HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2008-53 Amending 07-08 BudgetRESOLUTION NUMBER 2008-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007.2008 BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILI'TY, REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 7.05 of the City Charter provides that the annual City budget maybe amended by Resolution duly adopted by the Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs deems that this Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals aze deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference. Section 2. That the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 City Budgets aze amended as provided in Attachments 2 and 3 attached hereto. Section, 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Wint~~ Springs, Florida, in a regulaz meeting assembled on the 24a' day of November, 2008. ~~~~ J HN Tr.13iJSI~„Mayor City of Winter Springs, Florida Resolution 2008-53 Page 1 of 4 Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-53) I 1 /24/08; Consent 200 General Fund Funds not included in this summary do not require budge[ amendment HELPFUL TOOLS: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended September 30, 2007 as approved by City Commission on 5/27/2008 Item 300; Final Budget Fiscal Year 2007-2008 as approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing 501; and Mid-Year Budget Adjustment approved by City Commission on 7/28/08 Regular 603. General Fund #001 Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund Fund Balance from Balance from 9/30/07 Protected to Actual CAFR As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501: 10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $8,170,448 $928,487 FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (front) Fund Balance $330,495 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $8,500,943 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original F1' 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR 8928,4H7 Cnnurrissinn Annrnred: 9/24/07 Regular 600 -Senior Center Renovation; includes contingency (7250) ($44,369) MYA 10/22/07 Consent 204 Munis On-line Maintenance - 1360 ($6,250) MYA 10/22/07 Consent 204 Munis On-line Maintenance; transfer from W&S $6,250 MYA 11/ 13/07 Consent 204 -Edward Byrne grant expenditures - in-car video camera systems - 2114 ($58,000) MYA 11/13/07 Consent 204 -Edward Byrne grant revenue - in-car video cautera systems $58,000 MYA I I / 13/07 Consent 206 -Town Center Trail -bike racks and decorative street signs - 1525 ($ 10,000) MYA I (/14/07 Regular 607 -Urban Beautification - 1525 ($12,500) MYA 11/26/2007 Regular 603 -Police & Fire overtime Highland Games -various ($12,000) MYA 12/5/07 Special Mczting-Treasury management- 1900 ($5,000) MYA I/ 14/08 Consent 200 -Citizen donation results in increase to Fire department budget - 2240 ($250) MYA (/14/08 Consent 200 -Citizen donation to Fire department $250 MYA (/14/08 Consent 202 - Lallathin memorial - 1525 ($1,950) MYA 2/I I/O8 Consent 205 -Fire expenditure budget related to Wahnart donation- 2240 ($1,000) MYA 2/I 1/08 Consent 205 - Walman donation $1,000 MYA 5/12/08 Public Hearing 500 -Reductions to Fire Assessment Fee ($1,335,000) MYA 5/27/08 Consrnt 203 -Georgetown donation -increase Canine expenditure budget - 2120 ($150) MYA 5/27/08 Consent 203 -Georgetown {IOA donation to Canine division $150 MYA 5/27/08 Regular 201 -Expenditures for server room AC and electrical -1341 ($37,263) MYA 5/27/08 Regular 201 - Translcrs in for server room AC and eec[rical $4,844 MYA 6/9/08 Consent 202 - Sr Ctr Donations $901 MYA 6/9/08 Regular 601 -Seminole Way Project - 1900 ($8,350) MYA 7/14/08 Consent 205 -Sam Smith Park expenditures related to Tuscawilla HOA donation - 7230 ($5,947) MYA 7i14~08 Consent 205 -Tuscawilla IiOA donation -Sam Smith Park $5,947 MYA 7/14/08 Consent 209 -City Hall maintenance - 1910 ($40,500) MYA 8/4/08 Regular 601 -Fiscal stipend for liretightzrs to secure consulting -2230, 2240 ($6,900) F'YA 8/11!08 Regular 602 - Torcasu Master Plan - 723(1 ($4,000) PYA Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (Comm Approved) ($1,512,087) Fiscal Year '08 Purchase Orr/er Rn!lnrers: Police AC unit (Shaw Mechanical 6752011 - 21 17 ($38,245) MYA City Ilall AC units (Shaw Mcch ii747(l7, 74985) - 191(1 ($17,962) MYA "Town Center feasiblity study (GSG 1171 147) - 1900 ($ 11,700) MYA Lallathin memorial (Superior tt75103) - 1525 ($1,000) MYA Roll remainder of FY 2007 Markoly donation - 1910 ($315) MYA Roll remainder of FY 2007 Walmarl donation - 2240 ($148) MYA Manuscript editing(Mikovsky 674284) - 120(1 ($262) MYA Document camera. Fire alamr, Munis. I'schange. ShareF'oint, Virtual EnvironmenC San redundancy - 1341 ($37,830) MYA Records Mbnm- 1342 ($11,967) MYA KIVACitizen- 1343 ($22,000) MYA Bear Creek bridge repair - 7230 ($50,000) MYA City Ilall gas tank removal - 1910 ($5,000) MYA UCF' Incubator investment - 1900 ($200,000) MYA Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (PO Rollovers) ($396,429) $9,098,935 112408_C O M M_Co nsent_200_Atta chm ents_2&3.xls Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolutimt 2008-53) 11/24/08; Consent 200 General Fund Revemte Neutral: Insurance proceeds trat7ic accidents -Urban Beautification Traffic accident expenditure budget increase - 1525 Traffic accident expenditure budget increase - 4412 CPH donation Senior Center grand opening Senior Center grand opening - 7240 Insurance proceeds for city vehicle accident Expenditure budget increase related to above mentioned car accident - 2113 Remove tiom General Government division 1900 transfer budget to LOC Debt Svc fund #230 Transfer budget to LOC Debt Service Fund #230 moved from General Government 1900 to Senior Pool division 7251 Workforce Central Florida [raining grant WorkForce Central Florida training -additional expenditures - 2250 Insurance proceeds traffic accidents -Urban Beautification Traffic accident expenditure budget increase - 1525 Edward Byrne grant revenue -Vistawilla satellite office Edward Byrne grant expenditures -Vistawilla satellite office - 2114 Transfer budget from Risk Management to Legal for labor and pension costs ($64,700- 1920 to 1220) Transfer budget from General Government to legal ($45,962 - 1920 to 1220) Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (Revenue Neutral) Other: Breedlove, Dennis and Associates -Eagle issue (1900) Repayment of FY 2007 short-tens loan to fund #316 Senior Center Expansion; proceeds iu FY 2008 Home Again grant revenue ($62,822) plus Meridian administrative refund ($539) Flome Again FY 2008 grant expenditures Increase transfer from W&S for 1341 PO rollover Increase transfer from W&S for 1342 PO rollover Increase transfer from Stonnwater for 1341/ 1342 PO rollover Increase transfer from Dev Services for 1341/1342 PO rollover Increase transfer from Solid Waste for 1342 PO rollover Decrease transfers from Oak Forest and TLBU Maintenance -insurance premiums kss than budget Decrease transfer from POST fund # 172 primarily due to Communication Service Tax revenue reductions Decrease Municipal Revenue Share per LCIR's latest projections Decrease Half-Cent Sales Tax per LCIR's latest projections Remove fire/ traffic rebate revenue Reduce interest revenue Reduce transfer budget from Solid Waste - projecteds < budget; needed for survey costs Remove repayment to General Fund f}om fund #314 (HMGP); transfer unnecessary Reduce expenses across all Departments [o mitigate the effect tom the Fire Fee reduction Remove transfer from Medical Transport # 170 -tire [mck no[ purchased Various donations for Community Events (Progress Energy, Chamber of Conunerce, Brighthouse) Expenditure budget for Community Events (any amomrts rolled to 2009 are included below as an offset) Adjustments for transfer true-up (Operator, IS, Engineer, Utility Billing) Expenditure reductions for budget rolled to FY 2009 Fire assessment actuals more than budget thus increase to transfers in Decrease transfer from EFFF fund # 174 due to electric franchise fee reductions Revision to transfer from POST fund N 172 due to further Communication Service Tax revenue revisions Additional Appropriation to (frmn) Fund Balance (Other) Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation to (t}om) Fund Balance Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund Fund Balance from Balance from 9/30/07 Projected to Actual CAFR $16,445 MYA ($15,054) MYA ($1,391) MYA $1,000 MYA ($1,000) MYA $3,432 MYA ($3,432) MYA $60,000 MYA ($60,000) MYA $657 MYA ($687) MYA $4,525 FYA ($4,525) FYA $8,438 FYA 1$8.438) FYA - FYA - FYA $0 ($7,814) MYA $394,888 MYA $63,361 MYA ($56,976) MYA $4,123 MYA $1.197 MYA $810 MYA $3,270 MYA $389 MYA ($4,606) MYA ($35,000) MYA ($74.253) MYA ($184.445) MYA ($45,000) MYA ($30,000) MYA ($2,277) MYA ($93,623) MYA $761,982 FYA ($162.000) FYA $I L5I4 FYA ($11,514) FYA 1$137,357) PYA $32,056 PYA $165,000 PYA 1$42.979) f`YA $7 908 FYA $508,624 REVISED 9/30/IIR Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $8,029,538 112408_COM M_Consent_200_Attachments_2&3.xls Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summar)~ (Resolution 2008-53) Difference in Beg 1 I/24/O8; Consent 200 Fund Bnlaitce Actual Beg Fund from Projected to Balance from Other Governmental Funds Actual 9/30/117 CAFR Police Education Fund N102 As approved by City Comrtdssion on 9/24/07 Public hearing Item 501 10/lill7 Budgeted Beginning Fmtd Balance $30,576 (.$1,024) $29,552 PY'IIN Budgeted Appropriation to Ifroml Fund Balance f$24.301q 9 111118 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $6,276 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24107): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projr<•!ed to actual as shown in 9'30:117 CAFR ($I 112x1 Miscellaneous revenue-rtyclcvl brass $$119 FYA Increase to employee Aevelopmeni expenditures ($5119) FYA Reduce Fines and Por(eintres revenue ($1,(1011) FYA REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending FunA Balance 51,252 Soecial Lae Enlurcement FunA- Local NIU) NO ('MANGE SINCF. ~IID-FEAR As approved by City Commission on 9124107 Public hearing Item 501: 10/1/(17 Budgeted Deginning FunA Balance $24,685 $5,017 $29,702 FY'IIN Budgeted Appropriation to (Gom) Fund Balmtce ($15,0011) 9:30 O8 Budgetai Ending Fwrd Balance 59,685 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget las approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from pag tied to actual as shown in 9 3007 CAFR $5 1117 Seized cash property lRtxsiRiylerl $1,35(1 MYA Legal costs relateA to judgment (RossCuyler) ($2011 MYA Ili 13117 Consent 21111- Electronic video smragr system ($4,753) MYA T14r118 Consent 21111-Taseta ($8,132) MYA Reduce trans(er to HMGP Fund-hunicane shutter project cancelled $14,0f111 MYA Revisions to Original BudgetM Fund Balance $7,279 REVISED 9/30/08 budgeted Ending Fund Balance 516,9W Transuortation Imurovement F'unA p104 NO CHANGE SINCE MID-YF-AR As approved by Cih Commission mr 9!24/117 Public hearing Item SUI: I(1~ 107 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $269,212 $221,375 $490,587 FY'l18 Budgeted Appropriation fu (fiom) Fund Balance ($64,227) 9 311118 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $204,985 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget las approved on 9124/07): Differmt<e in Beginning Fund Balance from proleded In actual as shown in 930'07 ('Ah'R $221,275 PO Rollover (Alter. ii7176i1 611' bucket buck f$ 115,2691 MYA Reduce Lrxal Option Gas Tax revenue per LCIR's Iaiesl projtnions 1:625,1221 MYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $811yN4 REVISED 9SU Ori Budgeted Fading Fund Bataan $285,969 Solid N'astelRecvcling Fund N107 :~s approved by Cih Commission on 9R4~07 Public hearing Item 501: 10 1 117 liudaeted Becinnlne Fund liahmce $703,957 $4 i,f118 $746,975 FY'llri Nudgeted Appropriation to 11?om1 Fund liulunm .S 184,092 9/31VOH Budgeted Endnig Fund Balance $888,049 Amendments to be apprmed tonight m Original Fl 20117-2(108 Budget las approsed on 9/24/07p Difference in Beginnina Fund Balance Gum prujreteA to aau:d us shown in 9 30 07 CAFR $43.01 x Transfer lu General Fund for Munis sin ~r r:nion_ hrehan_ee. Shani'oiw Virnial P.ncinuunein. ~ Records Mgmt (I34L1342 PO rnllocersl 1$3591 MYA RCC Consulting -Waste Pro rata ($7011) FYA Adjusunen fo hans(ers (ur RecoreL Mmtagenicnt $fi114 FYA Decreus• Solid waste Kecenue 1$2`1.1141 FYA De<•rease transfer to Snxm Rescnc Fund :: I I.1 $4.1 }4 FYA Revisions fo Original Budget rl Fund Bulana• :617,563 REVIS4:U 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending FunA 13alancr $905,612 112408_COM M_Consent_200_Attachments_283.x1s Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-53) Difference in Beg I I/24/OS; Consent 200 Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund from Projn;ted m Balance from Other Governmental Funds Actual y3007 CAFR ~ecial Law Enl'orcenrenl Trust Fund - Federal #108 NO CIIANCE SINCE MIU-YEAR As approved by City Commission on 9/21/07 Public Ilearing Item 501: 10 I x(17 Budgeted Bcyinning Fund Balance $43,189 X3,4fi7 $46,956 FY'O% Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($24,1111(q `) 311118 Budgeted Finding Fund Balance $19,189 \mendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as apprm~ed on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance fi'om pnyected to actual as shown in 9/3(1/(17 CAFR $3,467 I 11307 Consem 2011 -Electronic video storage system ($1%,7(1111 MYA 7/14;(1%Consent 2110-Night Sight ($8,927) MYA Reduce trnnsfer to IIMGP Fund - hurticane shutter project zancelled $24,0110 MYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($IfiU) RE\'ISF.D 9130108 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $19,329 Arbor Fund #110 As approved by City, Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501: 1(1/1/117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $213,511 X25,1164 $238,575 PY'(1% Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $9,2111 9 30 O8 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $222,721 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budge( (as approved on 9/24/071: Difference in Beginning Fund Balance kom projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $29,061 Gram revenues not expected until fiscal year 2009 ($142,01101 FYA Reduce capital expenditure budget related to grant as funds were requested to roll aver to fiscal year 20(19 $25,(11111 FYA Reduce arbor permit revenues (X8,01111) FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($96,936 RE\'ISF.D 9/30108 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $125,785 HOA Project Fund #112 NO CHANGE SINCE MID-\'F.AR As approved by Cily Conmission on 9/21/07 Public Hearing Item 501: II}I 07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $2,071 X%,179 $10,250 FY'I1% Budgeted Appropriation to ((Yom) Fund Balance XII 930IIR Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,071 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original F\' 2007-2008 Budget lax approved on 9/21/071: Ditfn~ence in Beginning Fund Balanw from projected to actual as shown in 9311 07 CAFR $%.179 2(10% rollover to complete Glen F.agle project which began in fiscal year 20117 1$7.869) MYA Recisions to Original Budgeted Fwtd Balance $3111 RE\'ISF:U 9/3U/OB ludgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,381 Storm Reserve Fund k111 :\s approred by Cih Commission nn 9/21/07 Public Hearing Item 501: IU I U7 Budgeted Beginning Fund Fialance $217,955 XI U 5218,070 PY'U% Budgeted Appropriation to Ifrmn) Fund Balance $149,3`)6 9 tll II% BuAgzted Lnding Fund Balance $367,}51 ,\mendments to be approved tonight to Original F1' 2007-2008 Budget lax apprured un 9/21/07): UitTzrcn<e in Beginning Fund Balance frmn projected to actual as shown in 9311/117 CAFR $ I I5 12 111 U7 (~onsrnt 211: - Dzbris m:magrtnent plan 1X2111111111 MYA Supplemental Appropriation for damage resulfing fi'om Tropical Storm Fay ($5111)11111 FYA Supplcinental Apps i:prlation for Icgal (X2111] FYA Reduce expenditure budget related to lYopical .Storm Fay '11119 rollover requested $89,%25 FYA Reduce imagist recenu~s 1X7.3 391 FYA Reduce trmtsfer in Gom Solid Waste Fund ii IU7 1X1.1311 FYA Recisions to Orieinnl Budgeted Fund Balunee (X21.7261 RE\'184:0 9/30/08 ludgeted Finding Fund Balance $315,625 112408_C OM M_Consent_200_Attachments_283. xl s Attachment 2 - Budget Amendment Summar} (Resolution 2D08-53) Il/24/OR; Consem 300 Other Governmental Funds Rood Imorovemenls Fund #115 As approved by Cih Commission on 9/24107 Public Hearing Item 501: 1(1•'1107 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance FY 'O% Budgeted Appropriation to Ifrom) Fund Balance 9130'0% Budgeted Ending Fund Balance Amendments to be approved tonight to Original Fl' 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9124/07): Diffea~ertce in Beginning Fund Dalance from projaaed to actual as shown in `)/30/117 CAFR Reduce sales tax reimbursement Iprntion accountzd (or in FY ?11071 Reduce various capital projects due to sales tax liming Reduce various capital projects to align with current CIP Reduce sales tax reimbursement hr be receive( in FY ?1111& Redure expenditure budget due to reimbursement liming Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance Difference in Beg Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund from Projected to Balance from Achtal 9/30/07 CAFR $628,112 $68ll,filX $1,308,730 ($307,45 )) $320,653 $fi%o,a l x ($1,525,III10) MYA $999,0011 MYA $337,411f1 FYA ($2,575.111111) FYA $2%fip110 FYA ($1,796,982) Nnlc. arimhurxmcm rcyuc.t ha. Iwcn xuhnrillul In %cminnlr l'nunly lirt 5'_,71~1,45J REVISED 9/30/08 BudgeteU Ending Fund Balance ($1,476,329) ^~~ mnivui cagyrvn9 Veteran's Memorial Fund #116 As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501: Ifh l'l17 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $0 $11 SO PY'0% Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $Il 9/3010% Budgeted Ending Fund balance $0 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original Fl' 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9124/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Bulmnce from projected to ncnial as shown in 9~30rU7 CAFR $11 Donations $14; 1fi5 FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $14,%fi5 REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted F, nding Fund Balance 514,865 HOA Projects - Streetliehts & Siens Inon-escrowl #117 As approved by City Commission mr 9!24/07 Public Hearing Item 501: Ill/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $0 $11 $0 FY'Ox Budgeted Appropriation to Ifrom) Fund Balance $0 9'3011% Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0 Amendments lobe approved tonight to Original FY 2007-200R bodge( (as approved on 9124/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance Gom pr~jectzd to acual as shown in 9.311117 CAFR $II HOA proceeds for strzetlighl upgrade - Mt. fir ~rnwrxxl $393 FYA Expenditure budget (or streetlight upgrade- ML Greenwood ($393) FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $0 REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0 Transportation Imaact Fee Fund #140 As approved by Cih Commission on 9/24107 Public Hearing Item 501: 10 I ll7 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance &132,732 ($?,1711) $430,562 FY 'O% Budgeted Appropriation to Ifrom) Fund Balance $447,000 9'3U'll% Budgeted Ending Fund Bahunce $879,732 Amendments to be approved umight lu Original FY 2007-2110R Budgrl (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Pund Balance from prof tiled to nclual as shown n 9311'07 CAFR ($2,171q PO Rolloveia- Constniclion Cenunl winds i'urkway f5outhlund ~~7.1fi?_'01; Visrowillo Improe fPEC Ii7U 1971 ($?20A53) MYA Reduced impact fez revenus-housing donntum fresidem tall ($711U,II1111) MYA Reduced impact fee revenues horning dacnturn lurmmerclab ($SO,Illlll) MYA Reduced capital projects due to housing doravurn $4114sI111 MYA Furtherteducfions to impact fee revenues -housing downturn 1 residentiail 1$1251100) FYA Revisions n, Original Budgeted PunA Balancz Ibb9 t, 1151 REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeter) Finding Fund Dalance $186,609 112408_COM M_Consent_200_Attachments_2&3. xl s Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-53) Difference in Beg I I/?4/08; COnsettl 200 Fund B;dance Actual Beg Fund from Projected to Balance from Other Govemnwntal Funds Actual `)~}0 U7 CAFR Public Facilities Imuact Fee Fund #IJ$ As approved by City Commission on 9/23/07 Public Hearing Item 501: 10: V07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $335,395 59 f1J5 $3JJ,JJO FY'U8 Budgeted Appropriation to l from) Fund Balance $187 UIIII 9/?ODOR Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $522,395 Amendments to be approve) tonight to Original F1' 2007-2008 Budget las approved on 9/2i/071: Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $9,0-05 Reduced impact fee revames -housing downturn (residential) ($95 1111111 MYA Reduced impact fee revenues -housing downturn (commercial) ($24,f11111) MYA LDI Consultants -impact fee assessment 153.148) FYA Reduce interest revenue budget ($ I 11197) FYA Further reductions to impact fee revenues -housing downturn (residadiaD 1$25 1111111 FYA Further reductions to impact fee revenues -housing downturn (commercial) 1$55) FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance 1$149,2551 REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $373,1)0 Police Imnact Fee Fund #150 As approved by City Commission on 9/2)/07 Public Hearing Item 501: 10; 1117 Budgeted Beginning Fwrd Balance $N8,155 '6%,x511 5157,005 FY'(IR Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $55,2 t(1 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $203,385 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original Fl' 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 912)/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/311/07 CAFR Stl,R511 Reduce transfer to HMGP Fund -hurricane shutter project cancelled '61).2711 MYA Refund from from tIMGP Fund -hurricane shutter project cancelled $12,91111 MYA 6f9/Ox Cauent 216-Vistawilla satellite offwe 1$28,16)1 MYA Reduced impact fee revenues -housing downturn (residential) (5R? IIUUI MYA Increase impact fee revenues (commerciaD -previously not segregated $ IS IIUI7 MYA LDI Colsultants -impact fee assessment (5?.51111) FYA Reduce expenditure budget related to Vistawilla 211119 rollover requested $16,)_'7 FYA Reduce interest reverue budget ($3 ~lup FYA Further reductions to impact Tee revenues -housing downturn (residemiall 1522.)221 FY'A Reductions to impact (ee revenues -housing downturn (commercial) (~5x5U) FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($72.6#9) REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $130,696 Parks Impact Fee FunJ #155 As approved by City Commission on 9/2)/07 Public Hearing Item 501: Ilb 107 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $27,117 $x ~ yia $111,051 FY'l1X Budgeted Appropriation to ((rom) Fund Balance 5130.90U 4i30r118 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $158 017 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approreJ on 912)/071: Difference in Beginning Fwrd Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9.30 U7 ('AFR X83.9U Transfer back from Haadrd Mitigation Grant Project Fund 11314 (HMGP) for over-payment of Park Impact Fee Fund ll l55's share 125%) $1.707 MYA Increase transfer from Senior Center Expansion Fund (N? I6) -partial refund from precious year's funding 5108,51111 MYA Increase Transfer to l'rotwood Improvements Fund (11315) to fund the expansion 1X5'_.?OUT MYA Reduced impact Cee avenues -housing downnun (residenliaq 1528-' I1n01 MY',1 Revise transfer to HMGP fund 11314 for Deer-pnymeol [555x1 1°YA Reduce transfer to Trotwood bnprovement Kurd 1131 S due to housing downturn VI65,tIU11 FYA LDI Consultants-impact fee assessment (53.IaR1 FYA Further reductions lu impact Cee revenues -housing downturn (residentiab [5 7 6= 11111 FY'A Revisions lu Original Budgeted FunA Balance f51 ~~sn?I RE \'ISI:D 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,652 112408__ COM M_Consent_200_Attac hments_283. xis Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment tiummarp (Resolution 2UU8-53) Difference in Beg 1 (/24/08; Consent 200 Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund from Projected to Balance from Other Governmental Funds Actual v30d17 CAFR Fire hnpact Fee Fund 8160 As approved by City Commission on 9124/07 Public Ilearing Item 5111 10; 1:'07 BudgeteA Beginning RmA Balance $917,184 $15 (19(1 $932,274 FY'fl% Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $221,U(111 9136418 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,138,184 Amendments to be approved tm)ight to Original FY 2007-2008 Rudget (as approved on 9124/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to achiul as shown in 9/3(1,917 CAFR $15,(1911 Reduced impact fee revenues -housing dou'nnim Iresidemiali l$Ifi4,1111(I) MYA Increase impact fee revenues (commercial) - przviously not segregmed $38,(11111 MYA Transfer back from fund /1314 (or over-payment of Hnaard Mitigation Grant Project $Ifi% MYA LDI Consultants -impact fee assessmrnt 1$2.5(101 FYA Further reductions to impact Cee revenues -housing downturn lresidaviaU ($42,(Illll) FYA Transfer to HMGP Fund If 314 additional share of hazard Mitigation Grunt Project ($3,IIfil) FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($ISR,3(IS) REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $979,879 Medical Transport Services Fund gI70 As approved b7 Cih~ Commissimt on 9!24/07 Public Ilearing Item 501: ID` V(17 Budgeted Beginning Fund Ralance $402,424 $99,%73 $502,297 FY 'O% Budgeted Appropriation to Ifrom) Fund Ralance $33,%23 9/3(1/0% Budgeted Ending Frmd Balance 5436,247 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget las approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginuing Pund Balance from projrclM to actual as shors~u in 9;}(1'117 ('AFR $99,873 Remove budgeted transfer to Grncral Fund for fire truck -kill not he purchased $Ifi2 1)(111 FYA %/4/fl% Regular 6(11 -Fiscal stipend kir firefighter to secure consulting ($15f1) FYA Reduce billed services revenue 15245,(111(1) FYA Reduce bad debt expense $50 (1(111 FYA Revisions lu Original Budgeted Fund Balance $66,723 REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $502,970 Public and Communication Services Tax FunA 8172 As approve) by City Conmission on 9/24/071'ublic Hearing Item 501 10/1/117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $0 $0 FY'll% Budgeted Appropriation M I lioml Fund Bulmra• $II 9311.08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/071: Differetue in Beginning Fund Balancz Born pr jetted to ucn~al as shown In 9 10 117 CAFR $II Reduce Communicaiuns Serricc lux revenues per Lzgislative Coinmiilee update ($35,01111) MYA Reduce transfer to General Fund due In revenue reductions $35,UO11 MYA Increase Iilectricity tax revenues $6 1,769 FYA Reduce Gas Tax revenues 1$3.54'_1 FYA Mitigation of previous Communications Szn'ice Tux revenue reductions per Legislative ('oimninee update $5,115 FYA Increased interest expense reduced interest rcccmiz f54,9R5) FYA Reduce Water Ta.x revnwrs ($52,fi491 FYA Further reductions to Iansfer In Ueneral Fund due In reccnue reducfmns ($7,911%) FYA Revisions to Onuinal Hud::rtrd Fund Bulnnce 511 REVISEU 9130/05 Budgeted Ending Fwul Ital:use $0 Electric Franchise Fee h'und 8174 As approved by Cih' Commission mt 9/24/07 I'ublir Ilearing Item 5 10 1117 Budgeted Beglnning Fund liulancr $0 $0 FY 'OR Hudgeted Appropriation to (fnnn) FLnd Balance 511 9}IIU% Budgeted Ending Fund lialuocr $0 Amendmems to be app! u. eA tonight to Original F1 211117-_>IIOR I{Ilrlgl'I Iati apprm'CII Im 9/24/671: DifTerratce in Beginning Fund Bulunce Iron pnijecierl to actual ^s shnscn in 9 10.07 CAFR $11 Reducz rlrctricity fi'mrchisr ter revenue 1541,523) FYA Increascvl inla~r5t ex prose reduced ruler St revenue ($1 ASfi1 FYA Reduce transfer to General Fund $42,979 FYA Rzvisioiu ro Original Rudertzd 1-and liulancc $U REVISED 9/36/68 budgeted handing Fmui Balance $0 112408_COM M_Consent_200_Attac hments_2&3. xl s Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-53) (/24/08; Consent 200 Other Governmental Funds Fire Assessment F'ee Fund #175 As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501 Difference in Beg Fund Ralance Actual Deg Fund Gom Projr<'ted to Dalance from Actual 9.311N7 CAFR 10.1 U7 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $0 $0 $p FY'(18 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $11 9'3008 Dudgeted Ending Fund Balance $p Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Di(teretce in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR X11 5,1211% Public Hearing 5(10 -Fire assessment fee revenue reduction IS I, 235,1100) MYA Decrease transfer to Genet~al Fund due to fire assessmcnn fee revenue reductions $ I,i35 (1110 MYA Increase Fire assessments to align with achlnis $ 199 4011 FYA Increase expenditure budget fm' final admin 1'ezs ($30,11111) FYA Increase transfer to the Genet~al Fund ($1 6 5 111111) FYA Revisiwu to Original Budgeted Fund Dalance $4,11111 RE\'ISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $4,300 TLBD Maintenance Fund #184 As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 PubOc Hearing Item 501: I(P I'll7 BudgetM Beginning Fund Balance $161,320 X}7,948 $202,268 FY'l18 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $ IUfi,Gfi3 9'301118 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 5270,983 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9124/07): Difference in Degimting Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/311117 CAFR $37,94% Decrease transfer to General - insurance prelniwn less than budget $3.6114 MYA I ransfer equity from TLBD Maintenance Phase II -streamlining maintenance funds $52.151 MYA Revision to equity transfer from TLBD Maintenance Phase II -streamlining maintenance funds ($764) FYA Decrease expenditure budget -signs and walls $1,407 FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $94,551 RE\'ISk:D 9/30/OR Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $36.5,534 TLBD Maintenance Phase II #185 As approved br City Commission on 9/21/07 PubOc Ilearing Item 501: 10. 1117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1 W,485 ,X511,9? I 5165,406 FY'OR Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($I 14,485) 4 ill 118 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/(17 CAFR $50,921 Interest budget equivalent to actuals $ i a3U MYA l7ansler alt equity to TLBD Maintenance Phase I -streamlining maintenance funds 1$4 1511 MYA Reductions to interest I'evenue ($764) FYA Revision to equity transfer from TLBD Maintenance Phase II -streamlining maintenance Cunds X764 FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ,X11 REM1'ISF:D 9/30!08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0 Oak Forest Maintenance PunA #191 NO ('ll:\NGE SIN('E ~~IID-YE:\R As appnwrA by City Commission on 9/24/117 Public Hearing Item 501: 11P 1917 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance 59,664 $6,723 $16,387 FY 'llx Budgeted Appropriation to (1}om1 Fund Balance $ I,II I4 9 tU U8 Budgztui Ending Fund Balance $10,67A :\mendnu•nts to br apprm~ed tmtight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Dfferener in Hzeinning Fund Balance O~om prnj meted to actual as shown in 9 116117 CAFR $fi,7? t Insurance proceeds traffic accident $'_,5011 MYA Tmftic accident expenditum budget 1$2.51101 MYA Ua-i ean• transfer lu Ucnzml -insurance premiwn Icss than budget 5997 MYA Revisions to Origiiml Hudgmed Fund Balance X'7,7?II RE\ISF:D 9130/08 Budgeted Finding Fund Balance $18,398 112408_C O M M_Co nse nt_200_Atta c hm a nts_2&3. xl s Attachment 2 -Budge[ Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-53) Difference in Beg I I/24/OS; Consent 200 Fund Balance Actual Beg Fwtd from Projected to Balance from Other Governmental Funds Actual v31k07 CAFR 2003 Debt Service Fund #206 As approved by City Commissimt mt 9/24/07 Puhlic Ilearing Item 501: 10/1/117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $533,073 $5,9711 $579,047 FY'(IR Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $249,2110 9%3011% Budgeted finding Fund Balance S782,273 Amendments to be approved tmtight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9'30117 CAFR $5,9711 Reduced interest revenue ($6,91 %) FVA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($94%) REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $781,325 TLBD Debt Service Fund #213 As approved by Cily Commission on 9124/07 Public Bearing Item 501: 10/1/117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $559 $R46 $1,405 FY'(18 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balancc $8,65% 930{I% Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $9,217 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9i3fU(17 CAFR $%46 Additional principal pay-off o($If1,211U reyuircd additional appropriation o($9,537 ($9,537) FYA Interest revenue reduction -County Tas Collector ($14(1) FYA Revisions to Original BudgeteA Fund Balance ($R,%311 REVISED 9/30108 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $386 1999 Debt Service Nund #215 As approved by Cih~ Commission on 9/24/07 Public Ilearing Item 501 Ifl/I/117 budgeted Beginning Fund Balance 5342,176 $3,274 $345,450 FY'0% Budgeted Appropriation to (O~om) FunA balance ($228,4011) H9(bl)ri Hudgeted Ending Fund Balance 5113,776 Amendments to be apprm~ed tonight in Original F'1. 211117-2008 Bndgel (as apprm~ed on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from pr jetted Ri actual as shown in 4'3(1'(17 CAFR $3.274 Reduce interest revenues f$3,f11111) FYA Revisions Iu Original Budgeted Fund Ralance $274 REVISED 9p0/OR Budgeted Ending Fund Balance SIN,O50 2004 Capital Proiccl Ucht Senicr Fund #230 NO CHANGE SINCE MID-YEAR As flpproved by City Cmnmission on 9!24/07 Public He;ming Item 501: 10' 1917 Budgeted Rcginning Fund Ralance 530,042 ($29,397) $645 FY 'U% Budgeted Appropriation to ((roml Fund Balance ($1,5111q 9. t(I:IIri Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $28,542 Amendments to be appnned tonight to Original Fl 2 110 7-2 110 8 Budget (as appros-ed on 9/24/07): Diffe~ese in Beginning Fund Balancc from pn(µd cd to actual as shown in 9 tU 117 ('AFB 1$'-9,1971 Reduce interest expense -draw fir tienior Ceiner later than amicipated $2,01171 MYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Ralance ($27,397) REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fwul Balance $1,145 112408_COMM_Consent_200_Attachments 283 xls Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 20U8-53) I (/24/08; Consent 200 Other Governmental Funds 1999 Construction Capital Project Fund #305 As apprm~ed by City Commission on 9121/07 Public Ilearing Item 501 Ui Berence in Bee Fwtd Halmtce Actual Beg Fund from Projc~cled to Balance I7om Actual 931107 CAFR 10: 1117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,170,402 $94,9111 $1,265,303 FY 'Ori Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($1,168,14fi) 9.3091% Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 52,256 Amendments to be apprm~ed tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as apprm~ed on 9121/07): DitTcrarce in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual az shown in 9/30/(17 CAPR $94,901 Received 211117 donation from Rotary for Veterans Memorial but did not increase expenditure budget as had been the intent ($1,228) MYA PO Rollovers -Blumberg median trail (Southeast Enviroscape It73119, Paver Systems 874fi191 ($i4 9111) MYA fi:9. UN Regular 6(12 -Supplemental Appropriation Veteran's Memorial ($21111111p MYA Remove capital budget to align with Capital Improvement Program plan document $'915 111111 FYA Remove capital budget to be rolled to 2009 $24,251 FYA Rn~isions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $958,11211 REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $960,276 RevolvinL Rehabilitation Capital Protect Fund #306 As approved by City Commission on 9/21/07 PubOc Hearing Item 501: I (li U07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $996,369 $4,620 $1,000,989 FY'f18 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $34,41111 9/3(1/118 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,030,769 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance Rom projected to actual as shown in 9/30/(17 CAFR $4 fi211 Reduce real reYenuc ($6,111111) IYA Reduce interest revenue ($24,729) FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($26,1119) REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,004,660 Utili !Public Works Facility Capital Protect Fund #311 As approved by City' Commission on 9/21/07 Public Hearing Item 501: 10 1;117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $608,137 XJ511.581 $958,7IN IY'l18 DudgelM Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (165511, 137) 9'30.118 Budgeted Ending Fund Bnlance $58,000 Amendments to be apprm~ed tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9121/07): Diffcu~etce in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/3(1/07 CAFR Y;3511,581 Reduce expenditure budget for UlilityPW Facility -align with Capital Improvement Program plan documcm $1,113,1}7 FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $ I Jfi 2,71 % RE\'ISk:D 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,521,71N Public Facilities Capital Project Fund #312 As approved by City Commission on 9/21/07 Public Hearing Item 501: 111 I U7 Budgeted Beginning Rurd Balance $7,9N 'l11 I I 510,025 FY'l18 budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance .AO 9i30iU8 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $7,9N Amendments to he approved tonight to Original FS 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/21/07): Uif(erence in Oeginning Fund Halmme Rom projected Io aduul as shown in 930.117 ('APR $2, I I I PO Rollover II70rifi6 -City Hall expansion design (Scanner] I%2 0231 ,MYA Remove expenditure budget to align with Capital hnprovemenl Program plan document - no activity $2 1123 FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $'-I I I REVISk:U 9/30/08 Budgeted k:nding Fund Balance $10,025 112408_COM M_Consent_200_Attachments_283.x1s Attachment 2 - 6udgeF Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-53) 1 I/24/O8; Consent 200 Other Govemmen[al Funds DiBeretce in Beg Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund from Proj tied to Balance from Achlal 930107 CAFR HMGP Capital Project Fund p314 As approved by Cily Commission on 9/24/07 Public Ilearing Item 501: 10~I 117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance FY'Ori Budgeted Appropriation [o (from) Fund balance 9/311/Ori Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $15,868 ($12,7Y5) ($14,259) $1,579 $3,077 Amendments to be approred tonight to Original F'1' 2007-2008 RuAgrt las approveA on 9124/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance fi~om piojecteA to actual as shown in Y:31Lf17 CAFR PO Rollovers (Exeter /r74049. 741150. 741151) Transfer back to Parks Impact fa' over-paymem of their 2S"-„ share Terminate HMGP Police project - woli t receive from 103, Ills, I SU Terminate HMGP Police project -transfer bark to 150 Terminate HMGP Police project -reduce grant revenue budget Terminate HMGP Police projcet -reduce gram expenditure budge) Remove repayment to General Pund; transfer unnecessary Increase HMGP grant revenue related to Parke project Increase tIMGP grant expenditure related to Parks proj Yt Increase HMGP grant revenue related to Fire project Increase HMGP grant expenditure related to Fire projxt Transfer back to Fire Impact for over-payment of their 25"~„ share transfer tram General Rutd fur purtion Ineligible tram Fuc Impact Decrease HMGP grant revelme related to Parks project (l19 not II%) Modify transfer to Fire Impact Cor over-payment of 25' ~~ share Modify transfer to Parks Impact for over-payment of 25^L share Increase transfer from Fire hnpact for additional share Net reduction to tIMCiP grant revenue related to Fire project Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance 1$12,795) 6$7%,fi9.3) MYA ($1,7(17) MYA ($52,2711) MYA ($12,91111) MYA ($42,1211) MYA $IIIri,679 MYA $93,623 MYA $1,449 MYA ($2,2321 MYA $2,2211 MYA ($2,1152) MYA G$I6X) MYA $SUU FYA ($I%,563) FYA $16% FYA $55% FYA $2,%95 FYA ($3,Sfi i) FYA ($16,971) Nule. l renal rrvrnur~ yin rilalr i~l I'Irrti~i REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance ($15,392) rxputal rally PVm~-51x.56? Trolwood Improvements Fund -8315 As approred by City Commission on 912x/07 Public Hearing Item 501: 10/107 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $2,500 $11,54f1 514,040 FY'(I% Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $II 9/300% Dudgeted Ending Fwtd Balance $2,500 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original F'1' 2007-21108 Budget las approved on 9/24/071: Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from prjected to actual ns shown in 9i3U07 CAFR $I 1,540 Increase transfer from Parks hnpact For Phase I Improrenrenls $52.3110 MYA Increase expenditure budget for Phase I Improvements (X65,432) MYA Reduce grant revGwe expected in FY 2009 1$211(1,01111) FYA Reduction to Trohvaxl Improceinent espendinue huller) - GnGng FY Ilx m PY 119 S4%2,370 FYA Transfer reduction from Parks hnpact Fee Fund -~ 155 Aur 1o housing du~nnurn I$fiS,Ufl01 FYA Revisions Io Original Dudgeted 191nd Balance $215,77% REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 5218,278 Senior Crater Esoansion Capital Project Fund - tl316 N'O CII:~NCE SINCE M1IID-DEAR As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public flraring Item 5111: I OrI/117 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $78,986 1$7ri, )77) $9 FY 'llri Budgeted Appropriation to 1 t?oml Fund Balance 1.'616}1119) 9.3f1:0% Budgeted finding Fund Balance 562,077 :lmendnwnis to be approveA tonight la Original Fl 2007-_'008 Budget (as appnr~ ell un 9RJ/1171: Difference in Beginning Fund Balunce from project ell ma~tual as sh,nvn in 9 t11 n7 ('AIR ($78 9771 Loan Proceeds $750,11(10 MYA Transfer to General Fund for 21107 short-term loan 1$39:{,%8%1 MYA Senior Ctr expansion prq cI - 21108 actirih 1$22Q 59ri1 MVA 'Transfer to Pai ks Impact ~ partial refund of precloiu fnndiue fXIU%,SOIb MYA Revisions w Original Hudgeted Fund D;rlunce i$61 N631 REV'ISF:U 9/30/ON BudgeteA Ending Fund Ifalance $114 172408 COMM Consent 200 Attachments 283.x15 Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-53) 11/24/08; Consent 200 Enterprise Funds Difference in Actual Ending Capital Assets Beg Fund Bal Fund Balance as (Note - As enterprise funds, the following'fund balances' are technically not their fund balances but ra ther a (net of related Rotn projected shown in [he projection of their year-end net assets less net capital.) debt) to actual 9/30/07 CAFR Water and Sewer Utility Fund - Ooeratin2 (#3611(1): As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public hearing Item 501: 10/1/07 Budgeted Beginninglvnd Balance $7,609,918 $8,879,434 $493,681 $16,983,033 FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($793,280) 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $6,816,638 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projecled to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $493,681 Insurance proceeds -lire alarm system $5,507 MYA Expenditure budget related to fire alarm system ($5,507) MYA Insurance proceeds -school bus accident $1,217 MYA Expenditure budget related to school bus accident ($1,217) MYA 10/8/07 Regular 600 -Insurance settlement payouts ($30,029) MYA 10/22/07 Consent 204 -Online Munis ($6,250) MYA 3/15/08 Consent 206- Rate study ($36,400) MYA 5/27/08 Consent 201 - IS Special Project ($2,981) MYA Transfers necessary due to IS PO rollovers ($44,407) MYA Adjustments for transfer true-up (Operator, IS, Engineer, Utility Billing) $108,559 FYA Remove capital budget to be rolled to fiscal year 2009 $63,283 FYA Reduce capital budget to align with Capital Improvements Prolmam plan document $507,087 FYA Increase revenues for contributed capital $ 185,000 FYA Increase capital expenditure budget for contributed capital ($185,000) FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $1,052,543 Rf:VISEU 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $7,869,181 ~4'ater and Sewer Utility Fund -Revenue Generation (#3620): NO CHANGE SINCE MID-YEAR As approved by City Commission on 9/24/117 Public Hearing Item 501: 10/I /07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balanee $92,207 $22,959 $115,166 PY'08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($92,207) 9/30/U8 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Di(Icrence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $22,959 PO Rollovers -Sludge Thickener (CPH #73127, Unlimited Welding H71516) up to amount allocable b~beginning fund balance ($22,959) MYA Roisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $0 12f:VISEU 9/30/118 Budgeted finding Fund Balance $0 Not requiring amendment: Water and Sewer -Renewal & Replacement (#3610) $555,475 Water and Sewer - 21100 Construction (ti364U) $439,038 Total Water & Sewer "Fund Balance" (ties to CAFR) ~ $18,092,712 112408_COM M_Consent_200_Attachm ents_2&3. xls Attachment 2 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-53) I (/24/08; Consent 200 Entetptise Funds Difference in Actual Ending Capital Assets Beg Fund Bal Fund Balance as (Note - As enterprise funds, the following'fund balances' are technically not their fund balances but rather a (net of related from projected shown in the projection of their year-end net assets less net capital.) debt) [o actual 9/30/07 CAFR Development Services Fund #420 As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public hearing Item 501: 10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,071,814 $35,066 $267,894 $1,374,774 FY'08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($206,804) 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $865,010 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $267,894 Transfer to General Fund for Munis server migration, Exchange, SharePoint Virtual Environment. Records M6~rnt (I 341.1342 PO rollovers) ($3.270) MYA 5/27/08 Regular 201 -Transfer to General Fund for server room AC and electrical ($1,118) MYA Reduce building permit revenues ($600,000) FYA Adjustments for transfer true-ups (Operator, IS) $37,992 FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Ivnd Balance ($298,502) REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Finding Fund Balance $566,508 Stormwater Utility Fund #43(1 As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501: 10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $749,033 $3,764,823 $154,156 $4,668,012 FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($161,846) 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $587,187 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $154,156 PO Rollover -Canal Piping Flamingo to Muss (C'PI I !{74683) ($5,500) MYA Transfer to General Fund for Munis server migration, Exchange. SharePoint Virtual Environment, Records Mbnnt (1341,1342 PO rollovers) ($810) MYA (/14/08 Consent 206 - TMDL Master Plan ($32,600) MYA 3/10/08 Consent 208 -Gee Creek Stabilisation ($33,000) MYA NRC'S grant revenue -Gee Creek $270,000 MYA Hacienda Village contribution to Gee Crock project $30,000 MYA Gee Creek -add'] expenditure budget need ($267,000) MYA 5/27/08 Regular 201 - "I7ansfer to General Fund for server room AC and elecMcal ($745) MYA Reduce Natural Resources Conservation Service grant reccnues - to be received in fiscal year 2009 ($302,680) FYA Reduce grant expenditure budget -Natural Resow~ccs ('onscrvation Service; budget rolled to fiscal year 2009 $306,625 FYA Adjustments fur translcr true-up (IS, I-:ngincer) ($9,798) FYA Remove capital budget ro be rolled to kcal year 21109 $33,459 FYA Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $142,]07 REVISED 9/3U/08 Budgeted Finding Fund Balance $729,294 112408 COMM Consent 200 Attachments 2&3.xls Attachment 3 -General Fund Budget Amendment Recap (Resolution 2008-53) 1 I/Z4/O8; Consent 2110 FYlIB Conrurissinn Other FY OX Origins/ .4pprnved Revenue Rryurvrs Amrndrd Annual /nterdrpurtmeurul .4mendnrrnty to PO A'a~tra! !u Amend Annual Orn,r q Bu ~~rr Trmrs rrs .Jmrrmriutiun Rollovers Chunrrs .4 nnrrmriutlon Bu yet Grueral 6'und Revenues $ 21,982,901 $ 21,982,901 T-nos/'r (-nor W'ntrr & Srv,rr Ctilin- Fund: A/tmis online: Qrnarm 209, 1081/07 $ fi,250 $ 6.'_90 Rrpncnrenr uT_'007 e~hnn-term lone m Senim~ Comer Erpnn.cioo Fund p.i16: pmrrrde~ nrnilnhlr in [:'}' 1008' $ 394,%x% $ 394.%x8 Insurance proceed.+ rrnJ7ic accidenr.c - Grhnn Benwilicarimr $ 20,970 $ 20.970 brenranre prureedv trn(Iic nccidrnr.~ -Police $ 3,432 $ ~ 132 Home.-f,enin xrnnr rr•u•nur 136?.N??~ plra.Nrndiun odnrini.errmirr rehrnd 15539/ $ 63,361 $ fii_161 Lrereacc trnne~(e•cr (ram +rrrinar Tundr I/S PO rnllnrrre- 1.497. 11431 $ 9,759 $ 9]59 Orrreace rrnntijers /irmi Onk Fore.cr and TLBD Mnintennncr - insuu~nncc premiums < tmdgrt $ (4,6061 $ (4.(116) l/l4/OX Gmrcm 100 - Ciu_rn donaion ar Firc dcpnrmrent $ 25p $ 250 Ifurl:Fnrer Grnrrnl Elnridn nnininy; Xrnnt $ 657 $ 657 CPH donation -Senior-Crnrer erpmn4on Xamd opening $ 1,1100 $ L1100 Dnnmion lrtmr Georgetown HOA $ 1511 $ 150 l 1/13/r17 Cnn.erm 304 - Ed+.nrd Bvrm~ xrnn/ rr+enue - in-car +idro cnnn~rn svctent c $ Sx,(p0 $ S%.1100 Edward Bwnr gram rrrenur - 6i.ctrnrilln a~nrel]irr ollire $ x.438 $ 5.138 ,Vet decrease nr trnns/er Jrnm PCST hmd #/71 doe ro Conmr Srn~iee ear rrcemre r edurrinnv $ (27,092) $ 127.1192) Drerence .Municipal Rerrnue Shnn• per LC[R'S lnrerr prgjeetians $ (74,253) $ (74.253) Ocareacr Nnll--Cent Sn/e.r Tar per LCIR'S lnrr.cr prnJrctions $ (184,4451 $ (I x4.115) Rrmo+r hudgrr lire/ rrul)i< rrbtue rrrrmrr $ (45.00111 $ (45000) Redrur inrerce~r rerenur $ 1x0.000) $ (%11.0110) Reduce vnn.c/rr hudgrt (rnm Solid Rmete fiord all77-prgjrcrrdr <hudgrr $ (2.277) $ 12_'77) Z/1 //OX Qmrcm 3115 - I('alman donation $ I,UIIO $ 11100 5:?710N R<~C~dnr70/ - Tr-unrli-rs in for sr r nom JC and rlr<n-icnl $ 1.x11 $ 4:x44 6/9/ON Gmsrn!?0?-Srninr Crmrr Uunnlion.+' $ 9111 $ 901 7//4/OX Cunornr 205 _ Tier rnrilla HO.1 dnnmiun -S'am Snrird Pru F' $ s 947 $ 5 x)47 .S<uuich American gnnrc,+ r~ reipr ro <oirr rcpnir rf~ nurimenunrx~ and nrnil.'r ti 1 4fi6 $ S 166 Remote rrnn.der 0~am HSfGP FunJ v)l4: n-nnegrr unnec<•,`sm~r b 193.62 i) $ (93 f 27) ltamnrr erns+7rr (ram Afrdirn! Trnncpnr(jmrl Nl7(4 /ire truck our purrhacrJ $ (Ifi2,001q $ (162.0011) 2rrlucliun.e In Firr Aa;rcv,vrnrnr Frr rhn.r IrnnsJi•r rrduruon $ (1,335 [111111 $ (1.17 1,000) Cnrrurumin Error Onnruiurav tPrgereve Enrr r. Poedrlrnnvr_ Cdnmhrr nl Cnrnmrr crt $ 11.514 A' 11.514 Fier ac+rsrnirm nr iunl. rn~~r ~- rh~m lead •~ t'r $ 165000 5 165!1110 Ur~<rracr trun,Wrrs leant Elrnrir Fiun<i~isr Frr Amd $ (42.9791 $ 142979) Rrr/uniunv m Grnrrrr/ FrurJ urrn+7rr.a in due to lti. Oprrnmr ErreDrrer. ('rilin Bill ie;~ $ 1144.2691 $ (141_'69) Grncnvd Fend Rrvunruec $ 21,982,901 $ $ I1,?57,(,58) $ $ 7x,961 $ (216,0221 $ 20,.W8,184 Gennnl Fund t,~apeudiruns CinCunrnri,v,ci~~n 1100 5 I%LII96 \ 1_'011 $ 1?011 $ (?01101 $ 172196 lirriuur 8unr ~lv 11111 T ILIIIU $ IIJ00 ('irr.Mruw.err 12110 $ 2x1 0ia $ X62 $ 2g},.22 CinChvA RIU ~ 2(,t 1161 5 2631164 Grnrr-nl Gu rrrrmu-nr-L;p~d Srrrirr~ 12111 ~ _"ll 111111 $ 110 G(,3 $ 7x0!62 Grnrrnl Gun~r-nmrnt-Curb En)nrrrnirnr /?i0 ~ 221100 $ (20,000) $ - Finnnce [1110 X' 516.5011 $ sl6.91H1 Grnrrnl Srrzirc-Himian Rr.aurc cr 17117 $ I0fi.595 $ 106.995 Grnrrnl Srnirr-Parr lncvin,y /?all $ (7:111 $ fi7141 L!Jnrmntiun Svsn•m.v-Grnrrnl /7411 $ 622.539 $ (x5.032) $ 537507 /nTurmminn Svrtem.c-Sprriul Prujccn /.741 $ li},186 $ x?,590 $ 37,263 $37,x30 $ 291,1169 Gilnrmatiun Scetrm.e-Rrrnrde .N,Ynn 1?43 $ 1+3.3x9 $ 11.967 $ Ifi5.L6 Liliu-mmiun $:vtrnu~- A"/I :1/G/5 174.7 $ 205,766 $ 2 442 $ 22,000 $ 2311?UR Grnrrnl Sorrier-Adm&ri.xuzuinn I35l1 $ 1119,152 $ 109.152 Finnnee - ('nlirr Billing / 160 $ 643,361 $ 6,250 $ fi4Y (,I7 112408_ C O M M_ C o nse nt_200_Atta c h or e nt s_283. x l s Attachment 3 - General Fund Budget Amendment Recap (Resolution 2008-53) 11/24/08: Consent?00 F)' ON Cnrnu~usinn Othrr FY 08 Orixinul .4pprnved Rrvrnue Brynrsh~ AinrndrJ Am uul /ntrrdgiunmm~ml Ainrndwrntc ro PO Nnurul m AmrnJ Annaal Den'r # Bndrrt Truiu rrs .4nnrnnriutiou BolLrvrrr Chunrrs 4 nnrnnriatioa Budeet Gnnm DrreH,prnriv-admini.mwion /910 5 166,5_x, , 13901 $ 37,Ofi1 $ 303.34% C~,mm Dr~elupmrm - Planning / 515 5 114 (,14 X 144.614 Curr~n~l)i'~'elr~/~rneril-(Ji'i i'l~~(rni<~nl Rr~ii'i~ /9'll $ 4C,'lli '~ 3511 !G 9<155 (~r~mnr Ue~rl~r/rnrrnl-C~rl~rin Bru~nilicu~i~,n /5~5 K rii5,i ti $ '2500 % IIIl10 '.4 19,579 5 15X.01101 X X40.'14 (~~~mm lh~~el~~(,rneru-Su~~~lighriri~ /5?h ) t40 I111U 5 3911.11011 (~ene~rnl G~~~r~r~nn~en~-Gr~n~~r ~~l 1Y011 '~ 21X_300 1561)441 a 133<U X ?11.700 5 f5'-.1X01 X i6t n70 (irnrad Srnia-(-inHull l9/u A '_315X1 i 5.116 a 10.9011 b 23.77 $ 103147 (i~~nei ~il.S'erii~~-(~iiiHull vl~~~r-un~~ !y/9 h 3X.36? $ 3X_z63 General Snrirr-Ri ~k Ihui~i~rmrrrr lv_'U 1 6?LIt6 D 161]001 $ 606436 G~~ner ~~l Srnir~-Lilvnn 1'/{rl N 10110 b I X1011 P~~lici~-Chin/ ?llil S '6%1l+4 ~; 111151 $. 166 K 27X `1X4 /'r~lin'-(~nnruinl lnii~eri:'u~i~in,~ ?lI? ~, 6%4411 $ (?I fiSXI V '.444 $ 1432 V 671 [„Y1 P.,/ia~-Oprrnrinu+S7epp~~n '/l4 5 131f1X 8 IC,.xIP1 $ Lll_'9 F Xltri $ 461L~90 Faller-Oprr<niurzc 1/l1 $ ?695.71% $ 9.;(X6 $ SR fIUO 5 IH,01111 $ 2.731 h114 Y~~lir~-hil~~~~,i~ui~~rr .S~n i<<~ ?/l6 \ I.0?I_<39 y 1.641 $ 1.'_15 $ 1.030177 P~~/ier-Trh S~~nir~r ?!I? N llX (47 h (15,X641 5 SCS 5 iX X49 $ 441 fi29 Pulirr-Cudr Enlnrt rnrrnr Ifl3 ~ t73.944 b 13.9X4 K IR63 X ;7]'73 P.,lice-:t1r,u~rri~<Ir ?/IY F ~136.5:j,1 ~; (4.1531 X IIX 11011) $ 209.91 P..Grr-C~nninr 1!_'0 X 06.5]) a 1.8'_1 V 190 $ 141144 Poli~~r-Prnlrm6onnl Landnnla ]/?/ S 224.1 111 $ LI11~ $ 22;122 Firr-:7dminivvuriun L'In 100.06? $ 1.950 S 41P_.U 17 Fire-Preren6un 221u $ 172774 ~ 1511 b (61A101 $ 171 y129 Fire-Opernii~,rtr ??40 X 1.0U1_iSX $ IU 750 b 11X $ (1X6,0011) $ 3,624.656 Firr-Truinin;; nt0 $ 115409 $ 657 $ 13(,J766 RihLe Il~nrk~ - adminirvmimi 4410 5 217.515 $ 350 $ (6,9121 R 210 aX3 Prth/ie l4brke-RnadrRROlI 44/7 5 716.59'_ $ (2;150) $ 1.391 $ 745.;23 Puhlie ifnrkr-Fled 4417 j; 1X6.413 $ 2J00 5 IXri513 Puhlie GVurke-Facili~iee 4414 X 6'_916 5 6?.`116 PuhGc 11 ~urkc-CapiuJ Prvjrc ~s 441? T 77X41 .~ 77.X41 PcYR-.-Irlnrinisirniiwr 7?I)0 $ 198.15% 5' 15.3441 S 192_x I4 Pcf~R-.41hlc1ic~ PIO $ ?11,791 5 3,826 S 219117 P~PH-.4thlrlies League 711/ $ 3Xp00 $ 3,060 $ 4L060 P~@R - 4th4wie.r Pannrcchip,v 7?/? $ 41.721 $ (5,7011) $ 3fi 1133 PX2-Cnnee.r.einn.r 7?10 ~' 82.X45 g (X,570) S 74.'_75 P<FR-Pm-A:vfi Grounds Pi0 5 1,136.654 E (26,7491 5 9.947 $ 50,0011 $ 266 $ (50,000) 5 1,1211.118 PcYrR - Prnxrmru~ 7140 $ 205 446 E 1,748 $ L000 8 20X.194 PfiR-Srniurs P_50 S 164,1130 $ 24303 $ 41369 $ 232.702 PcC~R-Srninr Crntrr Pnol 775/ b 40115% ~ 12,140 $ 60.000 $ 112.19R PR~R-Gnnmuniir Errnv~ 72h0 y ..22,000 5 3,432 $ (110,609) $ 114.823 PAR - Hmmd Ground 7?70 $ 142.777 $ I fish S (125,000) 5 I `l 127 PKR - Splu.vh f'lncgnnmdr 7?NO $ 3y972 b 13 0(10) $ 31.472 Genrru/ Fund E>pendimrcs $ 21,652,406 i - 5 254,429 $ iy6,429 $ 38,963 S (724,64fi) S 21,617,581 Budgrred.4pprvip to (jroinl Fluid Bulancr F 330,491 $ - ~ (1.5 L,UX71 $ 134fi 424) $ - $ 508.624 $ (1,069397) 112408_COMM_Consent_200_Attachments_28:3.x1 s