HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2004-10 Town Center District CodeORDINANCE NUMBER 2004-10 HAD FIRST READING ON JANUARY 26, 2004 AND WAS APPROVED TO GO TO SECOND READING WITH ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE. WAS APPROVED IN SECOND READING, BUT WAS MOVED TO THIRD READING IN (30) DAYS FROM THAT MEETING. POSTPONED IN THE MARCH 8, 2004 MEETING TILL NEXT FOLLOWING MEETING. WAS NOT BROUGHT UP IN THE MARCH 22, 2004 MEETING AND WAS NEVER BROUGHT BACK TO THE CITY COMMISSION. Vllanao Sentinel - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - --. Published Daily Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper Published at F 1..4jt~.i , in ~aid S oa NOl ( County, FlOrida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said' County, Florida, each ee Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in-AL T~MONT( ~Pf(IAI'i in ~aid ~(i'1r;'4~( County, Florida, for a perio of one year next preceding the first PUblication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation a discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose curing hi ad~. tiseme t for PUblication in the said newspaper. LJ ~ NonCE" /lEftf8r GIVEN THAT . THE CITY OF WINTER 'PRI"G. . PROPOSES TO ADOPT NTHE FOLLOWING ORD,. ANCE TO THE W'NTeR 5,' ~~INGS CODE OF OROI- H"nCI!S: '.. of ~ r~~l TOWICtlllwr ~ NO. 2084-11' WIll.. 011- AN ORDINANCE OF THS CITY COMMISSION <IF THE CITY OF. WINtER SPRINGS; SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECT'ON20- 327(d) OF THE TOWN CENTER DISTRICT CODE REGULATING DEMISING WALLS, INTERIOR PAR. TlTIONS, AND WINDOW TRANSPARENCY; PRO- VIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESO- LUTIONS, NO INCORPO. RATION INTO THE CODE SEVERABILITY, SUNSET; ~~.pE. AN EFFECTIVE A I'UBUC H~'FIlil THE2NO ANOI'INAL RWiiN8 ON THE PROPOSED OA.- 8~N:&1.)~r~~~~ AT 6:30 1'.11. 011 .. THERfAf,; TER. IN THE ' ISSION CHAMBERS AT THE :.rrm:Tr' ~': ~ Interested JlCIrtles ore Gel. ~~ ~~Ya~t:= wIth resPeC:t to the, Pl'0/>0se(/ ordInance. The praPGsecl or- dInance mol' be InsPeC:ted by 'nterested partIes be- tween 8 a.m. o,nd 5 p.m. Mheon,d 01' throullhFr'dav, of t CIty's Clerk's.Offlce, 10-' cated at 1126 East State Road 434, WInter Sprlnlls, FlorIda. For' more Informa_ tion call (407) 327'1800 1/227. Persons WIth dIsabilities I1eedlnllaSSlstance to POrt/c- Ipote In any of these pro- Ceedlnlls shoula Contact the Employee Relat/ons Depart- I ment Coordinator, 48 hours In advance of the meet/nil at (407) 327-1800, ExtenSIon 236. This Is a pUblic hearinll. If YOU decIde to appeal any recommendatlon/dec I sIan made by the CIty CommIs_ sIon WIth resPect-tll any matter consIdered at, thIs meet/nil; YOU will need a re- cord of the prOCeed/!llls, and tor such purPOSes, YOU mol' neect to ensure that ,0 verba_ tim record Of the proceecl' I!IIIs Is mode uPOn WhIch the appegl Is ba5ecl. CSE~71 JL~~ ~tatt of $lOriba} S.S, COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared BEVERLY C. S, MMONS . who on oath says that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of Orlando Sentinel, a dally newspaperpublishedat=-AlTA/!'JONTf IPRINGI . in ~(MINOl~ County, FlOrida; ~hat the attac ed copy of advertisement, being a NOTICE I~ HERESY on the matte, of. on . i'OOQ-l0 :" in the ~E~INOl[ Court, was pu lis ed in said newspaper in the issue; of --n 1./' 2 "1/ D~f The foregoing instrument was ac wledged before me is 29t/'lday of JANUARY , 20QL, by BEVERLY C. S, M NS , who i, pe"onaliy known to me and ~a~- ~",.~d 7 ~ (SEAL) --.-.-----.-----. -_..~- .-1C_f.:}'l7:").. CC:~:OR)\;-'-! tv~r CH~E'1 /:<;(':1;, ');'\. ", ,., '''.T ,'.p, 11, /13/2005 i:1 ~^~-~~-~ )~)"'~:j - ,J ~ . :_~,... r '~')'."_I"' 1\(:::1~/' ,Jr), -v Q,.,.,-, o '-.c:_' ~""/ . .1- ~~!.JP !1/e,,,.,,, ,::y ,p:wn f) IC,.., I O. '_.?'.-........-~"". UrJando Sentinel - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - --- Published Daily ~tatt of jflortba } 5.5. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Linda B r i dgewa te r , who on oath say's that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of Orlando Sentinel, a dally newspaper published at Al r AI10NTE iP RINt;I in ~F""'T~OI (: County, Florida; ~hat the attached copy of advertisement, being a NOTICr Ii H[KfSY In the matter Of~ ORD- caOOtJ-lrD ~ in the StMTNOlJ:" Court, was published in said newspaper in the issue; of D2/~b/U" Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at A~~Af2Itf SPRINGS ,in said ~ to l'tI NOl j:" County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said X[I'HNQj [ County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in ~~l~"ONTt ~PRING~ in said ~t"TNOI County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for PUblication in the said newspaper. (SEAL) ...~f!i~;~\ BPv[Rl Y C, S IMM~-;;cc" '~""" "IM, ComeT! ~p, 3/10,05 F. ,,1' '\~"ii.j NODD004?41 'i;;:.;;;.i!t" f! p."OO~/lj Known 11 Other' 0 c;'~~.-.. '-><-~";;""~.~""......;.;_..:._,w.;_'_'""*--,,.__... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROPOSES TO ADOPT THE FOL- LOWING ORDINANCE TO THE WIN- TER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANC- ES: Notice of Amendment of Section 20-327(dl, Town Center District Code Demising WI"S ORDINANCE NO, 2004-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COM- MISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA. AMENDING SEmON 20- 327(dl OF THE TOWN CENTER DIS- TRICT CODE REGULATING DEMIS- ING WALLS. INTERIOR PARTI- TIONS. AND WINDOW TRANSPARENCY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. NO INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE, SEVERABILITY. SUNSET. AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 3rd AND RNAL READING ON THE PRO- POSED ORDINANCE WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY. MARCH 8, 2004 AT 6:30 P.M, OR SOON THEREAFTER. IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATe ROAD 434; WIN- TER SPRINGS, FLORIDA I nt.r..ted parties ore tId- vised I!I~ tIIrl :nlpPear ~~=-= 'ordlnonce. TIle IIrClPllMd or- g~,"=r:fJd "PQ~r: tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the City'S Clerk's Office, lo- cated at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. Far mare informa- tion call (407) 327-1800 #227. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to partic- ipate in any of these pro- ceedings should contact the Employee Relations DepOrt. ment Coordinator, 48 hours In advanCe of the meeting at (407) 327-1800, Extension 236. This is a pUblic hearing. I f yoU decide to appeal any recom mendatlon/decision made by the City C'Ommis- sion with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, yOU will need a re- cord of the prOceedings, and for such purposes, yoU may need to ensure that a verba- tim record of the proceed- ings is made upOn whiCh the appeal is based. CSE55OB701 2/26104 --=~...__..;e.<._,_~~