HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2006-13 Not UsedORDINANCE 2006-13 HAD FIRST READING ON 10/23/06, BUT NEVER HAD SECOND READING. "" PI G4 Orlando Sentinel ~ INot;ice~ D B F 2, o (, A rf Q A Continued from previous page l NOTICE TO CREOITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 48-2006-CP- 002405-0 THE ESTATE OF ElON O. SCHIEFER Deceased. The administration of the estate of ElON O. SCHIEFER, de- ceased, file number: 48-2006-CP-002405-0, which is a testate estate with the wili dated August 20, 2003, and the Codicil dated June 2, 2006 are pending in the Circuit Court of Orange County, Florida Probate Di- vision, the address of which is the Orange County Court- house, Probate Division, 435 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801. The name and address of the Personai Representative is JOHN R. HEFFERAN, JR. and whose address is 11747 Nor- caossee Rood, Orlando, Fiorida 32832 and his attor- ney's name and address are set forth below. The date of first publication of the No. tice to Creditors was on the 21st day of September, 2006. All creditors must file claims against the estate with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AF- TER THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION OF THE NOTICE TO CREDITORS OR 30 DA YS AFTER THE DATE OF SERViCE ON THE CREDITOR OF A COpy OF THE NOTICE TO CREDITORS OR ANY OTH. ER TIME PERIOD SET FORTH IN FLA. STAT. 733.702 AND 733.710 or be forever barred. JOHN R. HEFFERAN, JR., ESOUIRE HANOllN & HEFFERAN, P.A. 112 North Summei"lin Ave- nue Orlando, Florida 32801 Teiephone No.: (407) 648- 4555 Facsimile No.: (407) 648. 0978 Florida Bar No.: 229660 OLS6993394 SE PT.2l.28,2006 NOTICE TO CREOITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR OR- ANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVI- SION File Number 48- 2006-CP-002241.0 IN RE: ESTATE OF ROSALlNO B. YAR- BROUGH, Deceased NOTICE TO CREOITORS The administration of the estate of ROSALIND B. YARBROUGH, deceased, whose date of death was June 28, 2006; File Number 4B-2006-CA002241-0, is pend- ing in the Circuit Court for ORANGE County, Florida, 'Probate Division, the ad- dress of which is 425 North Orange Ave, Room 340,Or- londo, FL 32801. The names and addresses of the person- al representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the dece- dent and other persons hav- ing claims or demands against decedent's estate, on whom a copy of this no- tice is required to be served, ........"'+ "::1... .."'....:.. _l_l_~ ".'''''' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 2006 Notice of Meetings Vista Lakes Community Development District Name in which assessed: ~t'C~rS~i~1 property being in the County of Orange, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be re- deemed according to law, the property described in such certificate will be sold I' by tele- to the highest bidder at the -0337 Training FaCility located at LATING TO COMPREHEN- info@aur- 2010 East MiChigan Street, SIVE PLANNING; SET- ernet from Orlando, Florida on Oct-12- TING FORTH AND IRSI coml 2006 at 10:00 a.m. ADOPTING A LARGE . Dated: Aug-05-2oo6 SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PT 212006 Martha O. Haynie, CPA PLAN AMENDMENT, - ., County Comptroller REFERENCED AS LS- nON FOR TAX Orange County, Florida CPA-07.0J, PROVIDING By: C Willis FOR ADOPTION OF AN lEBY GIV- Deputy Comptroller AMENDMENT TO THE CUST FOR (County Comptroller Seal) FUTURE LAND USE MAP IGMT LLC COR6926449 AUG.3J,2006 BY DESIGNATING CER- e .followl~g SEPT,7,14,2l.2006 TAIN REAL PROPERTY filed said WITHIN THE CITY OF fAX DEED NOTICEOFAPPLlCATlONFORTAX WINTER SPRINGS GEN- ereon. The DEED ERALL Y DESCRI BED AS er and year NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- FOUR (4) PARCELS OF description EN that MTAG CUST FOR LAND, CONTAINING 29.3 " and the PALISADES ASSET MAN- GROSS ACRES MORE OR it was as- AGEMENT LLC the holder LESS, AND LOCATED ows: of the fallowing certificate GENERALL Y ON THE NUMBER: has filed said certific9te for WEST SIDE OF DELEON a TAX DEED to be .'~sued STREET AT CRESS RUN, .NCE: 2004 thereon. The Certlfl.cate MORE PARTICULARLY OF PROP- number and year of ISSU- AND LEGALLY DE- ance, the description of the SCRIBED HEREIN IN EX- ,DO ES- property, and the names In HIBIT "A," ATTACHED \ which it was assessed areas HERETO, FROM SEMI- 23 OR B&P follows: NOLE COUNTY "RU- CERTIFICATE NUMBER: RAL-3" TO CITY OF WIN- :19.93 INST 3714 TER SPRINGS "LOW, YEAR OF ISSUANCE: 2004 DENSITY RESIDEN- ~GER OR DESCRIPTION OF PROP- WFL~tTrv~OVtiR+~G A~~ '03-01 INST gn'b: VISTA HEIGHTS ~~~~L Sr~TEU~DO.JEm.~ t8fI nOTN 25 BLK M OR ~~-?i'dEb~jPT~~Rpr~~~~ :~essed; ~2~~2315 ON 02-27-01 INST THE DEPARTMENT OF '~erty be'lng WD DCOO/3230 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PARCEL ID PROVIDING FOR THE RE- if Orange, # 25-22-28-6420-13250 PEAL OF PRIOR INCON- la. Unless Name in which assessed: SISTENT ORDINANCES ;hall be re- TADDEI ENTERPRISES ~~~B~~r-?~,UI~,&NRr,s~~: ;'~rrge~af,; ~tt<i. of said property being FECTIVE DATE. ,viII be sold in the County. of Orange, pder at the State of FlOrida. Unless ORDINANCE 2006.14 ( located at such certificate shall be re- AN. ORDINANCE OF THE ~an Street, deemed according )0 law, CITY COMMISSION OF ! on Oct-12- the property deSCribed In THE CITY OF WINTER such certificate will be sold SPRINGS, SEMiNOLE P6 to the highest bidder at the COUNTY, FLORIDA, RE- fiJ, CPA Training Facilit.y located at LA TI NG TO COMPREHEN- ter 2010 East Michigan Street, SIVE PLANNING; SET- ilorida Orlando, Florida on Oct-26- TING FORTH AND 2006 at 10:00 a.m. ADOPTI NG A LARGE ler Dated: Aug-18-2oo~ SCALE COMPREHENSIVE ;lIer Seal) Martha O. Haynie, CPA PLAN AMENDMENT, ~UG,31.2oo6 County Comptroller REFERENCED AS LS- ( Orange County, Florida g~-ol~~PTj~~Vd~1 ~~ ~ION FOR TAX ~~~u~yW2g~Ptroller AMEN'DMENT TO THE tEBY GIV (County Comptroller SeaD FUTURE LAND USE MAP (-UST FOR' OLS6947721 SEPT.14,21,28 BY DESIGNATING CER- <;ET MAN. OCT.5,2006 TAIN REAL PROPERTY "'"the halder NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX WITHIN THE CITY OF 'certificate DEED WINTER SPRINGS GEN- tllficatetor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- ERALL Y DESCRI BED AS ( be issued EN that MTAG CUST FOR NINETEEN (19) PARCELS "'ertificate CHARNOCK MGMT LLC OF LAND, CONTAINING !1r of issu- the holder af the followi~g 37.08 GROSS ACRES MORE 'it ion of l11e certificate has filed said OR LESS, AND LOCATED", names in certificate for a TAX DEED GENERALLY.ON JETTA ssedareas to be issued thereon. The POINT ROAD ON THE Certificate number and year SDUTHWEST CORNER OF ~UMBER; of issuance, the description STATE ROAD 434 AND. of the property, and the THE GREENWAY, MORE vNCE: 2004 names in which it was as- ~~ni$ULA~~UWiDB~ED ~F PROP- sessed are as follows: . HEREIN IN EXHIBIT "A " CERTIFICATE NUMBER. ATTACHED HERETO, h 273 FT E V~~R OF ISSUANCE: 2004 ~CROO:M~~'ti~~,,5J'RR!,~~~ ~40F NEll DESCRIPTION OF PROP DIUM DENSITY RESI- 9;.6 FT W &~[~~N ACRES SECTION DENTIAL"TO CITY OF \-o( POB B QIl03 LOT 98 LESS E 80 WINTER SPRINGS "REC. FT REATION AND OPEN OF 5 544 FT & LESS N 240 SPACE": PROVIDING AN '25 FT LESS RD RIW PER OR EFFECTIVE DATE AND S;sessed: 4276/2360 LEGAL STATUS OF THE -NN ES PARCEL ID PLAN AMENDMENT; = . # 10-23-30-3032-00981 PROVIDING FOR TRANS- Ilerty being Name in which assessed: MIHAL OF THE PLAN TO f Orange, MANSOUR MAX SABETl11 THE DEPARTMENT OF Unless 2 COMMUNITY AFFAiRS; ~all be re- INT & MERWAN NAIME 11 PROVIDING FOR THE RE- 19 to law, 21NT PEAL OF PRIOR INCON- 'cribed in ALL of said property being SISTENT ORDINANCES CIII be sold in the County of Orqnge, AND RESOLUTIONS, SEV 'der 9t the State. at Florida_ Unless_ ~8!'<.!lILJTY, AND AN EF- '.H. __ __ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ENTERPRISE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Board of SuperVisors of the Enterprise Communi- ty Development District will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 28, 2006, at 3:30 p.m. at The Jones Room, 631 Sycamore Street, Celebration, Florida, for the purpose of hearing f~~~e~;iig~do~bi~~ti~~~~r~ sewer/reuse budget for Fis- cal Year 2007..Funding for said budget Is through the collection of rates, fees and Charges that are identified in the bUdget. A copy of the budget may be obtained at the office of the District duro jng normal business hours at 610 Sycamore Street, Suite 140, Celebration, Flori- da 34747. Immediately following the public hearing, the Board will hold its regularlY sched- uled meeting. This meeting will be open to the public and will be conducted in ac- cordance with the provi- sions of Florida law for community development districts. There may be oc- casion when one or more su- pervisors will participate by telephone; therefore, a speaker phone will be pre- sent at the meeting room so that all SuperVisors may be fully informed of the discus. sions taking place. In accordance with the pro- visions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special ac- commodations at this meet- ing because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Manager at (407) 566-1935. If YOU are hearing or. speech Impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at (BOO) 955-8770 for aid in con- tacting the District Office at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing and meeting, If anyone chooses to appeal any decision of the Board with respect to any matter considered at the hearing or meeting, such person will need 0 record of the pro- ceedings and should accord- ingly ensure that a verba- ti m record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. The public hearing or regular business meeting may be continued to a date and time certain that will be an- nounced at the hearing. COR6982802 9/14,21 2006 The Board 01 SuperVisors of the Vista Lakes Commu. nlty Development District will hold their meetings for the balance of Fiscal Year 2007 at the Offices of Aker. man Senterfitt, 420 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida at 10:00 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month as follows: October 11, 2006 November 8, 2006 (Landowners Election) December 13, 2006 L__ 1"\_1_ _-1_ Orlando Sentinel Published Daily ~tatt of jflortba } 5.5. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared BEVERLY C. SIMMONS , who on oath say's that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of Orlando Sentinel, a dally newspaper published at in County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a in the matter of in the was published in said newspaper in the issue; of Court, Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at ,in said County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said '...... ',:. :. " ,," " "., , County, Florida, each Week, Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in in said County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or co oration any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpos securing is advertise ent for publication in the said newspaper. ~ ' Il/VVV~ day of ~ (SEAL) , . ' r.th'~;.'~' I" THE CITY O'F WINTERt;?-- GIVES PUBLIC NOTICE It~ATTHE , lOCAL PLAN~ING i!!GENCY I Will CONSIOE1 THE F!'llCWING: \ OROINANCE20j6"3 AN ORDINANCE: OF TH: CiTY COMVIiS, ION C F THE CITY OFfWINH~ \SPRINGS,. ~I ;'AINOI:!" COUNTY, H.UI,DA, R:- Lf.TING TO COliif>REHB N- S I 'j E PLAN N 1'1" G; SI T- TiNG FOR'IH A JD ADOPTING 1.' LARi;E SCALE COMPF/EHENS, VE ~~nRE~2^J,~\jD:SEg: CPA-07-0L '(ROVI DI NG FOR ADODT 01, OF'AN ~~{U~EMt-'\~~~fl~~ BY DESIGN,'\T~CER- TI\lN RE/'_ PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ,GEN- ERALLY DESCRIBED AS FOU" (4) PARCELS OF '"AND, CONTAINING 29,3 :7R05S ACRES V,ORE OR .ESS, AND LOCATED 3ENERALLY ON THE NEST SI DE OF DELEON ;TREET lIT CRESS RUN, VlORE Pf,IHICULARLY ~ND LEGALLY DE- iCRIBED HEREIN IN EX- -IIBIT "Ai' ATTACHED -IERETO, FROM SEMI- ~OLE COUNTY "RU- RAL-3" TO CITY OF WIN- TER SP'''NGS "LOW DENSITY RESIDEN- TIAL"; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR TRANS-I MITTAL OF THE PLAN TO THE DEPARTMENT OF, COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR THE RE- PEAL OF PRIOR INCON- SISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEV- ERABILITY, AND AN EF- FECTIVE DATE, ORDINANCE 2006-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLOR I DA, RE- LATING TO COMPREHEN- SIVE PLANNiNG; SET- TING FORTH AND ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN -AMENDMENT, REFERENCED AS LS- CPA-07-02, PRO'll PI NG' FOR ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP BY DESIGNATING CER- TAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GEN- ERALLY DESCRIBED AS NINETEEN (19) PARCELS OF LAND, CONTAINING 37,08 GROSS ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND LOCATED GENERALLY ON JETTA POINT ROAD ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF STATE ROAD 434 AND THE GREENWAY, MORE PARTICULARLY AND LE- 4 GALLY DESCRIBED -.--... ... i"-'VUIQ1T "A.\! '" ~ ~ NOTICE OF CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROPOSES TO ADOPT: ORDINANCE. 2006-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING; SETTING FORTH AND ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, REFERENCED AS LS-CPA-07-01, PRO- VIDING FOR ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP BY DESIGNATING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GENER- ALLY DESCRIBED AS FOUR. (4) PARCELS OF LAND, CON- TAINING 29.3 GROSS ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND LOCAT- ED GENERALLY ON THE WEST SIDE OF DELEON STREET AT CRESS RUN, MORE PARTICULARLY AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN IN EXHIBIT "A," ATTACHED HERETO, FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY "RURAL-3" TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS "LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL'; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL OF THE PLAN TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVID- ING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDI- NANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (See MAP BELOW for location) o eon St. Cress. Run L