HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2002-12 Milky Way/Trotwood Blvd. ORDINANCE NO. 2002-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA REZONING A PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING TWO TRACTS TOTALING 1.24 ACRES MORE OR LESS, WHICH IS GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF TUSCA WILLA ROAD, BETWEEN MILKY WAY AND TROTWOOD BOULEVARD AND MORE PARTICULARLY DEPICTED AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY "A-l AGRICULTURAL" ZONING DESIGNA TION TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT" ZONING DESIGNATION; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on March 6, 2002, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of this rezoning based on the testimony and information presented before the Board; and WHEREAS, based on the recommendation of City staff, the Planning and Zoning Board, and review of the competent substantial evidence presented to the City Commission on this rezoning application, the City Commission hereby finds that the rezoning complies with the City Code, is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and law, and that the rezoning constitutes a legitimate public purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Zoning Designation Amended. The zoning designation of the real property legally described and depicted on Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby amended from Seminole County "A-l Agricultural" to City of Winter Springs "Planned Unit Development." Upon the effective date of this Ordinance, City Staff is hereby instructed to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Winter Springs to fully reflect this amendment. Section 2. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2002-12 Page 1 of 2 Section 3. Severability. Ifany section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon Ordinance No. 2002-11 becoming effective. If Ordinance No. 2002-11 does not become effective, then this Ordinance shall be deemed null and void. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 10th day of June , 2002. Paul P. Partyka, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo- Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: April 8, 2002 Second Reading: June 10, 2002 Effective Date: See Section 4. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2002-12 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" MAP OF SUBJECT PROPERTIES OAK FOREST UNIT 7, TUSCAWILLA PUD EXHIBIT A-1 "---;-~~-:--_~'_'C__'__"__ ._~_ r--- ,...... LEGAL DESCRIPTION > . THATUNNAMEDRIGHT-OF-WAYL YINGSOUTHOFLOTS 55. 58. 59. 62. AND 63; SOUTH OF UNNAMED RIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEEN LOTS 55 AND 59 AND BETWEEN LOTS 59 AND 62; WEST OF TUSKA WILLA ROAD PHASE IV AND EAST OF TIm WEST LINE OF TUSKAWILLA AS SHOWN ON D. R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE MOSES E. LEVY GRANT AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1 AT PAGE 5 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA. Exhibit A-2 "...... .rhol porNon of Lol 7J. D.R. Milch~n'S Survey 'of lh~ t"vy Cranl pt:r PIal 800le I. Pogt: 5. S"minolt: Counly. Florido bt:ing mor~ porNculorl)' dt:scribt:d os follows: '\ Bt:ginning 01 tht: norlht:os( cornt:r of Lol 729. Oole For"sl Unil S~__n, os rt:cord"d in Plol 800le J9. Pogt:s 16 4t 17. St:minOl" Counly. Florido run N 14tJ5'JO' E olong Ih~ norlht:rI)' t:rl~sion of lh~ t:oslt:rly lint: of soid Lol 729. 5J.J8 f",,1 10 lht: soulh lin~ of JO fool plollt:d righl of "0)' os sho..n on Iht: ofort:soid O.R. Milch~II's Survey of lht: Lt:"y Gronl; 1I't:nct: N 87tJ5'21" W along soid soulh lint:, 159. 49 f~~l 10 0 poinl on Ih~ nor/ht:rly t:xlt:nsion of Iltt: ..t:sl~rly lin~ of ofor~soid Lol 729; lhenc~ S J,.'YJD. W along said nor/l'crly ~Jtl~nsion. 51. 79 ft:~l 10 lh~ norlhwt:sl corner of soid tal 729; Iht!nc~ S 84'5I'JO. E along lh~ norlherly line of soid Lol 729. I7J.B4 fet:1 10 lltt: pO/Nr or 8EClNNINC. Conloining 0.19 ocrt!S mort! or less Lor 58. 59 62 SOUTHERL Y LINE OF -.!!..R. MlrCHEU'S SUR~Y'or ~6J ANO THArpORnON OF'LOr 55 t - - - - LEvY GRANT. t rtNC "'f:Sr or rus - - - - _ _. __KAKfLLA ROAO '- ~ J ~ c:.ce...1- -.:. c( (>, .. .. ,. ~.-r ' .. ;W' ~n .'r ~~y .' PLArTEO RICHr OF WAY (Nor IMPROVED) ,,~ N 87tJ5'21" W .tt..... P.....,.r:J........s.o:.&.. L. 159.49' .---:~ 0 . Q i ~.... a..., .J~... ..... . .. '!.. .. i ^ ,~' --- ..~.,'''j p.~ lINtOTrco PORTION 0 -, ",0 ."..... '\ or Lor 7J O.R. IiIrolCu's Suq~r or r>-t:_" \I C -. ~! ~I; .. .,.. UW CHANT PCII Pf.AT 000< I. PA=t' " .!!j ~~......... , (CONTAlNINC Q. 19 ACRes "'ORe c;r LCSS) .,. ;g.. "- ~ ;,..~ 'j ~o ~ --/ /-- /!:;..,":!"''''' LIVC or ----uc.NA rA,RuS /,:.;::::." .~ . ' .."'10';'.- .... . ~. .~.. . .".: '".. a.~': :~~~O~.~'t ';".;'4.~: &'IJ}: I<.o-r .p~c:k.(q ~ .pr~~~~i.( ~Df.u\ ("F-. It :.'" ,.. . :~;;DI :,-,' . :....'C;:. ~c.~::"'......c:..'" ':..1.Ji!<.~"-E:..Jo "0(' (!) ,". ':'_!.';.-; ....~. .' ~;..:...".. I (I '/ e~~. - ~ e'j:i';.: ,GCX,\- . \ '.. . - '''. ~ ~ '- ~- 0 2'>l.di~~vc'~' /~ ~ / ~~ ~~ ~~ ~i ....-;:~ ~.... ;S~ ;SJ re ~\::. _ CQnN(1f or LOT n9 S 84"51',)0. r " 17J.04' nlf: NORTkC.- ~.r L""C or LOT 7217 LOT 72.9 OAK FORES r UM r SEVEN PLAT BOOK J9. PACES 16 & 17 :. . ". .. / / / / ,.. . t') /.:..:........... I ( . .:..q. ..' \IiI::" ,.;::I. '* .. ...., f CtJ .:/::' /'1 d .:. :" ex: ~ .:.: ...'; :'." ....;.. : :~ .-J'; :.;= c:.'. ..)::: ,-';" '" .-' (" .t', BEe.fJfJL 1) 'ft" Is ,..t 0 Suf'...,. Z) S.......... or. Mud on: fit. HOt......., .__. .f Cola 'Ot.'I' U"'l $....... ..... 000II J9. 'oqe, IS Ie 17 0' ..it., S 8.-".JQ- C. J) V_lie.. 00'-" I. ..u. "Oft: NA ;.. .) tile s.."..,.,. "" A.' ....'ee'......... loft.... ....... "......, '. ............. ...../_ "1"" .f _Of ._ ".C"'O. :a) N. UftCI-9"....,,4f .........Ioft.. ,........uo.. foot...... ., ~."1'I'I4Il't1. ".... ...'" toeOlt' ._c.", .. ......., 'J . ,...,. ...., O. .4......01 ,..I'elian.. .,hot ..... no. '.c......4 .". ,,,.;. .."....., 'h. I ...., b. rOvft4l ... 'to" C.."tll.C ''':O:~tU or ".i. ~...,ft" ') 'hi. $I...'c,", .... ,"c"or.. ,... .". Icf~'i..., "om.. "-eon .....d1 ... .."....,......,......,.... cen '1I'1tA lION: . . 1 ""'." CM.ir, ...... ."'. .lIde" ".p"......,.. ... I~. -.p "Ot .....d. -,,4., ""r 4:'.e'"", ... I'" cIIo'e ........ ~.,...., 00"i ,". ...1_,,",.1... ~",;SII.. 10 ,..~ II~ "...d ~ c.......... '0 .... WIHIUU" leClo4H'lCAl SIAHOAltUS roo LAHO SURY(nrlC ANt) W"'PIHC .. 'U( SIAle or fl.ORIOA ft .cc"'~onu ..;1" elt" C17-'. ,..... Ado,,;..oW.I;_~ C.cr.. I I '. I ~. 010J5-729 NA 'c.... ," = 10' L((,(NU ( )KErCH OF LECAL DESCRIPTION '5"2 0' ...,..... PA mlCK E.MAHONEY {. 'j 3 E.." e.<~",o.' ^-b t.._: tt...... S""-.... k 0 ~\ ~ '/ c{ ...,j" ~.l!. "'0 t- i 0 (""'-01'\ /..0:.1, ~ +i.., p"Gp'-...~i''f ..c.,'!l, o'p ,,~..,. r!,,_ O':Vl"""~ l.u....W'r"'~:...~ ,'...c..... ., "ce" P .R.Lllldd a...-n l "'''nr_~Si()"C\1 ~uf"'."t"ru" L "CI:-:,~,. . "" rlo";dQ Argo, '''0 'ion No ..J~Z . _ 1111 .00~d -;.toov. 1"_ si..".OI""'. Oftd '"'' Of'..-0I "O:UC: uQi 01 . '..,,:40 1:C....., twr..,." ....4 _"p~ ~ rO'"o Je. ..... Exhibit A-3 jr\ ~7vD7I&;';;-' ~;vi~vEruiC~~;;:PfNG C{JICI' ,.' J'.,,: : c....."...- A..r.. C;4'''''';'''. " ).:'/f.'j ,i~; I"I~ !t~,. 1,.:"111.,1. U..-.."." '~".: - './".':." ~.,h )'''''.':)'. .,. rO:~~1 ),.";,.:.,,!:} ( r.O.G.. rc.". or 8(c.""',,~ . ... ....... ...... ."'f ;,. ..,;........~. '. ., ~ ./"",' ,..-. Thai pO'lion of Lol 7J. O./? loIilche"'s Svr"..y of Ih.. Levy Gro,,1 plY Pial 800J< I, Pog.. 5.. SeminOle Cov"ly. Florida bei"9 mor.. parlicvlarly d..scribed os follows: " 8eginning 01 the northeast corner of Lal 7JO. Oak Foresl U"il Sev,,,,. os record..d in Pial Book J9, Pog..s 16 &- 17, S..mi"ot.. Counly. Flarido ru" N J1"IJ'JO' E olo"g 11,.. "ar/h..rly e"l..nsio" of Ih.. ..osl..rly line 01 said Lot 7JO. 51.79 f....1 10 th.. south Ii".. of JO 1001 ploll..d ri~hl of wo)' os ~ho",n on Ihe aforesaid a./?, Milch.."'S Sur",.y ollh.. L.."y Cronl: Ih..nce N 81'05'21" W 010'19 said soulh lin... 148.24 f....1 10 0 point on th.. "orth..rly .."t,."sion of Ih.. ",..st..rly lin.. of afor..soid Lol 7JO: Ih""c.. S 05U8'JO. W oJong said norlhedy exl.."sion, 40.75 fe..1 10 Ihe norlhwest corner 01 Lot lJO: lh""ce S 84'SI'JO' E olOl1g the northerly lin.. 01 said Lot 7JO. 125.J6 f..el to the PO/N' OF BEGlNNINC. Containing 0.14 ocr..s more or l..sS LO' 58. 59 62 SOU'HERL Y L/lVE OF _,_a'/~1 'CHELL'S SUR~Y'OF lH'} ~:~Na lHA' POfmON or LO r 5S - - -. - -- .f!!.ANT, L'/7NC Ifif"Sr OF IlISKAI\o7LLA ~ ROAD .,~ ~' V....<:.c-..1-:,ct Itl.:l".1 <>-1', W"'f OI.JTH LINE or JO' PLAT~O . ~ RlGla OF WA Y (NOr IMP/?OVF:O :' N 87'OS'2'- W '148.24' ~~()~ ." __ ~ ~ ~ ~ lJtwlorfFIJ POIII1QN or Lor 7.1 D,It. ...r~LL'S ~ $' <:: ~ p . SlM>f'r or 11ft: .........' + ~ !; \I) LCvr CHANT PeR P1.A( eOC/l< , PACC . ""OJ ..,.0 f IkC NOR"., LINt: or ~ ... <:> 'J . '<'; ~NA roAR..s c.., (CONrAININC 0." IICRt;S 1101>( on LCSS) .,. .:..,",: ___ s 84'S/'J . "<t~ \ Ik 0 C 125.J6' ~I ( NOR 1kt:Rl, r LINt: or N'" CORNeR Lor 7.10 .. or Lor 7.10 ~ -- .. ~ ----.--- ~ ~ ~ ... ... " LOT 730 OAK FORES r UNf r SCVF:N PLA' BOOK J9. PACCS 16 tk 'if..- ;ct., ..jet. "" e~ "oL (,'-Ie:. 'Of i 110:...... l b.3o cteo'f c.'\". .' . .".1 ......f.J.l., .~.,....';..,.~ ' ://..s.-' r--t;,A. i ~ ~J. .'-.1 (.. '. ....yc.:,,::! ~.? '-. ").- ......,:.; ;"J ~,. f.. . ". ..' ~. " - ." (1-" r:t G.' ,.... !!Ef!t}fJL ') I.... it Nt . ,ur...,. 2) 8..,,,,,, or. 1II0'ed on: '''I' H..."'...., a:... .1 0oIl. rewc,. u..., s......",. Pto' 8001l. J9. Poqc, '6 41 ., 0' lie:", S 84-""JO" t 3) V.tlie.. 0..""" I' _0"" Oft: NA ., 'ft. ~"'J"O' 1M, "Ot _,I'KI.. '''e ..,.., stao." hc'e.,. lot eo,em.nl' ...1., ,'''., .f _0, .f 'ceO'd. 'J N. ""*""0uf'WI "','''ot."". fOVftcfolOeft 1001"'9__ or ~~.,... "0... "Ieora 'OCO."d e-cepl 0' "O'.lf '} '''.,.1 IftOr Oc octdi.;onol I'UI,;clto.-.S thOl .,. "ot neel'dc. on ...-.. """.., '''<<' ...., .. I~ ;". I". p..u';c '.C'Oi'ctl 01 Ih~1 cOu'""r 7) f..... SII.'eft _01 ""IIlO'ed lot I". ICle"lil0e1 ~ed ,..'.." ...4 il ..".,,"....,'...O..ot.. eCA ,...oe..'l(lN: I ........, cw,a, ,..... 1"4 ......Ic.. '.~._I" _ ,..... ....... "'t' ....... v..d~ _, dOt.c'':'"'' _ Ih. dill" 1ol'__... C.....~d ... t._ :;""_"_'_. .......;...,... ,. -... "' ...~C'11I ..-4 C.....M..... "'- WIHtW\IU fCc:,-,.cAL SrAHOAnO~ (Oft lAHO Su'h('nHC AIlI'Q YAI'PlHC .. lit( ,rAIC f7 'Lon~. ;,. .cr;..4-cc .;,.. CI':"&'Cll-&. '1...... _..,;"..;"'.,._ C~<f )K[TCH or L[CAL D[SCRlPTlON "5" 2 01 ............ .......... "r m //?/ .-/\ -. ./ ,. Jl.CR1c:MJ Iu-". '-, (-'-'J'''!"'':S.O,.,ol :1"........'0.... .. :10:10('-- " r,o..;...'I 4~~;.. :"0 :;0'" ,:~ .. lGl ""01 ....,l~ .:1,..,.,,1 I"c '*9"01"". O"d Ih,! "'~..... 'o:''!-: "":'J' al . r'__;d'S I;:~"tcd ,.,.~,.,. ...d m~:"p~' c N/1 , ...,.. .... ror-' . ~i-{.cc.. BRIAN JAMES'OLlVER 1 . 1c.I.' 010J5-7JO 1" = -:0' LF:GlflU '-...1;..." ., I'a!~ r ~~ 1-" I~ " ~;; ".0 U.. '.()r.': or U((:n4f,""C E::..?f~;;' :i::i!',.....:YI~JC; l( ~.!,..~Pl:;(: COltl' )",0 ": :;~.,~....~ ^,~. n....~.,.'1 )t..1t~, I'.. :i.... ~;~:I....,'9. u.......t. r, 1.~1..."I ~.. "...,. '4 "!:, '10. '., :,:, .... Exhibit A-4 l\ I . ;... ,...... '''at portion 01 Lot 73. O.R. Mitchelt's SurVilY of t"e Levy Cront per Plot Soak t, Page 5, Seminole County. Florida be;"g more particularly dl!scribed os fol1ol#s: Beginning at the northeast corner 01 Lol 7JI. Oak Forl!st Unit Seven, os recorded in Plot Book J9. Pogl!s 15 <k 17. SeminOl1! County. Ftorido run N 05'08'JO' f along thl! northerly ulension 01 the eoslerly line of said Lot 731. 40.75 leet to I"e sout" line 01 0 JO 1001 plol/t:d ri9"t 01 ..oy os sl.o..n on '''e olort:soid OR. Milcllell's SurVilY 01 t"e Lt:vy Cronl: Illence N 87'05'21" VI 0lon9 said soul" liI'le. 75.05 It:el to 0 point on Ihe norlherly exlension 01 I"e wt:sterly lint: of oloreso;c Lot 7J/; IIIence S .05'08'JO. w 010"9 said norlherly extension. J7.8J It:et to the norlhwest cornl!r 01 said Lot 7JI: tllence S 84'5I'JO' f along the northerly lint! 01 soid Lot 7JI. 75.00 leet to the POINT OF BfCINNINC. \ LOT 58. 59 52 SOUTHfRL Y UNf OF __.D.~/TirCHf..LL~2u~~n'OF "~ ~:V~NgR;~~' PORTION Or..~O' 55. - -- --. --- .' L Y1NC K~S' OF 'US/(A'Ml.L - '- - '- '_ ~OAO ~ - Conlaining 0.07 acres more or less ~ ".c:. c'. .~ -t t':.e ... .' .' j J, f cot ......... 50UTk U. '!: OF JO' PLATTED RICHr.cJ /. WA Y (NO IUPRO\IE:O) N 87'05'2t- W 75.06'.. ~i~;? !INlortrIJ "0If1lOv or'Lor 1.1. "'ill ~ .~ O.R. ""rcun, 's SW'f:r -~ ~ p .., or THe LC.... CRANr I'C1r ~;; VI I'!.A r lIOt>t I. "AC€ . ~"'O . ~ --!~:~!.H LIN( or ".__ '" CONr_ dOT ACReS "'ORe OR L'SS ~_ c. S 8-1'51".)0. '!: THC NORnICRr. 75.00' r LIN(' or Lor 1J, NW CORNeR or LOT lJ' :; - LOT 731 ~ .. ~ OAK FORE'S r UNI' SE'VCN PLA' eoOK 39. PACCS 16 tk 17 .. ~ 11-1 b-e,,,. 1- "- Be.rr\~e:tle..3 .. ^"u.rl"o l a ! "3~ ct..t:"cy Lee: Ci .......:'.....,...~.~......~ .... .':":' .......l~(.' .... .. '0.' .' _ .. ,l .... '.'.. ;. ~. r: "6': \. , J ," /'1 1\ L ...~ I I. , ~ Ii', . " ;..: ..; IOJ e ~ J.o!': _' Ie .' D !, .. ,~~ r... <.J ,. :.. .... J <? f'\.. --:., ..; 11 '-:A:I;) l :. ~r'::1t\:S:.'-< .......1 .... ~:::.'~. .. ..~'; ~.. ~;, '2' ..i.... !UeD!l..L I) t... is "'VI . 1vI'''" 1) 8cOt~.... tHlled eM: 'fl. HorChc,., Me .. ~ rorct' Un;' S..IM. Plot dooll J9. PD9't't '6 . 17 01 ..:.., S 8."'- JO. t. 1) v., tical 00,,,,,, is lM.cell Of': HA . .) IIW s..r..,. ".. ..... "."oCI,.- '''' ........ "'._ ....,..,. '. ...."'."'.. ....1_ '.h .f .., .1 'ce.,d. . )) H. ........"evfttI ift............ ,OWft....... ....tt..t.. ., ..,p"............ h... ..c..- IoM:c'cd ..C'.' .. "''''4. IJ l"c,. #ft".,... od4ttioftol futrictloft. '"'' 8f. ..., UC0I4,. Oft 'hi. .""wc, 11\01 me, ... f~CJ ... '''' ~..;C 'ceOI'd. of I...... cOunty. 1) ,.... Sta.I"" ... "..porc. few .". I",..til;'. "01"" h...... 0ftCI i. .IIOftI'Oft...,...... e(A '''OCAIION: I 'tCf", C.",, '"'' ,,,_ .".le" 'cpt's,,,,,,. ___ ,.... __ _0. -04, _d'" _, ....ct.... .... Uu .... ......... .....d .... ,'-. ~''''_'I.... ''''''11;.'',. ,. .... .. "C'cd ...... c_,_.... ,. ""- .....UU ICONCAl SIAH04ICDS tOIl 1."'''0 ~v('t'IHC AHO Y..."PwC ., lu( SIAle or rlOROo\ :.. ecc.,OOftC. ..... O"'IC17...'. (lor... A*"...,.,..:.. e.... ro,..: .......... 5KE rCH OF LECAL OESCRIP no. NA \ a ALBER T F. MURRO BERNADETTE A. MURRO lc.... 1- :: JO' LE:G!:"D 1'.0.0.- POll I or fJEC".,..4C 010J!i-1JI (_c.... .,. I'tI!C/ R. . Pro'~ss~, S~v~,or L "o~~~r rlO"'ldG Rf"gts tr. tlO" No. .. 70~ ."'.l"\IIrot'd ..,,,..... I". .0.;".,,,,. Of'cf ,,,. ...~ot '0".. l uQII 01 0 ra..40 Gc."ucf '''''''FO' en. ..,oPP.'. C . ~ND IEC;,.... ~ SUnvEYINC 4< WAPpmC COR? l~~.i ;::';;:.;;~O.~;~.:t;;. r~l:::" cr; VoOcr "", JI.$'IO" IT l<.~::d ~~~::'~~';::)~I1' s: ft\ Exhibit A-5 . -lj"'I"~, :'''~t'~ '~ ~...... ..~... -....-.- '~""- " , :~ "" ,......, '"ot porlion of Lot 7,3. D.t? Mitel,e"'s Sur~y 01 tile Levy Grant pcr Plot 8001< '. Pogc S. S~inole Counly. FlOrida being marc porlieulorly dcscribed Os lOllo_'s: Beginning 0/ IIIe nor/heosl corner 01 Lol 7,32. Oole rorest Unil Seven. os recorclerJ in PIal Boole ,39. Pages 16 de '7, Seminole Counly. F"lorido run N OY08'JO' €" alOn9 Ihe northerly extension 01 tile ..asterly lin.. 01 :;oie! Lol 7J2. ,37.8J leel 10 Ihe soulll line of 0 JO fool plol/ed riglrl 01 ...oy os shown on Ihe aforesaid O.R. Milellell's Survey 01 Ih" Levy C--o"': tll..nee N 87'05'2'. w oIong soid south linc, 75.06 Iccl 10 a painl on /I.e north<!rly e"cnsion 01 Ille ....sledy line 01 oloresaid Lot 7J2: thence S OS'08'JO' W along soi<t northerly extension. ,34.90 leel /0 the north...esl corner of said La/ 7JZ: Illenee S 04'5,'JO. C along '''e norlherly line of soid La/ 7Jl. 75.00 lee/ /0 the POIN' OF BECINNlNC. Con/oining 0.06 acres more or less --- ~or '<<. 51. 6Z :o.;;-c"'" r LINC or "'/CHeLL s S....ot'r or IkC LC~nfAf """f/ON or LOT jj - - - _. _:"~_,"-1fNC ACsr or IVSK"'.'UA ROAD --.. -. " " DA.. r'- r -- .~ '::~t;- ~vt.:.... ~ SOU TH LlN[ OF. JO' PiA nr:O R1~'f, OF WA Y ; or IMPRO\lf"D) ~ N 87'05'2'- w 75.06' - -_____ ~i'o e:. U/Nf.orTCO P""11ON or LOT n. .... .!;! ~:-l 0;____ O.R. urrotCu"S S(.Wot'r -.... - 0.. ' '" 'l: ~ ..' or "".. LC.". CRANr P("R ",.,., ~ ~~P., Pf.ATSOOK,. PAct: S ~O:.~~ "'...~ eONr..~ ., 1:)..,,____ ~ NORn. LINC or . 0.06 Acnes _ 01> Uss "'a l:' '- ~NA r~ '" 0",:: S 84"51'.)0' [75.00' ~ n.c NORnfClIl.r IJTtC or (Or 7J~ NW CORN(R . or Lor nz ---'--. ... ~ .. e ----.-------- ---- ~ ~ LOT 732 '" ~ .. 2 .. ~ .. ~ l OAK FOI?ES r UNI r SCV("N II PiA r BOOK J9. PACES 16 4c t7 ! .. ~ .. .::! l C..~ .:. /'It:K Yo- .. ~~\"~ TCl.c. f:::~b~ r.... '/ . Co ~~. C'ht'ClY L~e ~:-. . .....: '\ t~ .~;.. , ~t.. ,... ~.. J. ~ i. . ..~; ~:/.,: ~ ~ rl '_ 10-. I.... . 'J -"... Q- " I v:.' -, t; ..." ....., .- ..... ... t ~. ...... .....<f!-... r.m:f\ ..' . BLeJlBI:. 1) ,.... i. Aet . ..-....,. 2) 8._......... '.'ad on: th. HOI'u.c.f, ..... ot 00_ '.est Unit Sc..-n. ....t eo. J9. P~~. l' 6: 17 ot .ain, S I.-'..JQ. C. J) Yet.e'" 00'- it ...... ...: HA c) ,... S-"'JO! .... ,..1 OII.I,oct,", lit. Ionds ...0.... ..CI'.... 'Of' COUtnefttt ..c/ot '9th of -0,. .t 'cCOr'd. 5) Ho UftCi_"OUft41 ..,tanot...,.. '~(MM '00Iin9J. 01' :mp,o.crncn., twa... kef' feCa'.ct ..ccp. .. ".'cct. ') r".,. moT ,. oddiHon41 ,nl,tcrllOft. "'0' or. not ,eCOId<<d Of' ,tie. 'UI'W, I.... mo, .. '0t.Iftd .. .... putt'ire 'cCOId, .1 ....., COVIII,_ 1) rfli. SIt.le" _., P".P_.d 'or 11M 14!."H,i.. nomed .......,.. OI'Id f, ."...1'....,'.,0...... CCR '11"1(;4 hON: I ""'''r cern., ,..., .". .~.tctt ,.."........ ... .hi. ....ep -0' -ode ......clI.,. '"1 41".CI-...- ... It'. clICI. ....... .....41 Oft ,... ..........t... ,....."'..".4 I. "". .. ".1.. ..... C""or,". ,. 1"- ......,.. ICOIHtCAl SloUGAAOS rOIl t.AHO SUR\(lWC 4HO wAPPIHC .. III( SlUe: rs 't.OftIOA ... C'CC:OIlh>>..u .;1111 C 'ICI1...'. ,__ ~ft;.l,.t.... CodtI. .......... .. ........ ro'" NA 5KETCH OF LEGAL OESCRIP no ....t.. I: I p,.o, f'Slionet s......y~yo" L HoOO"'" ~- 11; no,..id. Rf'O's t,... t'oft No. 4702 '- Uol -of;" .'("ow' .". ,~."'. ... ,,,_ 01:':"01' ,O:n<:J no' 01 0 r10l'4. .:cent" ",,"--cp ond m03"C". I, !~ I, ~' i. "... N... \C.I"", 010J5-7J2 1" = JO' L((;tml p.O.D " POoHI 01' DCOrn-<: c...C.... .,.. "IJ!!I MICHAEL n~ SHARON A. TACKA8ERRY TACKA8ERRY e Is:!: .- SURVEYWC '" U";>PIIJC COllI'. )':-" ~ C,,"'~"'.I A..f'.. O...~'lf.,. r. 'll'I~; ;':J ~~. '.....I"~~. a-no r. :a;t".~ v.~.. ("all ~.1-IO)~ . ... ~.:: -: I 1'.",. ;rl~" Exhibit A-6 --.. ~\ J~ ~c.c....t-c. ~ ......,...."f , .:j: ,. ... ......--y ~ SOU~ 'OF JO' PLArTF:O R7CHr OF WAY {NO'" ~ -N 877)S'21" W 7$.06' IUPI?O\lf:Cj _____ ~XO ~ u.c.OTfCD "OIr_ or (or.7..\ ~<<:1 01___ D.R. ....Ithnt.s JlAncr - ~~~ -: or I1tC U.-r CRANr I'["R""'-----b .. i ~...., ~ ~AT IIOOIt t. PA~ ~ 01 ~3i~ THe"'o .. ~ ~ NOR", LINe or C~NA rARIJ ~ ~rAJlotl"!C. a.N ACRes AlORf: OR ~ ~~.. ... _ .. S S84':;' . USS~.... I JO [" 75.00' :l; 1'kC _ f>tCR( r (WC or Lor .7JJ NW conNCR or LOT TJJ ,-... That portion 01 Lot 7 J. O.R. Uitchell's SUrYey 01 the Levy Cront. p~ Pial Book I, Page 5, \_ SeminOle County. norido being more parliculorly described os 1000ows: Beginning 01 the norlheosl corner 01 Lol 7JJ, Oak F'oresl /lnil Sit""n, os recorded in PIal Soos, J9. PogH 16 4c 17. SeminOle Counly. norido run N 05"08'JO' E along Ihe northerly ex~ension 01 (he easterly fine of soid Lol 7JJ. J".90 feel 10 Ihe soulh line 01 0 JO 1001 plat:ed righl of "01' os sho.." on Ihe aforesaid D.R. Mitchel/'s !XIr""y of /I.e Levy Cranl: Ihenee N 87"05'21- W clang soid soulh line, 7'.06 feel 10 0 poinl on Ihe narlheTly extension 01 Ihe ..eslerly line of oforesoid Lol 7JJ: thence S O'TJ8'JO' W olang said norlherly ."'tension, JI.98 leet to Ihe northwest corner 01 said Lot 7JJ: Ihence S 84"SI'JO' E along the northerly line of said Lot 7JJ. 7'.00 feet to the POINT OF' BECINNINC. Containing 0.06 acres more or less -- ~OT "'- -',. .~ :~Jn'i,.r."t r LIN(" or . _0.R. AI1TCHn,s SUt>t.1;r or n C a TkAT Pon_ or LOT SS I - - -- ~ L~CJl~nN~sr or IPJ$J(AMflLA /tOAD ---- a .. I --.-'--. =? ... ~ :J <> LOT 733 ~ .. Q ~ OAK FonEsr UNIT SEIoFN a PLAT BOOK J9. PACES 16 <k 17... .. ! ~ ~ U,i Na"" . Yc"... 50 He: e ~ ~ ~ P....... k "' 'i~t.. Cf.tt"cy Lt"c~ C' c ,r . ~, .. '. . ~ ' . :.... ~.'t C.. . ':', , (, "',..,- \.). , ,'"' I' - 0 ' -' ;~ ,,::-: ii: fl i . J .A' ~ ..' ~,. ............ ...., ";'.1 .,,,.) ...J c'''' .I~ .:. . ,'t:,... BEeJJ11.J;. .) "'... it .... . .....,..,. l) 8..,;...g. -. "...d Of\:' '''. NOf't"-fJ' """ .1 Colt r.,csl VAi. SC...... P10. ,... J9. P~'I I' " IF 0' be~. S I."I.JQ- c. l) V.,lic.- 001,,", .. tto..4 ...: NA .) 'ft. s.-...,., "os ftO' .,uoclcell 'M 10ftClI. ......" ~COl't 'Ot H'lctft...I, 0t'tcII/01I ,~.. ., ..., .f 'cCOId. ') Ho wAcII"'9f'OlIH\e11 "'......,_.. 'OYftdeI:o-. '00'--.,'. ., .....OW'C'ffteftl. ..... ..... 'oe.h. ..c... n ".'.4. ') '''e,e ",., .. o~'_oI ,...,,.icl..,., '''.1 Of'. "01 "ccor4.4 Oft u.,;. ,."..., ...... '"0, ... ,.......-cI.:.. '''c ,v""tc tecord' 01 ."'. COVftI,. 7) '''i. S-.ICh -01 "".,"ed lOt I"e kf.',........ nomeell "tleon Of'd ... -"OftltOft'l''''.'''e-. CCR IIToC", liON: . I ...,.., CU''', Ih.' '''. .....Ic.. I..,......,h. .... .hi. ,.... -... -.-. .....~ "', ~.CI.... ... 'h. 411." ........ ..,.. 0-. I". ...,..."..,.... 1..",,.;.,,....4 I. -c " ~I~CI ..." C4'f',...... I. lfille ........uu ICOtHICAl SfAHOAllDS rOlll.AHO SlJIt"t1'lflfC AHO KAPPINC ec ruc Sf.,( IS '1.0IIGa. .. ..C""",u ..... "61CU...'. r....... A...-;...;..,....... c,..,.. ....,. ....t,... p Jl.1.lll6.J I',.OrC'SSlono. S""""'f'YCY' L "'.""f''' .. rlO'id.. IIrQ''' I,... lioft No. .. 10l .'401 wOt~ _it"...1 Ihe 1=t".lwI_ 0I'lI4I I". ...:,:.... .~lCd ...., IC~ 0' . rWfdo 1<:1ft". wur-e,ot ... "...,.cr C /-c7vD I EC:; ~ ~ SUItVe;YINC & IoIAI'?I:lC CORl'. ]~ S. Cr...v'.. A.,r.. 0........,. '1. Ul"~ CJ PIJ 'o~.;.Z:Q?:O'~~~;~i;'~ mT~ n ! ",.~'~:4 (2~~!~~~1:~~~.. t < "'" ror, Se.'.. I' = JO' LCGCNU ,...c...... .,.. #'(1/11 K[ rCH OF L[GAL O[SCRlP no NA UI NAM PARK YOUNC !fEE PARK OTOJ5-7JJ 1".00.- POrNt or OCQrmlNC Exhibit A-7 ii\ .,....._~-: .,........ .~.. ... - . . c ~ ~ ~ .' Thot portion 01 Lol 7J. D.R. Milchell's Svrvey of Ihe Le..y eranl per .::!::/ (Joo;" Sl!minol~ County. F"lorido b~ir.r; mor~ particularly d~scriO~~ os loIlo,.,~ P:l';'" 5. ~ Bt:ginning 01 Ihtf l1ortht:Osl COI'n<!r 01 l.ot 7J4. Oak Fort!st Unit Sc...~..~. os rCCO'd~d i" .::J,a! SOak J9. Pages 16 <k 17. Seminole Cov"ly. Florida rvn N 0:;'08'JO' 0 olo"g (.".(' ncr:.~e':y exlension of Ihe eas/erly line of soid Lat 7J4. J/.98 fect 10 the sc..,:.~ line of c JoJ 1"'''1 plollt:d right 01 woy os show" on the olor~so;d D.Il. 1.';lch~"'S Sur~.~ 01 tll~ Lev.v ere...,!; thcncc N 8rOS'21" W olong said sovth ti"e. 75.06 fect 10 0 point c,' the northerl)' e./cnsian 01 Ihc westcrly linc of oftYcsoid Lot 7J4: Ihence S 05'08'JO. W 01:;,,'7 so;d nortbedy extension. 29.06 Il!l!t 10 the ntYthwl!st corner 01 said Lot 7J4i thence S 84"5: 'JO. [ along tile norlherly linc 01 said Lot 7J4. 75.00 feet to Ihe POINT OF SCClNt/iNC. Containing O. OS ocrC$ morl! or I"ss ---- Lor ~ '11 67 :OU""CRt..,. LINC or - D~TCHCU ~ SUlr"f',. Or nt(" ~~~ tHAT I'ORf1ON a to; " .. - - - - ~L~It('S~ n,,$('A*,'A ROAD -- IhC _"., ,~ -~NAr~sOF 'r- -.- ---- - v. I !::' <<- c.c...1' oe.t ~/~^+ 0 i' . _ '0 " "'-'-y ~ .., LINE OF JO' PLA TreD RICHT OF IV"'''' 1 ~ N 87'05'2'. IV . f!!2.! IMPROVED) .. :0 75.06 _ _ lit X <::I <0 ""'-Drill) I'ORf1ON OF' Lor ~.J. ... "i:-l 0 D.R. ..1Ot("u"s SlN>>f',. . , ~~~ 0;- OF' 1kC LC.". CRANr PC" ____~ o~~. ~ ~lI') "" Pl..., BOOK I. PACC, , 't) !:i~"""""'" ~ "'<::I CONT. .:; 1:)"''' "" ""-c o.~ ACRCS "OfrC OR LCSS . ~ ~ ~ S 84:5".10. C <::I ~... '\ 1kC NOR/)t(". 75. 00. <: . ",-,. UNC OF Lor ~J' <--- -~---- ---------- NW COllNCR OF' Lor TJ4 ~ .. <:> .. ~ OAK FOReS r (lNf r SeVCN .. PLAT BOOK .19. PACeS 16 ~ 17 ~ LOT 734 a ~ .. ~ ~ ~ c:: a ~ f( <<-.....s /4.. d +lOc:.k(~ ~ b~ 8 Cl,.pcy Le e Ci~. S ~ !!.WJfll:.. II """.. _ . -"r. 1) 8............ H," on: the Norther', "'e of CoIl r.,... Uftil ~. Plot 8.- 'f. p~. I' 6: 11 ., ...~ S 1."'5'">>''' C. J) V_leal 0.,,,",,, i. "'cd Oft: itA 4) "'. $.t~~ "os nol GO"'octed the londs SI'lo",", h_._ lor tn___1I ..",_ ,..".,. ., _0, of 'CCot'. ') N. lMCta9'OUftCl ".101101*'1. fOUft4oI_ rOO I"",. or irnpto...-nent. ho.. at"" toc::o.ed ._Cep' 01 ,",oleeS. ') 1h.,.. me,. _. ocll,a.... f'UI'tct..",. tho' -. 1'101 rcc_ctccl .,. U-O. 1"""7 '..ot ",., b. 'OvftC: "" the ""'''Oc 't':cw,,, 01 I~. COVItt,. 7) 'ft;. $Ia.lm -0. ,.'..,.. tor .". tdOftti,o.. ,.....4 hc#.... ~cI i'l ."""f'4J"sf...Il'.~... CCfllll"C" 11ON: I ...,.., CCf'lil, ~I '''. ...Ie" 'cp"ctcnl.d Oft 'hO'I ""'OCt -os mocIc ,,"4e1 m, .,.oI'lP'Ct.... .." ''''. dOl" '''0-'' ao~e. DO" Ihe :"Ior-..... 'U"...;~"c4 .. -. ... nol~d .., c....__. .. .. ~ I(OtMCAl S'AHOAROS 'OR l.AHO $U'h(fttfC ANO WAI'PIHC ... "1( SrA'e ry '1.()A().. ... II(C.......u .;." 04 f"=I1-I. ,....ft AdnII;,.;.I'....... Cocte. ..... . . .":0-> lh ..... . ,..' "<V . . /~1..:.~~ :'€'J.. ;'..~~\ . .~ !/~-:lTI\ ct 1- ,,, e =n .! \ fI....Q8 61;fo, ' (\. ->;) c., f".... ~ "f\) I ~-("3'\'i..\'" :J .'" ..I"~I (0"'. ........ .., (J ,KETCH OF LEGAL OESCRlP no HANS HUG rwALCKER NA 'c.,''' 010J5-7J1 1- = JO' l(G(,," r,O.o.. I'OIIH or O!CdofNINC c.:....c...... ., "rfl~ Exhibit A-8 i1\ ~~D IE~ St:i~VEYWC I.:. ~1^I'Plr;C COllI'. J",: ': c..",,-:;,.. Io.r. D.of04'2. (, J"~1(.~ ,..; it.,. 1'?'Of.h? 0-",,:,,"". r, 'Z1r~ .,-..,... -.". :fI'.:"I~)I_ . ~.. -, ,...... l C (J (f. IT ... .. -_...... -.. ~. , ".... That portion of Lot 7J, O.R. Mitchell's Survey of Ihe Levy eront per Plot 800k I, Page 5. " Seminole COtJnly. Florida being more particularly described os follows: Beginning at Ihe northeast corner of Lol 7J5. Dolt Foresl Unil Seven. os recorded in Pial 800k J9, Pages 15 &c 17. Seminole Counly. Florida run N 05TJ8'JO. c along IIIe norlherly I:xtl:nsion of Ihe eosll:rly linl: of said Lol 7J5. 29.06 feel 10 1111: soulh linl: of 0 JO fool ploltl:d righl of way os shown on Ihe aforesaid D./? Milcllt!/I's Survey of 1I't! Lt!"y vonl: IIIt!nCe N BrOS'ZI. w ofong soiC: soult, linl:. 75.06 feel 10 0 poinl on /I.t! nor(herly t!x(l:nSion of Ihe wt!sll:rly lint! of ofort!soid Lol 7J5: Ihl:nCI: S OS'08'JO' W olollg said norltlerly extension. 25./4 fel:l 10 IlIe norlhwesl corner of SO'd tal 7J5; /I'enee S [1-I'5I'JO. c along IIIe norllle"y linl: of said Lol 7J5. 75.00 fl:el 10 thl: PO/NT OF ScClNNINC. Containing 0.05 oerl:S more or less '< ~ ~ .. --- -- Lor ~ 5J 1:1 i:":J"'CRl. r {JNC or ~,.,r~{'s Sl.fl'~,o,. "II: u~rpOR_ or {or" ~ -- - --. ~ -:~.~ ~A"'('A ROAO I>IC _", LI#iC or CARw:NA FARMS 7- ~ ..............1.,.ct /~II.~ . . _0 ~ ~F'- . to~'( ~ -, . Wc OF' JO' PLA TFrO RICH .,. -L ' OF' WA Y (N r IAJPnO~O) .. ; N 87"()5'21" IV 75.06' j..--.o____ __ ~~ I/NtOrTCD ~~ or Lor 7.J. .' -.... ~ .....-- D.R. NtTOICL{ S -~r __' c::... : __ V or "t€ Uvr ClfANr I"CR ~ ~!it it' .. PlAr /1001( t, PAq S 0; ~.,.~ ~... CONr~ O.Os ACReS IIOItC OR U '" ~Ci~ _____ S 84"5I"Jo- C 7. . SS c::.~.:: I>IC NOR :5.00 ~ l>ICRl..r {f#iC or {Dr :1Js HW CORNeR or Lor lJS LOT 735 ., ., ~ ~ OAK FORCS T UM T SEVCN .. .. Cl Cl PLA T SOOK J9. PACCS f6 tk 17 h a ~ ! E"'''e~ 1- ... i?1......,,-.:.... .. .. ~ : 6.... ti-l:!. e. .., p ~ b etl eoy Le 't c,....~ . l '10 . . ~ !~.l(J ", . .. .., ,. /1:'" .. r ;; .. <:" .... r~ {.J ....'J U J- . (,', ~ t. e' 1 - ."" ~ lr I r.. c. '~" 51:5 or! :..,'f t'~ v';) " f'...... *oJ . ...:(,!? !1EE!JB.I:. r.rn'\ v ') ,.... it; .... . sw...,. 2) O....ftts.... "'cd Oft: 'h. HOflNl1, "". .1 ODII rorc.. "'"" Se~ Ptot lOOk J9. Pot., ,. . 17 .s .."..." S &4"'->>- L J) Vorl""' 00...... is ....... "'" HA .) ,,,. S-"JCW he, ".. ...t,ocl.4 &he '-'ef, ....... he'''''' ... H,~h ......1_ '9-" .f .., .t Ice...... " No ..4.',,~ ....''''(1.,... .......;.,. 1001:""". ., ...",........... he.. ..eft Iee"_ ecc_' .t ^O1... I) ,,,.,. me, It. ocf4it...ar futlkt..,.. tftot .,c ft.t 'ccor,ed Oft WI ""..., ."0' IftOJ' .. found' ;,. the pvblic ,.cO"ch or Ihf'l COvftI,. 7) I"', Slteleft_.. "'.'Of'cd 'Ot' tfil4 .....til.... "Om." 1I.,cOft end :, .."OI\t,....,C'I'OW... cen '/I"rcA IlON: , ......c., Cef'I;', ,..... ,... ...lch '.......-".4 .... 1";11 -OIl -0' ..-..,. ..-.ell.... _, "~cl.... .... 1"_ ..t. ......... ....cd Of' lhoe ::""'_.t'oft r_";~.d t. _. .t fIlO'.eI .... C......,..,. Ie Ih. ~14 ICCt...c:.-c. SIAHOARDS rOIl l.AHO $UA1f(nNC AHO YAI'rtHC .. 11Il( SLUt or 'lOReJA ... MC.......C. ..;a... os. 11_'. 'lor.... .......-........... Cude. KE rCH OF LECAL OESCRIP TlO .......... NA I , ERNEST R. SATTFE ELAINE M. SA TTFE JO"- ,... sC'..~ OIOJ5-7J5 ,. = JO' L(G(ND P.D.D.- PooHI 01' DCClNf'WC t;.....c..... __, ,.~<< " v ,. LCRldd 1J.:N,. r....O't"~s.Ono( s",...W'~yOf'"' .. "'..:;JOC'''' ,. rIO..-Id'O R("Q" \,.. UO"" "0. 41~ -Hot ~Ocf .0'''OUI .". ,;.q"OI"". ....4 .... "~--oI 'O:'('C: t~oI of . ,..,telo 1.4aftl.. SVI... .,.cr fII.O"~ ro..., Exhibit A~9 ..::,... tj /i\ /,.ND Is~ ... SI)~VF:Y(NC '" ~1^"I'J:1C COIlf' , )jJ -: c.....t..". A..fO.. C.....,:J. fl. "~'{,'j .. U 1>2. G.~I""'~. O"~~""." lZII,Z v"....' ceo" J,!,.j'11J~ .,. ~41;t )I'.,#.r''''l! ( (. I~ '''' Lor ~ $g. ,~ 1"':.J"'CItt r l~.'( or 0.R. ..TOtC,,'S SUR"!"r or "fe U~;:~f L"::::"ON cr La'. 'j < ~.~ ..~.~ ~~-----r-'----'--- V"'c....1-c.~ ~..."jl\.1 co'f" -St PLA';;;~~, OF WAY r,.,:' IUPROIIFOj L ... ! N 877)5"2," w 75. 06' . _ 1( lJJ<l.or1l:D __ 0, . ____ ~___ D.R. ..rOlfU~ sJ,~/~ ..:. N 05'08:;0' E l>fC-TJlLlNCor".__ --- Ii:-' ortIlCU".,.C1t_Tf>CR0...~1 ~ 26.14' ~~NA r~ ~ CONr~~=~or:. ~ACC , ~ ~ ~ . S 84"5':;0" J.....,.... tn, ;:: \. - TJlc -TJlCRty C 75.00' ..: \. IJNC or LOt 7.11 I I I , I ........... .' .... ". to' .~.> . ......:4"),. "\E ~ ...~.. :,. v~... h J. '. (,1 ~J'.;:- ~'u e' r; cl ~!1 ~ ~r:: S ~. .-..;J;) "J ~ ;;<::, . ,,,,,,J r.cr.")\ " r- "..... ThaI portion 01 Lol 7J. O.R. Uilch~11's Sur""y of Ihc Lcvy ero,,' ptlr PIal Sool< I. Pogc S. Scmin,olc Cou"'y. Florida bcing morc parliculorly dcscribt:d os fOllOws: 8t:9i""i"9 01 Ihc "orlh~ost cor"cr 01 Lol 7J6. Oak Fort:sl U"il ScVt:". os rt:cordt:d i" PIal Baal< J9. Pogt:s '6 .. '7. StlfTlinolc Cou"ty. Florida ru" N OS'08'JO. f clon9 Iht: "orlhcrly ~"'c"sion 01 Ihc ~oslt:rly linc 01 said Lol 7J6. 26.14 "ul 10 Ihc sou/l. H.1" of 0 JO foot plollcd righl 01 woy os sho.." 0" Ih~ afort:said D.R. Milch,,:I', Surv"y of I"t: Lt:vy Cronl; /."~"cc N 877)5'2/" W along said soulh li"c. 75.05 fcel 10 a poi,,1 a" II:" "orlherly t:"I""sio,, of Ihc wcstcr/y li"c 01 olorcsoid Lot 7J6; Ihc"cc S OS'08'JO' IV 010"9 seid "orlh~rly t:"lc"sion. 2J.22 Icct to thc norlhwcsl eorn~r of said Lol 7J6: Ihc"cc S 84'5"30. , 0lon9 Iht: "orlhcrly linc 01 said Lol 736, 75.00 Iltcl 10 Ihc PO/NT OF 8ECtNNltVC. COIItoi"ing 0.04 oercl marlt or Icss NW COf/HCR or Lor 7.11 LOT 736 .. ~ OAK FOREST LtMT SCII["N Pl.AT 800K J9. PACES 16" 17 ;J ... ~ ... o a ! ... ~ ~ & "'f~ CJ...:.....1 e.t ... ..J~...~ b ! .. .~ C.i,.. ... .~ 1-1... '"' "lo\ Cheol( Lee. 1 '. ~ --:~ BJ:f!J1IJL ') r,.;., it ...t . .""..,. 2) .....-....,. Mt'" on: 'It. Not'......, Gr._ .1 00II r....tt Uftil 5........ Plot ..... )9. P09C1 .__ * u " ...., s a4"31"JO" t. J) VOl'"" Oal_ .. M..d on: HA . .) r... s..r..,., ..." ft.' ob,lteclc4 .... leftd, aho." hC'f." 'or coscll'tCfth .,../'" ,."... ., "Y' or I'C'Cetd. ", No ~"t'~ ..10000lionll. '...".401.. ''''''''~ ." '"'0,...........,. II... ..." aeco'.elI ..c.' .t ,....... I) f".,. me, .. lICI4:1~ rul,SclJo,,. thel ore ft.' 'eeor'ccl Oft '''i, Iwr~, tAot "'0, b. r...".tI ... lAc pvOlfc 'ecorCs of ,"i. COUf"II,. 7) r..;, SlIo.CII ..... ".....d 'or 'h. U...lit... IIo"'c4 ""'fOI' on4 It .ftOft.......~IHAI... etA ''''OCA'ION: , "......, C.,li', '''0' .". '''.tc'' '4""0..,.1.4 ... Ihi. -_ _0' ....-.61 tHWt... _, "';'.ct. ... 1"_ ...t. "'..11 It..... ... '''. """'_.'~ '_.....h._ t. M. ., ".'.-d ~ c....'....... '0 .... .........,., t(OtM~ SJAHOAIIOS rQA lAHO SUA~nHC ANO ..~ .. h4( SIale tT 'LORIO... .. ecc..~. ...1" CH.'leU.'. rkwiN "-"At I'.''''' Cede. ,.Jt.~) ............ Pro'.f,OSlo"al S","'v~,O'" L "'Obo~"" ... norido IhoO's t,..o tiC" NO. 410Z .Nol YGl14 .I"'loul '"'' 1~"OI"'. Df'd I"e Qtl""ar ,o;Ud' l uOt 0' 0 (I.,;c.o ':U...ted I"'....,.. and ,"o,It'f:"''' c: ~JVD Isc::" CJ SUW:E:YINC f. ~{^rI'ItIC com'. J~~lli ;;~t~;:o~;~'u.2~;.~;; r~l:J,~:'~ u: ,,,'t'":- (40:' ",'j-;1)'.. rr '"oo "HI't 1',';.:_1'" "7 5KETCH OF LECAL OESCRtP no ...~ Ie....... 5 J/Ol NA ro,., -.... Ic.'.. 1 N = JO' I.EG(NO Cftorc...... _,. I'6t, CHARLES A. HAUM. JR JANE M. HAUM 010J5-7J6 p,O.O.. po", or OCCWofNIIIC Exhibit A-tO JX -.,..-...~......,......-....." , a 0':" ,--- ;,-- "'at portion of Lot 7J, OJ? Milch<1Il's Svrvey of Ihe Levy Cront per Plot 800ft I, Page 5. " Seminole County. Florida being ,!,ore porticulorly descr,bed. os (oIlo...s: Beginning 01 the northeast corner of Lot 7J7, Oak Forest Unit Sevlm. os recorded in Pial 800k J9. Pages 16 J< 17, Seminole Counly. Florida run N 05'08'JO. t along the norlherly exlension of the eOslerly line of said Lot 7J7. 2J.22 feel to Ihe soul." line of " JO fool plotted right of way os shown on Ihe aforesaid O.n. lJilc,"ell's Survey o( the Levy Cront: thenee N 87"05'21" W 0lon9 said south line. 75.06 feet 10 0 point c., Ihe nor/l'erly eKlension of the westerly line of aforesaid Lot 7J7; thence S 05'OS'JO. W along said northerly extension, 20,JO feel to /I'It! northwest corner of said Lot 7J7; thence S 84'5/'JO. E along the northerly line of said Lot 7J7. 75.00 feet to Ihe POINT OF BEGlNNlNC. Containing 0.04 Ocre$ more or less -- tor j<J. ,g. IZ :"':J1HCRt r t"'f: or ~.&D~ "s ~~r or nlC 'CV~7:~r 'CMno:. or Lor " - -- -. ,~~ "..~ ItISKA"~'A ROAo --- --.- _0_- ,- -- ~ V#..C.dL+<' ~ R(~J\..,. ..i' ; S: .... LUo_y - L .. ~ ..JO' PLAT':O.RICHr OF WAY (NO~ 1MPROVE:Oj X N 87'0521 W 75.06' . ___ !l 1Mt0rrco I"ORBON OF tor 7J. ..: N 05'08'JO- ~ - :t____ o.lf.. "lD<nt'$ -IoCr ~ ~ . <; ~ or Tk€LCWQt_r~,,~~__2J.2:r ... I'I,A r IIOCK I, PACC , ~ COfr.-.w: 41H AC1ICs "'OfC" or uss ~ C: ______ S 84'5I:Jo- E IkC -IkCRtT LINC ~5.00' NW CORNCR tor 7Jl or Lor 1.J7 SOUTH u. S 05'06'.JO. w 20.JO' '-.... /hI: _,., ~NA r~sOF ;:, .. ~ .. ~ LOT 737 ... ~ .. ~ a ! a OAK FOI?Esr UNIT Sl'VE:N ... PLA T BOOK J9. PACES 16 J< 17 ! .. ~ -101\00\ .. l:J .. ~ E I i:z......b<::.~ Sec:..le. fe.1f-'-/ (h.!'oy Lt!~ ... ~ .. ~ ... c.'''''~ -, ..'-'0.,- . T to . "'~\ ...' ~ . ~ I::~' !l. b .....\ ~', ;:: l" e. . ct-:q -: It: ; !l ('~ '. ~ <:),,' ". oJ.) c, f\.- ..... ...:' ,- <:;) r.fni't~J.- Ie !!I:EfKJ.J.:. 1) fth.t ~ flol . ,,,,,..,. 2) ....~..,. .O'SH ~ 'It. HoI't"""t tine .r 00Ia ror.st Uftic St.c,,- Plot 8... J'. P09" I' 6: U os ".~ S 8.-".JO- Co J) Vertic.. 0....... is .....4 1M: HI. .) tft<< S-....,.. ..... 1M' .'''ee'.d 11M ....4. tho." IIet.... lot ....lftCfII.. "",,/_ ,itft.. of ..., 0' tCCOId. ') Ne ~...,,0vft4II ...,.....;.,.. fovn4otion 'ootirHas. .. ......Ch"tm~t. _.. ...... toe.'efll ._u,l 01 fIIolecl. ') r,..,.. ",., .. ..u;t.oI '.."kt..... &I\ot .... ftot UC0I"4.4 -' th:, ......, ...... ...., " ~ :.. 'fl. .",&Jfic 'cC~d, of 1"'1 COUf'I, 7) h.., S..lc" -0. .....,..,.." '01' .". ",*,1:1... nOftl." ""4Ion 00'4 ~ ...en.'....'If...~.-. C[''''''C.. loON: I "."" C"-'''J 11ItO. I". ....tCfl "1"'....1.. Oft ,"i. "'0fI _., Me" "",III., _, ...el.,. ... I". .... s"o_ ..".11I on '''<< ;..'........1_ ~";'''..d t. ..... ., ....Ie. .... c.,.,.,_. .. 1ft. YeHlWUU I't09.cAl SfAHO.....OS (OR lAHa StIII\'(1'INC AHO WAI'PIwC .. lit( sr.,e OII\.ORtOA '" iKC..denc. .i:fIl cu.'leu.... rot', .J(O~,\ )<>~...(~ EUZA8ETH E. SEALE c .~.....~. )KETCH OF LEGAL OESCRlPnO NA 'c.... 010J5-7J7 /- = JO' L(G("~ 1'.00 . "(JI~" or n(r.::n~.C ~ND DseN .' ..... :;::;~\'i::YINC ,.. M^?i'INC CORI' lj-: : c....,,... ^Wf'... c;.....,o.,. )l1f.~ (; iI:'o:.:';~O?4ZG 1 ~J_;.;~ 1t:I"~l{_ Jl J!.2 r . .._ , ..!]1 J "..00: .:~~:o: l".....c.... ., IP/Z~ .........- p,.crl!"~'O""1 S""r",C'yo'" l ""~O:>'l"'" " r~2,.tcfG R("9'~ 1."0 tio" ttO. 410Z NOI -OIOd ..I"~I ft.. ':1nOlv'. on. I". ...;,q:"QI 'O:UIJ ,~QI of . r.,,~O '<enud ,W".-e,.,.. on. "'0;7tlC" c Exhibit A-ll )~ t <: - --~...- ......~ .. -- . -" -:...-...... -~- ,............... . :\ ':1. . ..;~ -.. .\ Thai porlion 01 Lol lJ. O.R. "Nlchttll's -SUr"f!Y 01 Ihe Ltt"y Cronl pc'- Pial Book I. Poga 5. ScminOltt Calmly. Florielo btting mOf'tt porliculorly elttscribttd os lollo..s: 8ttginning 01 Ihtt norlhttosl cornttr 01 Lol lJ8. o.ok Forttsl Unil Stt"ttn. os recorded in Pial 800k J9. PogttS 15 &- /7. Semina", Counly. Flor;<1o run N OS'OS'JO' E: along Ihe norlhttrly ttxlcns;o" 01 the tto::"r/ I.ntt of sO;d Lol lJ8. 20. JO leel 10 "'1: soulh lintt of 0 JO fool plolled r;ghl 01 woy os ShOwn on /1'1: y oforesoid D.R. ...Iilchttl/'s Survey 01 Ihe Lttvy eronl: Ihence N 81'(}S'21- IV along said saull. hntt. 75.0.5 feel to Q point on lht! northerly e'llen:;'-on 01 tI'e- westerly line of aforesaid Lot 7JD: thence S O:;"OO'JO'" t":,' along said norlharly eJtI ttnsiOfl. Il.J? Icttl 10 Ihtt norll,wttsl corner 01 said Lol 7J8; Ihttnce S 84'5I'JO' [ along IIltt nOt'lherfy line 01 said Lol lJ8. 75.00 leel 10 the paiNT o.F BCCINNINC. Contoining a.o.J acres mo", or le:s Lor 54 .s, ~2 f":"'CRt r LMYC cr D.R. Ulla'CLL " ,U1hcr'cr nif: ~ ANO IkAT POI1nON OF LOT 5.s -- -.- - - ~~ ~r. ~ "~ ItISKAMftLA ROAD ---- c" V4%..~o...1-c.d1 r b ., I .-_L_ S 05'08'JO. I7.J7" l!. / .s 4. 1- ;. I.Vt:O-Y Irj OCITH LINe 01'" JO' PlA ... rreo RlCHT OF WAY (NOT IUPROJ, ') .. . N 87'05'21. W 7:1.06' ~x ~ ~<< UNtOT1R1 PORIION cr LOT lJ. ~ ~___ stml("y cr 1HC U'\'r CRANf:c,,"'TOtCtL:f _ (;).. : -:Ii'" IIOOt / p cc I'l.A"___(;) ~~~ ~ .:l . CONTANNC o.o~ AO:S ":"c OIl LCSS 2 ~ g ~ - S 84~I'Ja- C 7. . '" ~~g---- IkC NOR IkC. :s. 00 Rt r L.wc or LOT l.J4 <: 0+ n.c NORfJI LINC or CARnrItiA r ARAlS NW CORN(R or LOT lJlI .. ~ ~ LOT 738 OAK FORCST UNIT SCIlf:N Pl.A T 800K J9. PACES 16 tk 17 .. :: ... ~ a ! .. ~ ~ ~ F 1'\0 I'\. a ~ Wi 1'1 kle.v- Ckeoy L~c. c.t.......' .. ~ .. ~ ~ i:.Y-b ....... t .:: ~~V . t.~ ~ .'r., t,. _~~ ri b J.. ... to., :~ ,.:~;~;!! '~~~ 0'....; . '>- ~:J L.') ~".,. ~00,J ~ty r.cC'.1i'\:', . BEeJ2B..I:. 1) I,,;, t' ".. . sur".,. 2) 8.~~. or. '.'.elI Oft: '''. HO'therl, .:... or 001I 'oru. iJftOl $<<....,.. PI.. a.oa. J9. P..., '6 6:' '1 .,1 ...~9 S 3""5IOJO" C. J) VClIOcOl o.lvI'ft ill ItOtc" Oft; HA 4) 'h. S-..,. "0. AO' _",<<Ie4 u.c Iortcfs th..... hetCOft ,_ ...em_I, ""/01 ':qt.'1 of -aT .f ".COIeI. 50) Ho WftCI...9'....... -...-.....,. '..,....10. fool~'. Of' "'p'O"",C"U 1'\0.. M..- 10<.,,,,, Cltee,. ., ",-lecl. 6) r".,. ",., .. Od4a....... ,.,1'<'.., 'ho' .,. Ht '.cOt4e. 0.\ lhi, tAlI"'" ,.... ""r .. 10Uftd' .. ,,,_ ",e.I< t.,e...., .1 I";, COVft.,. 1) '...,.:, ". ....c"c. .. 'ft. "....... of v.. .1 Iho ....op...., ...:eft ~. "ft'etl . ...,~. cto:rn or <<.I.me". .t"'".. '''eA 1"0.. ~ ... Ihe .....-c, 0) r.... S-c1C" -.1 IN.pored 'or ,"- kkftli,;c, "em.. hCl'C'" ....41 it .,.,.,..,......,........ 9) imp,.""",,.,",. .,11... II..., Ipcc;r.c "".""$11. h... "0' lNeft locolcd ., . ,.... .f Ihi, ''''-C1- Ctll ""CArlON: I ".,c_, cc,I;I, 1".1 Ih. .lIcac" 'cptc,."'I." .. (hi. IftQO -., ~ "",de.. _, ...<<1. .... I". ..,. "...." _.U'd .,. Ih. :..i.......li... '''''';shcd I. _.. ., 410'"'' ...... con'"'''' I. Ifl. ........... ICO_.c"" SIAICAROS (OIl LAND SUR\I(ftrfC AHO wAPP1NC .. 1..( SIAle (S fLORIO" :... Ke..d...u .;1" CII.Ji.lCJI-'. '....Od. """';";11'.';~ Ct'CI~ hi.. It......... '-or. Ie....... P Jl(1l1dd 1I<rn. ,_ 1'''O'~~~;onol S""vrror Co Mo-;,,("" " r,O";c,~ A'rg.o; t.... \~ tI"J. 410i? -"01 -01;4 ";'''0...1 .... 'fcr-a,..". ond ...., OI';~ 'o:,'!: ( 'S'!'Of 01 0 rl!)l'~O I<.,.,~.. tvI'~f'O'" ."d "'o:>>pcor ( ~D IEC}:-' SIII!VF:'(INC & ~1""i'I:;C COlli'. 1:'-: .. C~""I"'.I 4."'!". U.-:'"2. r, ).:'11'..: ( 'Or! i1-I:.,~:~~II~;:;?;:~' ;,.'!I" V'If..' r , .. - , ..-::. Y.';_::; "0' KE rCH OF LEGAL OESCRt? rto NA ENON S, 010J5-7J8 1" = 20 . ".._,,_.. v, ,.a:~ 'MNKLER lCGCuU ".0 u .. rOtU I or nCCt:m."c Exhibit A-12 .-.- /1\ ( -,........ ..'..... :~ .,..-. -_# -.---- .~--_..~._~.. '.'"~- ~ ....-.., '. ~ '. That portion 01 Lot 7J, D.R. Mitch~II's Svr,,~y 01 II,~ L~"y Cranl plY Pial 800k I. Page 5. Sem'''ole County. Florida b~'''g more particularly described as 101l0"'s: Beginning at the norlheost corner 01 Lol 7J9. Oo~ Forest Unil Se"~". as 'eco'ced in Pic: e"ak J9. Pages 16 <k 17. Seminol~ Caunly. Florida 'V" N 0:;'08'JO- ~ along Ih~ na:tI'erly ~xlc"sia.~ of Ih", ",as:""y lII1e 01 said Lol 7J9, 17.J7 (eel 10 the saulh I.ne of a JO (00: pial/crt r'g'" 01 ",ayas .f'.a...., c., Ihe ofor~said D.R. Milchelt's S"r""y of Ihe L""y Cranl. /I,,,ne,,, N er05':/I- ~\' alenr; said saulh Ii.~". 1505 f"",: to a point on Ihe northerly exlensian at /I.e ",e:<:",I," line of aforesaid Lal 1J9; tllenee 5 05'08'JO' w along said north~rty ~Jttlmsion. 1<.-:5 leel 10 U,,, :"arlh",~s: carner 01 said Lot 7J9: Ih,."=,, S 8-:':;"JO' [ o!ong th~ northerly line 01 said Lal 7 J9. 75.00 le,,1 10 the POINT OF 8!:CINNINC. 1 ~ Containing O.OJ acres more or less ........ , i\ ~ .. -- -- Lor 511. '9. 62 :,,::r~Rt,. LONC or D.R. IrIfTCHCI.L'S .$Ut7"...., or TH'" .J NO 1)4.4 ( POtJIION or l.01 3" - -- - -:. -'" ~~ CR~~~ t ~~~s!.~ l'tISK..("1l(A ROAD -'- S 05'08'JO. II' 14,45' 1>te -n. LJNC ~NA "ARMS or v ~~ cc. 1-... n LJ "" '" ,':1"-"'" o-f ~ + I.uct. 'f ~ SOUTH LiNe OF JO' PLATTeO RICHr ...... + : ~~Y~TW~O ~i( N 87'05'21" II' 7~06' ~ UNlorrrD PCIRlION or Lor, ~ ~ ~ SU/,.'Cy or 1>IC LCVY C1l ~ D.II. "'f04CU'S .. ",; ~.,..--- ......... _rpCR",,,r /(Q ~C CONr~""" t. pACC S \. . "'" "-C o.DJ ACRes "'one 011 uss "-- ~ ~ S 84:5/'J0. C '5.00' ~~ n.t:_lkt:lI/.y . LJNC or tor 2J!1 -T- -- ~- ~-j-- LOT 739 N 05'08'JO' t 17. j" ,.." CORNCR OF LOT r;9 .. ~ .. ~ a 5' OAK FOR!"S r UNI r S!"VE'N PLA r BOOK J9. PAC!"S 16 tk 17 ...)c ~ 80n~i' e... .. ~ .. o Y~"'-&e r"3.....;i={ C;r- .. , ~ at 1 .,-) ~..,l~(.. . .,. .. ... \4,,'" . . C''''IT.f,~~>.<i'" ,;. (... ,.. ~ Vt . : ""::"4J ~ Y' n I , :!.-i ,~cl~; oJ"., ,; ~'v .0 " .: ~ (',<;:)..' . ("' .. ::,r :;1\1'- .- -- "- ill l:! ; - --1 6'fg C4 eo y Le e " !If:eJ:JB.L 1) Irks.. ftOI . Sur".,. 2) 1...in9'''. ..," Oft.: Ihe N...tra....',;,.. .' 00la lor"I ~.. s....... PIoI 8... J~. Po,,,. 1G lei' o. ..tn, S e."I"JO- c. Jl Vcrl:'.. 0.1_ ;. .....d _ N4 4) '~s-........., nol ...toet" aft. '-'cr, -"0__ It...... .... .......-eIIl' 01\4/01 ritftl. of ..r o' tcCOf"d. 5) Ho ~euncf iII.laIIolion-. .......,..,. Ioolift-flt.. ., .......,....... ..... ..... Ioeo.". ..elf..1 .. "'.t.... ') "'.........,.... OCIditionol 'Clvlct...... ~I .. ftol "ccorllfnf .... uv. "",..., IItot ....., ... ~ in 1ft_ atw"':C 'ccordt .f thO, coun.,_ 1) "'....;. N ..:csc"Cc M ,--. ....... .f u.. .f .". .-.......,. .thcJIa ......,.. ""'..,. . ,.u~ cto'm of ",."".,.1 ot..", I"'on I".s. '''o_n .... Ihe t""~' e) ,~. $laoleft wft "".__cd ,. ..... We"''''''' "om... hc*c.. 0ft4II is -lIOftltOttal.fobl... 9) ""tN....."..'U. ..'''in 1ft_ spec"-"" ..,.,...".. h.... ,... ..." IOCo'e" .'1 . It.t ., t",~ """'...,. cell r"teA lION: I ".'.'" c.-tif, ....., fh.e '_.tCII '.,.....eftl.. Oft ,"*. '"op ..~ ...... "'Ad..- ..., ...cl.... Oft I"'. Hlo IA.." Do...' .- '''. ""__.I~" 'vI""he. 10 .... a' "ol~. GI't4 c......"'. I. ",a ........,.. I(ONeAl SIANOAftOS rQA lAHO SUI'f(ft.c AIIO "'AI'PwC It 1If( srAI( or r"ORIO" '" <<cOtIlOllC. ..111I (U "eI1-6. r...... "."~'I'.li... CcHlc. 'or. ........... SKETCH OF LECAL DESCRIPTIO Nil ~/ PR.(RIcIi, llv'n~-- " ,......'...-:innel su...,~,O' .. M'JD:Jf''' r.,,,;~o R~q'~ ,'. t;o.... ~~., .. lO? ."lIIt ""04 .;r"Co'.I:, '"'' ,';ro."". 0"41 I"'" 00;1;.... .~.."!'1 c: ,~.,. 01 OJ f~"'a lo(""C'G Swl~""" C"G "'V='f"" CJ L~~E!j- J c. ( JESSE C. BONNIE J. VANDERCRlFF VANDERCRlFF 010J5-739 ~c.'", ,"" = 20" :- lCGr.,," ,. 0 0 . "Qtt.1 (JIf O(c.r.~'.,,,c Exhibit A-13 .-.. /[\ , \ :i~.::~'::-:"if::r: .'( M,.,;':'; .;:; ::OlU' .,.;.... : ,~,..... ..' ,...,. .!........,: I 1~.1'....f CJ n ;,-.. ,...:".,.... If.....'.. i.--;..... . '" -~.. t U. ,. A.<RIdc) ......... r"'nrt!'~~~"ot S"''''''~''Of"' L "oppr'- rl.,....d. R'!"gfS r.t". lion NO_ 4102 NOI ..0'04 ..t"0",1 I". 'Tah". Of"d '''. ...;.q;.... -0:..." C 1f'ftl of 0 (,0'00. ~e"s~..,.... ...." "'OP..'!:'. 0 C f r ~ rhol porli"" of Lol 7J. O.R. Uilch~/'S Survey of Ihe Levy (;ra,,1 per 'Plol 8001< I. Page S, Seminole Counly. Florida Oeing more porlicvlorly described os fallows: Be>;infliflg 01 Ihe florlheosl corner of l.ol 740. Oak Foresl Unil Seven, os. recorded in PIal 8001< J9 Poges 15 &: 17, Seminole Counly. Florida rvn N 05'08')0' [ along Ihe norlherly eJ(lensi"" of Ihe e~slerly h"e of said l.ol 740. 14.45 (eet 10 Ihe soulh line of JO (001 plaited righl of "'01' os shown on Ihe olore.oiel O.R. Milchell's Survey 01 Ihe l.evy (;rani; Ihence N 87'05'21- Wolong said SOuth line, 1/2.J8 tee! 10 0 poinl on Ihe norlherly eJ(lension of Ihe weslerly line of o("'",soid l.ol 740; thenc", S 12'.,.,'24- ;: along said northerly eJ(tension. to.59 feel to Ihe florlhwest corner of said l.ot 740; thence S 84"51'JO. :: along Ihe northerly line o( soid l.ol 740. 109.04 (eal 10 IIIe paIN r OF 8[CiNNINC. Conloining O.OJ acres more or tass -- - lor ~ '9. IZ :"':Tl<CRr.' (1Nt: or utrotCU.":; ~\o(', or f>tC (~~:'i PORTION or (or " - _.. . -. -..- . '. :.:.~ ~ CY~A*UA ~ -- D.R. l- ,e f.!j 4. 1- o-{:. LI..;l~ y SOUTk LiN[ or JO' PLA TrF:O RlCia or I N 877)5'2r W 112.J8' WA Y (NOr IMPROveD) /Alltorrro PORTION or ~ ..... SUR\o('.. or lk( Lor 7J. O.R. utTDtCLL:S 1/00.- L~V;A~~r PCR pt,cr ____.. , cONrAJlonNt; o.o~ ACRes "ORe OR LCSS f I S 8 .f'5I'J - It ~ ______ lkC NGl9lkC~ ,[ 109.04' .. e (hYC or LOr 740 __._ S v....c....:.+<~ -- LOT 740 ~ ... .. <> OAK FOl?eS T UNI T SEVCN PLAT BOOK J9. PAC[S /6 cf- 17 a ~ l> ~ bo 1(' a.. t\ a c> o~ 1'\ c c'-Sl\ b~-O c/... ~c~f Le e C.I'r ... -~ .. ~ ~ .,..:.... ..: . - ." ll-l '.) .. ...... "~, . . , " T f.' '~" '. (:, . ,0) ~LJt."~ ' ',:' (;/." p: I.. ,- .. Ie' n !/.,Q ~ Q': ~.: (', "'~~ "> fV ..... .... . ~.<:;) r.ir.':\'\~'" ,,': BI:f!.J2BL ') 'ht. is AO' . ........,. 2) a..,.in,.... ....0 1M: TItI. Hort....,., '"_ .f Colt '...ctl Vltil S~.c.... Plol 00011 J9. Pa,.. 1& .17 .1 ,_"'" S 84"3'-.)0. [. 3) Vette. Oolum it IN"d Oft: H4 . .) ,,,. Sut....,., .... llel ....lIeclHl ... 101"4. ......... fa..,..... ,_ .oumc..... Oft4/., '1h" .t .., ., 'eCOfd. ~) No ""'d...9"..".... "'loIIel... ..,......... 'oot...,. 01 .....~en.. ho.. 1M." localeer ellCtpl O' "01." ') r".,. me}' lI. Hdil-.. ,e.&licUOI.., ....1 .,. ftOl '.cortN1t Oft lhi. ..".., '''0' ",., lI. fOUl'ld in 'h. 1hI00ic 'ceOf'ds .f ...., C"""I,. 7) I~...;~... ..;.s.ftCO ... Ih. ,,_ .1 .... .1 .... ,.,......" ....,~ "';9~1 "''1'1'" . p........ c,.;." .f ..._. .Ift... ,_ ,.... ......ft ... ,~. ....""'. a) 'hi. S.clCI\ -0' "..",.." lot '''e IdCftUli.. "0I'ft44 .....,.Oft IMcf It .nO"lI'....'Jt".~.*. ') ""''''..''''.'''' -a..;". th.:'- ....cire ....._Cfth ..... ....1 be.... IOcolC'd .t . It..., .1 1"0' ,..,...,_ CCfltal'tC" liON: . Ill....., C...IOI, Ih.. ..... ....ICtI '."".,....., .... ..... ___ -e, ."..... "",",chI" "'J d-.CI;",. on 1". dele ,he... .....d Oft lit. ;,.,..._<<IGn rVl'"i...cd t. _. .. ""oC'd .... c.."".."", Ie 'he YIIlrfIWUW 'CONCA&. SIAHOAIIOS '(JIll I.AHO $UltY(11HC AlIO "'APrltlC ., Ift( s,. Ie Of fLOIbOA ;.. ecCOIGlOI'U .~(It OI.'ICll.,. 'lOr... ~.lt.I;.... C..,. r ."... "'0::_1",. I" = 20' 0; 5KE rCH OF LEGAL Of SCRIP rlO ""..I"".. Nil DEBORAH H. GOODNOUGH OlOj5- 710 LrC;,rH~ '..() u. r.tJillf ur lI(l:r.".r:4I; L:E~~?::..': - .' :;1)I!VI::Y/rIC k ~I^I'I'U;(: COllI'. ).-", : C1"'" ,.... ^__. U._""'J.'" )4.1I.~ f.:; (t..... ~""fJ'.~. u.......... rl )~:f.I'" ./~. ~"Q:. ""oj.:,:". Exhibit A-14 if' li\ 4 -.,. . "1'" -'''.'. : II ~.. ., - -~ G (j n ;;; -. ~ That porti"" of Lot 7J. O.R. Uitc"~II's Sur~y of Ih~ L~vy Cront p~r :Plot Book '. Page 5. S~minoi'e County. Florida b~ing more porticulorly d~scribed os follows: Beginning ot Ute norl"~ost corn~r of Lot 741. Oak For~st Unit Seven. os .recaN!ed in PIal Book J9. Pages 15 &r 17. S~mino/e County. Florida run N 12"44'24" IV Clang the nor:herly c~(ension of Ih~ ~osterly line of said Lot 741. 10.59 feet to the south line of 0 JO fcot platted riahl af ..,,>. ,,~ ~"'a~n an th~ aforcsoid O.R. Mitch~l1.s Surv~y 01 the Levy Gro":: thence N 87"05'2'" VI ~Jo:'Jg ~C'C soliN. "'n~. 94.99 I~!:t to the west line of JO (001 plotted right of way os shown er. the soid o.R. Mitct'c1i's Sur",=y of the Levy Crant; thence S 0J"J4'49- Iv, 6.J8 feet to 0 pa,,,t on the nor;" ""e of o'aresa'-a Lol 741; t"ence S 84 '51'JO" C o:ong so'-d north lin~. 98.00 feet :0 the POIN r Of.- 8CCINNINC Containing 0.02 acres more or I~ss " Q 3 c:: l:' ~ ~'" ;;::i3" Q o"~ '" ..... ~ $(tC::~ ... ~Jr' ~ ::;( ; .. ~.... ~ ~ ~ 't " ..~ ~5iS' ~ ;.~~:! i ~~:~ ... .. ~ ~...~... ... b~~~ " a: ~'lJ ~ ~l!' << ~ ~ NW CORNeR ; ~ ... , 01' 40r 74' ... \" ... ... a " .~ .. 0: .)0' ~ I I I PlA rICO IIIOfr 01' WA r I (NOr -tlCD) - I r--I~ 4'Dr S6. 5~ I; 1"'::'(1ft r LIN( 01' ""TCH(U'S -tlCy'cy IHC L(~ IkAIPOR_ cy 40r 55 - ~- - --- - ~~~ :.:!! or I'V$trA-UA ROAD - - -.-. LOT 741 or or 7 y,.. c:("_ T-~ ct. ~"~h 't- e>-+ WtJ.'-{ y / S OJ':J4'49- W / 5..J8' A POINT ON 1><( NOIf 1><(1ft y UNf: cy 40r :1.,. $NO POINr <<we S 6'''''.)0' C. ';'.06. /7IOIJ "'( - CORN(R 01' (Dr 74'. SOfJ '" 4IN( cy .)0' PlA Ttn) RtCHr or ,......,. (NOT IAIPRO-.;cOj N 87"05'21" W 94.99' S 84'51'.10. ~ c 98.00' IkC -/)o('lftr UNC CY Lor 7., NORfk(Rl, r (ZTrNSJON... 12'44'24- W 10.59' / OAK FORE'S r UNI r SE'V['N Pl.A r BOOK J9. PACE'S 76 &r 17 :b~_ 60 V' c.. t, . 6-00& "" O(e..."'.1 tl -10 c.....,.....-fj b so Lfi>e Cir-.) CJ.. r> 0', '2. .....~ -;\ . ,-> ......... -..:... ~ Tf" ..:...~. . ~, IV0s ". ~::: '-'-, A '. I- 0- ,'4 to: _ . orJ ... '~', '- \",'" ~ CJ:' i ,,;) .., r'" .' ~. . ,<;:) r.i(~:l1t(!. (,,~ (c:: ... .,. Ie-/- rle XT BfeJ}fll:. 'J no.:, i. "0. . svr....y. 2) O..,;n,. 0... ..1.4 Oft: ,,,. "01'1","', '"- of 00Ia rornt VAt' s....eft. PlOI 100'" Jt. P09U 16 . ., 0' bC-', S G4"'"JO" (. J) V."cal Oal~ it: _'I'.. lit\: N. .) t... $vr....,or ".' ftot .....,oet." the 1et\4.. "'.... "'.....,. t. ...nn.-nh .,../'" '....,. of _0, o' IlfC0f4. S) No u"dc'9"0Uft4 ""lollol~.. fOWftdot'oft 1001""". Of 1m"........." "o.e H9ft lOCoted ._(<<,pl o. "ol~CI G) '''.'. ",,0, .. ~1.,oiI lul,icliorl, I~' .... ,..1 'cCOt'.. eft ,"', .",..., ,.... _0, Oc fauna... I". ~.,.< ICCOI'CU o' '"i. cOunt,. 1) '''''. is no ...:.....C. .,. ,,.. 9"4M.tftd .. V'4' .' .". ,........., .~ m:,..t "'~'l . '.'sObIe c..:... .f ."'~c__1 othc' lit.... 'ho". ~._.. ... f". s""'~, .) '''is Sacleft -0. pl'epOf'e4 I... 'he I4Cft.aict ".......4 tw:I~Oft on4 ;t .nott"Oft.rc.'O'.~" t) ImPlo.cmcfth .;U,.. Ihe;' specifoe e.semen', "Owe ftOt ..." loCole4 o. . ..... .1 I"';, ''''.c,_ C(~ ''-0<:" "ON: , ........, ec,,:I, Ih.1 U.. ~"~Ic" ,~,.,.~..~"I.d .,. u..:. ~ .... "".de _dc' fft, ";""cl;'" .... '''4 dol" ....,.._... ~.~~CI _ ,to. ;..1...._01__ '_";~""d ,. _. .~ "'o't''' .-4 c_''''_. I" I". "."WV'" I(C'.f'I(A(. SIA...oAlIO~ rUR ""'fO SURY(T1N: Ale) "AI"f'IHC.. 'He 'j.A'( ClI' rU.JRIQA __ OU".OOW:'1 ..,.. C""CI'.,. I..... ,....~I...;... c... -..",,,... .... .... lOt'" 7Il ro..-: Nil t ...... Ot'. ;./ /J('R.;r::L ~},. '-. "r('"~~.")nft' S....,..,r'o;-'. "op:,"". " . r 1()~."Jo rl:f)'-; '1."-0 t.O" Nu 41~? '.ot ..,10&1 ..lhOo,1 _I"~ ,"1"01,,'. 0,.411 ."'. ...~;,... 'o::~: H,. 01 0 rIOf.<Sa f<~"scd .""'woe,. ...C: "'OOl"r' ., Q 'SKE reH OF LEGAL DESCRIP no. DEBORAH H. GOODNOUGH DlOJ5-111 'c.,., I ~ = 20' ~ '.'C:~a" .., Exhibit A-I5 /~ ~~~_~:.;z- ~;UIl"'~;YINC k M^,'PI:lC COlll' )''';.1 :: Ct"ut".1 ^..,,_. C....-of,. r, J,"l'7J '-I) ".,.. (u!IO?~. 0..",.'..1.,. J.....J(.Z V?o-:f:O (401, "''''~~:']''. r.... (40" )'.j.;""J ...........f .'\...__..... '.. ..... l C (f. u (f. IT 7 . '- LEC;CNIJ r.oo.- I'OU~' 01' OEr"'NNlNC .I'-'''-~ .,~.~_... .... NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE THE CITY aF WINTER SPRINGS PRapaSES TO. ADaPT THE FaLLaWING aRDINANCE: aRDINANCE NO.. 2002-12 AN aRDINANCE aF THE CITY aF THE CITY caMMISSlaN aF THE CITY aF WINTER SPRINGS, FLaRIDA REZaNING A PAR- CEL aF LAND caNTAINING TWO. TRACTS TaTALlNG 1.24 ACRES MaRE aR LESS, WHICH IS GENERALLY LaCATED WEST aF TUSCAWILLA RaAD, BETWEEN MILKY WAY AND TRaTwaaD BOULEVARD AND' MaRE PARTICULARLY DEPICTED AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED aN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. FRaM SEMINaLE CaUNTY "A-1 AGRI- CULTURAL" ZaNING DESIGNATlaN TO. CITY aF WINTER SPRINGS "PLANNED UNIT DEVELaPMENT" ZaNING DESIG- NATlaN; PRaVIDING FaR REPEAL aF PRlaR INcaNSISTENT aRDINANCES AND REsaLUTlaNS; PRaVIDING FaR SEVER- ABILITY; ANDPRaVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING aN THE PRapOSED aRDINANCE WILL BE HELD aN MAY 13, 2002 AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE caMMISSlaN CHAMBERS LaCATED AT THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE RaAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLaRIDA EXHIBIT "A" Gulrstar Drive 'l:I . CIl . J :!!! 'ii l ~ ~ The ordinance may be inspected or obtained by interest- ed parties between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the City's Clerk's Office, locat- ed at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information call (407) 327-1800 #227. Persons' with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327-.1800, Extension 236. This is a public hearing. If you decide to appeal any recommen- dation/decision made by the City Commission with respect to any l'l1atter considered at this meeting, you will need a record of the proceedings, and for such. purpos- es, you may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the. proceedings is made upon which the appeal would be based. ... . [I ~KI. ,J- ~REAL~-LUACES C'1'Y CLERK