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2009 07 13 Regular 603 Florida League of Cities Voting Delegate & Resolution 2009-39
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 603 July 13, 2009 Regular Meeting REQUEST: Informational Consent Public Hearings Regular X Mgr. / Dept. Authorization The City Manager is requesting that the City Commission designate Mayor John F. Bush as our "Voting Delegate" and Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs as Alternate, to represent the City of Winter Springs at the upcoming 2009 Florida League of Cities Annual Conference; and request the City Commission approve Resolution 2009-39 related to all Elected Officials operating under the Sunshine Law. PURPOSE: Mr. Michael Sittig, Executive Director of the Florida League of Cities has requested that each municipality designate an individual to represent their municipality at the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference, this coming August 2009; and also asked municipalities to consider submitting any Resolutions related to "federal, constitutional or commemorative issues that are of statewide concern" to the Florida League of Cities' Resolutions Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: The 83rd Florida League of Cities Annual Conference is being held August 13 -15, 2009 in Orlando, Florida. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -JULY 13, 2009 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "603" PAGE 2 OF 2 A formal request from the Executive Director of the Florida League of Cities, Mr. Michael Sittig has been received which requests that each Municipality designate a City representative as their "Voting Delegate" for the 83`d Florida League of Cities Annual Conference; and to submit any municipal Resolutions related to "federal, constitutional or commemorative issues that are of statewide concern" to the Resolutions Committee for consideration at the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference. On July 7, 2009, Mayor Bush submitted a letter to the Florida League of Cities advising the League that it was our plan to submit Resolution 2009- 39 to our City Commission on July 13, 2009 for approval. Passage of the proposed and attached Resolution 2009-39 would request that all cities in Florida advocate that the Florida Legislature pass legislation requiring all State Legislators, Boards, Commissions and other governing bodies of State and Local Governmental Agencies to operate under the same Sunshine Laws. RECOMMENDATION: 1) It is recommended that the City Commission Vote to designate that Mayor John F. Bush would be the City of Winter Springs' "Voting Delegate" and Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs would be Alternate, at the 83`d Florida League of Cities Annual Conference, being held August 13-15, 2009 in Orlando, Florida; and approve that the requested "Designation of Voting Delegate" form be completed and sent in to the Florida League of Cities. 2) It is also recommended that the City Commission approve Resolution 2009-39. ATTACHMENTS: A. Copy of a document from the Florida League of Cities B. Copy of a letter from Mayor John F. Bush sent to the Florida League of Cities on July 7, 2009 C. Resolution 2009-39 0^r/01:'?009 21:25 p~ EpGUE G~ c~~i~ ~ ~ ac r, o = w ~ FL LEAGUE OFC I T`,' -? 51x073274753 Attachment "A" tJO.890 D01 301 South 8tonough Street • Suite 300 • P.O. Box 1757 • Tallahassee, FL 32302.1157 • (850) 22.9684 • Fax (8501 221.3806 • wWW.f(cities.com TO: 1vlunicipal Key fficial FROM: Micha 1 eeutive Director DATE: June 1, 2009 SUBJECT: 83rd Annual Conference -Florida's Cities - the~~Fleart of tl:e Citizen VOTII`'G DELEGATE AND RESOLUTION II~ORMATION August 13-15, 2009 -Orlando World Center M ott/Orlando As you know, the Florida League of Cities' Annual Conferen e will be held at the Orlando World Center Marrio±t in Orlando, Florida on August 13-15. ;This year we are celebrating Florida 's Cities -the Heart of the Citizen which will rovide valuable educational opportunities to help Florida's municipal officials serve their citizenry more effectively. It is important that each municipality designate one official to b the voting delegate. 1/lection of League leadership and adoption of resolutions are undertake during the business meeting. One official from each municipality will mfll:.e decisions that etermine the direcfiion of the League. In accordance with the League's by-laws, each mu. population, and the League will use the Estimates of Florida for 2008. Registration materials have already been sent to each muni additional copies. The League adopts resolutions each commemorative, constitutional or federal .issues. We have municipality should. follow for proposing,resolutions to the Le. is not needed to become a voting delegate. If you have question call Allison Payne at the League at (85G) 701-3602 or (SC Proposed resolutions must be received by the League no lit s vote is determined by m from the University of ~ality. Call us if you need ear to take positions on [ached the procedures your ie membership. A resolution regarding resolutions, please 616-1513, extension 3602. than July 9, 2009. If you have any questions on voting delegates, please call Gail ~ ennard at the League (850) 701-3619 or (800) 616-1513, extension 3619. 'Voting delegat forms must be received by the League no later than July 27, 2009_ Attachments: Form Designating doting Delegate Procedures for Submitting Conference Re lution President Carmine prit~ra; Vice Moyor, Wellingt n First Vice President John Morks, Mayor, Tollehossee • Second Vice President Joy Coop6r, Moyor, Hallondole Beach Executive Director Mitt-ael 5ifii~ • Cisnerol Counsel Flirty IUtorrisan, Jr. 0?%D1.'?~©9 21:25 FL LEAGUE OFCITY y 5140?3274?53 hJ0.890 D82 83rd Annual Conference Florida League of Cities, Inc. August 13-15, 2009 Orlando, Florida It is important that each member municipality sending delegates to the Annual Conference of the Florida League of Cities, desi~ate one of their officials to. cast their votes at the Annual Business Session. League By-Laws requires that each municipality select one person to serve as the municipalities voting delegate. Municipalities do not Ineed to adopt a resolution to designate a voting delegate. Please fill out this form and return it to the League office so th~.t your voting delegate maybe properly identified. ~ Desi anon of Votiu Dele ate ' Name of Voting Delegate: Title: Municipality of: AYJ'THORYZED BY: harne Title Return this form to: Gail Dennard Florida League of Cities, Inc. Post ®ffice Box 1757 Tallahassee, FL 32302-1757 dr Fax to Gail Dennard at (850) 222-3806 87-~©1~ ~©89 21: 25 FL LEAGUE OFC I T'~' 614x73274753 td0. B90 D83 Procedures for Submitting Resolutions Florida League of Cities' 83rd Annual Conference Orlando World Center Marriott Orlando, Florida August 13-15, 2009 In order to fairly systematize the method for presenting resolutions to the League membership, the following procedures have been instituted: (l) Proposed resolutions must be submitted in writing, t~~ be received. in the League office by 7uIy 9, 2.009, to guarantee that they will be included in the packet of proposed resolutions that will be.submitted to the Resa']utions Committee. (2) Proposed resolutions will be rewritten for proper fornn, duplicated by the League office and distributed to members of the ltesolutibns Committee. (Whenever possible, multiple resolutions on a similar issue will b~ rewritten to encompass the essential subject matter in a single resolution with a listing of original proposers.) (3) Proposed resolutions may be submitted directly to the Resolutions Committee at the conference; however, a favorable two-thirds vote of the committee will be necessary to consider such resolutions. (4) Proposed resolutions may be submitted directly to the business session of the conference without prior committee approval by a ~ vote of two-thirds of the members present. Tn addition, a favorable weighted vote of a majority of members present will be required for adoption. (5) Proposed resolutions relating to state legislation will be referred to [he appropriate standing policy committee. Such proposals will dot be considered by the Resolutions Committee at the conference; however, all state legislative issues will be considered by the standing policy councils and the I%egislative Committee, prior to the membership, at the annual Legislative Conference each fall. At that time, a state Legislative Action Agenda will be adopted. Municipalities unable to formally adopt a resolution before the deadline may submit a letter to the League office. indicating their city is considering the adoption of a resolution, outlining the subject thereof in as much detail as possible, and phis letter will be forwarded to the Resolutions Committee for consideration in anticipation of receipt of the formal resolution. rao. ~~o 004 07~01~`2009 21:25 FL LEAGUE OFD IT'r -~ 514073274753 - Important Dates May 30L2009 Notice to Local and Regional League Presidents and Municipal Associations regarding the Resolutions Committee June 30 Appointment of Resolutions Committee ?i~iembers July 9 Deadline for Submitting Resolutions to the Lague office August 13 League Standing Council Meeting Resolutions Committee Meeting Voting Delegates Registration August 15 Immediately Following Breakfast -Pick Up Voting Dlelegate Credentials Followed by Annual Business Sessio~,n Attachment "B" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA JOHN F. BUSH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Sent via email and Facsimile July 7, 2009 Mr. Michael Sittig, Executive Director Florida League of Cities, Inc. Post Office Box 1757 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1757 Dear Mr. Sittig: 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Mobile: 407-782-6230 Email: jfbush@winterspringsfl.org Facsimile: 407-327-4753 City Website: www.winterspringsfl.org This letter is being submitted to the Florida League of Cities to advise you that at the July 13, 2009 Regular Meeting of the Winter Springs City Commission, Resolution 2009-39 will be presented to our City Commission requesting their approval. Resolution 2009-39 requests that all cities in Florida advocate that the Florida Legislature pass legislation requiring all State Legislators, Boards, Commissions and other governing bodies of State and Local Governmental Agencies to operate under the same Sunshine Laws. Should City of Winter Springs' Resolution 2009-39 be approved by our City Commission, we will then forward it immediately to the Florida League of Cities and request your assistance in supporting this issue, and to include our Resolution in discussions of the Resolutions Committee at the August 2009 Florida League of Cities Annual Conference. If you have any questions, please contact me at (407) 782-6230 or our City Manager Kevin L. Smith at (407) 327-5957. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~,~/Sli~ John F. Bush Mayor of Winter Springs Attachment "C" RESOLUTION NUMBER 2009-39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SUPPORTING LEGISLATION TO REQUIRE THAT ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS OPERATE UNDER THE SAME SUNSHINE LAWS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~(HEREAS, Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law enacted in 1967 established a right of access to most meetings of Boards, Commissions and other governing bodies of State and Local Governmental Agencies; and ~HEREAS, in 2008 Governor Crist proclaimed that "The role of Florida's government is to serve the people of Florida and open government gives the people the tools they need to hold their Elected Officials accountable"; and ~1 HEREAS, on March 13, 2009, Governor Charlie Crist proclaimed March 15 - 21 as "Florida Sunshine Week"; and ~HEREAS, not all Elected Officials are governed by the same Florida in the Sunshine Laws; and 1~1~ HEREAS, our counties and municipalities live by this law and insure that government business is conducted in the open for all people to see; and !~ HEREAS, all Florida government is better served when all Elected Officials live in the Sunshine. NOW THEREFORE, $E IT ~ESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that: ~ECTION ~. -The City of Winter Springs, Florida, and all cities of Florida, and the Florida League of Cities urge the Florida Legislature to pass legislation that requires all State Legislators, Boards, Commissions and other governing bodies of State and Local Governmental Agencies to operate under the same Sunshine Laws. ~ECTION g~. -That the Sunshine Laws that our counties and municipalities live by should be used for all Elected Officials. ECTION ~g~. - That a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Speaker of the House, the Senate President, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, the Florida League of Cities, the Florida League of Women Voters, the First Amendment Foundation, the Florida Association of Counties, and all local and Regional Leagues of Cities in Florida. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a Regular Meeting duly assembled on the day of July, 2009. ~, ~aitiri,P61 use ~fia,~~~ fi~~~ar~td deG rn~ ~uaraa! a~ricG c~r,~i~c/ffi~ 6ea/ta 6e ~~~/ JOHN F. BUSH, Mayor ATTEST: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs, Florida only: ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney City of \k'inter Spring, I'lorida Resolution Nuint~cr 1049-39 Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2009 -39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SUPPORTING LEGISLATION TO REQUIRE THAT ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS OPERATE UNDER THE SAME SUNSHINE LAWS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \i i t HEREAS, Florida's Government -in- the - Sunshine Law enacted in 1967 established a right of access to most meetings of Boards, Commissions and other governing bodies of State and Local Governmental Agencies; and HEREAS, in 2008 Governor Crist proclaimed that "The role of Florida's government is to serve the people of Florida and open government gives the people the tools they need to hold their Elected Officials accountable "; and \ 1 \ % HEREAS, on March 13, 2009, Governor Charlie Crist proclaimed March 15 — 21 as "Florida Sunshine Week "; and !`WHEREAS, not all Elected Officials are governed by the same Florida in the Sunshine Laws; and W HEREAS, our counties and municipalities live by this law and insure that government business is conducted in the open for all people to see; and I i HEREAS, all Florida government is better served when all Elected Officials live in the Sunshine. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that: SECTION I. — The City of Winter Springs, Florida, and all cities of Florida, and the Florida League of Cities urge the Florida Legislature to pass legislation that requires all State Legislators, Boards, Commissions and other governing bodies of State and Local Governmental Agencies to operate under the same Sunshine Laws. SECTION 11. — That the Sunshine Laws that our counties and municipalities live by should be used for all Elected Officials. SECTION 111. — That a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Speaker of the House, the Senate President, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, the Florida League of Cities, the Florida League of Women Voters, the First Amendment Foundation, the Florida Association of Counties, and all local and Regional Leagues of Cities in Florida. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a Regular Meeting duly assembled on the 13 day of July, 2009. teffne 1 /Mewl,' /zaue %eyrie/tee deb nv , amid aid ea i1 ed thier 6eah �e g JOHlNF. BUSH, Mayor :.2 ATTEST: A ' L A LORENZO - LUACES, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City Winter Springs, Florida only: /.7 ----- - _____,., ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney City of Winter Spring. Florida Resolution Number 2009 -39 Page 2 of 2 • 07/01. '2009 21:25 FL LEAGUE OFCITY 4 614073274753 h10.690 902 83rd Annual Conference Florida League of Cities, Inc. August 13 -15, 2009 Orlando, Florida It is important that each member municipality sending delegates to the Annual Conference of the Florida League of Cities, designate one of their officials to cast their votes at the Annual Business Session. League By -Laws requires that each municipality select one person to serve as the municipalities voting delegate. Municipalities do not heed to adopt a resolution to designate a voting delegate. Please fill out this form and return it to the League office so that your voting delegate may be properly identified. Designation of Voting Delegate Name of Voting Delegate: John F. Bush Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs (Alternate) Title: Mayor Municipality of: Winter Springs AUTHORIZED BY: 25;a City Manager Title Return this form to: Gail Dennard Florida League of Cities, Inc. Post Office Box 1757 Tallahassee, FL 32302 -1757 Or Fax to Gail Dennard at (850) 222 -3806 •