HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 02 26 Consent Item B
February 26, 1996
MGR ;(V,., IDEPT //1---
REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting Emergency Authorization to Execute
Amendment 49 for Engineering Services - Hayes Road Bridge Replacement
and Roadway/Drainage Improvements
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request emergency authorization to execute
Amendment 49 - Consulting Engineering Services for the Hayes Road Bridge
Replacement and RoadwaylDrainage Improvements with Conklin, Porter &
Holmes Engineers, Inc.
This project is needed to prevent further damage to public and private property.
It was originally scheduled for FY 1996/97 for design and permitting with construction to
occur in FY 1997/98. The project scope of work is for the replacement of the Hayes
Road bridge over Gee Creek including the pedestrian walkway, raising the Hayes
Road! Alton Road intersection, and eliminating the open drainage ditch from that
intersection. The adjacent resident at 599 Alton Road is experiencing progressive erosion
from Gee Creek partially attributable to the drainage ditch from the Hayes/Alton
intersection. The erosion is threatening a shed and could impact the house should a major
storm event occur. The resident wants to perform some corrective action in the
immediate future but is concerned the effort will be wasted if the drainage ditch outlet is
not modified. We propose to accelerate the construction schedule to relocate the ditch
outfall away from the residence so no adverse impact is made to their permanent repairs to
protect the shed and residence.
The bridge, constructed in 1961, has been determined to be ''functionally obsolete"
according to July, 1995 bridge inspection report :from DOT. The pedestrian walkway was
identified as a flow restriction for the 25 year storm event in the Gee Creek study by
Singh offen & Associates. The Hayes Road/Alton Road intersection is low and has
traditionally been the first road to be closed during major storm events including twice in
1995. As Hayes Road is the only collector road serving the North Orlando Ranches area
to the north, it is imperative that this road remain open during times of emergencies.
Amendment 49 includes for the consulting engineer to provide surveying services, bridge
and roadway design, permitting with the Corp of Engineers, St. John's Water
Management District and/or Department of Environmental Protection, bid document and
specification preparation, and bidding services. Bid results will be brought back to the
Commission for consideration.
The cost for Amendment 49 is $40,000. Funds are available in the Transportation
Impact Fee Reserve Account ($776,500) that can be transferred to the consulting services
line code to cover the cost. It is estimated that the project will cost $500,000. Funds for
engineering services for this project will be expended by August 31, 1996.
I recommend that authorization be given to the City Manager to execute
Amendment 49 for Consulting Engineering Services for the Hayes Road Bridge
Replacement and DrainageIRoadway Improvements to be paid from the Consulting
Services line code of the Transportation Impact Fee Fund.
The scope of services should be completed by August 1, 1996 providing 90 days
for permitting from the regulatory agencies. Construction could begin approximately
thirty days later.
1. Amendment 49
NOVEMBER 27, 1984
This Amendment dated , 1996, by and between the City of Winter Springs
(hereinafter called the OWNER) and Conklin, Porter & Holmes. Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter
called the Engineer), is mutually agreed upon and declared an allthorized Amendment to an
Agreement dated November 27, 1984, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope,
terms and conditions of the services herein authorized. The appropriate provisions of the
November 27, 1984, Agreement apply as fully as if repeated herein.
1.1 The ENGINEER shall provide all services required to complete each task to the
extent of the scope of work as defined and set out in this Amendment. The
ENGINEER shall perform professional services as hereinafter stated in accordance
with good engineering practices.
1.2 Using the survey, soils, and available drainage reports, the ENGINEER will
prepare Final Engineering designs, drawings, specifications, and Opinion of
Probable Construction Costs to construct a new bridge structure at the Hayes Road
crossing at Gee Creek. The ENGINEER will also provide bidding services for
the work and channel improvements more specifically described in Section 3, aIJd
will prepare, submit, and monitor regulatory agency for the joint Environmental
Resource Permit for the 81. Johns River Water Management District, Florida
Department of Environmental Regulation, and Corps of Engineers as it concerns
dredge and fill and water flow issues.
1.3 The ENGINEER will prepare designs, plans, and technical specifications for the
approach roadway (400 feet north and 200 feet south of the bridge and 400 feet
down Alton Road).
1.4 The bridge has been inspected by FDOT in July, 1995, and has been described
as functionally obsolete by FDOT. There are numerous minor deficiencies on the
bridge and the channel stabilization under the bridge is in bad condition.
1.5 The footbridg~ (parallel to the roadway bridge) has been identified as a hydraulic
restriction in the Gee Creek flow channel and revisions are required to this bridge.
We recommend that the sidewalk be incorporated into the new bridge design.
2.1 The ENGINEER will serve as the CITY'S professional representative in those
phases of work to which this Amendment applies, and will give consultation and
advice to the CITY during the period of performance of services.
2.1.1 The ENGINEER will attend and participate in conferences with the CITY to keep
them appraised of the progress of the work, receive their instructions, and will
also coordinate their work with subcontractors and pertinent regulatory agencies.
2.1.2 The ENGINEER represents that all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully
qualified. Any and all subconsultants will be submitted to the CITY for approval.
3.1.1 Obtain survey cross sections of the creek bed for 50 feet up and downstream of
the existing bridge and on each side of the bridge and one at the footbridge.
Obtain survey information on culture, topography, utilities and cross-sections 400
feet north of the bridge, 200 feet south and 400 feet down Alton Road and other
items as detailed in the survey proposal..
3.1.2 Perform some additional hydraulic analysis to determine headloss, velocity, and
water surface elevations through the proposed structure utilizing the FEMA flows
and water surface elevations from the current FEMA maps and reports will be
required. No detailed hydraulic study of the total upstream portion of the Gee
Creek Basin is contemplated as being necessary nor included in the scope of this
work. We will utilize existing data and modeling already performed by others.
We understand that the existing bridge is capable of passing the 25 year storm.
Therefore, the new design will maintain as closely as possible the existing cross-
sectional area of the channel. The footbridge is restricting flow and will be
incorporated into the new roadway bridge design.
3.1.3 Obtain soils work in the immediate area at the bridge. Two 25 foot borings will
be obtained.
3.1.4 Evaluate two alternatives for passing the flow safely through this section of Gee
Creek. Prepare a letter report with an opinion of probable cost and a
recommendation for City review and direction.
3.1.5 Raise the pavement grade on the north side of the bridge and down Alton Road.
This will require the raising of the inlets at the intersection of Alton and Hayes.
The existing inlet locations will not be relocated. Address flow culvert and inlet
capacities and correct if required.
3.1.6 Reroute the existing storm water outfall for the intersection of Hayes and Alton to
a new headwall at the bridge. Include in the plans the filling of the existing ditch
and slope stabilization. No stormwater water quali~ improvements are included
or anticipated as this is a replacement project with no increase in impervious area. .
3.1.7 Prepare plans and specifications for the stabilization of the creek bank 50 feet
upstream and downstream of the bridge including the area under the bridge.
Prepare fmal design for the relocation of utilities. There are two telephone cable
conduits (600 pair each) in the existing streamflow cross-sectional area which must
be relocated. The existing subaqueous force main and water main crossing will
be converted to aerial crossings mounted on the side of the new bridge.
Re-align bridge as possible within the available right-of-way to remove the slight
curve in the roadway. Also eliminate the traffic flow restriction caused by the
narrow width of the existing bridge.
Prepare all necessary calculations and designs required to prepare plans and
technical specifications for the proposed construction of the bridge. Include
walkways on both sides of the bridge and approaches meeting FDOT criteria.
Bridge will be designed for H20 loading and two lanes of traffic. Incorporate
guardrails, handrails and width for FDOT criteria.
Coordinate final design with CITY, subcontractors, and regulatory agencies.
Prepare and submit for review by the OTY, ENGINEER's Opinion of Probable
Construction Cost for bridge, roadway and channel improvements.
Preparation of technical specifications and construction drawings for bridge and
channel improvements for review and approval by the CITY. It is anticipated that
roadway improvements, asphalt leveling and surface course is to be placed in a
iUntinuous operation over the roadway and the bridge surface. The construction
contractor will be responsible for the entire job as shown on the bridge plans.
Preparation and submission of the required Environmental Resource Permit
application with associated items for the dredge and fill aspects of the project. It
is agreed that the CITY will execute all required permits as "OWNER," and will
pay all required application or review fees of regulatory agencies. It is further
agreed that the permitting approach will be to permit the bridge as a replacement
with no additional streamflow capacity. Since we will not increase impervious
area during construction, we have not planned for stormwater quality treatment
Preparation and submission of the required FDEP permit to relocate the water
Preparation and submission of the required FDEP permit to relocate the force
Response to general and reasonable requests for additional information from the
regulatory agencies.
The ENGINEER will provide thes~ services after separate authorization and
Notice to Proceed from the OWNER.
3.4.1 Prepare advertisement for bid for placement in appropriate publications by the
3.4.2 Distribute and keep records of the distribution of documents to bidders and
3.4.3 Issue addenda to the documents as required.
3.4.4 Answer questions of bidders and suppliers. No interpretations of the documents
shall be made, other than through issuance of addenda to the documents.
3.4.5 Attend the bid opening and OWNER'S meetings at which time bids are to be
opened and contracts awarded.
3.4.6 Evaluate the bids and assist the OWNER in the selection of the construction
3.4.7 Consult with the OWNER and participate in all decisions as to acceptability of
subcontractors and other persons and organizations proposed by the general
contractor for these portions of the work for which subcontractor approval is
required by the documents.
3.4.8 Prepare and review contracts, bonds, insurance certificates, construction schedules
and other portions of the Contracts in order to assist the OWNER in his
determination as to whether to issue a Notice to Proceed to the Contractor.
Construction phase services are available and can be provided as a supplement to
this Amendment.
4.1 If authorized in writing by the OWNER prior to the rendering of such services,
the ENGINEER will furnish or obtain under subcontracts, supplementary .services
of the following types which will be paid for by the OWNER as described in
SECTION 6, Paragraph 6.1.2.
4.2.1 Additional services due to significant changes in the scope of the project or its
design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, character of
construction or due to time delays in initiating or completion of the work as
described herein.
4.2.2 Additional services in connection with the project including services normally
furnished by the OWNER as described in Section 5 herein and services not
otherwise provided for in this Amendment.
4.2.3 Preparing to serve and serving as an expert witness for the OWNER in any
protest, litigation, or other proceeding involving the project.
Additional engineering services required by revisions to regulations (after the date
of this Amendment) as applicable to the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection, the St. Johns River ,Water Management District, or other regul~~ory
agency requirements.
Provide, through a subconsultant, additional surveying services if required or
req~ested by the OWNER.
Provide, through a subconsultant, additional soils investigation services if required
or requested by the OWNER.
5.1 The OWNER will:
5.1.1 Advise the ENGINEER of his requirements for the project and designate a person
to act as the OWNER's representative with respect to the work to be performed
under this Amendment, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit
instructions, receive information, interpret and define the OWNER's policies and
decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Amendment.
5.1.2 Guarantee access. to and make all provision for the ENGINEER to enter upon
public and private lands as required for the ENGINEER to petform his work
under this Amendment.
5.1.3 Provide data requested that is reasonably available on the existing utility systems,
population and projections, land use arid planning information.
5.1.4 Provide personnel to locate facilities and mow, trim, or otherwise make them
accessible for inspection.
5.1.5 Examine all studies, reports, sketches, and other documents presented by the
ENGINEER and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so
as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER.
5.1. 6 Obtain approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the
project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as
may be necessary for completion of the Project.
5.1.7 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER i.I1 writing to provide at the OWNER's
expense, necessary additional services as stipulated in Section 4 of this
Amendment, or other services as required.
5.1.8 Provide such legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as mGl~7 be
required for the project, and such auditing services as the OWNER may re~. · ire.
5.1.9 Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the OWNER observes
or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project.
Payments for services and expenses of the ENGINEER to be as set forth below:
6.1.1 Compensation paid ENGINEER for services described herein and rendered by
principals and employees assigned to the Project will be computed by multiplying
Direct Personnel Expense (defined in Paragraph 6.2.3 herein) times a factor of
2.0 plus all reimbursable expenses. The fee for the engineering design and
permitting scope of services described in Section 3 shall not exceed $32,050.00.
In addition, there are outside consultant fees for Surveying services in the amount
of $1,950.00 and $2,500.00 for soils services. The total project amounts to a
"Lump Sum" fee of $36,500.00, not including bidding and construction
administration services. In addition, there are outside consultant fees for
Surveying services in the amount of $1,950.00 and $2,500.00 for soils services.
The total project amounts to a "Lump Sum" fee of $36,500.0D, not including
bidding'and construction administration services. The fee for the bidding services
described herein shall not exceed $3,,500.00 and can be authorized separately by
the OWNER. The total for the scope of services described herein is a "Lump
Sum" fee of $40,000.00.
6.2.1 Expenses for items not specifically valued herein are to be reimbursed to the
ENGINEER at the actual cost thereof. Said expenses shall include transportation
and subsistence of principals and employees, when traveling in connection with
the Project, toll telephone calls, telegrams and similar project-related items.
6.2.2 The OWNER will make prompt monthly payments in response to ENGINEER's
monthly statements without retention for all categories of services rendered under
this Amendment and for reimbursable expenses incurred.
6.2.3 Direct Personnel Expense used as a basis for payment shall mean the salaries and
wages paid to principals and employees of all classifications engaged directly on
the Project, plus the cost of fringe benefits including but not limited to, social
security contributions, worker's compensation, health and retirement benefits,
bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. For purposes
of this Amendment, Direct Personnel Expense shall be considered an amount
equal to 1.48 times applicable salaries and wages.
6.2.4 Charges for the services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses in any
litigation, hearing or proceeding in accordance with Paragraph 4.2.3 will be
computed at a rate of $400.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation
for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, hearing or proceeding
will be computed in accordance with Paragraph 6.1.1 and 6.2.1 herein).
6.2.5 . If this Amendment is terminated during prosecution of the services prior to
completion of the services of Section 3, payments to be made in accordance with
Paragraph 6.1.1 and 6.2.1 on account of that and all prior work under this
Amendment shall be due and payable, and shall constitute total payment for
services rendered. In addition, upon termination, the ENGINEER shall be paid
for any Additional Services authorized and rendered under Section 4.
6.2.6 The ENGINEER shall promptly begin work on the services authorized by this
Amendment upon receipt of notice to proceed from the OWNER.
Since the ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or
equipment, or over any construction contractor's method of determining prices,
any opinions of probable construction cost which may be provided in the services
of this Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and
represent his best judgement as a design professional familiar with the construction
industry, but the ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that bids or the
construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by him.
The OWNER and the ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners,
successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this
Amendment and to partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of
such other party in respect to all covenants of this Amendment. Nothing herein
shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or
agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed
as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the OWNER and >
8.1 The ENGINEER agrees to prosecute the work in a timely manner until the Project
is completed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this
Amendment the day and year first above written.
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Conklin, Porter & Holmes - Engineers, Inc.
L' da Gardner, Secretary /
Date: .2 ~ b
February 15, 1996
Conklin, Porter and Holmes
Engineers, Inc.
1104 East Robinson street
Orlando, Florida 32801
Attention: Mr. Terry Zaudtke
RE: Survey Services @ Gee Creek Bridge
& Hayes Road
Proposal #96-034
Dear Terry,
Tinklepaugh Surveying Services, Inc.., is pleased to present the following proposal:
Provide topographic information along the above referenced site including the
existing bridge, cross walk, full right of way detail along Hayes Road. extending
two hundred (200) feet South of the bridge and four hundred (400) feet. North of
the bridge. Full right of way detail along Alton Street extending four hundred (4QO)
feet East of Hayes Road will be shown. Cross sections of the creek will be taken
along the East and West sides of the bridge, the West side of the cross walk and
fifty (50) feet East and West of the bridge. Elevations will be based on Seminole
County datum. Above ground and surface indication of utilities servicing the site
will be located. In addition, prior to commencing the field work, we will contact
the various utilities to flag the location of any underground lines affecting the site.
These lines as flagged by the responding utility companies will also be shown on
the survey.
FEE: . . . . $1,950
The terms of this agreement shall be valid for client acceptance for thirty (30) days.
1104 E. Robinson Street. Orlando, Florida 32801 . 407/422-0957 Fax: 407/648-1036
Conklin, Porter & Holmes, Inc.
AttN; T. Zaudtke
Page -2-
. 96-034
Invoices are due and payable at time of receipt; in the case of delinquent accounts (90.
days or over) the C1ient,agrees to pay, in addition to the full face amount of the invoice,
all reasonable collection, andlor attorney's fees required 'in the process of collection.
Four sets of the survey, signed and sealed, will be provided at job c9mpletion.
Additional prints, pick-ups or delivery, and other identifiable direct, out .of 'pocket
expenses will't)e invoiced at a muftrp'fier of 1.25. .
We sincerely appreciate your choosing Tinklepaugh Surveying Services, Inc." for .a
proposal and look forward to working with you on this project.:.
- "
Arthur W. Tucker
Vice President
If this proposal is satisfactory, please have the financially responsible party execute and
return one copy to this office as our authorization to proceed.
Notice to Proceed
Survey Completion
90 % Design Completion
(45 Days)
Review by City and Final
Completion (15 Days)
Submit Permits
Expected Permitting
Completion Date (90 Days) -
March 1, 1996 (No later than)
March 15, 1996
April 15, 1996
May 1, 1996
May 1, 1996
August 1, 1996