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2009 02 09 Public Hearings 500 Ginger Lane Vacant And Abandon - Resolution 2009-13
CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 500 February 9, 2009 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearin X Re ular Mgr. ~ /Dept. ~,. REQUEST: Community Development Department presents a resolution to the Commission to vacate and abandon Ginger Lane and a segment of the Old Sanford-Oviedo Road rights-of--way (ROWs), pursuant to the provisions of Section 17-27 of the City Code. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present Resolution No. 2009-13 to the Commission, to vacate all of the Ginger Lane ROW and the portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road ROW extending east from its intersection with Wade Street, to its intersection with Ginger Lane (at the west side of the Layer Elementary School site). Access and utility easements will be provided, as a condition of the vacation. APPLICABLE LAW: Section 17-27, City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances CONSIDERATIONS: The applicant has requested that the City vacate the subject rights-of--way to facilitate certain improvements to the 419 Metals & Auto Recycling Center. Upon review, the City has determined that the subject rights-of--way are not planned as through streets and do not provide access to any third party property with the exception of Lot 12 which is currently owned by Mr. Phillips. The vacation is conditioned upon the granting of access and utility easements over the entire vacated portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road. The western 25 feet of the Ginger Lane ROW will be an access easement to Lot 12 and the eastern 25 feet of Ginger Lane will be a utility and wall easement. Upon vacation, one-half of the vacated ROW is granted to each of the adjacent property owners. In the case of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, Mr. Phillips owns the property abutting both sides of February 9, 2009 Public Hearing Item 500 Page 2 the vacated ROW. On Ginger Lane, Mr. Phillips owns property along the western ROW line and the Seminole County School Board owns property along the western ROW line. Mr. Phillips has stated that he has a written agreement with the School Board wherein the School Board will grant him the eastern half of the Ginger Lane ROW upon the vacation of said ROW. If the City Commission approves Resolution 2009-13, easement documents will be drawn up to facilitate the establishment of the easements detailed above. Resolution 2009-13 will then be recorded in the official public records of Seminole County. After the School Board deeds the eastern half of the Ginger Lane ROW to Mr. Phillips, the easement documents will be recorded. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission approve Resolution 2009-13, subject to the requested easements being granted in a from acceptable to the City Attorney. ATTACHMENT: A -Sketch of Description of Right-of--Way B -Utility Provider Letters C -Advertisement in Orlando Sentinel D -Resolution 2009-13 COMMISSION ACTION: 2 A 1 1 Al.rilVlraV l A ant 1 l~Fi ur utSGKIF' I ION FOR ' 419 METALS 8~ AUTO RECYCLING CENTER OF RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE VACATED Legal Description BEGINNING at the Southeast Comer of Lot 5, ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION N0.2, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 9, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run S.69°44'21 "E., along the North Right-of-way Line of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road as shown on said plat, a distance of 560.50 feet to the West Right-0f-way Line of Ginger Lane (platted as Charles Street); thence run N.00°44'49"E., along said West Right-0f-way Line of Ginger Lane, a distance of 1120.20 feet to the Northeast Comer of Lot 12, said ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION N0. 2; thence run S.88°22'11"E. 50 feet to the Northwest Comer of Lot 13, said ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION N0. 2; thence run S.00°44'49"W., along the East Right-of-way Line of said Ginger Lane, a distance of 1200.81 feet to a po9int on the South Right-of--way Line of aforesaid Old Sanford-Oviedo Road; thence run N.69°44'41"VN., along said South Right-of-way Line, 613.21 feet to the East Right-of--way Line of Wade Street as shown on said plat; thence run N.00°44'49"E. 63.66 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel contains 93,246.5 square feet. SURVEY NOTES: 1) This is not a "Boundary Survey", only a sketch of the above legal descriptions prepared by this surveyor. 2) Bearings shown hereon are based on the South Right-of-way line of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road being 5.69°44'21"E. (assumed) 3) This legal description was prepared on 25 April 2008. Surveyor's Certificate This is to certify that this 'Sketch of Description" of the above-described property and the plat hereon delineated is an aaxirate representation of the same. I further certify that this survey meets the Minimum Technical standards set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers pursuant to Chapter 61 G17-G6 of the Flarida Administrative Code pursuant to Section 472.027 of ;11e Florida Stab:±es. ~ LOT 12 . J I R SURVEYING, INC. fz. ~LAiR KITNER -P.S.M. No. 3382 ~ . C. Box 1,23 -Sanford, Florida 32772 (407) 322-2000 Not valid without raised seal of Surveyor LOT 5 LOT 11 POINT OF BEGINNING v ~- o '~° 3 6 0 94 ~z a0 4?~ £ S SANFpRO Bp SO O w N Bg s4 ?7 " ~f 00 ROAD W 3 83 55' LOT 11 LOT 15 LOT 17 PROD. NO. 07-454 S 88'22'11" E ~.- W O J N ~ Q N 2 _ U CO O w f/i O a N m ~ w 3 v ~- a ~ . o °' o a v a Z I v 0 Z N Q J W ca z c~ LOT 13 LOT 14 e CITY OF V\~NTER SPi21NGS Pznnitting - tvrsten SCALE: 1 "=200' RE~E1~/'E~ yiTY OF V~INTER SPRINGS narmiMinp -Christy CKLIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PLANNERS September 10, 2008 Dan P. Scribben Florida Public Utilities 450 S. Highway 17-92 DeBary, FL. 32713 RE: 419 Metal & Auto Recycling Center City of W inter Spings I am in the process of requesting that the City of Winter Springs vacate that portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road and Ginger Lane right-of--way known in Section 34, Township 20, Range- 30 as shown on the attached drawing. In order to have this action heard, I must provide letters of no objection from utility companies serving the neighborhood. Please review your records, complete the form below and return this letter to me by fax 407-629- 2855. If you have any questions, please contact Candice Thornton at 407-629-1061. Sincerely, ~~ Candice Thornton The subject parcel not within our service area. X The ~'~ ~ec± parcel is ~;~ithir_ e»r Ser~':cP are. W? do nOt lle~'P ariy facilities within the easement/right-of--way. We have no objection to the vacation. The subject parcel is within our service area. We object to the vacation. Additional Comments Signature: /~~ ~~~~;.~.~/' Print Name: Dan P Scribben Title: Date: ATTACHMENT B HARLING Engineering Manager 9-18-2008 850 COURTLAND STREET • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 (407) 629-1061 • FAX: (407) 629-2855 • E-mail: HHarling@HarlingLocklin.com RECEIVED .~~~ ~ ~ gas CITY PmYiit~hnaE Chng~NGS September 10, 2008 HARLING LOCKLIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PLANNERS P.J. King Bright House Networks 844 Maguire Rd. Ocoee, FL. 43761 RE: 419 Metal & Auto Recycling Center City of "vVinter Springs I am in the process of requesting that the City of Winter Springs vacate that portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road and Ginger Lane right-of--way known in Section 34, Township 20, Range- 30 as shown on the attached drawing. In order to have this action heard, I must provide letters of no objection from utility companies serving the neighborhood. Please review your records, complete the form below and return this letter to me by fax 407-629- 2855. If you have any questions, please contact Candice Thornton at 407-629-1061. Sincerely, ~' G~ Candice Thornton The subject parcel not within our service area. The subject parcel is within onr service are. V~Ie do not have any facilities within the easement/right-of--way. We have no objection to the vacation. The subject parcel is within our service area. We object to the vacation. Additional Comments This consent is contingent upon the reservation of a utility easement over the area to be vacated. ~~~ 2®~ ~~ Signature: / L.. Print Name: . J . K Title: Sr Const Mgr Date: S= ~J • U ~`~ 850 COURTLAND STREET • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 9~~°~ (407) 629-1061 • FAX: (407) 629-2855 • E-mail: HHarling@HarlingLocklin.com RECEIVED ~~~ ~ ~ ~o~ CITY O~ YIINTER SPRINt3S PormitFinO - Christy May 16, 2008 Ben Tucker 120 Trafalgar Place Longwood, FL 32779 RE: Request To Abandon an Unpaved Street (Ginger Lane) Dear Mr. Tucker: FILE COPY Please be advised that Progress Energy (formerly known as Florida Power Corporation) has "NO OBJECTION" to the vacation and abandonment of Ginger Lane, adjacent to the East property .line of Tax Parcel #s 34-20-30-5AW-0000-0120 and 34-20-30-5AW- 0000-011 A. Progress Energy has now procured easements signed by the property owners for the East 10 feet of Ginger Lane. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Lori L. `N"erring Land Agent Distribution Right of Way-Florida Progress Energy Florida, Inc. • 3300 Exchange Place • Lake Mary • Florida • 32746 Telephone (407) 942-9463 • Facsimile (407) 942-9411 A Progress Energy Company ~~- September 25, 2008 -,,~~, ~~, ~~ ~'°r*nittinq ~ CF~niH NGS Candice Thornton Harting Locklin & Associates 850 Courtland Street Orlando, FL 32804 RE: Vacate Request for Right of Way Old Sanford-Oviedo Road and Ginger Lane Dear Ms. Thornton: Please be advised that Progress Energy Distribution Department has."NO OBJECTION" to the vacation of the right of way described on the Sketch of Description prepared by Kintner Surveying, Tnc., attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. Because Progress Energy has extensive facilities within this area, this consent to vacate is contingent upon the execution of a Distribution Easement, for present and future use, over the entire portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road to be vacated. For us to complete a Distribution Easement for the owner's signature, please provide to us a Sketch of Description of that portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road prepared by a Surveyor as soon as possible. Please note that a Letter of No Objection has previously been provided for Ginger Lane (see copy of letter attached), after an Easement was signed by the owner covering the East 10 feet of Ginger Lane for our existing facilities. If you have any questions, please call me at 407-942-9463. Sincerely, Lori L. Herring Land Agent Distribution Right of Way -Florida Enclosure LLH/ph Progress Energy Florida, Inc. • 3300 Exchange Place • Lake Mary • Florida • 32746 Telephone (407) 942-9463 • Facsimile (407) 942-9417 Progress Energy Ms. Candice Thorton Harting & Loclclin & Assoc. 850 Courtland Street Orlando, FL 32804 R'Ec~E~v~® ~~'~ ~ ~ Ci ~OF ENTER ""nano - Ch~~~NC;B RE: Vacation and Abandonment ofli'_ight-of-iVay34-20-30 Dear Ms Thorton: Please be advised that Florida Power Corporation d/b/a Progress Energy Florida Inc. (PEF) does not have any transmission facilities within this right-of--way. Transmission Engineering has NO OBJECTION to the vacation and abandonment of that portion of the right-of--way shown on the drawing attached hereto and made a part of hereof by this reference as highlighted and depicted on the attached Exhibit "A". This vacation and abandonment is contingent upon receipt of a separate letter of approval from PEF's Distribution Department. Should you have any questions concerning the letter from the Distribution department, please contact Lori Herring at (407) 942-9463. If further assistance is needed from Transmission Line Engineering, please call me at (407) 942-9374. Sincerely, PROGRESS ENERGY FLORIDA, INC. .1 Todd Boyer Sr. Acquisition Agent Transmission Line Engineering Date: / ~ _ CO Progress Energy,lnc. 3300 Exchange Place Lake Mary, fL 32746 Progress Energy Ms. Candice Thorton Harling & Locklin & Assoc. 850 Courtland Street Orlando, FL 32804 RE: Vacation and Abandonment ofRight-of-Way 34-20-30 Dear Ms Thorton: r. Please be advised that Florida Power Corporation d/b/a Progress Energy Florida Inc. (PEF') does not have any transmission facilities within this right-of--way. Transmission Engineering has NO OBJECTION to the vacation and abandonment of that portion of the right-of--way shown on the drawing attached hereto and made a part of hereof by this reference as highlighted and depicted on the attached Exhibit "A". This vacation and abandonment is contingent upon receipt of a separate letter of approval from PEF's Distribution Department. Should you have any questions concerning the letter from the Distribution department, please contact Lori Herring at (407) 942-9463. If further assistance is needed from Transmission Line Engineering, please call me at (407) 942-9374. Sincerely, PROGRESS ENERGY FLORIDA, INC. .J Todd Boyer Sr. Acquisition Agent Transmission Line Engineering Date: ~~ _ (O F - .<'7°~ rya +p, G....r 6, _ .. W .w ~' a ~.,t~ p A ~,1 4y n p~n!~f. Progress Energy,lnc. 3300 Exchange Place Lake Mary, FL 32746 P~a9~ ~JY September 25, 2008 Candice Thornton Harling Locklin & Associates 850 Courtland Street Orlando, FL 32804 RE: Vacate Request for Right of Way Old Sanford-Oviedo Road and Ginger Lane Dear Ms. Thornton: Please be advised that Progress Energy Distribution Department has "NO OBJECTION" to the vacation of the right of way described on the Sketch of Description prepared by Kintner Surveying, Inc., attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. Because Progress Energy has extensive facilities within this area, this consent to vacate is contingent upon the execution of a Distribution Easement, for present and future use, over the entire portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road to be vacated. For us to complete a Distribution Easement for the owner's signature, please provide to us a Sketch of Description of that portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road prepared by a Surveyor as soon as possible. Please note that a Letter of No Objection has previously been provided for Ginger Lane (see copy of letter attached), after an Easement was signed by the owner covering the East 10 feet of Ginger Lane for our existing facilities. If you have any questions, please call me at 407-942-9463. Sincerely, eau Lori L. Herring ~.~~,~ ~ d ~~~~ Land Agent CITY OF N'1NTER SPRINC~~ Distribution Right of Way -Florida Permitting - pt~yllls Enclosure LLH/ph Progress Energy Florida, Inc. • 3300 Exchange Place • Lake Mary • Florida • 32746 Telephone (407) 942-9463 Facsimile (407) 942-9417 HARLING CKLIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PLANNERS September 10, 2008 Dan P. Scribben Florida Public Utilities 450 S. Highway 17-92 DeBary, FL. 32713 RE: 419 Metal & Auto Recycling Center City of W inter Spings r Ye ~ ~TtR ~ ~~ ~-~~~utY ~d~ )~~`~ _ °~ 2~~ CITY O~~ tMrJY~a >F'F,INGS Permitting - F~hyllis I am in the process of requesting that the City of Winter Springs vacate that portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road and Ginger Lane right-of--way known in Section 34, Township 20, Range- 30 as shown on the attached drawing. In order to have this action heard, I must provide letters of no objection from utility companies serving the neighborhood. Please review your records, complete the form below and return this letter to me by fax 407-629- 2855. If you have any questions, please contact Candice Thornton at 407-629-1061. Sincerely, ~~ Candice Thornton The subject parcel not within our service area. X The S'w~ ect ~ar~el IS Yxlltl:in n17r ~ar~nrP ~'e, ~JP ran nqt ha~,a an~r farilltiP..S within the easement/right-of--way. We have no objection to the vacation. The subject parcel is within our service area. We object to the vacation. Additional Comments Signature: Print Name: Dan P Scribben _ Title: Engineering Manager Date: 9-18-2008 850 COURTLAND STREET • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 (407) 629-1061 • FAX: (407) 629-2855 • E-mail: HHarling@HarlingLocklin.com HARLING LOCKLIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PLANNERS September 10, 2008 P.J. King Bright House Networks 844 Maguire Rd. Ocoee, FL. 43761 RE: 419 Metal & Auto Recycling Center City of Winter Springs Signature: / Print Name: . J . K I am in the process of requesting that the City of Winter Springs vacate that portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road and Ginger Lane right-of--way known in Section 34, Township 20, Range- 30 as shown on the attached drawing. In order to have this action heard, I must provide letters of no objection from utility companies serving the neighborhood. Please review your records, complete the form below and return this letter to me by fax 407-629- 2855. If you have any questions, please contact Candice Thornton at 407-629-1061. Sincerely, Candice Thornton The subject parcel not within our service area. The s~~bject parcel is within our service are. We do not have any facilities within the easement/right-of--way. We have no objection to the vacation. The subject parcel is within our service area. We object to the vacation. Additional Comments This consent is contingent upon the reservation of a utility easement over the area to be vacated. ~~~ 2~~ ~~ e ,~. as ~, ~ +uu!~"+ C;TY O~ WINTER SF'~RiNGS Permitung - Fhyliis Title: Sr Const Mgr Date: . ~• G1 ~~ 850 COURTLAND STREET • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 9~3°~ (407) 629-1061 • FAX: (407) 629-2855 • E-mail: HHarling@HarlingLocklin.com 3~f-z©~~ FILE COPY ~~1 Progr~cs Energy . ~ F May 16, 2008 .~~x'a~! j ~ ~~~ C.7 Y G(= 1~-tt„ lY-=I~ SPr.INGS i'Ermiiting -Phyllis Ben Tucker ~ 120 Trafalgar Place Longwood, FL 32779 RE: Request To Abandon an Unpaved Street (Ginger Lane) Dear Mr. Tucker: Please be advised that Progress Energy (formerly known as Florida Power Corporation) has "NO OBJECTION" to the vacation and abandonment of Ginger Lane, adjacent to the East property line of Tax Parcel #s 34-20-30-5AW-0000-0120 and 34-20-30-5AW- 0000-011 A. Progress Energy has n,ow procured easements signed by the property owners for the East 10 feet of Ginger Lane. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Lori L. `H`erring Land Agent Distribution Right of Way-Florida Progress Energy Florida, Inc. • 3300 Exchange Place • Lake Mary • Florida • 32746 Telephone (407) 942-9463 • Facsimile (407) 942-9411 A Progress Energy Company voter aeoiea otas snoara ~' miffed to the following ad- TION VI51T THE P'RO- rrrc,; .._ ph in o 32801, d07.317..?740, ~ ' '_..__ rerwise dress: CUR~MENT SERVICES r requ{• WEB SITE AT httpa! COR928196-FEB.1,8,15 Wrance George Eversole www.osceola.org Tohopekaliga Water my and Authority CDR92823T-FEB.i OIYEN THAT THE how ex• (2nd Floor of City Hail - CRY OF WINTER manner Clty of Klssimmee) ~ SPRINGS CITY conver• 191 North Church Street "Marcobay Construction Is COMMISSION nd Im• Kissimmee, Florida 34741 currently acreppl(ng bids for PROPOSED TO ADOPT im~lna• the Pump Statlan improve• AND WILL HOLD APUB- ns, and Immediately following, or ments praJect located at the LIC HEARING FOR THE includ• os soon thereafter, the time International Corporate FOLLOWING: lrfising above shown, the proposals park Puma Station(s) 83461 received will be publicly g, 3461. Plans moo be ' opened and read aloud. v(ewed by vlsltin9 our web- gral tn• site at www.marcobay.cam7 toed In COR929849 2/)/09 ftp.html or Contact Lorry mar re• INVITATION TO BID Moore- 48 863-b80.2293, Bid ter dis- OFFICE OF THE Deadline Is Thursday Feb- larove• ORLANDO ORANGE ruary 5th 49 Noon." dl per' COUNTY EXPRESSWAY nd 4th- pUTHORITY ORLANDO, COR929560-JAN.31 FLORIDA NOTICE to MryyAE all of Suhconaectars ark Supplbn is that Sealed Bids will be received ments, In the office of the Orlando Johnson Bras. is requesting [bites- Orange Countv.Expressway bids from certified M/WBE m con• AuthorltXpyyy 4974 ORL Tower com aNe;; for the lollvwing ditlea- Ranadh,.iri ~annd~',."Fin.idQ o:,T.r~ r0 er,FvROS~neR 00 C tflities °"„ •,"'^ po„~,,.,u ,,. r~orc~, uw~ wr r•ev- 1 soul- described below, ruarv 5th, 2009 iD 2 PM. If action You teal you may be able to ms Is- MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMWIDE provide servlcesisupplles, and or RESTAIPiNO CONTRACT N0. as well as to require addl- Id the 000601 PROJECT N0. 698-611 tionai intormatlon please nt au• contact Tom Charles at d0T- rrove- The work consists of provid- 467.1112, of the ing oil labor, materials, parYY equipment and incidentals COR930082 1/1/09 d and necessary ta'furnish and in- s aid stall pavement striping and , its for new reflecilve pavement i markers and dehneatars at r oth- specific areas throughout I - ihe Authority system along ~ " S.R. 408 S. R, 417, S.R. 429 wars and 5.1~. 528 in Orange For a complete iistin88 of sw or County, Florida, current active formal solici- grcel C tv of W nierdPark,fall ine For additional lnformatlon terested parties should visit regarding availobillty of the es or Bidding Documents prebitl our Web site at htipa/ here- meeting, prequoli~lcailan www.cityofwinterpark.orgi 10 all regUlremeni5, protest pro- pUfChOSing. If Is the 5412 re- tl en- cedure, banding reqquire- sponsibllity of vendors to t and ments, Equal Opppartunliv check the current solic(ta- ~reo4 Statement and MNJBE Par- }ions web page for any ad- s, to• tlcipotlon, refer to the Au- Benda. The City will post rent- }hority's web site. at addenda to this Web Page e se- www.expresswavauthvrity- only and will not Issue wnt- ° .com or visit the Authority's ten notltlcatlon. Sollcltatlon office at ihe address shown and procurement Intorma- here- above. }ion Is also available at the f (a) Purchasing Division, locat• zlter- ORLANDO-ORANGE ed In City Hall 401 Park njury COUNTY EXPRESSWAY Avenue,5outh W~nter• Park, y de- AUTHORITY Florida 32784. Claude Mliler COR929409- ~d to Director of Procurement 4~ ~•y~8,15,22,MAR.L9,15 crue COR416804-FEB-i after JanaQYY 26, 2009 ants, I B a. 2009-007 tam- Ciry of SL Cloud NOTICE OF SCHOOL s, or lift Station tl0 RehehilileUon BOARD MEETING Pursuant Io Section 281.057 Notice is hereby 91ven that td to Fiorlda Statutes, the City o~ the School Board of Orange s an St. Clovd tootles quolHled County, Florida, will have a ding contractors fo provide firm public meeting on Pobruary 10, h, to pr(cing for ihe• Lift Siaflon 2009, 4:30 ~p.m., m Conference vee. 910 Rehabilttatton Project. Room A of ihe Educational the The general scope of work Leadership Center, 445 W, de- for the project is for the re- Amellb Street, Orlando, apy moval and/or repaiNre- Florida for an agenda re- en. placement of the allowing view session pt which time gs, cpmponents-associated with the board. will review. the _ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2009 ui, 3725 lake Mary Blvd, lake Ma FL 32746 IMan. February t61h, 2009 - 3;60 pmt- 2171 • Petdcra Bi9elvw; 3033 - Tewanna Williams; 5146 - Wi11.eA,. e.u. 610 Rinehen Rvad,. Lake Mary fl 32146 {Monday, February 16th 2009 - 4:00Dm) - 365 -Michel hin- svn• 570 -William Marre• 964 - Wiljiam Movra; 761 Fredrick H AkeYY. 949 - Monty Morris; 391 • Fe• lix OvnzeleC 128 • Stevan Berg 1701 Dyer Bird., Klssimmee, fL 34741 {Wed. February 18th, 1009 10:OOaml •0059 - lortienne Jones; 0149 • Al Ellir, 2024 - Jvae Del Yet• le; 6004 • Nenla Metiex 6041 • Su- san Molldene; 6085 -Liz Marie Aposto; 6172 -Aida Tortes• 6210 - Carlos A Rodrigue 0082 • ~tieheel Peranvn' 2914 •~vntae Belhee; 2021 • Wi~Nam Yelasco; 6024 - En• rique Lvper~ fi060 • Bonnie Pettey; 6155 • Ann lencheaa 9060 - Clau- dia Allotey 6040 Lakehur8 Road, Orlando FL 31819 lured. Februaryry 18th, 10b9 - 1Z:301 • 92 • Marshalle Jones; itt •Terry Witty; 368 - Shirley Carter, 398 - Susnn 0 Donnell; 1082 - Su• son Schulte 1112 - Leaze topaz; 1114 - leaza topaz: 2060 - leeze Loper; 131 -Marlene Uoyd 7660 Ma'arce Plsce, Oriendv FL 3281pp9 ed. February 18th. 10y89 2036m Melissa Aumhtey~ 2094 r, Hoyt Leysvn; 1117 -Douglas TeYtar. 3082 • Jennifer Rowland; 3161 Natalie Downey 300 W. Oak Ridge Rd., Orlando. Fl 32809 {Wad. Feb 18th, 2009 - 3:90pm) • 3010 • Sandra Carcia; )D4T • Minori Yanagewa; 3049 - Minori Yanegqawe; 8 -Elise Baron; 1 • Randal Culp; 2139 - Vladamir Golan; 2119 - Gsa Nyson 1011 - Shannan Moeggenburg; 20'J5 • Te- tiena Moylico• 2137 - Esperan:e Yelez; 1050 • barid Cope; 1054 - Willie Harris 8149 AIACENTER COURT OAlAN00, FL 32809 AT t0:D0AM: M Ayala 2015, 5 Irby 2146, R Franklin 2219, J King 3015, Focus Connection INC. 3029, M A Lambe 3084, K Dacosta 4024, M Anderson 4035, Commercial Support 5erv Ices 6012r C Hernandez 6024, H Yazidi 7101 2001 KIA RIB VIN 4 KNADC12311606393-0 COR925343 v1, 9, 2009 Year Meka VIN4 1994 Chysler 2c3e156t8rh2d397 Auction Oele 02-25-04 9:OOam Sale At, A•1 Recovery Inc. 11316_Boggy Creek Rd. Und 1140 Orlando, FL 32824 COR427909 1!1/09 Ta satisfy owners lien tar rent due in accordance with Florida Statutes, "The Selt• Storage Fociliiv Act (Sec• }ions 83.601 83.809), con• tents of the leased storage units, as well as leased aut• ng at nsion hear- mission wish respect to any molter considered at this COR927446-Feh.1,8 meeting, you will need o re• cord of the proceedings, NOTICE Of SALE and far such purposes, You pS ORANCECO, INC. AND/OR may need to ensure that a SNUAGARD TRS.INC verbatim record of ihe pro- ' ceed{ngs is made upon pERSONAL PROPERTY which the aapeol is based. CONSISTING OF COUCH- Interested parties are ad• E5, BEDS, TV'S, vised that they may appear CLOTHES, BOXES OF at the meeting and be heard HOUSEHOLD G0005 & with respect tofheproposed OTHER PERSONAL ordinances. ITEMS ~~ ED IN THE CSE928242-FEB.I ur,".~ ~ r, Aloma Self•Storage 3625 Alomp Avenue Oviedo, FI 32765 4407) 673-4222 Date: February 19, 2009 Time: 10:30 A.M, All units are sold "AS 15" and must be paid for In CASH immedlvielY follow- ing ihe auction. All units advertised may not be available dt the time of auc- tion in the event of settfe• men} 4etween owner and obligated party. Tenant Name Unit 4 Issas Williams 0711 David M[Gufre 1218 Michael Montijo 101 COR9281B56-FEB.1,8 ~'6f(~F-F3Al The proposed drdinances may be inspected by Inter- ested parties between 8 ATTACHMENT D RESOLUTION N0.2009-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, VACATING GINGER LANE AND A PORTION OF OLD SANFORD-OVIEDO ROAD AS PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF WAY; SAID RIGHTS-OF-WAY BEING DEPICTED AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A," ATTACHED HERETO, WHICH SHALL RESULT IN THE VACATED RIGHTS-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO THE ADJOINING PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. - WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under ~ 2(b), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, section 1 ~-27 of the City Code authorizes the City Commission to vacate by resolution any existing roadway, street or alley, and to renounce and disclaim any right of the city and public in and to any land, delineated on any recorded map or plat as a roadway, street or alley; and WHEREAS, Ginger Lane and a portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, as depicted on Exhibit "A," attached hereto, are not currently used for right-of--way purposes and are not anticipated to be used as rights-of--way in the future; aid WHEREAS, the City does not need the vacated rights-of--way to provide connectivity of roadways or to handle anticipated traffic; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to vacate these public rights-of--way as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs finds that this Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference. Section 2. Vacation of Rights-of-Way Authorized. The City Commission hereby vacates Ginger Lane and a portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, said rights-of--way being more City of Winter Springs Resolution ?009-13 Page I of 2 particularly depicted and legally described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. Said vacation shall lawfully result in the City remising, releasing, quit claiming and conveying any and all interest in said vacated rights-of--way to the adjoining property owners. As such, upon adoption of this Resolution, the adjoining property owners, 419 Metal & Auto Recycling Center, Inc., Bartholomew Phillips and the Seminole County School Board, shall each own those portions of the vacated rights-of--way which directly abut their respective properties to the center line of the vacated rights-of--way. Section 3. SeverabilitX and Invalid Provisions. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 4. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior inconsistent resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 5. Recording. The City Clerk shall record this Resolution in the Official Record Books of Seminole County, Florida. Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs and upon recording in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida. DONE AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting this day of , 2009. John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney City of Winter Springs Resolution ?009-13 Page 2 of Z EXHIBIT A SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION FOR ' 419 METALS 8~ AUTO RECYCLING CENTER OF RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE VACATED Legal Description BEGINNING at the Southeast Comer of Lot 5, ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION N0.2, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 9, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run S.69°44'21'E., along the North Right-of-way line of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road as shown on said plat, a distance of 560.50 feet to the West Right-of-way Une of Ginger Lane (platted as Charles Street); thence run N.00°44'49'E., along said West tZght-0f-way Line of Ginger Lane, a distance of 1120.20 feet to the Northeast Comer of Lot 12, said FJVT27uIINGER FARMS ADDITION N0. 2; thence run S.88°2711'E. 50 feet to the Northwest Comer of Lot 13, said ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION N0.2; thence run S.00°44'49'W., along the East Right-0~way line of said Ginger Lane, a distance of 1200.81 feet to a po9ini on the South Right-of-way Line of aforesaid Old Sanford-Oviedo Road; thence tun N.69°44'41'W., along said South Right-0f-way Line, 613.21 feet to tl~e East Right-0f--way lJne of Wade Street as shown on said plat; fence run N.00°44'49'E. 63.66 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel contains 93,246.5 square feel SURVEY NOTES: 1) This is not a `Boundary Survey', only a sketch of the above legal descriptions prepared by this surveyor. 2) Bearings shown hereon are based on the South Right-of-way Line of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road being S.69°44'21'E. (assumed) 3) This legal description was prepared on 25 April 2008. Surveyor's Certificate This is to certify that this 'Sketch of Description' of the above-described property and the plat hereon delineated is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this survey meets the Minimum Technical standards set forth by the Fior'ida Board of Surveyors and Mappers pursuant to Chapter 61G17-Cfi of the P~~riaa Administrative Code pursuant to Section 472.027 of die Flc>,-ida Statutes. LOT 12 , ~ R SURVEYING, INC. R. P.~tAtR KITNER-P.S.M. No. 3382 r^^. C. Box 223 -Sanford, Florida 32772 (407) 322-2000 Not valid without raised seal of Surveyor ~ ~~p~.~~~~~ _ t -~~-- CITY OF VJ:NTER SPRINGS pertnittinp - Ki.^sten LOT t3 r_ W N W J Q V ~ ` c LOT 14 to o r W° 3 r- a ~ J ~ a ~ LOT 5 LOT 11 POINT OF 9EgNNING _ W ±n 0O 36g• O q4?~.. WZ aD SAHFOROP Ss0.g0. N N 6g qq 2~ • k, y~D ROAD 6t3 SS LOT 11 Io W ~, Q J U I Z SCALE: 1'=200' LO7 t5 LOT 17 PRO,L NQ 07-454 Drawing NARYW MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY BK 07199 Pgs 0744 - 746; QNs) CL E RK 9 S # 2009061307 RECORDED 06/08/2009 1207:28 PM RECORDING FEES 27.00 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-13 RECORDED BY T Smith A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, VACATING GINGER LANE AND A PORTION OF OLD SANFORD-OVIEDO ROAD AS PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF WAY, SAID RIGHTS-OF-WAY BEING DEPICTED AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A," ATTACHED HERETO, WHICH SHALL RESULT IN THE VACATED RIGHTS-OF-WAY BEING CONVEYED TO THE ADJOINING PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, section 17-27 of the City Code authorizes the City Commission to vacate by resolution any existing roadway, street or alley, and to renounce and disclaim any right of the city and public in and to any land, delineated on any recorded map or plat as a roadway, street or alley; and rA WHEREAS, Ginger Lane and a portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, as depicted on C Exhibit "A," attached hereto, are not currently used for right-of-way purposes and are not q anticipated to be used as rights-of-way in the future; and )IN 0 a WHEREAS, the City does not need the vacated rights-of-way to provide connectivity of roadways or to handle anticipated traffic; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to vacate these public rights-of-way as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs finds that this Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference. Section 2. Vacation of Rights-of-Way Authorized. The City Commission hereby vacates Ginger Lane and a portion of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, said rights-of-way being more City of Winter Springs Resolution 2009-13 Page I of 2 particularly depicted and legally described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. Said vacation shall lawfully result in the City remising, releasing, quit claiming and conveying any and all interest in said vacated rights-of-way to the adjoining property owners. As such, upon adoption of this Resolution, the adjoining property owners, 419 Metal & Auto Recycling Center, Inc., Bartholomew Phillips and the Seminole County School Board, shall each own those portions of the vacated rights-of-way which directly abut their respective properties to the center line of the vacated rights-of-way. Section 3. Severability and Invalid Provisions. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 4. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior inconsistent resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 5. Recording. The City Clerk shall record this Resolution in the Official Record Books of Seminole County, Florida. Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs and upon recording in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida. DONE AND ADOPTED at a regular g this `9th day of Fehruar 2009. Jo F. Bush, Mayer d. ' -J ?g :7- ST: AT A Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney City of Winter Springs Resolution 2009-13 Page 2 of 2 4 ti` EXHIBIT A SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION FOR 419 METALS & AUTO RECYCLING CENTER OF RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE VACATED Legal Description BEGINNING at the Southeast Comer of Lot 5, ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION NO. 2, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 9, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, thence run S.69°421'E., along the North Right-of-way Una of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road as shown on said plat, a distance of 560.50 feet to the West Right-of-way Una of Ginger Lane (platted as Charles Street); thence run N.W4449'E., along said West Right-of-way Una of Ginger Lane, a distance of 1120.20 feet to the Northeast Comer of Lot 12, said ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION NO. 2; thence run S.88°2711'E. 50 feet to the Northwest Comer of Lot 13, said ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION NO. 2; thence run S.0004449W., Wong the East Right-of-way Une of said Ginger lane, a distance of 1200.81 feet to a po9int on the South Right-of--way Line of aforesaid Old Sanford-Oviedo Road; thence tun N.69044'41'W., along said South Right-of-way Lne, 613.21 feet to the East Right-of--way Una of Wade Street as shown on said plat; thence run N.00044'49'E. 63.66 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel contains 93,246.5 square feet SURVEY NOTES: 1) This is not a 'Boundary Survey', only a sketch of the above legal descripWris'prepared by this surveyor. 2) Bearings shown hereon are based on the South Right-of-way Una of Old Sanford-Oviedo Road being S.69044'217-. (assumed) 3) This legal description was prepared on 25 April 2008. Surveyor's Certificate This Is to certify that this 'Sketch of Description' of the above-described properly and the plat hereon delineated is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this survey meets the Minimum Technical standards set forth by the Fiiorida Board of Surveyors and Mappers pursuant t0 Chapter 61G17-M of the Flaft Administrative Code pursuant to Section 472.027 of the Florida Statutes. ? LOT 12 R SURVEYING, INC. R. BLAIR KITNEt- P.S.M. No. 3382 P. C. Box 023 - Sanford, Florida 32772 (407) 322-2000 Not valid without raised seal of Surveyor LOT 5 LOT 11 /-POINT OF BEGINNING 8944?.. WZ 04D SqhF??0 sof ,60. W . g 6y.3.55 W N 6944?7 Oylb0 Ro. .-t LOT 11 CITY OF W.NTER SPRINGS Permitting - Kirsten LOT 13 W N W J C Q v W o LOT 14 N O a N W 3 1- F- OI J Y a :. t 4 z '^ a K is z G SCALE: 1'-200' LOT 15 LOT 17 G1131Li-iY UNSR?i=? PRO1 NO. 07-454 LE 1 FOR SCANNiNG