HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 03 25 Consent Item B
REQUES1;:: The Parks and Recreation Department requests that the City Commission
review the Personnel Policy-Section 20-2 Nepotism for clarification.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to introduce for review and clarification the policy
addressing Nepotism. Clarification of the existing policy is needed comparative to
its relationship to "Part-Time Employees."
The April 8, 1980 Personnel Policy addresses Nepotism as to (a)
Department Head relationship and (b) two (2) relatives in same job title
and supervisory positions. See Attachment # 1.
The 1980 Personnel Policy-Section 20-2 does not distinguish employment
classifications of part-time/full- time or part-time employees.
In 1980 when the Policy was adopted part-time employees were almost
non-existent, with only one (1) employeeivorking part-time.
The Parks and Recreation Department presently and seasonally has need of, .
employing part-time employees to perform duties in the areas of ballfield
maintenance, general maintenance, concession operations, miniature golf
operations, special event staffing and senior center staffing.
Obtaining quality part-time personnel for employment is at times difficult
due to the limited and varied number of hours offered to potential
employees-particularly seasonal employment needs.
City of Winter Springs employees have High School children or other
relatives who desire seasonal part-time employment and could fill seasonal
part-time vacancies.
Hiring of part-time relatives within a department could create supervisory
problems if direct supervision was administered by a relative.
If part-time employment of relatives was adopted on a continual full-
time/part-time basis (29 hours per week) it could create a conflicting
environment which could possibly impact morale, promotions, etc.
Part-time employees of relatives, even within the same department, could
prove to be an enhancement to the City and the employees due to
expanding the part-time employment pool for emergency and seasonal
needs and broadened commitment to the job.
Seasonal, short-term, part-time employment, defined as employment
consisting of (12) twelve or less work weeks could provide for a
manageable work environment for part-time employment of relatives that
would conceivably benefit the City and employees.
Seasonable employees are appointed and are treated as permanent
Employees except that they will be terminated at the close of the season
and/or project for which they were appointed. See Attachment #2.
Parks and Recreation part-time and seasonal employees usually work hours
that are after the normal work day closes as 4pm to 10pm on weekends.
Therefore, contact with a relative is usually avoided.
The 1995-1996 Parks and Recreation Operational Budget part-time
employment line code 51210 was previously approved which subsidizes the
employment of part-time employees.
It is the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Department that the
Personnel Policy-Section 20-2 Nepotism be clarified to allow for the part-
time and seasonal employment (12 weeks or less) of relatives within a
department when there is no direct line of supervision by a relative.
Immediately upon approval of policy clarification by the City Commission.
#1- Personnel Policy-Section-20 item 20-2 Nepotism, page 26
#2- Personnel Policy-Section 8 item 8-1 b Seasonal Employees, page 11
#3- Pending Personnel Policy-Section 105 Hiring of Relatives, page 9
Department Head and City Manager shall be notified immediately.
A PH 8 1980
19-3 Steps to Take in Case of Accident
All injured employees should go (or be taken when necessary) to the City
designated physician or nn appropriate physician of the employee's
choosing; however, the cIty physician shall also examine the individual.
Seriously injured employccG should be taken to the nearest available
medical facility.
19-4 Administrative Procedures and Compensation to Injured Employees
Administrati ve procec1uruo and payment of Workmen's Compensation to all
employees who are disabled due to an injury while performing assigned
duties shall be governed by the Florida State \vorkmen' 5 Compensation
Law and applicable administrative procedures.
19-5 Safety Equipment and Devices
The City will provide proper and necessary safety equipment and devices
for employees engaged in work where such special equipment and devices
are necessary. Such equipment and device's, where provided, rust' be
used. Failure by 'concerned employees to utilize provided equipment or
devices will be subject to disciplinary measures and possible release
from the service.
20-1 Solicitations
Employee contributions to the United Fund or other recognized charitable
organizations are purely voluntary. No coercion of an employee to make
contributions shall be permitted.
20-2 Nepotism
The appointment to City employment of any consanguineous (blood or
marriage) relative of' a Department or Staf'f' Of'f'ice Head shall be pro-
hibited. 'I'he City M[J.naf~cr may'approve employment of' a relative of' an
employee who is not in n supervisory position; however, two relatives
may not be employed in the same Job title.
20-3 Bulletin Boards
The bulletin board in the City Hall is to be reserved for the posting of
official notices and official activities of the City. Personal messages
or business advertisements 'are prohibited.
20-4 Employee Information Changes
Any change in an employee's address or telephone number shall be reported
to the department head in order to keep the City Clerk and payroll
records current. Any change in the number of dependents claims in the
employee's W-2 form and/or insurance coverage and any change in the .
employee's designated beneficiary should be reported to the Personnel Clerk
as soon as possible.
..-.. . .. - .-.
^ r R 8 1980
7-3 Notification
Whenever a promotional cxrmdnation is to be held, notice of such
examination shall be pouted in all departments. It shall be the duty of
such individual department head to see that all employees are made aware
of the examination.
7-4 Application
The Persomel Department may require that eac:1 eligible who cares to
compete for promotion fJll out application forms as prescribed and present
completed forms to the CJLy Clerkts Office as instructed.
7-5 Types of Promotionn 1 Examinations
Promotional examinations l~~ consist of the same types of tests as are
prescribed for entrance examination, or others as appropriate.
7-6 Promotion Without EX1.mtlnation
The City Manager may authorize the promotion of an eligible employee upon
presentation by the department head of adequate justifisation including
documentation that no other employee .of the department'meets the require-
8-1 Types of Appointments
The following types of appointments may be made to the City Service in
confonni ty with establisll()(l rules.
a. Permanent Employee
Works full-time and on a continuous basis (indefinite) is subject to all
rules and regulations and receives all benefits and rights as provided.
b. Seasonal Employeen
Are appointed the same m..1l1ner as a.J above and are treated as permanent
employees except that they will be terminated at the close of the season
and/or project for which they were appointed.
c. Student Appointment
Student appointments have the purpose of affording students of public
administration and other professional or clerical areas an opportunity
to gain actual work experience. Such appointments are for a definite
period of time, not to exceed 12 months and require the approval of the
City Manager.
d. Einergency Appointments
In order to prevent stoppage or public business or serious inconvenience
to the public, appointment; of employees on a temporary basis may be
November 1, 1995
In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals,
employment decisions at the City of Winter Springs will be based on merit, qualifications, and
abilities. The City of Winter Springs does not discriminate in employment opportunities or
practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other
characteristic protected by law.
The City of Winter Springs will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with
known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship. This policy governs all
aspects of employment, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline,
termination, and access to benefits and training.
Any employees with questions or concerns about any type of discrimination in the work-place
are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of their immediate Department Head.
Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be
engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
The employment of relatives in the same Department may cause serious conflicts and problems
with favoritism and employee morale. In addition to claims of partiality in treatment at work,
personal conflicts from outside the work environment can be carried into day-to-day working
Relatives of persons currently employed by the City of Winter Springs may be hired only if they
will not be working directly for or supervising a relative or will not occupy a position in the same
line of authority within the organization. This policy applies to any relative, higher or lower in
the organization, who has the authority to review employment decisions. City of Winter Springs
employees cannot be transferred into such a reporting relationship.
If the relative relationship is established after employment, the individuals concerned will
decide who is to be transferred. If that decision is not made within 30 calendar days, the
Department Head will decide.
In other cases where a conflict or the potential for conflict arises, even if there is no Department
Head relationship involved, the parties may be separated by reassignment or terminated from
For the purposes of this policy, relatives are defined to include spouses, parents, grandparents,
children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law and sister-in-law, fathers-in-law and
mothers-in-law, stepparents, stepbrothers, stepsisters, and stepchildren.