HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2005-10 Transportation Impact Fees ORDINANCE NO, 2005-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE ADDITION OF COLLECTOR ROADS AND GROWTH RELATED PROJECTS TO THE LIST OF IMPACT FEE RELATED TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS; PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE TO COVER THE INCREASES IN CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND THE ADDITIONAL COLLECTOR ROADS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE, REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has previously found and determined it to be in the best interest of the safety, health, and welfare ofthe citizens of the City of Winter Springs to establish transportation impact fees to require new development to pay their equitable share of public transportation improvements that must be constructed to serve new growth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has commissioned an impact fee study and has retained CPR Engineers, Inc, ("CPR") to complete the study and prepare a report on the adequacy of the City's current transportation impact fees; and WHEREAS, CPR has issued to the City two impact fee reports entitled, "Transportation Impact Fee Update," dated February 2005 and "Supplement No. 3, Update to City of Winter Springs Transportation Study," dated February 2005 ("Reports"); and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that the Reports legally justify the continued imposition of revised transportation impact fees pursuant to applicable law. See, e.g., Volusia County v. Aberdeen at Ormond Beach, 760 So. 2d 126 (Fla. 2000); Contractors and Builders Association of Pinellas County v. City of Dunedin, 329 So. 2d 314 (Fla. 1976); Wald v. Metropolitan Dade County, 338 So. 2d 863 (Fla. 3d DCA 1976); Hollywood, Inc. v. Broward County, 431 So. 2d 606 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983); and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that Section 163.3202(3), Florida Statutes, encourages the use of innovative land development regulations which includes the adoption of "impact fees," and City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-10 Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the City Commission also finds that the impact fees required by this Ordinance are necessary to mitigate impacts reasonably attributable to new development; and WHEREAS, the City Commission also recognizes that the Florida Legislature has mandated that local government plan comprehensively for future growth and that this regulatory Ordinance is consistent with that mandate. See, e.g., Ch. 163, Fla. Stat.; and WHEREAS, new land development activity generates public facility and service demands within the City and it is reasonable to require new development to pay a fair share of the cost of expanding new public facilities and services attributable to new development; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, and other applicable law authorizing a municipality to set rates, fees, and charges for new development; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests ofthe public health, safety, and welfare ofthe citizens of Winter Springs to amend the City's transportation impact fees and procedures. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals, The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Code Amendment, Chapter 9, Article VIII, Division 2, The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 9, Article VIII, Division 2, is hereby amended as follows (underlined type indicates additions and sttikcout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (***) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance oftext existing in Chapter 9, Article VIII, Division 2. It is intended that the text in Chapter 9, Article VIII, Division 2 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance): ARTICLE VIII, IMPACT FEES * * * DIVISION 2. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES. *** Sec, 9-386,2, Intent and Purpose, City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-10 Page 2 of 4 *** (e) The technical data, findings and conclusions herein are based on the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs and in part on the following studies and reports which are hereby adopted (by reference): (1) Trip Generation, ITE (7th Edition), (2) Orlando Urban Area Transportation Studyies; (3) Special Report 209, Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, 1985; (4) Generalized Daily Level of Service Maximum Volumes for Florida's UrbanlUrbanized (5000+) Areas, FDOT 2002; (5) Cost per Lane Mile-City of Winter Springs Transportation Impact Fee Update. 2005; (6) Existing Traffic Circulation Analysis, City of Winter Springs Study, September, 1989, Tipton Associates Incorporated and Leftwich Consulting Engineers, Inc.; (7) Future Traffic Circulation Analysis, City of Winter Springs Study, December, 1991, Tipton Associates, Inc, and Leftwich Consulting Engineers, Inc. (8) Input Data for Seminole and V olusia Counties for Calculating Transportation Impact Fees for Convenience Stores, August, 1989, Tipton Associates Incorporated. (9) City of Winter Springs Transportation Study. August 1997: Supplement No. 1. December 1999: Supplement No.2. February 2001: Supplement No.3. February 2005. (10) City of Winter Springs Transportation Impact Fee Update. September 1997: Update. December 1999: Update. February 2005. *** Section 3. New Road Impact Fee Rate Schedule. The Road Impact Fee Rate Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "1" and required by Section 9-386.7, and referenced and incorporated in the City Code as Exhibit "B," is hereby repealed in its entirety and shall be replaced in full by 2005 Exhibit "B," which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 4, Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions . All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-10 Page 3 of 4 LA1'o/D DEVELOPMENT * 9.386.21 EXHIBIT B Column 10 11 12 1:) 11 15 16 17 18 19 New Daily Iif. of Vehi. Vehicle New Daily Average cI('Miles Mt!('sOn New City Totul One of Daily Dis- 1hps.At- Trip On The the City LOS' D Per S'red Sys CU/"/l'r1t Updated ITF:M Daily Trip Daif.v 1'/1'0 Trip Percent of tribute. trihutable Length City Street Street S.vs- LUrleen- t/'TII LU!le Cost PCI' Total Total Cost Code Land USf' Type GBAIGLA Rate Trips Ends New Trips Foctor To Sill~ (Miles) 8_vstrtn tern paClty Mile.,; Lane Mile CO:'ltJ."hfe PI'!' Unit Industrial 110 General light indust.rial 100,000 HA5 ()45.0 0.5 100 1.52 490,20 5,00 53A7 ],:310.55 8,050 0,1628 $561.879 $91,.175 $914.75 130 Industrial park 300,000 7.50 2,250,0 0,5 ton 1,09 1,226.25 5,00 S:tH 3,278,:38 8,050 OA073 5(jI,879 228,826 76275 ISO Warehousing 100,000 7.11 7110 0,5 100 1.7-1 G18.57 n.OO 53.17 LG5:t7!'i 8,050 0.2054 5(11,879 115,429 1.154,29 Ifll :\[ini.warehOllse 500 0.26 1300 0,5 100 109 70.85 ;'.00 5:l.47 189.42 8,050 0.02:3:; fif)1,R79 1a,221 26.44 Residential 210 Singll'-family detached ~oo 1 elf 0.5 100 IO~ 1,461.57 4.90 53.17 :1,829:16 8.050 0.4757 561,879 276,284 890.95 220 Low-rise apartment 300 lCU 0.5 100 0.93 884.1:1 4.90 5:3.47 2,:117.2:1 8.050 0.2B79 5fi1,879 161,7ttO 5:39.t:l 2:10 J..ow-rise- residt'ntial cOl\do 200 1 CU O.n 100 0.94 551.78 4.90 5:3.47 1.415.(j8 8,050 D.179n 561,879 100,906 504.S3 240 Mobilt' home park 200 leU 0.5 100 Ll.1 552.90 4.90 5:3.47 1,448,61 8,050 O.lRon 561,879 101.111 505.56 252 Congregate Care 200 1 CU 0.5 100 0.79 169.Sfi / 4,90 !i:3.47 445.01 8,050 0.05fi:l 561,879 :U,OIjl 15;'.31 Lodging :J20 Motpl 125 lRM N/A 9.94 100 0.57 :154.11 5.60 5.3.47 1,060.:13 8,0)""10 O,!:l]7 561,879 74,009 5V2.07 Recreational 4,10 GolfcOllfSf' 145 1 AC N/A 5.0fj 7;3:3.7 0,78 286.14 4.40 5:1.47 07.3.20 8,050 O.OS:w 561,879 4G,9BD :32,1(lG 4.14 Movie t.heatre 6 1 SCR N/A 153,:13 ~no.o 124 570.:J~) 4.40 53.47 1,:HU)4 8,050 0.1667 561.879 9;3,666 15,fil0.!J2 492 Racquet. dub :n,ooo 1,000 SF (}IlA 17.14 565.6 1.07 a02.f;1 4.40 5,1.47 711.:14 S,050 O,OSS,t fifil,S79 4~),fj9'2 1,)""IOG.8'2 491 Bowling alley 24,000 1,000 SF GilA a:LI:{ 799,9 106 42:t!)6 4.40 5:I.17 m17.44 B,050 0,12:i9 fi()1,87H 1J9,fi20 2,!mO.'s2 Institutional 560 Chllrch 10,000 1,000 SF (}IlA 9.:J2 9:1,2 05 .1.10 )"",:J.47 S:L,!;l 8,050 0.{)1O~ fi61,879 5,7;~9 fi7;J.!J.1 5fiG Day care center 5,000 1.000 SF (}IlA 79.26 :396.:3 0.5 1.50 53.-17 70,~{2 8,050 O.OOH07 G61,H7!) 4,909 981.72 5!11 T..odgelfat.ernalorg:ulization 500 1 Mr:M N/A 0.29 1-15.0 0.5 4.40 S;3.,17 175.69 8,OSO 00218 5G1,879 12,2GJ 2--1.53 Medical 610 Hospit,al :]00 11lED N/A 12.6H 3,804.0 0,5 100 0.5 53.47 2,542.;'0 8,05U 0,3158 fiGl,oS79 177,4(;3 fi91.fi4 6:20 i'iursillg home 100 1 flED N/A 2.61 261.0 0.5 100 0.5 53.47 174.4:' 8,050 0.0217 561.87!} 12,176 121.76 6;10 Clinic 5,000 1,000 SF GHA 2:3.79 119.0 0.5 100 5:3.47 159.01 8,050 0.019's 561,879 1] ,098 2,219.G9 Office 710 GE'neral officE' building 50,000 1,000 SF GBA 16.62 8;31.0 0.5 100 1.:35 5HO.9:l 1,4~)9.G3 8,050 O.lHfj;{ 561,879 104,H/2 2,09~U.5 720 MedicaVdent.al office building 40,000 1000 SF GilA 3099 1,239.6 0.50 100 1.25 714.75 2,07L29 8,050 O.25n 5H 1,879 14-1,57:3 :J.614.31 750 Office park 375,000 1,000 SF GilA 11.67 4,:3763 0,5 100 1.25 2,735.Ui 7,:1]2.44 8,050 0.90B4 561,879 510,:398 J:l61.06 770 Bllsille;-;s park 325,000 1,000 Sf' GBA n88 4,511.0 D.G 100 1.04 2,;345.72 6,27L28 8,050 0.7790 561,879 .1:37,727 1,;HIUl5 Commercial 812 I3uilding materials/lumber store 20.000 1,000 SF GBA :30.55 611.0 0.50 fif) 1.05 176.4:J 4.40 0.051G 56] ,879 28,972 1,448.58 814 Specialty retail center 30,000 1,000 SF GLA 40,67 1,220,1 0.5 51) 0,92 308.69 4.40 53.47 0.O90~ 561,879 50,690 1,68H.H8 815 Disconnt store 90,000 1,000 SF GBA 59.90 5,:191.0 0,5 55 0,57 845.04 2,75 53.47 0,1544 56J.879 86,729 96:166 816 Hardwarpjpaint store 27,000 1,000 SF GBA 51.29 1,:J84.8 0.5 55 0.95 3!i1.79 2.25 53.47 0.0541 561,879 .10,:380 1,1:!5.20 817 Nursery/garden store 9,000 1,000 SF GBA :]6,08 324,7 05 55 1.03 91.98 2,75 53.47 O.OUia 561,879 9.440 1,048,88 820 Retail (C) O~-25,000 sq. ft. 12,500 1,000 Sf' GLA 154,08 1,92G.O 0,5 30 0,9 260,01 2.00 53.47 278.05 8,050 25,000,u 50,000 sq. ft, 37,500 1,000 Sr' GLA 102,08 3,828,0 0.5 :37 0.92 651.53 2,25 53.47 783,83 8,050 50,000-99,999 sq. fi. 75,000 1,000 Sf' GLA 78,72 5,904.0 0.5 50 0,93 1,377.68 2,50 53.47 1,8~4,93 8,(1)0 100,000-199,999 sq. ft.. 150,000 1,000 SF GLA 60,70 9,105.0 (),5 61 0.93 2582.6a 2,75 5:3.47 ;1,7!l7.37 8,050 200,000-299,999 sq, ft. 250,000 1,000 SF GLA 50,12 12,530,0 0.5 67 094 3,945.70 ~.OO 5~.47 6,:tW.29 8.050 831 Quality restaurant 9,000 1,000 SF GBA 92.67 834,0 0,5 82 0.8~ 283.82 4.40 53.47 667,74 8,050 832 High turnover sit-down restaurant 5,000 1,000 SF GBA 206,36 1.031.8 0,5 52 0,79 211.9:3 2,50 53.47 28:1,30 8,050 833 Fast food restaurant wlo drive-thru 2,800 1,000 SF GBA 790,00 2,212,0 0.5 52 0.54 310.5G 2,50 53.47 415,83 8,050 834 Fast food restaurant wldrive-thru 3,000 1,000 SF GBA 632,12 1,896.4 0,5 52 0_58 285,97 2,50 5:1.47 382,27 B,OSO 840 Auto care center 6,000 1,000 SF GLA 15,86 95,2 0,5 74 1.00 35.21 4.40 53.47 82,84 8,050 845/846 Service station w/convenience 1,000 1,000 SF GLA 846,06 846,1 0.5 22 0,67 62.:{!) 0,75 53.47 25.01 8,050 Supp. No.1 625 EXHIBIT Repo L j _1- 9,3 '6.' New Daily Vi'hide New City Group Totat One of thi' City LOS D Per Street Sys. Current Updated ITEM Mid- Daily '/hp Daily 7loo 'nip Percent of Streef Sys- Lane Ca- fent Lufte Cost Per Total TotaL Cost Code Land Use 'I)'pc Range Unill; GBA/GTA Rale Trips Ends Nell' 1hps tem pactt)' Miles Lane Mile Cost/Site Per Unit 847 Self-service car wash 5 1 STL GLA 108 00 540.0 0,74 99.90 ~.25 53,47 120,19 8,050 0.0149 561,879 8,389 1,677.78 848 Tire St.ore 5,000 1,000 SF GI3A 2:3.!)4 119,7 1.00 3H.51 3,26 5.147 63,64 8,050 0,0079 561,879 4,442 88H.:J8 851 Convenience store (open 24 hrs.) 2,000 1,000 SF GBA 737,99 0.67 108.78 0.75 53.47 4:Ui2 8,050 0.0054 561,879 3,04S 1.522.'13 (w/o g:1so1ine pumps) 853 COllllellienee storew/gasoline pllmps 2,500 2,:188,0 D.r; 22 0.67 176.00 a.7S 5;~.47 70.58 8,050 O.OORS 561,879 4,B2f; 1,970.52 890 Furniture store 80,000 :J07,2 0.5 53 {U:\.1 (ja.;~8 4.40 53.47 lGO,88 8,050 O.O:,Wo 561,879 11,229 140,:17 Services 911 Walk-in bank l.000 SF GBA 1-10.61 1,124.9 0.50 ~() L2:l 207.54 1.50 5:147 166.46 8,050 O.O:.!O7 fl(il.879 11.619 1,452,:12 912 Driv-'- 1,000 SF GHA 279.4:3 978.0 0.50 :10 1.:')6 228.8G 1.5 5:1..17 18:3.55 8,050 {U)228 561,879 12,812 :),66047 Supp_ NO.1 626 2005 Exhibit B I New uallY New<..;IlY New Daily % Vehicle Vehicle Street One of Percent Daily Trips Avg Trip Miles on Miles on System Current Cost Total Item Group GBAI Daily Trip Total Daily Two Trip Of New Distribution Attributable Length City City LOS"D" Lane per Lane CosVSite Total Cost Code Land Use Type Midrange Units GLA Rate Trips Ends Trips Factor to Site (miles) System System per Lane Miles Mile ($) ($) per Unil($) INDUSTRIAL 110 General light industrial 100,000 1000 SF GBA 6.45 645 0.5 100% 1.52 490.20 5.00 53.4 7% 1310.55 8050 0.1628 942,029.00 153,363.46 1,533,63 130 Industrial Park 300,000 1000 SF GBA 7.5 2250 0.5 100% 1.09 1226,25 5.00 53.4 7% 3278,38 8050 0.4073 942,029,00 383,643.29 1,278.81 150 Warehousing 100000 1000 SF GBA 7.11 711 0.5 100% 1.74 618.57 5.00 53.47% 1653.75 8050 0.2054 942,029.00 193,525,16 1,935,25 151 Mini-warehouse 500 1 SU GBA 0.26 130 0.5 100% 1.09 70.85 5.00 53.47% 189.42 8050 0.0235 942,029.00 22,166.06 44,33 RESIDENTIAL 210 Single-Family DeVAll 300 1 CU N/A 9.46 2838 0.5 100% 1.03 1461.57 4.90 53.47% 3829.36 8050 0.4757 942,029.00 448,119.95 1,493.73 220 Low-rise Apartments 300 1 CU N/A 6.34 1902 0.5 100% 0.93 884.43 4.90 53.47% 2317.23 8050 0.2879 942,029.00 271,167.80 903.89 230 Low-rise Res. Condo 200 1 CU N/A 5.87 1174 0.5 100% 0.94 551.78 4.90 53.47% 1445.68 8050 0.1796 942,029.00 169,176.72 845.88 240 Mobile Home Park 200 1 CU N/A 4.85 970 0.5 100% 1.14 552.90 4.90 53.4 7% 1448.61 8050 0.1800 942,029.00 169,520.12 847.60 252 Conoreoate Care 200 1 CU N/A 2.15 430 0.5 100% 0.79 169.85 4.90 53.4 7% 445.01 8050 0.0553 942,029.00 52,076.31 260.38 LODGING 320 Motel 125 1 RM N/A 9.94 1242.5 0.5 100% 0.57 354.11 5.60 53.4 7% 1060.33 8050 0.1317 942,029.00 124,081,74 992.65 RECREATIONAL 430 Golf Course 145 1 AC N/A 5,06 733.7 0.5 100% 0.78 286.14 4.40 53.4 7% 673,20 8050 0.0836 942,029.00 78,779,71 543.31 444 Movie Theater 6 1 SCR N/A 153,33 920 0.5 100% 1.24 570.40 4.40 53.47% 1341.97 8050 0.1667 942,029.00 157,040,17 26,173.36 492 Racquet Club 33,000 1000 SF GBA 17.14 565,6 0.5 100% 1.07 302.60 4.40 53.4 7% 711.91 8050 0.0884 942,029,00 83,309.48 2,524.53 494 Bowlino AIIev 24,000 1000 SF GBA 33.33 799.9 0.5 100% 1.06 423.95 4.40 53.47% 997.41 8050 0.1239 942,029.00 116,719.34 4,863.31 INSTITUTIONAL 560 Church 10000 1000 SF GBA 9.32 93.2 0.5 100% 0.75 34.95 4.40 53.47% 82.23 8050 0.0102 942,029.00 9,622.29 962.23 566 Day Care Center 5000 1000 SF GBA 79.26 396.3 0.5 25% 1.77 87.68 1.50 53.47% 70.32 8050 0.0087 942,029.00 8,229.57 1,645.91 591 Lodoe/FratemaIOro. 500 1 MEM N/A 0.29 145 0.5 100% 1.03 74.68 4.40 53.47% 175.69 8050 0.0218 942,029.00 20,559.21 41.12 MEDICAL 610 Hospital 300 1 BED N/A 12,68 3804 0.5 100% 0.5 951.00 5.00 53.4 7% 2542.50 8050 0.3158 942,029.00 297,528.86 991.76 620 Nursing Home 100 1 BED N/A 2,61 261 0.5 100% 0.5 65.25 5,00 53.4 7% 174.45 8050 0.0217 942,029.00 20,414.05 204.14 630 Clinic 5000 1000 SF GBA 23.79 119 0.5 100% 1 59,50 5.00 53.4 7% 159.07 8050 0.0198 942,029.00 18,615.11 3,723.02 OFFICE 710 General Office Building 50000 1000 SF GBA 16.62 831 0.5 100% 1.35 560.93 5.00 53.4 7% 1499.63 8050 0.1863 942,029.00 175,490.41 3,509.81 720 Medical/Dental Off Bid 40000 1000 SF GBA 30.99 1239.6 0.5 100% 1.25 774.75 5.00 53.4 7% 2071.29 8050 0.2573 942,029.00 242,387.47 6,059.69 750 Office Park 375000 1000 SF GBA 11.67 4276.3 0.5 100% 1.25 2672.69 5.00 53.47% 7145.43 8050 0.8876 942,029.00 836,174,20 2,229.80 770 Business Park 325000 1000 SF GBA 13.88 4511 0.5 100% 1.04 2345.72 5.00 53.47% 6271.28 8050 0.7790 942,029.00 733,879.49 2,258.09 COMMERCIAL 812 Bldg MaVLumber Store 20000 1000 SF GBA 30.55 611 0.5 55% 1.05 176.43 4.40 53.47% 415.07 8050 0.0516 942,029.00 48,572,95 2,428,65 814 Specialty Retail Center 30000 1000 SF GLA 40,67 1220.1 0.5 55% 0.92 308.69 4.40 53.47% 726.24 8050 0.0902 942,029.00 84,985.96 2,832.87 815 Discount Store 90000 1000 SF GBA 59.9 5391 0.5 55% 0.57 845,04 2.75 53.47% 1242.57 8050 0.1544 942,029.00 145,407.95 1,615.64 816 Hardware/Paint Store 27000 1000 SF GBA 51.29 1384.83 0.5 55% 0.95 361.79 2,25 53.47% 435.26 8050 0.0541 942,029.00 50,934.71 1,886.47 817 Nursery/Garden Store 9000 1000 SF GBA 36.08 324,7 0.5 55% 1.03 91.97 2,75 53.47% 135.24 8050 0.0168 942,029.00 15,825.72 1,758.41 820 Retail 0.5 o . 24,999 sf 12500 1000 SF GLA 154.08 1926 0.5 30% 0.9 260.01 2.00 53.4 7% 278.05 8050 0.0345 942,029.00 32,538.58 2,603,09 25,000 - 49,999 sf 37500 1000 SF GlA 102.08 3828 0.5 37% 0.92 651.53 2.25 53.4 7% 783.83 8050 0.0974 942,029.00 91,726.03 2,446.03 50,000 - 99,999 sf 75000 1000 SF GLA 78.72 5904 0.5 50% 0.93 1372.68 2.50 53.4 7% 1834.93 8050 0.2279 942,029.00 214,727,61 2,863.03 100,000.199,999 sf 150000 1000 SF GLA 60.7 9105 0.5 61% 0.93 2582.63 2.75 53.47% 3797.57 8050 0.4717 942,029.00 444,399.96 2,962.67 200,000 - 299,999 sf 250000 1000 SF GLA 50,12 12530 0.5 67% 0.94 3945.70 3.00 53.47% 6329.29 8050 0.7862 942,029.00 740,667,97 2,962.67 831 Quality Restaurant 9000 1000 SF GBA 92.67 834.03 0.5 82% 0.83 283.82 4.40 53.47% 667,74 8050 0.0829 942,029.00 78,140,26 8,682.25 832 High Turnover Sit-d.Res 5000 1000 SF GBA 206.36 1031.8 0.5 52% 0,79 211.93 2.50 53.47% 283,30 8050 0.0352 942,029.00 33,152,37 6,630.47 833 Fast Food w/o Drivethru 2800 1000 SF GBA 790 2212 0.5 52% 0.54 310,56 2.50 53.47% 415,15 8050 0.0516 942,029,00 48,581.49 17,350.53 834 Fast Food w/Drivethru 3000 1000 SF GBA 632.12 1896.4 0.5 52% 0.58 285.98 2.50 53.47% 382,28 8050 0.0475 942,029.00 44,735.25 14,911.75 840 Auto Care Center 6000 1000 SF GLA 15.86 95.2 0.5 74% 1 35,22 4.40 53.47% 82,87 8050 0.0103 942,029.00 9,697,73 1,616.29 845 Svc Sta w/Convenience 1000 1000 SF GLA 846.06 846.1 0.5 22% 0.67 62.36 0,75 53.47% 25.01 8050 0.0031 942,029,00 2,926,37 2,926.37 847 Self Svc Car Wash 5 1 STL GLA 108 540 0.5 50% 0.74 99.90 2,25 53.47% 120.19 8050 0.0149 942,029.00 14,064.57 2,812.91 848 Tire Store 5000 1000 SF GBA 23,94 119.7 0.5 61% 1 36.51 3.26 53.47% 63.64 8050 0.0079 942,029.00 7,447.15 1,489.43 851 Con. Str (24hr) w/o gas 2000 1000 SF GBA 737.99 1476 0.5 22% 0.67 108.78 0.75 53.47% 43.62 8050 0.0054 942,029.00 5,104.98 2,552.49 853 Convenience w/gas 2500 1000 SF GBA 955.2 2388 0.5 22% 0.67 176.00 0,75 53.4 7% 70.58 8050 0.0088 942,029.00 8,259.27 3,303.71 890 Furniture store 80000 1000 SF GBA 3,84 307.2 0.5 53% 0.84 68.38 4.40 53.4 7% 160.88 8050 0.0200 942,029.00 18,826.85 235.34 SERVICES 911 Walk-in Bank 8000 1000 SF GBA 140.61 1124,9 0.5 30% 1.23 207.54 1.50 53.4 7% 166.46 8050 0,0207 942,029.00 19,479,60 2,434.95 912 Drive-in Bank 3500 1000 SF GBA 279.43 978.005 0.5 30% 1.56 228.85 1.50 53.4 7% 183.55 8050 0.0228 942,029.00 21,479.63 6,137.04 942029 Section 5. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. Section 6. Severability, If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 14th day of March , 005. JOHN F. BUSH, Mayor ATTEST: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney First Reading: Second Reading: Effective Date: February 28, 2005 March 14. 2005 See Section 7. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-10 Page 4 of 4 Orlando Sentinel Published Daily State of Florida } S.S. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared BEVERLY C. SIMMONS , who on oath says that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of Orlando Sentinel, a dally newspaper published at ALTAMONTE SPRINGS in SEMINOLE County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement being a NOTICE IS HEREBY in the matter of ord. 2005-10 in the SEMINOLE Court was published in said newspaper in the issue; of 03/04/05 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at ALTAMONTE SPRINGS in said SEMINOLE County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said SEMINOLE County, Florida, each week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in ALTAMONTE SPRINGS in said SEMINOLE County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4th day of MARCH , 2005, by BEVERLY C. SIMMONS who is personally known to me and did take an oath. (SEAL) DEBORAH M. TONEY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROPOSES TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING ORDI. NANCE TO THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDI- NANCES: OROINANCE NO. 2005-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RE. LATING TO TRANSPOR. TATION IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE AD. DITION OF COLLECTOR ROADS AND GROWTH RE LATED PROJECTS TO THE LIST OF IMPACT FEE RELATED TRAN PORTATION PROJECTS PROVIDING FOR AN IN. CREASE IN THE TRANS- PORTATION IMPACT FEE TO COVER THE INCREAS. ES IN CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND THE ADDI. TIDNAL COLLECTOR ROADS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, INCOR- PORATION INTO THE CODE, REPEAL OF PRI- OR INCONSISTENT ORDI- NANCES AND RESOLU. TlONS, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2005 AT 6:30 PM OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE' WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA The proposed ordlnance may be Inspected bv Inter. ested parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Mondav through Frldav, at the Cltv's Clerk's Office, located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more Information call (407) 327- 1800 11227. Persons with disa. bllltles needing assistance to participate In anv of these proceedings should contact the Emplovee Rela. tlons Department Coordina tor ,48 hours In advance of the meeting at (407) 327. 1800, Extension 236. This Is a public hearing. If vou de- cide to appeal anv recom mendatlon/declslon made bv the Local Planning Agency with respect to anv matter considered at this meeting, you will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, you may need to ensure that a verbatim re cord of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based, interested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. CSE6075553 3/4/05 Orlando Sentinel in the was published in said newspaper in the issue; of ,'/ . J Court, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT' THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS' PROPOSES TO ADOPT THE FOLLOW I NG ORDI- NANCE TO THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDI- NANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 2005.10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RE- LATING TO TRANSPOR- TATION IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE AD- DITION OF COLLECTOR ROADS AND GROWTH RE- LATED PROJECTS TO THE LIST OF IMPACT FEE RELATED TRAN~ PORTATION PROJECTS; PROVIDING FOR AN IN- CREASE IN THE TRANS- PORTATION IMPACT FEE TO COVER THE INCREAS- ES IN CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND THE ADDI- TIONAL COLLECTOR ROADS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, INCOR- PORATION INTO THE CODE, REPEAL OF PRI- OR INCONSISTENT ORDI- NANCES AND RESOLU- TIONS, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2005 AT, 6:30 P.M. DR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS i LOCATED AT THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA Published Daily fetate of jfloftba } S.S. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared , who on oath says that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of Orlando Sentinel, a dally newspaper published at , in County, Florida; "y BEVERLY C.SIMMONS that the attached copy of advertisement, being a in the matter of .-ij Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at ,in said County, Florida, and that the 'said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said '" 0' ' C,'",' , County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in ! . - - in said . County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or" c~ rp. ration any diSCO, untt::r. bate, commission or refund for the purpose.or ecuring is a~tisem nt for publication in the said newspaper. // .... Lf . i -t- ~~ 4th (SEAL) The proposed ordinance may be inspected by inter. ested parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the City'S Clerk's Office, located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information call (407) 327. 1800 #227. Persans with dlsa. bilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Rela. tions Department Coordina. tor, 48 haurs in advance of the meeting at (407) 327. 1800, Extension 236. This is o public hearing. If you de. clde to appeai any recom. mendatlon/decislon made by the Local Plonnlng Agency with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, you will need a record of the /" proceedings, and for such purposes, you may need to ensure that a verbatim reo cord of the proceedings Is made upon which the appeal Is based. Interested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. CSE6075553 3/4105 Th;' r~~~~ncdtri~nf'l~~ T~I~ agrees that the FGUA bears no responsibility for any costs associated with the preparation of the Proposal and/or any administrative ~~ 1 i~nd~ 1~~Irn"r~~ ~61l~i~gtroe~ r process. This Request for Proposals does not consti. tute an agreement or con- tract with any responding firm. II. SERVICES The Contractor shall demon- strate the ability to furnish all labor and materials (in- Cluding chemicals, and fu- o ell. vehicles and other con- sumables necessary for the operation and maintenance of the water and wastewater facilities of the FGUA, as well as all customer care and billing operations. The work shall include treat- gent e . line: $3.30 line: $2.30 or up to 14 days. dvantage - :ntage One easy phone call ': Realtors only. .... .......v......_ 11111;; ..., va..,c\'IIVC\' firm from further consider- ation. The requested infor~ motion will include, but may not be limited to the following: 1. The full name, tax identi- fication number and corpo- rate office address of the en- tity, which would contract with the FGUA. 2. When the proposed Firm was organized, where incor- porated and how many years principals of the firm have been engaged in con- tract operations services as identified in the RFP. A comprehensive description of the Firm's corporate ownership history identifY, ing and explaining if there is any foreign (non-U.S. based) ownership of the firm. 3. A description of operating and maintenance experi- ence of the firm to include references from other cli- ents where the proposed Contractor or its Principols have demonstrated a mini- mum of two years experi- ence in the management of operations and maintenance services of utility systems of similar complexity. A minimum of five references must be provided from at least five distinct clients, three of which must have been for a duration of more than two Years. Identifica- tion by name and contact person of each former client with whom the proposer has attempted but failed to reo negotiate a successful con- tract. 4. Identification of pertinent experience of the firm in the management of both regu. lated and non-regulated wa- ter and wastewater utilities, inCluding billing operations and customer service. 5. A detailed start-up sched- ule to include a phasing chart of the normal activi- ties required to assure a smooth transition of person- nel and equipment to as- sume operational control of FGUA facilities upon re- ceipt of a Notice to Proceed. 6. A description' of litigation that the firm or staff is cur- rently involved in or has been involved in as a plain- tiff or defendant in the past five (5) years. The successful proposer '1 COR607sm-'~"""""" 3/4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2005 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PI~OPOSES TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING ORDI- NANCE TO THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDI- NANCES: ORDINANCE NO, 2005-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RE- LATING TO TRANSPOR- TATION IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE AD- DITION OF COLLECTOR ROADS AND GROWTH RE- LATED PROJECTS TO THE LIST OF IMPACT FEE RELATED TRAN~ PORTATION PROJECTS; PROVIDING FOR AN IN- CREASE IN THE TRANS- PORTATION IMPACT FEE TO COVER THE INCREAS- ES IN CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND THE ADDI- TIONAL COLLECTOR ROADS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, INCOR- PORATION INTO THE CODE, REPEAL OF PRI- OR INCONSISTENT ORDI- NANCES AND RESOLU- TIONS, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION WILL BE HELD ON MDNDAY,-MARCH 14,2005 AT 6:30 P.M.OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA The proposed ordinance may be inspected by inter- ested parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the City's Clerk's Office, located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. Far more information call (407) 327- 1800 #227. Persons with disa- bilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Rela- tions Department Coordina- tor, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327- 1800, Extension 236. This is a public hearing. If you de- cide to appeal any recom- mendation/decision made by the Local Planning Agency With respect to any matter considered ot this meeting, YOU will need a record of the container is 5 It :'id~ x 8 It long x 7 It high, COR6075584 3/4, 11, 2005 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN THAT ON 03/16/05 AT 3:30PM AT U-STORE-IT #703 3730 S. ORANGE AVE" IN THE CITY OF ORLANDO, STATE OF FLORIDA THE UNDERSIGNED, U- STORE-IT #703 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC SALE BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING, THE PERSONAL PROP- ERTY HERETOFORE STORED WITH THE UN- DERSIGNED BY: NAME UNIT KOSMO STUDIOS #1001 DENN IS FORESTER #2026 TIMDIKE #2113 TM LANDSCARE LIGHTING CONCEPTS #4084 COR6065108 2/25,3/4,2005 "Cox Radio Is an Equal Op- portunity Employer. In ac- cordance with the FCC's EEQ regulations, any orga- nization tllat distributes in- formation about employ- ment opportunities to job seekers or refers job seek- ers to employers may re. quest that it be provided no- tice of Cox Radio job vacancies as they occur. If your organization would like to be notified of such vacan- cies, please contact Linda Qualls at Cox Radio, Inc., 4192 John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL 32804 or at lin- ~~g ci~?zl~~~~ofti~f~i Sh~r~~ be given notice of job vacan- cies must provide its name, mailing address, email ad- dress (if applicable), tele- phone number, contact per- son and identifY the category or categories of vacancies of which it re- quests notice (an organiza- tion may request nollce of all vacancies).lt COR6076245 MAR.4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,2005 MEETING NOTICE METROPLAN ORLANDO, The Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Orlan- do Urban Area, 'announces the following public meet- ings of its Governing 'Board to which all persons are in- vited: Date: Wednesday, March 9, MI' 2005 Time: 9:00 a,m. Place: METROPLAN OR- LANDO 315 East Robinson Stree~! BaY~ Leg1cit! Lot ),Ia aba corlurp't as t~ee' Po" ~~v~~~ I Par 29-3 ~l .'Ide 463:d'u~ Po;' C, AI 01 E: rt Leg Lot 3 aba con as r 3:a PO!; 11 Rec :1, FloIO,i' 3Ja palrA 011 s~ ThJt2 9ivlj to <=:1 pro,Otl as t" des)i3j ~Or cpr J'o ~~or, ~ !egl.. r In t;;~ r~n~,. WIt. Sta do Bui .'Iv, 3281 day of n feit din eve Th by' 0111 fort of t or pro cun er/~ titli feit tior pet rig! UN COI MA PU1 y tl C