HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2005-27 Oak Forest Drainage/Utility Easement ORDINANCE NO. 2005-27 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE VACATION OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS LOCATED ON LOT 180, OAK FOREST, UNIT 2-B, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 26, PAGES 85-86 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS IN AND FOR SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner of real property, more particularly described herein, has requested the vacation of a platted drainage and utility easement lying adj acent to the east or rear property line of 1065 Chokecherry Drive; and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs is not currently using, nor has any plans to use, the subject drainage and utility easement; and WHEREAS, each provider of utilities, within the City of Winter Springs has indicated in writing, a copy of which is on file with the Community Development Department, that it has no objection to the vacation of the subject drainage and utility easement; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs. Section 2. Easement Vacation. The City Commission, in accordance with Section 17- 27 of the City Code, hereby vacates five (5) feet of a fifty (50) foot drainage and utility easement of lot 180, Oak Forest, Unit 2-B, lying adjacent to the east or rear property line of 1065 Chokecherry Drive, Winter Springs, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 26, Pages 85-86, of the Public Records in and for Seminole County, Florida, and as more particularly described on Exhibit "A" of this Ordinance, the same being incorporated herein by this reference. Following adoption of this Ordinance, the same shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the Land Records for Seminole County, hIARYANNE ttORSE, CLERK DF CIRCUIT COURT CLERK QF SEPlINOLE COUNTY C' y of Winter Springs BK 05917 PGS 011fs-0110 rdinanceNo.2005-27 F I LB NUI! c005163913 Page 1 of 2 RECORDED 09/'c2/2405 0:01:31 PM RECORDING FEES 27.04 RECORDED BY G Fiarford II~II~N~NWMInN~N~~~~~N1NNiNiil111! Florida. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and as provided by City Charter. a+A~. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, rlorida, i~-a`regular meeting assembled on the 12th day of September _. z~,~°S• . ,3 ~o~~~; HN F. BUS~I..~ ayor A' LUACES City Apr e s to legal form and sufficiency for the ty of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: August 22, 2005 Second Reading: September 12, 2005 Effective Date: See Section 5 . g~~, City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2002-27 Page 2 of 2 i Legal Descrlptloni lot 180, OAK, FOREST UNIT TWO-B, accordlnp to the plat thereof, tTS RecArdot~ n Plnt. Book 26 ' PageCs> 85-66 of the PubUc R cords of Seminol C t ~ e ou n y, Florida, i CURVE TABLE ~I CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH CHORD BEARING ~' Cl 206.07 19 3716" .70.57 70.23 N14 46 21 "E P i 206.07 935 57" 70.44 70.15 N75 00'17 E F i I BENCHMARK }! ~ IRON ROD ANO CAP 7.B 5777" ~ ELEVAnON = 50.14' i I 4 ' LOT 179 t""- 25.0' FDUND 1' ~ IRON PiPE 5' DRAfNAGE AND RLS J263 UTILITY EASEMENT ~~ FENCE i BENCHMARK /2 IRON ROD ANO CAP "LB 5777 N gs. + 0 RN ELEVAnON = 52.24' 18" W p3 2 gg,97 ~IFI y p, N 85 02'18" y/ 0 149.93 (F~ • ENU of 150.00' p ~ " 1. a o ~' ~ LOT 186 >- so, q7 ~'oNCfr -' - ETE ~ ~ aa s un A 13 --. 41 57 J1 C~VCR ~ 5210 J1.6 5 7 5' } I _~ 51, qg J9' 5 FOfIND 1' IRON P/P£ NO NUMBER . Ul( . q ' " ~ ~NCR£ I TE ORIVE o lY, 077 SETBACK I(j V 50, 53 N N ~ 52 0l 6.5' ~R ~ 5 5? 1 50 0' 5 ~ 727 t~/o / i $Q LO b ?9?' S??? ~~ ~ 120' ~ 0 X577,)' 5715 ~/ ~~I O 50.9q ~ - . 10.8' ~,, M ~ ~ ~1 4 ~ N h 5??? N 1ST C N~ e y ~ f l3 ~ SPOT ELEVAT1pN RETE ~ 52 1 2 ~ BLOB RfS/O 9 " /loss ENCE • FI ~ W (TYPICAL) N/SN rZppR ~EVAn 0 °^'=S,zoe' 5 \\ ~ 0 i §~ X?'q LOT 185 ?1J \ ~~ 6Q I' - 57.75 S p, q6 m+~ SL s3 1• ' J 0 0~ 12 50? r FOUND I IRON PIPE \ f[] Sl.gO ~ NO NUMBER ~ ~ 31.80 A 6 ' 5 5 B?l ' ` \ I P'a' S? 07 ' S'~ \~//~X575g S0, 57.97 00 2 ~~ ~ O ,~, ss ~ \ \ WOOD •FENCE CORNER 0:1' NORINSS• ~S ~~ \ ~ 727 X57D ~ V• ' Q b ~¢O9?~ ~invryF9 \~ C~~ETF / O~ ~ra,T _. i X51.17 ~. _CK .r ___,EOGE OF ' , ~ 111 / 0 i2 t DITCH ',? 5 ~ ~ 4 ~ 9.31 LOT 183 Q,? ~ FENCE / CORNER. O.J' NORTH 49.66 i 49.84 4 6/02/05 A ~ ~ ~~A~P r DM 3 5/11/05 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY ADDED RJE 2 4/2%5 hEV1SE STREET NAME ONLY DAR 1 11/T1/04 ORIGINAL BOUNDARY KJK NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY ~ ~ FOUND 1 " IRON PIPE •s' NO NUMBER ,3~ 1/AcR~ ~ Lo r 184 ~ffio1J SURVEYOR S? REPORT a-d?S-- a ~ ~ ~~tC h{ D rt ~~ii+' i) ~Baasd on fhe Notional Flood fnwronce Pro ~ - ~~ f~ / gram f1RM' Map Community -Pone! Number 12025 0145 E Doted R2 17 1995 d , , portions of the above ssalbsd Property an located fi Zons 7f ; aroo determined fo be outafde 500-year flood ploAy wid Zons 't ", specfa! rood hazard areas Inundated by 10'0--rar flood-plan, with no base Aood dewGona determined ?) Bearkrga era based on: ]lte North floe o/ Lot 180 being NH5V2'J8'W per plat 3) Ve tl ! D t r eo a um !s bored on: Seminole County Bendrmark Dea/gnaNon Nvmbar 4622201, dewtlpn befog 56 JB' (NC1929). 4) ]Ire Surwyx has not abstrocted the lands shown hereon f or eoaemenLe and/or rights of wayl of record. SJ No underground lnstallaflonr fourtdatlon footing; or knprowments haw been located except ba noted. s) ]hers maybe add/tlono! resit/ctiorts that era not d d recor e on this survey that may or may opt be found !n the public records o/ th/a county. 7) 1bsy Is no eNdence on the ground of use o/ the property which might suggest a possible dbim of easement other th 8) Thl th S an a ose shown on the survey. urvey was prepared for the £ntlNss named hereon and la nontrons/eroble'.~ C 8J Tnprowirisnta within their apedfle eaaamanta ha R t b r w o een located ae a port o/ this sunsX i lOJ Dus to the lack of oAglna! monumentollon, this 'survey !a based an exiatHrg monumenta6on ~ 0 . cERncrcanoH: i i Flersby osrtlfy that the runroy roprsaented on this map was made. under myy direction on the date ~ haven based on the Information fumished to ms as noted and ~'ponfonne to the IAINIHUTA TECHNICAL STANOARDS'FOR LAND ~SUR~EYgtG- AND ~MAPPINO ft 00 Q '9QUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY- Dote of. Field Survey 1HE STATE Revised 4 ~ OF A own y. M accordana with CJi.61G17-8, Florlda Adminletratlve Coda . 11 11 20o nfi~i~Dav Y Certified toy Job 11a nle, lTq/ P eM BUMi~ ~ MlLCA/DES A. MONC/DN 04158-180 " + 1 = 30 e e y, ~ Professional Surveyor r.t~apper Florldn Registration No, 4702 ' N l Not valid without the signature and the oriBlnol raised USA M. MONC/ON ® ° FOUND 1" 1RAV PIPE AS LAe£LEn I 80Oi of a Florida licensed elHw r andr and. ma er" - ttELL PUMP ~ A.R = AiR CQNDinONER dN,D IBCJSF COV'O = C04£RED C~c ' CDNCREI£ ~ - SURVEYING & MAPPING CARP ' fItZD MEASURED lNt CALCUU7ED IRON () A£LD MEASUR£Alrr71I5 'PUT P . 350 S. Central Ave., Oviedo, FL 32765 PdT. Box 821892, Oviedo, Fl. 32762 P Q = POINT OF CURVATURE Vdce t407> 365-1026 Fnx. <407> 385-1838 !~ 'Unless Noted Otherwise' Licensed Buslnsas No, 5777 a Orlando Sentinel in the F.FM T !\Inl F was published in said newspaper in the issue; of 1'19/01./ () r:) Court, NOTICE IS HEREBY ~IIIEN THAT I THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROPOSES TO AOOPT THE FOL.LOWING ORDI-i NANCE TO THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 2005-27 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISS,ION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RE- LATING TO THE VACA- TION OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS LOCAT- ED ON LOT 180, OAK FOR- EST, UNIT 2-B, AS RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 26, PAGES 85-86 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS IN AND FOR SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PRO- VIDING FOR THE RE- PEAL OF PRIOR INCON- SISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; PRO- VIDING FOR SEVERABIL- ITY; AND PROVIDING Fg~m__mA_N_ EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 2005-28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A NEW CABLE FRANCHISE AGREE- MENT WITH BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; PROVIDING FOR THE RE- PEAL OF PRIOR INCON- SISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEV- ERABILITY, AND AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 AT 6:30 P.M. DR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Published Daily ~tate of jflortba } 5.5. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared , who on oath says that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of Orlando Sentinel, a dally 1\1 T /\t'1rJi\1TF HP R I NGh in County, Florida; c :c~ ~,.II,:; ':.. . BEVERLY CoSIMMONS Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at ,-,dlAMOl\lTE ~;PR II\lGc.: ,in said F;Et"l T NOl F County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said SH'1 I NOL E County Florida each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at'the post office in Ai T t\I'1rlNTE e,P I::': I NG::'; in said FiF),l I NOl E County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or c po ration any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpos securin this~verti ement for publication in the said newspaper. / i I . r proposed ordinances may be inspected bv interested par- ties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.. Mandav through Fri- dav, at the City's Clerk's Of- fice, located at 1126 East State Rood 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information call (407) 327- 1800 #227. Persons with disa- bilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Emplovee Rela- tions Department Coordina- tor, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407l 327- 1800, Extension 236. This Is a public hearing. If you de- cide to appeal any recom- mendation/decision made bv the Citv Commission with respect to anv matter con- sidered at this meeting, YOU will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, you may need to ensure that 0 verbatim re- cord of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based. Interested parties ore advised that thev mav appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. I CSE6353456 SEPT. 1.2005 (SEAL) Martha O. Haynie, County Comptroller As Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners Orange County, Florida Public sale or disposition COR6353825 SEPT. 1,2005 being made to satisfy land- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ~<;;;'~isl~~r;'i~~t~a~~d';:~n~I~~: p1"6~Ib"sWsWI~T6R SX~~G~T ida Law. All sales fin.a!' THE FOLLOWING ORDI- CA5H .ONLY, ~verythlng NANCE TO sold as IS where IS. THE WINTER SPRINGS COR6345081 8128,9/1,2005 CODE OF ORDINANCES: Central Park Self Storege Notica of Public Sele ORDINANCE NO. 2005.27 Personal property of the fol- AN ORDINANCE OF THE lowing tenants will be sold CITY COMMISSION OF at public auction to the high- THE CITY OF WINTER est bidder for cash to satisfY SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RE- a rentai lien in accordance LATING TO THE VACA- with Florida Statutes, Sec- TION OF A ORAl NAGE tions 83.801 through 83.809. AND UTILITY EASEMENT The undersigned will sell at WITHIN THE CITY OF public sale by competitive WINTER SPRINGS LOCAT- bidding on SUNDAY the 11th ED ON LOT 180, OAK FOR- day of Septembar. 2005 at lpm, EST, UNIT 2-B, AS RE- on the premises where said CORDED IN PLAT BOOK property has been stored 91112005 26, PAGES 85-86 OF THE and which are located at PUBLIC RECORDS IN Centrai Park Self Storage, ~~8 NT~?~LO~ T~d:N~~g t:r;n:g.ut~L O~~~~~,BI~~s~~t~ra~~ VI DING FOR THE RE- Orange, State of Florida, PEAL OF PRIOR INCON- the following: Contents: SISTENT ORDI NANCES Misc. household goods AND RESOLUTIONS: PRO- (which may include, but is VIDING FOR SEVERABIL- not limited to: furniture, ITY: AND PROVIDING clothes, and tOYs). Viewing FOR AN EFFECTIVE is at time of sale only. The owner's or their agents re- . c-.-tft\r...u _ NG.lAl D,,~ _"'ft D.w.k- t.l__........ I ~~~vt;.!~~ _ri~~_t_!o~~e!~~~ _~!1_y ~ NG DEPARTMENT FRIDAY 05 AT 5 P,M, AY HOLIDAY PEN ON BER 6, 2005 M, III PUBLISH PTEMBER 7 NE ON 1,2005 AT 5 P,M, UCA TIONS UlAR DEADLINE NG CUSTOMERS HIS SCHEDULE EAND DAY!!! OTICE OF PUBLIC Iou are ~e~:b~l~o~ified that e City Council of Belle Ie, Orange County, Flori- wiil hold a public hearing Mondav, September 12, 2005 at o p.m" or as soon thereof- r as possible, at the Belle Ie City Hall Council Cham- rs, 1600 Nela Avenue, lie Isle, Florida, 32809, at hich meeting the following m(s) will be considered. REQUEST BY JOHN AND OQ- RI~ HUNT TO APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR A PLANNED DEVELDPMENT TD BE LOCATED AT 6806 SEMI- NOLE~1IVE, LAKE CONWAY PAr ~iIBDIVISION, LOTS 1.2.&3; ALSO KNOWN AS PARCEL * 010. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK G, PAGE 138, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORI. DA,TO COVERT EXISTING 23 UNIT MOBILE HOME PARK TO A 18 UNIT CONDOMINIUM IN BELLE ISLE, ORANGE COUN. TY. FLORIDA 32S12. CONSIDERATION OF ARE. QUEST BY GRACE STONE, PROPERTY OWNER OF 1881 WIND WILLOW ROAD. 'AKA PARCEL * 30-23-30.9330-00- 650, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 60.61, LOT 65. WIND HARBOR SUBDIVI. SION. BELLE ISLE. ORANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA 32B09 l required by Section ~.0105, Florida Statutes, IU are herebY notified that lould any person decide to ,peal any decision made ! the City Council with re- lect to any matter consid- led at such meeting or loring, he or she may need ,ensure that a verbatim ~ord is made to include testimony and evidence on which the appeal is to sed. r,e~~~~~d~rt~e D~~b'1lifi~; t (ADA>, if any person th a disability as defined the ADA needs special commodations to partici- te in this proceeding, he she should contact the y ClerkJois office at least hours in advance of the eting. City Clerk: 407-851- o Iinda L. Bateman, MMC y Clerk R6353012 OrlsndoSBntinel.com erBuilder to start ding lor rsbuildingl carssr right now! w.orlandosentinsl.com/ srbuilder ORANGE COUNTY NOTICE Of PUB. L1C HEARING PETITION TO VACATE 05.23 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS RE. GARDING THIS NOTICE. CONTACT THE ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOp. MENT ENGINEERING DIVISION. DEBBIE HOPKINS,407-S36.792S. E- mail: Oebo.eh.Hopkins@ocfl.net PARA MAS INFORMACioN, REFER- ENTE A ESTA VISTA PUBLICA, FA. VOR COMUNICARSE CONLA DIVI- SioN DE INGENIERIA Y OE DESARROLLOS. AL NUMERO. 407. a36.792S. Internet Addrass: www.Orange. CountyFL.net The Orange County Board of County Commissioners will conduct a public hear- ing on September 20. 2005. at 2 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the County Com- mission Chambers, First Floor, County Administra- tion Center, 201 South Rosal- ind Avenue, Orlando, Flori- da. You are invited to attend and be heard regarding a request by C. Anna Anderson. Petition to Vecate 05.23. to va- cate a right'of-waV known as South Armitage Avanue. Iving south ~: g~~~':r ~~:~:~ ~~i~~~~:..~~ located at 710, 720, and 721 South Armitage Avenue: multiple parcels located in District 5; Sections 10 and 15, Township 21, Range 28: Or- ange County, Florida. For parcel numbers, call 407- B36-7928. You may obtain a copy of the legal property descrip- tion by calling the Comp- troller Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, 407- 836-7300: or piCk one up at 201 South Rosalind Avenue, Fourth Floor: Orlando, Florida. This petition to vacate is complete and has been re- viewed and investigated bY appropriate County staff. The County Mayor, acting on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners pur- suant to Resolution No. 91- M-62, has considered this petition and finds it accept- able for consideration at a public hearing. If vou wish to appeal anv decision made bV the Board of County Com. missione.. at this meeting vou will C~~ds~o'u~~O~~s~fr~hM:~c::r~:t'~ ~~rc~ ~c~r~ ~~~f::~~t~ i:e~ia,;::: nv and evidenca upon which the appeal is to be based. ~!o~o: ~~~~i~B t~=B~~le:iCcCaOn~m:~:h ~isabilities Act of 1990, please call 407.836.3111 no later than two business days prior to the hearing for assistance. DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 2005.28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A NEW CABLE FRANCHISE AGREE- MENT WITH BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: PROVIDING FOR THE RE- PEAL OF PRIOR INCON- SISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEV- ERABILITY, AND AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. ON MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 2005 AT 6:30 P.M. OR SOON THEREAfTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA proposed ordinances may be inspected by interested par- ties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Fri- day, at the City's Clerk's Of- fice, located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information call (407) 327- 1 BOO #227. Persons with disa- bilities needing assistance to partiCipate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Rela- tions Department Coordina- tor I 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327- 1800, Extension 236. This is a public hearing. If you de- cide to appeal any recom- mendation/decision made by the City Commission with respect to any molter con- sidered at this meeting, YOU wili need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, YOU may need to ensure that a verbatim re- cord of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based. I nterested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. CSE6353456 SEPT. 1. 2005 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE DR DISPOSITION According to the Florida Self Storage Act the follow- ing storage units located at Private Storage 4601 S. Or- ange Blossom Trail, Orlan- do, FL 32839: UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT: Will be sold or disposed of on September 8, 2005 AT: 12:00 p.m. All units are sold to contain household goods unless oth- erwise stated. Uniti! I Names Melvin Judge Unit A-16 Melvin Judge Unit A-29 Adeline Fllastin Unit 0-32 Johnnie McCoy Unit H-21 Wilson Dieudonne Unit 1-1 Lakesha Joseph Unit 1-23 Pedro Rodriguez Unit 1-25 Clarence A. Anderson Unit 1-32 THIS HELC AT , BLVa FL. F' DERS. HICLL 0~~~ ~FlDI ~~Ttl OR F ALL El 3~~t.;j COR6;; -I~ .e In ~ lion 6.- b~e ~~i hoid propo 2006 tembar/! and MIU at 7:313 coun~1 depen Flori 0 Cop/I' sage 1:1 spectl' MaitlC'. throu~1 A.M. ~. CITY O{dl Donne ; City C COR) On Thur Boule.. tween south levan on the Boule' COR6... SEPT- INV FLC CH Comp als wi Floric dren l 8,808 fice Ir Office able 0 withi, lease. be rec tembE office ment vices, ny c/ Espla Tallal 0950. a ba~ years optior each. withir aries: (SR 5 of Sa, East: 436), \ Younf A cop may I ra MI Staub Orans; lando, 407-9C 3880, lone@ The C and F right propo spans to be the St COR6 WEND' TO LUI FROM' SEPTEI QUE~ SURE RECl OR 4C COR6 9/1, 2, NI