HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2005-20 Small-scale FLUM ORDINANCE NO. 2005-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SMALL SCALE FLUM AMENDMENT BY CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION OF THE REAL PROPERTY CONSTITUTING A PARCEL TOTALING 5.13 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND LOCATED AT 820 STATE ROAD 434 IN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DEPICTED AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY "SUBURBAN ESTATES" AND "CONSERVATION" TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS "COMMERCIAL" AND "CONSERVATION OVERLAY" (ON THOSE AFFECTED AREAS); PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the future land use map amendment embodied in this Ordinance is a small scale amendment to the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Section l63.3l87(l)(c), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing on July 6, 2005, in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and has recommended adoption to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission ofthe City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed amendment set forth hereunder and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and supporting data and analysis, and after complete deliberation, hereby approves and adopts the Comprehensive Plan Amendment set forth hereunder; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-20 Page 1 of 3 Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. It is hereby declared to be the purpose and intent of this Ordinance to clarify, expand, correct, update, modify and otherwise further the provisions ofthe City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan. Section 4. Adoption of Amendment to the Future Land Use Map. The City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map, is hereby amended by designating the real property depicted on Exhibit "A" from Seminole County "Suburban Estates"to City of Winter Springs "Commercial." Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 5. Transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, in accordance with Section 163.3 I 87(1)(c)(4), Florida Statutes, and Section 9J-ll, Florida Administrative Code. Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 8. Incorporation into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the Comprehensi ve Plan Amendment adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendment shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 9. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of this Ordinance shall take effect thirty-one (31) days after adoption, in accordance with Section 163.3187(3)( c), unless challenged within thirty (30) days after adoption of this Ordinance, then this Ordinance shall become effective at such time as the Florida Department of Community Affairs or the Administration Commission issues a final order determining the adopted small scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment is in compliance. No development orders, development permits, City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-20 Page 2 of 3 or land use dependent on this Amendment may be issued or commenced befor~ it has become effective. After and from the effective date of this Amendment, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan and the Amendments shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan, as amended. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Sprillg;S~ Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 12th day of September,2005. John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: Augus t 22, 2005 Second Reading: September 12, 2005 Effective Date:See Section 9. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-20 Page 3 of 3 Exhibit A Ordinance 2005-20 Map & Legal Description LOCATION MAP WINTER SPRINGS OVIEDO LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LEG SEe 04 TWP 21S RGE 31E W 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION: (Description as provided by Old Republic National Title Insurance Company File No 152042262) Lot or Tract No.3 of McElroy's 5 acre farms, described as follows: Begin at a point 660.4 feet East and 30 feet North of the Southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 4, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, said point being on the North side of the Sanford-Oviedo County Road; and run from thence North 662.8 feet to the quarter section line; thence East 330.2 feet; thence South 662.4 feet to the North line of said road; and thence West along the North boundary line of said road 330.2 fee to the point of beginning; being five acres, more or less. All lying and being in Seminole County, Florida. L THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2005 I- NOTICE OF CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE' PLAN AND ZONING MAP CITY Q.fWINrER SPRINGS NOTlCE IS,~YGlVEN THAT nm CITY COMMISSION OF nm CITY OP WlNI'ER.$PRINGSPROPOSES, TO ADOPT: ORDINANCE NO. 2005-11 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF-WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO COMPRE- , SIVE PLANNING; SETTING FORTH AND'ADOPTING A.LARGE; SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT,_ ~CED AS LG-CP&()5-06, WlUCH SHALL AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE.PLANRELE- VANTTOTHE TRANSPORTATION,ELEMENTANDTHE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; INCORPORATING, THE " ifflBRUARY 2005$UPPLBMBNT .(NO. 3) TO THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION STUDY WHICH EXPANDS, THE BXlSTlNGROADWAYGO~RSYSTEMAND ACKNOWLEDGES ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS CQMPLETED BY nmFLORIDA. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, SEMINOLE-COUNTY, AND THE CITY OF WINTER PRINGS;CLARIFYlNG POUOES REQARDING THE TOWN CENTER TRANSpORTATION NETWORK; PROVID- 'INGPOR1;RANStmlAL OF'l'HEPLAN TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR l REPEAL OF PRlOR INCONSISTEN'l' ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE ATE. ' . '.:...J 1:', 'J . " ' , ,()RDIN~CENO. 2()()5-12 .' . J\NO~INANQEQF''lliE CITY OFWlNTER SPR1NyS,SeMINOLE.COUNTY. FLORIDA, RELATING TO COMPRE- _SlVEPLANJIllNG;SETTINGPORTIi.ANP.ApOP'!1NGALAR9E ,SCALE COMPREHENS.IVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT, REfERENCED AS I..Q-CPA..QS-07,WlIlCtlStIAl.L.MIEND THECOMPREHErfSlVE PLAN RELE- . VANT TO THE CONSERVATION EtBMENT AND THE FQTURELAND'USEELEMENT; CLARIFYING THE PLAN'S ',!NTENTWITH'REGARD TO WBTLAND'UPLA,NDBUFFBRS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL OF THEPLJ\N TO THE. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYAFFAI&S;PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDI- NANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; SEVERAl3ILiTY;AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NQ. 2005-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION' OF THE CITY, OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A . .SMALL SCALE PLUM AMENDMENT By CtlANGINGTHE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIONATIONOF THE REAL PROPERTY CONSUTUTING A PARCEL TOTALING 5.13 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND LOCATED AT 820 STATE ROAD 434 IN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DEPICTED AND LEGALLY I)li~ED' ON~IT''A''A.1TACtlEDHERliTQ, FROM SliMINOLE COUNTY "SUlHlRl3J\N ESTi\1'Jis" AND "CONSERVATION"ToCITYOFWINTER SPRINGS' "COMMERCIAL" AND CONSERVATION OVERLAY" (ON THOSE AFFECTED AREAS); PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RES- OLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INJ.'OTHE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (See MAP 'A: for location) , . Map 'A' , WINTER SPRINGS. OlWlNANCE NO. 2005.21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISS10N OIl THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, CtlANGINGTHE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF THEREALPliOPliRTY CONSTITUTING NPARCEL TOTALINO.5.13 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND LOCATED AT 820 STATE ROAD 434 IN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORII>A, ANP MORE PARU<::-' ULARLY DEP1CTEP AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED O~ EXHIBIT"A," ATTACHEDHERETO,EROMSEMINOLE COUNTY "A-I" TO CITY OIl WINTER SPRINGS "C-I NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL";.PROV!DING FOR 'l'HE. REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSIS~ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABIl.ITY. AND AN liFFEcTIVE DATE. (See MAP 'Pt: for location) , PUBLIC HEARINGS ~ORSEeONI.tREA.l)ING .&ADOP'l'ION WILL BEHEtnoN MONDAY.'8EPTEMBERl2, 2005 AT 6:30P.M. OR SoON THEREAFI'ElUNTHE CO~ION CHAMBERS ~ LOCATEDAT THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 .' ._.. ,,~B: SPRINGS, FLORIDA . . The proposed orditlaJlcesmaYbe obt$ed by interested parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday.through Friday, at the City's Clerk's Office, located at 1126' E.. SR 434, Winter Springs, Florida. Fot more informatioll, call (407) 327-.1800 11227. Pefsons~ith .disabiliti.esneediJ1g assistance. to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relatio11ll DepartmentCoot'AA'lator, 48 hours in adv'\Ilce of the meeting at (407) 327-1800,#236. These an: public hearings. Intereste4 pllfti.esarelUiviSed that they mayap~ at the meeting and be ,hean! with respect to the proposed ordinances. 'If you decide.to appeal. any recoriunendation or decisi,?n1lla4e by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, you will n~ a record of the proceedings, ll11d for such purposes, you may.need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is.lp84e upon which ti1e ap~ isbllSed.' .', . . ~.. R ~ ';h'I '_.;f';'.~ S3,26O due at ..... Inception. Includee ftm month.. payment & """nd8bIe eecurtty depoelt. ...... '*-d on 10,000 mtIM . '*~'Taii;-r licenM " doc fee of "'..GO extra. Orlando Sentinel ".;.~oS~nf;iQ~~~m THURSDAY, JUNE ~f SEe CIS1QJl:f!lclde byth!l IAi.. No.416693JS204 ders are notified bY C'll BO\lrd':~.11h'respect. to. \/Grd:C . I .mall or express del anY'l!lcltter. considered "o.f.drq return recelpt,.l r-. at the meetIng Is ad- CITY COMMISSION ntsalon . . ary of bids for tW U I vlsedt/Jat person will THE CITY OF WINTER AN from Mp 12.,553 fa' jeets will be postllll ..J I need a.record of the. SPRINGS, . ,FLORI.DA, Gc909'ondMp 14521 to emaln Lobby, lstflOQr !~.' proc"edlngs and that AM.ENDING CHAPTER 9, Dla~ ila;lncLudlngconstr.u<:tlo!'l the ,0eLand District I ' accQrdlngly, the person ARTICLE 1, REGULATING . d" Qf a$wal.e and exfiltratlon :flClll:~,J;jl South Wood!,~ j may need to ensure thatTH E SUBDIVISION OF 'taalrench This project Is' estl. B/IId., DeLand, Florldllt" <J a verbatim record of ORIGINALLY PLATTED HO r - motelftll be over $250,000.00. July 20, 2oo5and.Augus., ~. the proceedings Is LOTS; REQUIRING .0.001. n e, CO'NTRACTOR DOE.S2005. PostIng w!JI pray! ,5-1 mllde, IncludIng the't. TIONAL CONDITl0NS'ZF'NOGR II UJtHAVE TO BE PREQUALI. notice of the Deparlme~ ' tlmonYllnd evl~nce REpLATS;AUTHOR I" '<FlED IN DRAINAGE TOlnlenltoaward.aconlr~ ~.I up. on which sUe ch IlPpepl LIMIT.ED..' LOT SPLITS m. BID THIS PROJECT. An or to reject any.?r aliI/I! Is to. be based. . '. WITHOUT. THE NECESSI- 'GEerJ on-sIte Mandatory Pre-Bid The DePllrtment s Notlcp 'J I Tom Tukdarlan TYOF pLATTING'UNDER lis schedule for Tues'day, Intent regarding a prO)1 X ~ M nager : . CERTAIN . LIMITED RE. ~ May 31,2005.10:ooAM,we will bePllSted on only one o:J .. C8R62:39307 JUN.23.30i2005 QUIRE;MENTS AND CON-' 'N!!'. will meet at Brevllrd Opera- the alternllfe pOsting dot! 'DITlONS; PROVIDING su '.. tlClns 555 Cllmp Road, Co- 81dders are solely respon ) 'THEC/lY OF WINTERSPRING8'FOR THE REPEAL OF Ju: coo, ' FL. PaCkages are ble tor timely monllorlng ~_. ;GIVES PUlue NOnCE THAT THE. p. RIOR.. INCONSISTENT do. .CK- $40 00 (60 Clllendar Days) otherwise VerifYing I' "' . LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY WlLLORDINANCES'ANDRESo. In 0', . which ofthesPBClfledal1 "-CONSIOERTHEFOu.DWING: . LUTlDNS,.INCORpORA_ th QN "CONTRACT NoE-5H93, nllte POstlngdates.the 1'0: .J . . '. TION INTO. THE CODE, 0 III. FINANCIAL No. 4i9105152011ng of award.or relectlon., ~, . ORDINANCE NO. 2005-14 SEVERABILITY AND AN wh 'lYn (OS) .Orange County: Work all bids actually occurs. \) AN ORDINANCE OF. THE EFFECTIVE DATE. N. econslsts of drlllnage Im- . K' .,J CITY COMMISSION .01' . ... ..... ". III.. n.~. provements at Ro.blnson 'CONTRACT No. E-N~ ! .~ THE CITY OF WINTER .... QNWEONE8llAY,.. c' .... <>, Street and Garland 'Avenue FINANCIA.L"".. .lI . I SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ... JULY.. 2OG$4T7;OO ';Mollr sa th I t t t 4 An on 41357615201 and 1113S'16156 '1 AMENDI N G' CHAPTER 9,. OR 800.NTH=R....... .. R . IN. THti ,sel '12) benea .n ers a e . - . . .. d'e". .., W, ... ......5 U'ed site Mandatorv Pre-bid .Is (DSJ'8rl!j/.ar oun,,: 0 . LAND DEVELOpMEN., 'COMMlSIION . IERI LOCA. bid .. . scheduled fOr TuesdOl(, MaV,~onsJst$.,:if milling and r OF THE CODE OF OROI. ED AT THE WINTER SPRINGI CITY Or Or6n 31, 2005 02,:oopM, 'we will' surfaclnll of eXisting pav, NANCES; ESTABLISHING . IIALI. Orl. I E I In areas ment of fa A. ,'NEW OEVELOpMENT 1126 "-,STAn ROAD 434 II: ,.( meet at. 'BQY. e ng neer g .... "" b . ~ SS MAK..... , Carl'.. 320 EllSt South Street, (ng stde nd cur dOl ,f:X'E~''.~~CF1>R;MI NG~l/$,fLQllUlA . ... Iddlrlo!'ldoi FL.OO Calendar 'llu.tt~, egU~~ rJ lilTS TO CHAP. The proPClse,d'ordJf\llnces, rtljDpy~) ... ... rO~ll:" 'und, e .EI: pROTEC- mllY beln~ted,b\,lnter, ,JlV-;;'~ACT No.E- ,t he SR .~. . CHAPTER 20 ".ted Partl...between' the '0' 'FINANCIAL. . ttOi. . 0 the b ,pROVIOI NG and 5 p.m".MOndIlY ese, . .. ..' Idge ov, .., . REPEAL OF Friday, lit the City's .. ted 17201 (D) Orange' an~' No. .7001: i PRIOR INCONSISTE'NT OffiCe, located lit 1126 East oar III County: WlIrk con' I 8 y THIS 1 '-', ORDINANCES AND RESO. State . ROlld '. 43,1, "WI"t~r, Of. slsts. of large andsll1illl ma- .~ L'lTMap UM' P'ROJEC '" LIJ,'fIDNi. SEVER~BILNI. Springs, Florldo'.I'ptmor'e,;:, nd chine mowing, slope ,mow: TO 8eH.ET JULY 06, 200 . (' . T'i',I'NCQRPORATJ..,N I . Informlltlon call (407) 327- cou on lng, litter removal, edglnf ThIs project Is estimated" '", 'TO, THE . CODE, 18001227. Personswlthdlsa. '. 05, andsweeplngandmechlln. be over $25000000 COI ) SEVERABILITY ANO AN bllltles needing Illllstllnce 0.0. Ide cal roadway sweeping on TR.ACTOR DO'ES'HAVE'']' ,,-" . ""TIVE DAT'E . f" I'.s various road. This p. rolect I.. BE 'p"EQ.U.ALIFIED'''l' ...J EFF..". . . to participate In. any 0 JU ~ ~ .; . these proceedings should ct estimated to. be ~~~. FLEX',&LE PAVING,], <;.0, ORDINANCE NO. 2005-20 contact the Employee Rela- ds..$250,OOO.OO. CONTRAC BE BID THIS PROJECT. pac;1 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE tlons Department Coordlna. (CI of I" DROEEQSUNAOL~F~~~ET'bO BID ages are $40.00. (75 Cal!!1 . CITY COMMISSION OF tor 48 hours In advance of eet . T '(365 C I dar days) . ,." . THE CITY OF WINTER the' meeting at (407) 327. Dep .of THIS pROJEC . . a en- SPRINGS, . FLORIDA, 1800, Extension 236. This Is CAllI; es. dar daysl 'STATE OF Fi;O.Rl'llA 'DE ;~e>ftJ' ~rU':A~~~'o~ ~I~~b/Jc Il~-:-Jr~n~ ~~o~ 971" ~~ "CONTRACT Nb, ,E-5H77, PARTMENTOF, ''':~ANI ,MENTey CHANli;ING mendotlonldeclslon made by ~J.on FINANCIAL No. 41763517201 PORT6"T~~r~ell'J;'" E " THE FUTURE LAND USE the Loclll Planning Agency 3056 er- (D) Orange, Os,ceolawan~ ~r~ctor of Tr~'portotla MAP DESIGNATION OF with respect to any mlltter cORt. Seminole Count es: or 0 tl s" . ' THE REAL PROPERTY considered at thIs meetIng, .. .of consists of removal of dam. Drs;~fctO~lve .' . i'j; 'CONSTITUTING A PAR. youwlilneedllrecordofthe NOT' aged concrete pavement, COR6183417 511661231206 CEL TOTAL I NG 5.13 proceedIngs, and for such EN. con~tru.ctlng concrete pave- , - ACRES MORE OR LESS Purposes, YOU may need to STO 26, ment, replaCln\l pavement NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT ...:.' . AND LOCATED AT 820 ensure that a verbatIm re- othe 205 markers and,traff/cmark_ Central FL R8IIlonal. T~ STATE ROAD 434 IN WIN. cord .of thli proceedl!'lgSls lionl ark Ings, replaCing trafflc loops 'portallon, Autho.rlty ~ TER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, mllde uPOn whIch the appepl call~ ,re- assembtles.~nd '!1alntalnlnflgLynX"rq. Governmert4Ja . AND MORE PARTICULAR. Is terested POrtles dese the trafflc. TillS proJ~!.'s es - Agency pursuant to FL ~ L YOEplCTEO AND LE- Ilr that they may lIenl en. mated to be over ~,OOO.oo. 69.081(9) eftle/1lllll1 GALL~I' DESCRIBED ON ap e meeting and ty. 01 CONTRACTOR DOES NOT of 01 'Inl~ 'EXH'II!IT"A' ATTA. CHED be w respect .to.. tbe SEL es HAVE TO B. E pREQUALI- by ed,allts HERETO, FROM SEMI- 'pr ordinances.'. TY . aJ FIEiO TO BID THIS pR,O, Ing lor am ' NOLEiCOUNTY 'SUBUR. CS ...6o'l3/05 83. ast JECr. .EARL Y .AD. (50. den on.Sit\l ' BAN'.." ESTATES' AND.' '. ro- CalernlpT,days) .... ..... . tll emmbll - 'CONSERVATIOIII' TO THIS AUCTION WILL BE Purc er .:,f.,." ..... :; Cou lelTl8llf CITY. OF WINTER HELD ON 7/7105, AT 9:00AII lit t . O~ "CONTRACTNo. e'5H74, req $l~ SPRINGS 'COMMERCIAL' AT . 6400 UNIVERSITY 'onlY. e. FINANCIAL No. 41763!'4720lfi)',., mmed~l!'l AND"CONSERVATION BLVD, WINTER PARK, wher IC (D) Orange, Osceola and con for a Gen!II/iQ OVERLA V' (ON THOSE FL. PROSPECTIVE BID. movlD Seminole Countle.s: Work Release of all claIms arl~ AFFECTED AREAS); DERSMAY INSPECT VE. time' ra consists of removing and re- out of the ,accident; l(-!lt PROVIDING FOR THE RE- HICLES THE DAY BE. cllnc. . plllclng concrete sidewalk, Date: June 15, 2005 . PEAL OF PRIOR INCON- FORE, FROM 9:00AM seftl.. concrete curb and gutter, By: Dan.lel Whitfield, ~. SISTENT ORDINANCES UNTIL 4:00PM. TERMS and 27 specIal concrete curbs arid ARM.Rlsk Manager .~~ AND RESOLUTIONS, SEV. ARE CASH ORCERTl' WIL 06 curb ramps. This project ISCOR6232165 .~ ERABILITY,INCORpORA. FlED FUNDS ONLY. TIB. PETI n. estimated to be over 6I18,19,20,21,22,23,24,200StMt: TION INTO THE COMpRE. BITTS INC. RESERVES SEMI to $250,000.00. CONTRACTOR .. INVlTAnON TO BID !l.l. HENSIVE PLAN, AND AN THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT y DOES NOT HAVE TO BE. . .... "T...... ._. EFFECTIVE DATE. OR REJECT ANY AND LON ."'",0."", .~.,,~ __ _._ 41 I e..........