only one (1) advertising surface and shall not project more than
six (6) inches from aJ1Y wall.
(5) The copy area of the sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet.
Additional Signs. Under ~lpecial circumstances, such as for parcels on comer lots,
additional signs consistent with these design .standards may be approved, upon a request
granted by the Board of Adjustment pursuant to Sec. 20-82 and 20-83 or the City Code.
Conunercial Outdoor Advl~rtising (i.e. Billboards)
Off-site advertising signs such as bi.1Iboards are prohibited.
(g) Changeable Copy Signs. In order to Create continuity throughout the corridor all
changeable copy signs shall be as follows:
(1) The sign cabinet shall be all aluminum extrusion.
(2) The sign face shall bE: acrylic Pan XIS.
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(3) The letters and track shall be Wagner Zip-Change or Equal.
(4) Tri-vision mechanical changing signs shall be constructed consistent with sign size
and location criteria contained herein. .
01) Backlit Signs. Backlighting of signs shall be pennitted.
(i) Window Signs. Window signs are discouraged. However, under special circwnstances for
retail establisrunents, signs inside and on a window or in a display of merchandise when
incorporated with such a display, may be permitted. The total area of all window signs,
shall not exceed twenty {20%) percent of the window glass area to be calculated separately
for each separate storefr()nt.
G) Constmction Signs. One (1) construction sign, denoting the owner, architect, landscape
architect, engineer, fmancial institution, contractors, or containing any statement pertaining
to project for which a building permit has been obtained, will be permitted during
constmction. The construction sign shall not exceed sixty~four (64) square feet in area and
shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height or .width. The construction sign shall be
removed from the site by the owner upon substantial completion of all cons1nlction, or
upon the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy, whichever is sooner. If the sign is
not removed when required, it may be removed by the City at the owner's expense.
; (k) Marketing Signs.
(1) Only one (1) marketing sign shall be permitted on each parcel during the building's
"leasing period". The building's "leasing period" is defined to begin at the purchase
of the property and I~nd when ninety (90%) percent of the leasable space within a
building is leased or' twelve (12) months after issuance of a "Certificateof
Occupancy", whichever comes first. At the end of the leasing period, as defined
herein, marketing signage shall be removed from the site by the o\,\,ner of the site.
(2) Upon written request, a marketing sign may be pennitted to be maintained or re-
erected on a parcel after the building's "lease period" expires when not less than forty
(40%) percent of the leasable space within a building is available for lease.
(3) All marketing signs :shall be submitted to the City for approval and location prior to
the sign's installation.
(4) Marketing signs shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the front,
side and rear property lines. They shall not create a visibility obstruction to vehicular
traffic or be placed adjacent to any property boundary not having frontage on a paved
(5) For parcels in excess of five (5) acres with frontage on more than one (1) road, one
(1) additional marketing sign may be pennitted.
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(6) Marketing signs may be double faced. Sign faces shall be parallel and mounted on
the same poles. The copy area shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet and no
more than eight (8) feet in height.
(7) When marketing signage is utilized as a separate sign during constmction, maximum.
construction signage area shall be reduced to fifty (50) square feet in area.
(8) Marketing signage may be incorporated within the construction signage, but the
construction sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area.
(9) Only one (1) construction sign and one (1) marketing sign shall be permitted during
the construction pe:riod.
(10) Where more than one (1) building exists on a Single parcel of five (5) acres or more,
one (1) additional marketing sign may be permitted.
(11) Marketing signs shaH not be lighted.
! (1) Prohibited Signs. The following signs and/or devices are prohibited and will not, under any
circwnstances, be allowed within the corridor.
(1) Any sign which is designed, devised, or constructed so as to rotate, spin, gyrate, turn
or move in any animated fashion unless otherwise permitted to be constructed with
the provisions of th:,;se design standards.
(2) Any sign painted directly 0.0 any exterior wall.
(3) Signs projecting more than six (6) inches horizontally.
(4) Roof signs.
(5) Bench signs.
(6) Pen.nant and banner signs.
(7) Snipe signs.
(8) Freestanding signs unless otherwise provided for herein.
(9) Trailer signs.
(10) Signs attached to temporary structures.
(11) Political campaign s:igns.
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(12) Any vehicle with a sign or signs attached thereto or placed thereon \ovith the exception
of any vehicle when parked or stored within the confines of a building, or any vehicle
upon which is plac,~d a sign identifying a film or its principal product if such vehicle
is one which is operated during the normal course of business.
(13) Pole signs.
(14) Any sign detennim:d to be obscene or in bad taste.
(m) Permanent Flags. Only project flags or govemmental flags shall be permitted in
conformance with the folloWing standards:
(1) One (1) flagpole and one (1) flag may be permitted per parcels oftwo (2) aCres or
(2) Flags shall not exceed four (4) feet by six (6) feet in size.
(3) Flagpoles shall maintain the same setback requirements as project identification signs.
(4) Flagpole heights shall be between twenty (20) and (35) feet in height above grade.
(5) A project flag shall only contain information permitted on the project identification
sign. A project flag shall be submitted to the Site Plan Review Board for approval.
. (n) Maintenance. All signs and associated apparatus shall be maintained by the owner of the
site. Violations shall be pJrOcessed through the City's Code Enforcement Division.
(0) Nonconforming Signs.
(1) Any sign, other than billboards. having an original cost in excess of one hundred
($100) dollars and which is nonconforming as to permitted sign area or any other
reason which would necessitate the complete removal or total replacement of the sign,
may be maintained a period offrom one (1) to five (5) years from the effective date of
these design standards. The term of years to be determined by the cost of the sign or
of renovation, including instaJlation cost, shall be as follows:
Sign Cost or
Renovation Cost
Permitted Years from
Effective Date of Design Standards
$101 to $ 1:,000
$1,001 to $ 3:,000
$3,001 to $10:,000
Over $10,000
~1111/1~~b 14:13
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(2) Any Owner of a sign who desires to rely upon an amortization period longer than
three (3) years shall file with the City within one (1) year from the effective date of
these design stand,ards, a statement setting forth the cost and date of the most recent
renovation, and a 1,vI'itten agreement to remove or bring into confonnance the
nonconforming sign at or prior to the expiration of the amortization period applicable
to that sign. The maximum period to amortize a sign shall be five (5) years.
Sec. 20-345
Buffers aod Walls.
(a) Buffers. A mininnun fifteen (15) foot landscape buffer shall be provided by the
developer/property ownl~r abutting the designated right-of-way lines at the time of
development order or permit approval. The landscape buffer may be contained witllln a
landscape easement.
(1) The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation,
maintenance and hrigation of all required landscaping.
(2) This area shall be planted 'Nith live oaks or other. deciduous trees ofthl'ee (3) inch
diameter at breast height (dbh) at planting no closer than five (5) feet from the back of
the right-of-way line. The trees shall be planted every fifty (50) feet. A minimmn of
four (4) sub-canopy trees and two (2) decidous trees per one hundred (1 00) feet of
frontage or fraction thereof shall be planted in and about the buffer.
(3) No existing or dedicated public or private right-of-way shall be included in
calculation of the buffer widths.
(4) Stonuwater retention areas may be permitted in the corridor buffer area subject to the
(a) No more than, 60% of the corridol:' buffer area can be used for stormwater
(b) Stormwater r<~tention areas shall be naturalistic in shape, dry, sodded, and
designed to blend with the ovea111andscape theme and landform;
( c) Stormwater r<~tention areas may be wet if designed to be part of a water feahlfe;
(d) Designs which require fencing shall be prohibited; and
(e) No slope shall be greater than 5:1.
(5) If parking abuts the buffer, a continuous shrub hedge shall be arranged or planted so
that a height ofthre:e (3) feet will be attained within one (1) year of planting so as to
screen a minimum ,::>f75% of the parking area, to that height, as viewed from the
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(6) Existing vegetation shall be used where possible to meet these requirements.
(b) Walls. All freestanding walls, sound balTiers, ground sign enclosures, planters, etc.
fronting along the designated roadway or its major intersections shall be of brick,
decorative or split-faced concrete block. When these materials are used for a visual screen
they shall confonn to the architectural style, materia.ls, and color of the development.
Sec. 20-346
Utility Line$.
All new or relocated utility lines within the designated corridor shall be constructed an.d installed
beneath the surface of the ground unless it is determined by the City that soil, topographical, or
: any other compelling conditions, make the underground installation of such utility lines as
: prescri.bed herein unreasonable and impracticable.
(1) It shall be the developer's responsibility on-site to make the necessary arrangement with
each utility in accordanc;e with the utility's established policy.
i (2) The underground installation of incidental appurtenances, such as transformer boxes,
switch boxes, pedestal mounted boxes for the provision of electricity shall not be required.
However, such appm1enances where not rendered impractical by the detennination of the
City shall be installed on the site of any development approved after the adoption of this
section. The necessary e:asements to allow the utility company i3,CCeSS and service to such
appurtenances shall be dedicated to the service provider by the developer prior to issuance
of a building pennit.
(3) All transformers and switch boxes related to development approved after the adoption of
this section shall be set back a minimwn often (10) feet from any rightMof-way and visually
screened using landscape materials or masonry construction in confonnanc~ with these land
development regulations..
: Sec. 20-347
Corridor Acc:ess Management.
(a) A system of joint use driveways and cross access easements shall be established wherever
feasible along the S.R. 434 Corridor and the building site shall incorporate the following:
(1) A cross access corri.dor extending the entire length of each block served to provide for
driveway separation (consistent with the access classification system and standards).
(2) A design speed of 10 mph and sufficient width to acconunodate two-way travel aisles
designed to accommodate automobiles. service vehicles, and loading vehicles.
(3) StubMouts and other design features to make it visually obvious that the abutting
properties may be tied in to provide crossMaccess via a service drive.
(4) A unified access and circulation system plan that includes coordinated or share
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parking areas is eneouraged wherever feasible.
. (b) Shared parking areas shall be permitted a reduction in required parking spaces ifpeak:
demand periods for proposed land used do not occur at the same time periods.
i (c) Pursuant to this section, property owners shall:
(1) Record an easement with the deed allowing cross access to and from other properties
served by the joint use driveways and cross access or service drive;
(2) Record an agreement with the deed that r.emaining access rights along the
thoroughfare will be: dedicated to the City of Winter Springs and pre-existing
driveways will be cIosed and eliminated after construction of the joint-use driveway;
(3) Record a joint maintenance agreement with the deed defining maintenance
responsibilities of property owners.
(d) The City Engineer may reduce required separation distance of access pohlts, except as
provided in (f), where they prove impractical, provided all of the following requirements
are met:
(1) Joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided where feasible in
~l;:cordance ".vith this section.
(2) The site plan incorporates a lUlified access and circulation system in accord<.Ulce with
this section.
(3) The property owner 8hall enter a written agreement with the City of Winter Springs,
recorded with the deed, that pre-existing cOIU1ections on the site will be closed and
eliminated after construction of each side of the joint use driveway.
The City Engineer may modify or waive the requirements of this section, except as
provided in (f), where the c:haracteristics or layout of abutting properties would make
development of a unified o:r shared access and circulation system impractical.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has established minimum spacing
requirements for the Greenl~way (S.R. 417) Interchange Area.
In the design of a system of joint use driveways and cross access easements, bUilding sites
involving garage doors and bays associated with any use within the district shall be located
perpendicular to S.R. 434.
roc. 20-348 Building aud S"..oning Dosign Guideliues
1) Projects are encouraged to use a variety of materials consistent with materials used in the
, .
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area Acceptable materials include stucco, concrete block, reinforced concrete with tile, and
brick and terra cotta accent material. Inappropriate materials are river rock, unfinished
timber (unpainted), sh,\ke roofs, reflective/mirror glass, and metal siding. Materials should
be high quality and weB crafted.
: (2)
Mechanical equipment and appurtenances, including but not limited to air conditioner
units, ventilation equipment, refiigeration systems, heating uoits, incineratory units, must
be screened so that they are not visible from any public right-of-way. The screen shall
consist of a solid wall, facade, parapet or other similar screening material which is
architectttrally compatible and consistent with the associated building. Such screening
material shall extend at least one (1) foot above the object to be screened. Iflandscaping is
utilized, the plantings must be high enough within one year of planting to provide a screen
which will screen the entire unit with a minimum of seventy-five (75%) percent opacity. In
the case of satellite dishes, they shall be screened from view from growld level of adjacent
rights~of-way and prope;rties by buildings, dense landscaping or screen walls. The
Development Review Board may pennit dishes on buildings ifno part of the dish is visible
from the ground of surrounding properties. Setbacks for antennas and satellite dishes shall
be the same as the building setbacks lUlless otherwise on the Minimum Setback
Requirement Table.
: (3)
Dwnpsters and similar facilities shall be screened on all four (4) sides frorn public view.
Both sides and the rear of such facilities shall be screened by an opaque concrete wall, or
similar material.
All storage areas shall be screened from view from the right-of-way and from adjacent
residential zoning districts. Screening enclosures may consist of any combination of
landscaping and opaque building materials. If bUilding materials are utilized, such material
shall be consistent with the architectural design of the principal structures. .
pes towers shall be located no closer than two hundred (200) feet to the S.R. 434 right-of-
Side and rear elevations ofbuildillgs visible from a public street or acljacent property shall
be designed in the same Elrchitectural style as the main facade.
All doors for service entr,mces or bays shall not face a public street unless they are screened
to obscure service activiti.es.
Outparcels shall conform to the architectural, signage, and landscape theme of the overall
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Sec. 20-349
Redevelopment Area Guidelines
The City recognizes the need for special regulations and programs to revitalize the area
designated a') the Redevelopment Area within the S.R. 434 Corridor. This area within the
corridor shall be snbject to the speciric regulations of 163.330-163.450 Florida Statutes, upon a
tinding of transportation blight by the City.
A separate set of Guidelines will be prepared for the
Sec. 20-350
Town Center Guidelines
The Town Center is intended to se:rve as the focus of the City "with government buildings, the
City's main park, and private o.ffice buildings related to such govemmentfunctions located there.
A design theme creating a unifying appearance shall be required in. the Town Center.
A separate set of Guidelines will be prepared for the
Sec. 20-351.
Couidor Design Review Board.
The St,1ff Review Board shall serve as the Corridor Design Review Board for developments in the
. S.R. 434 Corridor and shall review such developments for a unifying theme according to the
.design standards and make recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Board.
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: Place/replace the following definitions in the Sec. 16-51 Definitions (Signs) in the City Code.
Substitute this defInition of "'Sign" in place of the current definition found in Sec. 16-51 (page
957) of city Code:
Signs - Signs shall me en all names, insignias, trademarks, and descriptive words, back-lit
awnings or material of any kind affixed, inscribed, erected or maintained upon an
individual site or upon any improvement on individual sites.
Substitute this defmition of "'Marketing/Real Estate Sign" in place of the current definition of
"Real estate sign" found in Sec. 16-51 (page 957) of the City Code:
Marketing/Real Estate - For the purpose of these design standards, marketing signs shall
mean all names, insignias, trademarks, and descriptive words of material of any kind
afflxed, inscribed, erected or maintained upon an individual site or upon any improvement
on individual sites whil;h contain infoffilation relating to the marketing of space or
building(s) on the subject parcel.
)Add this defmition of "Ground sign" in Sec. 16-51 (page 957) of the City Code:
Wide-based monument or pylon style sign - a sign wholly independent of any building for
SUppOlt, consisting of a solid base with sign on top for monument sign or a base of foliage
with sign immediately the level of the base foliage, and where the subject of the sign relates
to either the identifying of the business name or the activity(s) carried on in the structure on
the same property as the sign.
Add this defmition of "multi-tenant development" to Sec. 20-1 of the City Code:
Multi-tenant development - Shopping centers and other uses so determined by the City.
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BOUNDARY: lneluded ar. all parcels frontlnm on S.R. 434, or to a depth of 200', whichever Is
greater, expandlng to the railroad behind the City HoD Complex.
This develaped aIea ls currently che.racterlzed by overhead utmtIes, lack of street trees and
hmdscaplng, and excessive asphalt.
After redevelopment. tho aroas wauld bo dlaracterlzed by controlled 8ccan lnchJdlng shared
driveways whare appropriate; controUed signage: stroet trees. and landscaped buffers. upecloUy
In from setbacks, to provido shade, color and uniformity: and on.site landSCaping to break up
larg8 expanses of perldng.
VISION FOR THE CORRIDOR: Create and preserve a pleasant view whl1. uavenng along tho ~orridor
with tho per::eptlon beIng a "Green Imago- cherecterizod by canopy sueet trees {existing end
plame&. planted or neturallandscape buffers. ccontrolled slgnag. and she 8CCe.s.s, reasonable parking
end !JUiIdlng setbacks and omer alta devolopmlent standards.
This can bo accompDshod by adopting unified standards for redeVelopment of pubDc and privato
property; providlng Incentives to encourage redevelopment of privete property: code enforcement:
*nd lscuing pennJts for redevelopment.
2. TOWN CENTER (Bounded by SR 434. Tu.kawma Road. High School, and Comnd WInds Parlel:
Create development standards for this urbanizing area to encourege urban seale development
~acteriIed by pedestrian orfenUl:tfon. Imaner .etbecks on secondery streets. higher Intensity
of da~. closer building spacing and taDar bundIng.. a.e. Enforea tlllough sit. pIlln ravlew.
This area CUlTently has 8 n.raf character. Creato development standards to faclUt:ate the b'anshJon
f,om ruro1 to urban while rupecting the vision for the S.R. 434 Corridor. After development the
area'would be characterized by flmited access from S.R. 434 \hereby promoting Internal eecaS3
"'"thin parcels; e_od slgnage; .treet tre.. end landscaped buffers to provide shade. color and
uniformity: reasoMble setbacks fa, parking and buildings: end on-site landsc.erplng to breakup
largo expanses of paved areas.
NOTE: In aD areas, tho InstaDatJon ot overhead electrical tntnsmin'on. telephone and other aIml1et
utility lines Is discouraged. The lntenalty of roadway fighting in each oreo should be llmIted
to that ,oquirod to maintain un odequate level of oaffie safety end security.
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