HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 844 Anti-Cruelty Investigators IN THE CITY OF Wltjt-(;1~ Spe\~ ~ COUNTY OF SEMINOLE, STATE OF FLORIDA IN RE: RESOLUTION OF THE /' I i HUMANE SOCIETY OF -1- I SEMINOLE COUNTY, INC. IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 828.03 AND FLORIDA STATUTE 828.27, THE INDIVIDUALS NAMED AS ANTI-CRUELTY INVESTIGATORS AND AGENTS IN THE ATT ACHED RESOLUTION, ORIGINALLY ADOPTED THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1984 AND RE-ADOPTED THE 22ND DAY OF DECEMBER, 1997 ARE HEREBY APPOINTED AND APPROVED. DONE AND ORDERED IN CITY HALL CHAMBERS, IN THE CITY OF ~ ~L Sp e., ~ '- , SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THIS , ;3 ~ DAY F -ftpt'CtL , 19~. . . . MAYOR, CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A COpy OF THE FOREGOING HAS BEEN FURNISHED BY MAIL ON THE DAY OF , 19 _ TO THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, INC., P.O. BOX 784, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772-0784. cL~~ ~CITY CLE, . THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, INC. COUNTY HOME ROAD. P.O. BOX 784. SANFORD. FLORIDA 32772-0784 TELEPHONE (407) 323-8685 RESOLUTION The Board of Directors of the Humane Society of Seminole County, Inc. resolve as follows: 1. That it is in the best interest of the animals of Seminole County that the Humane Society of Seminole County, Inc. assist the law enforcement officers in enforcing and assisting in matters of inhumane treatment of animals and animals found in distress. 2. That the following named individuals are deemed, considered and hereby appointed and designated by the Humane Society of Seminole County, Inc. to be investigators and agents as provided in the Florida Statutes 828.03 and 828.27, Laws of Florida. Betty Munoz 109 Woodfield Drive Sanford,FL 32773 Annie Evans P.O. Box 773 Oviedo, FL 32765 Kelly Kemp 109 Woodfield Drive Sanford, FL 32773 3. That it is in the best interest of the animals of Seminole County that the Humane Society of Seminole County, Inc. relieve all other previously named individuals of their responsibilities of anti-cruelty investigators and agents as provided for in Florida Statute 828.03, Laws of Florida. ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE BY-LAWS OF THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, INC. AT ITS OFFICE AT 2800 COUNTY HOME ROAD, P.O. BOX 784, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772-0784 ON THIS 22ND DAY OF DECEMBER 1997. d4~~ President "ALL LIFE IS PRECIOUS" / i / Resolution The Board of Directors of the Humane Society of Seminole County, Inc. Resolve as follows: 1. That it is in the best interest of the animals of Seminole County that The Humane Society of Seminole County, Inc. assist the law enforcement officers in enforcing and assisting in matters of inhumane treatment of animals and animals found in distress. 2. That the following named individuals are deemed, considered and hereby appointed and designated by the Humane Society of Seminole County, Inc. to be .~ investigators and agents as provided in Florida statutes 828.03 and 828.27, Laws of Florida. 3. That it is in the best interest of the animals of Seminole County that the Humane Society of Seminole County, Inc. relieve all other named individuals of their responsibilities as anti-cruelty investigators and agents as provided for 1n Florida statute 828.03. laWS~1 Florida. Patricia Deane wiseman ~tCTO{<.'A !</N(F- W~ . ; - .J9~ 207 Ventura Or. ~~f:t';^r:::Tff'I.'}/~'s I JIJ6t'7 V Sanford, FL 32773 pt... 3,,'t.I- ()\ / Jeff Norman Morris 118 Hickory Tree Rd. Longwood, FL 32750 Barry L. Black 587 Brightview Or. Lake Mary, FL 32746 Rachel Marie Bennett 417 Hidden Meadows Apt 109 Fern Park, FL 32730 Timothy Michael Thompson 212 Sanora Blvd. Sanford. FL 32773 Betty Finch Munoz 198 N.5th St. Lake Mary, FL 32746 ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE BY LAWS OF THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF SEMINOLE COUNTY. INC.. AT ITS OFFICE AT 2800 COUNTY HOME rjOAD, P.O. BOX ~. 4 ~ANFOZ',- FLORIDA 3~7._.84.. 0 _N THI..S Of~ DAY OF ..... ,,~ 19 ~ President ..;;.- f-fL-~",v" ~. ~/9Si'~ I-SIc)? -('19 -106J ( ~..:......~ -. J N "'I U! C J TV OF _!!!~1:~_~f..l!~N..GS_. COUNTY OF SEMINOLE, STATE OF FLORIDA IN RE: RESOLUTION OF THE HUMANE SOCITY OF SEtlINOLE COUNTY, INC. IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 828.03 AND FLORIDA STATUTE 828.27, THE INDIVIDUALS NAMED AS ABUSE INVESTIGATORS AND AGENTS IN THE ATTACHED RESOLUTION ORIGINALLY ADOPTED THE FIRST DAY OF 3ANUARY, 1984 AND RE ADOPTED THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY 1989, ARE HEREBY APPOINTED AND APPROVED. DONF.: AND ORDERED IN CITY HALL CHAMBERS, ___ ________ sEMINOLE COU"'TY~ FLORIDt"l, THIS __.___ DAY OF ______, 19 Mayor~ _ ].A-~--- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A COpy OFJHE FORGOING HAS BEEN FURNISHED BY MAIL THE /.I)U... DAY OF 4e.c..- ___, 19~~ TO THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF SEMINOLE UNTy,~NC. P.O. BOX 784, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772-0784 lJt~~ti' -~--- CITY C RK .p 4.'" ~ .... :;>';)(~:'::<~;i~;;;;~+r~~f;~t~:,;,;,~:;:;f.47kz:{f-:r=~:" .. '" - ' Ch. 828 828.02 828.03 828.05 828.055 828.058 828.065 828.073 828.08 828.12 828.121 828.122 828.125 828.13 828.14 828.16 828.161 828.17 828.22 828.23 828.24 828.25 .. 828.26 828.27 828.29 828.30 828.40 828.41 828.42 828.43 ~,~.::o .;~.,:.~~',.~~:~:l.-~U: :::: ;;~.: ;~~ ;-~:~;:'. ,~'~f~:~t~~~~~;~~~~ ::~~ ~~L~~~.~~: ~~;~ ::::.~>,:;. ::~ .~ :' . . ~ ...... .. .:~~..o;.' ~::~~ ~;::..;~<~~? ~;,~-;.-" .--. .. ... . ;~:. ., ':. :~~~:~~~:~}~~i;;l~~~ ANIMALS: CRUEL TV; SALES; ANIMAL ENTERPRISE PROTECTION F.S. 1997 CHAPTER 828 ANIMALS: CRUEL TV; SALES; ANIMAL ENTERPRISE PROTECTION Definitions. agents and employees of corporations in regard to ani- Agents of counties, societies, etc., may pros- mals transported, owned, employed by or in the cus- ecute violators. tody of a corporation, shall be held to be the knowledge Killing an injured or diseased domestic ani- and act of such corporation. mal. H1atory._. 10. ch. 4971. 1901: GS 3158; RGS 4982; CGL 7071; s. 2. ell. Sodium pentobarbital; permits for use in .:Z)79, euthan~sia of domestic animals. ~ 828.03 Agents of counties, societies, etc., may Euthanas~a of d~gs and cats. prosecute violators.- EuthanaSia of animals offered for sale by pet (1) Any county or any society or association for the ~hops. ". prevention of cruelty to children or animals, organized Animals foun~ 10 dl~tre.ss: whe.~ a~ent may under the laws of this state, may appoint agents for the take charge, h~anng, .dlSpoSltlon, sale. purpose of investigating violations of any of the provi- Penalty for e~poslng pOison. sions of this chapter or any other law of the state for th Cruelty to animals. f . h'ld d' Is e Cd t f . I d b lit' h' h'b' purpose 0 pr9tectlng c I ren an anima or prevent- o~ uc 0 slmu ate u Ig tlOg ex I I- ing any act of cruelty thereto. . tIO~S. . . '. . (2) All appointments of such agents by such Flg.htlng or baIting animals, offenses, penal- societies or corporations must have the approval of the _ . t~es. . ~f the city in which the society or association Killing or aggravated ab~se of re~lstered exists, and if the society or association exists or works ~reed horses or cattle, offenses, penal- outside of any city, the appointment must be approved tier ., . by the county court judge or the judge of the circuit Con lOement of anlma.ls Without suffiCIent court for the county and the mayor or judge shall kee ~n~~a'7sater, or exercise; abandonment of a record of such ~ppointment. The approval of th~ Water and food for stock on tra'ns vessels ~ppointment of any agent by a county for either the etc I" Incorporated or unincorporated areas of such county C '. . shall be by the county commission. ontaglous diseases. History.-$. 12 ch. 4971 1901' GS 3158' RGS 4984; CGL 7073' s, 32. cII. Prohibiting artificial coloring and sale of cer- 73-334; s. 1, ch. 75-223; s. i. ch. 78-102; s. i, Ch. n.m. ' tain animals and fowls; construction. Officer to arrest without warrant. Humane slaughter requirement. Definitions. Prohibited acts; exemption. Administration; rules and regulations; inspection; fees. Penalty. Local animal control or cruelty ordinances; penalty. Dogs and cats transported or offered for sale; health requirements; consumer guarantee. Rabies vaccination of dogs and cats. Short title. Definitions. Animal enterprise disruption; criminal penal- ties. Injunction. 828.02 Definitions.-In this chapter, and in every law of the state relating to or in any way affecting ani- mals, the word .animar shall be held to include every living dumb creature; the words "torture,. "torment," and .cruelty" shall be held to include every act, omis- sion, or neglect whereby unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffering is caused, except when done in the interest of medical science, permitted, or allowed to continue when there is reasonable remedy or relief; and the words .owner" and .person" shall be held to include corporations, and the knowledge and acts of 828.05 Killing an injured or diseased domestic animal.- (1) The purpose of this section is to provide a swift and merciful means whereby domestic animals which are suffering from an incurable or untreatable condition or are imminently near death from injury or disease may be destroyed without unconscionable delay and in a humane and proficient manner. (2) As used in this section, the term .officer" means: (a) Any law enforcement officer; (b) Any veterinarian; and (c) Any officer or agent of any municipal or county animal control unit or of any society or association for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or the designee of such an officer or agent. (3) Whenever any domestic animal is so injured or diseased as to appear useless and is suffering, and.it, reasonably appears to an officer that such animal IS imminently near death or cannot be cured or rendered fit for service and the officer has made a reasonable and concerted, but unsuccessful, effort to locate the owner, the owner's agent, or a veterinarian, then s~ officer, acting in good faith and upon reasonable. belief..;:; . may immediately destroy such animal by shooting the.. - animal or injecting it with a barbiturate drug. If th~~ cer locates the owner or the owner's agent, the 0 : shall notify him or her of the animal's location and, dition. If the officer locates only a veterinarian.. th~ c6- cer shall destroy the animal only upon the adVice . veterinarian. However, this section does not prohibil 1718 ?:~~~~~~~:t __. ....~.:. ~...'.:~.:.':..,. ~~~.:~.'. ,:,~.~,' .'....,.:;.--...::.....,;:.,......:::.c..:~.. .-_"::' .~. .. .r. ." ," ,- . ,,' _ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ _ .. :~:.;;.:;>.:t".':~;':'~;';..;~P':~~;., .._~... _. do :;:.:~..::.;..;.: ;:; :7':. ::" ,!,.~:;;- .~~~~::~;..~. F':f:~"~/::~ .- .. .... ..f';':'" _;.;~..~-::,.0::.;~:~~-~i~:;:.;;.~~,;:;...::. --;....~ = ==, ..... oJ" -~~7;f~~1~~~ - ..:;. ., Ch.828 ANIMALS: CRUEL TV; SALES; ANIMAL ENTERPRISE PROTECTION F.S.1997 (2) No slaughterer, packer, or stockyard operator shall bleed or slaughter any livestock except by a humane method. (3) This act shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation slaughtering or processing for sale within the state not more than 20 head of cattle nor more than 35 head of hogs per week. Hlatory.-s. 1, cII. 81.254: IS. 14,35. cII. 89-106: s, 241. cII. n.l04. 828.25 Administration; rules and regulations; inspection; fees.- (1) The department shall administer the provisions of this act. It shall promulgate and may from time to time revise rules and regulations which shall conform sub- stantially to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States pursu- ant to the Federal Humane Slaughter Act of 1958, Pub. L. No. 85-765, 72 Stat. 862, and any amendments thereto; provided, however, that the use of a manually operated hammer, sledge or poleax is declared to be an inhumane method of slaughter within the meaning of this act. (2) The department may appoint any member of its staff as an official inspector for the purposes of this act. Such inspector shall have the power to enter the prem- ises of any slaughterer for the purposes of verifying compliance or noncompliance with the provisions of this act. (3) As soon as practicable after October 1, 1961, an inspection shall be made of the premises of each slaughterer. Additional inspections shall be made not less frequently than quarterly. No fee shall be charged for such inspection. Hlalory.-s. 1.cII. 81.254: IS. 14.35. cII. 69-106. ::. .i~~ 828.26 Penalty.- (1) No slaughterer found by the department in accordance with the above not to be in compliance with the provisions of this act shall sell any meat or meat products to any public agency in the state, or to any institution supported by state, county, or municipal funds. Failure to comply with this provision shall be a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as pro- vided in s. 775.083. (2) Upon failure to be in compliance with the provi- sions of this act after a period of 1 year from the date of the first inspection required under s. 828.25, the department shall direct the slaughterer to cease slaughtering livestock. Failure to comply with this direc- tive shall be a misdemeanor of the second degree, pun- ishable as provided in s. 775.083, and constituting a separate offense for each day of continued slaughter- ing operations beyond the first week following mailing of such directive to the slaughterer by the department. Hlalory.-s. 1. cII. 81.254: sa. 14, 35. ell. 89-106; So 958. cII. 71-138. ~ 828.27 Local animal control or cruelty ordinances; penalty.- (1) As used in this section, the term: (a) -Animal- means any living dumb creature. (b) .Animal control officer" means any person employed or appointed by a county or municipality who is authorized to investigate, on public or private prop- erty, civil infractions relating to animal control or cruelty :"'~-::"1.1 ::.,..:.., . and to issue citations as provided in this section. An animal control officer is not authorized to bear arms or make arrests; however, such officer may carry a device to chemically subdue and tranquilize an animal, pro- vided that such officer has successfully completed a minimum of 16 hours of training in marksmanship, equipment handling, safety and animal care, and can demonstrate proficiency in chemical immobilization of animals in accordance with guidelines prescribed in the Chemical Immobilization Operational Guide of the American Humane Association. (c) .Control" means the regulation of the posses- sion, ownership, care, and custody of animals. (d) .Cruelty" means any act of neglect. torture, or torment that causes unjustifiable pain or suffering of an animal. (e) .Officer" means any law enforcement officer defined in s. 943.10 or any animal control officer. (f) .Citation" means a written notice, issued to a person by an officer, that the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed a civil infrac- tion in violation of a duly enacted ordinance and that the county court will hear the charge. The citation must contain: 1. The date and time of issuance. 2. The name and address of the person. 3. The date and time the civil infraction was com- mitted. 4. The facts constituting probable cause. 5. The ordinance violated. 6. The name and authority of the officer. 7. The procedure for the person to follow in order to pay the civil penalty, to contest the citation, or to appear in court as required under 'subsection (5). 8. The applicable civil penalty if the person elects to contest the citation. 9. The applicable civil penalty if the person elects not to contest the citation. 10. A conspicuous statement that if the person fails to pay the civil penalty within the time allowed, or fails to appear in court to contest the citation, the person shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to con- test the citation and that, in such case, judgment may be entered against the person for an amount up to the maximum civil penalty. 11. A conspicuous statement that if the person is required to appear in court as mandated by 'subsection (5), he or she does not have the option of paying a fine in lieu of appearing in court. (g) .Ordinance" means any ordinance relating to the control of or cruelty to animals enacted by the gov- eming body of a county or municipality the violation of which is a civil infraction. (2) The goveming body of a county or municipality is authorized to enact ordinances relating to animal control or cruelty, which ordinances must provide: (a) That a violation of such an ordinance is a civil infraction. (b) A maximum civil penalty not to exceed $500: . (c) A civil penalty of less than the maximum clVd penalty if the person who has committed the civil infrac- tion does not contest the citation. 1724 ~~)r~t~~:i '- '. .", ." ... ....:...t... ....".., ~~Z:;~; ~~> . F.S. 1997 ANIMALS: CRUEL TV; SALES; ANIMAL ENTERPRISE PROTECTION Ch. 828 :;....;.... (d) For the issuance of a citation by an officer who has probable cause to believe that a person has com- mitted an act in violation of an ordinance. (e) For the contesting of a citation in the county court. (f) That, if a person fails to pay the civil penalty, fails to appear in court to contest the citation, or fails to appear in court as required by lsubsection (5), the court may issue an order to show cause upon the request of the goveming body of the county or municipality. This order shall require such persons to appear before the court to explain why action on the citation has not been taken. If any person who is issued such order fails to appear in response to the court's directive, that person may be held in contempt of court. (g) Such procedures and provisions as are neces- sary to implement any ordinances enacted under the authority of this section. (3) The commission of a charged infraction at a hearing authorized pursuant to this chapter must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence. (4)(a)1. County-employed animal control officers shall, and municipally employed animal control officers may, successfully complete a 40-hour minimum stand- ards training course. Such course shall include, but is not limited to, training for: animal cruelty investigations, search and seizure, animal handling, courtroom demeanor, and civil citations. The course curriculum must be approved by the Florida Animal Control Asso- ciation. An animal control officer who successfully com- pletes such course shall be issued a certificate indicat- ing that he or she has received a passing grade. 2. Any animal control officer who is authorized prior to January 1, 1990, by a county or municipality to issue citations is not required to complete the minimum standards training course. 3. In order to maintain valid certification, every 2 years each certified county-employed animal control officer shall complete 4 hours of postcertification con- tinuing education training. Such training may include, but is not limited to, training for. animal cruelty investi- gations, search and seizure, animal handling, court- room demeanor, and civil citations. (b) The governing body of a county or municipality may impose and collect a surcharge of up to $5 upon each civil penalty imposed for violation of an ordinance relating to animal control or cruelty. The proceeds from such surcharges shall be used to pay the costs of train- ing for animal control officers. (5) Any person who willfully refuses to sign and accept a citation issued by an officer is guilty of a mis- demeanor of the second degree, punishable as pro- vided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. (6) The governing body of a county or municipality may require mandatory court appearances for certain aggravated violations of a local ordinance resulting in the unprovoked biting, attacking, or wounding of a domestic animal; violations resulting in the destruction or loss of personal property; second or subsequent vio- lations of local animal cruelty laws; or violations result- ing in the issuance of a third or subsequent citation to a person. The citation must clearly inform the person of the mandatory court appearance. The governing body ... of the county or municipality shall maintain records to prove the number of citations issued to the person. Per- sons required to appear in court do not have the option of paying the fine instead of appearing in court. (7) Nothing contained in this section shall prevent any county or municipality from enacting any ordinance relating to animal control or cruelty which is identical to the provisions of this chapter or any other state law, except as to penalty. However, no county or municipal ordinance relating to animal control or cruelty shall con- t1ict with the provisions of this chapter or any other state law. Hlatory.-s. 1. ell. 86-96: s. 1. ell. 89-108; s. 43. ell. 91.110; S. 204. ell. 91-224; s. 2. ell. 91-228: s. 6. ell. 94-339; s. 1289. ell. 97-102. 'Not..-Redesignated as subsection (6) by s. 6. ell. 94.339. 828.29 Dogs and cats transported or offered for sale; health requirements; consumer guarantee.- (1 )(a) For each dog transported into the state for sale, the tests, vaccines, and anthelmintics required by this section must be administered by or under the direc- tion of a veterinarian, licensed by the state of origin and accredited by the United States Department of Agricul- ture, who issues the official certificate of veterinary inspection. The tests, vaccines, and anthelmintics must be administered no more than 30 days and no less than 14 days before the dog's entry into the state. The offi- cial certificate of veterinary inspection certifying compli- ance with this section must accompany each dog trans- ported into the state for sale. (b) For each dog offered for sale within the state, the tests, vaccines, and anthelmintics required by this section must be administered by or under the direction of a veterinarian, licensed by the state and accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture, who issues the official certificate of veterinary inspection. The tests, vaccines, and anthelmintics must be admin- istered before the dog is offered for sale in the state, unless the licensed, accredited veterinarian certifies on the official certificate of veterinary inspection that to inoculate or deworm the dog is not in the best medical interest of the dog, in which case the vaccine or anthelmintic may not be administered to that particular dog. Each dog must receive vaccines and anthelmintics against the following diseases and inter- nal parasites: 1. Canine distemper. 2. Leptospirosis. 3. Bordetella (by intranasal inoculation or by an alternative method of administration if deemed neces- sary by the attending veterinarian and noted on the health certificate, which must be administered in this state once before sale). 4. Parainfluenza. 5. Hepatitis. 6. Canine parvo. 7. Rabies, provided the dog is over 3 month.s of age and the inoculation is administered by a licensed veterinarian. 8. Roundworms. 9. Hookworms. If the dog is under 4 months of age, the tests, vaccines, and anthelmintics required by this section must be 1725 . '.. -. :f;r~~~?~ 'i ~ ..'"... ., :;~~l-g;:~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 844 WAS ISSUED HOWEVER, IT NEVER WENT TO THE CITY COMMISSION THERE IS NO RESOLUTION NUMBER 844