HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 03 25 Regular Item A
March 25. 1996
REQUEST: General Services Department Comprehensive Planning Division updating the
Commission on the status of the 434 Visioning Process, requesting the Commission
to give preliminary approval to the Visioning Conceptual Plan, and to direct staff to
complete the project as provided herein.
To update the Commission on the status of the Visioning process, to review, and to
give preliminary approval to the conceptual plan [State Road 434 Visioning schematic
map], if found to be acceptable, and to direct staff to complete the project as discussed
This agenda item is needed to establish direction for the Visioning process, as provided
February 27, 1995, the Commission authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract
with Berryman & Henigar, Inc. to perform a scope of planning service related to creating
a vision of development for the 434 Corridor.
Subsequently, a visioning session was held on May 20, 1995 at the Civic Center which
resulted in the development of a visioning concept. The City Manager and consultant was
directed to interact with property owners to get input on the process.
February 20, 1996, the staff and the City Consultant met with property owners along State
Road 434 to review the status of the project and to discuss strategies for getting the
project back on tract. The following were agreed upon:
March 25, 1996
Page 2
a) The Conceptual Plan was acceptable and should be presented to the Commission
for review and approval.
b) The City's consultant would review development guidelines drafted by the property
owners, and Staff's review comments of the guidelines, and provide written
comments and recommendations at a future meeting scheduled for March 7, 1996.
c) Subsequent to the March 7, 1996, meeting the City's consultant will synthesize all
comments into a draft development design guidelines manual.
d) Subsequent to approval of the draft development design guidelines manual the
consultant will prepare any zoning and comprehensive plan amendments that may
be needed to implement the conceptual plan.
On March 7, 1996, the Staff, City consultants and property owners met to review
the consultant's report. It was agreed that a meeting would be scheduled for
March 27, 1996, to give everyone time to review the consultants report, and that
the conceptual plan would be presented to the City Commission on March 25,
Following are issues involved in this project:
1) There is a question as to whether sufficient public input has been attained
for a project of this type. Visioning Processes usually provide for broad
public input, with a goal of including all stakeholders in the process. This
process to date has not accomplished this goal.
This can be achieved through additional public workshops that can be
structured after preliminary approval of the conceptual plan, and
development design guidelines manual. These workshops could result in
amendments being made to the final conceptual plan that would be
presented to the Commission at a later date for final approval.
2) There is a question relative to the desirability of expanding the visioning
process beyond the 434 corridor to include for example, the lake area.
This option could bring about some interesting ideas for exploration.
This could easily be structured into the existing process, or addressed in a
future visioning process.
March 25, 1996
Page 3
3) There are several issues that are currently being deliberated between the
Staff, the consultant and the property owners currently involved in the
development of the development design guidelines. These issues deal
primarily with sign standards, land area to be included in the overlay
district placement of utilities, and financing.
This discussion is healthy and constructive.
All remaining issues will be brought to the Commission when the draft
development guideline manual is presented toithe Commission in May.
The Commissions alternatives are as follows:
1) Terminate the project a this point
2) Give preliminary approval to the conceptual plan, implementation schedule,
and direct staff to proceed as recommended herein.
3) Amend the conceptual plan and implementation schedule in a manner the
Commission feels to be more appropriate, and direct Staff to proceed as
amended by the Commissioners.
The Commission approved $20,200.00 in the General Fund for consulting services to
complete this project. Additional funding is not requested at this time.
Staff is recommending the following:
1) The Commission give preliminary approval to the conceptual visioning
2) The Commission direct Staff to proceed with completion of the project as
outlined in the implementation schedule below.
March 25, 1996
Page 4
3) The Commission direct staff to explore additional ways of expanding input
from stakeholders into the visioning process and provide recommendations
when this item is returned to the Commission in May.
4) The Commission direct staff to explore ways of expanding the visioning
process to include other areas of the City such as Lake Jesup and provide
recommendations when this item is returned to the Commission in May.
1) Preliminary conceptual plan approved this date, (March 25, 1996).
2) The final draft development design guidelines manual and related planning
documents should be completed and returned to the Commission for review and
preliminary approval in May 1996.
3) Additional workshops could be completed by August 1, 1996 if approved by the
Commission in May.
4) Final Commission approval could be completed by September 1, 1996.
5) If Comprehensive Plan amendments are required, the process could be completed
by March 1997.
a.) February 23, 1996 letter from Berryman & Henigar, Inc. to Ron McLemore, City
b.) March 07,1996 Berryman & Henigar, Inc. evaluation of corridor design standards.
c.) Contract with Berryman & Henigar, Inc. to perform visioning services for 434
/!JIl Berryman & Henigar
,it!)')" aSI Consultants, Inc. a Henigar & Ray, Inc.
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fEB 2 8 1996
February 23, 1996
Ronald McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
~~ C~y Manager
Design guidelines for SR 434
Deaf Mr. McLemore:
This letter is to memorialize the City's direction to Berryman & Henigar regarding the tasks
authorized at 'our meeting of February 20, 1996. Pursuant to your directions we are to complete
Task #3 outlined in my letter to the City Manager of Winter Springs, dated February 15, 1995
(copy attached). This task is to be completed in the following manner:
A) Review and comment on the guidelines prepared by the McIntosh Group. Meet
with the City and that group to discuss our comments on March 7th at 2:00 (date
to be confirmed by the City).
B) Within 2 months prepare the remaining guidelines for the entire SR 434 corridor
for discussion by the property owners and the City staff
C) Attend three meetings:
1) The aforementioned meeting with the McIntosh Group and staff
, 2) A meeting with property owners and other interested individuals in the
areas designated as (1) and (2) on the SR 434 Vision plan
3) A public meeting before the City commission to present the Vision 434
plan (this will occur sometime within the next 6 weeks).
Berryman & Henigar appreciates the opportunity to again be of service to the City of Winter
Springs. Together, we have accomplished some rather significant things in the past, and I know
that an effort of cooperation and communication will continue in the future. If you have any
questions, comments or further direction, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
cc: Mike Wadley
W'\lI'1T1'R!;\I'(1\WTN'1'FR~P J TR
1414 S.w. Martin Luther King Avenue oOcala, FL 34474-3129 tel: 904-368-5055 fax: 904-368-5063 Citrus Line: (904) 563-1510
An Equal Opportunity Employer
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John Govoruhk, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
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FEB 2 2 1995
February 15, 1995
City Manager
Fee Proposal for Visioning Tasks
Dear John:
This letter is in response to your request for a fee proposal to provide planning services
for S.R. 434 Corridor.
Henigar & Ray, Inc, (H&R) would propose a six-part effort to establish an appropriate
plan, design, and regulatory changes for the S.R, 434 Corridor.
1. One day Visioning Seminar - H&R will moderate/facilitate a one-day (12 hours
including lunch and dinner breaks) visioning process that will attempt to establish
a consensus of opinion on the issues and solutions to development and re-
development in the S.R. 434 Corridor. (Planning area will be no greater than one
block Or 200 feet on either side of the S.R. 434 right-of-way.) . . . . . . .. $4,700.00
2. Redevelopment Plan Schematic Map - H&R will prepare a schematic map of the
corridor area. The map will provide guidance for landscape/streetscape design,
parking location, and pedestrian circulation, as well as potential development
patterns and uses based on the visionary session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $4,350.00
3. Streetscape Guidelines - Based on the visioning session, H&R will prepare
streetscape guidelines in a document format for guidance to both public and
private development in the area . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,800.00
4. Overlay District - H&R will prepare Overlay Zoning District regulations to be
applied to supplement the underlying zoning district by providing standards that
complainant and implement the re-development vision . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3,350.00
5. Rezoning - H&R will recommend rezoning and/or land use plan districts
. appropriate to implement the vision suggested in the visioning session . $1,150.00
6, Comprehensive Plan Amendments - H&R will prepare the necessary
documentation and submission information to the Department of Community
Affairs , , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2,850.00
1414 S.W. Martin Luther King Avenue · Ocala, FL 34474-3129
tel: 904-368-5055 fax: 904-368-5063
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John Govoruhk, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
February 15, 1995
Page 2
The City will provide the space, send out the invitations, and sponsor the visioning
session as well as all the necessary base maps and existing regulatory information.
The above tasks are a minimal but comprehensive program that should bring about
satisfactory and implementable results, The City need not select all the tasks suggested
above. For instance, the City could prepare all the necessary DCA submission
Fred Goodrow, AICP ~ .
Principal/Planning Manage
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Pursuant to our Agreement dated
December 5, 1994, H&R is authorized
to proceed with Tasks 1- & {)Vi~?-~/.-I ,'Q
outlined above, Dc" )..-:., {,!,,"C
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March 7, 1996
Mr. Ronald McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay Design Standards
Dear Mr. McLemore:
As requested we have completed our review of the proposed S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay Design
Standards. The draft document we reviewed was a combination of the design standards proposed
by Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. and recommendations by City staff. Our comments are
attached for your review and consideration.
Our comments are keyed to specific section numbers contained in Division 12. Some comments
are recommended specific language changes, while others are in the form of general comments
for discussion.
We look forward to working with you, your staff, and the S.R. 434 Property Owners Task Force,
as appropriate, to successfully complete this important task.
cc: Fred Goodrow
519 N, Magnolia Avenue · Orlando, FL 32801
tel: 407-426-8994
fax: 407-426-8977
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Policy 2.2.1
Objective 3.2
Sec. 20-338
Sec. 20-339
Sec. 20-341
Review of S.R. 434 Corridor
Overlay Design Standards
Comment: A conceptual uniform plan should be developed by the City for
all medians. Individual groups should not be allowed to design medians
but should be encouraged to fund landscape improvements. Maintenance
guidelines are also important if civic groups or local businesses provide
volunteer labor for maintenance.
The City may want to add design professionals from the community to
serve on the review board. Professionals would serve on a volunteer basis
without compensation. Professionals to consider include an architect,
landscape architect, and civil engineer.
Does this mean that if any portion of a parcel is within 330' of the
centerline that the entire parcel is subject to the Corridor Design
Standards? Or, is only that part of the parcel within the 330' area subject to
the Corridor Design Standards? It is recommended that the last sentence in
this section that was struck be added back.
This suggests that any height may be approved. It is recommended that the
height limit should be stated as a maximum offive (5) stories or fifty-five
(55) feet, whichever is greater. There may be appropriate exceptions, but
these conditions should be defined.
A reference is made to a "Site Plan Review Board". Is this different from
the "Staff Review Board" or "Development Review Board" referred to in
other sections?
Is the Site Plan Review Board the final authority in granting approvals?
A maximum land coverage of 65% is too restrictive for a corridor which is
primarily commercial. As a comparison, the Central Florida Research Park
restricts land coverage to 65% for all office and research and development
parcels. The intent was to create an open park-like atmosphere compatible
with the University of Central Florida. However, the Park also has a
commercial support area. The maximum land coverage within the
commercial support area is 75%. The concept of requiring more open
space does not necessarily translate into better design. How the open space
is treated does make a difference.
It is recommended that the maximum land coverage be 70% as originally
Sec. 20-342(4)
Sec. 20-342(6)
Sec. 20-343(11)
Sec. 20-343(17)
Sec. 20-344(a)
Sec. 20-344(b)
Sec. 20-344
It is acceptable in many communities to have 9' x 18' parking spaces. The
10' x 20' parking space is regarded by many as excessive because of the
reduced size of the average car on the road today. Development costs are
reduced by reducing the size of parking spaces. This helps to. offset the
cost of additional landscaping and other improvements that are desirable.
The 9' x 20' parking space is also found in many communities. It is
recommended that either 9' x 18' or 9' x 20' parking spaces be adopted as
the standard.
It is also recommended that the two (2) foot overhang area at the end of
parking spaces be allowed to be converted to landscaping. This additional
landscaped area should not be counted as required green space or setback.
This is an acceptable way to get bonus open space and also reduce
development costs (See attached figure).
It is recommended that the minimum access drive width be 24'.
It is recommended that a three (3) foot high masonry wall with
landscaping between the road and the wall be an acceptable alternative
method to screen parking especially where space is limited.
It is recommended that the following be added:
"Trees shall be planted adjacent to structures on the site at the equivalent
of one (1) tree for each thirty (30) linear feet, or fraction thereof, offront
and side wall length. "
It is recommended that consideration be given to deleting pylon signs.
Pylon signs can have a similar appearance to pole signs.
Same comment, consider deleting pylon signs.
It is recommended that sign area and height be based on the gross building
area of a parcel. This concept follows urban design principles by requiring
the sign to be in scale with the building it serve as follows:
Gross Building Area (Sq. Ft.) Sign Area (S. F.) Max. Height Primary Sign Max. Height Secondary Sign
< 25,000 25 6', 4'
25,001 - 65,000 40 8' 6'
65,001 - 150,000 80 12' 8'
> 150,000 100 15' 10'
Sec. 20-344(b )(2)
Sec. 20-344(0)(1)
Sec. 20-345
Sec. 20-345(2)
Sec. 20-346
Sec. 20-349
Additional Comments:
It is recommended that twenty (20) feet be the acceptable setback.
The minimum height for vehicular sight clearance is not necessary because
signage will have to comply with the clear sight triangle requirement.
Signs can extend to the ground which is a more desirable design goal.
It is recommended that "color" also be consistent.
Change text from 3 to 7 years to 1 to 5 years.
Was this meant to apply to the corridor along S.R. 434 only?
It is recommended that a three (3) inch diameter be acceptable rather than
a four (4) inch tree.
With respect to walls, it is recommended that the last sentence be changed
to read"... they shall conform to the architectural style and materials of
surrounding properties of the property they serve."
It appears that there is agreement that all site related utility lines should be
underground. Major transmission lines along S.R. 434 are a different
issue. If the decision is made that all utility lines along S.R. 434 should be
buried, then this should be done at one time rather than on a property by
property basis. Another significant issue with respect to burying lines
along S.R. 434 is who pays. Certainly more than just the property owners
receive benefit from burying lines such as electric and telephone. Is it fair
to have the property owners abutting S.R. 434 pay the full cost of such an
improvement? An alternative would be to establish a broad special
improvement district to fund such a project.
It is recommended that this be deleted and the original language be
adopted. This implies some type of frontage road which is different from
the concept of vehicular connections to abutting properties.
An opportunity exists to create a different set of design standards to
implement the formation of a town center. Items such as architectural
standards, setbacks, parking, and landscaping should be studied with that
in mind.
1. The proposed design standards contained in Division 12. S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay
District can also apply to the redevelopment area with modifications. The proposed
standards should be evaluated with respect to existing development to determine if there
are conditions that would require different standards.
2. The proposed design standards have been written using regulatory language rather than
more general guideline language. In certain areas or circumstances it may be more
appropriate to use a guideline format. This is especially true with architectural guidelines
and also may be applicable to the creation of a town center or in the redevelopment area.
Guidelines with a large number of sketches and photographs can be very effective in
communicating design intent.
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